Fast unraveling
Screenshot 1:49 PM Calif. time, 4 February 2022
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Photograph of my good looking Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser, 2 months into his 21st birthday, December 1944, taken in Pontedera, Italy; first of 71 miraculous dive-bombing missions took place the month before, 19 November 1944 by which time the entire allied command knew of the slaughter house Auschwitz.
Zara Israel, Adam Brennan and 21 others
Gary Gevisser
Wherever there is negative, there is always greater positive; one just needs to know where to look.If you are in a relationship with a piece of shit or no relationship at all then you can understand that your positive viewpoint is very limited.
One of the things you can decide to do is change your diet from the unhealthy SAD diet, that will boost your self-esteem without having to push your weight around that you are a big shot, all the while thinking that while building up muscle using weights and steroids you can’t possibly be doing the brain muscle much good, the same when cooking the presticides in non-organic vegetables the poison of DOW Chemical-Monsanto-IG Farben-Auschwitz-BASF are that much more concentrated.
The healthy human mind should think of the game of life like playing chess; and you know to focus exclusively on the board in front of you and realizing that the antics of your opponent are only to take your mind off the board and play to your opponent’s advantage, given how there is only so much time to make your move and capacity within the brain muscle, which shouldn’t be wasted on chit-chat.
So why would the German government with such blood on their hands make it so easy for Monsanto to escape its inhumanity by crossing the pond and being gobbled up by the principle German beneficiary of the 6 million Jewish Holocaust that also killed off an additional 100 million humans which had the humans then reproducing themselves at an exponential rate without first solving the problem of war and poverty, and seeing which individuals, rather than their corporations profit from all the confusion, stupidity of the highest order?
You can ask them or you can ask me.
When examining the photo of my father above, notice that on his perfect fitting attire are his Fighter Bomber Pilot wings which if you fought in World War II, even if you were an Allied Field Marshall like Montogomery and Jan Christiaan Smuts, you bowed to, even if all you demonstrated was a sparkle in your eyes.
Now place yourself in the shoes, or rather boots of my father, and not all Fighter Bomber Pilots wore because when bailing out at a blistering pace the boots flew off and not knowing what you will be impacting when getting your mission briefing which only took place immediately before advancing rapidly to your awaiting American built, beloved P40-Kittyhawk.
- 3d
Gary Gevisser
Standing directly in front of my father, taking the photo, and of course making sure of the entire composition including the background buildings and trees bare of leaves, was his wingman, Captain Syd Cohen
Gary Gevisser
the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of Smuts’ most elite fighter bomber squadron, Squadron 11.
You have to think about that a moment.
Gary Gevisser
My father didn’t need to be reminded that both he and Syd Cohen who went on to command the Israel Air Force’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101, during Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] that only needed to be fought because the FINAL SOLUTION did not come about during WW2, but a huge dent as the morale of us Jewish people was of course not that high, are Jewish.
Teaming up my father with the already a legend Syd Cohen took careful deliberation.
You didn’t want to have people saying “If only they hadn’t picked a Jew as Syd Cohen’s wingman, then very possibly Syd Cohen would still be alive today.”
They wanted the very best around the very best “Pilot’s pilot” and that meant simply the very best cadet out of flight school training who didn’t have a big ego.
Big ego people who are unaccomplished get you killed.
Low ego people have knowledge and don’t feel the need to boss people around.
Accomplished people get along far better than if surrounded by turkeys.
Is anyone not following along?
Do you have any questions?
Paul Steinberg
Gary Gevisser and my dad was part of that same Machal group. I heard Syd’s Cohen’s name often amongst all the others.
Cyril Steinberg – World Machal
- Neil De Gouveia
My father was also in Italy and North Africa in WW2. was one of the ground crew..
Gary Gevisser
Neil De Gouveia how old are you?
Neil De Gouveia
Gary Gevisser 61.. dad passed away 4 years ago.. at 93
Gary Gevisser
Neil De Gouveia so was your father in WW1 or WW2?
Neil De Gouveia
Gary Gevisser WW2. Typo
Gary Gevisser
Neil De Gouveia is that your father in the photo?
Neil De Gouveia
Gary Gevisser yes.
Gary Gevisser
Neil De Gouveia do you know the type of aircraft ?
- Benjamin Barrera
Beautiful pic.
