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Equilibrium price ~ A great pair of legs

Screenshot ~ April 16, 2019; 8:40 AM

Please do not be fooled by the ANC any longer, the leadership have lost direction and will never change. They will continue with false promises and only give lip service. South Africa accept our pledge of a Fresh Start with COPE, and VOTE for COPE on the 8th May 2019. God bless Gavin Ferrier of COPE.

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Rob Hutchinson

SUNDAY TIMES: The ANC Government will be spending R750-million on upgrades to government and ministers buildings and homes. This includes:

* R1-million for one minister’s bathroom and kitchen upgrade

* R5.7-million for carpets in the wing where Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma offices are

* R29-million guard house

* R50-million for NCOP building facelift

* R65-million for upgrade of a road running alongside the gated community Deputy President David Mabuza lives in

This is the same government led by a man who promised to build 1 million houses in Alex … in the next five years.

At these costs, there is not enough money on planet Earth to fulfill his lie.

Gary Gevisser Gavin Ferrier have you thought about the dangers of distraction?

What have learned about the white South African Oppenheimer family and it’s influence on the Apartheid Regime and ANC government?

Wouldn’t you expect if you choose denial for things to take longer to sink into your brain?

If you has the opportunity to speak to Nick Oppenheimer or his son Jonathan today what would you ask them?

Gavin Ferrier Smoke and mirrors are played daily by the ANC.
Gary Gevisser Gavin Ferrier, was this “smoke…” your reply to my earlier 4 questions?
Gary Gevisser Title: Circumsion offset head pain [Word count 372]

Gavin Ferrier, you know that part of my goal is to get people such as yourself not to talk to talk and that helps you listen more carefully, and I realize it is more difficult for you being an Apartheid Regime cop and not knowing that the principal backers of the Apartheid Regime had fully infiltrated your enemy; namely Umkhonto, armed wing of the ANC and just using you guys, but primary Malan Squad to decimate Umkhonto and every so often they would let an Umkhonto cell actually engage in firefights with your guys just so that it didn’t look so one sided.

But perhaps your Christian religion will allow you to rise above the nauseating sickness of it all, and certainly much easier than my Jewish brothers and sisters not only in South Africa but throughout the globe who unlike the Gentile white South African boys who had nowhere really to run unless you had money in your pocket and then that was usually because you/your family had performed well for the Apartheid Regime and their DAAC backers, us Jewish South Africans, no matter how poor financially or not performing well scholastically could go live in Israel.

With that foremost in your mind, think now about what Shawn West’s 14 mutual FB friends who have yet to unfriend me and you see them all below have to be thinking of this moron Shawn West and his atrocious writings about us Jewish people.

Doesn’t it at least want you to think about converting to Judaism so long as you don’t have to be circumcised which might have you thinking it might offset the pain in your head from thinking all these years you were fighting for the right side when the right side was not to fight, but think logically through it all as if you were a banking-mining monopolist like De Beers-Barclays who have no loyalty to country, race, religion, etc.

The 14:
Bonota Rbe Ubuntu Taruaeaki
Brien Emard
Jason Nelson
Joanne Kopp
Jodian Rodgers
Mathew Eddy
Neal Jones
Paul Punt
R.d. Monroe
Richard Daugherty
Roy Carlin
S Rammiya Thevar
Steve Saylor
Trowa Daryon

Look how these 14 have chosen so far to distance themselves from West.

Gary Gevisser Wendy Ann Bouman, beautiful high school history teacher, Carmel College, Durban South Africa.
Gavin Ferrier I they were appointed as President of South Africa for 5 years what would they do?
Funiwe Phetlho Spending our taxes on themselves is what they know best.
Gary Gevisser Title: Heart tremble [Word count 578]

Anja Smit, Andi Colley, Robert Appelbaum, Robert Moore Bernardos, Indovino Salvatore, Ingrid Swartz, Ingrid Gavshon, Kirsty Nicholson, Laura Bark Sher, Laura Augie Rillem, Lisa Sture, Nanine Levitz, Paul Joseph, Renee Maletsky, Rebecca Renee Randolph, Rita Davison, Susan Munro, one of the residents of Aberdeen, Scotland who experienced Donald Trump’s lowest points in life, at least publicly, which immediately ascended him to the frontrunner position, much the same as Barack Hussein Obama II who first had to show strength against the weakest, most defenseless Congolese when signing on in December 2005 as the primary sponsor of the heinous, murderous Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act before then journeying for the first time to mineral rich South Africa in August 2006 where he failed to stand tall to the DAAC officials still led by Nicholas Oppenheimer,

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and suit
Part 2 – Heart tremble

which did not go unnoticed by either Mr. Oppenheimer whose father Harry I probably know better than his only son, or for that matter President Putin who then arranged to meet with Oppenheimer in a very public setting on September 5, 2006 just a couple of weeks after Senator Barack Obama returned to the United States to work the US Congress into passing the Act of Acts in terms of its debauchery and just a few months later, December 2006 the Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Act which all you talkers about money, politics, philosophy, religion, yoga, food, sex, jealousy, greed and the such missed entirely was passed into law and thus began the slaughter of 6 million Congolese, mostly women and children under the age of 12.

