FB messaging conversation with Stacey Dalton
10 mutual friends including Joanne Kopp and Jodian Rodgers
GM and co-owner at Precision Facility Maintenance
Went to Christian College, Geelong
Lives in Geelong, Victoria
10/17/18, 2:20 PM
Say hi to your new Facebook friend, Stacey.
Stacey hi – I am of course interested to hear what you do and what most interests you.
Back when I was just out of university I began a year long orientation into the world’s most successful drilling-mining-banking monopoly De Beers-Anglo American Corporation which was directly supervised by its head, Harry Oppenheimer
who you are quickly introduced to in chapter 1 of scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 non-fiction, very easy and most interesting read book, The Diamond Invention.
At 2:04pm Calif. time, which was going on an hour ago, I wrote to my fellow South African FB friend, Billy Jacobs who is a few years older than me the following – and it tells you a great deal about me, the people who know me as well as pretty much the entire human race, and that of course would include you who quickly realizes why it is that the top media people and politicians are not yet talking about me, at least not publicly:
2:04 PM
Billy, this is what I just sent my FB friend, Rasha Foda:
This is what I just shared with James Patton:
Since you are online and reading; let me share with you what I just wrote one of my FB friends, and nor does it matter to you who it is, but of course your brain will be preoccupied in thinking whether that person knows and/or whether they will be interested to know you; and you of course think of yourself as an interesting person, don’t you?
Here it is:
BTW, you cannot even begin to understand mineral rich South Africa, let alone teach others anything other than math, without knowing about the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which scholarly Edward J. Epstein makes so easy and interesting.
The fact that it causes everyone with a handful of exceptions to shut down which of course immediately causes serious and irreversible brain damage given how perfectly wired is the brain to keep searching for knowledge, is not my problem.
Nor could Epstein have done a better job in explaining the DIG because it is nothing short of flawless.
The fact that the people get angry with me is laughable, but then again, it does cause brain damage.
Stacey, Im now heading off to a warehouse store to buy a specific metal tool to attach to a drill in order that my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion and I, and it is Marie leading this effort, can complete the building of kitchen-sink cabinets out of recycled wood. So I will be gone for a while.
I look forward to having a read. Thanks Gary. Nice to meet you. Good my luck with the cabinets
Great smile
Did u read my response to Steve Bailey?
Btw it is blowing a storm and I’m parked on the side of Interstate 8 waiting for it to blow over
Would u like to see what I last wrote Christopher Ward?
10/21/18, 12:17 PM
I just sent my FB friend Colin Schacat the following:
I just sent my FB friend Tish Vorster the following:
I just sent my FB friend Glenn Goldblatt the following and I also note that you haven’t shared with me your email:
I just sent my FB Chris Seville the following:
I just sent my new FB friend Pamela Stein the following:
Pam hi – I’m keen to hear what you are about
You can figure me out quickly by what I just sent Handre Visagie my one FB friend who is 28, and of course you too can send me your email:
Remember what you said about the people being blind but u didn’t mention they are mostly lame and quick to suggest that they are different to rest of the spineless cowards
Below is what I just wrote Lew Joubert who couldn’t be bothered to read M-H and wanted first to know what it is about; not to mention when I hit the send button I will be sharing what I’m now sending to you to not only some of my FB friends but a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population:
How the apartheid regime stayed in power for 46 years and things got worse when the ANC were brought to power, unless you ended up getting richer which a great many did
It is not only very easy to find on my FB Wall because it is near to the top but if you haven’t read it you are way behind and of course it is not only my FB friends who pay careful attention to my writings given how there are few to none including Nick Oppenheimer who know as much as I do about his company Brenthurst Foundation-De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation given how I demonstrated to his father Harry as well as others that I had more common sense than Nick who only knows how to react to a changing world without however having truth-logic at his side and no less important he knows better than to trust his self serving advisors who are learning from how the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has handled the coverup so far
Should you wish to be as up to speed on such matters of importance as people such as Nick Oppenheimer and the Crown Prince as well as folks like Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence (MIMI) who you can see from my website 2facetruth.com don’t take me for a fool, let alone someone who talks to talk you can send me your email and I will copy u on TIED HANDS which will be released in less than 30 minutes
10/23/18, 10:37 AM
Just sent the following to Cavell Martin:
Just sent the following to Damon Alagich:
Just sent the following to Kerry Lynne Bishe:
Just sent the following to Kim Braman:
Just sent the following to Debbie Bolleurs English:
Just sent the following to Roma Revill:
Subject: Game changer
Just sent the following to Christina Windsor Smith:
Just sent the following to Janet Murray:
Just sent the following to John Hughes:
Just sent the following to Harry Andreou:
I just sent the following to Natalia Vladimirovna:
Just sent the following to Paul Cartwright:
Just sent the following to Marion Rendahl:
Just sent the following to Melita Rundle:
Just sent the following to אלישבע אמריה:
Just sent the following to Alan John Goodall:
Just sent the following to Leslie Chapman:
Just sent the following to Dirk Koetze:
Just sent the following to Mark Scott Hayward:
Just sent the following to Colin McGee:
I just sent Linnie Joubert the following:
Just sent Hilton Greenbaum the following:
Just sent Billy Jacobs the following:
Just sent Philly lawyer, Rasha Foda the following:
Just sent Lew Joubert the following:
Just sent Trevor Tucker, a distant relation of mine the following:
Just sent Steven Bailey the following:
Your flakiness has inspired me.
