David Milne – member of Tripping up Trump
David Milne
You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Balmedie
NOV 24TH, 3:59PM
Dear Mr. Milne,
I saw the documentary You’ve been trumped for the first time last evening.
There is is a significant element that is missing in the defense/attack against Trump.
Would you like to hear more?
NOV 25TH, 1:06AM
David Milne accepted your request.
Hi Gary, I am always interested in alternative approaches, and listen to see if I think they are viable.
NOV 25TH, 11:31AM
David, I will be replying to you in a few hours. I have some other matters first to attend to. You will however, be very pleasantly surprised.
I assume that you still have your home?
NOV 25TH, 4:06PM
Subject: Time to think
I am in the middle of another project, but everything is tied together as is each and every object in the universe.That therefore doesn’t prevent me from getting started with your eyeopening documentary which you must have asked yourself a million times – just an expression – why it wasn’t the centerpiece of the last US Presidential race?Nor do you need to consult with a palm-reader to enquire from Hillary Clinton and her aides, other than Hillary Clinton has her own cobwebs; and both Trumps and Clintons’ – note the plural – are tied in to this photo.
Most important that President Putin waited 759 days, October 3, 2008, one month before Obama became President-elect before having the Kremlin release this photo that speaks for itself.Obviously I have already begun providing you with that “alternative approach”, but first I am going to teach you about money.
I assume a couple of things; first that you are not as well schooled in the academic as well as practical world as me as well as Dr. Kennedy who returned his honorary degree to Robert Gordon University in protest against Trump, and there was nothing I saw of what Dr. Kennedy said that provided me with evidence that he understood the “money game” that is going on, not even close.
Nor have I looked at Dr. Kennedy’s credentials other than he was the former principal of Robert Gordon University.
The fact that I completed my business degree at an accredited university did not mean that I learned a great deal about business-money at university because I learned absolutely nothing of importance in that particular area.
There is in fact nothing to learn about money once you know that it is as price fixed as “diamond currency” which I also know a great deal about. What I did learn was that my professors of economics, law and finance were either totally clueless about money or they were great actors. I only found out once I received my degree and was now interviewing with the money launderers of money launderers, banking-mining consortium De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] beginning in early spring 1978 that not one of my university professors, including the deans of the faculties were officially on the DAAC’s payroll which I didn’t have a difficult time in determining because I simply asked the head of the DAAC, Harry Oppenheimer
and he answered my question without hesitation, “No”.
Nor should we take comfort in the fact that they were not great actors because they were [not] being paid to sit in cushy jobs and to act.
I also enquired more about present day renowned economists like Milton Friedman and the answer I got was simple and no less to the point, “Once someone believes they know everything about the subject that they are most expert in and the world has honored them with all sorts of honoraria, they are more likely to tow the line than those not so full of themselves.”
Fanatics are also not people who can be relied on to behave rationally.
Nothing other than a supernatural force can explain how not one academic, not one journalist, not one TV news reporter has exposed this corruption. The most that has been done in the form of documentaries and movies has been to promote the power of these individuals.
There is a complete shutdown in the brain of everyone so far immediately after they begin reading The Diamond Invention book, which I will get to in a minute.
It is in fact totally bizarre and this shutdown also affects all the psychologists-psychiatrists and philosophers.
When you don’t speak, you speak.
When you choose to distract you do yourself no less brain damage.
It was less clear about the likes of Milton Friedman who had he and the rest of them got bought directly then it would have cost the DAAC extraordinarily little both in terms of money that is free to them as well as their time, which is of course their most precious commodity.
The human ego and its frailty is best described by Einstein
They have the world believing that the money today is not only the most precious resource while having their plebes laugh amongst themselves, “We all know the money is worthless, and the only security long term is real estate that keeps going up even though there are dips along the way” but equally important that it should be “trusted without question”; the IN GOD WE TRUST.
You could see that it wouldn’t take much to get all the crooks to go silent once invited to one of my global seminars, but then the question is, how many would show up?
There are many important questions to ask such as, “What if in fact the likes of Milton Friedman are simply stupid and never figured out on their own the impact on the world economy by ‘diamond currency’ which is owned and operated by the world’s only wildly successful drilling monopolist who have owned the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the last century?”
Don’t you feel like you have already received the equivalent of a lifetime’s business education at the world’s best business schools like the London School of Economics where they don’t come close to telling the truth?
When Robert Gordon university returned Trump’s honorary business degree they were just happy to find an easy excuse in his racist rantings which may be the only item that Trump doesn’t feel that strongly about.
Of course he is a racist, but he is mostly a liar who has learned the art of lying, and that probably he first learned from his father.
The bigger question is why would anyone on earth honor someone for being good at making money unless they don’t know the first thing about money?
The written word is easier to digest than when spoken. What I am sharing with you, I will also share with the others I have contacted who were involved with “You’ve been trumped” and who you believe you know much better than me.
You only really know someone when they are put to the test on their ethics. That can only be done once the money is placed in front of them and they refuse after they have been educated about the Diamond Invention Game [DIG].I have been at this since early 2004 when I first approached scholarly author, American Edward J. Epstein about his 1978, non-fiction, most interesting read, page turner like none other book, The Diamond Invention.
Today the very top economist in the world, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency which is housed within the highly deceptive Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development [OECD] would be able to explain better to you than I could why he decided on June 25, 2013 to write to me “out of the blue” and long after fully acquainting himself with The D I book, to let me how completely successful was the NEA-OECD in wiping out all opposition to nuclear weapons development.
While Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd will probably not answer you and still it is worth giving it a shot – Geoffrey.ROTHWELL – what is most important is that Rothwell cannot change any of his past writings.
Of course one of the things you should ask him point blank is, “What did you come away with after reading The D I book?” followed by:
“If you had been advisor to Harry Oppenheimer when you finished your economic studies, what industries would you have suggested he enter after conquering the drilling industry and finally wiping out all Israeli opposition to the DIG in the late 1970s by which time I understand Gary S. Gevisser had completed his year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays and was seeing the ‘goods’ flowing into New York City from Siberia as well as those diamonds Barclays had confiscated from the opposition Israeli diamond merchants?”
The next most important question to be presented not only to Rothwell but every economist, politician, lawyer, political science major and the such is simply, “What happened to the diamonds that Hitler did not use?”
The question that gives Rothwell a stroke each time he asks himself which I have only done a couple of times and no more including when he and I along with our respective wives met for dinner in Paris on September 16, 2016, is “Where in your mathematical equations which you used to predict the future price of enriched uranium is the military component?”
What each of us should have been taught during elementary school even if it was only the last day and the following day we would be high school students, is that once the price mechanism if interfered with, then what you have is nothing short than the “wild west”.
Never before has there ever been such visceral, visual evidence of land theft and intimidation of the Nth degree against reluctant sellers as was depicted in You’ve been trumped.
There are today thousands, if not tens of thousands of economists and journalists around the world who know about the DIG that is so well explained in Epstein’s D I book, and yet not one of them has stepped forward publicly to educate people such as yourself.
So airtight is this conspiracy of epic proportions that it does a great deal of good already. It flushes out all the world’s conspiracy theorists.
Again, if you are interested, all you need do is write to each of these conspiracy theorists along with their “detractors” and ask them the questions I have previously coached.
Nor is it enough to refuse the bribe monies the first time because after they have destroyed the irreplaceable nature, grabbed your land that they know they had no right to, sent you a bill for their criminal activity, cut off your water, your lifeblood and then sent the local police who are part of your local community to harass you in the most violent manner which takes indecency to a whole new level, they then come back with a money offer that you cannot refuse because you know that this cycle of violence will not only be repeated but done so with even greater vengeance.That means it takes an extraordinary human to stand up to such bullies who of course have the world’s very top politicians in their back pocket.
Each of us has to ask ourselves once getting the information and seeing how easy it is all to verify, is it worth the remainder of our life living in denial?
The fact that I can prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that so far everyone has answered yes, does not make their choice of mental suicide smart or right the wrongs that have been done.
It is also much more than surprising that my knowledge has not yet gone viral, which is not to say it won’t happen in the next instant.
Nor am I in the least bit concerned if I go to my grave and seeing all literate humans choose such Poverty of Thought decision.
What you see that photo of Putin and a man you don’t recognize, and Putin is in control of the photo and deciding what would be the expression on his face as the other gentleman pontificates, so your mind immediately tells you that there is a huge story yet to be told.
Once you get your head around it, and I have pretty much spoon fed you on how to do it in an instant, it will either uplift you or darken your soul that much more to the point that you will see yourself no different to Trump who has no soul.
You don’t recognize the man on the right which Putin knew the vast majority of the world would not recognize or his name.It was taken in my birth country of South Africa back on September 5, 2006 just 6 months before Trump first formally invaded Scotland.
Putin is not “the bad guy” here because Putin is a latecomer to this game which besides for destroying the environment and any vestiges of humanity, assuming we ever had humanity, has protected the greatest war criminals who choose very carefully their captains of industry, starting with their real estate moguls.They love big ego humans for the reasons that Einstein explains so well.
My gorgeous Française-Canadienne [F-C] wife Marie Dion says, “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!”This game as I said just earlier began in the late 1800s.I only bring up that historical perspective to let you know how much it has matured since Trump appeared on your Scottish shores for the first time in March 2006.
It was nothing less than an invasion but what none of you got was the money he used; not the amount of pounds or dollars he first converted as well as borrowed from the banks, but the value of the money itself.
So you knock your heads against the wall and cry out “It is not on”.
But that is all in the past, the future is all bright.
Knowledge is power. Knowledge is Light.
You have heard comedians say that just because something is a conspiracy it does not mean it is true.
By now I suspect that most, if not all of you, have been silenced, simply bought off. If you have, then you not only sold your souls, but sold yourselves short financially.
Collectively you can do much better.
It is also possible to rescind agreements if it turns out that you have been hoodwinked, but then you would have to start a groundswell movement which I will get to in a moment.
I deduce that most if not all of you have already been bought including those of you who feign that you haven’t, based not only on how quiet are most of you in responding to my initial enquiry, and you David are the only person of about 20 I contacted who were directly or indirectly involved with the documentary, but my personal experience in how De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation do business on a global scale.
They make the most violent Sicilian gangs look like they are Mother Theresa who obviously was as hoodwinked as the Pope.
By now you would have expected De Beers-Barclays to have got the Pope his own copy of The D I book as well as how best to stick to the script.
I daresay that they couldn’t have been all that happy with Trump making the most incredible spectacle of himself and it all captured on camera, either than his bald spot which he seems more preoccupied with than anything else.
It is also very possible that Trump may have been formally primed in what it would take for him to become President of the United States, just like President Obama who first showed that he was up for the job when signing on as the primary sponsor of heinous Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act which the US Congress passed in December 2006 and which triggered the genocide of 6 million Congolese; mostly women and children under the age of 12.Not to mention, I also know the media business better than most including my former client, chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] who only learned from me in early 1994 after I had completed a handful of most sensitive assignments including checking out more thoroughly one of Hearst Corporation’s recent hires, the former head of the FCC, Al Sikes who was now heading up the Hearst New Media group, how the value of the money is determined and allocated.
In less time than it has taken me to type this communique which also requires more thought given how I don’t really know what makes you tick, I was able to convince Hearst, who had just turned 78 and very much firing on all 12 cylinders, that I had a best seller book as well as blockbuster movie of all time on my hands, and nor was I pitching him anything, only sharing with him information that I not only believed he should know, but that he could be trusted with the information to put it only to good use.
It was in fact my decision, not his, to put a lid on it all and it also didn’t take much effort on my part for Hearst also to agree that he couldn’t think of anyone other than himself who could be trusted with the “best kept secret”.
No one had a “footprint” on The Internet back in early 1994 as we were only in the last quarter-mile of building the Information Superhighway.
Given how deafeningly silent are my detractors that hasn’t prevented me from building a huge footprint which is my and my wife’s security; but of course, once figuring the “big picture” which has nothing to do with the Internet or money or the destruction of the environment, there are factors beyond all our control; much the same with coincidences.
It is in fact totally crazy that the world is “money crazy” when you consider its modern day origins.It is going on 24 years since I turned down two offers of Hearst; the first, to replace his long time chief executive officer who wasn’t moving fast enough with the times, and that showed with his choice of a former top government official who would be watched like a hawk to make sure that the military-industrial-complex remained fully intact; and second, the publication of the book that I have continued to work on while reaching out to people like yourself who when you go silent, so it speaks that much more volume.
Common sense tells you that the business of corrupt government is to corrupt grass roots organizations before they take root.
So if you haven’t been corrupted and you are genuinely sick to death with what Trump has done not only to your environment but so corrupting your local, regional and central government officials to the point that you cannot really trust your neighbor and that doesn’t help with your personal relationships, how do you stand up to such a beast?More importantly, how do you carry on if you don’t do the right thing?
Don’t look to people who have done the wrong thing to take their advice seriously.
You have to simply call a town hall meeting and invite me. If I cannot get over immediately then we can do it over the Internet.
This way you will figure out quickly whether you want to have anything more to do with cowards, liars, cheats and thieves.
On 11.11.2004, 24 years after I left the employment of the banking-mining group De Beers-Barclays I broke my silence.
Most people when they eat cannot keep their mouths shut because they are so used to talking without thinking, and that also means they are not paying as careful attention to what they digest which tells you how much they really care about their internal organs who are responsible for the care of the body temple-mind.
The very moment I decided to keep quiet, I knew what I was doing.
When you are given the opportunity to work for the most powerful group of people and your year long orientation is directly supervised by its head, Harry Oppenheimer, you know that such a privilege is not because you are stupid.