So you can imagine 30 years from now with all the swamp lands cleared, all the minerals stripped away, your grandchildren as well as yourselves can be vacationing in luxury Trump style 5 star casino hotels in the Congo sipping chardonnay around the pool area if not being served lobster in bed like the President of poverty stricken Ecuador and applauding yourselves for contributing to not just the Congo, but all of Africa no longer being a shit hole.

Why not start applauding yourselves now.

What, however, if someone like Roger Waters of Pink Floyd decides that his conscience is something he does not want to depart from before he passes on and is able to galvanize all his followers as well as fellow musicians, where will that leave all you voyeurs?

Why would you think that Facebook would have you liking your fellow man any better when man shows that it has little memory and can change like the wind if given enough money-wealth just so long as you don’t have to think about who manipulates the pricing of the money?

Surely there is one of you reading this who has either a degree in economics or knows of someone who has a degree in economics who you think can provide a counterargument to what I have to say?

I am not asking you any longer to ask me questions because it is obvious with the large numbers of you being quiet for all this length of time that you all follow along perfectly and it also shows in your distracting talk; just put your time and energy to finding that economist or Professor of law, philosophy, political science and the such even if it makes your heart tremble uncontrollably how quickly that person will fall apart.

Again, who has a question or comment that they would like for me to present to Nicholas Oppenheimer?

[Word count 578]

Gary Gevisser Title: A great pair of legs [Word count 2464]

Robbon Flowers instead of providing a hyperlink that takes little energy and thought processing, AND it is so purposefully distracting with nonsense, get hold of a real human being behind such a website/group and tell them to step up to the plate.

You have already learned from American economist, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the outgoing principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency [NEA] which is housed within the very distracting Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development [OECD] that the OECD-NEA have been highly effective in wiping out all opposition to nuclear weapons development.

Let me try and explain all that in more simple English.

Wiping out means eliminating all those who say they are opposed to nuclear weapons development. In other words, the only people around who say they are opposed to nuclear weapons development have already been neutralized and therefore when they say that they are fighting nuclear weapons development they are lying through their teeth.

At the very top of the “human rights groups” are naturally those groups opposed to nuclear weapons development given the fallout that results from both the explosive power of a nuclear weapons detonation and the very dirty business leading up to the final assembly, delivery through rockets and detonation.

To be clear on who “human rights groups” are, we must first start with the United Nations.

They also have nice sounding names like UNESCO who take great pride and joy in looking after our national monuments which bring in tourists who support the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index and give local and national politicians like Macron of France a very cushy job where all they really need to do on a regular basis is practice their acting skills in front of the mirror for when the time comes for them to meet say with a firefighter fighting the Notre Dam fire and to show their gratitude as well as sharing the grief of such a huge loss, to remember to shake the hand firmly and have their footing down which they can also practice in front of the camera, so as to avoid another incident when first shaking Donald Trump’s hand as Macron held on for fear that Trump would toss him all the way into the Seine.

Yes, who in their right mind would vote for someone like Macron who most Americans have never even heard of, and if you were to ask Trump if the name “Macron” rings a bell, Mr. Trump might first think, “Was she a woman I once dated for 30 minutes and did she have a great pair of legs which had our sexual intercourse last that long?”

The moment you think that the United Nations care about the preservation of life you must first look carefully at the history of the UN.

I hope I am not bumming out all of you who thought that besides for yourselves there was one government institution starting with the UN who were exemplary in terms of wanting to do good.

The UN Charter was signed on 26 June 1945. By that time all 50 representatives which did not include the Jewish homeland, Israel were aware that there was this thing called the Holocaust which was not very kind to Jewish people.

In fact 4 months and 30 days before, January 27, 1945, the Russian Red Army, not American GIs, liberated the death factory Auschwitz.

Now that alone should stop people like Shawn West and Wayne Henlis talking about this “small group of Jewish Zionists who rule the world and muck it up for everyone else.”


Page 2 – A great pair of legs

But then again the rest of you have such a poor reaction, particularly the vast majority of us Jewish people, that you really can’t blame the likes of West and Henlis who once hearing what I have to say, should stop listening to the rest of you lame and do their very best to get over their poor brainwashing and in turn help the rest of you who think you are so on top of things to eat more humble pie.

Perhaps this a good time to take a poll; who thinks a Higher Energy Reaction [HER] exists and therefore HER would be watching our reaction to this question?

When Auschwitz and the rest of the death factories were finally liberated and the few returning Jewish peoples to places like Poland who at the time of the signing of the UN Charter were not yet a member, were not all greeted as heroes by the local citizenry and after being fed like Kings given free accommodation for life in the most luxurious palaces of Germany, Austria, Poland and France, one had to immediately question the sincerity of the leadership of these countries going forward right up until this very moment.

It is 16:48 on the west coast of the United States and I take it that Notre Dam is still burning and more important than the huge funds which will have already started pouring in to Paris which will not help the poor of Paris who have long been booted out just like with every major city around the globe, is that people like Macron will be most happy of two things; first, any and all tragedies help promote that much more the priced fixed monies which are first distributed to the least accomplished; most notably politicians, bankers, weapons developers, real estate speculators, lawyers and medical doctors; and second, any and all diffusion helps greatly in distracting from the wiping out of all opposition groups to nuclear weapons development.

