Everything about your life is positive
From: gg <gary@2facetruth.com>
Date: August 31, 2016 at 8:03:57 AM GMT+2
To: symonadv@netvision.net.il
Cc: REST;ayala@ayalalaw.co.il, “ r. PAVAN KAPOOR India Ambassador to Israel.” <amblair@fas.harvard.edu>, adrian.ash2@facebook.com, Nicole Zulman Sarembock <pijonic1@global.co.za>, Deborah_NY Sturman <sturman@sturman.ch>, Office of the Public Guardian – United Kingdom <OPGAXIS100RegisterSearches@ipublicguardian.gsi.gov.uk>, “courtofprotectionenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk” <courtofprotectionenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk>, Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger <dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>, Neil Gevisser <neil@rhymedisease.com>, Emma Gevisser <Emma@EmmaElliott.com>, Mary-Lou Filipino caregiver of British citizen Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <malou_uricka@yahoo.com>, Melvin Gevisser <mgevisser@sbcglobal.net>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <jessakow@proteaproperties.com>, “Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah – Star of Emmanuel’s Gift produced by The Coupon Clipper is The Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow. Emmanuel is a FB friend of Gary S. Gevisser” <emefpchal@yahoo.com>, “Robert Citizens against the J.Essakow-Marc Rich and company Flower Hill Malls Excessive Expansion Vicino Vicino” <rvicino@fractionalvillas.com>, “Chief Rabbi of the United States, Rabbi Capers Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama, and Facebook friend of GG.” <ravfunnye@sbcglobal.net>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <kbabies1@aol.com>, “Renee Gild – Still FB friend of Gary S. Gevisser” <reneegild@hotmail.com>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>, Rafael adolf <rafadolf@hotmail.com>, Jacque Fresco – Venus Project <fresco@thevenusproject.com>, “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.” <pat@pktlawoffice.com>, “Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney Scooter Libby, VP Cheney’s Chief of Staff.” <patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov>, Laurie Black <LJBlack612@aol.com>, “Joe Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School, who wrote Gary Gevisser on April 23, 2002, Could I stop you?” <grundfest@stanford.edu>, “Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10, 1996, whose name is mentioned along with Gary Gevisser in the APPLICATION OF LAW TO FACTS in US Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s decision to overturn landmark repetitive stress injury award in April 1997.” <dbhenriques@aol.com>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest. Met Strauss on June 20, 2006 at bottom of zipline at Simatai Great Wall, China. Most shocked was Strauss to hear that DeBeers had established retail shops on US soil.” <mstrauss0@gmail.com>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gary Gevisser’s close cousin Gary Levinsohn, co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan” <drapes7219@aol.com>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, Conrad Wolff – supporter of Roy Essakow <kaapstad@walla.com>, David Levy <Disch1000@aol.com>, David Lazarus <dlaz551469@aol.com>, “David Schmarman c/o Michael Sagorin. Schmarman was banned by the SA Apartheid Regime. Fellow Jewish high school student from Carmel College, Durban, South Africa, Sagaorin when doing his South African Apartheid Army duty with the SA Police Force arrested a black African kid who had stolen Schmarman’s motorcycle helmut for bread money; and despite pleas from Schmarman to drop charges, Sagorin went ahead with the arrest; the black kid was found guilty and sent to prison.” <mike@sagorin.com>, cc-Ahackner <ahackner@netactive.co.za>, Cc-Alanditz <mandm@global.co.za>, michaeld <michaeld@jamclothing.co.za>, Sam Schaffer <sam.schaffer@telkomsa.net>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <vsmith@chapman.edu>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist.com – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith@stratwater.com>, “Neil Gould – FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <ngould@hkstar.com>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG.” <ray.oshry@haroldbenjamin.com>, Hlumelo