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What do you want to say about yourself at the end of the day?

Screenshot: 5:39 PM Calif. time, 1 June 2022


Gary Gevisser

May 31, 2013



Shared with Public


There is a reason why the most accomplished human of the past century, Jan Christiaan Smuts was removed from all the history books, including South African history books, beginning soon after his death on September 11, 1950









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      Gary Gevisser
      It is now 4:51 PM Calif. time, 1 June 2022.

      I recognize that my fb friend Errol Graham Musk posted a “thumbs up” following the placement yesterday at 1:37 PM of 22 May 1944 TIME MAGAZINE with leader of the South African United Party, and Prime Minister of South Africa, Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] on the cover.

      Errol Graham Musk was 4 years of age at the time of Smuts’ death, but we know his father was a supporter of General Smuts who received Einstein’s highest praise, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually General Relativity” given how poorly Musk’s father was treated following the defeat of Smuts in the rigged South African General Election of 26 May 1948.

      To repeat the words, back on 5 April, of brilliant engineer Errol Graham Musk who in his early teens built a 2-stage rocket, to mention little of his over-the-top academic distinctions, which didn’t mean his engineering consulting business suffered from a lack of competency:

      My father was a math prodigy who did not have the means to study in the 30’s (to put it mildly). He volunteered for the military in 1939 and was immediately placed in Military Intelligence, where he was a a cryptanalyst for the next 6 years, all the way into Europe. He could do the Sunday Times crossword in 10 minutes or less. He won R10 a couple of times. His group wore a cheap brown uniform with no insignia or rank for obvious reasons.

      Those 86 words, don’t tell the whole story of the English South African Musk family.

      The human can only handle the truth in small doses.

      It is no surprise that Errol Graham Musk knew my highly secretive British-English mother Zena’s half-brother, staunch United Party supporter, Deputy Mayor of Durban, Natal, South Africa, Joe Ash very well, albeit my uncle Joe, a highly accomplished Royal Air Force engineer during WW2, was 23 odd years older than Errol.

      My uncle Joe was not all that easy to get along with if you were stupid. He tended to surround himself with the best and brightest, but that didn’t mean he could outsmart the German-South African Oppenheimer family.

      Not to mention on 20 February, Errol Graham Musk wrote to me the following:

      Oh, Joe Ash and I did lots of things together! How amazing to read his name. I was also a city councillor, but of Pretoria, at the time.

      Those 28 words, remember are written by the accomplished father of the world’s richest person on paper and who is up against the entire world’s military industrial complex, including their fake opposition such as Noam Chomsky.

      Elon Musk is now facing the exact same opposition who are severely handicapped by their lack of truth and the light speed internet, which let’s face it, is G DNature at its finest moment.

      It is not possible to predict such across the board ignoring of the important truths surrounding the manipulation of the monies; and therefore wealth accumulation cannot be any less fraudulent; and therefore we have to look at the accomplishments in and of themselves, not linked to anything monetarily; and nothing comes close to disrupting the current system of mediocrity all geared to promote the Peter Principle the exact opposite of the merit system which filters out fools, than TESLA.

      Remember, it is not only an electric car which has rightly won all the awards, which hasn’t gone unnoticed by Big Oil Monopoly – BOM – House of Saud, but car dealerships are essential to propping up the real estate inflationary wars.

      What we have going on right now in the Ukraine is simply a distraction.

      You have to have a malingering on war, one day one side has the advantage and the other the next, all the while the talk of expanding into a nuclear war is just that all talk, but the real estate throughout the world gets that much more concentrated in the hands of the rich landlords.

      You just have your media showing how bloody and how quickly a conflict can begin and the people seeing all the carnage forget that much larger numbers of poor no longer needed thanks to automation are being wiped out by inflation which is great if you can get away with convincing the people that the war in Ukraine is the cause of the inflation.

      You don’t want to be totally spoon-fed.

      We also know that coincidences are not predictable.

      Combine all the unpredictable stuff, you soon realize that this man specie is really not all that smart, but compensates with massive cruelty.

      Truth is that which does not change.

      What do you want to say about yourself at the end of the day?




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      Gary Gevisser
      Durban Vice Mayor Joe Ash [1923-2012]




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      Gary Gevisser
      Daphne Zagnoev have you figured out why your schooling at King David in Johannesburg, South Africa failed to educate you about Smuts who was the best friend us Jewish people have had since King Cyrus, a span of 2500 years?Why would you beat around the Bush?

      Just say say you are pissed at your lack of knowledge.

      You will feel better in the end.




