facebook group chat, “Wow, very powerful!”
Tail-end starting THURSDAY, September 19, 2019 7:19 AM California time.
Set Match sent out going on 9 hours ago.
Dan Tollman, Michael Chait and Stan Katz left the group
Fools Names, Fools Faces In Public Places
THU 10:09 AM
Irven Hope left the group.
Without forgetting that I still have to finish off from where I left this Monday, and again, it will be brief, below is my follow up with Michael Chait who I don’t recall looking anything like the photos he shows on his facebook, but Im going back some 42 years; amazing what fat can do to a human:
Are you Peter and Anthony’s younger brother?
Do you feel that you can trust our 93 odd mutual friends assuming they react the same as you?
How can you think it is good for your mental health choosing denial?
Don’t you think the ancient words, ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” are profound?
To think the human can live such a long life and yet not manage to master the importance of such knowledge while bringing other humans into this world and they are supposed to look up to their ignorant parent/s, doesnt that make you feel totally foolish?
Do you agree with my beautiful, mindful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion, “Being a sperm donor or a sperm recipient does not make you a good parent!”?
How about, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”.
Say hi to your brothers. Your mother might remember me.
Also remember to check out my BLOG on 2facetruth.com as well as the $HIT list.
Below is the start of “Set match” which was in response to Katie, the assistant of Eric Metaxas of Socrates in the City who had responded positively to my initial enquiry, “I have information that will put all critics of Intelligent Design into total silence”:
From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Subject: Set Match -Re: Eric Metaxas Interviews Ambassador Caroline Kennedy — October 8th in Chicago
Date: September 18, 2019 at 10:35:31 PM PDT
To: Eric Metaxas – Socrates in the City <info@socratesinthecity.com>
Cc: rest; Elon Musk <NAsales@tesla.com>, “MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst, Ownership Advocacy” <mschmidt@tesla.com>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <christopherc@ziffrenlaw.com>, “Mike Fleming Jr – Co-Editor-in-Chief, Film ~ Deadline.com” <mike@deadline.com>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. ותומר טנא” <tene@arava.co.il>, “Geoffrey Rothwell – former principal economist for Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the OECD.” <geoffreyrothwell@yahoo.com>, Paul Watson – Founder Seashepherd <info@seashepherd.org>, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <yokofg@gmail.com>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <hjfdeg@gmail.com>, “Dr. John McDougall” <drmcdougall@drmcdougall.com>, “MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives Caldwell B. Esselstyn” <EssyProgram@ccf.org>, “Dr. Lim” <office@truenorthhealth.com>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <pcrm@pcrm.org>, Dr Dean Ornish <Tandis@pmri.org>, David Hillel Gelernter – Professor of computer science Yale University <david.gelernter@yale.edu>, “Stephen C. Meyer – Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge.” <smeyer@discovery.org>, Colin Campbell – The China Study <bjp1@cornell.edu>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <jdixon@discovery.org>
Dear Katie,
Let us set up the match.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
Intelligent Design can be demonstrated in mass stupidity, especially when they are given the information that is a game changer, and they choose to go into denial and remain ignorant; but in fact they are not ignorant because in choosing mental suicide they are conscious of their decision and hoping everyone without exception will choose the same wrong path.
This is not a Thought Experiment.
This is exactly what is going down.
You can see it in each one of my facebook group chats including the last one I began yesterday and the title, “Wow, very powerful” originated from one of the members who has now also shut down but yet to remove himself from the group.
Moreover, the few who have left cannot explain what disturbs them other than the truth and their lack of a counterargument has them entering a black hole from which there is no escape.
Yet all their individual bubbles can burst instantly, and then what happens next when the musical chair game ends is much like us being quite unsure at the very moment we reach the speed of light and everything is supposed to stand still.
We are used to large groups of people spread far and wide giving a minutes silence in honor of a tragic event. We can do the same thing with happiness.
So far the human is showing that it is most happy when seeing bad things happen to good people.
That alone is good reason for the people to pay attention.
My last communique to Elon Musk and some of his officials earlier today which was titled, “Game” – CLICK HERE – [https://www.2facetruth.com/game/] – goes well with Game, Set, Match.
Things are moving fast, and Eric has the opportunity to be the first of the good speakers out of the “starting gates”.
I can talk intelligently about how to fix the problems of the world without forgetting all those who profit from controversy which includes bloody wars.
Instead of waiting for a miracle to happen we have the solution to all the world’s problems at our fingertips; we just need to know where to look…
Just added Mary Jane Schmidt, an official of TESLA.
