Exposing ~ If not now, when?
Screenshot 11:27 AM Calif time, June 11, 2019
A message from Roger to Chevron’s shareholders:
How can you sleep? For pity’s sake, settle with the Ecuadorian villagers at your AGM today. It’s only $12 billion dollars.
Give it up, the whole world, except those that have been bought off, knows Chevron is in the wrong, have a heart.
Love R.
You, Wendy Baird, Damon Alagich and 3.8K others
Phyllis Anne Smith WOW that’s awesome and I love that Roger Waters does all kinds of stuff through out the world!!!! My nickname is Ledganrdy Pink Floyd Phyllis!!
Wendy Baird Hope they do give it up and show some heart for nature and the future environment.
Gary Gevisser Title: Exposing
Mr. Waters, you should have received an email providing a backup of “If not now, when?”.
It also seems that it may be necessary to explain in more detail why any type of boycott which is nothing less than a restriction on trade plays directly into the hands of the warmongers, and which if you studied the boycotts against the South African Apartheid Regime you would have realized how totally ineffective they were other than then it helped wiped out the poor that much quicker while exposing
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those genuinely opposed to the Apartheid Regime while naively trusting their bought leadership.
So the likelihood of you finding alive today those black South African faces protesting the arrival of hypocrite liberal Senator Ted Kennedy in mineral rich South Africa back in January 1985 are infinitesimally small and if they are alive, it is almost certain they were bought to help expose the next generation of naive public protestors.
If you are genuinely opposed to a Nazi regime like the Apartheid Government aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division you have to follow the path of my very peaceful, but not in the least naive British-English mother Zena as this one of a kind mother explains it all so well in her carefully crafted memoir, LIFE STORY OF ZENA which my mother first began sharing with her intimate circle on September 25, 2001 by which time she knew that most of them including my 3 elder siblings who are now responsible for my mother being slowly tortured to death in Israel, were rats.
Cutting and pasting Life Story of Zena:
Eventually, Zena found herself lecturing to corporate lawyers and public figures in America and elsewhere overseas on the benefits of investment in South Africa. Wherever she went she was well received. The ignorance of academics and others in fields of power on the subject of South Africa astounded her. In the school holidays she would take her small children (all four eventually) on her overseas trips. Once landing in a capital city in Europe she was met in by a leading civil servant of that country. Handing over her blonde, blue-eyed daughter to this lady she was astounded to be told by her “it is amazing how white your child is with a black father!!” Recovering from shock I asked her what she meant and why did she think my husband was black? Her reply was that I had told her over the phone that I was married to a South African and she therefore assumed he must be black!
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Mr. Waters, you did not need to be the editor of your favorite newspaper the Guardian or formerly schooled in economics at say England’s most prestigious but totally upside down in terms of logic and morality London School of Economics to know that a monopolist tolerates no competition and therefore when a local business is hit with boycotts of its goods or importing from abroad it raw material needs, the monopolist chimes in silently, “Give me more.”
The fact that you have politicians of all different varieties and creed and the more languages they speak so they practice that much more to fool the people into believing that they are truly cultured, so civilized, in support of the common man and you believe their horse-shit, doesn’t mean the politician hasn’t done the job they are paid to do.
Their reasoning is simple; if you weren’t smart to figure out the bullshit of boycotts then you deserve to be fooled.
So the question is simple; are you an unwitting partner in the vicious, brutal, elimination of the poor by contrived war and poverty or have they already bought you just as they did their most vocal opponents of the Apartheid Regime?
Once you realized that the human is a very poor programmed computer, and poor in the sense that it defies logical thought processing on the most important items beginning with the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product index which is the foundation of all global commerce, and then when fed the “honest to God truth”, instead of making adjustments to its actions to improve, beautify both itself and the environment it choose the exact opposite and sticks to it “crash and burn” course, so even the most feeble human mind is capable of seeing that there must be genius behind such programming.
You think you are bored with human stupidity?
How do you think I feel having to laboriously spell it all out?
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Right now I am greatly uplifted because I am not only hearing French being spoken but this language of love is being spoken by the most beautiful voice of my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion who has the most wonderful laugh and a smile to die for; and of course her mother Rachelle knows this all too well.
