Ego of the gullible
Screenshot 7:48 AM, Thursday, 27 January 2022
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Carl Sagan, the famed astronomer and astrophysicist, in 1995, saw our current state of affairs coming:
“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the in the enormously influential media, the service the 30 sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.”
And here we are.
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Gary Gevisser
Title: Ego of the gullibleSagan was right about the dumbing down, and should have voiced his concern for all the people, not only Americans.
Was he fooled or complicit?
He certainly appears to have failed to grasp, as do most, military economics which moves manufacturing to raped slave nations…/status/1484285759293034498…
ahead of robots which don’t require two 10 minute breaks during the workday, annual vacations, union dues and the such.
Nor do machines feel the need to talk, and can make far more logical decisions so long as they are programmed correctly; and still there is sufficient competition amongst computer programmers to ensure that before computers program themselves 100% and we won’t have to worry about them deciding which side to back in a war because they would all be on the same side, just like we have today the principal providers of raw war materials, my former employer-client, SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-IG Farben-Uranium One Corporation, who control the entire global minerals market, supplying both sides to war when they cannot possibly lose, while fooling the gullible people.
Moreover, while shifting manufacturing along with pollution to “greener pastures” and destroying the green of militarily defeated people whose puppet leadership have all been declawed, the military industrial complex which has no loyalty to country, race or religion has elevated the financial services sector, which controls everything, quietly having people pushing numbers on computer keyboards thinking themselves not only better than workers but financial geniuses when the entire financial services sector can be run from one laptop computer dating back to the early 80s.
I know what I’m talking about; and if you don’t believe me just ask one of my longtime, going back to the 80s multibillionaire former clients, who is also a fb friend, Solly Krok.
Another good reference and who is also a fb friend, economist Dr Rodney Smith Phd who I have also worked with intimately going back more than 2 decades.
The third individual is economist, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd who came to me on 25 June 2013, just months after joining the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) as their principal economist to let me know that the NEA, housed within the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development) and headquartered in Paris, France had wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development.
Here is Dr. Rothwell PhD’s personal email –
You can see at the bottom of the ABOUT section of my website 2facetruth dot com, the 2 very short emails sent to me by Rothwell , who prior to joining the NEA-OECD was the 27 year senior lecturer in economics at Stanford.
I can name others, but why not start with these 3 and get a real conversation going rather than using Facebook as a free dating service, and to spy on your friends, and start caring for the children and the planet.
Not to mention, the magnitude of Dr Rothwell’s revelations resulted in us meeting for dinner in Paris on 16 September 2013, 2 months and 22 days later.
So how much different is the western media from Russia and China?
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Gary Gevisser
Btw, at 9:37 AM Calif. which was soon after I published, “Ego of the gullible” that was 52 minutes ago, I wrote the following to Geoffrey Rothwell (GR):From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: January 21, 2022 at 9:37:35 AM PST
To: Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>
Subject: Anything new on your end?Sent from my iPhone
At 9:49, 12 minutes after receiving my email, he replied:
On Jan 21, 2022, at 9:49 AM, Geoffrey Rothwell <> wrote:
How would you know that I read your emails?I went to the US to help my daughter in southern Virginia with her kids September through November
while she started her career as a fire fighter.
It was exhausting, and the civil tension could be cut with a butcher knife:
I don’t think I could live there any more given that I have gotten used to the medical care in France
and the civilized interactions among the residents.Where are you living?
GR“Ce qui se compte n’importe pas toujours, ce qui importe ne se compte pas toujours.” from the office of Albert Einstein
At 10:15, and it is now 10:23, I responded:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: January 21, 2022 at 10:15:59 AM PST
To: Geoffrey Rothwell <>
Subject: More sheltered – Re: Anything new on your end?Of course I know you read my emails ahead of even those from your daughter; Marie also knows that and she thinks it was a funny response.
Glad you didn’t lose your sense of humor.
I was also just talking about you to a group interested in what discombobulated Carl Sagan had to say a year ahead of his death.
Would you like to see it?
We are still living in Southern California and plan on returning to Europe later in the year, and trying our best to avoid the jabs.
Btw, they are not more civilized just bigger hypocrites. There is more racism in France than any other country in the world, just look at your Macron the Dictator who applauds the Nazi Pétain who was not all that civilized towards France’s Jewish people. You are just more sheltered.
Anyway nice to hear from you.
Sent from my iPhone
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David Lapham Jr
Wasn’t he an ardent atheist who liked to ridicule believers?I’m not saying he is wrong here, but doesn’t the stance he took lead to the moral relativism we live in now and that he saw coming?