Im now writing to Goldie Hawn who my mother Zena interviewed and which my mother mentions in that EXTRAORDINARY AND INSPIRATIONAL article of March 21, 2001 in the Wellington Weekly News; and here is a 13 paragraph exert which if you would like to comment on, please be my guest:
The fact that Epstein-DAAC continue to provide The D I book free over The Internet is not because they are stupid. On the contrary, they perfectly understand the spineless human beast who not only derives great satisfaction in seeing the good trampled on, but spineless people have the biggest egos and are unwilling to accept that they have been so horribly duped.
Nor can the DAAC believe in miracles because they are corrupt and they are warmed when seeing that the only support I, my gorgeous Française-Canadienne [F-C] wife Marie Dion and my mother get is from opportunists who give either backhanded slaps and/or weak, distracting support and that only takes place once they have been flushed out for being two-faced; otherwise they are darn right mean and threatening, and can only be counted on to let you down; but all the time gauging as best they can whether I might possibly succeed against what are seemingly insurmountable odds, and so many of these people continue to engage with me, just in the event the miracle occurs in our lifetimes.
The funniest part is that if given the choice they would choose to have the DAAC continue their brutal rule which is so devastating to the environment and our humanity, assuming man ever had anything more than a herd mentality at best, just wanting to be entertained with slapstick comedy or music that resonates with a brain which sees no purpose other than self-gratification.
The people who know about me, and that would of course include not only all my FB 533 friends, and about half that number I have “unfriended” or they have “unfriended” me, but the 933 odd independent views of The Lady’s Speech, are fully capable of understanding that a recognizable name such as yours or Trump or for that matter any media person at the top of their game or about to be washed out, can decide to speak out and become the “game changer”.
Not to mention, I have a number of very revealing Facebook group chats going on, and while mostly silent when not distracting, those subscribing can see who are leaving the conversations without saying that they remain as interested as everyone else, but they don’t want to contribute to the expansion of my footprint on The Internet and nor do they want to remain so visible like the rest of the fools.
In other words those who don’t speak also speak.
Those who do speak with their nonsense or when leaving the conversation are creating for the most mind-boggling cluster fuck for themselves which they will never be able to get rid of, at least not in this lifetime.
Nor are they totally stupid because they continue to see the logic in doing things like eating and brushing their teeth if they don’t want to offend others as well as my footprint on the Internet including social media such as Facebook continues to grow and yet no one can refute my findings.
Yes it certainly looks like the human has been gifted with nothing more than “artificial intelligence”.
It is the result of my observations which are helped by my good quantitative skills that one does not need to believe in miracles for them to happen because miracles take place regardless of man’s thoughts and actions.
The fact that none of this knowledge about the DAAC’s ongoing stranglehold on the world’s resources and population control would ever have seen the light of day were it not for me coming forward, is truly remarkable.
The fact that the people once given the knowledge do everything within their power to distract tells you how little power the people actually have over their minds, which is a good thing.
My beautiful and totally brilliant F-C wife Marie Dion explains; “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!” and which does not supplant her, “People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!”.
Let me know if you didn’t receive a copy of what I sent Goldie Hawn.
MAR 21, 2019, 8:59 PM
Why do you think people stay my FB friend but they block me on FB messaging?
No idea Gary.
It is bizarre isn’t it?
I have two lawyer friends, Ray Oshry and Abby who have done that.
Take a look at this
if you would like i can forward you the email I sent a South African TV reporter, Jayed-Leigh Paulse, titled, “I will never again complain to the police” ~ German Jewish lawyer
MAR 21, 2019, 11:21 PM
If you think it will be beneficial
MAR 22, 2019, 8:09 AM
send me your email and i will forward it. of course you can see from all my writings that those interested in the truth find it beneficial and those who only feign their interest in doing the right thing end up a cropper.
MAR 22, 2019, 3:12 PM
MAR 22, 2019, 4:15 PM
You are going to love the next one, titled I am here.
I will send you the previous ones as well.
MAR 22, 2019, 5:25 PM
Changed title, I met a double agent.
It should be showing up in you inbox any second.
not sure why but nothing in my inbox
it hasn’t left my outbox. It is a rather large number of people copied; and you are in the blind copied section.
I will let you know once it leaves.
check your inbox
Do you ever get a responce from your emails?
I’ll give it some time to come through
Interesting that your question is like 100% of the people other than those very very quiet.
I refer you to my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post and all on the same subject beginning on Feb. 1, 2001.
Have you ever heard of an “unknown” writing producing a report that you would expect coming directly from MIMI but it was even better worded and the people all over the world could understand without having to be skilled Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] officers?
Most of my clients who are not dead all remember me.
My clients were the world’s top industrialists beginning with Harry Oppenheimer who was not put off that I was still only 21 years of age.
When you read that the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency [NEA] D.r Geoffrey Rothwell Phd placed a comment in the ABOUT section of my website 2facetruth.com do you think he ever asked me, “Do you ever get a response [you misspelled] from your emails?”
Of course I get far more positive responses from people which I do not always share because the human herd, quite different to other lifeforms loves bad news, unless someone is giving them money or saying how beautiful and smart they are and of course what a wonderful family they have.
If you studied logic-math in any depth beyond 2 plus 2 equals 4 you would know that the most valuable information resides on the extreme ends of the distribution curse so you know not to bother with the average human beast located within the Bell Shaped curve which has the most average rising to the top; i.e. Trump, Clinton, Obama etc etc
You do know that this investigation of Trump that has been going on for years is just a smoke screen, just like every new items on TV and radio.
You also know that deafening silences speak the most volume.
What would you want my foes to say, “We love you!”
If they said, “We hate you” then they also know that I would come back and ask them for an explanation and they already feel stupid.