Let’s go back to my mother Zena who on September 25, 2001 was not only well aware of the fallout of 9/11 which was a glorious day for the world’s warmongers who you probably learned from me see peace as war on their profits and they can’t get enough of nationalism talk, but how my very precise 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post between February 1, 2001 and May 1st, forewarned of these events taking the human race disgrace into the abyss.
Cutting and pasting Life Story of Zena, 2 paragraphs above, “Eventually Zena found..”:
Schools were opened in what was then Zambia, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, and the Belgian Congo, Swaziland, Windhoek, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town, Johannesburg and many small towns often by former pupils who stayed on in Zena’s classes to train as teachers. Her curriculum on the importance of being a woman and overcoming shyness as well as how to enter the field of public relations and advertising were taught as far afield as Germany, Switzerland and Hong Kong. It would be many years before Universities and Colleges taught degree courses in Journalism and Public Relations even worldwide never mind in Southern Africa.
Raising funds for charity became the order of the day with as many as 52 charities a year. Some for small events and others for national occasions. Her advice was sought by politicians and business executives for their wives and for themselves.
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What do you think would be an excellent example of “National occasions”?
Most likely your mind, if it is not full of drugs and alcohol, is focused on why my most worldly mother Zena would bother spending her precious time helping raise monies for 52 charities a year when all that was needed was to place one call either to Harry Oppenheimer, head of the banking-mining cartel De Beers-Barclays or her best friend, David Gevisser [1926-2009] the “male heir” of American Charles W. Engellhard Jr., the richest and most powerful person on the planet
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and Engelhard Jr. made it his business to socialize mostly with the world’s most visible British Royal anti-Semites
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and his greatest satisfaction which was also enjoyed by Wallis Simpson and her husband, Duke of Windsor, the abdicated King of England Edward VIII, was to place my “lucky uncle” Jewish Kapo-Zagiew Dave Gevisser seated right next to Wallis Simpson.
Nor was Ms. Simpson or the Duke that eager to go down on very ugly in every respect David Gevisser
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who like most ugly looking people only get that much uglier with age, and the money attraction that much more spellbinding; instead, they all enjoyed this fool Jewish Kapo court jester who was in fact clueless about his master’s true motivations which like the Nazi SS keeping order in the 300 death factories of the Jewish Holocaust loved to see the Jews beating up on one another and of course the Nazi officials chose the ugliest who were saturated with jealousy towards those with more beautiful bodies and faces.
Who cares about anything else once you know the world is made up of fools who you would expect to rise to the top under the most average producing Bell Shaped curve educational system.
If you feel that I am being repetitive because you have read some of this elsewhere, you would know from school how exhausting it is to hear the teacher repeat the same thing time and again for the stupid.
You must have by now fully studied my “Let’s all choose stupidity!” Thought Experiment and like the rest all quiet, you have yet to comment on those priceless and timeless 4 Jerusalem Post articles
which did more than capture the full attention of by my very accomplished parents.
How could you if you knew anything about me or my parents or grandparents not pick up the phone or drop us an email even if nothing more than the word, “Wow”?
Not one individual we knew contacted the 3 of us, and all they needed to do was contact one and knowing that the other two would be most pleased.
We are not talking about one article lost in a sea of empty face. 4 most controversial articles which attacked the duplicity of all the Allied nations, not only Israel, in their support of a very rich white collar Jewish Belgian-American terrorist financier.
Does a part of your mind want to say, “The Jerusalem Post must have been mad?”
Bad people always respond positively to bad news; and the rest you can all figure out.
My mother Zena during the 7 months and 24 days between the publication of my first article on February 1, 2001 and the initial email broadcast of Life Story of Zena on September 25, just 14 days after 9/11, waited patiently.
My mother did not pick up the phone to Harry Oppenheimer who died on August 18, 2000 or for that matter to Charles Engelhard Jr. who you should recall given the amount of times I have repeated it, died on March 2, 1971 having turned just 54 the month before.
Nor did my mother Zena ever approach David Gevisser or Harry Oppenheimer or Charles Engelhard Jr. to give a penny towards her huge number of charities.
Nor did my redoubtable mother Zena
ever advise the other charities’ officials who would be the best to approach based on wealth and eager to portray the false image of being “so good” towards their fellow man.
Her presence did allow my mother Zena to observe who was and who wasn’t “playing the fool”.
Fools my mother also quickly observed and knowing to spend as little time with them as possible.