Biko – son of Steve Biko murdered on 9/11/1977 – now running a Wall Street charity-investment portfolio <ali.ayala@endeavor.org>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <jann@jannturner.com>, “Jill Hogan – younger sister of ANC official Barbara Hogan who is the only white South African convicted by the South African Apartheid Regime for treason, and tortured during her captivity.” <info@mat.org.za>, “Jonny Gevisser – only son of Leslie Gevisser; Director The Extra-Mural Education Project Cape Town South Africa” <jg@emep.org.za>, Nigel Gevisser <ntsg@earthlink.com>, Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <Beverly.Stracey@lloyds.com>, raz elmaleh <raztrip@hotmail.com>, gino <gino49@zahav.net.il>, mallorca agent <uncle@mweb.co.za>, pini <pinicoolshul@hotmail.com>, loula <loulamolfesis@supanet.com>, Wally Stiller <stiller@mweb.co.za>, Trevor Barrett <tbphoto@eurobell.co.uk>, Susan Barrett <slr33@hotmail.com>, stephen grolnic <grolnic@attbi.com>, NSeymour <NSeymour@Scholastic.com>, Norrissk <norrissk@aol.com>, MIKE1COHEN <MIKE1COHEN@aol.com>, MrLu <ningbo@instrimpex.com.cn>, LindanCourt <LindanCourt@aol.com>, DaoComm <DaoComm@aol.com>, deniseskitchen <Deniseskitchen@easynet.co.uk>, GWerbel <GWerbel@aol.com>, HonestReporting <HonestReporting@hotmail.com>, INorris <INorris@aol.com>, Mervyn Shneier <blamshn@bigpond.com.au>, liana k <lianak8@hotmail.com>, Korrigan <korriganplace@saol.com>, katherine courts <ktcourts@hotmail.com>, Julius Zabow <jzabowca@global.co.za>, Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers <mail@jewishtelegraph.com>, Ivan Ferkolj <ivan.ferkolj@kclj.si>, israel wiesel <polegisr@netvision.net.il>, Harry Heller <harryheller26@hotmail.com>, greg kentros <kentros@ioa.forthnet.gr>, francis andrew correial <franciscorreial@onetel.co.uk>, ETHSTAN <ethstan@mweb.co.za>, esther francis correial <esthercorreial@btinternet.com>, Clarasol <clarasol@gibnet.gi>, Christine Prefontaine <designcult@earthlink.net>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <dersh@law.harvard.edu>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Russ Shain <rshain8@gmail.com>, Barry Solomon <barrysolomon11@gmail.com>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <colbren@live.com>, “Jody Perling – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <perlingc@mtrmls.com>, “Maurice Kessler – Still FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <mauricekes3@gmail.com>, Bobby Buba Jacobs <bobbyj@gmail.com>, Brazil Embassy – USA <consular@consbrasdc.org>, Chinese Embassy – USA <service@visarite.com>, Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN <N.Wiener@taschen.com>, Editor-shanghai daily <editor@shanghaidaily.com>, South China Morning Post <scmplet@scmp.com>, Chief Rabbi of South Africa Goldstein <office@chiefrabbi.co.za>, Rabbi Luke Ford – First to out South African-American Rabbi Abner Weiss <lukeisback@gmail.com>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <zlivni@knesset.gov.il>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <barak@idc.ac.il>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <friling@bgu.ac.il>, “bnetanyahu@knesset.gov.il” <bnetanyahu@knesset.gov.il>, Galit Tassi <galit.tassi@gmail.com>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec@israelemb.org>, “mohr@tehila.gov.il” <mohr@tehila.gov.il>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.” <matthewmargo@aol.com>, 60 Minutes <60m@cbsnews.com>, Sharon Evans <evans_sharon@yahoo.com>, Seth Frantzman – op-ed editor of Jerusalem Post <seth@jpost.com>, “devinstandard@yahoo.com” <devinstandard@yahoo.com>, “Sidney Abelski – sellout lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <sidneyabelski@yahoo.com>, “righteous.nations@yadvashem.org.il” <righteous.nations@yadvashem.org.il>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban, South Africa. South Africa – Clifford Benn who fought in the DAAC’s [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s bloody Angolan War where the DAAC backed both sides, was later caught in a DAAC sting Illicit Diamond Buying [IDB] operation when working at South African Clothing Industries whose