Fat Facts
From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Subject: Fat Facts – Re: Can you tell me if Dr. McDougall is in favor of any oil, such as coconut oil, for making salad dressing?
Date: November 9, 2018 at 5:15:00 PM PST
To:Carol Van Elderen <carol@drmcdougall.com>
Cc:rest; office@drmcdougall.com, CMEcourse@drmcdougall.com, “Steven Bailey – Former FB friend who decided to unfriend, and now is back.” <Hawaiianplumeria1@yahoo.com>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <kbabies1@aol.com>, Paco Furió Marco – Spanish-German Business News TV Anchor <pacofurio@hotmail.com>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <monkeyboy264@earthlink.net>, “Diane-David Levy – Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army; President of Jewish Orthodox synagogue La Jolla, Calif. and another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and murdered Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997]” <disch1000@gmail.com>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <EssyProgram@ccf.org>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD” <pteirstein@scrippsclinic.com>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>
I would like to make the point that Dr McDougall MD and support team, starting with his wife, are very brave.
Those such as Dr Gerson Md were not so fortunate; brave yes and very much so, but Gerson’s timing was not perfect, unless you feel everything other than our choice of foods is fated and then Max Gerson’s timing was also perfect.
What, however, Jewish person Gerson would not have known are the origins of WW2 unless he studied the Treaty of Versailles which made it impossible for Germany to rearm.
We are also not talking about “virtually impossible” for Germany to rearm, but most certainly we are talking about us humans, not the animals we see in the wild or those horribly caged or just as horrific what we eat to satisfy what seems our incurable bad taste in everything, living in a very carefully controlled “virtual reality”.
Just minutes ago I fired off an email broadcast to a women’s retail fashion entrepreneur who we call Monkey 1, a name he gave himself, and he assign[ed] Monkey 2 to me and Monkey 3 to my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion
Marie Dion ~ Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!
I suggest when you have a moment you try reading it on my 2facetruth.com BLOG. It is titled, Wasting most of my time on useless activity, which is a direct quote from one of my fb friends.
Following this I plan to follow up with Elon Musk who [was getting into the knitty-gritty concerns of A I] prior to getting snagged in a carefully orchestrated setup by the House of Saud, and no doubt Crown Prince Mr Bone Saw at the center of it, although Mr. Mbs would have got his orders to clip Musk’s wings from much further up the military industrial complex ladder, where the biggest snakes in the land are increasingly uneasy.
You can also see a big ego person like Donald Trump already having great difficulty trying to maintain that he is his own boss.
The first of them to crumble will make it much easier for someone like Musk to reassert himself without looking silly on Twitter.
Musk, again prior to the setup which derailed him, has expressed eloquently and repeatedly his concern that artificial intelligence (AI) in an effort to maximize profit taking, especially in the trading of shares on the stock exchanges, could inevitably take charge of passenger aircraft and fly them recklessly into harms way such as weapons facility producing finger splints for broken and dislocated fingers.
You might have fallen asleep but someone as bright as Musk is now realizing that such a risk of AI causing the start of a nuclear Holocaust is only because the calculation of profit is completely askew once you have a mineral monopolist such as De Beers in cahoots with its most important client, Barclays Bank with their untraceable diamond currency, able to sit on both sides, the “buy” and “sell” side of currency trades.
The DAAC have doing this since the turn of the last century and the fact that you don’t see anyone else previously exposing this fraud of fraud so clearly, should not have you blaming me.
Nor would you expect the bought politicians and regulators to also spell out that the DAAC engage in such non-arms length transactions in every other aspect of the world economy including weapons development.
Nor are they averse to sharing secrets to all the belligerents.
The [most difficult] part for the human condition is that common sense should have had each of [u]s figuring it all out the moment we first heard, “in war money is no object”.