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      Gary Gevisser
      Daphne Zagnoev it’s been 27 minutes since you spoke up and it is now 4:03 PM Calif. time.Whatever time zone you are in, I very much doubt I put you to sleep.

      I’m assuming you have run through the probable causes of why us Jewish South Africans were so quick to abandon Smuts and doing everything within their power to remove all memory of Smuts.

      Another way, what do you think the chances are of the South African Jewish religious and secular leadership who decided on the school history curriculum being corrupt; in other words, bought?

      Do you think that probability is less than the probability of them simply being totally stupid?

      Daphne Zagnoev, could you see the SA Apartheid Regime corrupting any member of your immediate family?

      Is your husband South African, and if so did he serve in the Apartheid Regime’s militia?

      Are you defensive?

      Were you aware that my fb friend Errol Graham Musk’s first two children, Elon and Kimbal were born and raised in Apartheid South Africa for the first 18 years of their lives, until they matriculated and both boys had the moral compass not to serve the Nazi regime who simply perfected the Gestapo’s Zagiew Jewish collaboration network?

      Btw, what is your academic training and career?




    • ActiveDaphne Zagnoev
      Gary Gevisser I left South Africa many years ago and have no interest in bringing these arguments back into my life in any way whatsoever.
      Please remove me from your list. Thank you 


    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Daphne Zagnoev so you read what I had to say about Smuts and you didn’t like it.Now you say you are simply not interested?

      Why didn’t you simply say at the start you weren’t interested, other than you know you didn’t tell me that you weren’t interested to hear about Smuts because you left South Africa a long time ago.

      Another way, why didn’t you say you left South Africa a long time ago?

      Have you heard of Amber Heard?




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      Gary Gevisser
      It is now 4:34 PM Calif. time.Daphne Zagnoev has stopped talking and unfriended me on fb.

      Below is a list of our mutual fb friends:




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    Gary Gevisser


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  • Active
    Gary Gevisser
    Gary Chitiz
    Sharon Milunsky Sneider
    Justine Isaacson Connelly
    Devora Harris Even-Tov
    Rod Margo
    Lauren Subel Frame 



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    Gary Gevisser
    I have now tagged our 6 mutual friends.It is now 4:39 PM and it’s hard to forget why the likes of talkative Steven Bailey, Johny Basterd and Zagnoev are so awfully quiet.




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    Gary Gevisser
    Everyone can recognize that only Mark Zuckerberg can know for certain , along with trusted officials, who is looking at this page in real time. 



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    Gary Gevisser
    The fact that I know history doesn’t mean I lack knowledge of the media-Hollywood-Heard spy business. 



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    Gary Gevisser
    Who thinks our Jewish Holocaust was simply about this bad person Hitler rather than a worldwide conspiracy?Who thinks it is beyond the realm of reason to think opposition groups are less corrupt?




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    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey are you already looking to see if any of those 6 mutual friends have unfriended me and/or are you equally interested in the Depp-Heard saga because it is so close to home, you want to make out that you have diminished interest in all the details?Bailey, tell us about your favorite topic at the moment?




  • Active
    Gary Gevisser
    Trevor Goldberg
    Gary Glass
    Lynne Karen Bentel
    Andrea Lee
    Michael Sewitz
    Gary Cooper
    Simi Cooper
    Jonathan Marine
    Foster Gamble 



  • Active
    Gary Gevisser
    Beverly-Anne Cooper Matus
    Andy Cohen
    Arnold Gerson
    Barry Molk
    Kathy Danziger
    Mel Gevisser
    Jonathan Gevisser
    Mark Gevisser
    Hilary Hackner
    Ivan Bloch
    Ivan Oshry
    Tony Leon former opposition leader to the SA Apartheid Regime and their continuation, African National Congress before joining the ANC as their Ambassador to Argentina. In mid-1995 after I concluded a transaction, which I had the corrupt ANC top officials, including Mandela sign off on, Leon shared with me, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa!”.Who thinks lawyer Tony Leon didn’t know what he was talking about?




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    Gary Gevisser
    It is now 5:11 PM.Who thinks Tony Leon would share with someone like Steven Bailey his thoughts about Harry Oppenheimer who most of the world hasn’t heard of, but they know the name Depp, Spielberg, Obama, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, PayPal because Bailey has a fb account?




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    Gary Gevisser
    Who feels that they are not given the opportunity to express themselves? 



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    Gary Gevisser
    Everyone can see who has either untagged themself like this Daphne Zagnoev or refused me permission to tag them.Members of my fb symposium, Getting to know your friends, are fully aware that Errol Graham Musk’s choice words to me at 1:11 AM Calif. time, 14 May, 17 odd days ago, have them left full of anxiety given their failure to also do the right thing.