When you are given your first group of financial statements to analyze and rate their suitability as a target acquisition and you know the right questions to ask, including figuring out the competency level of the existing management, those questions cannot be improved upon; and this you know by the reaction of Mr. Oppenheimer who knew that he was not the sharpest tool in the shed but he had in fact been groomed rather well by his much smarter father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who should have been the first prosecuted for war crimes at Nuremberg; and his only son Harry should have been next.
That would have meant that Harry’s only son Nicholas wouldn’t be needing at this time to be doing all the “ducking and diving”.With the right people first prosecuted at Nuremberg, a great many wrongs that we see today would never have seen the light; and the upside to that is even greater, because we would never know how truly rotten the human has become.I am not only showing you an “alternative path” to stop Trump and more importantly to have him restore the dunes to their original natural state even if it costs him his entire wealth, but also how best to work with your neighbors.
Given how if your health has deteriorated since 2011 when You’ve been trumped was released, then you are a weaker person, like most who haven’t managed to fight off natural entropy.
I also know that the human of today who can afford a pint of beer and pack of cigarettes is as glued to their communicating device as they are their Facebook.I include here director Anthony Baxter who I have reached out to beyond his Facebook.All of you who appeared in the rather good documentary which filmed that incredible roughshod and illegal arrest of filmmaker Anthony Baxter at Susan Monroe’s home, are already celebrities even if your names are not as well known as Trump’s.
What I am already telling you must have shocked you to your core.
You are very probably feeling totally stupid.
The only thing that will save your brain is knowing that a great many people including Trump have this knowledge and they have all chosen to ignore it, but for different reasons; meaning none of them are really on the same team.
13 years yesterday, I turned down an invitation for lunch with my former employer De Beers-Barclays.
Nor did I write them a long essay suggesting that they turn themselves in. Instead I simply wrote back:
Terrific – I am still waiting to hear back from the feds and then I will let u know my plans.
All the best,
Remember, you don’t get to sit for the one of a kind entrance exam because you are someone who “shoots from the hip”.
The fact that De Beers-Barclays immediately went silent on me didn’t mean that I then decide to run and hide.
On December 15, 2004, I followed up with the son of the principal of De Beers “site holder” Codiam, Leon Cohen the eldest son of the puppet founder of Codiam:
Leon hi – I am getting closer to nailing down Attorney General Spitzer, it helping tho if I could get your feedback on at least chapter 18 of the Diamond Invention that Charles Engelhard the co-conspirator with the Oppenheimers in the Diamond Invention, “arranged for Oppenheimer to buy a controlling interest in his far-flung empire, since he had no male heirs to take over.” Have u met our mutual cousin David Gevisser?
David, let me know if you have any questions?
Our meeting with Rothwell was on September 16, 2013, 2016.
You have heard comedians say that just because something is a conspiracy it does not mean it ISN’T true.
NOV 26TH, 1:43AM
You have sparked my interest. Let do a bit of research and I will get back to you. One way or another.
NOV 26TH, 7:44AM
would you mind if I clued in the others? This allows each of you to be on the same page.
Are you still living in your home?
Has Trump approached you to buy you out?
Let me also share with you that immediately after I approached Epstein and he instantly knew my credentials as well as at least one critical component left out in his The D I book which changed nothing in the way De Beers-Barclays do business with the likes of the “common herd”, I then started to test the reaction of mid-teenager kids and some as young as 14 to their read of The D I book.
It took all these kids who I knew well just a few hours, no more than 3 to read the book and figure out the immediate consquences to their present and future lives.
These kids included my wife’s two children who I had helped raise since they were toddlers and I had a big impact on both their academics as well as sporting lives because I wasn’t lame in either.
Like these kids’ parents the kids themselves decided that morals meant nothing in getting ahead in this dog eat dog world.
They didn’t quite come out and say it, at least not at first, instead they said similar to what you wrote, “Let me do a bit of research and I will get back to you; one way or the other”.
The kids were far more on top of the situation than their parents who were not smarter just older and most suffering horribly from having to lug their increasingly sick bodies around.
The difference between now and 2004 is huge.
13 years is longer than myth says it took to build Rome.
In those 13 years the parents of these kids who chose to grab the quick easy to reach money have suffered the most because first of all they cannot trust their kids and their kids already thought like most kids that their parents are stupid.
The kids have now long finished their basic university studies which was really only to please the parents hanging the inheritance monies at the end of their noses.
So yes they are mostly playing.
During their quiet times they haven’t forgotten me or The D I book or its impact on society.
So while they are happy to have the money and still seeing how people like you are slow to react to information they are haunted by having chosen the wrong path, and that makes life very long, boring and still knowing that it is no less difficult to trust someone else in denial; all the while they cannot trust their own judgment and that is not only because they are “second guessing” themselves from a moral standpoint but rather having to constantly look over their shoulders wondering what others are thinking.
Moreover, as the information continues to get out including the FOOLS NAMES FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES it means that their names-faces are that much more easily recognized.
So you can imagine these kids when they reach 50 how they will be dealing with their intimates as well as strangers.
The world is in fact a very small world to begin with and The Internet-Facebook make it that much incredibly smaller.
You can easily imagine a group chat running into the tens of thousands if not millions on The Internet given how powerful is the information.
Nor does the research take very long because in fact it takes no time to access. The moment you start reading The D I book you cannot put it down and you are also reminded of all your own frustrations in dealing with Trump’s henchpeople and the uncalled for insults to your neighbors such as Mr. Michael Forbes who remains silent.
Could you imagine Michael Forbes saying, “It is not on” after he has read The D I book?
Bear in mind a couple more things:
First, without knowing about The D I book, I knew what I was doing when deciding in 1980 not to speak out and to remain silent for 24 years because of the fact that people prefer to hear what Trump says, “I’m an honest person. I’m stabilizing the dunes. I’m doing a service for these backward Scottish people who don’t appreciate what they have got and leaving it all up to nature to take care of itself. I’m a go-getter and what’s good for me is good for the economy of the world”.
Second, people have changed, for they have only got worse in their treatment of other people and the environment, and their health is the first to suffer; the same of course with Trump but in the meantime he is achieving his personal goals and when he starts to get really sick he will get the best medical care or so he believes.
So I don’t expect to get the best out of people but what I do expect is that they will recognize the advances in technology and not want to be the last one’s standing when the musical chair game ends.
You all put a lot of time and energy into this documentary as well as yourselves. You all came across like you were ready to do battle with Trump if only you had the ammunition to defend against his “Might is right” because he knows as well as you that he did not have the law on his side, but now you have the most powerful weapon; namely the money angle and how the money is valued and allocated and that makes Trump totally defenseless.
You all also acted like your goal was to stop this from happening elsewhere in the world.
Remember those mid-teenage kids who are fast approaching 30; they never went before the cameras pontificating that they were hellbent on changing the world.
Imagine all of them and their parents reading this, do you think they will be laughing and if so why?
I am still on my home, as are we all. Trump has offered to buy us out. The ‘best’ offer was in2009 and was during the compulsory purchase threats for approx 50% of the then market value.
Is the DI book still available. – that was the research I was alluding to earlier and I’ve been driving most of the day so haven’t taken the time to do it.
I gave you several hyperlinks taking you to the relevant chapters in The D I book which is available free.
Let me tell you what I would do right now if I was in your shoes and knew everything that I know.
I would pull to the side of the road, but only when it is safe to do so.
Then I would decide where is the closest spot where it is warm and quiet.
If it turns out that your home is the closest and warmest, then I would head home and start reading the book without first thinking about feeding yourself.
After the 5th chapter I would then make myself a cup of tea and start over again, this time reading it much slower and thanking God that you are not yet in a wheelchair and dependent upon someone else for your survival.
Okay I am now home, will get the book and start reading.
I am glad that you are safe and warm.
Is this a part of Scotland still worth visiting
I also need to complete my research on the entire Trump deal and it is helpful to know that his indecent offer of 50% below market value is directly out of the playbook of De Beers-Barclays.
Is the first project complete; how many houses and how big is the hotel? Were the houses all sold off? What is the occupancy rate of the hotel? Have there been any further intimidation tactics? Have there been any water or electrical cut offs caused by Trump?
Have you all stayed in contact with Anthony Baxter?
Did he abandon the second project completely, and is it in a different spot to the first project?
Did you ever get an apology-compensation from the government officials including the locals in charge of the local police?
David, are you single, any kids, significant other?
How do you make a living? Did you inherit anything?
As you read the book you should have a pencil and paper handy to write down all your questions.
Also think about how due to natural causes your life could end in 24 hours; and I think you would agree that a stroke that confines you to a wheelchair the remainder of your life is probably up there with the worst of your thoughts.
Realistically, the chances of finding another resistance group such as yourselves anywhere else in the rest of the world is slim to none.
Trump may not have told anyone in 2009 that he planned to run for President but he would have been seen as perfect Presidential material by De Beers-Barclays whose founding father was Cecil Rhodes. In 1877 which was the last time we have received such a warm spell here in southern California, Rhodes drafted his first will where he called for a secret society to rule the world which could only be done if one had control of the currency which is what a monopolist is all about.
Nor was Rhodes dreaming because he already owned the world’s drilling industry and could set a value on all the precious minerals including water which he knew quite a bit about because that is how he first got started when investing his inheritance monies in a pump to pump water out of the mines.
Who wouldn’t want to be part of the rulers of the world?
Some of the richest people in the world say the most stupid things because being the richest does not mean you are the smartest.
BTW, this Scottish man, Robert Anderson was a very important person in my life as well as my mom and my father.
This is me attempting to play the bagpipes
Robert Anderson may have been the smartest man to have ever lived. His engineering skills, following closely the teachings of Mother Nature had him standing head and shoulders taller than his closest rivals.
His more recent invention, a filtering system, designed from observing water droplets moving down a spider’s web, was nothing short of ingenious and the BBC were not the only people most impressed. But he was taking on a system that profited from selling replacement filters.
The Trumps of the world have destroyed such creativity but all is not lost, not even close.
Once you have truth-logic at your side, you cannot go wrong.
When you don’t have truth-logic constantly at your side, you have nothing.
Don’t waste a moment in reading The D I book and remembering to enjoy every moment; again, only if you haven’t been corrupted, otherwise it is a nightmare!
I have a busy day ahead of me, but nothing gets in the way of me eating as healthy as possible as well as exercising which I already started early this morning with a few stretches.
I see you typing, and so you should do your best to answer all my questions and then you will find that you have the peace of mind and scerenity around you to get stuck into the book.
I believe this is still a part of the country/ world worth visiting. I am married (21 years) no children. The project was a ‘failure to launch’ one golf course was built (18 holes) and is barely used. (Probably exaggeration due to wishful thinking). The hotel is the old estate house (Menie house now called McLeod house) and the stables block they call lodges, totalling 19 rooms or thereby. Occupancy rates I cannot say for sure but I would guess sub 50%. No inheritance and I make / made my living as a self employed HSE consultant, with the ‘death’ of the oil industry here that business while still existing is on life support if not receiving last rites so I now work as a labourer in a rubber moulding factory. That does not mean I am finished, this is just a pause.
All of the residents are still in their homes and we are still in touch with Anthony Baxter who has actually made two other films on this general subject ( A Dangerous Game’ & ‘You’ve been Trumped too’) and is currently working on a film to do with the Flint water situation (Michigan USA)
As for the bagpipes don’t worry, I still don’t play (yet) and I’m 53. Sorry for the slow typing but I’m doing this on my phone and am slower that usual.
I have downloaded the book and will start to reading it tonight. Thank you for the contact and please forgive me my scepticism, we have had various approaches before, not all realistic, believable or even friendly. So far you are ‘ahead’ of them all if I can use that phrase.
Was the second project in a different location, or was it just another 18 hole course right next to the first?
Was this a 1 billion pound project; how many houses, and what percentage have been sold? If not, how much do you estimate Trump spent, forgetting the bribes that were needed to have the police treat you all as liars, cheats and thieves?
The second project was adjacent to the first and is only now in for planning permission to start work and is looking like it may fail to gain that permission. Houses have not been built, at all, although we believe an application for planning permission for a far smaller project (550houses) is to be submitted for planning permission in the new year.
It has not been a one billion pound project by any stretch of the imagination. Official figures (companies house) show a spend to date of some 38 million pounds (approximately) despite Trumps ‘spokesperson’ claiming over one hundred million (all in GBP)
Very, very helpful.
My sense is that you are beginning to feel the weight of the world lifting off your shoulder for you demonstrate a high degree of integrity.
You are doing much better than most.
There have been a number of programmes, most recently a BBC Documentary (not sure if iPlayer is available to you) “Donald Trump:Scotland’s President” this would give you a more current picture of the public perception of the situation. You will see the argument continues locally.
NOV 26TH, 11:17AM
Stay focused on reading the book and making your notes.
Remember I have been at this since long before I began my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays when I was just 21 years of age.
At 15, I knew what they were all about but I had to show them that I could handle the formal business schooling before they would begin to take me seriously.
In the course of the past just over an hour I have been having the most extraordinary dialogue with the director of Citron and Flame [2008], and it should come as no surprise that Ole Christian Madsen who broke new ground in that movie, has now completely fallen apart.
You also would not have realized in all probability that all the movies and documentaries about WW2 and all the wars that follow don’t point who is in control of the money that affords the occupying forces like the Gestapo in Denmark, Holland, Belgian, and France to eat at the best restaurants, the same with their most reliable informers.
David, what I just wrote you in the previous paragraph should result in you focusing that much more on reading the book, although right now it is very possible that your head is spinning.
If you think for a moment that the BBC is on your side, then you it means you have forgotten what that one cop did to Anthony Baxter who remains quiet just like the rest of them who I have previously contacted.
