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Mikhail Bakunin – high school dropout

Screenshot: 6:01 PM Calif. time, June 21, 2024



Mikhail Bakunin


You’re friends on Facebook

Lives in Poulsbo, Washington

September 15, 2021

9/15/21, 8:28 AM

You sent

Have you read Professor Epstein’s The Diamond Invention which details the arming of Nazi Germany?

September 15, 2021

9/15/21, 5:21 PM

Mikhail replied to you


no, but I have read this…

September 15, 2021

9/15/21, 6:20 PM

You sent

How are you able to discern?

You sent

This is how I introduce myself:

For those of you unfamiliar with me and my writings and for that you have to thank both the current and former lame membership of NSS (Name Someone Stupid) as well as my other dozen or so fb group chats-symposiums where there is a lot of cross-over membership, let me share with you how I introduced myself to former member, “Breatharian” Elitom El-amin on his website this past Sunday which resulted in him removing the block he placed on fb messaging:

We had a conversation earlier today that didn’t really allow me to introduce myself, although my wife’s words – “Lack of Knowledge, Information, Light, Energy, power to change the world, stems from people being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth” – are profound and they clearly got your attention.

My expertise is my unique knowledge of how the money is valued and awarded to those doing the most damage to the planet.

Consqeuently the concept of success is upside down.

With such knowledge would you play your part in getting the truth-logic out?


September 15, 2021

9/15/21, 8:49 PM



The only “truth-logic” people need to wrap their minds around, is that with the concept and implementation of ‘private property rights’ the human race put itself on the path of a kind of ‘Evolutionary suicide’…

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 6:04 AM

You sent

That’s no big revelation

What have you done about it?

You sent

What do you do?

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 6:53 AM

Mikhail replied to you


Perhaps not. However to abolish  ‘private property rights’, would  eliminate and rank above your need for ‘expertise of how the money is valued and awarded to those doing the most damage to the planet.’…all you are doing is addressing a symptom, of private property rights, and not the problem itself..

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 7:10 AM

You sent

Did you previously know how the money is valued?

Do you know how the money is valued?

Do you have any formal economics training, or do you just talk?

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 8:15 AM

You sent

You have now been on NSS for several minutes.

Your world view should have changed even if your ego prevents you from acknowledging; but your ego will inevitably subside altogether, just a question of time even if you first have to wait for death’s door to open.

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 6:21 PM


“Did you previously know how the money is valued?” >>>Yes.


“Do you know how the money is valued?”>>>Yes.


“Do you have any formal economics training?”>>>Not “formal”.


Nothing really ‘wrong’ with the way money is valued (setting aside examples like how the US Dollar hegemony was established)



Again for the slow kids in the class…money is not the problem, it is private property rights.

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 8:25 PM

You sent

So you are self taught?

September 16, 2021

9/16/21, 9:04 PM

Mikhail replied to you


Yes. I have read Adam Smith, Engels, Marx and a lot of Micheal Hudson.

September 17, 2021

9/17/21, 7:34 AM

You sent

Reading is not being tested.

You sent

Did you ever have a competent teacher-university professor test you ability to rationalize economic university text books?

You sent

Were you aware that the teacher of a self taught person is a fool?

You sent

Do you understand Einstein’s equation of a big ego fool?

You sent

What have learned on NSS?

September 17, 2021

9/17/21, 8:25 AM

Mikhail replied to you


Do you lack comprehension? This should be readily discernible from previous text.

Mikhail replied to you



Mikhail replied to you


That Gary Gevisser is stupid.

September 17, 2021

9/17/21, 10:38 AM

You sent

Please leave NSS so I can add a new listener who can learn from our dialogue here that I will shortly be posting on NSS as well as the BLOG just to begin with.


September 17, 2021

9/17/21, 11:08 AM

You sent

Do you prefer that I remove you from NSS?

Will you be less comforted is any of our mutual fb friends shared the same opinion as you that I’m stupid?

You sent

Can I email you a screenshot I just took of our 44 mutual fb friends?

What email should I use?

You sent

Do you get the sense that the Creator of all things including the most beautiful breeze that just passed me by is watching even your thoughts?

You sent

Do you feel you have the intelligence, sensitivity to recognize that even though you too missed the so obvious calamity of the GDP?

You sent

Are you simply too plagued with jealousy?

June 12, 2022

6/12/22, 12:34 PM

You sent

June 12, 2022

6/12/22, 12:54 PM

You sent

It always comes back to “Gary Gevisser you are crazy” and then it is just a question of time when you implode, as you are now doing.

January 29, 2023

1/29/23, 5:16 AM

You sent

Did you see my post just earlier on Steve Bailey’s fb wall:

Steven Bailey do you think people believe in God because of conditioning and loneliness?

Otherwise there would be many more suicides.

There are no mistakes. Would you agree the human is no mistake despite its overriding ugliness and stupidity?

You know that I am being kind, generous towards you when calling you “slime” or “slimy”, whatever you prefer, given how you refer to yourself as “lame” which again was to cushion your ugliness; and again that self designation was only because I had exposed you.

You have been quiet for a very long time on my fb group chat, Name Someone Stupid (NSS) and we are now well into Part 33.

You and your followers can access Parts 32 and before by checking out my blog on

What I want to see is you answering both here in response to this as well as on NSS why you remain a member of NSS along with rest?

You have less than 24 hours to answer my questions here precisely just as you have previously expressed your strong support for NOT arming Ukraine ahead of the Russian invasion with an adequate air defense system to deter Putin.

To be clear, as I have told others who have all stuck to the rule, if you so much as place a single emoji on NSS you will be immediately removed to make way for others.