Have I answered your question sufficiently well?
If so how do you plan to share such timely and important knowledge?
Im now leaving to play ball with Mango and my wife while never forgetting my mother Zena and you must have noticed the deafening silence when examining on Youtube THE LADY’S SPEECH ZENA and my background commentary.
Computer goes off until tomorrow morning; but that doesnt prevent you from writing on Roger Waters’ fb wall that he should prepared himself for my next post.
Enjoy your game of ball. And thanks for giving your time to answer. It was a legitimate question not coming from a smart ars space I hope you know. Enjoy your day Gary
Good answer. Will you answer my question even if you have to sleep on it?
Shoot…..what’s the question? What will I do with such knowledge?
MAR 22, 2019, 8:01 PM
Shoot yes, my mother has been slowly murdered and that is evident from the speech; and how quick is the child who never had such a mother or is not anything close to the mother of their children as my mother zena was to all 4 children and 3 of them turned out cold blooded murderers.
Do you really need me to explain what you do with the knowledge that also touches well into the highest levels of spirituality?
Why dont you tell me what you learned most and then when speaking next with my 3 elder siblings and knowing that many more people will be paying attention, I will share more of your thoughts, should we say?
Remember Im now going on 47 years older than I was at 15 on Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker and I knew then that were I to open my mouth even to my 3 elder siblings and there is not a closer knit family in the world that I have come across, not even close, I would be putting my life, my mother and father’s life, but the existence of us Jewish people at great risk.
Feel free to ask me questions.
Im now going light the Friday Night candles for my mother Zena and she is also being told that I have not forsaken her.
What an incredibly wild story the story of Jesus Christ that was dreamed up 400 years after his existence assuming he ever existed but his teaching were obviously God inspired because all he did was expose the religious hypocrites and there were any other others besides for us Jewish people.
Now the world is totally corrupt; and who can be blamed for that?
MAR 23, 2019, 8:20 AM
You remember Corby Weaver from Pedro’s wall where I was pointing you all to the lack of rights of children who have self-absorbed parents.
Do you want to see how his reaction is similar to yours?
First let me point out that there was also not from you at the start, “Thanks Gary I had no idea how one institution that controls our political system, education etc also controls our minds that we don’t even have the common sense to question the basic economic index GDP, how Germany rearmed after ww1 and why we feed crap to our children etc etc. It is terrible that there is no one else there who is brave. We most compensate for cowardice by being talkers. I can’t think of anything more.”
Do you not see beauty in such ugliness of the human condition?
Below is the tail end of my dialogue with Weaver:
Now should I share with you first my dialogue with Stacey Dalton who you remember from Pedro’s wall?
“Both of your writings I will share with the rest of the world even if [all] their atom structure when in concert defies the human imagination given its selfishness and stupidity.”
Did you ever imagine the world so ugly?
Look how it is surfacing with what Streisand had to say about Jackson, ‘his sexual needs were his sexual needs.’
She has a godly syndrome like pretty much everyone.
Im waiting to see which of the two of you, Dalton or yourself react since your silence tells me that you have no intention to be different than the rest so ugly.
The mind is made up of all the body’s organs either in ill-health or good health as well as the atoms that surround each of us but which we have less control of than our internal body organs including the skin which is the largest.
When you have such an avalanche of unconscious behavior you can only marvel that much more at the design.
Even Streisand would get it. Can you help me reach her?
[You can see that I first wrote the piece above to Weaver]. He too is online but not yet talking since writing, “I have a full life”.
Have you figured what else besides for what you display had them choosing Hitler?
Question 2, would you have refused if you knew that there were plenty in line to jump at the opportunity to play king during their lifetime?
“I have a full life” should be the cry of many more than you.
Did you notice that I had misspelled or the automatic spell check wrote “curse” instead of “curve”.
Could it be that the greatest curse on the fake man is seeing himself in the wretchedness of all the others who each man thinks they are so different as they dress differently unless placed in prison uniforms or members of the Auschwitz incarcertated.
Feel free to jump in at any time.
Feel free to block me and/or unfriend me.
What if Roger Waters wants to be different to you all and rise about the flat-liners, would you hate yourself even more?
What if Waters ends up just like you flat-liners, could you think of anything worse given how you won’t have any icon as good as Waters to look up to, not even in your wildest imagination.
Again what an ingenious curse.
I will now start sharing with my buddy Ray Oshry Esq who of course you remember from that most important, word perfect 4202 word communique because you don’t want to think of yourself having a poor memory.
MAR 23, 2019, 1:49 PM
Thumbs Up Sign
Just wrote Weaver without telling him you gave me the thumbs up for everything I had previously written to you including I assume my last 2 broadcasts to Ray Oshry Esq:
I think when you wrote I have a full life, which totally bizarre given all the logic that came before, your mind shut down and did you a disservice.
Later you used irrelevant which was also a stupid choice of words
People do the most stupid things once they realize that all the political and economic talk they have done throughout their lives is as stupid as the people they point out as being stupid
It is a shocking experience to feel your own brain’s neurons imploding
each day, yourself as well as Ray Oshry and TORDU Awerbuch representing the masses have got fatter which is not a reflection of a healthy mind choosing right
You culminate your mind implosion by telling the clear lie that you know everything
What if your only reason to have been placed on this planet is to express what everyone is feeling once they read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which explains clearly that all the world’s banks starting with Barclays is controlled by this South African mining conglomerate who laugh at how much attention you pay to the size of a company’s balance sheet, sales, profitability and market price
Ray Oshry was a bright solicitor before he read The D I book and then something happened which you can relate to.