Bear in mind that not only is Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd a real person but he is very much alive, at least as of 24 hours ago and you can find him here on FB…

Should you wish to use me as a reference in the event you would like to be his FB friend, feel free to do so.

Earlier I posted up on his timeline and followed up with the same message on FB messaging:

Gr, your spelling needs to be improved especially since it is your most recent calling card:

Chief Consulting Economist at Turner Harris Consulting and Princpal Economist at OECD
Past: Stanford University

Just in case they blinded you when departing the NEA/OECD, the word “principal” has two “i”s.

I will repeat this on FB messaging as well as in an important post I am about to post up on The Internet.

BTW, do you have a new email at Turner Harris?


If you scroll down on Rothwell’s FB wall you will see another post of mine which I placed shortly after the first, questioning his motivations when targeting either Trump and/or Obama, and of course the language is also distracting, “OBAMA SINGING FUCK DONALD TRUMP:


what is your point? You got paid by both Donald Trump and Barack Obama for a period of more than 5 odd years beginning in early 2013; plus your Nuclear Energy Agency/OECD wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development which is what caused you to write to me twice on June 25, 2013, some 6 months after your new appointment as principal economist for the NEA.

What is wrong with you?



Gary Gevisser Page 3 – A great pair of legs

Given how most of the returning Jewish refugees from the death factories were not treated all that well especially by the locals who had taken over their residences as they didn’t expect the Jews to ever return, and many if not most were murdered as soon as they arrived back at their former dwellings without yet fully regaining their strength, their physical and mental faculties, and nor did the authorities blink, it would be wrong to blame the United Nations which only came into existence just 6 weeks after Nazi Germany surrendered, by which time the Jewish people returning to their homes had already been murdered.

However, in the 2 years, 10 months and 19 days between June 26, 1945 and May 15, 1948, the start of Israel’s first war of survival, the death toll of Jewish people during our Jewish Holocaust had already been conservatively estimated at 6 million, which people like the head of hi-tech research investments for the Canadian Federal Government Roch Chouinard feels is far too high given the number of crematoria he believes were operating at Auschwitz.

Now remember despite his huge salary working for the Canadian Federal Government while supervising 25 financial analysts underneath him, Chouniard was clueless about how Wall Street works because he like most of you were totally unaware that the price of money is rigged, let alone how it is accomplished and yet like Chouniard most of you are wealthier and snottier than a homeless person.

So what were the UN officials doing once they realized that half of European Jewry had been wiped out which was well prior to Nazi Germany surrendering unconditionally on May 8, 1945?

We know that they were not taking warms baths atop Masada…/

or building chariots for Roman emperors to ride through the streets of Rome.

But like Roman emperors they were acting; and to be clear on that, a Roman emperor could not just be a talker, they had to continuously prove themselves in battle or face insurrection from their bravest warriors who could figure that it might be less trouble to kill the emperor than to beg him to be generous when they were doing all the killing on the front lines.

The half-truths WW2 documentaries as well as history books show our Jewish Holocaust being a monumental disaster because to begin with us Jewish people are a very small percentage of human population and 6 million just in pure numbers is a ton of people, and besides it is hard to get away from the fact that half of European Jewry were murdered in a space of less than 5 years.

Unless you spell things out very clearly to the brainwashed you risk them not fully appreciating the magnitude, the huge depravity of our Jewish Holocaust and hence why humanity has only got worse.

Could you see a HER presiding over all this human depravity?


Gary Gevisser Page 4 – A great pair of legs

So put yourselves in the shoes of a United Nation’s official living the grand lifestyle in New York City and not having to pay parking tickets and if you rape a New York hooker the worst that can happen is that you would show your diplomatic passport and then be assigned to another country and the immunity stays with you.

Who decides on the credentials of a diplomatic other than the weapons developers who back all sides to war?

Of course you would only be interested in the welfare of Jewish people if it would help feather your nest and much easier to just corrupt us?

Not to mention, yesterday an extraordinary scene took place before our very eyes and yet we still cannot work out exactly what was going on.

It involved two ravens, a wild female turkey and a very athletic bobcat who might have been going after the eggs of the ravens and/or the turkey who seemed oblivious until the very end that she might end up the bobcat’s lunch were it not for the two ravens bombing with a vengeance the bobcat who terrified finally ran away.

How could you put us Jewish people through the most traumatic UN vote deciding on whether or not to complete the FINAL SOLUTION?

When the final vote was tallied and the UN said, “Sure, you Jews can concentrate yourselves in this little stretch of land, Jewish Palestine, and when you are all murdered don’t come back and complain that we didn’t give you a fighting chance” the United Nations were really not being all that peaceful.

Then again the UN is a military force and its diplomats are only there to act like they care about the downtrodden when in fact they are nothing less than an auxiliary for the weapons developers who again have no loyalty to country, race, color of skin, ethnicity and religion, only to those politicians-diplomats who butter their bread.