Once you have finished the book and asked me your questions, then I will share with you my entire dialogue with Ole Christian Madsen who I can assure you right now is going totally mad.
I do not believe anyone is on my side at this time. Everyone has ‘an angle’ for their own benefit. Usually they are ‘on my side’ for as long as it serves them.
You only someone including yourself once you are put to the test.
You can see that I have been fully tested and passed with flying colors.
Interesting image
I am the most open book person you will find on the planet and that is because I have nothing to hide.
By now you should be fast approaching chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER where you quickly find out that the principal architects of WW2 were not prosecuted at Nuremberg.
Understood, give me time.. I was late starting I’m on chapter three
I am now about to eat a late breakfast and then I have rock work to do with my gorgeous F-C wife Marie
I’m about to have something to eat too, it’s 7:30 in the evening here
You have my sympathies, let me read and I’ll get back to you
It is my dad in the American built Kittyhawk fighter-bomber as well as the Spitfire where the canopy is open in the skies above Idku-Alexandria-Cairo back in June-July 1944.
He flew all his miraculous 71 dive bombing missions in northern Italy in the Kittyhawk.
He did well and I respect him for his efforts.
He hears you as well as me.
What is your email?
My personal email is david, that’s not the usual one I share for this topic.
NOV 26TH, 1:14PM
My two emails are garystevengevisser and gary
Im now going to blind copy you on a response to a Dutch friend who wrote to us over a month ago, and it is coming from my wife’s email.
NOV 26TH, 2:15PM
I decided to send it from my email. It is titled, “His stroke will not have gone away”
I will read it tomorrow and comment directly and only to you, if appropriate.
always feel free to broadcast to the world.
Even if you have only got up to chapter 3, you would know that everything the government puts out is a distraction from the money.
That means there is no privacy; and nor has there ever been.
What I shared with you and others about how an invading army keeps order which you would expect every soldier returning from war to be talking about because it only makes common sense that you would take over all the banks, is not just important news.
It changes the world entirely.
You recall that I was not stupid when I began my 24 year silence.
I anticipated that it would take extraordinary humans over the age of 12 to end the nightmare of people like Trump-Hitler able to do just as they please and that is how they rise up the pecking order to be the top puppets.
After age 12, the human who doesn’t need to use their hands to make a living and has parents who allow them to just talk nonsense, is just a talker and to have to go back and revisit all their talkativeness which you can see is 99.99999% garbage, is like having them slowly sticking a dagger deep inside their stomach and only stopping the twisting when the pain ends.
Still great reason for optimism because you and I have yet to invite the rest of the local citizenry of Aberdeen to a roundtable townhall meetings like none other.
Sounds like that could be an interesting meeting.
David, my friend, it does not sound like it could be an interesting meeting.
You already know that it is not possible to have a more interesting meeting because you are going to get to see who really is a good neighbor as well as shock Trump and more importantly his financial backers to their core.
The fact that you are going to see most of the world against you, is their problem.
Remember it costs the banks who back Trump not a penny to raise money to keep exploiting the land and seas as well as buy out people such as yourself for either nothing or top dollar.
When they really want to get rid of you, then they offer you far less than the 50% of the market value that Trump offered you all for your homes.
They will inevitably get your homes unless you all decide to draw the line in the dunes.
In a moment you are going to see an email from me titled, “draw the line in the dunes” where you are blind copied.
First click on the hyperlink above the number 61 which you see in the “word count”.
It takes you to the ABOUT section of the OECD.
The OECD-NEA-IMF-World Bank-European Commission is a web of institutions who are each responsible for their portion of the false propoganda.
It is nothing like household name conspiracy groups like the Luminari, who I don’t really know who that is, or the more often quoted Bilderberg Group who I also don’t really bother to spend a moment’s thought of my time.
These institutions who fall directly under De Beers-Barclays were responsible for the entire Brexit farcical that had all of Europe in an uproar, and with about 50% of the population backing one side or the other.
As you look deeper into the OECD which was established in the upside down year of 1961 you see that they are the greatest promoter of the GDP index which makes no sense from either a logical or moral perspective.
Logically it would only makes sense to punish mineral rich invaded countries where your captains of industry rape and pillage, not once but twice as you offer your puppet governments less than the value of their raw materials that you don’t steal after the invasion and then you mark up those materials when you import them back into your country and so you have a much higher GDP than the slave nation, if you pay the soldiers of the invading armies the lion’s share of the spoils of war.
Morally it is apprenhensible to institute anything as barberous as the GDP index and still call yourselves civilized, let alone a humane society.
Are you ready yet to help organize the Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop?
NOV 27TH, 8:06AM
I read what you broadcasted earlier to a materially significant group of people, many whose names you will recognize including household name Clint Eastwood who I dont know personally and nor have I met.
He sits as chairman of the board of a very “prestigious” Monterey Peninsula Foundation along with a man by the name of Geoff Couch who I have also never met or communicated with.
Note that I place in brackets “prestigious” because that is the image which big name charity groups have with the masses, but their main purpose is not the support of the uneducated masses but to keep the poor in a state of abject poverty at the same time fighting with each over the crumbs and that is the same in all wars with incredibly few exceptions.
Most of the world does in fact support Trump and his most ardent supporters you will find amongst the most liberal establishment whereas his fanatical support come from the working class poor afraid of losing their jobs and welfare support to “illegal immigration”.
Both Eastwood and Couch are this very moment in a state of great perplexion given how quickly and on point was your response.
They also know that while the information I have been sharing with you about the money-wars is troubling, I am convincing because the facts I present are irrefutable.
I get to the M P Foundation because of this woman
in a pale blue, shiny jumpsuit who is standing close to me back in 1983. The person closest to the camera is my sister Kathy who was not very happy at the time despite the smile on her face.
Debra Cirilov
has been married to Geoff Couch’s [brother] for about 3 decades which is about the same time gap since I last Debra.
I have to now take a break to respond to one of the co-producers of Flame & Citron.
David, it took me all this time to compose a 39 word response to this co-producer of a very important film, perhaps the most important film ever made.
Again, everything ties together, but that does not mean you should lose your focus, and I am going to do everything within power to make certain that does not happen.
Your goal, however, should be every decent human’s goal, but since everyone has their own personal agenda which begins with the fact that each one of us is different and we occupy a unique point in space at all times, it requires a little more effort to get everyone on to the same page.
This co-producer has now responded, and I must get back to him.
Let me know how you are progressing with the book, and I assume that you are still at work?
It took me all this time to respond with 632 words as well as cover the cement to protect from the glorious rain drops which just began falling.
I am now going to enjoy breakfast with Marie and then get back to helping steer the world to focus on Trump’s atrocity which I can assure you would be no better if Hillary Clinton was President because she, like Obama, like Bill Clinton are much easier to tame with what comes out of their mouths, but in the end, they are all the same.
Once a liar, always a liar.
NOV 27TH, 2:23PM
Have you heard from anyone else in Aberdeen interested in the Trump saga and who has only heard very brieflyfrom me?
I have yet to recontact all the others I approached at the same time as you.
BTW, Debra Cirilov Couch has been included in the blind copy section of everything I have sent you, and were she today to be asked whether she trusts my judgement over her husband or anyone else, she would unhestitantly choose me.
Of course she could lie and say the exact opposite, but then she would be lying.
Her and my history together was only a couple of years but it was an intense period not only because we were having a lot of fun especially since she was very well connected with Hollywood but more importantly she was in the process of gaining her financial freedom by leaving a very secure job where both she and I were the two top executives of the owner of a very successful high women’s fashion operation headquartered in Beverly Hills, California and the owner while nothing close to being a billionaire could afford the best home and real estate in Malibu as well as not one, but two top of the line Ferraris and nor was there much pressure on any of us to perform because the business worked like clockwork.
I left just ahead of her and it blew the owner, Alan Austin completely away given how I had been with him for two years, and never once complained about anything including my salary which if I wanted more, I simply would have needed to ask but then I would have felt more obligated to stay.
I should also emphasize that when it came to having a “desk job” you couldn’t have asked for anything better because in fact I didn’t have either a desk or an office as when we were not on the mainfloor of the salesfloor where the richest women in America as well as from around the world congregated and not all of them were totally ugly, far from it, the three of us as well as Women Friday, a most competent Japanese-American woman kept track of all the numbers and correspondence as well as inventory being shipped in from our manufacturers in Europe and then sent back and forth between our sister operations in Dallas and Houston , and constantly was Leslie Hayakawa on the telex machine which I never once touched when not up in accounting getting the numbers which was really my job as I had nothing else to do but grab the numbers produced by our most competent bookkeeper Diane Fukishima who you see is one of my FB friends, and she would soon follow me to my next job which was totally chaotic, anything but secure, at least not for the first 18 months when this leading insurance publishing company was very much on the skids.
Nor did I feel that my job at Alan Austin was in any way at risk because Alan Austin knew that I was competent to grab the numbers as well as understand them just as well as he did.
So in fact we had all the top people rather well cross-trained without anyone feeling that someone else was stepping on their toes.
Of course there was always a bit of jealousy coming from Leslie who knew more about what was happening than all of us combined, at least in terms of what the books reflected and nor was Alan Austin ever pulling cash out of the cash registers because he had other ways to beat the system and which he and I never once discussed.
So here I was his most trusted advisor on the financial side of his clothing manufacturing-retail operation as well as his investments outside of the business and yet I knew better than to ever enquire more.
It was probably my discretion that Alan Austin liked most that had him liking me so much; but that certainly wasn’t enough to stop him from having the time of his life outside of the office.
He was the ultimate Hollywood playboy with girlfriends such as Jaclyn Smith of Charlie’s Angels who was at one time, Debra Cirilov’s best friend; but she had many best friends and her best were her future clients when she opened her own store just around the corner from Alan Austin and I chose smartly to be her only investor.
I chose even smarter to pull out only after a few months because I knew even before she opened her doors that so long as she was healthy and she was young and very healthy at the time, she was going to be hugely successful because her patrons were not only the richest women in the world but they would like her even better if she was doing it all on her own.
Today with moving her store to Carmel near where she lives on Pebble Beach golf course, I have no idea how profitable her clothing business is because it is no doubt a hobby that has her getting out of the house.
Her world is very stable knowing that the last people in the world who would suffer from a downturn in the economy are people such as herself.
They are all loaded, but they are also all living a lie that they never knew about.
I would expect that she and her husband have now discussed me at length with Debra saying as little as she possibly can.
She would know that once her husband has started reading The D I book their relationship is forever changed.
Only liars, cheats and thieves can say a bad word about me or for that matter my wife Marie and when they see how healthy and vibrant is our Mango they are no less at a loss for words.
Would you like to see my communications with Flame & Citron’s co-producer Lars Bredo Rabak?
NOV 27TH, 3:44PM
No I scent heard from anyone else in Aberdeen relating to you. On chapter 9 of the DI book and still intrigued but not overly surprised so far. I need to seeFlame& Citron, it also intrigues me in a different wY. I am now on night shift for this week but will still communicate , just maybe not immediately.
you will have to explain in a different way, because it is all connected and you folks I see as the both the spear and the shield for revolutionary change that more than being non-violent will instantly level the playing field without the rich including the superrich having to give up anything.
That does not mean Trump will get away with his misdeeds, but you need to move quickly before “divide and conquer” is directed at you all.
Even then I am not in the least bit perturbed because all each of us can do is out best and leave the rest up to Mother Nature.
Have you heard anyone you included in the cc section of what you sent out?
BTW, it is probably Debra Cirilov’s brother-in-law Geoff Couch who is on the board of Monterey Peninsula Foundation, as I realized just earlier that her husband has to be much older
No I haven’t seen any replies yet but it will be morning before I can check email again.
Do you know if any member of the Royal family has seen You’ve been Trumped?
NOV 27TH, 6:41PM
Was the berm in front of your house ever removed?
Did you or anyone get any form of compensation from Trump or anyone else?
How long did it take for Forbes to get his water reconnected?
I believe a copy of YBT was delivered to the palace for the attention of Charles. I don’t know if he watched it
The berm was behind, inland, my house and yes it was removed and replaced with fully grown trees 25 foot high non indigenous and the first batch died. Second batch are following suit.
No received any compensation, Trump et al still claim to have done no wrong.
Forbes water supply took about five years to reinstate – Mike did it himself.
I continue to be blown away, and I have seen the worst of humanity.
What did Mike do during those 5 years?
Have you asked Anthony Baxter why he hasn’t done a follow up?
Did you see in the last few days a comment by Prince Harry about Trump not being invited to his wedding because Harry thinks Trump’s is the enemy or words to the effect, of human rights?
There was a slow trickle of water coming into their supply, it was only later they realised it was basically a field drain and the connection to the spring had been severed.
Anthony Baxter has done a follow up as I said previously. “A Dangerous Game” and “You’ve Been Trumped Too”
I misread what you had said. I will try now to see if I can get ADG and “….Too” on youtube or netflix.
I have found Donald Trump, Scotland’s President on Youtube that s 59 minutes and we will will watch it later.
Has anyone from the local city council or regional council or central government actually stepped forward to help?
I have got to the point in DTSP where you talk about an economist….quite sad and made us wonder what else is going on behind the scenes.
What is your relationship like with Alex Sammond?
NOV 27TH, 10:06PM
“Shame them into withdrawing” – Trump
I/we have now seen A Dangerous Game.
You must try and finish The D I book in the next few days, then I will comment if you don’t say anything more than you did earlier, “Not overwhelmingly surprised”.