To my mother’s huge credit she never once picked up the phone to Harry Oppenheimer, let alone comply with his request once I passed the year long initiation, to meet my mother who on the way back to South Africa from Chicago was going to being passing through London.
I cannot tell you exactly how Harry Oppenheimer felt about that “rebuff” but nor did he ever take my mother for a fool. He probably thought, not that my mother was too busy, because no one is too busy to have lunch with the richest and most powerful person on the planet and whose knowledge of world events and also most cultured was Harry Oppenheimer was second only to my mother Zena, but rather Oppenheimer would have simply felt, “Zena must have her reasons”; and besides the important thing for Oppenheimer was that I had passed the grade and would soon be witnessing in the flesh the De Beers-Barclays’ “Rules of the Game”.
which the reader of The D I book is hit square between the eyes in chapter 6.
Nor did Oppenheimer expect that my “journeymanship” at Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street, New York City, to last very long and that it was up to me when I felt it was time to move on and join him at DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] headquarters on Charterhouse Street, London
Mr. Waters if you haven’t already studied intensely chapter 10, THE ARRANGEMENT where you see right underneath the title, this street sign
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you are missing out.
The people are big and nasty.
How can you have so many increasingly fat humans delighting in the so cruel, merciless, slow murder of my amazing mother Zena, and not one single word of genuine outrage; at least not publicly?
You must be thinking more of what I was explaining yesterday, “the people now see themselves more evil than they saw themselves previously.”
Some people who are only into horses must get used to those nasty horseflies which must take a toll on their minds; and surely counteracting all the great energy they receive from such beauty and you know already of course that next to the beauty of the most beautiful French-Canadian woman and there are wonderfully not all that many otherwise how could we appreciate such perfect beauty in a see of ugly dogs without me needing to place up a photo of a disgusting, self-absorbed, so into themselves human beast, is a thoroughbred racing horse.
To others the presence of horse flies is a great irritant but only in the moment that quickly passes once they are in touch with the heartbeat of the universe.
My 3 siblings know perfectly well that it has been most devastating to me and my mother Zena our absense apart these past 971 odd days since I last saw and spoke with her on October 8, 2016 and we both realized that the fix was in, and the chance of finding one honest Israeli lawyer, judge or politician was as high as getting one none stranger to respond positively to my 4 articles or for that matter to Epstein’s The D I book.
They relish the fact that they have cut off my mother and I speaking on the phone, and all in the hope that we will both suffer immeasurable pain that will most of all rapidly deteriorate our health.
They have taken away my mother’s two dogs without a thought of replacing them.
They keep my mother in Israel knowing well that is the best place to kill off my mother and avoid prosecution because once my mother is dead, who other than me is going to care anyway?
My mother didn’t expect me to live long once I decided to break my 24 year deafening silence on 11.11.2004 at which time her “best friend” David Gevisser had yet to write his 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER which is available on my website 2facetruth.com, and there is a hyperlink further above, and so self-incriminating you have to wonder whether either my mother Zena or God had a hand in it.
Even the slightly religious seem to be happier than those totally irreligious who are always looking for man to show his superior kindness which is really not demonstrated when eating anything that comes from an animal and worst of all the cow milk which deprives the calf and that anxiety you may now feel.
You too are a case of being full of contradictions as you support hunting and clearly have yet to embrace a vegan diet that is good to the body and the planet as you distract yourself in causes which again both in the short and long term only support the warmongers, the worst of humanity.
How can I go light on you when you are someone who has the political clout to move the entire planet and yes it should be the environment that we most care about and that the totally decadent GDP economic index has the totally stupid human seeing as good the progress of roads, houses and commercial complexes and everyone in the cities herded into sports stadiums and rock concerts where they can just lose themselves in the crowd and act out their worst afflictions not helped by alcohol and other drugs which brings out that much more man’s violence towards itself and that logically cannot be helped by eating meat-dairy-fish which we know not only causes most of the cancers if not all of them but a healthy whole food plant based diet eliminates heart disease.
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If you are getting sick because of the food, then nature is telling you a lot of things about yourself.
Surely you must feel now more than ever that you are what you ate?
Eating with my mother Zena was more about talking.
Who would my mother Zena want to be talking to, me or her captors?
You can see the Nazis having a good time with this one, but the Nazis, even the worst of them who threw Jewish babies into the air, bayonetted them on the way down as the parents stood right next the Nazi SS and looked on helplessly, did not do this to their own flesh and blood.