co-founder was Alan Zulman, my mother’s second husband.” <cbenn@mweb.co.za>, “cliff@cliffordfriedman.com” <cliff@cliffordfriedman.com>, “Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor in Chief of Jerusalem Post – I’m not saying anything about anything – July 31, 2015” <steve@jpost.com>, “Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer, Rothwell is considered the world authority on the pricing of enriched uranium, but failed to include the military component and its aftermath.” <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC. Russian Embassy” <defattru@msn.com>, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <iamrecruit@investecmail.com>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <jbeare@iafrica.com>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2010] which is controlled by Putin and owns 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves. Prior was the top dog of failed Jonathan Beare’s Prefcor-McCarthy Holding Group-Avenger before Brand Pretorius took over on October 1, 1999, the same day the epic Revlon Corporation class action lawsuit was filed; the same day Russian forces invaded Chechnya following Russian false flag operation in the heart of Moscow.” <terry@oakbrook.co.za>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <jbecker@nytimes.com>, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <Eric.Eggers@g-a-i.org>, “ onald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <email@gop.com>, “Louise Brace – author of \”subject to contract” – Investec Bank (UK) Ltd v (1) Arnold Zulman (2) David Zulman” <louise.brace@pannone.co.uk>
Mom and Alan…what a great couple…looking good!
Did you provide Alan Zulman or any of your other clients with a formal letter explaining what other material items are included in “off balance sheet” transactions?
1) Subject: They all know what I want. It is not a secret (July 16, 2016)
Zena: Hello… what can I do for you my love…well if I hear your voice, I’m wonderful… I feel I would like to see you, when will I see you?…They all know what I want. It is not a secret.
2) Subject: I will see you in England (July 25, 2016)
Gary: I’m wanting to sit down with you and go through some stuff; so its important…
Zena: I’m very well and very happy and anytime you want to come and see me and work with me is fine.
Gary: It would be easier for me once you get back to England, but if you want me to come to Israel I will come to Israel.
Zena: No, I will see you in England.. okay doll…take care…love you too, lots of love, bye.3) Subject: They won’t take any notice of me – Aug. 1, 2016
Gary: Mary-Lou; it’s Gary. [I first thought the person who answered the phone was the caregiver. In fact it was my mother’s second husband’s sister, Roz Zulman Norris who passed the phone to my mother in the very noisy surroundings which have been common place whenever I have been speaking with my mother, and others have been in the living room of her apartment in Netanya, Israel. ]
Roz Zulman Norris: Who’s this?
Gary: This is Gary. Who is this?
Roz Zulman Norris: Gary, you want your mom? Hang on. [Lots of noise in the background].
Gary: Please.
Zena: Hello
Gary: Hello darling. Could you ask them to lower the TV?
Zena: They won’t take any notice of me, okay.
Gary: Well, just try.
Zena: No, just keep talking, I can hear you.
Gary: How are you doing?
Zena: I’m okay darling.
Gary: [break in the taping, asks to speak to Roz Norris].
Zena: Did you hear that,
Gary: What was that?
Zena: She talks a lot of rubbish. She says she doesn’t want to talk to you.
Gary: Okay, mom these people..
Zena: It’s no loss. Believe me, she is not worth talking to.4) Subject: I would like to spend the rest of my life near you (July 11, 2016)
Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman, “…I would like you to be here with me; I would like to spend the rest of my life near you; I don’t just like talking on the telephone.”
5) Subject: I only want to know if you love me – July 31, 2016
Gary: Do you have any questions for me?
Zena: I only want to know if you love me.
Gary: Well that I do.6) Subject: Everything about your life is positive (July 20, 2016)
Gary: What do you most remember about me; what most comes to mind?
