Don’t be in too much of a hurry – Fwd: Little history – Re: Old Acre Sea-Side Suite – contact request
From: Gary S. Gevisser + Marie Dion
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 10:10 PM
Subject: Don’t be in too much of a hurry – Fwd: Little history – Re: Old Acre Sea-Side Suite – contact request
To: Old Acre Vacation <oldacrevacation>
Cc: rest; VS-AIRPORT <VS-AIRPORT>, Hospital Veterinario Aitana <info>, margavilina, Tuvia Friling – Ben Gurion University Beersheba Negev Desert Israel <friling>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec>, Jerusalem Post <letters>, Editor-shanghai daily <editor>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard <lfugard>, “Deborah Sturman Esq – Inspired by Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman, played pivotal role in collecting billions of $ from remnants of Germany’s military machine during WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to the home of the German-South African Oppenheimer clan whose Lloyds of London Insurance have never once attempted to hide that they are the money launderers or money launderers, and figured the common herd would think themselves too smart to have it all smack in their faces.” <info>, Zehava Geva <zehavageva>, stefan.keller, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild>, “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama” <ravfunnye>, Keisha Whitaker <kbabies1>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” <devinstandard>, Edward Jay Epstein – Author of The Diamond Invention <edepstein>, “Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. – shareholder class action litigator [SCAL] – Finkelstein & Krinsk” <jrk>
Ayelet, you will recall me mentioning earlier today that upon departing Israel after my 4 month ulpan at Ben-Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker in late December 1972, and returning to my birth country of South Africa, former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declared, “Don’t be in too much of a hurry to make Aliyah”.
For non-Hebrew speaking people Aliyah is the “right of return” for all Jewish people in the diaspora to come and live in Israel, also known as the Land of Milk and Honey; but back then the people thought incorrectly that milk does the body good.
Not to mention, you should have received your copy of my response to the Vet here in Spain titled, “Resolve this matter” that followed my “incredible” broadcast. [CLICK HERE]
Israel has most surely lost its way since the passing of Ben-Gurion who advocated the Kibbutz meritorious sharing of resources including human labor, not because he didn’t understand the capitalist, producing money out of thin air, system because he as well as his partner, equally highly logical South African Prime Minister Jan Christian Smuts understood perfectly the corrupt money-diamond system which created Nazi Germany who succeeded in wiping out the best half of European Jewry.
How could Israel not take care of its poor as Tel-Aviv’s shanty town continues its expansion and the stupid rabbis debate endlessly how they can get their share of the graft-spoils of oil wars?
If you are too busy building your fat diseased TALKATIVE cells, how can you possibly do the right thing and take care of the poor?
The country is going to the dogs!
It’s just money and all my time I have spent preparing for this trip.
We have government regulators up the kazoo starting in the US who have stamped, dated, stamped, dated, stamped ad-infinitum all the documents supporting that Mango is rabies and disease free and these yoyos in Israel are not satisfied; and boy do they derive great satisfaction in typing in red, bold and underline print.
When America’s number one shareholder class action litigator [SCAL] Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who is as close to US Secretary of State John F. Kerry as it gets without sleeping with him in the same bed, said, “I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority; i.e. evil does not come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork”, he was not thinking it would best pertain to this future heavily broadcasted communique.
If you can do anything to knock sense into these government officials without standing in front of the Wailing-Western Wall, and the rocking back and forth creating shockwaves causing it to fall like the walls of Jerico, please do your best and if your best is not possible, please pray for a miracle because we are not leaving Mango behind.
D-Money Lie continues.
Gary S. Gevisser
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: GSG + MD
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 8:37 PM
Subject: Incredible – Re: Fwd:
Cc: rest; Hospital Veterinario Aitana <>, Old Acre Vacation <>,, Tuvia Friling – Ben Gurion University Beersheba Negev Desert Israel <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Jerusalem Post <>, Editor-shanghai daily <>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq – Inspired by Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman, played pivotal role in collecting billions of $ from remnants of Germany’s military machine during WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to the home of the German-South African Oppenheimer clan whose Lloyds of London Insurance have never once attempted to hide that they are the money launderers or money launderers, and figured the common herd would think themselves too smart to have it all smack in their faces.” <>, Zehava Geva <>,
This is more than a little expensive refusal.
The Vet, who is copied, told us that they are a government approved vet.
Second, we have rabies vaccine certificates for Mango that go back years with no interruption, and we have the tither test that we sent you previously. You didn’t say that we still had to have a specific “blood tither”; not to mention, the tither certificate we got in France was a government laboratory.
To tell you that there is more than a high probability that no single Israeli is healthier than Mango, including you, will probably only have you digging your heels in that much more.
It is sickening that you government regulators could be so used and abused to distract.
Is there a higher authority that we can address?
Not to mention we have made all our reservations and paid for most including the airfare, twice actually.
It seems that it is not meant to be that we travel to Israel 🙁
What a shame!