The silence of my 4 articles, the silence that followed me reminding De Beers-Oppenheimer-Barclays that I hadn’t forgotten them despite my quietness and knowing what was the smart thing to do, the silence of the upper classes following WW2 to fully investigate their culpability, and the well-informed like the great South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] could easily see that even back then no one had the stomach to prosecute Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry for their war atrocities; and there are many more silences that I have not enumerated here, but none of them point to the human being anything close to nice or that there isn’t an Almighty Hand in everything, no exceptions.
Nor would you expect the highest levels of spirituality to manifest itself within the insensitive human who just mouths righteous talk, and doesn’t even follow the logic of the most basic computer which every programmer wants to see improved efficiency and that in turn leads to quicker sharing of information.
Everything even the cars are about making business out of information gathering and sharing; and lets face it you are not going to get more important knowledge than this and that is the death-nail of all the bullshit which you are showing you don’t want to see end.
Does that make you or anyone a Hitler or worse? Only you know who you are.
They are beautiful words, “I am”.
It allows you to tell yourself who you are. Only you, and no one else knows exactly who you are. They are most comforting thoughts if you are either young and not corrupted or youthful in spirit and that is helped by having a healthy body that is mostly water and it is the water that has our knowledge; and if you think eating the blood of a cow along with the meat that gets touched by all the rotting human organs on its eventual way to the colon, is going to make that 95% of you that is water, that much healthier with every piece of cheese and meat and heavily processed breads that pass through your lips, nothing I say is going to penetrate anyway.
If you are ugly on the outside and inside and you stand in front of the mirror and say, “I am a beautiful person inside. I love myself. I no longer need any self-help books to make up for not getting laid” the chances of it resonating beyond giving you a headache are probably nil.
The opposite, is that you don’t have to stand in front of a mirror or attend one of those nonsense self-help motivational seminars listening to another needy person without much smarts to figure out the money corruption and they are all about the money.
Again, your music makes you different.
Forget the rest of the 8; assume the rest of the 8 billion not so idiot future ants because they are programmed with intelligence and if they mess up they die that much quicker, are not with us.
Think what you can do now for my mother.
She only asks that she be with me.
The rest of them show clearly they dont give a dam.
They lose nothing other than the loss of satisfaction from seeing my mother and me suffer.
Let them dwell in the horrors of their own making.
Be different and see how much better you will feel about yourself knowing exactly where you stand with everyone; and that may instantly reveal to you the highest levels of spirituality without having to die and be remorseful.
Let’s go back to Life Story of Zena as it ends:
She was devastated when sisters had to attend different classes of her teachings because some could pass for “Whites” whilst others were labeled “Colored”. This was all during her early years as a mother and when her children were born (all four before she was 29) she made up her mind that they must be trained to live outside of the country and sadly the land of their birth. Albert Luhzuli (his cousin worked for her), Chief Buthelezi, Alan Paton had a dramatic effect on her. Brought up in an anglicized rather than religious Jewish home she found comfort amongst the Zionist families of Durban. Janie and Maurice Gevisser Mary and Charles Lachman and dozens of other people opened their homes to her and it was a great learning process.
Eventually, Rabbi Avner Weiss arrived in Durban and taught her kashrut and the true meaning of Judaism. His lectures to the children of the community “The Rabbi From Out Of Space” were important lessons for her. From the earliest days of 1949 she visited Israel two and three times a year writing reports for different publications. Her paternal grandmother had been an early resident of Tel Aviv only returning to England when Zena was born. The Gevissers (she married Bernie Gevisser when she was 19 after only a few months in Durban) owned land in Haifa harbour and Zichron Yscov and she rapidly felt at home in Israel.
Reporting on the many wars when Israel was attacked she was the first civilian in the captured area of the Sinai and in later years at her own expense twinned Durban with Eilat. In 1978 she left Durban eventually making her home in Netanya [Israel] and England.
Much of her work carried on in various places and although she gave up lecturing she continued with her writings to this day. Her second husband, Alan Zulman well-known in the clothing industry having started in the early 50’s – with a partner – a company which became South African Clothing Industries – collaborated in an Anthology that published recently entitled “The Winking Cat”. The first story of the title of the book which is about Ancient Energy offers Zena’s philosophy which will overcome all of Life’s problems.
