Dormant case – Zena Gevisser Zulman – Part 1
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Fwd: Dormant case – Zena Gevisser Zulman – Part 1
Date: August 23, 2017 at 8:00:42 PM PDT
To: Oren Weinberg <oren>
Begin forwarded message:
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Dormant case – Zena Gevisser Zulman – Part 1
Date: June 24, 2017 at 12:09:46 AM PDT
To: Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <pniyot>
Judge Greenvald-Rand,
I would like to reopen this case as you mentioned I had the right to do on October 5 of last year. Please let me know what is required.
It is so evil, it is hard to put into words.
The hyperlink above takes you to a video I took of my mother Zena on the morning of Sunday, September 25 interacting with insensitive Israeli lawyer, Ayala Weisel who you had appointed as my mother’s guardian 10 days before, September 15.
I placed it up on Youtube on May 29, one day before my mother’s 88th birthday; and how terrible that I couldn’t even speak with my mother to wish her happy birthday given how they have disconnected the phone.
As you know on September 22, 3 days before Weisel revealed her true colors and you notice that my mother Zena never smiled while responding so brightly and finally dismissing Weisel, “Have a good day”, my mother revealed everything about how much she loves me because I make her “feel important” while using her clear voice, body language and most brilliant articulation of the English language to explain that my 3 elder siblings were “too busy” to care.
Bear in mind that it is my beautiful mother Zena who is paying Weisel’s way, the same with the caregiver Mary Lou who will say anything to please those who pay her.
Let’s look at the dialogue between Weisel and my mother Zena on March 25, just minutes after the first police invasion into my mother’s apartment in Netanya; and the second you will recall took place at 1:30AM, Tuesday, September 27, with no thought to my mother being woken up from a dead sleep:
Weisel: Zed you shouldn’t go anywhere without Mary Lou. I am your guardian, you know that; and I care for you, so make sure you are protected not go… you need Mary Lou to be with you okay. Is it good for you?
Zena: Yes, but you are not my guardian.
Weisel: Yes I am. You don’t know it.
Zena: God is my guardian
Weisel: And God and here I am, you are right.
Zena: Have a good day
To this day, we cannot see what justified this complete lack of civility. A police invasion during the graveyard shift. It is totally barbaric. It is what the Nazis did during the war.
Note how mocking is Weisel of my mother, “You don’t know it”, as Weisel laughs.
When Weisel “let slip” she did not know that her legacy was now being recorded for eternity.
“UN bon juge est celui qui a acquis une connaissance de l’injustice” – PLATON; La republique-iv 4eme siècle avantJ-C
Google does a good job of translating Plato’s words from the 4th Century BCE: “A good judge is he who has acquired knowledge of injustice.”
In my humble and seasoned opinion, there has never been a case of greater injustice.
The evidence of malfeasance is overwhelming against Weisel and my 3 elder siblings and of course there are others who have profited from this grave miscarriage of justice.
Nor am I afraid to put it all out there because I am fighting for my mother’s life and it doesn’t matter if the people are not moved. The people only move when it affects them personally and nor are they willing to stick their necks if it means helping me bring attention to the manipulation of the money and the wars that are needed to cover up this misdeed of the highest order.
My forthcoming book, detailing the recklessness of my former employer De Beers-Barclays is fast drawing to completion, and yes I will be naming names while leaving the reader with the most optimistic view of the future because nothing apart from “The Hand of God” can explain man’s stupidity in not wanting to see all the chaos and bloodshed that mostly negatively impacts the poor of the world, including poor Israelis, end.
Nor would I be so foolish as to wait for a publisher including an Internet publisher to get the information out.
Moreover, I have the knowledge that the State of Israel should have used going back decades to end all anti-Semitism, and if I have the knowledge that is publicly available so should you and every other Jewish person in the world, and yet it remains hidden to the masses who hate us Jewish people with very few exceptions.
If you would like to be the first to hear my explanation, now would be a good time, otherwise you will be hearing it after others have woken up and the feelings you will have won’t necessarily have you liking yourself that much more.
My 3 siblings make it impossible for me to add them to my group chats on Facebook including FORGETFULNESS and REASON FOR BEING HERE because my 2 eldest, Kathy and Neil have disabled their Facebooks and my middle brother Melvin has blocked me. Yes, they continue to hide because they know they have done wrong and that also means they are incapable of defending themselves which is why they never showed up to court on October 5.
I have, however, added their spouses and ex spouse of Melvin along with Weisel; and so Weisel is seeing far more than you, but she is counting on you to help stop me dead in my tracks.
Yes, at the present time, the entire world has not seen this injustice, but it is very early days. Time as well as truth is on my side, and all I need is God and my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and our world traveler dog Mango with the one of a kind beautiful eyes.
Nor does it matter if the whole world doesn’t react. I am only speaking to you at this time.
I will make all this public and be relentless; and it won’t stop with my mother’s death. Everyone who has been complicit in neglecting her wishes will deserve to be reminded of their lack of humanity.
Let this be a case for all families.
This summary which follows will be repeated in each of the parts which follow:
You should not have been so quick in judging me to defend your position, and instead act as a fair, just and kind human being first.
It is irrelevant that I hadn’t seen my mother in 14 years prior to my visit in January 2016 given how my physical absence while her second husband was alive obviously didn’t prevent my mother Zena from having such unimaginable positive feelings about me while voicing equally clearly that my 3 elder siblings were “too busy”.
That was very clear in the 9 minute and 24 second video that you saw and which visibly shook you as it should; but of course it is always easier to follow the same path.
How could you be so insensitive to the plight of an aging mother, a beautiful woman, accomplished and in such a vulnerable state.
So yes I would like this whole case to be reopened by the social services which at the time of the hearing I was not able to grasp the importance and the necessity since you made out like it was going to be a long and almost useless exercise.
My mother is the most important figure in my life that shaped who I am and I am proud of it. I fight the fight as she would if she could.
My wife Marie Dion completely supports my efforts in seeking a peaceful happiness for my mother.
You know how to reach me just as Weisel knew how to reach me well ahead of your decision to grant her such Godly powers over my mother.
Hillel – If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?
Gary S. Gevisser
2facetruth.comPS – I will be forwarding to you all the taped phone conversations with my mother Zena leading up to my visit to Israel in September last year which support conclusively all the very revealing videos I took on the trip which flipped everyone out given how they show my mother’s consistent clear wishes, and nothing close to “advanced alzheimer”.
The same with the medical report from her Israeli doctors which I only recently received and shared with the British authorities in attempting to get guardianship of my mother in the event my mother Zena returned to England.