Ray stays my fb friend but he blocks me on fb messaging
You must relate perfectly to Ray because you know that you and I have nothing in common other than we can perfectly understand one another on fb
Can you send a copy of this to Ray at the same time you ask him to be your fb friend?
At some point critical mass will be achieved when none of you can stand having fake fb friends who are as superficial as the rest of the people you know
In the next moment the whole planet goes silent
Don’t you look forward to that or is it so disturbing that you want to curse the day you were born and continued to survive so without purpose other than what I mentioned previously?
As irrelevant as you WANT TO BELIEVE is the ignoramus and morally reprehensible GDP, it has governed all political and economic-financial decision making for the past going on a century which doesn’t mean those such as yourself who brought into this nonsense can explain how everyone is as stupid as you
If you want to see much sooner what is going on ask Weaver to be your fb friend and have him share with you the rest of our writings.
It’s just your insults. They hurt. You can get your point across a little less harshly.
You want me to friend a man Weaver (you think he will Accept my request) and ask him to scare literature you and he wrote?
I never met anyone quite like you Gary.
What is it you do for a living?
MAR 23, 2019, 4:34 PM
I write
Before that I listened
I learned as a young teenager never to lose my positive nature even though I got to see how ugly is the human to the good who you know are good by the important truths they tell
You also know that I am most polite and generous with my knowledge and always giving the person who says they seek knowledge which must be shared the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong
You also do a lot of general talking
If you hadn’t read my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post then you should have said so and then asked me how to access them because it is unlikely you know of anyone who has been published 4 times in such an important newspaper detailing the treason of the outgoing President of the United States
You also know that I worked for De Beers who control Trump as much as they did Obama and all those who came before
You also see that a lot of very important people, albeit they are the biggest crooks know who I am
This Weaver is a liar or very stupid but u become stupid when you lie
I simply thought since the two of you were in such denial you would get on great
You have much more in common than you have with me
Remember I taught you the fallacy of the GDP which decides who is rich and who is poor
When you intimate by your closed mouth while talking up a storm on how I should be polite to people who are not polite when distracting and never thanking me for sharing the knowledge of the money because they don’t want to hear me ask again how you have gone about sharing this important, you are the same as Weaver who says he knew everything already and what he didn’t know was irrelevant
Following my university studies where I paid careful attention to what the professors of economics, finance and law failed to say about De Beers making a mockery of every law on the books including all the anti-monopolies laws, I then learned quickly from the head of De beers Harry Oppenheimer how easy it was to corrupt the greedy, stupid human as he agreed with me that the human has to be devolving because neither the cave dwellers nor the Romans would have allowed something as utterly stupid as the GDP to exist for a moment unless it was intended to make the people laugh like no other comedy routine in the history of mankind, the oxymoron of all time
So you can understand by your own attitude towards me which is the same as Weaver and all the people who bought into De Beers’ so ugly GDP, that none of you would be my protector
So in 1980 there was not the protection against all of you hating me for feeling so stupid as to how easily you and 4 generations before have been so hopelessly fooled, I went silent for 24 years by which time the Creator of this great universe revealed to me The Diamond Invention book and I figured the internet had matured sufficiently for me risking all your despicable wrath
Then starting on Jan 13, 2005, 63 days after breaking my 24 year deafening silence with De Beers I chose to share my knowledge with one of the richest men in the world and Jonathan Beare imploded after simply showing him two small sections of the book
Were he brighter and he is considered one of the world’s smartest if not the smartest financial engineer, I would have pointed him to the smaller section and that would have been enough for him to implode
He could have chosen the smart path which was to do good but obviously that was not his destiny
Since then, more than 17 odd years ago I have approached every other billionaire I know personally and their reaction to not realizing that De beers were behind and continue to support the GDP is the same as you and Weaver, I still didn’t give up my positive nature because that would have me facing the same miserable fate as the rest of you
You would be a fool to think that if the richest people in the world were clueless about the so easy to figure out fraud of the GDP which is as big a fraud as De Beers’ exclusive diamond currency which controls the value of the different government currencies which are all the same when one most criminal enterprise manages the world economy, that I would be so stupid to think that everyone else figured it out on their own
Does that answer why I think you and Weaver should be friends?
How are you going to help me continue getting this knowledge out and could you write it all out in a more polite manner than me?
Would you be interested in going door to door selling my book or do you think there are better ways for you to make money?
I’m typing, not using Siri on a cellphone but still there might be some clarity missing and please to let me know what that might be at your earliest convenience
MAR 23, 2019, 5:44 PM
Great you are still there and yet to let me know you have a marriage proposal for Weaver that you would like to first run by me?
That was like a sound check on a theatre stage
what % of the people you know are interested in money and have you thought of a way you could make money getting them to hear what I have to say that still keeps you as a fb friend?
Is there anyone you can think of who gives speeches who has anything more interesting to say?
Would you like to see what I sent moments ago to another billionaire I know rather well?
MAR 23, 2019, 8:06 PM
I don’t seem to be getting your emails.
Have you received any email?
Check your spam for those sent from gary@2facetruth.com
MAR 23, 2019, 9:38 PM
Sorry Gary I’m out at a play xx
MAR 24, 2019, 9:16 AM
Lets assume the play ended and you got home safely and you found the emails I sent
Have you spoken yet to anyone about the corruption of the GDP and it’s responsibility for all the chaos, bloodshed, inhumanity and destruction of the earth as well as leaving junk in outer space that followed?
Before doing so had you imagined how nice and polite you could be with your most trusted, respected family and friends when sharing the knowledge and again just using your imagination could you see them happy or sad or angry with you?