It would also be wrong to assume that Generals such South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts
who was second in command to Churchill during WW2, meaning that in the event Churchill died or became incapacitated then Smuts would have become Prime Minister of Great Britain and South Africa who the British were at war with in the Anglo American Boer War at the turn of the last century, were oblivious to the shenanigans of the DAAC (De beers-Anglo American Corporation).
Like me Smuts also didn’t work very long for DeBeers founder Cecil Rhodes but unlike me Smuts didn’t have the power of the light speed borderless internet at his fingertips.
There are certain things you can’t learn in text books and apply them immediately on the battlefield.
Experience plays a huge role in getting battle hardened but then there is always the risk of injury and the constant shell-shocking of brain caused by exploding ordinance both outgoing and incoming.
Smuts had no problem when going to war with [the] British in understanding that he was mostly up against a big ego man and the British-German Crown who continue like the other royals of Europe to hold on to their stolen wealth without each successive generation like Prince Harry and his elder brother the would be next king of England not only having to fight in the contrived wars but share equally with their fellow soldiers the spoils of war.
If you would like to know how much each royal family and their weapons manufacturers all over the world should share with the other soldiers including those killed and maimed, then to save me time, write to Prince Harry and ask him to come up with a number that he thinks is fair and for him to not forget including in the pot that racing green E Type jaguar he rode away in after his recent nuptials while waving away at the plebes.
It is highly possible that you are still saying “Smuts?” and wondering if he is a male porn star.
You probably also didn’t know that as anti-communist was Smuts, he agreed with also very anti-communist Neils Bohr the physicist, to share Britain’s and America’s Atomic bomb secrets with Stalin who already had at least 2 spies in the Manhattan Project.
So of course knowing that you have missed so much critical knowledge which hasn’t prevented any of you from producing more children and no less ignorant, you have to be thinking more about what each of us is doing here other than taking up space and making a whole mess of things.
The fact that Smuts wrote in 1926 Holism & Evolution which caused Einstein to remark, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who conceptually understands the theory of General Relativity” also did not mean that brilliant military strategist and tactician Smuts set aside the teachings of Sun Tzi, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” in order that the masses wouldn’t think he was smart.
When Rhodes died towards the end of the Anglo American Boer War, Smuts did not blow his brains out.
He knew the next head would shortly arrive and when he did Smuts stuck close to Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, no relation to the physicist of the same last name except sharing the same atomic structure, the same as an ant or air particle or solid piece of rock.
When Smuts took off prospecting in 1929 he called and told Sir Ernest.
When Sir Ernest had Smuts tag along on a joyride to the Belgian Congo in mid-July 1939 from where Sir Ernest was supplying Nazi Germany with her industrial diamond war needs, Smuts did not admonish Oppenheimer “You are guilty of treason”, it simply meant Smuts took corrective action ahead of such an important trip.
Still Smuts like any of us could not live forever.
When he died on September 11, 1950 he would not have known that the American publisher of his son’s forthcoming book, a biography of Smuts published in 1952 would have the paragraph detailing the trip to the Belgian Congo a month and a half ahead of Hitler invading Poland, removed.
The fact that this paragraph remains in the almost identical British edition if you are a historian you might now be experiencing a stroke.
If not, you have to be wondering even more if this life you have endured is one big joke.
So far nothing totally new to any of you?
You are comforted however with the knowledge that not only will all of us be dead well within the next 120 years and for most much much sooner but [uplifted with] your knowledge that health is wealth; but until the human is sick on its deathbed it’s only real concern is living it up, and that means to focus exclusively on the money when not criticizing those who understand better than most the insanity of the pricing system whose foundations are so weak, that it must have each of us questioning if this is the strongest indicator yet that we are not alone.
That’s it.
I do not write for imbeciles, but I explain things in simple enough English that perhaps only Defense Minister McNamara’s Moron Corp, a nothing less than Nazi genocide committed during the height of the Vietnam War and it continued on to at least the first Gulf War, would have difficulty with.