Thursday 7:17 AM
Just added @Justine Musk
9:13 AM
The art of the deep yes: Justine Musk at TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen
“… women want to play a bigger game… someone else can get the snacks… women want a grand and inspiring call to adventure that points the way to a deeper light… the call is there, it’s waiting, we have to get very quiet on a day to day basis… so that we can trust each other.”
8 minutes ago I posted up on the Youtube The art of the deep yes:
Title: Men can be highly successful, but never grow up! [Word count 747]
Zena Gevisser ~ Men can be highly successful, but never grow up!
The same Zena Gevisser, my extraordinary and inspirational mother who counseled the world’s most powerful and influential men including their wives and daughters such as future prime minister of India, Indira Ghandi, said, ”Equality brought women down!”.
Don’t be shocked by the truth.
Justine Musk wouldn’t be the first beautiful looking woman to agree with my mother Zena
as all it takes is to understand the “bigger game” that has been played since the turn of the last century when women, led by the legendary and courageous Emily Hobhouse took to the streets of London to protest the barbarism of the Anglo “American” Boer War but she was outmatched because the British opposition politicians were no less bought than those in power.
That did not mean there were no good powerful men amongst the British or the Americans but they knew it was not possible to fight a war once dead.
History has a way of repeating itself because it is the victors of wars who write the history books.
In the years since the end of that horrific war where the Boer commandos excelled against the strongest military on the planet, backed by the world’s bankers, the truth has slowly emerged.
Not even Justine Musk’s very smart and successful husband could have been expected to know the truth because the truth was not taught in our South African history books and the teachers no less ignorant.
Yesterday I published a 3,542 word document titled, “Jeffrey Epstein’s ring of underage girls” which picks up where two previous email broadcasts “Game + Set Match” leave off.
In due course all 3 will be uploaded on to my 2facetruth.com BLOG.
There are currently 117.016 independent views of The Art of deep yes. That number should rise significantly.
I have just finished reading the Washington Post article of August 6, 2013 titled, “Don Graham explains why he’s selling The Washington Post to Jeff Bezos.
It is not what you say, but what you don’t say that counts most.
Inheritor Don Graham does not discuss why his Kaplan University is the only advertiser on the Internet edition of the epic non-fiction 1978 book, The Diamond Invention written by scholarly author, investigative reporter, Professor Edward Epstein and that would allow the reader to better question why he didn’t sell the Washington Post to much richer and more powerful South African-German Nicholas Oppenheimer who inherited from his father, my former boss, Harry Oppenheimer the world’s richest and most successful drilling monopoly De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who had his media-Wall Street reporting that in 2001 – remember 9/11 – he took DeBeers private, and on 11.4.2011 sold his 40% stake in DeBeers to DeBeers’ sister corporation, Anglo American Corporation.
The amount of money that changed hands is unimportant, other than it is distracting.
On 11.11.2004 I broke my 24 year silence with the DAAC, beginning with the words “Remember me?”.
It is not the “money trail” that needs to be followed but the movement of mineral resources which places entrepreneurs like Elon Musk at a distinct disadvantage.
But knowledge is power.
Nature has a way of surprising all of us. Quantum Physics-Mechanics proves Nature is totally unpredictable and that is not theory for it is an absolute fact.
The fact that we can individually experience an ESP moment, unexplained coincidences serves to reinforce the important discovery of Quantum Mechanics which continues to propel the extraordinary advancements in technology never envisioned at the start of the Industrial Revolution.
One could not think of a better time than now for the arrival of nanotechnologies which lower the heat generation of our computers as we all get that much calmer, not feeling the need to be so competitive other than on the sports-field where the camaraderie at the end never ends in a bloodbath.
Great athletes not only respect one another but they lift up the level of their teammates; no better example than Lionel Messi.
Those who have been hiding behind their corporations know that their lies fail to refute the irrefutable facts.
One by one they are all going silent.
Good news for the beautiful women to rise.
9:22 AM
Just added @Laura Augie Rillem who is also facebook friends with @Justine Musk
1:12 PM
1:53 PM
Just added my sister @Kathy Danziger and her husband @David Julian Danziger who will remember that it was 3 years ago tomorrow, September 21, 2016, when I, along with my beautiful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and our world traveler doggy, so expressive “orbit” eyes Mango arrived in Israel to visit with my one of a kind, most nice, totally aware of her surrounds, including those of us present, my mother Zena, and knowing following events leading up to [this] very openly arranged meeting – CLICK HERE – to begin immediately filming my mother [CLICK HERE]; especially so given the total bizarre email
From: BigPond <dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>
Date: 09/21/2016 01:15 (GMT-08:00)
To: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Apparently you are arriving in Israel today. Unless you can get money from Deborah Sturman for your food etc. you will have to support yourself as Mom and Mary Lou only have enough for themselves and the dogs.