The architects of the GDP who I knew very well at least the head who was 26 in 1934 knew the reaction of the masses of unaccomplished but of course they kept testing to see if they would change their sheep behavior.
Let’s assume you have children and you care for them were they the first you told and was their reaction as polite as how you shared?
Let’s assume you have no children or they are infants then you should have a parent alive or a sibling or a best friend that you too want to test if they are genuine.
How did you do with the most trusted?
Could you share the words you used which were kind and gentle and did they respond “Stacey, you are a godsend. Where did you get all this very valuable information that if only I used common sense and decency I would have figured it out on my own much earlier, probably when in my mid-teens and asking myself ‘how does a person get rich to afford a mansion and servants without having to prove themself in battle?’ because no matter how smart they might be in business the person with the gun would just come and grab it? I want to meet this generous person and help him get out the truth so that we don’t have to hear another word of bloody nonsense coming from our corrupt politicians and religious leadership?”
Or was the play so great you haven’t been able to focus on anything else?
What was the play?
MAR 31, 2019, 9:11 AM
I notice you are quiet without explaining how “You can get your point across a little less harshly” to people who are so angry that they have been fooled and have already wasted so much of their life away debating bullshit with their family, friends and work colleagues.
Has to have you wondering what purpose you serve in all this ugliness?
You never commented to me or publicly about my mother Zena’s The Lady’s Speech
and you can see the number of views keeps rising and the deafening silence remains.
Could you imagine yourself or other woman you know starting with your mother quite as beautiful, so with it, so lucid and yet you all want to believe that this most accomplished woman who brain could knock the socks off of all you was in fact suffering from advanced dementia as my siblings and their collaborators maintained and how they got a non-family member appointed as my mother’s guardian 6 days before, Sept 16, 2016 and knowing that I was not only on my way to get the guardianship according to the wishes of my mother but all 3 siblings and their liar Israeli lawyers knew exactly how my mother felt about each of them.
And the people are all quiet which you also notice on my fb group chats.
Im thinking of publishing all my “letters” not just the heavily broadcasted emails. You should all be willing to stand by your words.
The lady’s speech – My mother Zena Gevisser – Netanya, Israel – September 22, 2016, 11:33 am
BTW, its a beautiful day in southern Calif. and that does not make me think less of my mother who would change her positive disposition even we can’t find another human with backbone.
Why bother waiting to enjoy your next meal if you have no conscience?
Just placed the following comment on The Lady’s Speech, inspired by your silence:
Ms. Mc Donnell, what have learned about human nature from all the deafening silence?
You must had read the background. Could you imagine yourself or other woman you know starting with your own mother quite as beautiful, so with it, so lucid and yet all the silent want to believe that this most accomplished woman was in fact suffering from advanced dementia as my siblings and their thieving and jealous filled collaborators maintained, which was the basis for them going behind my and my mother’s back to get a non-family member appointed as my mother’s guardian 6 days before, Sept 16, 2016 and knowing that I was not only on my way to get the guardianship according to the wishes of my mother but all 3 siblings and their liar Israeli lawyers knew exactly how my mother felt about each of them.
Have you ever met a 40 year old with a brain as good as my mother was at 87 on September 22, 2016 when I filmed The Lady’s Speech? That video as well as the rest of the 29 odd videos I have placed up on Youtube would knock the socks off of all humans, and yet the human isn’t moved.
What you would all do to prevent the truth from getting out.
You must be all going insane, wouldn’t you think?
APR 2, 2019, 8:01 PM
if we could prove that each successive generation was progressively more stupid would it be interesting to see everyone’s reaction?
How would you react?
Could you point me to where I can read about your mother’s achievements. The video you uploaded doesn’t say anything about it.
I watched the video and saw a lady wanting to travel. Not with all her kids just you…..
You seemed to love her a lot and respect her.
From my perspective there was no lesson or prove of anything except the result of a family fued.
If there’s more you’ll need to help me out
So now I need to ask you questions and you are online.
I am but warning I’m leaving to pick kids up from school in 40 minutes and I’m just cleaning up after making a healthy lunch for myself and my 1 year old. My time is precious as is yours.
Go ahead
Was it clear to you from The Lady’s speech that my mother was clear about wanting me as her guardian and why she would choose me over my siblings?
Remember, I know how to ask questions as well as write. This you know from having read my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which shuts up every journalist in the world including all those who have a FB account who feel they know how to write.
Yes its very clear.
You get the answer to that easy to understand question in the first couple of minutes of the 9 minute and 24 second The Lady’s Speech.
Excellent. I understood your answer. Now my second question.
2) Was there anything in what my mother had to say during those 9 minutes and 24 seconds without interruption that suggested to you that at the time, September 22, 2016 that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia”?
In other words could you see yourself during your prime or your mother during her prime more lucid and more beautiful?
I see delay. Maybe you are brushing your teeth or going back to the video which is even better for these purposes.
Let me put it another way, have you ever known anyone more as sharp as a tack?
No I just don’t know how to answer because i really know nothing about your mother.
That was not my question.
My question is very specific. You do not need to know my mother other than what you see on that video.
But your asking me to compare her personality….to what…..
No I was not asking you to compare personality.
Have you looked up the condition of “dementia” or “advanced dementia”?
To confirm she is behaving in a certain way
Well she certainly doesn’t have advanced dementia.
Have you ever known someone with dementia look you in the eye without staring right through you?
Do you know what “advanced dementia” looks like? Can you describe it for me?
But I have just recently watched my friends mother deteriorate over 10 years and in the early stages we would have wonderful conversations
Why don’t you go through each second of the 9 minute and 24 second video where you feel that you or anyone else you know could better answer the questions I gave my mother?
