Eric Phillips – Rabbit hole
Eric Phillips – fb messaging
Eric Phillips
You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Caledonia, Michigan
June 24 at 7:20 AM
Jun 24, 2021, 7:20 AM
You sent June 24 at 7:20 AM
I get to you through our mutual fb friend John Matisonn, an author and former United Nation’s high ranking official, who I have spent many hours today communicating with about the richest and most powerful South African Oppenheimer family whose patriarch, Harry Oppenheimer I worked for back in the late 70s right when they reached their pinnacle of power and nor has it decreased one iota.
Our conversations also included a 2 hour phone call which Im quite certain had Mr. Matisonn at the edge of his seat.
I would like to organize a forum of people from around the world who would like to learn more about the SA Oppenheimers who backed both their Apartheid Regime during its brutal, murderous 46 year uninterrupted rule as well as all the opposition political parties who of course didn’t share with the people that they were as bought as the Apartheid Regime.
Would you be interested in joining such a forum?
July 15 at 5:04 PM
Thu 5:04 PM
Eric replied to your story
July 15 at 5:04 PM
Is there a follow up?
July 15 at 5:37 PM
Thu 5:37 PM
You sent July 15 at 5:37 PM
Did you see my posts up on Charlton Butt’s wall where I found you?
Scroll down “Another night spent…” to:
Title: Money Love
Have any of you thought of calling upon the SA Oppenheimer family who profit from insurrection going back to when they supported both their Apartheid Regime and the fake opposition such as Helen Suzman and Tony Leon?
Btw, Tony Leon told me when we visited often in Cape Town back in 1995 and he was head of the Democratic Alliance Party, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa”.
Tony in public said the most wonderful things about Harry Oppenheimer even after he died, because Tony is a hypocrite, very common in this dog eat dog world where nothing seems to change because it is the same bad actors calling the shots and they have you all convinced that the money, which they control as they do the mineral resources of the world using front people like Ivan Glasenberg of Glencore, is the gauge of everything, including love.
Those of you familiar with Glencore will know it is the successor to Marc Rich.
Not to mention, most of the poor throughout the world do, however, choose genuine love over their partner’s money because neither have money.
As you move up the contrived economic ladder so it is only money love.
Sad fact of life, but it is a fact.
Nor am I a neophyte in these important matters given how Harry Oppenheimer directly supervised my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-IGFarben soon after completing my economic-finance-law studies at the University of Natal in 1978.
For those of you keen to learn more about how things work in your own backyard South Africa where I spent the first 21 years of my life, immigrating to the United States on 17 March, 1978, one week shy of my 21st birthday, a great read is Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book, The Diamond Invention that is free on The Internet.
Bear in mind that a great many more than my 2052 fb friends including my former client, South African multibillionaire Solly Krok, have read The D I book and they selfishly hold on to the information while doing their best to distract.
Feel free of course to forward these writings to Nick Oppenheimer and his son Jonathan.
The game of course is not about race or religion, it is all a real estate play; and to be perfectly clear, land theft.
In due course I will be writing to Israel’s new Prime Minister Bennett and it would be wrong to assume that he hasn’t read both my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich by Clinton on January 20, 2001, his last day as the 42nd Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces as well as The D I book which details the SA Oppenheimers pivotal role in the arming of Nazi Germany, Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER and then 4 decades later how Harry Oppenheimer managed, with the help of his Barclays Bank and Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin and the entire Knesset acquiescing, to wipe out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel beginning in 1977. Chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL should also get your full attention.
Should any of you wish to do a zoom session, you just have to arrange it and send me a link.
Bear in mind, while someone such as Solly Krok has “only” 1167 odd fb friends, he and I have 230 fb friends in common.
Moreover, South Africans talk as much as anyone especially when you have a South African last name such as mine.
In the intervening 42 years since I officially joined SA Oppenheimers-De Beers on 47th Street, New York in early spring 1979, I have not only held on to my health, weigh the same 138 pounds and can run at least as fast as when I was 24 and still playing competitive rugby, but I am more than capable of giving a speech before the South African Houses of Parliament detailing a very peaceful resolution of the violence without anyone, including the SA Oppenheimers and their shills having to give up their homes.
Moreover, if they feel they need several households because they have been accustomed to such luxury from birth, they can have that as well.
Today at 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
You sent Today at 2:00 PM
Let me know here if you are taking a break from NSS where I will be posting up more shortly.
Eric sent Today at 2:04 PM
I’m not taking a break. Had the world unload on me today. I’ve just been tied up. My brain is seriously fried right now. I’ll be checking.
You sent Today at 2:04 PM
What do you do for a living? How old are you?
Eric sent Today at 2:07 PM
I’m 45 and what I do is complicated as well as not necessarily something I advertise but on the public side I’m starting up a little coating hobby business.
How about you?
Eric sent Today at 2:07 PM
I am thinking about putting “drug dealer” as my occupation on my profile though.