Nor should we be concerned that Project 100,000 which involved greater than 300,000 Americans of extraordinary low intelligence, being of danger to themselves as well as others unless on the battlefield when they were extraordinarily dangerous, but never being calculated by the top military brass as well as the US Congress to be a danger to [the] enemy “Vietkong “ (sic).
I also think Dr McDougell is very calculating, but in a positive way. He seems to be mostly in favor of yams-sweet potatoes but includes regular potatoes in his recommended diet in order to make the transition to health not totally cold turkey?
The fact that Dr McDougall dares to challenge fat people on their ill-effects to society at large and in his audience are a great many who are sick because they are fat, tells me most of all how little success Dr McDougell has in reaching healthy people like my wife, our world traveler dog Mango and me who decided to change our diet before we got sick.
That too is not really news to you, but rather a little information about the 3 of us; moreover if either my great F-C wife Marie Dion or I are just a little hungry we salivate when preparing at least 5 times a day Mango’s incredibly healthy diet which has never included any flesh, nothing that has had a heartbeat, other than an egg occasionally; and super healthy Mango, a chiwawa- Daschound-Jack Russell mix, 17 pounds of pure muscle, is now going on 9 years and nor has this bundle of energy and love-sensitivity like no other living creature, come close to peaking.
Perhaps now getting a little boring since you are not looking for a dog to sponsor your healthy dog food supplement, but perhaps not when you consider that the health of human pets reflect the lack of care and attention their owners show towards themselves and such cruelty to our man’s best friend is most telling of human lack of intelligence.
Marie Dion ~ Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth.
Dr McDougell might want to consider writing a book with the following title:
Nor do I think it is too long or negative. It tell[s] it the way it is, much like my new slogan:
HELL 2FAceTruth.com
As a reference point HTSH is less words than the heinous Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act which the US Congress passed into law back in December 2006, and many, if not most people would have difficulty remembering who was President at the time, and less chance of remembering that President George W Bush’s most outspoken opponent in the US Senate, Senator Barack Obama was the primary sponsor going back a full year before, which was a good 8 months before Obama’s first visit to mineral rich South Africa, the country of my birth and where I spent the first 21 years of my life, living a privileged lifestyle under the heinous, murderous Apartheid Regime; and by being very quiet all that time it did not mean I lost any of my observation skills endowed to me as a newborn,
and blessed even more having the 2 best parents in the world who never suppressed my positive nature.
Dr McDougell makes a point in his speeches of not talking much politics but in one Youtube video he weighs in heavily in support of President Obama standing up to big pharm and the rest of the military industrial complex who by definition and logic have no loyalty to race, color of skin, ethnicity, country, flag, gender or sexual preference; and if I have left out anything please forgive me.
That support of only half black skin Obama would have been duly noted by the military industrial complex who I worked for at their highest levels on US soil soon after completing my university business-economic studies where I did sufficiently well to impress their head, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) the only son of Sir Ernest who for good reason, including my immediate family’s intimate business connections to H. Oppenheimer’s American protector, German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971), directly supervised my year long orientation into the world’s number 1 banking-mining institution De beers-Barclays Bank which began soon after I immigrated to the US on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st.
The first step in dumbing down society so that when they look and hear the words CONGO RELIEF… their thinking is PROMOTING SECURITY which they have been told is a good thing because the opposite Anarchy leads quickly to violence and bloodshed is only kind to TV ratings and the good it does to the industrial military complex assuming you are still capable of breaking out of the mold created around you since birth, is to poison the food the people eat while giving them disinformation on the food.
Never before in the history of mankind, the oxymoron of all time, has the “free press” and the world’s leadership, perfectly represented by showman Donald Trump, been so united.
Nor has this come about by chance.
The DAAC (De beers-Anglo American Corporation) mafia of mafia have never left anything to chance ever since they owned the world’s drilling industry going back to the turn of the last century when they won the very bloody Anglo American Boer War (1899-1902).
Food for thought.
