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FB dialogue with self-described “Troll” Tommy Simpson


Say hi to your new Facebook friend, Tommy.

Did you see my posts on Jason Nelson’s wall on “capitalism”?

Tommy Simpson
No, but I love that guy. I will check on it.
You can send me your email and I will forward you a backup.
Tommy Simpson
what do you mean a backup?
He removed the posts and his weak arguments and felt totally embarrassed and so he thought he could simply wipe the slate clean.
Tommy Simpson
oh, hahahaha. yeah he does that.
my email is
You are in for a pleasant experience.
Make sure when you get it that you write to him and all his other FB friends making them aware that his foul play has not gone unnoticed.
Tommy Simpson
sounds good
good looking food plates on your page. you eat great1

Healthy body~healthy mind. It is much easier than most people think.


Tommy Simpson
We Are Going
We are going to the Moon, to stay, by 2024. And this is how. Special thanks to William Shatner for lending his voice to this project. About NASA’s Moon to Ma…

I assume you are still thinking of my response before returning to my wall? Did you see my 63 words that seem to rock everyone into silence?

Tommy Simpson
Sorry, I’ve been working a lot lately and haven’t gotten around to much FB.


You sound the same as everyone.

Yes or no would have been suffice. The politeness we all know is very skin deep.

You found the time to come and write on my FB wall and you could see why I have a lot of FB friends who are quiet because the knowledge I reveal is most disturbing to them but they don’t want to miss out on anything important to their financial wellbeing as well as their fear of what in the event someone like Roger Waters wakes up in time

and then they are totally screwed because there is a trail of themselves “playing stupid”.

In other words you would have long gotten my response to your “I would monitor but not censor” but instead of saying, “You blew me away” you come up with something lame telling me how hard you work without saying that you would work even harder if only you could draw yourself more away from fb.
In other words, I don’t believe for a moment that you are sorry about not saying anything of meaning.
What does it feel like being the same as everyone else other than your looks? Nor is it my fault if you feel today this moment more stupid than you have ever felt. Again, check out my writings on Waters’ wall and keep looking back at my BLOG even after either of us concludes that we can no longer be FB friends. I will run this dialogue by other FB friends of mine starting with Jenny Arenstein-Friedman whose parents suffered a lifetime of abuse by the SA Apartheid Regime without necessarily knowing who was pulling their strings.
Did you receive my posting on Jason Nelson’s wall?

Tommy Simpson
I read it. So, what is your disagreement with Milton Friedman. I am no Economist. I’m a singer and a songwriter but I enjoy studying diverse things and Milton seems pretty agreeable to me.
He missed the GDP for starters.

Tommy Simpson
Ah, you didn’t go for the withholding tax. You must not be a Libertarian.
Did you learn this distraction technique at university?
Tommy Simpson
Yes, it’s one of my only skills. Hahaha. I’m not knowledgeable about economic theory. I’m more into Music and the Arts. Of course, I’m always interested to learn new things.
My degree is in English Literature and Creative Writing. I prefer Dostoyevsky to Mises.
let’s see if you are not to old to mend your ways, and please dont come back to me with how to knit.
Im just adding you to the cc section of Lighten us. Spread it quickly. It will tell me how much of a learning mode you are in.
Tommy Simpson
What’s the goal here? I’m confused as to what we’re actually talking about.
The truth about the people who play stupid. My beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion says, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid”. She sums it up, “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!” If you go back and follow the chronology of our writings, it is perfectly clear.
You started out telling me that you “love” this guy. I sent you what he removed. You also said “yeah he does that”, that makes him shit, wouldn’t you agree?
Let me know when Lighten us arrives in your inbox. Big moves today even for the voyeurs.
Tommy Simpson
Okay, I’ll check it out. You must understand that I don’t take FB debate very seriously. It’s entertaining and I can learn from it but as long as nobody is getting physically hurt I don’t care. I said I love that guy but I mean I like debating with him and laughing at some of his posts. He is harmless.
Tommy Simpson
I do however LOVE your food posting and diet
Have you not heard that sticks and stones break bones but words kill. The most dangerous, the most violent are the wishy washy type. Read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book along with my writings and then you will find out about the real dog eat dog world and that there are extraordinarily few good people, and you don’t find any of them amongst the wishy washy indifferent. By now you should have finished reading Lighten us at least 3 times. Remember I worked for these people at the highest level and they had long completed the human profile which has their common herd all the same, but wanting to think themselves different until they read The D I book and their behavior shows them to be just as savagery as their puppeteers once you give them the money and the power.
Of course you like our food even if you still eat cancer, pain in the arse, stomach, meat-dairy-fish. How come people can smell how foul is animal flesh that is not cooked and spiced up and you can’t taste the radiation in the fish, and they can also put together you are what you ate, and yet they want to think they are more sensitive than the putrified flesh that is dying. Why aren’t they petrified of becoming ugly in their looks as well as thoughts?
Remember saying that you were perfectly fine with someone who censors because they can’t handle the truth? Are you short of friends?
Did you know how the Nazis rose to power?
Tommy Simpson
I like what you are saying and I detect some truth in it. I’ve rarely even exchanged word with Nelson. He is insignificant to me. I have many friends and live a life of peace and happiness. At times blissful.
Diet is important to me but whatever you and Nelson are discussing is probably not. He’s a democratic socialist for the most part. An ideology that’s laughable to me. I’m a creator who has little time for dead ideology.
Have you even heard my new single?
Detect some truth? Did you understand everything in Lighten is?