Paul Steinberg
what unit/squadron was he in? My dad was there about the same time – italy and N. Africa flying in B-26 Mauraders-
Gary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg are you asking me about my father? -
Gary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg, I’m still waiting to hear from you if your earlier enquiry about what Squadron my father belonged to, was directed at me, given how I made it perfectly clear my father Bernie was a member of SAAF Squadron 11, General Smuts’ most elite Fighter Bomber Squadron.Did you know that Syd Cohen was appointed commander of IAF Squadron 101 when her first commander Israeli Modi Alon was killed on 16 December 1948?
Were you aware of the tremendous jealousy felt towards Syd Cohen by those less accomplished, a common trait?
In the article you provided above which your father wrote, I see no reference to Syd Cohen.
Perhaps his book makes the most honorable mention of Syd Cohen’s achievements, but how fitting had they been included in the article.
I also have another posting on my fb wall discussing why it is that religious Jewish people who consider every word, every letter of our Torah sacred, would feel the need to lie and say that the Torah speaks to private ownership of land in Israel when in fact the Torah says quite the opposite.
Obviously this is a most important matter at this very hour and will remain so unless the people start caring for the planet before caring for each other which doesn’t seem likely outside of a miracle.
So I think you would agree that we might as well give it our best shot since we have nothing to lose as the earth is doomed.
Granted, a navigator of a high altitude bomber isn’t a pilot, let alone a Fighter Bomber Pilot where the single seater aircraft is also the guidance system of the bullets and the bombs.
That is not to say that others wearing wings weren’t brave, but there are different levels.
Ben Gurion recognized all this.
Were you aware that the enemy SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben-Auschwitz had spies in the IAF from the very beginning?
It is amazing what mischief the enemy can make of the weak spirited.
Again, Ben Gurion observed very closely the reaction of everyone to his appointment of Syd Cohen to Commander of Squadron 101, learned from that, and then passed it on to those most trusted such as my highly literate, most secretive British-English mother Zena.
You can see from the reaction, lack of comments by the many others to The Lady’s Speech that something very serious is wrong with people’s thinking, and it is across the board.
When the very top dogs don’t write their memoirs such as Syd Cohen and my father, it should be an indication to the rest to “hold back”.
Again the article you provide makes mention of Al Schwimmer and others not serving prison time.
That is not true.
Heroic Christian, Charles Winters spent 18 months, beginning in June 1948, in a US prison and no one stepped up to the plate to afford him either bail money or an attorney.
On 23 December 2008, outgoing President George W Bush granted Winters a posthumous pardon.
The big picture of General Jan Christiaan Smuts (24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950) who saved not only half of European Jewry, but put the wheels in place to give Israel a fighting chance in her first war of survival, is also conspicuously absent in your writings.
Following Smuts’ defeat in the 26 May 1948 South African General Election, having taking the opportunity on his 78th birthday 2 days prior, to recognize the fledgling State of Israel now into its 9th day of very bloody fighting, the fate of the majority black South Africans was sealed.
Imagine having to walk around the country of your birth and that of your forefathers, going back all the way to when man walked upright, carrying a passbook labeling you an inferior race.
That smacked of Nazism which was supposedly defeated in WW2 which officially ended in Europe back on 8 May 1945.
One really shouldn’t write or speak unless one knows what you are talking about from the big picture perspective.
As you may have already read, my very quiet, most humble father Bernie Gevisser granted me permission that were I to write his biography, the title should be, My Life as a World War II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot and the Aftermath of the Nazi Victory, a takeoff of Boris Senior’s autobiography published after his death in April 2004, titled, New Heavens, subtitle, My Life as a Fighter Pilot and a Founder of the Israel Air Force.
Yesterday my wife and I escaped death by fractions as a pickup truck in front swerved suddenly to avoid an obstacle on a busy Interstate, lost a wheel that came flying towards us as the rudderless pickup crashed alongside into a concrete barrier no doubt doing little damage to the barrier that brought the pickup and its occupants to a dead stop instantly; but the same couldn’t be said of the shrapnel that followed, all the while the flying wheel, having reached its maximum height of about 20 feet, was now heading to our windshield.
Fortunately, I learned from my father at a very young age to apply brakes only as a last resort and the other fortunate occurrence is that I was driving a Tesla which goes from 0 to 60 in 4.2 seconds which doesn’t mean the all drive 4 powerful electric motors shut down at 60 miles per hour which was about the speed all the traffic was moving, and out of nowhere a very small gap appears and I gunned it, coming away without a scratch.
Of course when I looked in the rear view mirror 200 meters ahead, all traffic had ground to a stop.