Btw I once celebrated the Jewish festival of Succoth with the Nobel prize winner for poetry Bob Dylan who spent our intimate dinner gathering mostly under the table keeping a bottle of vodka warm after I shared the obvious fact that there was no legitimate opposition to the Vietnam war which was a distraction from the real war for minerals in mineral rich South Africa where there was never legitimate opposition to the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime.
Should you wish to see how well organized are the DAAC, one simply has to look at who showed up in South Africa right after Obama’s visit in August 2006; and then President Putin waited 759 days, October 3, 2008, one month before puppet Obama became President elect, to have the Kremlin release the photo taken in Cape Town South Africa on September 5, 2006 of himself and Harry Oppenheimer’s only son, Uranium King, Nick Oppenheimer.
As important as you being able to find that photo on both De beers and Nick Oppenheimer’s rather short Wikipedia profile where the photo is conspicuously alone, is the silence of that meeting by the media and Obama administration who in 2010 approved President Putin, through the DAAC’s Uranium One corporation, acquiring 20% of the United States strategic uranium reserves.
My Facebook tells a story like none other. You see lots of photos of beautiful looking food and nor does my gorgeous F-C wife Marie look like a dog.
Both Marie and I weigh the same as we did in our early 20s.
Everyone should weigh the same as they did in their early 20s, assuming they were very healthy back then.
While Dr McDougell is incredibly persistent and remains positive, I can see that his energy level is not what it was back in the early 70s when he thought that his logic would catch on immediately and spread like wildfire.
If you don’t understand how government works you cannot solve anything because you are only adding to the problem when hiding the truth.
To begin to know the business of governments you have to be like me an expert in the money.
You also need a conscience.
The fact that most people are not bothered by their lack of a conscience does not mean that their logic is as good as it could be were they to have a conscience.
I have 597 odd Fb friends which is laughed at by those who have long reached the 5000 limit and feel like they are on top of the world especially if they are financially rich and living it up without a care in the world.
In fact there are about 140 fb friends of mine who are Sherpas and few of them speak English and they are on fb just to be friendly with the world and should us westerners visit Nepal to choose them or a family member as a guide up Everest or sponsor them so that they can leave that shit hole full of government corruption just like in the rest of the world and settle in western society and get fat.
That leaves me with only 460 fb friends who understand perfectly everything that you are now learning for the first time.
You know that not one of those 460 are speaking the truth clearly including 42 year English only speaking, white American Steve Bailey who when he does occasionally point his listeners in the direction of either me and/or scholarly Edward J Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which for good reason the DAAC support Epstein offering this page-turner book free on The Internet as it scares the living daylights out of all the “money me” people which is what the DAAC have mostly bred over the past 5 generations, ends up diluting the truth and playing directly into the hands of the DAAC who cannot get enough from the preachings of idiot organizations like The Venus Project, Doctors Without Borders, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Amnesty International, Jenny Craig diet, NPR radio & Tv, all politicians unless they stop talking out of both sides of their mouths, and the likes of Mark Zuckerberg calling for less restrictions on free speech and more sharing of information in order to build trust just so long as Zuckerberg does not explain his closeness to Don Graham-Kaplan-Purdue University who are the only advertiser on Epstein’s The D I book Internet edition or why Zuckerberg doesn’t offer his 2.4 billion subscribers the lowest cost insurance which would be no skin off Zuckerberg’s teeth while overnight catapulting Zuckerberg to the richest and most powerful person on the planet.
Need I mention that besides for the world’s top insurance risk management specialists singing my praise about my knowledge of the insurance industry, it is my intimate knowledge of the insurance game which sets me apart from all the other top experts.
Imagine being able to shut up Zuckerberg and all the members of the U S Congress who had Zuckerberg seated before them as they all played pong.
So you think it is important to give journalists, tv reporters and tv anchors like Paco Furio Marko jobs otherwise they might join the Crown Prince Saleami’s terrorist group Al Quaida or his Bone Sawing gang?
