Help Us Help You
People wonder what they can do to change things. You can help by exposing international trafficking of diamonds while safeguarding the remaining rights and privileges of the next generation aware that saving the world requires exposing the rot and the corrupt.
Informationof money laundering activities by the DAAC (DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel) may be invaluable in establishing the nefarious relationship between untraceable currency, real estate development, and overpopulation []
The decision by the United States Government in 1933 making it illegal to own gold played right into the hands of the DAAC. Unlimited supply of diamonds replacing gold as currency to-get-her with Madison Avenue continues to keeping the poor and downtrodden constantly on the edge as the mainstream media fails to broadcast Chapter 18 of The Diamond Invention, The American Conspiracy, an eyesore of epic proportions.
Customs agents could do with your support in getting their supervisors to open their eyes; Diamonds are lightweight and difficult to evaluate, yet readily available to those with money power. This in turn, makes it the most acceptable medium of exchange when dealing with corrupt government officials.
Make a difference and stop the illegal trafficking of diamonds: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” The time has come to blossom and speak out.
If you have any information, we need it. We will use it for the overall good.
I can be reached at
Gary S. Gevisser
A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There
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