It would be nice to get a recording from the onboard cameras but I don’t know if that is possible.…/status/1489390480106221570……/status/1489392252912816128…
It seems to me that only Elon Musk is capable of getting humankind, the oxymoron of all time, out of this deep abyss.
Better now than later.
You are aware, which I take from your lack of commentary regarding the South African Oppenheimers that there is no competition in the weapons development business or for that matter in any segment of the economy including the financial services sector once the minerals market is rigged by one monopolist, SA Oppenheimers who should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg.
I would therefore assume your silence indicates that you are aware of all the waste caused by the duplication, the result of maintaining the illusion of competition.
Do you have anything interesting planned for the rest of your day?
Paul Steinberg
Gary Gevisser Hey Gary, Thanks for your replies…. honestly I haven’t had time to read/digest/reply to all. BTW, my dad didn’t write that piece…. it came from his memoir that he had provided and I guess others comments. Re New Heavens….. Boris Senior’s book…. Boris was around in our lives growing up…. what a gentleman. Much more to tell…. Where are you living….. US or? Separately, we’re related I believe by marriage….. My mom’s uncle was Edie Lipworth, his wife Joan whom I believe was a Gevisser, more to talk about…….. Thx again….Paul Steinberg-
Gary Gevisser
Paul Steinberg have you read New Heavens?BTW, I went back to the article you provided. It is very clear that the entire article is pulled from your father’s memoirs “Israel 1948” with no editorial comment.
Gary Gevisser
Title: Fast unravelingPaul Steinberg, my follow up to “… no editorial comment” is well under half of the 3353 word exerpts from your father’s memoirs; not to mention, I couldn’t think of anything more boring other than listening to Whoopi Goldberg; then again, there is so much missing beginning with Syd Cohen and Charlie Winters which you blew off like an out of control bullet train locomotive plowing into a crowded railway station.
Do you have an opinion on Elon Musk?
Why do you think most Jewish South Africans don’t care that much for him?
Can it all be jealousy?
To the best of my knowledge, and I don’t know him personally, he hasn’t shown an ounce of anti-Semitism, quite the contrary. In one public talk back on 21 December last year, Musk talks positively about attending a Jewish kindergarten where he learned, “Hava nagila”; but clearly Musk did not care for the Apartheid Regime.
Do you think Musk has his head too much in the clouds to remember how Jewish South Africans were disproportionately super rich?
Do you think his Tweets on Twitter distract him from doing anything else such as looking at Jewish South African Chartered Accountant Ivan Glasenberg taking over from Jewish Belgian-American Marc Rich and overnight becoming a multi-billionaire with palaces to staff?
When Musk sees that all my Jewish South African friends headed for the hills following the publication in the Jerusalem Post of my 4 articles…/letters-published-by-the…/
condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich, the first on 1 February 2001, an “Open Letter” to Soviet-American-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard whose ex-wife and collaborator, Anne Pollard remains a fb friend of mine, do you think it might remind him of the ugliness he was surrounded by for the first 17 years of his life?
When everyone turns a blind eye to evil, it doesn’t mean attention to detail engineer Elon Musk is easily blind-sided with bullshit words of praise, “what a gentleman”.
It is going on 2 hours since I responded enquiring whether you have read Senior’s NEW HEAVENS which I would expect such close friends of his to have read immediately after publication in February 2007.
Perhaps my response was simply too brief and on point.
I am very familiar with, “I’m too busy”.
There is reason why I kept quiet for 24 years once observing with my own eyes how the SA Oppenheimers tapped into the worst of the human traits; namely jealousy and greed, the perfect combination for ratting out.
Do you think Jewish South Africans who made it big in South Africa real estate and its tangential money-profit streams such as insurance-banking but never backed Musk in the beginning are simply embarrassed that they were caught “flat-footed”, and/or do you think it goes deeper; in other words, they didn’t want to step on the toes of his mineral suppliers holding a gun to his head?
Are you aware of how expert are the SA Oppenheimers at spreading information amongst their top echelon turncoats?
Wouldn’t you prefer to see someone such as Elon Musk in charge of allocating the resources of the world and committing to have a TESLA in the hands of everyone driving a vehicle, thus introducing sharing into the human mind that is first nature to the curious child before their powerhungry over-controlling parent/s introduces them at age 3, “How are you going to make a living to afford the car, the wife, the house, the toys, the boat?”?
First though, there is still work to do on the oversized human ego which is only prevalent in the unaccomplished human who is focused on the “gift of the gab”.
Gab = Guns & Bullets.
