Email Neil’s girlfriend
From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Date: April 20, 2012 11:02:54 AM PDT
To: “Adam Lee Tucker – Principal co-defendant in Knuff lawsuit who was severed from the lawsuit on the day the most fraudulent defamation $4 million DEATH SENTENCE was handed to GSGevissr on January 21st, 2011. Tucker met for the first and only time with Knuff on December 23, 2008.” <>
Cc: rest; Jenny G – Nefesh B’Nefish – Jewish Agency for Israel <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall Solana Beach California” <>, “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA ” <>, “James A Mackay – Senior Lyolds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27, 2012.” <>, “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration.” <>,, Travel China Tour Guide <>, Marthinus Van Schalkwyk – South Africa Ministry of Environmental Affairs & Tourism Tourism <>, Ronnie Kasrils – South African Cabinet Minister – mentioned in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER <>
Subject: Email Neil’s girlfriend Fwd: Report for, 04-14-2012 to 04-20-2012
I’m going to be preparing the bullet points for the police report. It has been delayed because I needed to get out my previous missives.
The table next to me which I will cover later, has the one foreign gentleman saying, “People say how we should help the 3rd world. It is all about business; it is the same old families from Netherlands are still there in Amsterdam living along the canals. They’re the old money people and don’t show their wealth. They are strictly business and their focus is making money.” I would say he is in his early 80s. Had I the first edition of my book and just using the last missive, “Laugh in your face”, the smile in his face wouldn’t last long and then I wouldn’t get to hear the rest of the money conversation.
Is this person you are meeting with on Sunday Jewish?
How much does he know about the case?
There is no reason for him to behave any different to my eldest brother who shows at age 60 that he is still better in every respect than any white South African, period. If however, he has not become attached to his material possessions beginning with land he might be convinced to help without you having to do much convincing. Remember Knuff first got upset because you came across that you knew much more than him about De Beers. The fact that the CIA have been silent all this time doesn’t mean the truth won’t be revealed in the near future.
No one should figure how the next person is going to react when asked specifically to stand tall because the situation is very dynamic. No one needs to convince me that there is not a single human being who has explained the strategies and tactics of De Beers close to me because that knowledge has even been kept from all their 250 site holders who remember have individually more banking power than all the world’s central banks combined including the Soviet Central Bank who were aware that De Beers were going to drive the price of gold up in 2 moves beginning in the summer of 1979.
Remember I have not only lived 55 years but during this time I have observed much more than I have talked including when attending one of De Beers’ finer universities where both their professors and students watched the reactions of fellow students to when the conversations revolved around “How to make money?” which is what the human has been conditioned to think about 100% of the time when not looking for sex. Old people who only have their money to attract sex also don’t care very much about the next generation of soldiers and what is fair compensation because it is the last thoughts on their minds.
I tell you all this to have you focus on both this police report which your friend must know ahead of time that we are moving forward on with or without his support bearing in mind the reason my brother is having such difficulty editing his latest book Tyranny of Appearance which he wrote most of it age 21 is because he knows he is a very different person and his girlfriend is so uninformed that she does not know the right questions to ask, which does not mean I won’t email her.
Note how the “headline caption” caught your attention. Were Neil to read this he might also think that the one ugly photo of him could be changed, but who exactly can he complain to? My mom?
(Don’t you think it is great that none of us can change the past?)
I assume you have read all 4 articles I came across in the British and South African press and there is information that supports a number of facts that I haven’t had corroborated beginning with the South African Secret Police visiting with me in my posh offices in Santa Monica overlooking Santa Bay which came up in my Debtors Examination on March 19 when none of the 4 women who show showed up at the September 19, 2011 hearing were present.. Had they done so they would have all in all likelihood been thinking mostly about the presence of very attractive Mike Grant without much forethought to what I would be doing next.
I would like you to look carefully at what this actor liar-lawyer Chen wrote in reference to the Jewish Defense Organization.
Note that were anyone other than those connected to Knuff to read that previous sentence they would be lost.
There is no trust amongst hypocrites.
Look carefully at the last 6 days stats for and first you will notice that China continues to lead the US and as I said yesterday there are enough Chinese Americans in San Diego to have Chinese placed in ballot boxes and how long before Beijing approved Chinese American officials do the bidding of the 1.5 billion strong Chinese who didn’t treat me like a nobody when Marie and I went on our 24 day “fact finding mission” to China beginning on June 16, 2006, the day that Lloyds’ top officials called a most important meeting to address me beginning to bring Public International Attention to them allowing De Beers-Oppenheimers to use Lloyds as the most extraordinary money laundering vehicle.
Note Jenny G. in the cc section who has yet to get back to me on my FBI report that she told [me] was essential in order to get the process moving for Aliyah to Israel. She might or might not know that I received a phone call from Israel several days ago [from] a man wanting to know how my and Marie’s application was going.
In 1988 my eldest brother Neil was a member of the Israel yachting team that attended the Korean Olympic Games which is not mentioned in any of those articles where one is not even a month old, but there is mention of him massaging President George Bush Sr. without mention of the Vice Presidential cufflinks Mr. Bush gave Neil after his one of a kind massage. (It’s been awhile since Israeli athletes have been murdered at an Olympic Games event.)
Were you to ask those of us expert in martial arts whether we would have acted the same as Neil given the same set of circumstances, 99.99% would answer truthfully “no”.
The biggest cowards have no training in self-defense/attack.
When London police say that they thought at first that Neil must have been an off-duty policeman it was only to make themselves feel better because they know there is no one they know who would have confronted such a strong and athletic individual knowing that just the sound of the breaking glass meant violence had already been used against “personal property”.
Neil also sugarcoated the amount of white South Africans that opposed the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime.
Don’t you feel so much better about yourself that you are not Jewish South African?
When you next email me, could you use a new email account and when I reply I will do the same. Do you have skype?
Ps – Think the words, “Intent to suppress information” and not only medical doctors who have for more than a century promoted synthetics to treat poor nutrition, and doctors not doing their jobs has not improved the health of the human who just lives longer but not healthier or happier as the ingeniously designed human body is so resilient, it just does not die until the abuse is so great that only the highest paid caregivers want to be around; and then can you trust them if they see the money running out?
The conversation at the table nearby which like all the Oppenheimers most important meetings are all recorded – remember Nixon didn’t invent the tape-recorder – quickly turned to a a big real estate deal. Both elder gentleman are clearly financially and real estate rich and they are quite confident that they have the right city people in their pocket to overcome any obstacles they may face in the future, “Even if we lose the bid, we win either way”. Your imagination should tell you about their personal assets as the foreign gentleman is saying, “I am wanting to downsize so that it will make it easier on my wife… The Cuban barber I go to on Harbor Island is really smart. There is a laundry nearby that military guys go to.” I’m too close to take a photo.
You remember that President Franklin D. Roosevelt stole the gold of Americans in 1932, just like Hitler, and they quickly lost their voice. The Internet changes everything including everyone watching their words including when working on their next seduction.
[Word count 1471]
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