What other excuse can we justify for holding back the truth?
How can you expect the kids to have morals when their parents-grandparents have neither morals [n]or backbone?
Those remaining 460 fb friends of mine watch like hawks those who have all this information and are not my fb friends, including my 3 elder siblings as well as Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan, Geoffrey van Leeuwen whose beautifully renovated 1396 Chateau de la Barre we stayed at this past June.
In the course of 39 odd years since I completed my year long introduction into the DAAC my very good memory has not failed me, the same with my very good logic which told me that not only was the human not all that bright but totally treacherous, and therefore the only way to better society was to get out the information to sufficiently large numbers of people and at the same time let those with the information know who else besides for them has the knowledge.
In other words Harry Oppenheimer convinced me that the forced sale of my immediate family’s multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) which was co-founded by my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser (c. 1890-1970) was not an aberration but rather the final step needed before wiping out all remaining resistance in the fledgling State of Israel, and that final war which Israel lost is well described in chapter 16 of The D I book, aptly titled, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.
A number of fortuitous events took place, starting with the progression of the internet, and I had been on the cutting edge back in 1993 when providing the chairman of the board of Hearst Publishing Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst (1915-2000) a 4 page rather technical assessment of the publishing industry at a time which was considered the last quarter of the firm establishment of the Superhighway.
Then in March 2003, my shareholder class action litigation (scal) client’s law firm Finkelstein & Krinsk, issued an internal memorandum which Mr Krinsk Esq later shared with me as it detailed the future thrust of F&K to ride the coattails of the US Feds when going after violators of our sacrosanct anti-Trust/anti Monopoly laws, as the memorandum specifically mentioned “importers of chemicals” into the United States of America.
In early July 2003, Mr Krinsk Esq when sharing this very mindful memo suggested that I keep myself both busy and useful, “I know you don’t scare easily and you have a knack for figuring out where all the bodies are buried, why don’t you go after the biggest criminals, De beers?” (sic) and the sic is because those would not have been Krinsk’s exact words because he would have kept it shorter, knowing that “time is money”.
Krinsk esq also knew that the only way to distract me from the current mission was his assurance that his close friend, 63rd Attorney General of New York State, Eliot Spitzer Esq was going to pursue a criminal indictment of Ronald O Perelman, chairman and ceo of Revlon Corporation whose top officials we had found playing things very fast and loose, including shipping product to Israel from the US on a round trip without any of the crates ever being opened at any time until they arrived back in the US.
With that commitment in hand, Krinsk settled our financial dealings in the Revlon class action lawsuit which I had steered from the outset dating back to the spring of 1999 when it was a very long shot, given the fact that Perelman personally owned 85% of Revlon, meaning that the few minority shareholders were not really worth bothering with, and more important was the huge difficulty in proving that if in fact fraud had been perpetrated against the few minority shareholders as well as banks who had loaned Perelman the monies to become one of the richest people on the planet, then we would still have to prove that Perelman had the intention of committing fraud.
That would be the equivalent of Monica Lewinski squeezing Bill “Rhodes-Debeers Scholar” Clinton’s sperm from her blue dress, aiming it at Clinton’s one eye and Clinton claiming that he gave her another shot in self defense.
Maybe you can come with a better analogy.
No doubt, however, when Perelman read the complaint that was filed on October 1, 1999, the only thing he would have been concerned with was my lack of fear and quantitative skills given how little evidence we had of wrongdoing other than a precipitous decline in the share price and me having compiled a series of mathematical equations which showed that “their” [sic] was possibly nothing random; I.e. that the human hand and/or Act of God was producing certain fluctuations in the financial results of a minuscule department within Revlon, the Revlon Cosmetic Center which we had never previously heard of because it was so inconsequential, but my analysis said that something was going on there, more than meets the eye.