As a Jewish person, and knowing that our Jewish Holocaust was very real, in fact it was much worse than what the history books, Holocaust Memorial Museums and Holocaust documentaries portray given how the SA Oppenheimers-Madison Avenue
own Hollywood which would include all its disproportionate Jewish bigwigs, didn’t it seem out of place that with 93% of the South African population kept out of the real estate market altogether for nearly half a century, 1948-1994, and then puppet Mandela never came close to redistributing the stolen lands above mineral riches as well as tourist destination spots, Jewish South Africans would not only make the biggest killing in South Africa real estate but they could retain their prized real estate while moving their profits to places like Los Angeles, Texas, London & Israel and repeat the performance, and our human rights activists silent like the rest, all the while so vocal in expressing their political and economic views?
Weren’t you happy that Im not either dead or in hospital totally incapacitated had the flying wheel blasted through the windshield?
BTW there are now 7804 impressions of my Tweet to Musk on 29 January 2020 which reads:
On September 5, 2006 Oppenheimer, when meeting with President Putin, shows his power.
Why bother with terrorist financier Marc Rich’s successor, Ivan Glasenberg-Glencore when you can negotiate, cutting out the middlemen.
Keep … your enemies even closer.
BEat healthy.…/status/1222656029718142976…
Following “BEat healthy”, I provided the photo of Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer
Gary Gevisser
Fast unraveling – P2
I’m interested to hear more about how your father covers Syd Cohen in his memoirs. Please share those excerpts, assuming any exist.
The only thing I can think of interesting about Edie and Joan Lipworth is that their eldest son, Alan Lipworth is a SA Oppenheimer shill who I got to know very well, just like his close cousin, Stephen Cohen, no relation to Syd Cohen, who is also a distant relation of mine.
I joined Alan and Stephen at Codiam Inc. an Oppenheimer-De Beers site-holder in early spring 1979 once completing my year long orientation into SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-IG Farben-Auschwitz-Monsanto-BASF, which was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer.
BTW, have you read the page-turner, 1978 non-fiction book authored by Professor Edward Jay Epstein, The Diamond Invention?
It results in people, who are all about the money, going ape shit, but they try, initially, to be somewhat civil, albeit distracting, before going silent.
You must know that Stephen Cohen and Alan Lipworth had a very public falling out that was gratifying to Harry Oppenheimer. What better for an anti-Semite, a former Jewish person who converts to Christianity following ostracization by the good Jewish people of South Africa for their non-competition, slave-wage business practices and outright murder of their opponents, than seeing “Jew turning on Jew” while controlling the purse strings of both Stephen Cohen and Alan Lipworth.
Are you thinking of having at least Alan Lipworth join us here?
So when you say, “Much more to tell” it must pertain to the virulent anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, duplicitous SA Oppenheimers who following their escape from prosecution at Nuremberg, which was engineered well ahead of their puppet Hitler being brought to power on 30 January 1933 and overnight the supermarket shelves of Germany were stocked full, proceeded to execute the FINAL SOLUTION where us Jewish people were strongest; namely South Africa and Israel.
Paul, what do you think the consequences were for us Jewish people following Harry Oppenheimer coopting Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin and the Israeli Knesset to assist him and his banks, Barclays Bank and Union Bank of Israel, in wiping out the resisting Israeli diamond merchants?
Doesn’t the title of chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL spell it all out clearly, or do you see that as a problem because it leaves no wiggle room other than “I’m very busy now. Will have to get caught up when I have a moment”?
I assume you grew up in South Africa and probably around 60?
How old were you when your father and/or mother alerted you to why the leadership of the political parties opposed to the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime, who were mostly Jewish, such as Helen Suzman and Tony Leon, never spoke out against the duplicity of the SA Oppenheimers?
BTW, when you look closely at the photo of President Putin and Harry’s son, Nicholas Oppenheimer, what is your read of Putin who only had the Kremlin release it on 3 October 2008, one month before Senator Barack Obama became President-elect
Do you see the confinement-mask-vaccines a test of control without cutting off the water and electricity?
Do you have any idea what this nonsense has done to the health of the elderly and the children, or are you too caught up in the false propaganda that is fast unraveling?
Looking forward to “Much more to tell”.
[Word count 1492]
Gary Gevisser
Arthur Goldstuck, Lance Tollman, Solly Krok, Susan Smith, Kevin Welch, Steven Kofsky and Warren Saks, are you following along?The 6 of you are mutual fb friends of Paul Steinberg and myself.
Let’s invite others:
Lew Joubert
Justine Musk
Keisha Whitaker
Tosca Musk