What you, Anthony Baxter, Michael Forbes, Monroe and not to forget Forbes’ 86 year old mother have done is remarkable because it is not easy to confront “power money” people such as Trump who are a great many throughout the world and they come in all shapes and sizes and care only about themselves and the people they have corrupted including their own children.
Anthony Baxter in particular appears to have not lost his edge which means he still has his courage.
You now have a weapon in your hand that none of you including Baxter ever dreamed possible.
Let’s assume the 116 individuals/groups who received your 100 word exact communique at 2:08am Califorinia time today, and let’s say 5% were not good email addresses – please let me know what that number is – do not reply to you.
That is better than a 3% response rate when doing a mass mailing and 3% is considered rather good unless your mailing is offering say a 1000 pounds because you are lonely and 10 million actually respond.
There is nothing funny when the people don’t respond to logic.
That Anna Springer represented the views of a great many people who could care less about the environment, less about the poor being made to pay for fences that the rich want them to climb over and/or bribe custom officials to let them in and then they will be that much more eager to work for nothing to do the slave work that is justified on the basis that lower labor costs keep down inflation.
David, I know that you are not an economist but you have an extraordinary amount of common sense and why it is that you appear so well on camera as do all your fellow neighbors.
You can and you must leave it to me at the present time to argue the economics.
You have seen some of my communications to economist Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd. Rothwell knows that even if he were to get the support of every economist on the planet as well as resurrect from the dead the likes of Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes he-they wouldn’t stand a chance.
It is not arrogance to state what is an absolute fact.
You have to reevaluate your entire strategy and it has to be done globally starting with these folks in Dubrovnik.
You nor I have seen battle on our homefronts.
But I have a leg up than most given how not everyone is fortunate to have a father who survived 71 dive bombings missions during WW2 when the Germans were throwing everything they had in the direction of these “flying bombs” and it was costing their bankers not a penny.
The same thing with the wars in Croatia, Middle East, Africa, and wherever there is violence.
Again, if you are not yet equipped to argue the economics, just leave it to me.
In an earlier paragraph I had you seeing deeper into the corruption.
Donald Trump is in fact not as bright as he thinks he is.
He believes he has the masses fooled into thinking that he does not like “illegal immigration” on the grounds that “We don’t know anything about these people; they are hoodlims, at least 99.99% of them and their religion sucks, at least their religion that is not the same as my money religion blah blah ” [sic].
Even the most environmentally conscious advocates are caught up in this “false economy” which to keep it going requires people like Donald Trump promoting to their goons, “We have to shame them into withdrawing”.
Of course it is shameful to beat the lifeblood out of someone by using police brutality and cutting off their water supply.
Donald Trump knows that he was being watched very carefully by the “bankers” who is always saying bad things about, to see how well he could rile up the people on both sides of the “debate”.
While you may have thought that there are always a certain amount of war profiteers who supply both sides to a conflict, it would not have entered your mind to know that the major weapon suppliers are doing just that.
Nor is it only the tanks, aircraft, bullets and other smaller weaponary suppliers involved for it covers all the materials and services being supplied for civilian use such as coffee, tea and sugar.
When that corrupt mayor of Dubovnik said along with others that the golf resort project was still going ahead despite the 85% referendum against, he was in fact telling the truth.
This is where they all fall apart.
They end up distracting themselves.
They all, including Trump feel the need to talk.
That includes those disgusting Scottish politicians who treated your discourse as if you were foolish enough to believe that you were living in a democracy.
As you piece together all the great footage that Baxter has collected and I will try and see tomorrow You’ve Been Trumped Too, it is easy to see in your mind all these corrupt politicians including economist Salamond talking out of both sides of his mouth, getting quieter and quieter.
They will inevitably stop going to their offices for fear that no one will follow their orders.
They have shown already that they see themselves as “above the law”.
Once it is put before them and that includes Donald Trump that they are fighting over price fixed money which is being used to decimate the delicate and natural resources of the world that once destroyed can never be replaced as quickly as they are destroyed which is the only test if something is not environmentally sound, they will have to practice really hard in front of the mirror to ever have a smile put back on their face when facing the camera.
Could you imagine Donald Trump being able to explain his thoughts of the impact on the world economy of untraceable diamond currency?
You remember Hearst who prior to hearing it from me had no clue how the value of the money is determined let alone allocated.
On the Forbes list of billionaires which does not include Putin which tells you how much nonsense that list is, there is only one person, Nicholas Oppenheimer, who knew how the value of the money is determined and allocated and N. Oppenheimer is still not about to tell the world.
Just so long as they keep building these mega golf resorts around the world which are only geared towards stabilizing the lifestyles of the rich who have always thought they either worked hard for their money or they were simply lucky to inherit, that is all they care about.
Better yet, they see the world applauding them once they finally get rid of all the very carefully nurtured terrorist groups throughout the world including north Korea whose leader you could already see breaking bread with Trump as n. Korea joins the consumptive world, and the rubble from high explosives simply making construction excavation for super skyscraper hotels and super duper golf resorts that much less effort all the while keeping costs down.
So here you have the question for Trump, “Why instead of using your personal funds to ravage the ‘anciet’ [sic] dunes of Aberdeen because lets face it how many people enjoy playing golf in a place where there is tons of rain versus sunny California, Arizona, Dubai and why not a bunch of private islands scattered throughout the Med. Sea, didn’t you approach De Beers who would put you in touch with their favorite clients, the bankers led by Barclays Bank who would be able to arrange a zero percentage cost of borrowing?”
Dave, while you were hard at work last evening while having to take care of your daily living activities I did quite a bit of writing which I have yet to share with you.
As you may already know, all the science fiction writers, all the worlds top scientists and engineers going back to the industrial revolution all the way through to the 1970s never envisioned the Internet or anything close.
They had rockets going to the moon and beyond, flying cars, even teleporting but again nothing close to what we have right now. Not even the original computer engineers working for DARPA who created the original internet back in the late 1960s predicted what exists today.
In other words everyone missed the greatest discovery of all time, other than our lack of humanity which can get fixed once we end the destruction of the natural environment which does not need to be destroyed in order to have progress in order to satisfy a growing human overpopulation.
It is the unlimited amount of worthless money that drives the development and human overpopulation.
There is no loss when you have zero cost of capital when you build a golf course or even an entire city and then people leave to go elsewhere and what is left is a wreck, an eyesore that is nowhere near as beautiful and satisfying as what is lost forever.
NOV 28TH, 7:48AM
Do you have Anthony Baxter’s email?
NOV 28TH, 9:24AM
I do but until he clears it I will not share it.
Ask him if you can share his email with me.
Let him know that I am most impressed with his “courage under fire” and that I have a knowledge which will not only make it easy to understand Trump much better, but how he can go about stumping Trump altogether in his next interview.
NOV 29TH, 10:11AM
David, I’ve been trying to reply to your “silence” email for the past hour or more but that is not all that i have been doing.
Im pretty good at multitasking once I know what makes people tick.
It is also helped having an exceptional woman at my side that someone like Trump would fall for in an instant because she is naturally beautiful, doesn’t have to work at it, but knows that if she does like most women over 50 and not watch carefully what she eats then it will make exercise that much more unbearable versus what it should be, a great joy.
They never mix health, exercise, politics and money but everyone is looking for their escape book and/or movie.
I couldnt reply to your email because my laptop, as soon as I hit “reply” kept crashing. There are other emails I have to reply to including the email I received yesterday from the one co-producer of Flame & Citron that you didn’t appear to be that interested in.
I didn’t even try hitting the “reply” to Lars Bredo Rahbek until this very moment and my computer didn’t crash; so the “problem” seems to be just with your email which as you was quite short.
When I say that I know what makes people tick, I am only talking about the masses who all think they are different which is different to those such as Smuts who could easily have opted out but he chose to stay engaged and did the very best he could about helping the people who really didn’t want change from the standard procedure of using war to enrich, control population growth, and distract; and he ended up no doubt quite disallusioned with man but certainly not himself because he had done his best.
Smuts was an extraordinarily fit man and while he liked the company of strong and fit soldiers and the best of them clamored to be his bodyguards when he went scouting the frontlines of WW1 and WW2 when as you know the front is not a straight line and he would often run right into enemy lines – and if you scroll through my FB wall you will see footage of a remarkable event 6 days after D-Day when Smuts sniffed out 2 well armed German paratroopers who were hiding in bushes just a few feet from where Smuts, Churchill and Montgomery were about to have lunch – Smuts did most of his scouting alone because his eyes were good, his sense of smell was good and he didn’t need to worry about his bodyguards keeping up with him and when out of breath and huffing and puffing giving them all away.
You also didn’t seem to show much interest in Smuts who was in fact far more remarkable than Einstein in that Smuts had more of an effect on all our lives because without him we would all have been speaking German right after WW1.
My wife Marie and I have only been together 24 years and we only “officially” met when I was getting close to completing my assignments for Hearst who was willing to pay me “top dollar” once I presented him with a 4 page assessment of the publishing-media industry preparing itself for the complemention of the last quarter mile of the Internet superhighway when as you would expect I had to have been on the “cutting edge”; and that was helped because my middle brother Melvin was working for a division of the Ziff Davis publishing group which “owned computer space” such as PC Magazine.
I also of course knew that PC Magazine was huge and could just as easily have called up on my own the multi-billionaire Ziff brothers who were around the same age as me if not younger but why make things easier on oneself by having a family member who knows you are competent and they happen to work for the lead dog?
It also saved me a phone call to their head office in Boston when I would have to go through a secretary who was used to people pestering her to get an audience with the top dogs which wouldn’t have proven much of an obstacle for me given how even without using the Hearst name I could “speak the lingo”.
Knowing that a computer is made up of hardware and software is not what I am talking about. In fact I know very little about both computer hardware and software, but Im sure that if I put my mind to it, I could become as expert as the best IBM salespeople, all it taking is time which none of us have in abundance including Donald Trump.
Telling the secretary that I wanted to meet with the Ziff family to discuss a business combination with the largest privately held media-TV-publishing company in the world would have been a lie and so I wouldn’t have been able to say that because all I was doing was representing the chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation whose hands were severely restricted by the will of his father the original publishing mogul which prohibited his children from involving themselves in the day to day affairs of the very well run Hearst empire.
As you know there is always room for improvement which the human only knows about when taking care of its one time body and nor is it possible to gain wisdom from experience when your body temple is failing you, as much as the human might think reading self help books and joining organizations like Vistage International do anything more than make business connections all the while as a member you are revealing the most important secrets of your organization; namely you as an individual none of which is lost on a well groomed Vistage chair.
Would you like to see my FB conversations with one such chair?
So let’s assume I got past the main receptionist for Ziff-Davis publishing given how I not only could talk the lingo of Wall Street as well as someone like George Soros if not better because I always made perfect sense whereas if you listen to Soros or Alan Greenspan you might think you were talking to an Alien which is all very carefully contrived, must the way Trump and the rest of the puppets including your one first minister who is the splitting image of Germany’s Merkel, but my credentials of being both the COO and CFO of the most established insurance publishing company in the world and having joined IMS Inc. when they were very much on the robes and no legs to go anywhere other than this core group of competent very young women writers-editors
would have got me through to the personal assistant of the one Ziff brother who I needed to meet with.
So imagine yourself right now as this PA.
I say the following:
Hello, my name is Gary S. Gevisser. I know a man by the name of David Milne.
David are you still here?
Just checking.
So no, I would not have mentioned your name.
Given how I would have needed to tell the truth, I would have said, “There is a business combination which requires the most amount of discretion that I would like to discuss with the Ziff family, and for me to mention anything more other than my own credentials which I am happy to share with you would put the joint venture at great risk; and so I cannot at this point say anything more about the other parties. Furthermore, the discussion with the Ziff family is only exploratory.”
You, the PA, would no doubt be very interested since IMS Inc. was still very much “on the map” and you would reply, “Could you give me your contact details and I will pass this along.”
Your heart rate would be pumping a little faster than usual, not necessarily as high if the most beautiful body-face naked woman with the most perfect set of legs brushed by your desk
but if you were gay, you might be either appalled or jealous.
You would know that all of the Ziff brothers as well as their father who handed over his empire to the sons because the father thought he was dying but that didn’t happen as quickly as he thought, would be eager to learn more without necessarily thinking if you the PA could be trusted to keep your mouth shut.
Having my brother Melvin who you see playfully holding his hands up
as I point an unloaded Uzi submachine gun in his direction and you can see on the far left the boot of the Israeli Special Forces commando who “owned” the gun, make the introduction and by-passing the PA mitigated greatly “loose lips”.
You may have heard as young as me, “Loose lips sink ships” and when you look at my mother Zena’s BIO on my website 2facetruth.com you will quickly come across in her carefully scripted memoir,
LIFE STORY OF ZENA which begins, “Born to perform” and which my mother first published via email on September 25, 2001, 236 days after my first of four letters to the editor/s was published in the Jerusalem Post
which explained rather well the upcoming increased terrorism
I see that you are writing away.
I think I understand your point. I will however comment on what you see as my lack of interest in certain matters. I have had over ten years experience of being lied to, threatened and the subject of attempted harassment and bullying by Trump et al. As a result of this and a simple personality trait I tend not to over react or react at all as some people see it when presented with information, either good or bad.
On another matter, I have passed your email (2face truth.com) to Anthony Baxter along with a recommendation so he may contact you directly.
Obviously Facebook has added a link I did not intend, I think I have an extra space in the domain name. Apologies.
I will comment on what you have written above some 102 words + 22 in the last post making a total of 124 words once I have made my “point” which you have not fully got, but you are getting there.
Okay please continue
Im waiting for you to finish your thoughts and then I will continue.
I thought you were still writing which is why I wrote my last 13 odd words; so now I will continue.