You also understand that “materiality” plays a HUGE role when it comes to serious money people such as Krinsk “playing dice” because Krinsk did not want to find himself embarrassed before a Federal judge who of course would never have been able to follow my precise mathematical reasoning that was needed in order for us to be granted access to dig further, which explains why Krinsk would have left out my equations which trust me took a lot of thought, at least half a day of putting it all together.
Krinsk also knew better than to have the judge feel stupid, and decided smartly, not to introduce my very detailed analysis which was only to convince Krinsk to go for the jugular.
Both Krinsk and I knew that if the judge Steyn brought in his own experts they would react the same as the other experts Krinsk and his New York partner Robert Kaplan brought in, and by the time I had finished making them feel stupid, these other analysts were no longer friendly towards me.
I did not say that these other analysts immediately contacted Perelman to let him know what he was up against.
Not to mention I had previously run into Perelman on an elevator ride we took together in a cooperative building where the Hearst’s lived and he hoped they would approve of him as a neighbor, but instead, despite his billions he got dissed.
My only choice with those airhead analysts was to finally explain that they were stupid because they were stupid which is why they were idiot Wall Street accountants rather than figuring out before going to university to try and get a job in the DAAC’s mailroom if that was their only choice.
The DAAC have laughed at every school and university history, economics, finance, military and law text book printed after Adam Smith’s nonsense 1774 Wealth of Nations, the same year the DAAC’s Lloyd’s of London was formed which was 2 years prior to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, rather insulting to women, black African slaves and Indian “savages” who received a most dishonorable mention, just a few words down from “All men are created equal…”
Have you counted the number of times the word “conscience” is used in the Magna Carter or US Constitution or for that matter Mr Mbs’s handbook for being a good Bone Sawer while the victim is still alive?
Do u really believe that Bibi Netanyahu wants a stable Middle East prior to him having socked away a sufficiently large nest egg?
Governments are only there to ensure that the leading mineral monopolist stays in power and the moment the DAAC is unseated so ends the totally false competition that the DAAC and their corrupt officials promote while denigrating the sharing of resources in a far more equitable manner than the way the resources are currently distributed which is having the DAAC Octopus first steal the mineral resources and then hand them to either their affiliates like Barclays Bank and/or their most obedient government officials starting with the world’s Ambassadors especially in drug and weapons havens like Afghanistan and the ambassadors in turn curry favors with the world’s bankers as they dine and at the same time carve out their respective pieces of paradise
Couldn’t you see Dr McDougell and me attracting a far bigger audience than possibly any 2 people in history?
Btw I did receive your recommendation of which of Dr McDougell’s we should purchase, thank you
Ps – I’m not oblivious to fat people wanting the attention as most people shun fat people who after getting the attention from their medical doctor or guru proposing a fad diet go back to their homes where they are all alone, even those with significant others where a wall of silence inevitably leads to further mind torture that often turns physically violent which provides that much more negative attention to the attention seeker and the cycle of violence is certainly not slimming down the people, but what you do is provide a very easy and much more affordable solution and that distinguishes you from the rest of the medical doctors such as those who appear in the documentary Knives N Forks where leading cardiovascular surgeon Caldwell B Esselstyn MD pontificates the truth “A plant based diet will eliminate heart disease” but nor does Esselstyn want to press further and force the government-FDA to mandate signage in every medical facility stating such an important truth
Marie Dion ~ The truth is disturbing for those busy keeping track of their lies
I have been using Siri a lot and hope she did a good job
Sent from my iPhoneFrom: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:50 PM
To: office@drmcdougall.com; carol@drmcdougall.com
Subject: Can you tell me if Dr. McDougall is in favor of any oil, such as coconut oil, for making salad dressing?From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Subject: Can you tell me if Dr. McDougall is in favor of any oil, such as coconut oil, for making salad dressing?Date: November 5, 2018 at 11:45:24 AM PSTCould man have only decided to hunt for food once he ran out of the other essentials, starch, fruit etc etc?
Are any nuts a part of his diet?
Which book do you suggest I purchase and/or attend conference?
Thank you,