Sent from my iPhone
my soon to be 66 year old poorly aging sister Kathy
sent me just as I arrived in Israel.
You know there is something very fishy when you get a highly distractive email after traveling all the way from the United States 🇺🇸 telling you that you are up “shits creek without a paddle” if you didn’t bring money 💰 for food, while my sister then provided an alternative solution if I didn’t bring food money; and getting the next flight back to the United States, go door to door begging from neighbors for pocket money and then flying back to Israel the next day would be no less ridiculous, the suggestion from my sister Kathy, who along with her husband an importer-exporter had a couple of months before received a $55 million windfall, was for me to have famous American attorney Deborah Sturman Esquire, who got equally filthy rich collecting billions for slave Jewish Holocaust survivors, send me monies belonging to my mother Zena.
Remember we are talking about food monies for me, my wife and our doggy.
Of course not included in that most bizarre ever written email was the fact that my sister, her husband David who was previously also married to [another] nutcase South African woman but we only got to hear David’s side of the story, and my two elder brothers Neil and Melvin who keeps disabling and reactivating his facebook accounts with his real name, wh[ile] Neil hides behind his new wife “gold digger” Emma Gevisser who is more than half Neil’s age younger, had gone behind my and my mother’s back and petitioned 6 days before, September 15th, for non-family member, hungry for money, malice ridden Israeli liar-lawyer Ayalah Weisel Esq to be my mother’s guardian eliminating my mother’s rights altogether including her valuable mortgage free rental apartment – next door to her valuable luxury apartment – which they quickly sold off for €400,000.
1:55 PM
Just added @Deborah Sturman Esq who has also been extraordinarily quiet these past 3 years.
When you cant defend your horrific crimes, you go quiet.
You also hope that my and my mother Zena’s other enemies, such as the increasingly withdrawing from public view, German-South African Oppenheimer family will rally around you.
The Oppenheimers, however, have their hands full with those like my siblings, cousins and other opportunists with their hands out.
2:04 PM
Plus the Oppenheimers-Rothschilds-Rockefellers who are all BIG OIL know that I have the irrefutable facts at my fingertips just like I had within minutes of beginning my year long orientation into the Secret Society, mafia of mafia mining-banking consortium De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC]-Barclays Bank which was directly supervised by its head Harry Oppenheimer, the father of Nick.
2:06 PM
Just added @Hedda Gevisser
2:08 PM
Just added @Nelson Guedes
Earlier I mentioned my aunt @Hedda Gevisser in a posting on the wall of Nelson Guedes.
2:11 PM
It was in response to my fb friend @Nelson Guedes first posting up the following some 4 hours ago;
Sometimes I wish I were stupid. It’s hard to try getting all the boring day to day life stuff done when my mind is just constantly going on about everything around me, just seeing and analyzing every little thing and how everything is connected…
My response an hour ago:
Marie Dion Gevisser ~ People with little intelligence have great difficultly feeling stupid!
Imagine if Elon Musk decides that he is going to break the silence created by Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention.
Can you share what your imagination tells you will come next?
It has philosophical as well as practical implications which will dwarf all philosophical thought other than the philosophers debating amongst themselves what happened to their minds that they so horribly missed the boat.
I take it Nelson that not only are you not a direct descendant of British Admiral Nelson but in addition you have no experience in military planning.
You have, however, very recently, as in yesterday, learned from me “military economics” which tells you not only what a joke is the study of economics but a couple of other revelations.
First, what happened to all the brains of modern day philosophers?
Two, what are all the world’s paid journalists going to do for a living?
There is only a need for so many weather reporters on TV, plus people are increasingly comfortable using their handhelds and laptops to check the weather without having to bothered with commercials.
You have seen that I added Elon Musk’s ex wife and mother of his 5 children earlier today to my group chat Wow, very powerful!”
The two of them still talk.
Next I will be adding Hedda Gevisser, the widow of the “male heir” of American Charles W Engelhard Jr [1917-1971] to that group chat; moreover, it was Engelhard Jr’s Engelhard Chemicals & Minerals Corporation established in 1902 by his father of the same name which openly violated the US Government’s much publicized trade boycott of Apartheid South Africa which effectively handed Engelhard’s two biggest benefactors, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser [1926-2009] and German-South African mining magnate, my former boss, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], the 3 Branches of the US Government on a plate.