Once you understand that the UN is systemically corrupt then you can better appreciate a couple of things:

First, why Dr. Rothwell Phd knowing how well I know the business of the terrorist of terrorist financiers De Beers-Barclays bank decided to come to me first with the information that his NEA/OECD had been so successful in wiping out all opposition to nuclear weapons development.

Second, once the most caring, most sensitive people who are those opposed to nuclear weapons development such as Rothwell and his wife Genevieve, have been neutralized then it would be stupid to think that organizations like UNESCO, Amnesty International, Green Peace, Sea Shepherd and Doctors Without Border would be any less corrupted.

So when you next hear someone or a group saying how much they really care, stop right there and put on your ant antennae.

If you are someone alive today who was born either before or after our Jewish Holocaust and you say that you care for human life, care for the health of the human, care for the life of the environment that us humans are a part of, care for the vitality of the rest nature, care for the animals, the frogs, the birds and the insects, you must care for the State of Israel no matter how corrupt it has become, and just expose their dirty politicians at the same time their no less dirty political opponents.

Also no less vigorously question anyone who calls themselves a peaceful activist who must first and foremost be sensitive enough to oppose nuclear weapons development which are not only highly explosive when detonated they also leave behind radioactive material waste which the bought authorities keep raising the allowable limits of nuclear radiation poisoning in order to keep the nuclear weapons developers happy and they include civilian use nuclear power reactors which serve principally as a front for nuclear weapons developers.

You just have to look at the pricing of all weapons development to know where most of the funding goes including the untraceable diamond currency, and the argument by the bought politicians and economists selling their speeches and books is that not only is there competition between the weapons developers but the monies they get paid increases the country’s GDP index.

Where are all the bright Popes, rabbis, mullahs, philosophers, physicists who have been silent all these years?

Who besides for HER can explain this total lack of intelligence, and replaced with arrogance?

[Word count 2464]

Robbon Flowers This is “gold backed currency” feudalism and that does include groups like UNESCO that stem from the UN.
It’s through the private Foundation manipulation of commodity prices that establishes scarcity and secrecy. As far as I can tell nothing has value unless scarcity and secrecy can be established obviously we cannot have secrecy and scarcity with open book accounting and public agency with fiduciary responsibility.
No photo description available.
Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser that hyperlink already had the energy put into it and it is not distracting nor is it nonsense if you would bother to read the comment section you might understand why.
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers do you have the names and email addresses of the people behind it?

What is your basis for determining that it is credible?

Do you have a degree in economics from a reputable university or do you know of a reputable economist who is willing to be put to the test?

Surely you must at least know of one rich person who thinks their wealth is more than simply luck?

Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers would you like to be added to my email list so you can draw from a huge number of super rich people as well as top level economists who could help make a credible argument for these people who you support, assuming it is easy to get hold of them?

When you state, “As far as I can tell nothing has value unless scarcity…” it tells me that you are not an economist, at least not an economist who has read Professor Edward J. Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention because it causes every economist who makes a living being an economist go immediately quiet.

Would you like me to explain why that is?

Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser I made the meme, do you really need my physical address? It is a hyperlink conversation in a group that I started, it is called “the group with no name.”
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers let me make sure I understand this, but first let me make the point that I never asked for the physical address, I asked for the names and their email addresses, so why would you start talking about physical address, unless I wasn’t very clear?

I dont know what “meme” is but if you are saying that the website you sent me to is one that you put up, then lets just forget why you didn’t share that information with me from the start, instead lets just focus on your knowledge base.

Again, did you get any economic schooling and/or schooling in money at high school?

Was one of your parents or grandparents a successful business person and are they alive so that I can talk with them?

Did any formally trained, in other words, economist from an accredited university assist you with the website?

Do you have any formal training in anything?

Gary Gevisser Side note to economist, Dr. Rodney SmithPhd. Rod, could you assist Robbon Flowers in any way?
Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser if you consider a Masters of Science degree formal training then yes that is something I acquired. And yes my parents and grandparents and in fact myself have been or are successful business people. I have had lots of “titles” and still do, but, I have grown far past then need for “titles” or degrees.
Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser What makes you think “I” need assistance? I was tagged in this post and I was offering support.
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers where did you get your “Masters of Science” and did it cover the “study of economics”?
Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser I understand the economic system from the top to the bottom. We can go from the homeless to the bank of international settlements or anywhere in between.
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers nothing you have said so far indicates to me that you know more than Professor Edward Jay Epstein when it comes to a monopolistic enterprise such as De Beers-Barclays and therefore for you to talking about money, it is only reasonable that I question the source of your knowledge.

For example, Donald Trump has a lot of money but I know for a fact that Mr. Trump when he began running for political office was clueless about how the money is priced because if he was then again he would have gone directly to De Beers-Barclays Bank and together with Harry Oppenheimer of De Beers found someone like Warren Buffett to be his front person.

Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers, nor should you even suggest for a moment that you know “understand the economic system from the top to the bottom” because then you would need to know both the mineral resource business and the banking business.

What experience do you have in the mineral resource business?