The fact that you require that we submit all this stuff NO MORE THAN 2 DAYS BEFORE TRAVEL gives no room to resolve; and you cannot have this “blood titer” done in two days, and it was done according to your rules; and logic tells you that if my dog was vaccinated for rabies since birth, he is not carrying the disease!
Now of course logic does not always work!
What a way to end a most delightful day.
Happy New Year!
Incredible! What are we supposed to do in this world!!! World of nonsense.
On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 3:30 PM, VS-AIRPORT <> wrote:
It is very important …
It mast to be a government stamp on the health certificate,
Stamp that you have is not a government veterinarian,
See section 3 on the attached guidelines in English…,
Also rabies blood test [which I don’t see]have to be domiciled in the health certificate,
Currently there are no approval to fly the dog to Israel. [Last 8 words written bold red ink.]
Import & Export veterinary inspector
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ben-Gurion airport
Tel: 972-3-9792240 Fax: 972-3-9772033
From: GSG + MD
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2014 12:43 PM
Subject: Fwd:
Uri – we are at the Vet in Spain. He has done his examination of very healthy, full of life Mango 🙂
Unfortunately their fax machine is broken.
I have taken photos of the documents. There are about 8. We are hoping that forwarding them to you will be sufficient, otherwise we will try and find a fax service before we leave for Israel on Sunday.
Thank you,
———- Forwarded message —————
From:GSG +MD
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 11:36 AM
To: Marie Dion Gevisser <>
Sent from Samsung Mobile
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: GSG + MD
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 11:16 AM
Subject: Little history – Re: Old Acre Sea-Side Suite – contact request
To: איילת <>
Cc: bee
Ayelet,good morning. Will you be in Tel-Aviv on Dec 29, perhaps we can meet for a coffee as we arrive very early in the morning and have “time to kill” 🙂
BTW, how many shekels did Paypal give you for the $100? Would you prefer we pay you in shekels or US Dollars. I think you can reverse out the Paypal were we to pay you in cash and this way all the high commissions are cut out.
While I am mostly a “potted plant” at a fairly important meeting going on here in Valencia, Spain and I won’t bore you with the details :), I did a Google Search and saw this exhibition you put on for Hayim Nahman Bialik who apparently emigrated to Israel in 1924; not to mention 2 years later the “father” of the Royal Air Force, South African Air Force and Israel Air Force, South Africa Prime Minister, General Jan Christian Smuts [1870-1950] published his groundbreaking, Holism & Evolution which resulted in Einstein commenting, “Smuts is one of 11 men who understands conceptually the Theory of Relativity.”
That may be the question, “What about the women, aside from Einstein’s first wife?”, but far more importantly, at least in terms of the true history of modern day Israel with the most extraordinary ties to mineral rich South Africa, and which extraordinarily few South Africans know the first thing about, is how was it possible for Smuts, who was the best friend Israel ever had, to have been written so very quickly out of the history books?
Not to mention, Nancy Spielberg, backed by her brother Steven has recently released a movie-documentary, Above and Beyond about the formation-origins of the Israel Air Force. It is no less distracting than Schindler’s list. How would I know? Common sense tells you everything you need to know once you have a little knowledge about the true history of World War II which was all about quietening the most curious peoples; namely us Jewish people who were first taught to ask a lot of questions, starting with the 4 Passover questions. Above and Beyond is not the only Hollywood movie-documentary that presents America as the hero of World War II even though we all know how long it took for America to enter World War II while giving Hitler more than a little encouragement with returning the ship St. Louis to Germany in June 1939. [Don’t scroll down if you want to avoid a shocker 🙂 – the truth though, does set you free.]
To mention little of two years after Smuts’ death on September 11, 1950, 51 years to the day prior to 9/11, his younger son of the same name published Smuts’ most important biography. There was a British and American edition which were almost identical in every respect, starting with the same photo of Smuts on both covers; the one had the photo on the front cover and the other on the back.
To mention in passing; one most important detail that was removed from the American edition but remains in the British edition detailed a trip Smuts took in mid-July 1939 to the Belgian Congo alongside head of the virulent anti-Semetic/anti-Israel banking-mining consortium DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who was fully aware that his organization was supplying Hitler with his critically needed diamonds out of the Belgian Congo – read chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER of The Diamond Invention book available free online – and to make matters worse, assuming one could think of anything worse, Oppenheimer-DeBeers were using the “do gooder” Red Cross to smuggle the diamonds to Hitler.
When you look at both books side by side, and which I have many times because I have a copy of both, it should have a chill going up your spine given how conclusive is the truth that Hitler was a puppet and his willingness to be a pawn does not change the fact that the main perpetrators of our Jewish Holocaust have never been brought to justice.
You will find there are others besides for me who know how much Ben-Gurion appreciated Smuts starting with those who decided in 1937 to honor Smuts when naming Kibbutz Yonatan, where Yitzhak Rabin got his Palmach training, after Smuts who was my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser and his wingman, Syd Cohen’s Commanding Officer; and no surprise that Captain Cohen who I visited with frequently with prior to going on Ulpan at Ben-Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker in the last third of 1972, went on to command Israel’s only fighter squadron Squadron 101 to victory in the War of Independence, following the death of the first commander, Modi Alon on December 16, 1948, 6 days after my parents’ spectacularly distracting wedding in Durban, South Africa, which was coincidentally the same day that Smuts’ eldest son Japie died after a 24 hour illness.
