Disgrace – Re: Hotter
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Disgrace – Re: Hotter
Date: December 29, 2017 at 3:34:45 PM PST
To: “Geoffrey.ROTHWELL” <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL>
I followed your train of thought on everything but this “fetishizing” because even if it is related to the word “fetish” it makes no sense to me other than it serves to minimize the disgrace, intellectually and morally, of the GDP index.
Let me ask you, do you think Trump knows about the gross absurdity of the GDP index; second, do you think he would have by now read The Diamond Invention book; and third, what he would learn from it?
On Dec 29, 2017, at 1:54 PM, <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org> <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org> wrote:Gary,Here is another thing about economics that is not well known.Adam Smith stated, but never proved, that the wealth of nations was derived from trade: each nation produced what they could best produce and traded it with other nations.But what was the basis of wealth in Smith’s England: the “Triangle Trade” whereby England produced cloth which it traded with other nations, such as its colonies in Africa, where it captured Africans and sold to plantation owners in the Southern US, where they picked up cotton to take back to their mills in Manchester, where they would pick up cloth and around it would go, creating wealth.But slavery had no place in liberal economics, or in the creation of wealth, so instead of discussing wealth neo-liberal economists one century after Adam Smith, focused attention on income and the questions related to wealth accumulation were put aside to focus on income, formalized as Gross National (or Domestic) Product one half century later by the colleagues of Keynes.So those people you refer to as fetishizing about GDP, are also overlooking the source of British wealth: slavery.(Note before the Triangle Trade was in full swing, the English learned the ropes by enclosing the land in the UK and Ireland, forcing those peoples from their land so they could raise sheep for the woolen mills, then trade that cloth with other nations. Even though the Irish were not “enslaved” as the Africans were, the difference was barely noticed by the Irish, who are still being exploited by the English in their divided island.)Gr
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On 29 Dec 2017, at 21:52, garystevengevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote economist and FB friend Dr. Rod Smith Phd:Rod, you saw earlier what I had to say about Schneersonthat not everyone has heard [of], but you would assume if God exists then God would agree because it makes perfect sense.It doesn’t matter if no one agrees that God exists, because what I have to say about Rabbi Schneerson makes perfect sense and it is only embarrassing to all his followers because it makes perfect sense.When everyone is quiet about the deplorable GDP index it does not mean they are good people.It means they are mean, deplorable, ugly in the extreme people.If that means all humans are ugly in the extreme, hypocrites from start to finish, and they want to all appear as nice and smart and with great sense of humors then it simply means the species is horribly flawed from the very start.So why would a Master Designer go on knowing that no good can come out of this systemically rotten creation other than beating down on the poor until there are no poor remaining and then future generations of the survivors applaud themselves as proof of the evolution of the human personality having finally brought civilization and humanity?Forget where is the evidence that civilization brought beauty to nature, you cannot find a shred of evidence of humanity.With that said, below are my last writings to Israeli lawyer Gonen Ben Itzhak from under the shade on the hottest day I’ve ever experienced this late in December in the northern hemisphere:Just wrote Tomer:You should watch KIDS FOR CASH and see how individuals profit from incarcerating children.
If there wasn’t profit there wouldn’t be crimes against the children.
One group who corrupted all of you decide on the profit and you all just sit back and do nothing but cheer them along.
How come you cannot see all the physical as well genius programming of nature and with the human it is only ugliness from start to finish?
Not every newborn is beautiful because they are mostly not so beautiful and few end up beautiful looking, but nor do they show wisdom in their old age, just grumpiness that the youth want to stay as far away from as their poor attitude in not being able to keep up with the full of energy young does not add to their not so beautiful looks.
With man so opposite in his looks to perfect nature that adapts perfectly to all man’s ugliness, doesn’t that perfect the ultimate design?
Can you think of any good man has done for the planet as it keeps adding junk into outerspace to help man continuing to explore?
What could we possibly teach another species when we cant even acknowledge when we have got the money all wrong?
Amazing that we have the words, Money is the root of all evil as if when those words were created they had a premonition of the DIG which came much later.
All it takes is one human to break this chain of human ugliness and then what would you all do with your time given how so used to you are watching the same news on TV being repeated?
You can see all your children watching that much more TV and getting even dumber.
Why would you even bother talking to your children knowing that it won’t change their behavior and risk them turning on you were they to ever find out the truth by them or their friends coming across my writings on the Internet.
Don’t u just love how no one has commented on my last written posting on Fb, “SHORT-SIGHTED BY DESIGN” (SIC).
Only an ingenious designer of everything could have everyone trying to hide the secrets of the DIG that they know are no longer hidden, and not wanting to offer a better solution than the rigging of all the markets.
Why would you bother living, just to eat another meal and fear that someone announces that they are not going to ruled by people who have bribed their way into power.Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone