Corrected one date; it was June 25, 2013 that Rothwell whose contract with the OECD ends in 16 days, wrote to me about the success of the OECD-NEA in wiping out all opposition to nuclear weapons development, not June 13. It is also not the Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development, but rather the Organization for. The word “stamped” was missing in the
cidence section, and that additional word brings the word count to 2778. Also the
video is only now loaded up on Youtube.
[Word count 92]
It is most weird that not even the super rich have optimism that our species will survive another century, but that still doesn’t prevent the human from having babies.
What if we canvassed the world and the majority of the people thought we had no more than 50 years before the world blows up or we starve to death or die of thirst; that probably still wouldn’t stop the mother of today from having children, and then how would they answer when the child reaches abstract age and asks a fundamental question;
Were you in the minority and thinking with leaders such as the ones you had when you cast your vote, that things would improve, including getting rid of nuclear weapons and as well as nuclear waste even though the Nuclear Energy Agency, joined at the hip with its governor, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development had effectively wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development well before the principal economist for the NEA, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd wrote Gary Gevisser twice on June 25, 2013, that the NEA-OECD, who he had joined earlier in the year, sharing the NEA-OECD’s success?
I thought your Double Slit
experiment video was great; and the world will be better off if everyone saw it.
Next I plan to watch, Atoms – Clash of Titans.
Not to mention, I like most of all timeless beauty which a painting can offer but then you have to know what you are looking at, whereas the words of my good math-logic, gorgeous Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion leave little to the imagination, and that of course requires a lot of thought;
Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth.
There is also mounting evidence that water has “memory”, and it would seem to me that the scientific community could do far more to delve in and provide conclusive evidence whether or not water does in fact have memory; and if so, then the implications are very significant for both religious as well as irreligious people.
To also get religious people to be more quiet and therefore less preachy will also have us all coming together that much quicker without pointing out all the differences in the religions as well as arguments within the various religions because they would all have less to argue about, and therefore focus that much more on solving the problems of the planet which are all centered around overpopulation which the religious, irreligious, private sector and government sector all promote, thanks in no small measure to the insanely illogical Gross Domestic Product index which is also morally indefensible.
Obvious as well, those with water interests and who are motivated by “profit” would see little benefit to have the world’s top scientists supporting anything other than their profit driven interests.
I have kept out of our discussion the insanely illogical way economists-politicians determine the health of the world’s economy and embedded in this total lack of common sense where the GDP index is the cornerstone foundation, is how we go about measuring the amount of money that is available for things like food, energy, welfare, defense, interest on previous debt, bank credit, private individual credit, government borrowings etc which become an insurmountable problem when one plugs financial instruments like Certificates of Insurance into the money supply.
Moreover, there are organizations like Lloyd’s of London who issue Certificates of Insurance for both the private and public sector, and who accept from “accredited investors” as their capital-money base “diamond currency” which is price fixed by the world’s most wildly successful monopolist, money launderer of money launderers, De Beers-Barclays-Lloyds who also use their exclusive, untraceable and never regulated first tier diamond money currency in every other sector of the world’s economy.
Nor is it a secret that they are in the armaments business and back both sides to war, when they cannot possibly lose. That also explains why the only times they have been prosecuted for “breaking the rules” which they administer closely and making refinements whenever necessary which adds that many more layers of lawyers, judges and politicians, is when they orchestrate their own “slap on the wrists”.
As clear as day is the illusion that there is distinction between the private and public sector.
Common sense would tell you all this. The other fact of life is that my common sense resulted in me working for De Beers-Barclays at their highest level on US soil soon after I graduated university with a business-economics degree where I scored sufficiently well, despite the boredom, to be offered a tutor position by the faculty as part of my post graduate studies which I started before getting my undergraduate degree; and of course I terminated my post graduate studies and tutoring of first year economics-business students once I emigrated from mineral rich South Africa to the United States and landing in Chicago on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st birthday. Then I immediately began a year long orientation into De Beers-Barclay
that was directly overseen by its head, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer.
Furthermore, while there is all this cattiness in the media between Britain’s prime minister May and President Trump, and the headlines news in red on
neither of them or their respective government officials have even brought up that since the early 1990s, Lloyd’s of London based in London, have banned American citizens, such as myself and President Trump as well as American residents from investing in Lloyd’s while the US government has allowed Lloyd’s to continue selling their insurance products to Americans and American corporations.
We are reaching the outer limits of what is counterintuitive, and its ugliness is quite the display of beauty, at least to me.
How can one explain such extraordinary silence of a scam of unprecedented order, and when the people are told about this fact of life and the irrefutable evidence easily obtained by simply calling or writing Lloyd’s, they are all silent; and yet us humans are all competing both for the money as well as eager to appear to be on top of the most important information which in turn ties back to human desire to be richer than their nearest competitor?
You would also expect me to have poison tipped arrows slung in my direction which they have; and worse they have taken their vengeance on my one of a kind British-English born and raised mother Zena
given her undivided support of my positive nature that encompasses trying to always do the right thing.
The fact that my British citizen mother whose primary residence for the past 4 decades is her home in Wiveliscombe, Somerset, has been held captive in her Netanya, Israel apartment is not inconsequential. It is of course tied in to my exposing of the “money lie” and its direct impact on Israeli society.
Of course both the BDS movement as well as the entire BREXIT nonsense don’t come close to getting at the heart of the discontent for they are simply distractions.
None of this knowledge about the rigging of the financial and commodity markets is a secret to the De Beers-Barclay banking-mining consortium. What is bizarre is not only how they have managed to keep it all a secret but you would not be far wrong in concluding that were it not for me exposing these truths, they would have remained hidden, possibly as long as eternity.
Also not hard to imagine how wrong would the history of our civilization be if the lies continue to be perpetuated.
Our imaginations also tell us that the wrong history currently contained in the history and economics books could be reversed in the next instant.
BTW, if you haven’t read South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ Holism & Evolution, I suggest you put it on your reading list, along with the two volume Smuts biography by Sir William Keith Hancock; and it wouldn’t have you surprised, even if you have never heard of Smuts, as most haven’t, that in Smuts final days, passing away September 11, 1950 at age 80, that Neils Bohr, the father of Quantum Mechanics, was writing to Smuts with the kindest thoughts.
Moreover there is good reason why when Einstein read Smuts’ 1926 writings, the genius Einstein applauded Smuts, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually the theory of relativity.”
A lot of smart people came out of Cambridge, but that didn’t mean Smuts’ was not the smartest.
Had Smuts been Chancellor of Cambridge University sooner, before his involvement with World War I and WW2 where he sat during both wars alongside the British prime ministers in the British War Cabinet without ever taking up British citizenship and he was also the only signatory to both World War peace treaties, then it is possible that World War I might have never got off the ground.
The only reason I see to speculate is that if you had such an intellectual giant like Smuts not able to steer the increasingly insane world caught up in the intellectual greed by a great many physicists, and clearly most humane thinker Bohr, was not one of them, from engulfing the world in such monstrous wars, how much worse could it have got?
I see it as having in fact got much worse since our Jewish Holocaust, but now we have reason to reverse the ugliness, and each of us, including you can play your part.
Nor do I find fault with Einstein’s pondering, “Imagination is more important than knowledge” as Einstein was not defiscient in the knowledge area.
The drive to keep hidden this information of how the economy of the world is managed from start to finish by the most anti-democracy, most anti-competition group of people who should have been the first and only ones prosecuted at Nuremberg, is not only extraordinarily strong but it gets stronger by the moment.
Nor are we talking about what toys our kids should or shouldn’t play with. We are also talking about the life of this planet that is being destroyed by “progress” which when you peel away the onion they have created is the most dirty, ugly tracks of war and genocide.
At the same time, since it is all one big lie, the laws of Quantum Mechanics-probability are increasingly weighted in my favor, even if I don’t live to see the world waking up.
BTW, at the very moment of rereading what I had written up to this point, a not totally little rattler slid under the glass on top of which was my laptop, and because I was focused on this, it took me a couple of moments to react; and it is the little rattlers, not having total control of their venomous fangs, who are the most dangerous.
Below is a photo my wife took of me as I began the “trek” on her scooter to relocate the rattler.
And that was another fitness inspiring moment as the battery went dead after I had set this most beautiful creature free a good couple of kilometers away and it is about 105 degree F in the shade. The steep up-climbs followed by freewheeling the “downhills” has me feeling that much more alive 🙂
Here is a shot soon after it slid below the oak outside table.
Here is the video of its safe capture.
There are enough people who know the truth already and their non-reaction when not openly hostile towards me is sufficiently convincing to me that there is a Higher Energy Source [HER] at work; and that of course is most comforting.
The fact that neither my mother Zena nor I are religious in the traditional sense, and both of us born and raised Jewish has never prevented my mother and me from communicating telepathically.