Do I sense a reluctance on your part to read Epstein’s The D I book?

Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser the economic system theater runs on front people, the triangulation of the state craft is fascinating
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers, you answer above, “… the economic system runs on front people…” is all very vague and it does not tell me if you have read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.

Let me throw something else for you to chew on.

I was raised in the mineral resource business and our strategic partner, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] was the King of mineral resources.

Again, when I was just 21 I began a year long orientation into Engelhard-De Beers before joining them officially in early spring 1979.

The richest and most powerful man on the planet following Engelhard Jr.’s death on March 2, 1971 having turned just 54 the month before, was South African Harry Oppenheimer who directly oversaw my year long introduction in banking-mining monopolist De Beers-Barclays Bank who choose very carefully all their front people.

In other words you don’t need to be vague when talking in general terms about “front people”.

Moreover, neither Engelhard Jr. nor Harry Oppenheimer had other partners, besides for themselves. In other words they were not part of any group such as the Bilderberg group, the Pope’s private choir boys or the so-called “illuminati”. That is not to suggest that they didn’t understand what a group meeting was.

Following leaving De Beers-Barclays Bank and there was no “bad blood” because I knew better than to be stupid and knowing how much support I would get from their plebes who would act only nasty once getting the information unless hugely accomplished which does not mean rich in the money because if you are going to judge your worth in terms of money then you need to be directly in bed with the people who control the money, I developed an extraordinarily rich clientele base, and all these multi-billionaires combined didn’t touch sides with the wealth of Harry Oppenheimer.

In fact all the people today on the Forbes list of billionaires don’t come close to controlling mineral resources as well as political clout of Harry Oppenheimer which he transferred to his only son Nicholas Oppenheimer whose sister Mary, just goes along for the ride.

Not one of my multi-billionaire clients had a clue about how the financial markets worked. So when you say, “I understand the economic system from the top to the bottom” can you explain to me how you know without writing again stuff like “the economic system theater runs on front people, the triangulation of the state craft is fascinating” because that only sounds like a professor of economics doing their best to fool the students.



Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser Now I see why I was tagged in this post with a agenda of selling a book as though that same story hasn’t been repeated over and over again. I will now remove the tag.
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers, that seems a very weak copout, because it is a weak copout.

I’m not selling Edward Jay Epstein’s book. It is available free on the Internet.

Moreover, if you just started reading it you would understand why it is that the best schooled economists in the world shut down because the truth is simply too disturbing.

Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers, I see that me have 7 mutual friends; let’s see how supportive they are of your position which Im sure you have the energy to enquire and why not make it all very public?

Remember, you are selling people on your website, your point of view, and so you should be willing to be challenged.

Here they are:

Bonota Rbe Ubuntu Taruaeaki

Denise Ward

Max Fresco

Michael Eucker

Richard Everett

Robin McMillen

Timi Woody

Also to have 4038 FB friends, it not only means you spend a lot of time on FB but surely you read; and so why not give us your opinion on Epstein’s The D I book?

Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser I am aware of the “diamond” scam, the same systemic scam plays out over and over through the private Central banking systemic methodology of producing secrecy and scarcity through “Acts” of spelling.
Robbon Flowers I’m not selling people on a website. I provided a link that provided support for something you purported. It is a “open group” and I have a “open” fb account.
Gary Gevisser Robbon Flowers, why did you say that I was selling a book? Did you just make that up to distract? That would not be nice.

Why do you you avoid like everyone talking about Epstein’s The D I book.

You cannot begin to fully understand the “diamond scam” unless you have worked for De Beers-Barclays at their highest level or read Epstein’s book, and then to have your knowledge complete you would have to learn all that I know because no one else has my knowledge, other than Nicholas Oppenheimer who I know would have only got his information after I had completed my year long entrance exam.

Shortly I will send all 7 of our mutual friends plus a good chunk of my 10,000+ email list made up also of a large number of groups such as the OECD, a backup of this.

Robbon Flowers Gary Gevisser I see, so, only people who have read that one particular book would have any idea about what you know? What Divinity School did you attend because you sound just like a Preacher Man on the pulpit with a agenda.
Gary Gevisser Title: Equilibrium price [Word count 819]

Robbon Flowers, let us first talk about what you are selling, “Who owns all the gold and the gold mines, who is really going to benefit from gold-backed currency?” which is what people first see when coming to your website.

You have provided no qualifications that you are an expert on either money or economic matters and therefore you shouldn’t be talking politics because politics is 100% economics, and economics is 100% military.

You must recall me mentioning on this wall that I decided to turn down United States Air Force Major Smilin Sam Samples’ offer to begin a 15 million email broadcast of the GIP [Gold Inventory Petition] back in mid-2011 because it would have in a matter of a very short time shut down everyone’s feedback including people such as yourself.

BTW, what did you think of the 2 short stories?

You say you have a Masters in Science but you haven’t provided the name of the university, when you graduated and whether they covered in the general study of economics, the subject, Anti-Trust/Anti Monopolies Law.