Zena: That you are lucid; that you believe in things, that whatever you want you try to get done; everything about your life is positive, what else would you want me to say?
Gary: What about Melvin?
Zena: I was saying I don’t have any contact with Melvin. I don’t have a point of view. We don’t have any discussions. Melvin doesn’t come into my thinking.
Gary: He doesn’t call you up?
Zena: No
Gary: What about Kathy?
Zena: No
Gary: She doesn’t call you up?”
Zena: Not really, She came here and then she said she was here and that’s it. She will tell me that maybe she will come again but she doesn’t tell me what year.
Gary: What do you most remember about Kathy?
Zena: She’s my daughter. [Note the Zena Gevisser laugh].
Gary: Anything else?
Zena: No
Gary: What about Neil?
Zena: He’s my son.
Gary: What do you remember most about him?
Zena: Nothing; he’s my son.
Gary: How would you describe Neil?
Zena: As my son.
Gary: That’s it?
Zena: Yes.7) Subject: Neutral (July 22, 2016)
Gary: What do you remember most about dad [Bernie Gevisser]?
Zena: He was my husband.
Gary: What about him, how would you describe dad?
Zena: Neutral. He didn’t have any views on anything, and then when he went to, wherever he went, to Australia, suddenly he became a man of views, but when he lived with me he didn’t have any views, okay… And then he became an old man in Australia, and an entirely different person.”8) Subject: I don’t think my other children believe in anything (July 23, 2016)
Gary: Let’s come back to me; I want you to tell me again how you would describe me?
Zena: Are you my youngest son?
Gary: Yes
Zena: You are very nice, I like you. That’s it.
Gary: Would you say that you like your other children?
Zena: In their own way, but they are not like you.
Gary: In what way am I different?Zena: [Laughing] O Dear. You’re just different okay. You’ve got a point of view. There are things you believe in that you see to. I don’t think my other children believe in anything.
When I was 15 years old and it looked like I was good enough academically to have studied anything I wanted at university, and the easiest of course for anyone with just half a brain is the study of law that begins and ends with the gun, I woke up to find that my father, the only breadwinner in our household had died, and we were destitute. So I had to drop out of high school and find a way to make a living and a fast one at that, because none of my relatives including my very rich uncle, Hymie Zulman was willing to lend a hand.Eventually, I borrowed a couple of quid from Hymie and started SACI, and just as quickly paid back the borrowed monies. I worked hard, became the best factory manager I could possibly be. I still had to take care of my younger sister Roz and my mother who I eventually brought to live with your mom and me in England and when the time came for her to be placed in an old age home, we found one in Wiveslicombe; and on May 31, 1985 I wrote a letter to a group of you which I know Gary has kept. It begins;Dear Mom, Roz, Jonny, Leonard, Dionne & Steve, Lance, Nicole, Neil, Kathy, Melvin & Gary.I’ve written this first page with carbon as its a happy letter I’d like you all to share with me.Yesterday morning I woke up bright & early as it was a wonderful spring day for Zena’s birthday. Zena had arranged a lovely surprise day for me & I’d arranged a lovely surprise evening for her.I had no idea where we were going but once in the car she [pulled] out a map & directed me to a town South Martltoz where there is a famous honey industry were one can see all the life cycles of the bee in its natural state. As I’m very interested in bees it was a wonderful experience for me. Then back to the car to drive to a town Torrington, all this in the beautiful county of Devon which is on the border of our county Somerset. Traveling through magnificence country lanes & villages each one a picture more beautiful than the next. I love glass wear & in Torrington we visited the famous glass works which merged with Wedgewood & can see the beautiful glass blown all hand done in the old traditional style & one can purchase in the factory shop at reduced prices. Then we drove to the coastal town of Ilfracombe which was famous for smugglers in the early days. Its a very picturesque town with really old pubs & many old buildings & boats in the harbour. Remember all this in a in radius of 50 miles of our home.It gets dark very late in the summer & we left Ilfracombe at 6:30 going back to our village to be in time for diner at 7:45. Zena was expecting a quiet dinner for two I had booked a small private room & we walked into the restaurant to be met by the Krohn family & Anderson family singling happy birthday. Robert was missing when Zena enquired after him. He suddenly arrived in his kilt playing the bag pipes.