No doubt many others can provide anecdotal stories of their “supernatural” experiences which may very well have logical explanations and therefore they cannot be correctly termed “supernatural”.
But how do you explain this epidemic of ugliness, not wanting to embrace the truth when us humans are programmed, the core of our natural selection, to keep searching for the truth until we find it, and make positive use of the information?
My only goal has been to get people to think logically how best to bring us all together where we can act rationally; and that automatically means that the “fairness doctrine” has to be at its heart.
When however, you cannot get people to even agree that the money along with the commodity markets are totally rigged despite the irrefutable facts, not only is it impossible to find a starting point but you have an impossible to believe logic-illogic going on.
To be clear, so far not one economist including the 2 you see in the cc section, and who know why they can’t refute anything I have to say, has stepped forward to end this human madness of unprecedented order. Best of all it doesn’t require an economist to speak out to change the course of history. Even President Putin

could decide to share all that he knows, including his decision to wait until October 3, 2008, the month before President Obama became President elect to share with the world the photo of his meeting with Uranium King, Nicholas Oppenheimer, son of Harry Oppenheimer, no relation to physicist Robert Oppenheimer.
Thought I would share all that with you, and should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask; and of course any suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you again,
PS – Coincidences if they are real and not random events like the human so out of touch with nature and its natural instincts to do good and survive as a species, mean that events of the past that capture our attention and therefore take up time, directly impact all future events in our lives and those we interact with; and the past is therefore always with us. Maybe that will have us being more responsible.
BTW, this rock cabin where we are at in a forest just east of San Diego, my great F-C wife Marie purchased in 2002, and on the inside wall leading into the kitchen area we found hanging two steel nails [stamped] with the number 42;

and the cabin is designated cabin 11.
I liked well before this 2002 event the 4 digits 1421 because when added or multiplied they equal 8 which is “lucky” to the Chinese. There is a book 1421 THE YEAR CHINA DISCOVERED AMERICA and although the essence of the book is undoubtedly a fraud, and it’s author’s past not exactly exemplary, the year 1421 was most important in the history of the Chinese.
My family’s trading shop in Vilnius, Lithuania had the number 42 on either side of the family name resting above the shop.
My father Bernie
was a member of Smuts’ South African Air Force Squadron 11,

and the only other Jewish Fighter-Bomber-Pilot, Captain Syd Cohen went on to lead Israel’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence.
Not to mention Smuts also fathered the world’s oldest air force, the Royal Air Force. That is not a coincidence unless you believe coincidences are there to keep us in the moment and if nothing else that should have us more inclined to want to do good which those with the power have more opportunity to do.
The Internet is turning the world upside down as it empowers increasingly those who have no voice as the voices we mostly hear encouraging the masses to do good but without giving them the tools, the knowledge of how the rich have sustained themselves through warmongering and deceit, are the voices of the rich who do not care about anything other than keeping the masses in the dark.
While South Africa based De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] spell out clearly their evil modus operandi in scholarly Epstein’s non-fiction 1978 book, The Diamond Invention, they leave out those currently under their influence.
Standing out from the rest is breath of fresh air doer, fellow countryman, Elon Musk.
No simulation Musk is not the only reason for us to see the universe as positive.
[Word count 2777]
I stand corrected.
I wanted to reply to you immediately before going back to look again at the program. Now I am almost certain you would have said temperature and what I was hearing was “heat”. I sincerely apologize. Moreover, I liked everything about the show.
While I “have you”, and nor was I a physics major at university, but rather my expertise is in the money which I learned before university but the university degree was essential before sitting for the entrance exam to join the most powerful mineral resource company to see how they managed to fool everyone without ever getting caught, is it correct that the observer collapsed the wave function simply by observing, and if so does that mean the photon has awareness and/or the observer can influence the photon?
Can’t remember my words but I am pretty sure I wouldn’t say the ‘heat’ of the sun is 5000 celsius. Heat is energy and measure in Joules. I am sure I would’ve said temperature, not heat. And the temperature of the surface of the sun that we measure from the wavelength of sunlight (spectroscopy) is 5778 K, which is 5505 celsius. So 5000 is roughly correct. What is it you didn’t like?
Name:Gary Gevisser
Subject:Heat of the sun
Message:Dear Mr. Al-Khahili,
In your one program, The Secrets of Quantum Physics, you mention when doing a heat comparison that the heat of the sun is 5,000 degrees celcius. Has anyone corrected you?
Thank you,
(Sent via Jim Al-Khalili)