The very important practical side of circumventing all the countries’ Anti-Trust laws are covered better in Professor Epstein’s book than any economics text book which I studied, and which were studied by the best universities in the world at the time; namely London School of Economics, Oxford, Cambridge, America’s Ivy League and my alma mater, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa which had the best economics department given how as I have mentioned previously, South African based monopolist De Beers-Barclays focused their attention on Professors of Economics in the very important Port of Durban from where most of mineral rich South Africa’s minerals were exported around the globe, including to places like Hong Kong where the gold exports were, for a short period of time, delivered in the form of gold statues and then their bought western government officials whose job was to distract their populace with poor economic teachings, the same with their corrupted media, had the choice of accepting their bribes as is, or to be smelted back into gold bullion all the while De Beers-Engelhard Jr. kept very detailed records.

So when you ask what “Divinity” school I went to, you are fooling only the fools because what you and I are talking about is your lack of qualifications to be out there marketing a website whose first question is total bullshit.

Why ask me anything about Epstein’s book when it is so easy for you to start reading this page-turner book, but then you have to deal with the extraordinary truths that Epstein reveals which shuts up everyone, including those with far more formal schooling in the study of economics.

Drawing on your logic background, why do you think De Beers-Barclays-Kaplan University-Purdue University continue to support people reading The D I book for free on The Internet when it shuts everyone up, other than those students and business people with their hand out to be corrupted either go study law and then try to get a job with De Beers-Barclays if their grades are good enough or if just wanting to make as money as quickly as possible to try forming a direct strategic alliance with De Beers-Barclays rather than go through a middle person like Goldman Sacks?

So now I must ask you since you consider yourself at least as much an expert as me on economics, when you are teaching others as you purport to be doing on your website because you ask a question which to the very poorly informed might sound not only intelligent but you know what you are talking about, how much reliance can you place on the equilibrium price of say timber when using the economic demand and supply model, and demand being what the market needs and supply being what suppliers like my family’s huge ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which controlled the entire South African timber market given Engelhard Jr.’s complete control of the mining industry as well as the Apartheid Regime, were capable of supplying to the market whether it be the mines, furniture, housing and commercial real estate, when the price of the money is fixed?

In other words does your website explain that all economic theory breaks down once the price of the money is rigged?

If so why isn’t that the first and only thing you present at the top of your homepage? You must know of course that my website provides the full history of De Beers-Barclays along with interesting conversations such as this.

Let us now come back to your, “I’m not selling people on a website. I provided a link that provided support for something you purported. It is a ‘open group’ and I have a ‘open’ fb account.”

What exactly was it that I “purported”?

[Word count 819]

April 15, 8:35 PM [12 hrs]
Gary Gevisser Title: Just a coincidence 850 year old Notre Dame burning – What is going to happen next? [Word count 2431]

This past Friday at 1:38 PM Calif. I wrote to one of my FB friends who is tagged above:

You wouldn’t expect me to be twiddling my thumbs waiting for your feedback.

I am now moving as fast as I can type which is faster than most who type for a living, and by cutting and pasting the knowledge I just shared with you about the laughter going on in the rich white and rich black households of South Africa as the rest of you get all worked up about these totally nonsense books [Gangster State],

I can reach almost instantly well more than 100,000 individuals.

However, it is hard to say what is the right number that is needed in order to get all the human sheep moving in the right direction.

One could easily argue that anything less than all 8 billion humans getting the information at the identical time would not achieve a “chain reaction” based on how lame is the human, and even then they might all decide to stick with what each of them is currently doing and so easily able to block the information out of their minds.

Yes, the reality which I am now describing is much more than the most perfect sci-fi movie.

It defies all common sense.

Let me quickly ask you, would you pay to watch the movie?

Look how you reacted to the game changing information, “Im very busy. Dont spending time to think about things that I cant do anything about it or change.”

You know that you weren’t being truthful because the truthful thing to say was something along the following lines [next 6 paragraphs]:

“I am blown away at my total ignorance.

I feel terrible for my children who I brought into this world and not realizing what a total fucked up mess this place really is.

Moreover, I haven’t been helping solve the problem because in fact with all my talking, and not thinking, I have only contributed to the problem.

But now my mind tells me that I have to move forward.

What else should I be doing besides for immediately educating my children and starting by saying that they have to going forward be much more guarded in what they have to say and when talking about how much a packet of sugar smarties cost, to realize that its pricing is all bullshit because the price of the money is rigged which means that no one should be short of anything given how it cost the world’s biggest thieves, those who have rigged the money, not a penny for the great lifestyles that they, their friends and family live?

Well Gary, I don’t have to think much as once speaking with my children I am going to begin immediately broadcasting our FB messaging and all your postings on the Internet starting with the very latest Doggy bag.”

Again it is impossible to tell what is the right number because “critical mass” should have long been achieved given the huge numbers of people who already have this information and therefore we are dealing with a logic, a set of rules, never previously encountered, much the same as what forces of nature could be responsible for the ongoing accelerated expansion of the universe which has been going on since the start of the Big Bang some 13. 5 billion years ago.