“Keep Smiling”.
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Mr. Waters, if you can say “I am” with immediate delight. Then you know you are beautiful without any regrets because you know that you have done your best.
That beauty will attract other beauty, and that is nature talking to us constantly.
“I am” also puts you in control of your own destiny.
The fact that you hear the Jewish-Hebrew words, “I am” coming at the start of the most important prayer to us Jewish people, should not put you off.
Avi Hudad, Bev Kaplan, Bobby O’dell, Bob Gilfoy, Charles Buchan, Charles Buchan, Colleen Nicola Muskat, Constan Harris, Brent Tollman, Handré Visagie, Pierre Waldemar Brouard, Pierre Menard, Wayne Lusvardi, Wayne Henlis, Dirk Kotze, Chemise Michelle, Paul Joseph, Mary Helsby, Margret Fischer, Jodian Rodgers, Janet Goldblatt, Ivor Friedman, Eitan Ash, Ekerette Ekpo, Gerda Louw
Stephen Talbot, Jennifer Bruyns Neethling, Jenny Tucker, Jennifer Ann Jordaan, Eva Acton Stokes, Dionne West Yagla, Farooq Shah, Kerry Nelson, Kerry Menzies, Kerry Jane Gutridge, Jeff Drucker, Kerron Craig Walker, Ken Witucki, Karen Bates-Harris, Kay Baxter, Karen Messineo Chmelar, Indovino Salvatore, Irven Hope, Katiso Motoko, Nelson Guedes, Lawrence W. Nelson US Navy SEAL Commander.
Gary Gevisser Title: If not now, when? [Word count 1109]
Roger Waters, yesterday at 10:07 AM Calif. time, I took a bold and decisive step to place the following on my wall:
So, the question, if you were Mr Zuckerberg, would you be monitoring this Wall?
It is irrefutable information that you don’t get anywhere else.
Those 24 words are already changing the world, even if you think there is nothing to be said about coincidences or anything of that kind.
My British citizen, 90 year old mother Zena who was born and raised in England for the first 18 years of her life, and in her early 50s returned to the southwest countryside of England, is paying with her life for her logical and undivided support of me, as my mother continues to be held captive in her Netanya, Israel apartment without being able to make contact with me.
It is of course a story like none other but then my knowledge base turns the world upside down for those who failed to question the money because you believed your money manager who is supported by both the stupid and the corrupt.
Where there is darkness there is always greater light. Our imaginations open up endless possibilities when we focus on the good.
Earlier today I began broadcasting, “Let’s all relax”
You can see that it is first located on the wall of Alexander Drakalski and nor have we always got along, not even close.
Mr. Drakalski’s decision not to remove my writings makes logical sense.
If I can reason with one person, I can reason with anyone so long as they take pride in their mind.
My insight and analysis of the important events of the day causes the people to in fact see themselves more evil than they saw themselves previously.
It is revealed very clearly in the following 63 words which I sent my sister Kathy 3 days ago titled “Uplift everyone in the moment -: V bad -: Rotten Roe
How can you possibly tell an adult how to bring out the best in themselves if you don’t have a fundamental knowledge of how the price mechanism, key to any economic system, works with a very bad capitalist based monopolist able to do business with any communist or socialist based enterprise while able to ride roughshod over any capitalist enterprise that it chooses?
Those 63 odd words distraught every billionaire who is unaccomplished, and there is of course an immediate trickle down effect; but we are not all equal with the biggest thieves.
Moreover, on May 26 I presented the first of my Thought Experiments, “Let’s all choose stupidity!”
and it too has added to the shut down.
You cannot consider yourself accomplished in “making money” when you now have absolute proof the entire financial market is rigged from start to finish by the world’s biggest thieves who I didn’t simply work for, I had to prove ahead of time that I not only had the quantitive skillsets but could figure out in my head how the people would react once given the information.
I waited for the internet to mature and it has continued to do so for the past going on 15 years without any sign of stoppage.
The Internet is more than their weak spot. It is their black hole from which there is no escape.
My former employer De Beers-Barclays would have been monitoring my performance ever since I broke my 24 year deafening silence on 11.11.2004.
What is important is that I am still here and continuing to make progress.
One should always look for what those you respect most would think of your actions in doing the right thing, and nothing can be more important than the environment which we are a part of.