When I arrived for the meeting with Ziff in Boston and alongside me was Hearst’s much younger wife, Veronica who is not the mother of Hearst’s daughter Patty best known for robbing banks, I already knew that I was madly in love with Marie and couldn’t wait to get back to Del Mar, California were she was living and where I was spending a good amount of time because my one American attorney was a close neighbor of hers and King Golden Jr. Esquire was also helping me on this particular assignment with Hearst as he did with several of my other clients going back to when King and I first me in 1981 when he was the in-house General Counsel for the huge weapons-defense contractor Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC] who remain one of the largest if not the largest employee owned defense-offense contractors in the world and as you would expect they get to pick from the best and brightest in every field of endeavor.
Given how “love” does not mean much if you cannot feed yourself or put a roof over your head and it didn’t bother me that the soft top
of my Porche convertible didn’t cover my one of a kind, custom hand-made surf-ski, I was easily able to focus on the business at hand.
The combination had it gone through would have blown the likes of Facebook clean out of the water because FB would never have got off the ground given how in all likelihood I would have been steering that joint venture.
Despite my most carefully laid plans I couldn’t predict things that I had no control over beginning with Veronica Hearst’s mind.
The meeting with Ziff went, as I expected, remarkably well and nor did I need to spend any time discussing the sensitivity of the project because the Ziff brothers also appreciated that the loyalty of their management was a function of who would pay them the biggest paycheck.
You might recall Trump making the point in that meeting with the top dogs of Scottish Parliament when he was telling them the absolute truth that he was the evidence because he was the best expert they could find on tourism, and the fact that they didn’t like his truthful answer didn’t mean that Trump was wrong.
Long prior to arranging this meeting with Ziff I had decided that I was not going to take any consulting fee from Hearst because I saw the “big picture” of “social media” merging with the Digital Age and no group in the world were as savvy about developments in computer technology than Ziff even if the brothers weren’t themselves “rocket scientists”.
The smartest computer engineers at the time were also wanting to make both a name and a fortune for themselves and who better than the likes of PC Magazine to help get their name out there?
Bear in mind there was no Google at the time as Google only got going in 1998 which was more than 4 years after that important meeting.
Veronica Hearst was also a very bright, business savvy woman with her fingers in many pies, and her and her husband’s social activities far outpaced that of Donald Trump who was “new money” with little to none “social etiquette”.
When however you are focused on aging and instead of looking at what you are eating you are looking in the mirror and seeing the aging lines you are in that much more of a hurry.
People in a hurry are not always the best business partners.
People in a hurry rarely pay attention to the health of their body-minds which they don’t see as connected. Their goal is to make it happen sooner rather than later.
The “big picture” is always much bigger than the individual.
Smuts was working towards that with his ground breaking 1926 book, Holism & Evolution which is not the easiest read book in the world but it helped convince Einstein that Smuts was indeed very special and hence Einstein’s greatest accolade to any human being, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually the Theory of Relativity”.
Veronica Hearst was preoccupied with staying thin.
Thin people tend to show the lines on their faces more so than Trump.
Just checking that you are still following along.
… more so than people who have fat, round faces like Trump.
I couldn’t suggest to Veronica Hearst how she could improve her diet and that in turn would lead to her making smarter decisions without feeling the need to hurry things along.
That is because I didn’t know enough myself about the connection between diet and a healthy mind.
But what I did have going for me was my biological age of 37.
Very few people accept the connection between mind body and spirit, even today
Plus I had a wealth of knowledge about the real world of finance, mergers and acquisitions which Veroncia Hearst was clueless about, at least relative to my knowledge which meant that she felt more the need to talk than I did.
What you leave out in your last 13 odd word comment is the critical word “diet” which does not mean “going on diet” in order to lose weight. It means bringing nutrition to the starving body which is why fat people are constantly hungry.
Anyone who is constantly hungry has great difficulty focusing on anything else.
Trump is fat but he doesn’t need to focus on much else because he has the money and a young wife and if she starts aging poorly he will just buy himself a younger wife and continue living it up, very much the same with most of us males.
Had I not been focused on reconnecting with Marie right after the meeting, I might have said to Veronica:
“Just remember, we need to keep this to ourselves.”
So blame Marie Dion for changing history.
Had I spoken those 10 words as well as not looked away from Veronica as we sat at Logan International Airport waiting for our commerical flight back to New York City, when dialing on my cellphone Marie to let her know that I would soon be heading back to California, then in a matter of weeks the joint venture deal would have been completed with the full support of Hearst Corporation’s top management team.
Trump has ‘traded in’ his wife twice already and diet is well u derstood. Changing history happens every second of every day to varying degrees, but your point is well made.
With no one to talk to, much like people feel the need to post things up on their FB wall in order to feel relevent, Veronica Hearst got out her cell phone and called a senior executive of Hearst Corporation.
I didn’t hear her phone ringing because my ear was not next to her cellphone because the phone was placed against her ear; and I was still turned away from her.
Then I heard, “We just met with Ziff…”
I told Marie, “I will get back to you” and hung up the phone.
I motioned with my hand to Veronica Hearst to quit the conversation. She brushed me off and continued her conversation for a few more seconds and then I was a little more forceful, and spoke softly, “You have to end the conversation”.
She did so and felt annoyed that I was interrupting her “pleasure”.
You make mention of Trump having been previously divorced. You would expect that I know this.
You know what the media-Trump want you focused on and given the limited space of the brain which like any muscle suffers from natural entropy unless one fights it with nutrition which does not come from poison foods, there is increasingly less space for rational thought and to find out what really makes Trump tick.
You have been armed for at least 24 hours with Donald Trump’s incredibly weak spot, and nor have I heard from Anthony Baxter who should have been chomping at the bit to get in touch with me had he been properly briefed which is what I would have expected you to do.
So I will continue on with this very important story.
He is probably wary, as am I. We have all had false starts and misdirection before, but please continue. It is up to Anthony whether he communicates or not.
David, please.
I am a far more “open book” than Anthony Baxter or anyone who has been featured in his documentaries.
I have provided you with the tools to stump Trump out, completely.
There is no one who has ever approached you all with the hard, irrefutable facts to leave Trump stone cold.
There is nothing to be weary of me.
All you have to be weary of is yourselves.
You don’t need me to ask Trump or his spokeslady who says that she has the door open to you specifically at all times.
You just need to decide amongst yourselves when would be the best time to arrange the next interview with Trump and if it turns out that his schedule today doesn’t permit because he has Oval Office duties then to simply ask when is his next golf game scheduled.
Remember who you are talking to at this moment.
In early 1994 when this important conversation was taking place with Veronica Hearst just before we boarded our flight back to NY city, I hadn’t forgotten a single element of the Diamond Invention Game [GAME] that I was most expert at from just a few hours into the start of my year long orientation into global banker-mining monopolist De Beers-Barclays.
After reading chapter 1 of The D I, given who had introduced you to the book you should have been sitting on the edge of your seat.
When you got finished reading THE DIAMOND MIND
you would have understood perfectly how easy it is for De Beers-Barclays to buy the most independent minded Hollywood producer-director.
If you haven’t got to chapter 13, then you are the slowest reader I have ever met.
Still there is nothing wrong in being the slowest reader, just so long as you read chapter 13 without forgetting what I have previously said; namely every person so far with less than a handful exceptions falls apart completely the moment they begin reading The D I book.
I’ve just finished chapter 15 and have other things to do as well. I do understand the effect of control and the application of influence to others. As for being a slow reader, that is always possible
I have seen too many things to fall apart, I may be discomfited for a period but I do not fall apart. If that is what you expect you have misjudged me.
What did you tell Baxter about me?
I gave him the quote you wanted me to pass on. I said you were quite intense but had some good information and he may want to talk to you.
My English comprehension is good, so I fully understand the word “intense”. It is not quite the same as “hugely credible”.
You had several options to introduce me to Baxter including the following:
1) Providing a snapshot of my curriculum vita which you can find on my website 2facetruth.com
2) Sharing with him this entire dialogue which I know he would be as interested in as Hearst or any one of my clients, employers, employees and for that matter every person I have met in the world.
3) Given him the hyperlink to my 4 letters published in the Jerusalem Post which when he reads the first sentence of the first letter, again published on Feb 1, 2001, 12 days after Clinton pardoned Rich at the 11th hour of his presidency on January 20th, Baxter might feel that someone has just chopped off his balls
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
Don’t count the number of words. Trust me, they add up to 32.
You don’t need to ask Baxter how many journalist, editors, captains of industry, spies, terrorist financiers, politicians, economists etc will have read those 32 words and said to themselves, “What the Fuck!!”
The Jerusalem Post remains the most read Israeli international newspaper.
In the history of the Jerusalem Post they have never published anything close to its importance, predicting very important terrorist events, at the same time placing blame with Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
Since I am not exactly sure which quote, did you share with Baxter how he might begin his next interview with Trump:
“Why instead of using your personal funds to ravage the ancient dunes of Aberdeen, because lets face it how many people enjoy playing golf in a place where there is tons of rain versus sunny California, Arizona, Dubai and why not a bunch of private islands scattered throughout the Med. Sea, didn’t you approach De Beers who would put you in touch with their favorite clients, the bankers led by Barclays Bank who would be able to arrange a zero percentage cost of borrowing?”
To say you are still “weary” of me, is that really a good choice of words?
Do you really think I don’t know what makes Hollywood directors-producers tick?
When you first read that one possible “opening move” you didn’t say to me, “Gary, please explain this zero cost of capital, because I know that when I look out from my top deck there is still this undeveloped land that Trump was hoping to build his second 18 hole golf course, and perhaps I could on my own make Trump an offer he couldn’t refuse and because it would cost me nothing, I might as well be generous, give the unspoiled land to a nature reserve, have them name it David Milne Nature Reserve, although if they wanted instead of the word “Reserve” call it a “Park” and so also make a name for myself.”
You did in fact have all questions answered about me and why De Beers-Barclays are the most powerful group in the world who laugh themselves silly at people like Trump and Anthony Baxter and the rest of their plebes.
So you have read chapter 13.
That means you that your previous contention that there was nothing you found all that surprising must have changed entirely, otherwise it means you didn’t understand what you read in chapter 13.
Chapter 13 explains that Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest owned Madison Avenue-Hollywood in September 1938, and nor did the London Exchequor or the US Federal Reserve or US Treasury object.
Chapter 13 does not say that De Beers’ Lloyd’s of London instituted a ban preventing American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyd’s which accepts price fixed diamonds for its capital base because this extraordinary banning order was only instituted in the early 1990s and remains in effect, all the while Lloyd’s continues to be able to sell their insurance products to Americans and American corporations.
I wouldn’t bring up this Lloyd’s saga with Baxter because if your goal is to bring out the best of him in dealing with Trump you don’t want Baxter distracted by a possible stroke that leaves him confined to a wheelchair.
Perhaps there was another quote you used to introduce me to Baxter, so please let me know what that is.
As you also know, one can always modify what one has previously said to make it more accurate, and so why not share this entire dialogue with Baxter?
Better he hear an accurate assessment of my competency and integrity from you than from others?
Should I continue with the Hearst story?
Yes please, although replies may be infrequent I’ve just reported to work- night shift.
NOV 29TH, 3:44PM
Are you aware that the documentaries I have seen – yet to see Youve been Trumped too – show the Scottish government and the people as not caring so much for the environment?
To be clear; show the Scottish government and the Scottish people as not caring for the environment?
NOV 29TH, 6:25PM
That is unfortunately the perception and also the truth. One of the main findings of the Public Local Inquiry (PLI) was that the ‘economic benefits outweighed the environmental cost’. I disagreed then and even more so now with zero practical economic return.
Is there a price you would have sold to Trump? For example, had he paid you fair market value and you could find comparable accomodation would you have sold?
To help you with the answer, and I would much prefer the honest truth, had I been in your shoes and only knowing what you know about how the money system worked, I might have tried negotiating for a slight premium because I would know that my life was about to be wrecked; given how one cannot get back the time and more importantly all the heartache including how you own fellow citizens, your trusted officials so let you down.
NOV 30TH, 10:03AM
This property is not and never has been for sale. They were told that at the beginning, I converted it from a coastguard station and then myself and my wife extended it and so there is literally blood sweat and tears of our own in this structure. I’m sure you will be able to find that quote in the public record if you take the time to search (I’m not suggesting you do) as it has been stated so often and so public ally before. The only time we would consider selling is at the end of the project (unlikely to happen) and we could not stomach the result. Or some completely unforeseen circumstance.
How much more information do you need in order to help organize that meeting of “interested parties”?
While it may not have fully sunk in, The D I book is not about “mind control” as it is exclusively about “money control”.
The fact that it is designed to have the reader believe it is all about “mind control” does not change the fact that it is exclusively about “money control”.
That fact isy most difficult for people to grasp because they quickly realize that when they have been seated as you were on the other side of your politicians heaping those most extraordinary insults in your direction, they were very poorly armed.
You must have thought more about how to brief Baxter better than you orginally did since “intense”, while not a “negative” and it all depending on the context, because it could mean that I am very focused which I am, there are other ways to bring him into a quick “reality check”.
I have many things lined up, all ready to go, including my response to the nonsense the one co-producer of Flame & Citron who you can be sure is not fully comforted that I am taking my time in replying as he has to still deal with the truth of what he and the rest of them as well as the director of F & C missed in their important movie, plus his colleagues and co-workers will have already figured out his game; at least some of them, and the rest will soon follow.
So given how you and the rest of your neighbors have invested a great deal of time in Baxter’s movies and you understand perfectly well that Baxter hasn’t comeq close to asking Trump the only only question that can stump him, what each of you say is very important, at least to me.