The best “mathameticians” [sic] and “physcists” [sic] would be dumbfounded, and that I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

How can you explain so many people who are so emotionally strung to want to do the right including when their children’s fingers are sticky to have them wash both hands at the same time which you would agree is most efficient before sitting at the table and sticking up the common used utensils such as the salt and pepper canisters which either the mother or slave servant then have to put their time and energy into cleaning before the next meal serving, but these same humans who also mostly know how to ride a bicycle know that there are better ways to reach the moon than cycling hard to keep up with ET and just build their own rocket if given sufficient monies, choose to stick with the ugly thinking at the same time when sticking with the lie not able to predict accurately how the next person is going to react because the thinking universally is so irrational?

Look how hard the human tries to be most polite with the people they want something out of including the restaurant waitress who has that broad smile and tons of energy to spark up the customer and only doing so because she wants to keep her job and make as much tip as possible otherwise she would either have a long face or be seated belting orders at the slave serving her but isn’t smart enough to have grabbed the money, and so the rich customer looks down on the waitress who in turn transfers their poor image of themself on to the human dishwasher; a most vicious cycle indeed.


Gary Gevisser Page 2 – Just a coincidence 850 year old Notre Dame burning – What is going to happen next?

Imagine if had a list of 15 million email addresses which I could have easily got my hands on back in July 2011…/

as my one webmaster Terry Samples, a United States Air Force fighter pilot had on his hard drive, and just waiting for me to give him the green light to start sending out the Gold Inventory Petition [GIP], given how nothing can explain this total shutdown, and so infantile, such an effort would have been a colossal waste of time, plus I might not be around today, and more importantly we wouldn’t have all this collected data because with such a huge mass mailing the word would have spread that much quicker and we wouldn’t have got any reaction from members of the media and the equally bought politicians as well as Captains of Industry who you can now understand don’t really work hard for a living as much as they protest it is their genius which has them ceo of companies like Apple, TESLA, Amazon, Facebook etc when in fact the most important job of a ceo is obtaining the lowest cost of capital and therefore if you know what you are doing, and not just a talking puppet, you immediately approach De Beers-Barclays as your strategic partner and then shut the fuck up and have a far more more stupid puppet such as Warren Buffett be the front person ceo.

I am quite certain you would agree that my decision not to proceed with the 15 million email mailing was the right one, and most likely you and I wouldn’t be speaking at this very hour.

Let’s now talk quickly about Mr. Samples since what else do the two of us have better to do with our time as I also await your next response.

Samples led American warplanes into battle in the first Gulf War and soon after executed at the instruction of President George H. Bush with Vice President Quayle fully in on the loop, a top secret mission on US soil which of course he is not allowed to talk about, but I gathered enough to know not only why the President of the United States would choose Terry “Smilin Sam” Samples along with his wingman Terry, now a 1 star USAF General, and who was Smilin Sam’s best friend from when they were kids and both their fathers were USAF fighter pilots and Smilin Sam’s father killed in a very risky training exercise, but their martial arts training along with knowing all about stealth as well as doing the impossible made the two of them the perfect choice and all else I gathered was [for the two of them] to meet with a group of journalists who didn’t need to see the proof Smilin Sam had on him that this Executive Order came directly from the President of the United States who was waiting anxiously alongside VP Quayle for the completion of the mission, which if it failed then no doubt Bush-Quayle had a backup plan which would have meant Smilin Sam and his buddy Terry would have been found in the “dessert” [sic] without necessarily all their body parts attached.

Not to mention, their mission began right after leaving the Oval Office with “stealing” Vice President Dan Quayle’s Air Force 2 in order to conduct the mission in the shortest time possible given the urgency nature, and my guess was that it had a nuclear component to it, which resulted in the two of them tearing up a small landing strip in New Mexico which they knew when coming into land would result in serious damage and which the CIA then quickly repaired as well as retrieving Air Force 2 back to its “owner” Quayle who also hasn’t forgotten the events which would make a great movie even if it were all fiction, but then the gullible public would be that much quicker taken out of their malaise, don’t you think?

Below is the [later in 2011] great email communication between Samples and Quayle as Samples who had just received his regular Christmas greeting card from Quayle [and] putting aside his poor spelling of “potato” was very possibly the smartest vice president in US history despite his training as a lawyer; and so Samples decided enough time had passed since they last saw one another some 2 decades before, to rub it in:

From: Terry Samples, CEO The AFRN Group
Date: December 9, 2011 5:25:05 PM PST
To: D Quayle
Subject: Unauthorized use of USAF-02

I need to take a short hop mind if I borrow your bird.
Major Sam

15 minutes later Quayle replied, 204 words; and note how Quayle changed the subject line:

From: D Quayle
Sent: Fri, December 9, 2011 5:40:21 PM
Subject: Ball tripping ego maniacal bastard

You bastard. Ball tripping ego maniacal fighter pilot. Steal my plane then mar the damn thing in a runway in New Mexico. Ah I suppose that I could let it go. Hell, you’ve been on my Christmas Card list for what 12 years now? I will say this while President Bush, Myself and men like you were on watch the bs that is afoot in the world did not happen. The US needs, greatly needs men; like the 3 of us. Men who would put National interest above their own without thought. Men with whom God and Country still mean something.