So to tell you she doesn’t look like she has dementia is hard for me to say, something stops me. But I’ve only seen a small clip of your beautiful mother….
I’m that video your mother appears to keen to travel and in vibrant health.
That I can say
From my heart
Did you know that I was not interested in friends dementia or anyone else on the planet.
I was not talking about “stages”.
I was talking about 1 video of 9 minutes and 24 seconds taken on one specific day, September 22, 2016.
Do you remember me writing today about the one conversation I had with Harry Oppenheimer right at the beginning of my year long orientation into De Beers who control the educational curriculum throughout the globe, the mineral resources, the media and the money?
What do you remember about that earth-shattering piece of information I shared with the world only today?
What if you became so shocked you forgot it in the next instant because it caused your brain the biggest shock it has ever received?
I have already tested this out on a dozen people including one who I met “one on one” and they had no problem agreeing with me that what I shared today with the world is the most shocking thing their brain has ever received.
Do you know that when you go through such shock the brain damage is irreversible.
I am just suggesting that as a reason you have difficulty focusing on my question about one video taken on a specific day that goes on for 9 minutes and 24 seconds where you dont see my mother Zena using one “Uh” or “Uhh” or “Uhhh” and you also notice how calmly she delivers her first response to my series of questions and then did you notice how my mother who is wearing a dress crosses her legs given the position of the camera that tells you she is very aware of the camera, does she look anything close to having “dementia”?
Does the name Harry Oppenheimer mean anything to you?
If this is getting too boring for you let me speed it up.
Do you call it simply a “family feud” or “sibling rivalry” when the 3 elder children who my mother explains on Sept. 22, 2016 she does not trust for them to take care of her as well as me who my mother Zena clearly wants to be with, go behind my and my mother’s back on September 15, 6 days before The Lady’s Speech and petition the Israeli courts to appoint a non-family member, an Israeli lawyer friend of theirs as my mother’s guardian on the basis that my mother was suffering on September 15th and well before, from “advanced dementia”?
Should I tell you how quickly a well raised 13 year old would answer the question?
Have you travelled much globally in your life?
Do you think if you were right now to make out a living will in the event you couldn’t take care of yourself but you didn’t want your body to be placed in the hands of bad people, do you think you could be any clearer than my mother on September 22, 2016?
No wonder people block you
Are you aware that there is not a single person who has seen that video and that includes all the top Israeli officials who would be so foolish as to argue that my mother nor their mothers nor anyone they know could be clearer than my mother.
O yes, the quick comeback, “No wonder people block you”.
Have you ever thought that before I began my year long orientation to join the mafia of mafia who decide how much your makeup costs, and the schooling of your kid, babysitters etc etc, I knew that the question I put to Harry Oppenheimer would impress him sufficiently that he instantly began opening up to me?
Yes, Harry Oppenheimer knew that he had created a human society far worse than pigs who only eat the hands of humans if placed in front of them otherwise they are very loving to their children.
But he believed that humans by their very nature were totally evil and so he fancied himself as a benevolent dictator, although I never once saw him cross himself but then I never did meet Oppenheimer in person.
Remember I am not the enemy.
Remember, you have never come across a more accomplished woman than my mother Zena, and if you think you know of one, please name them.
There have been 1115 odd independent views of the Lady’s Speech and you can see that the human worse than pigs don’t even want to comment because they understand perfectly how on top of things is my mother not only in that Ladys Speech but all the other 28 videos.
Each of them then think to themselves, “For something so catastrophic to happen and for the Israeli courts not to reverse their ruling there must be something that Gary and his mother Zena know that we dont want to get out.”
Then they go back and read what they have read of my writings; and they like things just the way they are; and they want their children to continue with their lives without ever learning the truth about how the real dog eat dog world works; and then they are instantly resentful and when blocking me or unfriending me or writing crap to me, they leave a clear trail.
Tomorrow, I plan to pick up the pace with the Monster head of Jewish Agency Israel without feeling that I first need to get the support of the world.
Here the draft of my start to Isaac Herzog [let me know your thoughts]:
The people, all the people have no doubt that my mother Zena was speaking her clear mind on September 22, 2016, 5 days after you very evil people took away all her rights and quickly escalated the thieving of her property; and you Israelis think you are better than scum.
Where they have trouble, great trouble, is wanting to think what a money grabbing monster you are to be supporting your fellow lawyers and judges who chose not to abide by the crystal clear wishes of my mother Zena to make her most happy rather than being in all your fucking, money sucking clutches.
Good night.
APR 3, 2019, 10:33 AM
Anyone who can write me, “No wonder people block you” must be most interested in all these other people who you relate to much better than me.
Therefore like most, if not all of them you will be following my posts where you have been tagged
and there you will feel right at hime with Digger Paul Bernstein.
Do not forget that I am not stupid.
Nor do I need to hear that you agree with Digger Paul Bernstein that I am “extremely clever” because that applause coming from a corrupt person meaningless other than it says the person cannot be trusted.
My memory is good because I realize that while most people lie which is the same as trying to distract, life is far too short to mess up what the future holds and you too must have noticed the large numbers of stink bugs as well as butterflies, at least here in southern California thanks to the rains, and butterflies don’t live very long as beautiful as they are because things like bats and birds simply don’t give a fuck about how they look, just so long as they are food.
If my 3 elder siblings raised in the best Jewish household imaginable could turn so ugly, so cruel, it would be stupid for me to expect better from anyone else including you.
Any more questions about my mother Zena or were you also just wanting to talk?