I know that my “commentaries” are as riveting, if not more so, than Epstein’s The D I book and nor was Epstein back then anything close to a “conspiracy theorist” because he was coming into a world that shocked him to his core, and knowing that it would do the same to everyone, whether they believe they are good or bad.
Most “intense” people are not capable of advising a large group of ecclectic Captains of Industry as I have done throughout my career.
Most “intense” people are incapable of writing that first sentence of my first letter published in the JP because first of all, no one, other than those advancing the cause of furthering terrorism throughout the world had thought of the repercussions of the Marc Rich pardon.
Most “intense” people are so focused on talking without thinking, that they don’t pay attention to their internal organs.
It is doubtful that you personally know of anyone who has as low heart rate as I do “at rest” other than the best professional athletes who are generally much younger.
Most frazzled humans suffer horribly from high pressue. I have the perfect blood pressure.
In other words, I would perform extraordinarily well under a barrage of interrogations thrown at me by the world’s best movie directors.
I will be “out and about” most of the day today.
I understand your comments about ‘intense’ I do not mean it as a negative, I have been described thus myself and generally accept it as a compliment. I have been in positions that I cannot and will not discuss that would have ‘fried the brains’ of most normal people, that allows me the detachment to do what I need to do.
I am considering your meeting as I complete reading the DI.
That is a very positive response.
I am on the road, waiting for Marie to have passport photos taken, and I choose to communicate at this moment with you.
You would also know that there is nothing private with DE Beers-Barclays running the show without you having worked for them.
They have in fact made a fool of everyone including Trump.
You should have finished ch 16 and that would tell you if Baxter has heard of The D I book then he would have long ago read what is contained in ch. 16 and knowing that the arrows he has been slinging at Trump and the retard in Dubrovnik are all misguided.
So that would best explain Baxter’s silence.
I have been at this a long time and I have known the Hollywood game long before joining DE Beers-Barclays.
It is doubtful u have forgotten any of my writings, which again comes from my experience as well as having a very good memory for the important matters.
U received a backup of my dialogue with a Vistage chair.
Their entire business model, $1 billion in revenues is at great risk.
A more worthy competitor could start today and gobble up Vistage in an instant, the same with FB who know that I know their archilles heel, but they also know I pull out all stops to bring out the best in everyone including Zuckerberg who like Buffet is inextricably tied to the DIG.
On your “front” you have to figure whether Salmond and the Merkel look alike were already aware of The D I book when dealing with all of you.
What you know already from The D I book is that all the infrastructure such as roads and highways and high rises throughout the world at this moment don’t require a penny in tax revenue.
How is Molly Forbes doing?
Molly Forbes is doing well and surviving at 93 years she is amazing. She has been ill and is failing but still very much to the fore.
What was your reaction to the photo of Putin and Oppenheimer?
Do u recall how long Putin waited be4 releasing it?
How do u think Baxter would react to it?
Do u want me to give u my opinion to how his brain reacted?
Do you think the Scottish government felt at the time Trump promised to revive the local economy with 6000 jobs ++++ that they all knew that was bullshit?
Would you expect Debeers-barclays to keep Scotland’s first prime minister in line?
When they now say that if they had known that Trump would not live up to his word in delivering the economic benefits, would you believe them?
Would you now know what questions to ask all those who show an interest in this topic?
I’m also well aware that working the night shift takes a far greater toll on the body-mind, but countering that is the knowledge of THE DIG, if it is put to good use, which so far few have done.
But there is no negative with those negatively charged, they all get their comeuppance including having to look at people like Molly Forbes and knowing they could do better.
NOV 30TH, 1:50PM
Do u understand that what u have going for u, that is all of you who care about the environment as well as holding on to your minds which requires a full conscience, is that Trump simply pushed things too far.
That is not to say they were unhappy with their choice of Trump to create a distracting racial disharmony that appears in stark contrast to Obama who appealed to about the same % of the population – both talking unify and divisive out of both sides of their mouths.
Hillary Clinton simply wouldn’t be playing as much golf as Trump but she would be achieving the same goals.
It’s hard to see in the photo above the 3 black and whites and their 6 officers moving a bunch of street people who are an eyesore to continuing improvement in infrastructure.
That is because you can’t see them as I took the photo while moving by and not wanting to take my eyes off the road.
They are in fact overjoyed with happiness. Trump has exceeded expectations.
The people like things the way they are.
What they don’t like is that I hooked on to what Trump is doing and explaining it all to you so well.
Don’t blame Trump for not preserving the dunes while improving the local economy without having to provide more jobs and housing.
It has been a while since u finished reading ch. 9, which did not say at the bottom, “now that u know the truth about how Hitler got away with violating the most important Tenets of Versailles, don’t be surprised that Sir Ernest and his son Harry were not prosecuted at Nuremberg.”
How many professors of history, economics, law and political science do u think would be out of a job if that truthful wording was placed there as well as at the entrances to all the wo r lds Holocaust Memorial Museums?
You have not commented on what position u took on Brexit.
I was over in the UK in the days leading up to the vote and I spoke personally with about 30 individuals from all walks of life and each one was so riled up they were willing to kill those who thought differently were it not for fear of getting caught.
There is no opposition when the democracy is bought by a cruel and divisive monopolist who knows exactly what it is doing and knowing how to fix everything instantly but that would mean having to explain all its efforts since the turn of the last century to cover it’s tracks.
But that is their problem as well as the big ego human who is happy with the way things are.
Being happy as a pig in shit is really not happiness if you are a human.
Remember how the trump guy who called the police on Baxter said that Forbes was going to the most perfect water system once it was investigated and repaired.
When u get to bottom of ch. 18 remember to click on the hyperlink.
U would expect that I have been through this process with a great many people and nor do I ever get frustrated because of their frustrations.
Who would u invite to this meeting?
U do know that the people to be most weary of are those promoting charities to the poorest of the poor street people, but now you know what to say to them in getting the cheapest funding from the greatest thieves.
DEC 1ST, 7:13AM
Okay, let me respond to your comments in order so I don’t get too distracted.
Putin and Oppenheimer was one of disbelief – how why were they meeting? And what would be the benefits to both, that has now been answered
Baxter would react similarly followed by what he calls journalistic instinct of “what is the story and how can we share it?”
Your version of Baxters reaction would be interesting
As for the SG know T3’s claims etc were bullshit. 50% of them probably knew the rest don’t care as long as it doesn’t affect them ‘today’ and they might ‘look good’ in the reflected glory.
Degrees Barclay keeping the FM in check, probably now and previously suspicious but not convinced.
Believe them now?No.
Not sure about the questions yet but am more aware of the areas to look at.
Three shift system, not just nights but yes it is not the easiest job I’ve ever had.
Trump pushing things too far – definitely, right at the very beginning, even I was not opposed to this development (I wasn’t a supporter either) but prepared to ‘see what happened’. It didn’t take long to see through that n
Status Quo is a target for many, even with a veneer of progress.
T3 has not improved ex local economy, if anything he has had a negative effect locally.
Most Professors would be out of work, after History is written, or rewritten, by those in charge at the time. History is not always true.
I was personally against Brexit but to be honest I don’t believe it will make much difference, it is actually only tinkering on the surface. I tend to try and avoid huge emotional buy in to political matters.
I am not sure who to invite, because I am not yet sure who you see as the audience
I think so
Looks like a nice lunch
DEC 1ST, 10:11AM
Rather than me tell you what I think would be Baxter’s reaction, and that would only lengthen the conversation that not be as valuable, send Baxter now the photo and also tell him that you didn’t hear about this “disbelief” from him or any other journalist or politician in the world and that would include Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the principal economist for the NEA, but from me.
Then tell Baxter, in order again to bring out the best in him and it very much relates directly to Trump and the local economy of Abderdeen as well your Scottish politicians who joined Trump in climbing into you and Michael Forbes, why you think principal economist for the NEA Rothwell wrote, not to Baxter, or to Steven Spielberg or to Assange or to Snowden on June 25, 2013, not to his boss President Obama, not to the US Congress, not to the British Parliament, not to Prince Charles, not to Prince Harry or his elder brother, forget his name, not to the Queen of England, not to Smuts, not Oprah, not to David Milne, not to Matt Bauer, not to the Pope, not to Weinstein The Swine, but to me letting me know something of epic, catastrophic proportions; and that quickly resulted in a meeting 2 months and 22 days later between myself and Rothwell in Paris with both our wives present.
Why not share with Baxter immediately thereafter 2 of my beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion’s English expressions:
People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!
You can also mention if you think it would be helpful that it was not because Marie Dion was stupid that she jumped two classes at high school because of her above average command of mathematics-logics.
What might also wake him up that this is not the time to be quiet, and today happens to be the 17th anniversary of sending out to a huge number of people, in fact my entire email list my New Beginnings Party invitation
which you should study in great detail even though I was unaware at the time that December 1, 2000 was 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11.
See if you can grab quickly the rest of the extraordinary coincidences.
You might also make mention to Baxter that he will currently find the photo of Putin and Oppenheimer who like you, I doubt very much Baxter would recognize the name or face as the world’s very top journalists specializing in the nuclear field-enrich uranium which is Rothwell’s specialty, specifically the pricing of price fixed enriched uranium, in only [2] places on The Internet besides for the centerpiece of the homepage of my website 2facetruth.com which is known to more people around the world than those silent about my mother Zena’s extraordinary The Lady Speech video on Youtube.
As to SG, I don’t know what that is. If it is an acronym I’ve used, then I apologise for having forgotten; but as you can imagine there are many things I have on my plate today including still having to complete my morning egosque strength-stretch exercises that are critical in enjoying fully the rest of the days activities which include continuing the rock work with my gorgeous F-C wife as well as doing a mountain bike ride towards the end of the day that will make our great dinner meal that much more enjoyable and then of course the perfect uninterrupted night’s sleep made that much more perfect and hopefully have the time to write to my 3 elder siblings and beginning by letting them know how important it is to be born happy.
I don’t understand, “Degrees Barclay keeping the FM in check, probably now and previously suspicious but not convinced.”
I think you meant to write “De Beers” at the start, but even when I insert their name as a replacement, it is not at all clear what you are writing. Please spell out clearly what you are trying to say.
I don’t understand “T3”.
So in fact you bought in hook, line and sinker into the Brexit debate which was not a debate because it was, and remains totally contrived which is not a function now of you changing your mind “but to be honest I don’t believe it will make much difference” because you have read sufficient chapters of The D I book to know that when both sides of the important foreign currency trades are conducted by the same group De Beers-Barclays the price mechanism is systemically interfered with.
That means the labor wage you get paid and what Baxter makes to keep him away from soup kitchen lines is all compromised.
In other words when using the words “much difference” you should have written, “no difference”.
The audience could easily be the whole world because every literate person who has read a history book or who has a TV or Radio or has read a newspaper or magazine even once would want to know how easy it is to stop Trump and your corrupt politcians who continue to support him because they haven’t come through with either an apology and/or compensation for the suffering you have endured and now Im mostly speaking about Molly Forbes who is much older and she deserves better than to continue being kept in the dark about how a foreigner such as Trump was able to come into Aberdeen Scotland and make you all the laughing stock of the world.
So yes I still see you all having to deal with your egoes for not having scratched one iota below the surface because you never thought in a million years to question how the money is valued and allocated to the meanest of people.
So heres the list to start:
Molly Forbes and her husband
Michael Forbes and his wife
Martin Ford
Susan Munro
Paul Holleran
Ian Francis
Michael Foote
Yourself and your wife
Then in the invitation that you send out suggest that they invite all their FB friends to attend.
To be clear; the world’s top nuclear journalists who I contacted including Jo Becker of The New York Times
did not recognize Oppenheimer’s face or name.
DEC 1ST, 1:30PM
I take it that you have not yet gone to sleep and are contemplating?
I still don’t think it is necessary to share with you at this time the rest of the very important Hearst story because Hearst is now dead but I am still very much alive with the same knowledge I had then but much more experience about how the people behave when given the knowledge of the DIG [Diamond Invention Game].
Given how I know that no matter how increasingly healthy and fit I get and it all stemming from simply being smart and eating smart foods that is all plant food based and which is well supported by my and my wife’s health and vitality that we have yet to find elsewhere, although it is well covered in the documentary Forks Over Knives – I am not going to live forever and nor have my detractors started to go down in number, at least not yet, it makes common sense that I shouldn’t rest my hopes on each one of you residents of Scotland jumping at the bit to get the real truth out about Mr. Trump.
Consequently, I have been teeing up a great many others to join us placing Trump and his friends, starting with your two-faced Scottish politicians, environmental groups and the such.
That does not take away from the fact that I couldn’t think of a better group than those I mentioned above who should be the first invited to this meeting which you yourself thought would be interesting even before I downloaded to you all this highly relevent information about Trump’s funding sources, and you should be the natural leader, unless you think Michael Forbes could do a better job, but he is very quiet like the rest of them and they all got the same introduction from me as you did, and you despite your tough job, wasting no time in responding.
Would like to see a different, but very much connected, conversation I have been having with another of my “listeners”?
continuing…. under the brightest spotlight” after “…groups and the such…”
DEC 1ST, 7:52PM
Okay, I am still at work for today, Friday night into Saturday morning so limited response at this time.
SG is the Scottish Government
T3 is That Twit Trump, be careful with the pronunciation of the second word (childish I know, coined at a time of severe press pressure and it stuck)
DEC 2ND, 8:50AM
David, you obviously don’t work for the enjoyment, and that money is still a big factor in your life.
That is not the same for Trump.
