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Elon Musk is perfectly positioned to change the world order ~ Time combined with technology is not working in their favor ~ Spying on friends ~ Zagiew ~ Happy to have a codependent ~ facebook messaging dialogue with Sandra Schmahmann

Facebook messaging dialogue with Sandra Schmahmann

Are you related to the schmahman’s from Durban?
Sandra Schmahmann
Yes went to Carmel Janine, Jeremy and David are 2nd cousins. My parents were Rosa and Sydney.

I also went to Carmel How old are you?

Sandra Schmahmann
58. Michael Lurie and Grace Rubin headboy and girl. Matriculated 1978. You were above me I believe.

I’m 62
Matriculated in 74 – left Carmel at very beginning of 74, on the very day I was voted house captain of Samson – a long story but a protest against Gunter Lazarus but not against Judaism as I kept Hebrew as a subject and then I tried a private school where my best friend Ray Oshry had gone to at the beginning of the year and his protest was against the hypocrisy which he saw as the rituals of Judaism such as the morning religious services where we had to lay tefilin, all the while there was no outcry against the Lazarus clan of Durban North who led all the parents who controlled the principal Kessel and the teachers; and so Ray detested studying Hebrew but his attack lacked focus.
But I didn’t stay at that school very long because it didn’t offer subjects that interested me and so I then went to Damlin and the rest is history 🙂What do you do in Oregon?

Earlier this year after a shorter than usual trip to Europe which was only 6 weeks and normally we stay 6 months, we visited Oregon looking for a needle in a haystack retreat which we didn’t find but we still look occasionally on the internet 🙂

Life is though to be enjoyed in the moment and right now here in a forest where we have a stone cabin I couldn’t think of anything closer to heaven

What did your parents do?

Are they alive?


I just took a look at your fb friends and see a bunch of the Lazarus’ and so my comments either came as a big shock or you knew but just put them aside in your mind because it was convenient

If it is any consolation you will see that Ray Oshry who is at a premier league soccer game today is fb friends with Sidney Lazarus who Ray knows never distanced himself from his much worse than racist father

You probably hadn’t previously heard of the Zagiew Nazi Jewish collaborators and when you read up on them you will likely tell yourself that is long past and nor did they survive the Holocaust.

You also didn’t learn at Carmel or at Wits that the victors of war write the history books and why history keeps repeating itself and man not really different to the Middle Ages when they constructed torture devices.

What is different is that this Jeffrey Epstein story has not yet completely gone away and he has been dead all of 15 days which is a huge space of time considering how quickly the Zagiew never once got a mention in our Jewish studies and of course you can figure out why there is no mention [at our Holocaust Memorial Museums such as Yad Vashem] of this huge Nazi Jewish network which of course was known to Ben Gurion.

You must remember your cousin David
was banned by the Apartheid Regime without him getting much support from the Durban Jewish community as well as his classmates which included my sister Kathy.

David today knows much more than he is letting on as does everyone who has read Professor Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book THE DIAMOND INVENTION that is free on the Internet.

It explains many gaps in your education including why Israel never needed to raise money from Jewish communities for her survival and her only fear that a nutcase with access to nuclear weapons would dump a bunch in and around the wailing wall which is increasingly unlikely.

So more reason to celebrate if you have done all you can to share the truth.
Of course most people are miserable and why they are on facebook to begin with, let alone spend so much time spying on their friends and family and trying to make money connections or just simply finding a rich healthy new lover without going through a dating service and fearful of where all your data and conversations end up🙂

[Sandra gives a “thumbs down”]


I see that you have read my writings, further proof that the people are on fb 24/7 which of course Zuckerberg knows and sees no upside in promoting but it does tell him and others who also know that his 2.4 billion base make him much more powerful than say Bezos of Amazon-Whole Foods-Washington Post who Zuckerberg could eat up in an instant because Bezos is very ruthless on his employees because they have to operate on thin profit margins but that is not the whole story or even close.

The true story is that in the next instant Amazon can be wiped out in the next instant by my former employer De Beers-Barclays who wiped out the last pocket of Jewish resistance back in the late ‘70s when I was already working for them – see chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL – but time combined with technology is not working in their favor.

Long by now De Beers-Barclays should have been knocked off their very shaky pedestal but people like Ray Oshry, your cousin David and my sister Kathy are simply too comfortable.

But as you know not all young people are either billionaires with yachts like bragger David Geffen who attracts rather reckless people like Bezos to be his guests where [there] is something in the order of 3 crew for every guest or out of shape which means they can [not] also think more clearly

It is in fact impossible to explain why this house of cards hasn’t already fully collapsed given how not even the multi billionaires put aside their competitive spirit.

There is a reason why at school we were not at least taught the rudimentary aspects of Quantum Mechanics which talks much more clearly to a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) than anything you will find in scripture.

So any aware, sensitive person is comforted that the so logical; namely the bullshit of the money which has accumulated the wealth in the hands of the least deserving; namely those who control the money and the mineral resources; I.e De Beers-Barclays who have never meant us Jewish people well other than our Zagiew-Kapos, has not yet occurred.

QM proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that only perfect nature is unpredictable.

So let me ask you, would you bet that the logical is not going to happen in the next instant because it hasn’t happened so far or that perfect nature will release its hold on all us humans in the next instant?

For what it’s worth, I would never bet against Mother Nature which created this extraordinary mind game.

Right now Elon Musk is perfectly positioned to change the world order which has the most unaccomplished, totally brutal and let’s not forget mindless ruling, and Musk could do so without Zuckerberg but with Zuckerberg’s participation it would occur much smoother and quicker

Otherwise how is your Sunday going?

Do you exercise much in nature as well as eat healthy?

August 25, 9:24 AM
Small but important gap in what I wrote you earlier which will be corrected when I share with Ray Oshry Esquire: “… considering how quickly the Zagiew never once got a mention in Jewish studies and of course you can figure out why there is no mention ALSO AT THE ENTRANCE TO OUR HOLOCAUST MUSEUMS this huge Nazi Jewish network….”


Just wrote on Watch the price of Facebook shares: I removed Juan Asin Rogue and very talkative Sandra Schmahmann left the group on her own accord.


Big big big day today and you are contributing


Earlier I sent the following to my two other previously very talkative facebook friends Jenniferry Birkinshaw and Joy Rutenberg and I encourage you to do the same:
Maybe you want to write to Yvonne Persinger

and let her know how effective I am in turning negative energy on to itself.

All you need to say is the following:

Gary Gevisser has asked me to share with you his response to what you last wrote to him on facebook messaging before you blocked:
Once you know that the monies you earn for your self esteem building courses are determined by the biggest thieves stealing the world’s mineral resources and having plenty left over to buy all the politicians, you will find yourself becoming much quieter and more humble.Check out quickly my BLOG while remembering I have been doing this for a decade and a half and before then I was not stupid when choosing when would be the right time to begin speaking out.


Sandra Schmahmann then blocked me as she saw I was following up to my previous writings.

Below is what I had written but was unable to send:

Can you explain other than your passive aggression why you would remove the name [Review of Down Durban Memory Lane] of my one facebook group chat?Do you exhibit such aggression on your spouse and children?

If so, do you know if your spouse picked up on it before he decided to marry you without thinking of its negative impact on your children, but simply happy to have a codependent?
