Dani Rakoff

Dani Rakoff
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Lives in Jerusalem, Israel
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Hello to you I write on the military economy What do you do? How well do you know our mutual friend Solly Krok?

Hi Nice to meet you I work in Tourism
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You are following everything on Name Someone Stupid and so is Musk and Zuckerberg who are not the only rich people who understand what keeps everyone quiet when not distracting. Should one person be inspired like Lot to separate from the wretched it is over for everyone else, plus they will be fearful of their future ahead of their death which you can’t expect to be pleasant when logically looking at cause-effect which is irrefutable evidence of moral order in the universe. Do you know personally of a single honorable lawyer or politician in Israel to assist me with my mother’s wishes?

of course
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Can you put me in touch with them? Btw, prime minister bennett and president Herzog are up to their eyeballs corrupt.
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I am for good reason not religious but that doesn’t mean I disbelieve the teaching of the Lot story which is vivid today in Israel which is where you would expect it. Ultra orthodox represent 10% of the population and 50% of Covid-19 hospitalizations and it is like water over a duck’s back. I see you backing off on that one honest. God is no fool.
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Worth repeating for the fools including those worshippers of ink on paper, Einstein was deeply interested in Spinoza’s work, mentioning Spinoza in letters, writing, or conversations throughout Einstein’s life. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was a Portuguese-Jewish philosopher who had been excommunicated from his Jewish community at the age of 24 because of his heretical thoughts. The corrupted Jewish leadership were afraid of him then and they quickly excommunicated him. They remain no less afraid and why they haven’t lifted the excommunication. When the greatest Jewish rational mind Einstein calls you out it doesn’t make you right. It shows that you are very weak inside.
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To be perfectly clear, you are one ugly dude.
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I’m now providing a backup of our dialogue here as well as on NSS, starting with our 66 mutual fb friends.
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Do you need help locating that list?
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@Dani Rakoff, my sense is that when you feel that first tremor in your hand, and you know Parkinson’s victims can live as long as a non-Parkinson’s victim, you will remember this day.
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To be noted for all time. You sneaked out of here yesterday after I unloaded at 9:22 AM California time, “… you are very weak inside” and then unloaded your fangs on NSS.
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You must have heard of Karma.