You still haven’t name one person who has previously promised to assist you, which you say had you disappointed; and that tells me you could only be talking about politicians who you now know more about in terms of what makes them tick.
To be competent to write what I wrote in my first sentence of my first letter published in the JP meant that I had a wealth of knowledge that the rest of you were clueless about; and it was very material.
The fact that I knew there was a high probability that the JP would publish it and they went ahead and did so, changed the landscape of the world in a very significant way.
The fact that everyone gets so very philosophical that each of us is contributing to change every moment of our existence and the more formally educated don’t take long to start prophesing their quantum mechanics vocabulary which is mostly limited to the single word “quantum” or “matrix” only reflects that they are in a state of shock and feel the need to say something and it isn’t long before they feel the need to change the subject.
Everything about your dispute with Trump revolves around money.
The fact the chances are very slim that you “victim” residents did not think to question Trump’s source of funding because you take it as gospel “money talks” doesn’t mean you are now better people than Trump.
The fact the chances are also great that your politicians were as clueless as all of you about the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] doesn’t mean they also won’t learn very shortyly that they too have fooled; meaning they should have demanded a higher price for selling people such as you and Molly Forbes down the tubes.
Given all the talking and interviewing and retakes of filming by Baxter you have all endured and you cannot get back the past decade plus all your speaking and emotion letting is now digitized forever, or at least as long as all of us will remain alive, a reasonable person would expect all those I have suggested you invite to this meeting would be chomping at the bit.
You also know that you could have figured those names without my help.
Back to my first letter, and you would see that all 4 provided the most complete story of how well the bad people are represented by the politicians who know they are just actors and you are the stooges.
Yes, study that last paragraph, as you should our entire dialogue which I know has a significantly greater prospect of every literate person in the world being most interested in than I thought the JP would publish my 4th letter which was about 99.99%.
The JP knew the first letter would send everyone into shock and we were all clueless about 9/11 showing up some 222 days later.
The world is very different today in large part because the human has got much sicker as a result on the ongoing human population explosion which isn’t making us better humans.
People are only committed to their particular project because the people are quite happy with the way things are.
You recall reading that.
You must have thought about if you had Trump’s money, power and influence would you do any better?
Please don’t forget that Molly Forbes who you all profess to care so much about is now another day older and she still won’t be getting any younger.
Just like you have been captivated by this very important information, you would expect Molly to be just as interested unless your concern is that she is going to react, “You people are much younger than me, I’m surprised that you didn’t know to ask Trump the right questions”.
Yes, I am very keen to know how you have been teeing up Baxter who if he is quiet after you introduced me to him then you would strongly suspect that he too has gone into denial.
Remember all your pontifications have been to get the word out to the world what Trump is doing to pristine environments as you express your social conscience.
I was not a fool when I composed that first letter and today I am far more knowledgeable about the frail human condition.
One of the great things when people do wrong is that they get sick and nor do they get any healthier as they get sicker.
DEC 3RD, 8:02AM
I see that you have been busy on FB on other matters and I was wondering if there was anything more you were going to be saying anything more to me?
Your timing is impeccable, I was literally just siting down to respond to your comments.
The list of names you gave me is one I could have compiled myself, you are correct, I was wondering if there were other specific people you would have added to it. Apparently not at this time, or for this meeting.
Your timing is also great.
Im leaving for breakfast. I will be gone most of the morning. Please take your time in writing carefully your thinking.
As for people disappointing me, that is a turn of phrase, I was not surprised t the failure of the politicians to do anything that is what they routinely do
Thank you for that I will continue and get your response later
I see your first response.
I could think of every literate human on the planet who should attend including each one of those disgusting SG politicians.
David, I’m literally out the door with Mango and Marie, but I will make this one point and then please think of the next logical steps to bring out the VERY BEST in everyone, including those disgusting SG officials.
Without you reading the D I book and having my insight about the DIG you would not have the first clue about how the top politicians operate.
We made a deliberate choice, right at the beginning of this venture, myself and three others who were the core of the original campaign group, Sustainable Aberdeenshire, now gone and forgotten by most. One of whom died of a brain tumour, one had a stroke (fully recovered but avoiding any political / public involvement and one other who was older and is now just getting on with his life, he lives outwith the boundaries of the estate. The choice was to focus on the environmental side of the argument, not the economics because none us were qualified to delve deeply into the figures that we had available and because they were completely unbelievable at that time (nothing has changed). We chose to follow a certain path and that cost us, this country and this planet a pristine environment that can never be returned to what it was. However there is another site in this country being threatened with a similar fate and with some help and information I may be able to prevent the same thing happening again.
One of my problems is lack of finance, hence why as you so rightly say I do not work for enjoyment. I did at one time, work for enjoyment, although probably not quite in the manner you meant in your comment, but I do understand the concept and what you are meaning ( I think).
That is because I have studied the human behavior before I began sitting for my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays.
It is not intuitive to the human to dig when they are happy with the way things are.
Therefore while you say you are not disappointed in the SG officials that is only based on your prior knowledge because you thought their corruption was simply the fact that they had their hands out “like all politicians” as well as doing as little as possible.
That is thinking is fatally flawed.
The top politicians including your SG officials have known exactly how you all have fatally flawed thinking.
Part of the reason why the human finding out so late in life that they have fatally flawed thinking feels the need to either keep writing and/or go deafeningly silent or distract with their writings is that they have a great deal of difficulty dealing with their fatally flawed thinking.
The SG officials, and I have yet to figure out which ones, derive great satisfaction in you all thinking you understand their corruption which is all about having you thinking that they are just getting bribed with money and doing as little as possible while serving their big egos.
They are performers on a stage and you are their stooges who have had no clue what is going on behind the scenes.
Did you see what I posted up on Alan Mark Zeilgson’s wall yesterday?
There is material there that will have the aware citizen crapping in their pants.
Your phrasing sometimes leaves me cold as I try to understand what you say. I do not mean intellectually, generally, although there are point you have made I do not understand immediately.
I do not know this person and do not have access to their wall
You reference with initials sometimes things I do not know and it is difficult to follow your meaning and whilst not meaning to insult my friends, or yourself for that matter, if I do not understand you my neighbours and friends will have no chance generally speaking.
You imply a lot and I can see there is something deeper in most of what you say but it is implied and not said, that I struggle with at this time.
When I return I will send you via email that posting.
David, all my writings are perfectly clear. I write exactly the way Epstein writes in The D I book.
What initials are you talking about?
As such I am going to finish my reading of the DI book and re read it before I commit to anything, even questions
There is nothing deeper that I imply. You are seeing things in your head that don’t exist.
You are seeing things that dont exist because The D I book does that to everyone.
It is designed to make you feel like you are totally stupid.
It may be right, some of us are
The very tough part of The D I book is that you can’t refute the irrefutable facts.
It tells you that all the conversations you have previously had on the 4 subjects, history, economics, military & politics [HEMP] is total bullshit.
It spells out very clearly that there is no distinction between the private and public sector; and nor has there ever been a distinction between the public and private sector.
That is a huge problem for the human if they thought that the private sector through the raising of tax revenue funds the public sector.
There are other huge consquences including you all thinking that Trump was this private investor.
You should have taken my advice and written down all questions as you read through the book.
The fact that no one takes that advice and asks me questions as they go along does not mean my advice wasn’t sound.
It means that when you are dealing with a brainwashed society who think they are far more on top of how the real world works than they are in fact, they don’t want to change.
You recall me saying repeatedly that the human is happy with the ways things are, just so long as they are doing better than their closest neighbor/s.
Talk to you later; and yes go ahead and add the SG officials to the list who mocked you so terribly.
I will take them on an educational light journey that will stay with them until they pass through death’s door which hopefully will be a long time in coming.
Last thing.
Remember Robert Anderson?
Robert Anderson spoke with the thickest Scottish accent. I understood him perfectly.
He understood me perfectly from when I was a little kid who didn’t start speaking until I was 3. That is not because I was stupid. It was because both my parents and grandparents made perfect sense.
There is not a single person in the world who would ever be able to point to anything that I have said or written which does not make perfect sense.
Each and every one of your friends and neighbors as long as they can hear are literate in simple English will understand pefectly everything I say.
When I feel the need to speak slower I also know how to do that.
Remember I didn’t simply work for De Beers-Barclays at their highest level but I have owned and run very large businesses as well as small businesses which are the most difficult.
Again, you have to have very good people skills to do that. That means you have to now how to communicate.
This I understand, speak to you soon
DEC 3RD, 7:14PM
Would you expect De Beers-Barclays to have their puppets test out on their “common herd” their reaction to how the financial markets work, and when finding out that the “common herd” react with distraction, the puppets feel that much better about their poor choice to be the puppets?
When you started to ask me about whether the list of attendees at the next meeting of the “Trump Opposition” was complete, I logically took that to mean that you had finally no objections.
You opponents of Trump and his bought SG officials including remember the local police who should be there to protect the small people from abusers of the law, have been under the contention that Trump has simply bought his way in to all of your “front doors”; but you didn’t understand the “money angle”.
If you did understand the “money angle” then you would have saved yourselves a lot of time, heartache and money – remember Michael Forbes had to pay with his own funds to reconnect his water unless it was charitable contributions which then opens up another hornet’s nest – and asked Trump and the SG officials the right questions.
David, can you in your own words, tell me what you think would be the right questions to ask?
Remember those puppets of De Beers-Barclays?
First of all I was never one of them.
Second, when testing the reaction of the “common herd” the puppets did not begin, “Let me first of all inform you that I am a puppet of De Beers-Barclays who you learn everything you want to know about finance, economics, military and politics in chapter 16 of The D I book, aptly titled, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.”
What they observed [was most interesting] and I also got to witness their observations given how I was perched at the highest observation point during my year long orientation when viewing down on their illustrious “site holders”.
Do you remember reading about De Beers site holders having more lending power than all the world’s central banks combined?
Nor do I think there is a need to explain that to you because I believe we shouldn’t waste another moment’s time, and to convene this very important meeting where the first thing I will do after introducing myself is explain this very important piece of information.
The test “common herd” group were made up of people just like you who still have to work hard to make ends meet as well as multi-billionaire Captains of Industry like the one I met with here in San Diego back on September 7, just 9 days after Ernest Rady who you can easily check out on Google, celebrated his 80th birthday.
I can also tell you categorically that Ernest was firing far better than you.
There are several reasons for that.
First Ernest works a regular 5 day week and nor does have any chores to speak of around the house.
Second, he only helps prepare meals when he feels like there is a need for more bonding with his wife which I think is as good as it gets for an 80 year old, above average healthy male.
Third, he plays golf whenever he wants and if he has difficulty getting a teeoff time the golf club knows to bump the next group of golfers.
Fourth, if Ernest chose not to fly first class, instead to buy a fleet of the most advanced Lear Jets, he would be able to do that and at the same time afford to fuel up all the aircraft and hire the appropriate staff including pilot and co-pilot with at least two other pilots on 24/7 standby.
Fifth, Ernest does not need to worry about money which he only concerns himself with in order to “keep score”.
Sixth, Ernest has mitigated his risk of corrupt medical doctors by having the local medical doctors jockey for position for their handouts.
There are probably several other important factors that I have left out which allow Ernest to not be as distracted as you.
I also let Ernest know after our nearly an hour meeting which was in many ways just as funny as our first meeting back in 1980 which was in fact the funniest meeting I have ever had “one on one”, that he may not have fully mitigated his risk of ensuring that he and his wife get the best medical care possible should they take ill.
That is not what caused very worldly Ernest Rady to fall apart. It was simply The D I book which he hadn’t heard about; at least that is what he told me.
It is very possible that he had read this most revealing book but was wanting to hear my take on it in a “face to face” meeting.
The study with these very carefully selected “puppets” that I saw Harry Oppenheimer conduct during my year long orientation and which very likely he initiated because of my good questions, showed that the “listeners” such as yourself became passive aggressive when not also distracting.
I am not saying that Ernest Rady is in as good a health as me or that his wife who I have never met is in as good a health as my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion.
They cannot possibly be given how we are 2 decades younger and Marie and I pay far more attention to what we eat than does Ernest and his wife.
Ernest Rady today has far more at stake than you. He has an empire to protect; and he also knows how quickly one can lose pretty much everything.
You can see, because it is still in San Diego’s most read newspapers online, that a decade or so ago he went to an ATM and his card was rejected for insufficient funds.
Rady was a multi-billionaire when I first met him in 1980 and soon after that first meeting he invited me to play a round of golf with him and that is one of the ways to learn a lot about a human’s character but not nearly as much as when eating a meal.
My table manners are as impeccable as my politeness when conversing in person or electronically such as we are now doing.
The fact that I don’t take any bullshit means that those who are throwing crap at me and hoping that at least some of it will stick are the assholes, and they deserve returning as cancerous cells of the colon belonging to self-indulgent full of themselves humans and nor does it take death for the cancer cells to migrate to the deserving individual; at least that is my belief system.
You have heard that you are not only what you last ate but the company you keep.
One of the ways I recommend people should do when not able to avoid time stealers and energy vampires because they are constantly assigned to us as we cannot possibly be engaged when trying to be an island unto oneself, is to focus on their positive attributes and that brings out the best in them and that means they quickly move on to other things while remembering how good it felt being reminded of all the things they are doing right.
Im now going to watch a documentary on base jumping.
DEC 5TH, 12:59AM
I see that you shared a memory on your FB wall after I last wrote to you?
I didn’t think you had forgotten about me, but I do understand that it would have taken a few moments getting used to the fact that it is not only Harry Oppenheimer who listened carefully to what I have to say.
It is normal for people who are not normal to think the people at the very top are not constantly checking their research to see if there is any change in human behavior even if the research shows consistently that the human chooses denial when faced with the truths before becoming passive aggressive and distracting.