If you can make the argument that someone can charge for water, you stop me dead in my tracks. But you have to make the logical argument and I know that is impossible once examining all the irrefutable evidence that the world’s biggest thieves and mass murderers are not only guilty as hell but they cannot mount a counterargument in terms of their complicity in rigging the trading of the government currencies.
Just imagine both your parents looking down this very moment and I haven’t forgotten that your father was killed on Valentine’s Day 1944 which was 279 days before my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot Bernie Gevisser began his 71 miraculous dive bombing missions against the Nazis.
My Jewish father knew exactly what he was fighting for.
Your fight with the Israeli government is the wrong fight because your thinking is that you are hurting Israel financially which cannot be any further from the truth.
You are causing the rich of Israel who make their money in the financial markets which include real estate speculation and the war business, to celebrate while Israel’s poor, starting with their poor farmers who suffer the most from the BDS and the only way for the poor Israeli farmer to survive is to import slaves from Thailand which is what the Israeli government support as do all the governments who are a party to the rigging of the currency markets.
I think the time has come for you to lead the way in stopping talking about how much this costs or what an item or service or penalty for abusing the “rules of the play” should sell for, because that you know is all distraction talk, once you follow along my writings
which are supported by the revelations in Professor Edward J. Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.
In one instant, with your reach, you can shut down all the nonsense politicians and their no less bought media representatives all itching for a fight when not distracting.
But they only have lies and people’s lethargy as their backstop and that is not reliable.
The people can be moved by music and the same with math-logic.
The people can be moved by music and the same with math-logic.
The rape of Arab women talk by a rabbi slated for higher office, if it is true, provides Israelis with a look at themselves, and based on the non-reaction of my Israeli fb friends, it means that Israel is ready for change.
If not now when?
Time to take our little boy Mango for play in the garden.
[Word count 1109]
IAF pilot, Lt Colonel Tomer Tene, former Pentagon THINK TANK RAND Corp official, economist Dr Rodney Smith PhD, Keisha Whitaker, Michelle B Dagan, Jean Edelstein Gaylis, Victor Silver, Ray Oshry, Muhammad Kabir Ali [no longer FB friend], Alec Boswijk, Kimberly Forsythe [no longer FB friend], Ryan Christopher Reeves, Jared Aufrichtig, Lionel H. Phillips, Beth Isaacs – Israel Ministry of Education/Health official, Meir Hurwitz, Jeremy Perling, Jeff Levenstein, Michael Ditz, Richard O’Connell [no longer FB friend], Diane Aimar Hewson [no longer FB friend], Michael B Bradamore, Sonam Palbar, Riaan Reyneke, Wendy Baird, Wendy Ann Bouman – high school history teacher, Jonathan Papin, Linda Laubscher, Richard Everett, Paul Everett Roan, Mandy Cochrane Hansson, Simon Bull [no longer FB friend], daughter of heroic anti Apartheid couple, Jenny Arenstein – Friedman, Tina Lloyd [no longer FB friend], Susan Munro.
Debbie Patton Kingsriter, Meon Saor, Denise Ward, Trent Hancock, Patricia Herrera, Nadia Bilchik, Tish Vorster, Natasha Melko, Teresa Robinette, Heidi Pretorius, Kim Braman, Damon Alagich, Paul Blackbeard, Paul Abro, Shirley Llarena, Stoney R. Harmon, Sue van der Linde, Tony Knight, Davids-Lombardi J R Ella, Dennis Mulligan, Michael Ditz, Micha-el Frame, Michael Rodd, Renee Maletsky, Rebecca Renee Randolph, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.
Gary Gevisser Paul Blackbeard did you already read, “Expose”?
I take it with your writing yesterday following you tagging me, was to let us all know that you want to talk.
What is of interest to you?
Pamela Powers, Pamela Stein, Kevin Welch, Kevin M Joubert, Shelley Jacobson, Brenda Jacobs, Brenda-Lee Plante, Brenda Sahagian, Stan Katz, Stan Milc, Charlene du Plessis, Charlene Jansen van Vuuren, Choupie Phemba, Olga Barbagiannis, Olga Artemyeva, Abe Mikey, Abigail Sher, Alan Mark Zeligson, Alan Brody, Alan Yudelman, Alan Movson, Alan Kantor, Greg Chilina, Basil Cohen, Kobie Cohen, Anthony Steven Cohen