The eight of us had a wonderful meal & then a Parvalova sweet with 12 candles arrived. more singing & fun had by all. Then home to Wivy to find two enormous flower arrangements. Beautiful Pink Roses from Holland from me & large bowl of assorting flowers from our American children. It was really wonderful day & evening & one we will cherish forever. Wish you could all have been with us.Please pass this on to the rest of the clan.
The two of you, Neil and Melvin had a great many options including going to live in Israel. Instead you went into the Apartheid Regime’s military; and furthermore, I don’t recall either of you in all your silences ever joining Gary in not mincing words and condemning, not the puppet Apartheid Regime but the De Beers banking-mining network who controlled the Apartheid Regime.Perhaps you have it more in with yourselves than you do for Gary who we all have the hardest time faulting.
….under no circumstances whatsoever?
… Where would anyone get such a stupid idea?
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Zena [Gevisser] Zulman
Date: August 16, 2016 at 6:21:53 PM PDT
To: symonadv@netvision.net.il
Cc: Deborah_NY Sturman <sturman@sturman.ch>, OPG Safeguarding Unit <OPG.Safeguardingunit@publicguardian.gsi.gov.uk>, “ ourtofprotectionenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk” <courtofprotectionenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk>
Mr. Symon,
From: “Sturman, Deborah_NY” <sturman@sturman.ch>Subject: RE: Normal – SimonDate: August 11, 2016 at 8:40:06 AM PDTTo: ‘GaryStevenGevisser’ <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Hi Gary,I sent an email to Eli Symon simply asking if he had time to discuss Alan’s will. I sent it this morning and have not heard back.
From: Marie Dion Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:43 PM PT
To: bernieg@tpg.com.au
Cc: Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – dkdanz@bigpond.net.au; Melvin Gevisser – mgevisser@sbcglobal.net; devinstandard@yahoo.com; Neil Gevisser – rymedisease@earthlink.net; gevisser@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Gary’s SA flat.Dear Bernie,Gary has a knack in exposing the money trails.Going from one country to the next impossible to trace unless you’re in the “know”, intimately involved, i.e. a trusted family member.It all comes down to money, inheritance for everybody involved all the way down to the grandchildren..
What steps have you taken to make things right with regard to Gary’s flat in Seapoint, Cape Town, South Africa?Our next move is to start a paper trail of all the monies involved dating back to 1967 up to this day, from South Africa all the way to Australia via England not to mention Mr. Jost in Switzerland.You and the family might not want all that exposure. It might be simpler to tell the truth.MariePS – Of course Gary is in full agreement with me regarding this communiqué.[Word count 141]
Begin forwarded message:From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Subject: Zena [Gevisser] ZulmanDate: August 8, 2016 at 10:01:19 AM PDT
Dear Mr. Simon,I am Gary Gevisser, my mother Zena Zulman’s youngest child.After Alan’s passing, I want to make sure my mother is properly cared for. She will obviously continue to need a full-time carer, but will also now need a guardian.As the executor of my mother and Alan Zulman’s estate I trust that you will be someone who can take care of these important matters. I don’t have particularly good relations with my 3 siblings, Neil, Kathy and Melvin, and would therefore like to participate in any decisions regarding my mother’s care. My mother’s care is the highest priority. May I ask you to help with whatever legal matters must be resolved to have the proper guardian appointed for my mother?I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible in this regard as my mother’s guardianship is now in limbo since Alan’s passing last weekend.Sincerely yours,Gary S. GevisserUSA -1-858-XXXX