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David Battaliou – “criminal defence lawyer, getting criminals back on the streets where they belong” [sic]

David Battaliou
WED 10:34 PM
You are now connected on Messenger.
THU 7:57 AM
What do you do?
I write on history economics military and politics HEMP
THU 11:51 AM
David Battaliou:
Hi Gary, these are all subjects that interest me. I’m a criminal defence lawyer, getting criminals back on the streets where they belong. What made you want to send me a friend request? David
THU 1:42 PM
Maybe I came across your name when looking at Jules Harris’ fb friends?
Your thinking is also very similar to mine
Moreover you might even feel stronger about the wrong criminals in jail once you read scholarly Epstein’s 1978 epic The Diamond Invention book which is available free on the internet and it might take you less than an hour to read this most important page turner non fiction book ever written
At the time of Epstein’s first meeting on December 4, 1978 with DAAC (De beers-Anglo American Corporation) head, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer, I was at the tail end of my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia which was directly supervised by Oppenheimer and joined them officially in early spring [1979]
I was not thinking of spying against them even though I knew they were the most criminal organization in the history of the world and nor did they suddenly become saints after orchestrating our Jewish Holocaust – see chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER – and that is because the next question is who would I be spying for?
You will completely understand how well they leveraged escaping prosecution at Nuremberg where all  the prosecutors were bought as the DAAC never leave such important matters to chance, once you get about halfway through chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL
When I decided that the internet has matured sufficiently and I had already established a significant footprint on the internet, on 11.11.2004 I broke my 24 year silence
My logic-truth never failed during that year long critical examination and obviously since I’m still around and healthier than I was at 24 when I was still playing competitive rugby, I must also have luck on my side
Btw when you add or multiply the 4 digits 1421 you get 8, which is “lucky” to the Chinese
It so happens that a scheister wrote the fraudulent book, 1421 THE YEAR CHINA DISCOVERED AMERICA
I figured that they saw no purpose in making a martyr out of me and so simply decided to use their extraordinary political clout which as them owning all the world’s political parties including folks like Green Peace, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International etc etc to facilitate shutting me down
Back in February 2010 around the same time the DAAC were orchestrating for President Putin to acquire 20% of the US’ strategic uranium reserves through Uranium One whose one DAAC board member Terry Rosenberg I had “flushed out” back in the late 1980s, an ex CIA member, Charles Knuff, someone who I had never met or communicated with but was like me a resident of San Diego county, California filed a totally fabricated defamation lawsuit against me in the wrong legal jurisdiction of Dallas, Texas where you know JFK met his end
The bought Texas State Court Judge Martin Lowy began the kangaroo court proceeding on June 30, 2010 which I didn’t attend because I knew it was all fixed and nor could I find an honorable attorney anywhere in the US including the ACLU whose one top official I knew personally and even once travelled all the way to Washington DC to sit on the steps of the Supreme Court alongside his roommate from the university of Virginia Law School as Mark Silverstein presented oral arguments on behalf of the displaced Native American Indians, as Lowy argued to the prosecutors representing the fraudster Knuff, “Defenses to what?”
There was of course a court transcriber present who also picked up clearly as Knuff’s lawyer Alan Loewinsohn then responses by telling the judge that he simply needed to further beak the law by striking from the record my responses which were easy since of course there was not a shred of evidence that I had committed the heinous crime of defamation and we all know that truth is the best defense in a defamation charge
Of course the defamation was on me but that didn’t prevent the judge Lowy who wrote papers on proving up damages in a defamation lawsuit and he also got Knuff to admit on the stand in January 21, 2011 that he had no damages, from awarding Knuff a whopping $4 million TEXAS DEATH SENTENCE DEFAULT JUDGMENT because Lowy had struck all my pleadings
The Knuff came back to California and got the California judges all the way up to the Appeal judges to confirm the $4 million TEXAS DEATH SENTENCE
BTW Knuff-Loewinsohn also told judge Lowy that their goal was to shut me up and send a clear message to anyone trying to help me
I have yet to pay a penny and there is some satisfaction in that
Since that judgment day I have continued to expose to the light the criminality of the DAAC who rely on their banking network led by Barclays to rule the world
It is a fact of life which I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
Given how successful they have been with their media as well as their politicians I am left to rely on miracles
Today I’m trying to organize putting the entire wired world into the same “internet room”, and yes most would be quiet
I also have a solution which doesn’t require any of the “haves” to give up anything
Btw Lowy gave the thieves Knuff-Lowensohn the $4 million pay day on the same day Knuff took the stand and also admitted to the judge who asked to be shown the defamation statements that I supposedly made that neither he nor Lowensohn could find them in the 992 pages of documents introduced as evidence which came about when judge Lowy said that he had been through the documents and couldn’t find anything
So how is your day going?
Below is a hyperlink taking you to my mother Zena’s The Lady Speech
Suffice to say my British citizen mother is being held captive in her
Netanya Israel apartment for her support of me
It has been more than 2 years since I saw her and they are murdering her
THU 5:02 PM
David – I must tell you that I didn’t expect you to be much different to the rest because even my 3 elder siblings who were raised by the same incredible, totally humble, totally trustworthy parents chose the dark side when they were put to the test.
What I was thinking was that you were aware of a great many people in the justice system who live a far better lifestyle than most in prison have only got to stay out of prison and live it up in great houses, great cars, dine at the best restaurants, get invited to the best parties etc etc because they have taken bribes.
But of course you didn’t know how widespread was the reach of the DAAC who don’t really try to hide their rather vulgar past, and that too is very “discerning” [sic] for someone just waking up to the truth.
You probably haven’t looked yet at the advisory board of their Brenthurst Foundation but once you focus on the right figure then you quickly realize how very little the wealth numbers mean to a group who not only have their own exclusive diamond currency that presides over all the other government currencies meaning that the DAAC sit in the premier pound seats but  all the numbers-money talk by the different governments and things like Brexit mean absolutely nothing, the same with all the financial statement produced by both public as well as private corporations.
Remember all this is known to the top DAAC officials including Mr. Putin.

