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Everything in nature can be logically reasoned

From: Gary <>

Date: May 16, 2021 at 8:41:20 AM PDT

To: Solly Krok <> – former multibillionaire client of mine and fb friend

Cc: rest; Keisha Whitaker <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>

Subject: Everything in nature can be logically reasoned

Solly – it looks like you no longer want to speak with me.

The truth has never meant anything to people who steal and think it is okay because others steal more.

It is the gun that still gets the land which is then used to grab more money to buy more land and enslave the poor that much more. It is a logic you nor anyone can refute.

The Jews of South Africa behaved so badly in support of the Apartheid Regime while hypocritically embracing religious rituals and their bullshit charities to help the poor.

Everything in nature can be logically reasoned; the human the only exception.

That should tell you everything right there.

How stupid to think you can outsmart God-logic-truth.

Most people your age feel they have lived too long and get to watch their friends die and get sick which is not exactly an accomplishment, more like a punishment.

Imagine if you are wrong and God exists what will you say then?

In the meantime you are left to watch your back from the treacherous only after your money, courtesy of the Oppenheimers.

Note that my posts in response to this Jewish Durbanite, Foreman using the airwaves to solicit monies to take care of graves has been removed, but of course I didn’t need to tell him and all those listening that the Durban North Lazarus clan held fundraisers at their homes for the Nazi National Party-Apartheid Regime where the money donations amounted to nothing compared to the fear-intimidation of those who didn’t attend.

No shame.

Very disappointed!


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