FRI 11:13 AM
Any further thoughts on the lameness of those viewing The Lady’s Speech or are you too preoccupied on the fallout from increasing numbers of people like yourself discovering that the price of the money is as rigged as the most rigged elections?
FRI 3:18 PM
I don’t even know how to answer that question. Sorry.
Yes money is rigged and so are our politicians.
FRI 4:21 PM
First, how did you now the money was rigged before I educated you?
Second, since I dont think you have commented publicly on The Lady’s Speech surely you can understand the lameness of the rest?
You should love to death my next “speech”. I will let you know when it leaves my outbox, otherwise check out the 2facetruth.com BLOG
BTW, was there anything in “Wake up the people” which you already knew?
Just putting the finishing touches and I threw in the following:
Let me quickly share with you a reaction that is typical of someone who has read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book and benefitted from my analysis:
Yes money is rigged and so are our politicians.
The important part is the need to go on, “and so are our politicians”.
FRI 5:35 PM
I turned off the news/TV years ago and started watching docos etc
I believe 911 was an American attack
I know about about the elite club etc.
did you read Flying rabbi?
Did you already tell me or is it up on they FB about, what is your formal education?
FRI 7:35 PM
Did you know that the price of the money is decided by who has the strongest military?
Did they teach you that in church? If not, why not?
So what happens when you own all the depots in the world like Idi Amin, Gaddafi, Mandela, Hitler, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Trump etc and all the military is now one, who should be the richest peoples?
SAT 7:39 AM
Yes, you are quiet and maybe you are ready to take back your words, “No wonder people block you”.
Just because most people are cowards, liars, cheats and thieves does not mean a good person would be choosing smart when joining the bad crowd.
You have only sought to attack me, rather than praise me for trying to teach you all what is going on.
Your arrogance continues to come through clearly, “I know about about the elite club etc”
You have also bought hook line and sinker into the news headlines, “I believe 911 was an American attack.”
You are so incredibly superficial you have to be surely right now standing in front of the mirror and laughing at yourself or are you still crying?
You of course have the option of both blocking me and unfriending me, but both choices are not going to have you liking yourself unless you like the idea of hating yourself so that you hate that much more good people, however few of us there are.
By the time you get to read this I will have already moved to share this important teaching lesson with the world and maybe your children one day will wake up before you.
How could you not answer my questions; 1) did you know that the price of the money is decided by who has the strongest military?
2) Did they teach you that in church? If not, why not?
3) So what happens when you own all the despots in the world like Idi Amin, Gaddafi, Mandela, Hitler, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Trump etc and all the military is now one, who should be the richest peoples?
[Note I have corrected the spelling of despots.]
Watch for my next response to Digger Paul Bernstein.
You saw the “can” missing before “hate”.
SAT 3:02 PM
Did u see my post about Trudeau?
I was just reading your last email
As if I talk a lot lol
Which email is that?
Fair price to pay soldiers
Did you follow it?
Where are you right now?
Sort of. Not really.
Unsure what I can do with the information.
What did u think it was about?
Did u see my Trudeau post? Do u know who he is ?
Did you just get a tag notice?
Do you agree the price of the money is rigged?
Do you have any university education in economics other than what you got off the Tv even if it was only when you were in kindergarten?
Have you heard of Nicholas Oppenheimer?
Do you feel you are smarter or dumber or the same since running into me?
Do you think it might move Nick Oppenheimer to intervene on my mother Zena’s behalf given it’s extraordinary crime and all that is needed for his salvation and clearance of conscience as he would see how totally lacking conscience is everyone else, and why not be the first ?
Wouldn’t it also validate his father Harry’s position that the people are worse than pigs when it comes to both their morals and logic and if the people were to have his power and influence they show that they are capable of behaving worse than the puppet Hitler?
Do you know if there is any evidence that Hitler mistreated his family members?
Remember we know that Hitler’s immediate family members were not that great.
My mother Zena however was not only the greatest mother in the world but it shows clearly in each one of the videos
Do you have videos of yourself and your mother demonstrating how proud both of you are of one another?
What if your mother and everyone else’s mother who has seen the videos and who are silent because they and their mothers are pieces of shit compared to my mother?
Can you see how well that might explain all your resentment and anger towards me and my mother?
Are you ready to receive more publication of my book?
Do your child/children have a father?
If so is he a good role model?
Were you able to get through the Trudeau posting of 227 odd words?
Imagine yourself right now and all literate humans viewing our conversation, what percent will have already forgotten you mentioning that you didn’t see how you could make money with the information?
Thumbs Up Sign
Do you remember the Epilady women’s shaver?
By the way I never wanted to make money from your information.
Do you think it is possible that I was competent to head up their restructuring team in the United States because I speak English?
Sure I believe it
Try going through and answering all my questions starting with the one about Nick Oppenheimer and how best to motivate him to move?
Your setting me homework?
Why would you value my opinion?
I would need to do a fair bit of research to answer some of your questions Gary
I read sure I believe it. You chose correctly and I did much more than head up their restructuring team with great results and it would have been better had I convinced their owner Solly Krok to have no fear about Phillips BV threats to kill his daughters.
Yes, in setting your homework to be a better mother?
Would you like me to help you find a better lover and one of the benefits is that you will spend less time on fb?
I’m only on FB cause you keep tagging and talking to me. So see ya.
Which questions do u feel u will need to do more research? Will they include deciding on your current lover?
Does he have liver problems due to fat?
May I suggest you first focus on answering my question about Oppenheimer because that is the most pressing for me because each moment they are murdering my mother Zena
U also didn’t answer me about Trudeau
SUN 8:53 AM
I remember you saying you wanted to learn more about my mother and then you got distracted or was it that you saw yourself at one with the others and thinking that I would forget?