You last wrote to me, “This I understand, speak to you soon.”
How far away do you think you are from writing to those few individuals and letting each of them decide for themselves if they want to be better educated about how the real world works?
You would have expected me to be no less diligent in testing how others would react to what I wrote you going on 30 hours ago.
The white skinned people I know still remained in their skins, the same with those who have more color and the sensitivity of their skins no less than ours and very possibly those with more ancient genes are more evolved but so far no one has a lock on integrity, which appears to be a significant piece missing in our thinking which I don’t believe can be by chance.
That can all change for the good because each of us is our own person and who really enjoys being in the same room as fools.
Im going to sleep now even though I am getting responses flooding in from the huge email broadcast I began sending out earlier, the word count 3375 and the title, “You’ve got to be kidding!”
Gary, back off. I have no doubt you are well intentioned and what you say sounds viable but you do not explain anything. You talk about communication but you do not respond to the direct questions. I told what I would do and I’m about to do that. So back off until then. I will contact you then.
Im still up.
I explain everything perfectly.
I also have a great memory because my brain is not retarded from having to keep track of lies.
Again, you had moved forward by questioning the list I came up with. Nothing stopped you from coming up with the list ahead of me or simply writing to me letting me know of others you think should be invited.
It wouldn’t make sense to have the discussion about who would be on the list which is very logical since there are only a few of you directly impacted by your SG officials selling you short, unless you had all your questions answered.
It is not simply that I am well intentioned, I have the knowledge that shuts up a lot of people who thought they knew everything there was to know about government corruption and how the financial markets work.
The D I book explains everything. I just happen to know the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] even better than Epstein because Epstein didn’t have access to see how De Beers-Barclays kept control of the “common herd” by having their puppets share the knowledge, just like I have done with you, and the result with the puppets was identical, “Back off”.
There is a huge amount of violence amongst the “common herd” especially amongst the poverty stricken but their violence doesn’t touch sides with the violence of those at the top who orchestrate both the wars and the poverty on the poor throughout the world.
To avoid going around in circles, please ask me each one of your questions, but first you should go back and read very carefully our entire dialogue to make sure I haven’t already addressed your questions.
Then when I wake up in 8 hours from now, although I might sleep longer because I got in a healthy dose of invigorating exercise all thanks to the incredibly healthy food and drink I digested throughout the day, I will first study very carefully the responses to “You’ve got to be kidding” that I can assure everyone one of those on my list including Molly Forbes would be most interested in, and then I will answer whatever questions you have remaining.
DEC 5TH, 12:04PM
Subject: Would you be any better [Word count 2584]
You would expect that someone who has resisted so well the extraordinary power and influence of the masters of the “common herd” has heard it all from the “working man” coming to terms very late in life about how little they know about local, regional and national government affairs, which means they don’t know themselves.
You only know yourself from how others interact with you including your spouse, trusted as well as not trusted family members, friends, business colleagues and acquaintances.Your positioning within your community no matter if it is tiny, just you and your spouse or whether it is as large as the “world stage” that Donald Trump now sits is related to what you contribute.If you are a mute but you provide a physical presence such as chopping wood and delivering the wood to those too busy doing other things or simply they are themselves not physically able to do such a demanding job, you are less likely to be passive aggressive towards someone such as myself.That is because a mute does not talk and therefore they never engage in discussions of the HEMP [history, economics, military & politics] which the common herd have always believed that at the center of it all is the money which they don’t question because they have been brainwashed with lies as well as the visual on the currency, IN GOD WE TRUST.It is in fact the irreligious who suffer the most from this “rude awakening” because the irreligious scoff at the religious who are seen as weak minded, human sheep, seeking a crutch and never standing up for themselves while embroiled in scripture talk which is not only endless but subject to interpretation by everyone; and the one with the “gift of the gab” gets the largest audience and nor is it important what they have to say.Sound familiar?It is familiar because that is exactly how the irreligious behave on the subjects they believe they are most expert about because they read the newspapers, listen to their neighbors, watch the TV news where the people sound so credible talking about their own personal fears and aspirations and when they do wrong they all sound so sincere in their guilty plea, “We are mere mortals; no man is without sin”.
The more religious one is the less one engages in talk about “world affairs” but that still does not make for interesting conversation because it is difficult to have a conversation with someone who you cannot understand because there is no “centerpiece”, no beginning or ending and it all coming back to having “faith”.I haven’t been discussing religion with you, not even close.
Your last 58 words, “Gary, back off. I have no doubt you are well intentioned and what you say sounds viable but you do not explain anything. You talk about communication but you do not respond to the direct questions. I told what I would do and I’m about to do that. So back off until then. I will contact you then” contained in the second sentence the most extraordinary contradiction I have ever encountered.That’s right. You only wrote 58 words and right after your growl, “Gary, back off” which is exactly what I described when De Beers-Barclays‘ puppet apostles went forth into the common herd to gauge their competition and came away relieved that they had nothing to fear; and so did godly De Beers-Barclays feel safe and secure, you produce the biggest piece of crap.It reads very similar to Genesis, the First Book of Moses.
Before you typed, “what you say sounds viable but you do not explain anything” you must have had a goal unless your objective was simply to say whatever it took to put me on the defensive which is what passive aggressive people do consistently.
You couldn’t have felt good about yourself when you finished writing those 11 odd words, which sound something like what Donald Trump would say as Trump is known to contradict himself regularly while attributing his insults on the opposition to others and all he is doing is being honest in telling it the way it is; and the people who love him, lap it up, and the people who detest him, feel their blood boiling; all the while Trump has the wife who knows that if she steps out of line her replacement is already in place and Trump when traveling in the future will have less officials such as customs officials to deal with than he had when flying in his own plane when of course it has been a long time since Trump stood in those long lines when entering a country and having to shuffle along with the common herd.Now as President and later former President it is going to be that much smoother sailing unless he gets sick and then he looks at the rest of you and still he wouldn’t want to change places because you are limited in how much you can change your lifestyles by your limited wealth whereas with just one click of his fingers he can buy himself a most magnificent secluded mansion with brand new staff, new decor that reminds him nothing of the past and a bunch of girlfriends surrounding him rather than one wife.Trump is living the dream life of the bachelor only because you and the group I name were misguided by your own very poor read of the HEMP.
Your words should be much more congratulatory and clear in thanking me who is not someone who needs to be pleased and surrounded by a bunch of cheerleaders.You know exactly what I am talking about and how you have failed yourself rather than me.I embarked when first contacting you to educate you and I have done a magnificent job because you cannot fault me and your words, “what you say sounds viable but you do not explain anything” prove it conclusively.You all say that Trump is very much into himself. Nothing that I have seen or heard leads me to believe that Trump is trying to give a different impression other than he wants you all to believe that “money is king, and bullshit walks”.
Nor does Trump get too bothered when he doesn’t get the wording perfect because he is living the life that even a few years back he couldn’t imagine.
The way I see it, it is you and your group of protestors who are most responsible for Trump being President unless you believe that none of our votes count.But our votes do count.The problem is that the people we elect once getting into office do what they are told will serve their best interest such as personal wealth, jobs after office and careers for their children including being interned like Obama’s daughters with Weinstein The Swine.I did not approach you with the mission of me entertaining you with comic relief or you demonstrating to me that you have a good sense of humor.I have been very much on point but when you drift, I know better than to remain in a fixed position.Were we playing chess then that would be a different story altogether because both of us would be restricted to the board and the set movements of each piece.When I wrote you that first paragraph, “Would you expect De Beers-Barclays to have their puppets test out on their ‘common herd’ ..” it was perfectly clear, but still I persevered and proceeded to explain it perfectly and giving you real world examples.You were dumbfounded as is everyone.
What you probably haven’t yet thought about is how Donald Trump and his sons and daughters would react to your reaction?
Donald Trump has never thought of himself as a puppet, at least not until reading The D I book or hearing about what I have to say.Given how it is only me and President Putin who has publicized Putin’s photo of himself with Nick Oppenheimer, you would expect Putin to know everything there is to know about me.With that said, do you think Putin in his private conversations with Trump would bring up that photo as well as why it is that I am the only other person on the planet bringing attention to the most important photo ever taken?Putin understood before he had his photographer shoot the many shots that were taken on that day, what he wanted to achieve and so he chose very carefully the one which cried out the message, “You’ve got to be kidding”.You are 53.
If you were add up how many words you have spoken to others about the HEMP as well as how many times you have thought quietly to yourself about the HEMP along with the faces you have pulled expressing your frustrations at the stupidity of everyone while thinking that you are definitely much smarter than all those stupid, it could be as much as quarter if not a whole lot more of all your waking moments and knowing that what you dream is significantly influenced by what takes place during your conscious moments.
You also know that were it not for me, if you lived to 120 you probably wouldn’t be any the wiser because you can see how everyone wants to keep a lid on the information.
I knew I was right when beginning my 24 year silence and reconciled that I might never see fit to expose the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] because it would take nothing less than than the light speed Internet to get everyone on to the same page.I know that I could have had an incredibly interesting, most funny meeting with Trump had I when I was in New York City which was very often just picked up the phone and told his personal assistant the truth:
My name is Gary Gevisser. My immediate family were in business with American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who inherited from his father of the same name, Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation that was first headquartered in Newark, New Jersey and Engelhard chose our family to invest in because we were the largest and most successful international wholesale trading company headquartered in mineral rich South Africa. I used to work for a sister corporation of Engelhard’s, De Beers here in New York City. This company Codiam Inc. are still around today and remain in their same headquarters on 47th Street. What distinguishes Codiam from all the other great many diamond merchants spread throughout the globe is that Codiam is a “site holder”. I very much doubt Mr. Trump has ever sat down with a principal of a “site holder” and if he did, it is highly unlikely Mr. Trump would be told where he should go to get his lowest cost of capital.
Those 161 words, I could have spoken in one shot without losing his PA’s interest for a single moment. My decision on how best to reveal that information of gargantuan importance would have been based on my gauge of the PA’s intellect which is part and parcel of her attention span.I would also expect Donald Trump to choose a female as his PA and one who is both beautiful or at least well above average in looks and super bright.
Were she to have interrupted me at any point, I would have interpreted that interruption as her wanting to see if she could throw me off; and it wouldn’t fluster me given how well I know this most important subject matter.
My conversation with Trump would have been much shorter because I would have begun, “I think you would want to meet with me in person rather talk further on the phone.”Besides for chicks and eating the highest quality food money can buy, the only thing that drives Trump is how to get his hands on more money.Even if he hadn’t heard the word “site holder” before he knows how to Tweet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sightholderand you will notice that as of 2013 the number of site holders had dwindled down to about 90 which is up from 79 as of December 31, 2007 versus around 250 back when I was working for them.
Nor should it bother you that Codiam Inc. are no longer on the list as it would not bother Trump.
You will notice that Lazare Kaplan International Inc. (LKI) is still on the list and its chairman Maurice Tempelsman is not yet 6 feet under.
These are the principal puppets of De Beers-Barclays and they do their job very well or they are out; and once out they have to grovel with the other site holders and if anyone decides they are going to start speaking out they can expect only the silent treatment from the world’s judiciary.
This I anticipated.
What I didn’t quite expect was the “common herd” weighing in so strongly in support of tyrannical rule.
While the common herd don’t like that designation it remains very accurate and it is first described in modern day times in the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 and which only began being talked about by Charles Lindbergh Sr during his term as a US Congress between 1907 and 1917.
As you read it, it becomes increasingly clear that it is written by a very astute writer who could easily have been Lindbergh himself as much as he protested the government getting into the banking business.
I have been told often “Get out of the way” since deciding the time was right to speak out given the emergence of the Internet that no one, including De Beers-Barclays anticipated.
As I began typing this I heard on an Internet music channel a song where at the tail end the singer says, “Blessed are the Superstars, you can only really own what you give away like your pain” and then the Internet connection was cut.
You can say until the cows come home that this is too long, but you are only fooling yourself.
It is very much on point as was the 1230 words I sent you which had you quiet followed by the growl and a contradiction which you know would have Trump smiling.
I didn’t attempt to reach Trump because while I knew for certain he would take a meeting with me, he would find someone like Putin to make the introductions to Nick Oppenheimer.
Trump’s favorite daughter was very much a part of the DIG and once you are in, you are always in, unless you screw up.
Trump only appears to have screwed up with you folks and nor has he suffered much; perhaps just a bruised ego that he hasn’t yet been able to get everything that he hoped for.
Trump before deciding to run for President was as close as it gets to getting “free money” but he wasn’t quite there, otherwise he would have let someone like Hillary Clinton be such a visible puppet.
So you have to ask yourself; if you had Trump’s money and power would you be any better?
I will now include you in the blind copy section of a woman who could be your age or even 20 years older, but who doesn’t quite know what to do after contradicting herself horribly.
Sightholder – Wikipedia
A Sightholder is a company on the De Beers Global Sightholder Sales’s (DBGSS) list of authorized bulk purchasers of rough diamonds. DBGSS is controlled by the De Beers Group, the largest producer and purveyor of rough diamonds in the world. DBGSS was previously known as DTC (Diamond Trading Company)…
DEC 6TH, 12:40PM
It is time.
DEC 6TH, 3:51PM
Are you clued into the group discussion?
DEC 7TH, 1:40AM
Gary, you haven’t listened to what I said. I have things I need to do as well as read and re read the DI book which I am going to do. exactly as I said. Being continually harangued by your diatribes do not help and in fact, hinder. As such I will not respond to you again until such time as I have reread the DI book and your comments to date. I will be back in touch one way or another. Do Not contact me in the interim period.