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Ray Mccollum
God uses who he wants to to send warning and message to his own people.
Gods pretty cool
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Dean Hamilton
In our religious elevation of the pursuit of capital and wealth, we have chosen to subordinate both reasoning and responsibility to the magic of the “invisible hand” of the market. But in the late 18th century, Adam Smith never could have imagined the adverse impact of a ubiquitous, totally unregulated, global, instantaneous, information marketplace, capable of annihilating our ability to distinguish both fact from fiction and news from commentary. Such an environment dangerously amplifies the Dunning-Kruger Effect — conferring the appearance of wisdom on the most ignorant and manipulative, while disproportionately amplifying their voices and influence. Sagan was truly prescient!
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Steven R Odenthal
Dean Hamilton would you regulate the information marketplace? Who would you place the reigns of regulation into?Benjamin Franklin understood the conundrum of liberty. That’s why he said it’s a republic, if you can keep it. Not everyone loves freedom.
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Penny Brink
Dean Hamilton indeed, the “invisible hand” becomes the “tight fist of greed” and domination.
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Steven R Odenthal
Penny Brink greed has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else on planet earth.
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Penny Brink
Steven R Odenthal those are not going to be the principles of heaven, in all likelihood. It seems God’s economy is different.
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Steven R Odenthal
Penny Brink not really. Paul tells us to “work out our own salvation”. Paul also says…”If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Tim 5:8This is how God created us, to look out for ourselves and our own first. We can call it greed, we can demonize it, but I think it’s in each and every one of us, and I think it’s been in us since creation.
Adam Smith saw that, and he knew the best way to help those around us would be first to take care of our own. America has been called the greediest nation on earth. Perhaps…but can you think of any other nation in 6000 years of recorded human history that lifted the standard of living of any other nation, other than America? Even one?
I can’t.
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Penny Brink
Steven R Odenthal we disagree, and that’s ok. “standard of living” is so relative.
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Steven R Odenthal
Penny Brink standard of living is relative?Only first world people would say such a thing. Someone has food for their children today, but didn’t have it yesterday knows what a lift in the standard of living is.
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Dean Hamilton
Steven R Odenthal So you think greed is an operating principle of heaven why? Because God revealed that to you through the life of his Son? Jesus spent a lot of time telling us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. I am curious where he revealsed the greed principle to us.
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Penny Brink
Read Christian Ethics by De la Torres. It is an education.
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Steven R Odenthal
Dean Hamilton define greed.
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Dean Hamilton
Steven R Odenthal Here is the Oxford Dictionary definition:Greed: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food
Of course, we know that other-centered love, that manifests as selflessness (not selfishness), is defining principle of God’s character that Jesus came to reveal.
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Barb Preas
This isn’t a slow moving issue—it may have been more hidden until the last 4 years. But things are moving rather quickly including persecution to many many people.
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Robert Ordóñez
Thank you for sharing this sobering quote, Ty! A slightly easier to read version is at . It also includes the previous paragraph, which provides interesting context, given the author: “Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking.“
Carl Sagan on the celebration of ignorance – The Empty PathCarl Sagan on the celebration of ignorance – The Empty Path
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Leo Gallegos
I keep thinking, its time to sell the house and get out of Dodge. There must be a reason why its a sellers market. We are told to leave the city as we see that day approaching , my wife won’t hear of it. I pray that God will show when to make the move. He has said when you see the abomination making desolate standing in the holy place, thats the time to get out of Dodge. Meaning, when Sunday legislation is spoken of in the National news! Get out of Dodge!! Confusing times in which we live! God help Us!
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Penny Brink
What remains very frustrating is that America imposes its own narrative and attitudes onto other cultural contexts, where things are truly very different. Did Carl Sagan see that too? Or is the image of the beast in Revelation enough for us to comprehend that?
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Anita Louise Nicholas
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Jane W Benvenutti
Interesting recent insight to our times.
But the last 8 chapters of The Great Controversy – E.G. White
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Karl Joseph
It seems to be happening now and part of it is the rich getting richer and the average person getting poorer it’s a sorry state of Affairs ( and scary too )
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Carol Nelson
A very true analysis of our country!!
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Rhonda Caswell
Something that we should be thinking about and preparing for the coming of Our God Almighty.
- Very true of what he said.
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Sonja Froloff
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Cynthia Marques Wicklow
And here we are! Something’s gotta give, and we know what that is.
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Cristian Bobocea
A bold one might even call this an inspired thought…
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Renee Barger John Martin
Wow you can really say that again!
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