You didn’t answer about your mother who was probably not quite as great as my mother. So are you resentful or angry?
Imagine if you all make Nicholas Oppenheimer feel much better about himself?
You know when the human feels better about itself it can only do more good.
You must have heard of Socrates now that you only watch the news for the commercials I assume, do you think if he saw all the morons that surround us he would have committed suicide much earlier?
SUN 1:30 PM
I want to introduce you to someone who I believe you would get on great with.
I hadn’t heard from Zeligson since August 20 of last year at 10:42 AM when he sent me similar nonsense to you, and then out of the blue today he starts writing.
Below is my FB messaging conversation from today with Alan Mark Zeligson who could already be FB friends with you and if so, how come you are not dating?
12:58 PM
Alan Mark Zeligson
I didn’t realise ur dad was Metro C+ C .I mean after natie kirsh baught both out
I mean before
where did you learn that?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Natie kirsh life story on line
send it to me.
Alan Mark Zeligson
just go into Bloomberg Gary it’s there
You are a very poor source of knowledge. Remember Wingate?
Alan Mark Zeligson
It’s very long article
You have the time.
Alan Mark Zeligson
How are u anyway
Zeligson, we are not friends. I don’t associate with liars and you know that.
Therefore you would only be happy if I was sad when in fact I couldn’t possibly be happier.
Alan Mark Zeligson
In 1952 Kirsh began assisting his mother with the operation of his father’s original malt factory in Potchefstroom, then, in 1958,[2] launched his own first venture, [8] founding a corn milling and malt business in Swaziland.[9]
After having returned to South Africa in 1968; in 1970,[9] Kirsh acquired Moshal Gevisser, a South African wholesale food distributor with a pilot cash and carry program.[9][2] At the time, the South African apartheid government prevented white business-owners from operating in black townships, and Kirsh began using Moshal Gevisser[2] to supply goods to black shopkeepers.[9] As a cash and carry business,[2] Moshal Gevisser became a dominant food retailer in South Africa.[9]
Alan Mark Zeligson
See this time I came up with the goods
The rest is on Wikipedia
Later on in 1978 he baught out metro cash and carry and merged the two into one company
That is old news
and if you don’t remember seeing the article above it is because you have a bad memory which is a terrible thing to have.
Do you know how people get bad memories?
Where and when did you learn that Natie Kirsh’s “rise to fame and fortune” and moreover that he is “self-made” is total bullshit?
How Natie Kirsh built his global business | Leader.co.za
SA’s wealthiest entrepreneur, Natie Kirsh, disappeared off the public radar in 1986 when he lost his listed assets to Sanlam. Behind the scenes, he’s been busy – a serial deal maker.
Do you not remembering reading, “Wake up the people”?
Alan Mark Zeligson
U know ,no one can even say hello to u without a tyrade I feel sorry for ur local busboy
Have any of your lovers told you that you are repetitive?
How could I forgive you for wasting my time with Wingate?
Alan Mark Zeligson
I’ll find the wingate evidence but u will argue again lol
U argue with everyone .
I only argue with morons once, just to make sure I have figured out correctly they are morons.
Remember Hitler/Goebels: The great masses [which is you] will more likely fall victim to a big lie than a small lie.
So [how] do you feel great being amongst the masses of morons?
You must [feel great].
I see you returning as a sheep long before man gets smart and stops eating meat-dairy.
Great things happened yesterday which you will hear about in due course.
BTW do you think the people are all so indifferent to my mother Zena because of the following two reasons?:
1) They are mortified that they, their parents, grandparents, rabbis, priests, mullahs, teachers and university professors, newscasters, journalists, Hollywood-Madison avenue blah blah didn’t figure out on your own the insanity and morally reprehensible GDP index?
2) When you look at the lucidity and beauty of my mother Zena and you can’t miss such wonderful love between my mother and me and compare it to your mothers, grandmothers, friends mothers and friends’ grandmothers you feel that God shortchanged you.
Coupled together you are filled with hate, resentment and anger and why not one of you cowards have commented in disgust at the treatment of my mother Zena who is clearer than you or anyone you know in her wishes.
In a nutshell, and you will soon see this broadcasted throughout the Internet, but start with 2facetruth.com, your fear is that given how unspectacular are your mothers compared to mine and therefore not raised as well as me, you can see that if my 3 elder siblings went wrong; in others words 3 out of 4 in the best raised Jewish household in the world could be rotten to the core, the chances are extraordinarily great that you would behave at least as rotten as my 3 elder siblings.
That is logic speaking.
I realize it is very dramatic and daunting in the extreme; and consequently you want to kill the messenger who gives such good information.
Yes, I would be very depressed if I had a mother any less spectacular than my mother Zena.
How Natie Kirsh built his global business | Leader.co.za
SUN 4:16 PM
Since you must agree with Zeligson who has also read by now, “Any the wiser” do you feel better about yourself when think about me “U argue with everyone” or do you wish you had thought more before lashing out?
Did you enjoy my comments about Trudeau?
MON 12:18 PM
You are about to get another “honorable mention.”
MON 5:51 PM
My FB friend count you must have noticed has been steadily declining. Does that make you happy?
It should unless you can think through the logic and then it is terrifying if you backing the wrong horse.
3:48 PM
Are you following “What little we can say about denial” on the Canadians For Liberty page?
BTW, I do have a backup of my post on your FB wall before you removed it.
I remember you using the word “heartfelt”. I see you, and it is just my opinion, as very sneaky.