Just to keep it easy to deflect.
You sent Today at 2:14 PM
I have a pretty good IQ other than it is signifcantly lower than the dumbest dog who is more than total genius, and I have no clue what you mean “… easy to deflect” even if you are an undercover agent; and if you are an undercover agent you would rank amongst the best if not the best
Are you South African?
Today at 2:30 PM
2:30 PM
Eric sent Today at 2:30 PM
I’m American. Being a secret agent has a sexy ring to it but the honest truth is, I would never be subservient to my government in that way. I’ll just leave it at that for brevity. I have however worked for my insidious “Big Brother” in the past but there’s just too much darkness behind the veil for me to ever think about doing it again. Pure crooks and criminals. By deflect I just meant to deflect having to answer what I do for a living. I have a pretty decent IQ as well and I agree with you about dogs. 100%. I have a decent brain, a dislike for corruption & authority and an inclination to explore rabbit holes. Very much a libertarian. I was young when I started to see how the world really works and along the way (and years) I learned to vette or discern people quickly. I also learned that I’ll be a lot more informed if I talk less and pay attention. Human psychology and behavior is also a hobby of mine but it’s more of a passive hobby in that its the default for my subconscious to take in and process the world to make sense of it’s deeper reality. I know you’re South African. Do you still hail from there?
Eric sent Today at 2:33 PM
I have to admit, when you said you thought it was SA, I was kind of relieved not to feel the embarrassment of someone saying I’m from the states. Not proud at the moment.
You sent Today at 2:33 PM
I still dont see how putting “drug dealer” does anything other than say you have lots of money and connected.
Eric sent Today at 2:34 PM
I was just joking around. Since anyone with a brain who really deals drugs wouldn’t put that down, it would kind of tell people I didn’t want to talk about it without saying I don’t want to talk about it. That’s all. Just a sophomore joke at best. Not worth spending time on.
You sent Today at 2:35 PM
Im relieved
You sent Today at 2:35 PM
How far are you in the book?
You sent Today at 2:35 PM
Did you see the photo I just put up on NSS?
Eric sent Today at 2:42 PM
The one of you at a table, alone?
You sent Today at 2:48 PM
Today at 3:21 PM
3:21 PM
You sent Today at 3:21 PM
How far in the book?
Today at 4:12 PM
4:12 PM
Eric sent Today at 4:12 PM
Not too far in the book yet as the rabbit holes I’ve also seen have been a distraction. The main reason is I haven’t had much time to sit still without any distractions or obligations tugging at me. I may have a chance tonight. When I don’t have alone time my ADD makes it tough to stick with a book and an electronic format just makes it worse. I’m a paper in front of me kind of guy. Not a fan of screens but I do use them a lot more than I’d like.
You sent Today at 4:17 PM
ADD is mostly if not exclusively Absent Parenting Disease.
You sent Today at 4:17 PM
Let me make a suggestion.
Eric sent Today at 4:18 PM
I wouldn’t argue that.
Eric sent Today at 4:18 PM
Believe me, I’m a root cause analysis type person. I wouldn’t argue that at all. I understand the pathology.
You sent Today at 4:18 PM
Try to get out of your mind completely that you feel you have to tell the world you have ADD when you are feeling uncomfortable.
You sent Today at 4:18 PM
The ADD is not the problem.
Eric sent Today at 4:19 PM
Lol. It was honestly a tongue in cheek joke more than a confession.
Eric sent Today at 4:19 PM
ADD doesn’t really have to do with distractions as much as people think. But an electronic device in front of me makes it easier for me to get distracted.
You sent Today at 4:19 PM
The problem is the discomfort from realizing that everything you have learned about how the world works is upside down and you are 45.
You sent Today at 4:19 PM
Another thing people who are uncomfortable do is try to be funny.
Eric sent Today at 4:20 PM
I’m ok with that knowledge. It’s not new to me. What gets me is the apparent insanity in the rest of the world going away from facts and truth.
You sent Today at 4:20 PM
Did you see what I last posted up NSS?
@Stephanie Marine have you or anyone you know ever considered sex a money proposition and would have preferred this knowledge going in?
Eric sent Today at 4:20 PM
I’m not uncomfortable. I’m tired. It’s been a heck of a week.
You sent Today at 4:20 PM
You are in denial.
You sent Today at 4:20 PM
It is all new to you.
You sent Today at 4:21 PM
You hadn’t even heard of Harry Oppenheimer or his son Nick
Eric sent Today at 4:21 PM
I did see it. I just got caught up. Are any of the people you put on the list actually in the group still?
You sent Today at 4:21 PM
Eric sent Today at 4:22 PM
You’re dancing awfully close to being offensive with that accusation that it’s all new to me. Are you intending to skirt the edge like that? Because my responses will be dictated by your intent.
You sent Today at 4:22 PM
All the people in the list alongside what you are reading – and you should stop talking and read – are in the group, and that would include billionaire Solly Krok.
