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False sense of security – Living well is the best revenge

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004  4:45 PM
To: ‘Deborah Sturman’
Cc: (Sandiego)
Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}…Living well is the best revenge. {:}

Sic how Melvyn “Mweissman” Weiss Esq. and Lerach Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins provide nothing more than a false sense of security to the investing public, agree?

Deborah, while visiting the Natural Museum of Natural history today I couldn’t help “butt notice the” [sic] signage on the building across the street that houses the IRS [Internal Revenue Service] made up of hard working Americans on average I suspect no more than 2 paychecks away from being out on the street that reads,


While u ponder my rather clear response to your “sic” [sic] question please give thought to how the nonbrain dead masses are viewing my missives, taxes coming about, at least to the best of my knowledge, long before us Occidentals were “civilized”, agree?

Please also check from time to time this hyperlink that may include further amplification on what it is that has me “upset so” [sic] beginning with my most recent working back to when you caused me to dig real deep, ok?

  1. Hello… Marc Rich
  2. … Debonair JRK
  3. …philosophy
  4. …kin
  5. …fish
  6. …words

Never, never, never, to forget the deafening silences coming from the American Democratic Communist Party elitists and their media “kaffirs”, ok?

Thank you for helping me begin to deliver the necessary KO punches to a number of folks copied on this relatively short missive including your attorney colleagues so incredibly opposed to “tort deform” [sic] to mention little of the groundswell of literate folks from all racial groups examining ever so carefully what Attorney General Robert Kennedy,

knew and when did he become so well informed that the South African Oppenheimer family with their tentacles extending all the way to 47th Street in New York City were behind not only the rise to power of the Nationalist Nazi Party but how such civil minded folks like the Kennedy clan and their clam bake friends turned a blind eye to the ravaging of South Africa’s peoples’ of color from 1948, some 3 years after the defeat of Nazi Germany?”

No thanks due to THE DIAMOND INVENTION that such a criminal enterprise continues to this day with the United States of America Justice Department incapable of finding just one attorney with courage and perhaps a little help from someone as poorly educated as me to mention in ending that it took just a bunch of black kids in the township of Soweto not far from the headquarters of Anglo American-DeBeers Consolidated Mines to get the ball rolling, agree?



From: Deborah Sturman []
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}…Living well is the best revenge. {:}


Hi Gary,


I hope all is well with you.  I get and read most of your emails (when I’m not traveling) and since this one is directed to me, I thought I should respond.  I am not sure what you mean when you write about Mel Weiss and Bill Lerach.  What is it that they did that upsets you so?


All the best




—— Original message———————

From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 1:53 PM

To: Deborah Sturman Esq.

Cc: restFBI

Subject: Next Symposium {:}…Living well is the best revenge. {:}


Deborah, before picking up from where I left off in my Email to u of May 12th may I suggest u think what may have caused the likes of Jeff “Your are either incompetent or culpable” Rabin of the Los Angeles TimesSeth Lubove, Emily Lambert, Robert Lenzner of Forbes MagazineKimberly “This bitch don’t hunt” HuntMatt “Let me please try and catch my tail” Potteretcetera etcetera to become so deafeningly silent?


Not to forget Diana “My hand so sore” Henriques of the New York Times whose name I have yet to encounter in anything as important as Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s decision to overturn the landmark multi-million dollar repetitive stress injury jury award, crediting this best selling author-journalist in bringing to my attention the original verdict that this “girl wonder” somehow forgot to mention in her best selling book The White Sharks of Wall Street while not forgetting to mention her “carpel tunnel syndrome vision” [sic] in the introduction to this pitiful, kowtowing ego trip of a book geared naturally toward granting her continued access to the thugs who rip at the soul of momworker63s, widows, orphans and pensioners, agree?


So eager are these puppets to take on other puppets such as Dan Weinstein getting “rip them to shreds” approval from their editors and TV producers becoming, however, instantaneously mute once their “bought and paid 4” [sic] bosses come to terms that a poor specimen such as Dan Weinstein is the “front person” for Ron “Union Boss” Burkle who snagged Bill “Wallpaper-Kitchen” Clinton immediately upon this scoundrel exiting the White House, agree?


Such a drum beat pretty hard to dismiss to mention in passing my stellar “citations” to mention little of Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman’s attorneys failing in their “motion to dismiss” my one-of-a-kind Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit, your former bosses wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole, agree?


I am now hell bent on seeing to it that both Melvyn Mweissman Weiss Esq. and Bill Lerach Esq. the other co-chairman of your former out-of-control law firm of Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes and Lerach in this “love-hate” dance with the media who have no interest in the truth being revealed each of these puppets doing their little bit to grab as much as they can as quickly as they can taking on one another every so often, fully aware that if the Big Fish were to be snagged their gravy train would all come to an end, train smashes to avoid, agree?


So where do u think u will fit in the food chain the next go around?


G-D forbid I were to bring G-D back into the equation, u aware Pythagoras the very first scientist-mathematician-philosopher who with his this+this=that took all mysticism and superstition out of the equation, agree?


I am about to head back to the Federal building in Los Angeles to pick up my renewed American passport, it would probably take me no more than 3 minutes out of my hectic schedule to visit once again with the FBI who are housed I seem to recall on the 8th floor at 11000 Wilshire Blvd, what do u think?




Ps – my previous broadcasted communiqué not taking much imagination,,, to visualize what is happening in my uncle David Gevisser’s household, his best selling author-journalist son, u think, wondering about his next “meal ticket”?


To mention little of what will be contained in Thabo Mbeki’s epilogue, right now I am in Pt. Dume, Malibu, with my friend Lynne Bentel whose former husband Gary “Stink” Glass got so quick with the program after he received that one of a kind “stink” email, more and more folks getting in tune how the only way to deal with those who build into their “cost of the sales” the “cost of getting caught” is to embarrass the crap out of them, so stressed out are the good guys well aware that it is mostly the bad guys who can afford the likes of Jerry Phillips Esq. and my mentor’s son David Wright Esq. who threaten with reckless abandonment endless litigation, Lynne now asking me,


“Why would Gary not want to finalize our divorce, both of us involved with other relationships. It just doesn’t make sense?”


I am now reminding Lynne who has not received an email from me ever since Gary caught on real quick, of what my mentor Amos Wright said the other night,


“In arbitration, do u give in 






Lynne now commenting,


“I am going to stop paying my lawyer a $1,000 a month for Gary’s attorney to tell my lawyer that Gary constantly wants to postpone finalizing the divorce. 


Gary, why don’t u copy Joanne Burzak Levy, my boyfriend’s estranged wife who has been harassing my 11 year-old daughter, Genevieve, with obscene emails containing blatant lies. We had to block her email account and press charges.” 


Ms Berzack Levy who may in fact be related to the filthy rich Durban South African Burzak family, possibly best friends with members of my immediate family, apparently managed to hack into Richard Levy’s emails going on an identity theft splurge of epic proportions. Eventually America Online investigated and during a conference call that included AOL’s legal department the AOL people said after they determined that Joanne Burzak Levy was the hacker,


”We had a man try and serve Ms. Burzack Levy and when he approached the house she tried to knock him down with her car… She was exhibiting very strange behavior, blocking her windows with newspapers and disposing of new appliances” [sic].


Shameful isn’t it that there r people in this world despite the advent of the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, who still think they can get away with a murder, more prevalent amongst those who have allowed their formal education and ill-gotten gains to interfere with their learning, what do u think contributes more than what I have articulated in getting such folks to think they r above the law?


I wonder whether the “Burzacks and this South African” [sic] reverend by the name of Bosak r related?