You will notice that I have now reached 1000 fb friends I don’t look at the number of friends you have because it makes no difference. You along with everyone else are not providing the knowledge that shuts everyone up. You distract. You know it. You also know it can’t be good for your mental health to associate on any level with someone who hides. Someone who censors the truth is a troublemaker. It takes just one, and they dont have to be good, just embarrassed to keep the company of fools, to create the most positive chain reaction and when it will happen is not important because those choosing your game have already lost.
Where else to have such an accumulation of humans who know what is going on but who are doing everything within their power to avoid sharing the knowledge of how one mineral monopolist rules and they just feel so foolish because they have bought into all their rules and so they show their true colors to themselves and everyone else. Do you ever feel previously that you hide behind your beard?

You will notice that I am now down to 999 fb friends as a result of one individual who was a very recent FB friend deciding to unfriend me, although I havent checked but I assume that after she blocked me on FB messaging.

I have learned something very important from you and the likes of Jason Nelson as I increasingly fine tune my introduction to new FB friends and you can see that it brings them quickly into a reality check, especially if the money is the embodiment of who they are; and nor is it important whether they have a lot of money or not, although the more money you have and you realize that you don’t know the first thing about how the money system works which few have the common sense to work out on their own, the quicker you go into denial.

A good example is this conversation with a youngish woman living in Dubai

8:32 AM

What do u do in Dubai ?

I once got 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post and they shut up everyone

I simply told a truth over a period of 89 days that they didn’t want to hear.

Has that ever happened to you?

Is Jean your mom? Has my name ever come up?

?? Nope jean is not my mom
I haven’t heard your name ever I’m really sorry 🙈


There is a shul here
I’ll send u an article
My mate runs it

Very openly Jewish in Dubai
I wear my Magen David

Dont be sorry. I[‘m] really not anyone all that special.

I do have a super beautiful Française-Canadienne wife who is also super intelligent and you can tell from some of her expressions:

Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!

People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!

Being a sperm donor or sperm recipient does not make you a good parent.

Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth

The truth is disturbing for those busy keeping track of their lies.

Being non-confrontation is no excuse for bad judgement.

Should I go on?

Are you related to Jean.

You don’t show that you are curious to read those articles, and nor do I want to push anything on to you to you.

What do you do in Dubai?

Has it ever happened to you that when you tell an important truth everyone shuts down?

For the first time, Dubai’s Jewish community steps hesitantly out of the shadows
The first new Jewish community to thrive in an Arab state in centuries consents, with limitations, to unprecedented media exposure