Have you ever consulted to one multi-billionaire?
You sent Today at 4:23 PM
How can you be offended by the truth? Had you previously come across or written about Harry Oppenheimer?
Eric sent Today at 4:24 PM
They’re on the list. Are they actually getting the messages or are you blocked? And your tone is irritating me. Dial it back and answer my question about your intent. You’re not making a fan right now.
You sent Today at 4:25 PM
My intent is to share the knowledge in the best way I know how about how minerals are priced.
Did you previously know how minerals are priced?
I am not blocked by all those on the list.
Eric replied to you
Today at 4:28 PM. Original message:
How can you be offended by the truth? Had you previously come across or …
Reply by Eric:
Not nearly in the depth that you’ve provided but I have been down the diamond trade rabbit hole. I’m not saying I didn’t learn anything new here. FWIW, I was stating that it isn’t new to me that the world we’ve been told is all a lie. That’s what I was referring to. You have an arrogance about the way you type to people. You come across as though you believe you are intellectually superior and by default everyone else is inferior. I’m not a fan and I’m trying to assume it is not your intent. I will tell you that you are not making me want to continue talking with you. Just giving you some much needed constructive criticism. Do what you will with the messenger. He can handle it.
You sent Today at 4:29 PM
Did you know previously how raw materials are priced?
You sent Today at 4:30 PM
Would it surprise you that apart from Harry Oppenheimer not one of my other several multi-billionaire had the first clue about how raw materials are priced.
You sent Today at 4:30 PM
Eric replied to you
Today at 4:32 PM. Original message:
My intent is to share the knowledge in the best way I know how about how…
Reply by Eric:
My wife was a geologist. I may know something. I may not. Don’t make assumptions either way. It’s not a healthy dialog. It’s antagonistic and rude in the way you’re doing in. Your intent is to educate. That can’t be done unless you open the mind of the subject first. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. I assume you understand. If your intent is to teach at your best, you can’t be so one dimensional. Educating requires a multi-pronged approach.
Eric replied to you
Today at 4:32 PM. Original message:
Would it surprise you that apart from Harry Oppenheimer not one of my ot…
Reply by Eric:
No it wouldn’t, depending on their field.
You sent Today at 4:33 PM
Just so that you know, I had the highest attendance record in my university tutorials to first year business-finance-law students and I also had the highest drop out rate because many of my students dropped out to get streetsmarts but they and some of their friends returned because they found both my content and delivery very refreshing.
You sent Today at 4:34 PM
My question was simply, did you know that Harry Oppenheimer priced all raw materials and when he died, this control was passed to his son Nicholas who you see seated next to Putin.
Eric sent Today at 4:35 PM
Congratulations. Interesting approach to take with the messenger. I didn’t think that would be your approach. Bragging about things you’ve done in response to criticism is a sign of low self esteem. You shouldn’t do that. It won’t garner respect out of others. It’s just making excuses. Not leadership behavior.
You sent Today at 4:35 PM
Notice also how few to none are leaving NSS.
You sent Today at 4:37 PM
Why are you avoiding answering a most important question about raw materials which go into bombs, TESLAs, Ferraris, homes and commercial buildings, to name a few?
Eric replied to you
Today at 4:38 PM. Original message:
My question was simply, did you know that Harry Oppenheimer priced all r…
Reply by Eric:
That’s a revised version of your question. For someone who holds everyone else to such a demanding high standard you seem to give yourself a different set of standards. You’re knowledgeable but you haven’t shown me anything respectable. This concludes our dialog. My time is valuable and I’m not getting anything out of talking directly with you. I’ll read the book because I believe in continuous improvement and education. But I won’t be conversing with you anymore. Take care.
Eric sent Today at 4:40 PM
To answer your question, no. I did not know the extent to which this rabbit hole goes yet. But I want to congratulate you on being a one trick pony. I hope you get your trophy and I hope it’s as flawless as you demand others are. (Kettle, you’re black).
You sent Today at 4:43 PM
You know that you are being defensive.
This is the reason why I waited 24 years before sharing my knowledge, and only once I came across The D I book in late 2003.
The Oppenheimers are not totally stupid people. They are simply corrupt and believe that the people when finding out the truth that they have been led down false rabbit holes will react defensively.
The human can only handle the truth in small doses.
Eric sent Today at 4:48 PM
You really are delusional. Do you really think you’re blowing my mind?! You think you got the deep story of the world. You’ve got one of MANY. Adios.
Eric sent Today at 4:48 PM
You fucked up. Congrats.
I tried to warn you.
You sent Today at 4:49 PM
Are you threatening me physically?
Eric sent Today at 4:49 PM
Absolutely not. But nice try. You’re a clown. I’m doing this digitally.
You sent Today at 4:50 PM
What are you doing digitally?
Eric sent Today at 4:50 PM
Eric then hit the block.