BTW, I have been working most of the day on a reply to British historian Edward Lucas
who was the moderator in this 2014 debate, Britain Should Not Have Fought In The First World War.
For several weeks Lucas has been aware that all his Oxford University schooling, all his books, all his debates, all his speeches etc etc failed to have him fully investigate how Germany was able to rearm following WW1 and the carnage of that operation.
In other words, you most likely have not given that question much thought and nor will you find the answer in any history text book, history channel, history documentary etc etc.
The fallout of so many billions of humans having either got it all wrong or simply not having the brains to question cannot be calculated at this precise moment, but nor can it be bad given how catastrophic was the rearming of Nazi Germany and the fallout that continues.
Im sure you picked up that I meant to type “disconcerting”.
If you would like to receive a copy of my forthcoming response to Edward Lucas who got all of WW1 and WW2 wrong, at least the important elements, you can send me your email.
SUN 9:33 AM
David, you would know that you are not the first lawyer I have shared this knowledge.
America’s top shareholder class action litigator [scal] Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who engaged my risk assessment skills on the most difficult case ever and my efforts paid off handsomely, also went into shock.

We get to see what each of us is made of based on their reaction to Epstein’s The D I book.
You cant expect me to be put off by your silence which tells me that you don’t want to contribute but to grab as much information as possible; no different to the rest.
So you must be thinking of all those around you who you depend upon both for your financial as well as emotional support behaving no different to you; bearing in mind Krinsk Esq. was one of the first people I turned on to The D I book and that was some 15 odd years ago; and since him there have been countless others and each one no different to the next.
If I can get all of you into the same room then we can achieve Peer Approval because you will be looking at one another and discomforted when saying nothing.
Just using your imagination has to have you troubled.
How would your describe right now how you feel?
MON 6:45 PM
Are you still there?
I do see that you have hit the “unfriend” button and yet you desire to get as much information out of me as possible without drawing attention to yourself.
I have two brother-in-laws who work in the intelligence sector of the RCMP and one retired rather young and nor was he thrown out, instead after serving as head of security for the Canadian Embassy in Paris went on to the same job at the Canadian Embassy in Washington DC, and following his celebration party in the foyer of the embassy which I think you would agree has the best location overlooking The Hill, he arranged for the Secret Service to take us on a private tour of the White House.
I did not get to shake President George W. Bush’s hand or for that matter, not even a glimpse and for all I knew he was out of the White House at the time.
If you think for a moment that someone like President GWB or Obama or Clinton or Trump haven’t heard of me, then it can only be because you think everyone reacts the same as you.
When you join an organization like RAND Corp which you surely know is the Pentagon’s THINK TANK, your future whereabouts are carefully monitored especially if you are advising clients like the billionaire Texas oil Bass brothers.
Former RAND Corp. official, Dr. Rod Smith Phd continues to be my FB friend.
[Battaliou then blocked me on FB messaging]