Tommy Simpson
Never crossed my mind about hiding behind my beard. I don’t give it much thought. It grows naturally. Shaving seems unnatural to me. Like people are trying to fool others or look young or look like a woman. A man without a beard is like a woman without a beard.
u focus too much on your beard
Tommy Simpson
No, I told you I dont give it much thought. I was answering your only question.
that stemmed from my point that you associate with someone who censors the truth. So you are not alone. Nor was Nelson the first troublemaker. You give anyone the power they will attract first the weakest.
What about The D I book and my 4 articles do you think bothers everyone that they come up with the poorest of excuses not to comment before getting very ugly?
BTW, it was not my only question.
Tommy Simpson
I don’t associate with Nelson. We’ve maybe exchanged three messages in all. I’ve now spoke to you as much as I have him.
Yes, you are on fb a lot.
Why would you bother talking to someone who you know censors the truth? Are you that needy? No I think you want to make money connections like most, maybe sell your music? Im only on FB to share the knowledge of how the money has been corrupted and who organizes it all and what I have found is that everyone is in denial. So I put them into the same room by adding them to my group chats. When you are all on the same team fighting to keep a lie alive, it does not mean you can trust one another because you hate being associated with fools and liars.
How come you dont say to me, “Yes I am going to challenge Nelson on his censorship”?
Tommy Simpson
I’m on FB to troll and keep up with distant friends. FB has nothing to do with finding truth.
How come you don’t respond publicly to my response to what you wrote on my wall?
“To troll”?
So lets stick to your revelation.
Why would you want to “troll” and not find the truth?
Yes, right now you are having trouble thinking. How do you get away from my 4 articles published in what was then one of the most credible, if not the most credible newspapers and the editor/s knowing it would shut up everyone? How do you get away from not commenting on The D I book which I told you about early in our conversation as you just keep talking away?
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
Tommy Simpson
Facebook is good for trolling. The truth is found alone and in silence. Don’t remember writing on your wall.
Didnt your parents teach you not to lie because liars have bad memories?
Don’t you remember writing, “I would monitor but not censor”?
Tuesday, June 4, 1:31PM Calif. time.
Do you not remember my response even though it shows in your activity: Tommy Simpson , Zuckerberg has not censored me. That hasn’t stopped others. Tommy Simpson, place yourself in Zuckerberg’s shoes as he picks up easily what has everyone so quiet when not distracting, would you start making changes in your business model to ward off would-be competitors seeking tighter alliances with bankers who have unlimited amounts of capital to underprice Zuckerberg out of the market. If you are not on my email list, maybe you want to consider that as an option. Tommy Simpson, btw one of my fb friends is a motivational speaker for Vistage International who have systemic and irreversible flaws in their business model, which their officials choose not to engage me in debate. Jamie Leno Zimron is of course following along perfectly because I spell it all out in simple English. Maybe Jamie feels the time is now right to help get the truth out rather than the silence speaking so loudly?
Don’t you feel more like you relate better to Nelson than to me?
You must surely believe that meditation brings you knowledge and peace of mind. Where does your knowledge come from? Didn’t you know that the teacher of a self-taught person is a fool?
Please explain what to “troll” means to you?
OMG, I just found out by doing a Google search what you are all about: Here is the definition of an Internet troll: In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.
Ugh, that is so ugly.
Don’t you want to hide from yourself? How can you bare to look at yourself let alone listen to your voice, ever again? I think in the best interests of sharing knowing we should make our discussion available to the world. Are you game?
This discussion today has halted me from following up with my 3 rat siblings as well as the members on my group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, where I think you are a member but I will have to check. I think it was definitely worth it. What do you think?
Tommy Simpson
Not sure what you are asking. I have a show in couple hours at the Blueberry Festival in the forest so I won’t be able to play on FB much today.
oh, i remember that comment. yeah, i don’t like censorship at all. its counterproductive
Zuck has suspended and censored me many times.
and i don’t troll on my real account. this is my real account
Tommy Simpson
cool website

You are getting uglier by the moment. You not only have a bad memory but you make little sense because you have a bad memory and just think that so long as you keep talking you can wiggle your way out. You use another account to just cause trouble to make yourself feel important, must be the case.
Keep monitoring my BLOG and focus on those in your audience who will inevitably read all this.
Tommy Simpson
Haha. You are literally trolling me right now.
seriously, i have to get ready to go share music with people. i hope you have a lovely day! we’ll troll some more later.
Tommy Simpson
that’s awesome! thanks buddy
here add this to it. enjoy while driving on a road trip.

Hippie Hiatus
Troll Simpson, keep checking for updates; and remember when meditating and breathing in why you can’t answer the question about my 4 articles and Epstein’s The D I book which makes you so boringly the same as everyone else.

Why so few views and no comments other than mine?

I think your “trolling” on the Internet hasn’t paid off, at least not up until this point in time.