Hedda whose name rhymes with the thought “Head on a plate” was a witness to a most important intimate family dinner where my mother Zena was the honored guest; and this gathering in 1995 at David and Hedda Gevisser’s home initiated by David Gevisser following his and my all day meeting when I also got to visit briefly with Hedda.
There can be no doubt that Hedda recalls the entire table going silent after horrible stutterer David, following a couple of stiff whiskeys, blurted across to my very worldly mother, “Your son Gary is naïve.”
There are no coincidences in life including the power now vested in Elon Musk, thanks to the duplicity of the highest order by the west’s top government officials, to steer the world away from man’s destruction of the planet.
2:28 PM
Not everyone in the world currently knows that my mother Zena’s not exactly poor second husband, Alan Zulman who passed away on August 6, 2016 from a long bout with cancer, had replaced on his deathbed my sister Kathy as the co-executor of his estate whose primary beneficiary was of course my mother Zena, with much more trustworthy Deborah Sturman Esq.
So here you have these two sworn enemies both in the same internet chat room with “the world looking on”.
Not to mention, my 3 elder siblings show clearly in both their actions and writings – CLICK HERE – that they were only after Alan Zulman’s money, and nor had the 3 of them ever got on with Alan Zulman who was the most successful South African fundraiser for Israel, but, and it is a most important but, whose IDF [Israel Defense Force] had long obsoleted the need for money once Israel became a nuclear superpower; a subject you won’t be able to find a single person on the planet to provide a counter argument given my expertise on this critically important matter.
2:28 PM
Once I put aside my handheld and return a not all that long distance to my laptop, I will be adding many more names to this group chat; and I will start with a couple now.
Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt Colonel @Tomer Tene is also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer.
I might as well say it now that anyone supportive of the BDS movement against Israel because they see hurting increasingly squeezed farmers such as @Tomer Tene as pressuring the Israeli government to better treat Palestinians, is either totally stupid or bought.
Any and all restrictions on trade play right into the hands of the warmongering politicians who do the bidding of the weapons developers who have no loyalty to country, race or religion, but they make sure their bought politicians-media talk out of both sides of their mouths.
2:41 PM
Just added my facebook friend, @Rod Margo Esq. His father judge Cecil Margo Esq wrote the “blueprint” of today’s brutally strong Israel Air Force.
Remember, we are just one speech by Elon Musk from ending all wars and poverty will quickly be something of the past.
That does not mean we should forget how quickly we became so illogical and ugly to boot.
3:59 PM
Below is a link to my 2facetruth.com BLOG
It is a formatted, easier to read, version of everything that has taken place on this group chat, starting yesterday at 7:19 AM California time.
4:06 PM
Just added my facebook friend @Rahla Xenopoulos
Rahla and I have been facebook friends since November 18 last year.
Rahla is also facebook friends with @Hedda Gevisser who has 58 facebook friends including her eldest son Mark Gevisser and Gary Levinsohn.
4:08 PM
Just added Mark Gevisser and our mutual cousin Gary Levinsohn whose claim to fame is that he not only stole $50K from my first cousin, Nigel Gevisser
4:12 PM
who I just added, right after Tausif Kamal left the group, but @Gary Levinsohn co-produced with Steven Spielberg the 1998 blockbuster movie, Saving Private Ryan and that infusion of cash quickly sorted out the debt to @Nigel Gevisser.
Sharefacebook show that @Rahla Xenopoulos was active 1 minute ago.
On 11/25/18, 1:26 PM Calif. time I wrote to him on fb messaging:
Did you see my postings on Feldman’s fb wall before he removed them?
He did not respond.
4:20 PM
Below are my messages on facebook to Hedda Gevisser starting on 11/24/12, 1:47 AM Calif. time:
Were you able to find anything more out about the murder of Sandy Jacobson?
12/10/13, 10:43 AM
Hedda, what can you tell me about the death of Sandy Jacobson?
Today, Friday, 12:10 PM
What if there is a day of judgment that may not be more than a moment and you see flashing before you all that you have done wrong, starting with your silence of my mother’s plight.
Imagine if my siblings had acted right then we would never have known how really ugly is the human condition that goes beyond poor conditioning.
4:21 PM
Remember, @Hedda Gevisser and I last communicated in person back in mid-1995, the same day as my all day meeting with her husband David Gevisser which was the day after I met with South Africa’s new minister of Trade & Industry, Trevor Manual who supported a deal, the acquisition of trade show company, Made In USA Inc. by South Africa’s largest trade show group, SAITEX that not only profited senior officials of the former Apartheid Regime, but more importantly it showed that Nelson Mandela’s ANC government were no less bought than the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime.