    It is now 5:21 PM.

    Johny Basterd, you work the graveyard shift as a South African policeman and full of pride for your service of the SA Oppenheimers who in the very long and bloody Angola War backed both the Apartheid Regime militia as well as the Soviet-Cuban forces, you are therefore in all probability awake and glued to your phone, not really interested in what is going on around you?

    @johny, have you changed your position, which was thinking that the black African culture is “evil” and given your lack of common sense, racism, stupidity you should be disqualified from voting?

    Do you now regret only having 15% black blood running through your veins given how obvious it is that the closer we are to our darker skin brothers the more our muscles fire quicker, with exceptions of course; for example Smuts?




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    Gary Gevisser
    Who thinks the brain muscle fires just as well on junk food, meat, liquified meat – milk, sugar oil salt (SOS) as it does with healthy nutrition?Who thinks it is simply stupidity that medical doctors get 30 minutes of nutrition knowledge during their 7 years of schooling or a conspiracy so vast the people cannot get their heads around?

    Has everyone noticed that medical doctors don’t applaud all the nutrition knowledge they acquired during medical school before making the big bucks hooking the masses on poison foods, drugs and medical procedures to keep them alive long enough to bill another round of tests, pills and procedures?




    • Liat Segall
      Gary Gevisser that is so true. My husband had to get a pacemaker a few months ago and by a miracle we ended up in Dr Goncalves office at the Olivedale hospital, JHB. He is vegan and the first Dr who admitted that they don’t learn anything about nutrition nor the effects that food have on your body and mood in medical school.
      He spoke to us for over an hour, just explaining how our food are killing us and what happens inside your body when you eat meat and dairy. Cancer and heart disease = big business in the medical industry, so the lies will keep on being told.


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      Gary Gevisser
      Liat Segall It is Wednesday, 1 June 2022, 6:53 AM Calif. time.There has to be some around. The medical doctors can’t just say it is sad (Standard American Diet), and prescribe pills. It is unconscious.




    • Liat Segall
      Gary Gevisser most people have been brainwashed ( I know because I used to be one of them) to eat meat and dairy as part of a “healthy” lifestyle. Millions on Keto, eating bacon, cheese and G_d knows what, clogging up their arteries in the name of health. I thank you for your advocacy. I have been unfriended and ridiculed for posting vegan and anti animal cruelty information but it just makes me more determined as it was similar posts by other people who put me on this path in the first place.


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    Gary Gevisser
    It is now 6:16 PM.I’m heading out on a mountain bike ride this most beautiful, crisp spring, full of light amazing day.

    Remember, everyone is entitled to speak their opinion; that is the essence of a Free Society even if you speak the biggest bunch of nonsense like Steven Bailey.

    Btw, last evening as it was already pitch dark, the 2 baby Blue Jays fell out of their nest, landed on the ground but were dead still because they hadn’t learned to fly.

    Granted most humans have never even seen these most beautiful, highly intelligent teachers, let alone felt the lightness, softness and to just think of their energy field should, if your brain is firing right, have you shut up and be in awe.

    Bear in mind how economic progress is escalating exponentially the death of the most sensitive animals and insects, and future children, already born, will have no way of seeing these creatures in the wild, and the zoos will also be empty since us humans still need oxygen to survive.

    Btw, if you were profiting from the destruction of the planet and didn’t want to be embarrassed would you think twice about starting a nuclear war while advocating that you are opposed to providing Ukraine with an air defense system for fear it would trigger Russia to launch its nuclear stockpile?

    The only workable option was to try returning them to their nest.

    I will share video of that cool experience, shortly.

    Their parents had them up at the crack of dawn knowing there was no time to waste learning how to fly, which they did, I am happy to say.

    Not to mention during this deliberation and returning these full of heart and intelligent birds, in stark contrast to the human fixated on grabbing money pulled out of thin air to solve and start problems, the parents ready to risk their lives confronting throughout the day for the past 5 odd weeks the ravens 5 times their size, at least, were observing from a distance our every move, knowing the dangers that lurk from the many predators up the food chain, including the mountain lions who would kill in an instant a fully grown human at the drop of a hat, if they are hungry, the links-bobcats, no less deadly to a sitting duck baby bird, the coyote not all that friendly either, and the foxes would have had their easiest meal ever, without forgetting the hordes of huge ravens circling high above directing their young during daylight, not to take their eyes off the baby blue Jays; and I didn’t mention yet the hawks and owls.

    Thank G DNature for the birds.