Mac ran at 70 plus, We could groom you for ten years and have your ass up there before you are 60. Are you still dating that singer? That might not work; hell on second thought that might be a positive the way things are today. You would have to get over this modesty bs and put your accomplishments out there. Might be something to crack open a good bottle of Scotch and discuss. A few of us in the party have been looking for a man for 2016 I had not thought of you until now

[Back to my FB friend], those are possibly the most interesting words you have ever heard?

Certainly I cannot think of anything more interesting ever coming out of a mouth of a smart politician.

And BTW, the singer Quayle references is Cyndi Lauper whose life Smilin Sam had saved twice.…/

Today, April 15, 2019 at 8:01 AM Calif. time, I followed up with this FB friend.

I see you like my last photo of our meal last night in front of the fire place.


Image may contain: fire and food
Gary Gevisser Page 3 – Just a coincidence 850 year old Notre Dame burning – what is going to happen next?

You also noticed that most are very quiet and wondering what is going to happen next.

You have an advantage over most because of my last messages to you here on FB messaging.

Today is a special day and Im using it to communicate with both Oppenheimer and Roger Waters and you should check out my postings on his wall starting with THE REAL TRAITORS.

You don’t need to understand much about Quantum Mechanics other than what goes forward works in reverse and the little we know about how the forces of nature work only tells us how infinitely small each of us is and if you think your children are more special than any other children then you have already lost the game of life.

74 years ago today my father completed his final dive bombing mission, number 71 against the Nazis over northern Italy and then 8 days later when arriving back in South Africa he woke up to the real horror of the human race that is much more than a total disgrace because for everyone to be so mean, disgusting, vile against the best that us humans produce cannot be by chance.

So yes it does help to stay focused during times of doubt on the origins of the atom of which everything of matter is made making each of us no different in terms of importance than a grain of sand or molecule of air that we breath and share with our surroundings; and if you are not blessed with that level of sensitivity then you have to question is that a punishment and what you can do to possibly fix the situation.

Just earlier I wrote the following to a French-Canadian Marianna Pascal who is one of those who has unfriended me without being able to articulate the thinking of her brain:

An important day today like everyday but what makes today different is that I have whittled my fb friend count down to 858, a net drop of about 30 all because the clear truth of the corruption causes the people who let it happen to go mad.

Such madness is a good thing because when going mad they leave a clear trail for our mutual friends and when they dont unfriend me it causes those disgusted with themselves [to] dig deeper their black hole

Another reason it is important is that ’58 is the year my exotic, beautiful, totally perfect F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion was born and 1958 was the year my mother’s model Penny Coelen won the Miss World.


Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing and child
Gary Gevisser Page 4 – Just a coincidence 850 year old Notre Dame burning – Then shut the fuck up – what is going to happen next

So what do you think of 850 year old Notre Dame burning, a lot of history?

[Word count 2431]

Gary Gevisser Title: 2 short stories [Word count 492]

BTW, the first occasion that Smilin Sam saved Cyndi Lauper’s life, he and his wingman Terry were in Paris and just coming back from a concert of Lauper’s and walking down a dimly lit street and heard the voice of a terrified Cyndi Lauper whose manager was knifed and on the ground as the 6 males moved in on Cyndi telling her what they were going to be doing to her next; and the 6 of them had practiced just weeks before on another woman they had raped and murdered.

Short story, the two of them incapacitated all 6 men unconscious before Smilin Sam then comforted Cyndi Lauper, and when hearing the police sirens approaching, Smilin Sam just touched Cyndi gently on the nose and told her to stand tall and press charges. Then the two of them trotted off and the Paris police, bewildered by the sight of the 6 unconscious men that they had been looking for since the rape and murder of the other woman, first thought that Cyndi had performed the heroics before she set them straight but not able to say who the two men were because Smilin Sam never gave his name.

It so happens Cyndi Lauper, Smilin Sam and his wingman were staying at the same Paris Hotel and when Cyndi returned from the police station they ran into one another at the entrance but still Smilin Sam did not introduce himself.

The rest is one of the great love stories and which only Cyndi Lauper should be telling.

The other occasion took place a few years later when Cyndi Lauper who I have only spoken to once on the telephone but we have communicated via email, was on a commercial flight and not knowing despite her intimacy with Smilin Sam that he would also be traveling having got some time off around the time of the first Gulf War. Smilin Sam was one of the last to come onboard and he was in his USAF uniform and also didn’t notice that Ms. Lauper was on board.

Short story. Both the pilot and co-pilot had food poisoning and lost control of the aircraft. As it was happening Smilin Sam who was towards the back of the plane saw a female air steward standing in the isle quite concerned and he got out of his seat. The steward instructed him to remain seated but as she did so the wings of the plane started to oscillate and Smilin Sam voiced, “Im a United States Air Force fighter pilot” and the steward grabbed his hand, “come with me” and led him into the cockpit where the pilot and co-pilot were barely conscious. Smilin Sam took control of the plane, landed it, and then walked away without talking to anyone, not even Ms. Lauper who at her first opportunity called him up and gave him only the slightest telling off that he shouldn’t be so humble.