4:22 PM
facebook show that @Rahla Xenopoulos is currently on this group chat.
4:34 PM
Each one of us know wh[y] you are all quiet.
Most of you are all about the money; a far cry from Elon Musk despite most of his supporters only view him as being successful at making money, without a clue of the opposition he has faced; and which he only came to terms with when the stooge House of Saud-Crown Prince Mr. Bone Saw set up Musk with the $420 a share privatization of TESLA; not to mention, today Elon Musk could do a far better deal while unshackling himself altogether from BIG OIL.
It also told him as BIG OIL came crushing down on him, humiliating him that he had violated Securities Exchange Commission regulations by talking openly about the proposed offer which he believed to be true and that offer the corrupt House of Saud-BIG OIL quickly took off the table, and the SEC forced him to pay a $40 million fine and then spank him twice with a “supervisor” chairman to watch that he behaves better in the future, that he had few genuine friends.
4:36 PM
Now if someone like Elon Musk who is not short of cash and has built up spectacular businesses only has fair weather friends, so you should be able to perfectly understand why my mother Zena and I get no support from the uglies.
Correction… why you are all quiet.
I am not able to add Trevor Manual to this group chat but he is on several of my other facebook group chats including Review of Down Durban Memory Lan and You have a point, get to it.
In due course I will bring all my fb group chats up to speed.
5:18 PM
Let us all not forget who is “hosting” this group chat.
I am the only Gevisser who has ever worked for De Beers-Barclays at their highest level on US soil right at the time Professor Epstein was writing his exhaustive 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention that shuts everyone up; at least the corrupt.
I am the only person on the planet “talking up” Professor Epstein’s epic book which future clients of mine, Simon & Schuster published in 1982.
The DAAC-Oppenheimers are not totally stupid, they are merciless but that does not prevent them from observing and making certain that their corrupt media-politicians-Wall Street don’t ever talk about The D I book.
In 1982 no one was talking about The D I book.
I was not talking about The D I book because I didn’t know about it, and if I did I still would not have been talking about it.
The D I was written and first published by S & S when there was not a thought to the light speed Internet.
The DAAC know to roll with the punches, and how easy it is to get the common herd, full of greed, vindictiveness and jealousy to bully.
All selfish people only care about themselves as much as they talk up the importance of family, friends and trusted business acquaintances.
You haven’t yet become enemies, but that is inevitable; it is just a question of time.
Long by now you would have expected just one of you to stand tall alongside me and my mother Zena, but it is supposed to be only nature that is totally unpredictable.
Nature must have left something huge out of each of your souls.
Nature has blessed us with the ability to change our minds if we feel that what we are doing is wrong.
If you don’t bet on Elon Musk to make this planet healthy again how can you talk about anything to anyone when you know that whatever comes out of your mouth is horses-shit at best?
Imagine if it was any of you afforded the opportunity to sit for the year long entrance exam before joining the murderers of the 6 million Jewish people and them co-opting the rest and [the] final act was wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel, would you have my courage?
How would you have done it differently?
The richest and most powerful person on the planet American Charles Engelhard Jr. had 5 daughters and no sons.
His undisputed “male heir” was the traitor David Gevisser who reveals his true character in his 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER which you can find on my website 2facetruth.com
Who would like to start a conversation tearing apart THE UNLIKELY FORESTER?
Let me begin as yet another Friday Night begins with my mother Zena all alone in the hands of the most cruel people to have ever walked this planet and you are all collaborators.
David Gevisser talks clearly that he didn’t trust Engelhard’s Swiss medical doctors without him knowing that they were following orders as was his wife Jane who knew better than to not look the other way.
Engelhard Jr. died on March 2, 1971, 1 year and 6 days after my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890-February 24, 1970] died of a broken heart once realizing that his nephew David Gevisser was not alone in helping DAAC front person Natie Kirsh do the dirty deed.
5:32 PM
The silence continues.
I will end off the day paying a tribute to both my mother Zena who you all know that your wishes of her great mind and body now being murdered have come true, and Sandy Jacobson; not to mention, I can’t even begin to imagine how any of you can sleep at night other than thinking of the cold reception you will be receiving from our Creator when you take your last breath and why not start now working on the bad things you have done flashing before you right before.
Many non-family members will have heard previously the name Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997] my cousin and classmate and member of the armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto who had long been fully infiltrated by the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime.
For those who don’t, David Gevisser covers her murder in far greater detail than the disgusting coverup attempt that began in March 2006, some 8 and half years after her torture murder, and the whitewash report coming out on September 5, 2006, the same day Nicholas Oppenheimer met with President Putin in Cape Town, South Africa