It wouldn’t it be great if you were to put on exhibition for Smuts in anticipation of my forthcoming book D-Money Lie; bearing in mind that when I parted company with Ben-Gurion for the last time just before returning to South Africa in late December 1972 and he said, “Don’t be in too much of a hurry to make Aliyah!”, I was unaware that within 7 years I would be officially working for DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation at their most important money laundering and intelligence gathering site holder on US soil.
It makes like a great James Bond spy story right?
All the best,
Ps – the attached photos are of the front and back of a photo of my dad and Syd Cohen taken in northern Italy in late December 1944, and it is my dad’s writing on the back.
On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 7:06 AM, איילת <> wrote:
Dear Maria and Gary
Thank you for your down payment
Of 100 dollars
The rest of the payment 1200 Nis- will be
Payed upon arrival.
BTW my name is
Ayelet Bitan Shlonsky – you can
Google that….(:
I run 2 museums in Tel-Aviv and will
Be glad to make you a tour (:
Best Regards
נשלח מה-iPhone של
איילת ביתן שלונסקי
ב-25 בדצמ 2014, בשעה 20:54, GSG + MD> כתב/ה:
Ayelet shalom,
I just sent you $100 via paypal.
BTW, when I said on the phone that I had read a little about you, I thought you were this Ayelet
who I came across when doing a Google Search of your space. I apologize.[But if you are close to Netanyahu or any member of his cabinet, I have 2 days open on this trip 🙂 – Jan 2 and 3rd.]
Looking forward to our visit.
On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Old Acre Vacation <> wrote:
Dear Gary
It was very nice talking to you yesturday (:
Thank you for your reservation on my vacation rental and Most Welcome (:
The Beautiful Suite is reserved for you between 5-7 January, 2015.
Check in: Monday 5 Jan. – from 15:00
Check out: Wednesday 7 Jan – till 11:00
As you could see, the suite is extremely beautiful and uniquely designed : The only terrace Suite in Old Akko located first line to the sea. More than that, Old Acre is a very comfortable base for trips in the whole Galilee of Israel: Tibiria, Nazareth, Haifa exc.
Highly recommended – not to miss the sun sets from the balcony – in front of the amazing sea (:
Parking is usually available in front of the suite or neer by – free from charge
A small grocery is just at the first floor of the same building of the Suite – with all you might need.
The Suite is located on the second floor (aroud 40 steirs)
Besides- the beautiful market of the old city is just behind the Suite – 5 min. walk
History – all the amazing historical sits are by walking distant.
The total price for 2 night (2 guests) is 1600 NIS
The rest – 1300 Nis will be payed in cash (Nis pls) upon arrival.
Here is some information about the Suite and how to get their:
The address of Old Acre Suite is Hahagana 48, Old Akko, and you should ask for Mr. Aiman Asadi. In Hebrew you can ask for MAKOLET ASSADI (Assadi’s grocery)
You can reach him via tel. no. 04-955-1303 at the same address.
Asadi family has a small grocery shop on the first floor of the same house as the Suite, and they also take care of it’s maintenance.
You will pay and get the keys of the Suite from Mr. Aiman Assadi, who can also show you how the suite functions (hot water, T.V, balcony mattresses etc.).They are very kind people, always ready to help, should you need it.
The Suite has 1 bedroom with a very comfortable king size bed, and 1 living room
In the Suite you have two T.V, radio-tape, WIFI-(the WIFI code is amir0852)
and brochures of historical sites and tourist attractions in Akko.
In the kitchen you will find some coffee, tea, sugar, olive oil…,
Some great restaurants I recommend:
Uri Buri – fish restaurant close to the house – special fusion/western – good also for celebrations
Jarchi – fish restaurant close to the port – simple, local and good
Hummus – in the market: Said or Shamsia – local and good
Their is also a very good ice cream close to the Suite- called EINDOMELA. Try it, it’s FANTASTIC
Another very recommended place is the renovated HAMAM (Turkish Bath) that opened a few month ago – close to URI BURI restaurant. I’ve heared from my guests that it’s great (:
I am in Tel-Aviv and my cell no. is 0545398761. Please feel free to forward any additional questions, either by email or by phone.
Pls confirm that you got my mail
Thanks again for your reservation
I’m hear for you any time by phone\mail
Ayelet Bitan Shlonsky
On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 10:44 PM, Gary Gevisser – 858XXXX<> wrote:
Name: Gary Gevisser
Mobile Number: 858XXXXX
Message Body:
Shalom Ayelet.
This is Gary.
To confirm the dates of Jan 5 and 6.
Please give me your paypal email account so I can send you the deposit.
Looking forward to this important journey 🙂