Of course I will be explaining why it is that no one is leaving.

I can change my mind by removing the 24 hour timeframe, but don’t count on it.

It would be great if you would personally share this post with all our 120 fb mutual friends even if you think some if not all of them will read this and/or get a copy sent from me or others.


February 4, 2023

2/4/23, 8:46 AM



…”just as you have previously expressed your strong support for NOT arming Ukraine ahead of the Russian invasion with an adequate air defense system to deter Putin.”>>>>That is, and was the correct stance, as the invasion into Ukraine by Russia was a defensive move, not a conquest of Ukraine’s resources. Although, due to escalation by the West, a loss of those resources for Kiev, is looking likely now.

You sent

Are you still a member of NSS?

Can you tell me again, if you have already, what is your formal education and career?

February 4, 2023

2/4/23, 9:15 AM



Education: high school drop out. Career: Pipe fitter.

You sent

Well then, what can explain your formal education interfering with your learning if you have so little formal education?



What proof do you have that my learning has been interfered with?

February 5, 2023

2/5/23, 10:04 PM

You sent

How is the value of money determined?

Where did you learn it?

You sent

Just question [Word count 42]

Does anyone recall who said that all scripture of the major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the  “word of God”?

Why have the atheists been quiet for 2500 years?

Is everyone remiss, proof of God?

Mass Psychosis Of Stupidity?


Gary Gevisser


@elonmusk @WSJ Title: Just question [Word count 42] Does anyone recall who said that all scripture of the major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the “word of God”? Why have the atheists been quiet for 2500 years? Is everyone remiss, proof of God? Mass Psychosis Of Stupidity?


March 11, 2023

3/11/23, 8:01 PM

You sent

I think it is smart to provide a backup not just to you but to start with all our mutual friends:

Mikhail Bakunin

Denys is delusional.


Gary Gevisser

Mikhail Bakunin and your area of expertise?


Mikhail Bakunin

Gary Gevisser How does one become an expert, in an area?


Gary Gevisser

Mikhail Bakunin first, the teacher of a self-taught person is a fool.

Second, you should be fortunate enough to be born with both common sense and smart parents.

Third, you should listen carefully to smart people and my smart parents which included my no fool father, a most accomplished Allied World War II Fighter Bomber Pilot who was wingman in SAAF Squadron 11 to Captain Syd Cohen who went on to command the Israel Air Force‘s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] which was expected to be over by sunset on the official start of Israel’s first war of survival, 15 May 1948.

Four, if you have an interest in either war and/or economics-money then you should go to university, figure out the nonsense that is taught and then position yourself as best as possible to be recruited right after graduating by Harry Oppenheimer whose family have controlled the minerals market since the turn of the last century and his son Nicholas you see in the photo below. Do you recognize the man on the left.

Now tell me how you come to the conclusion that Denys is delusional?


You sent

March 12, 2023

3/12/23, 8:32 AM

You sent

August 29, 2023

8/29/23, 9:08 AM

You sent

Are you interested to know what’s up with our mutual fb friend Patrick N McGuire?

November 18, 2023

11/18/23, 5:35 PM

You sent

You jumped out of “How to wake up …” before I provided the single edit, “… therefore no better than Hamas …”.

So why choose that moment to leave?

You have been ver annoyed for a long time since realizing you are not close to as smart as you once thought.

You sent

Which of our 58 mutual fb friends

You sent

You sent

do you consider less smart than you?

You sent

Why have you been so deceptive in remaining my fb friend when we are so far apart on morals or do you think it is up to me to unfriend you first?

You sent

How did you do with The D I book?

You sent

Would you like to return to How to wake up happy … given how you never broke any of the rules which would have resulted in you being immediately eliminated from this important focus group?

You sent

November 25, 2023

11/25/23, 1:10 PM

You sent

November 25, 2023

11/25/23, 8:07 PM



Gary Gevisser said:”Why have you been so deceptive in remaining my fb friend when we are so far apart on morals or do you think it is up to me to unfriend you first?..”>>>There is no such thing as morals Gary…

December 7, 2023

12/7/23, 8:54 AM

You sent

Do you really want to risk leaving this world playing stupid?

December 7, 2023

12/7/23, 7:59 PM

You sent

It’s all on Israel; no one says Hamas should surrender.

It is incredible.

Reason for optimism.

Not to speak is to speak.



You sent

You sent


X / ?

December 8, 2023

12/8/23, 6:55 AM



December 8, 2023

12/8/23, 7:31 AM

You sent


December 8, 2023

12/8/23, 7:59 AM

You sent

What bothers you more not having the aptitude to realize that all sides are played by one mineral-banking monopoly SA Oppenheimers-Hamas or that you didn’t enjoy enough watching the massacre of 7 Oct?

Why do you think the world is up in arms because Hamas terrorists who surrendered to the IDF were stripped to make sure they weren’t carrying knives and razors, and cuffed, all preventing them from running away, easily recognizable?

At least the IDF weren’t cutting off their heads.

You sent

Do you really want to risk leaving this world playing stupid?

December 8, 2023

12/8/23, 9:44 AM



December 8, 2023

12/8/23, 10:09 AM

You sent

Why don’t the rich Arabs like MBS and you who have time to screw around help them out, other than you are stupid, brainwashed?

You sent

Tomorrow it says on your profile that you will be 83.

Where were you born?

Are you Palestinian Arab Muslim?

You sent

I’m now going through our 58 fb mutual friends asking them what they know about you and inviting them to see that you are an intellectual midget, needing attention.

Which of them do you like the most?

December 15, 2023

12/15/23, 5:57 PM


