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FB messaging with South African journalist/author Jacques Pauw

Jacques Pauw

10 mutual friends including Bridgette Jett Moulang and Tish Vorster

Lives in Cape Town, Western Cape

MAR 5, 2019, 4:09 PM


Jacques hello – I came across this article of yours in the citizen

which refers to “CCB commander, Lieutenant Colonel Eeben Barlow, a man who had admitted to killing enemies of the apartheid state.”

This is of particular interest to me for several reasons starting with my classmate and cousin, Sandra Jacobson, a member of Umkhonto whose rather extraordinarily revealing evidence to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was presented on 28 February, 2000 at the hearing of General Johan van der Merwe.

As you may know Sandy’s half-naked, tortured body was discovered in the boot of her Toyota car in early November 1997 and there is no mention of her death in the Commission’s report; but more importantly in March 2006, the SAP reopened their investigation and conveniently found a person who died in 2003 as the murderer, and this whitewash report was reported in the SA media on September 6, 2006.

I, however, happen to the know the true story behind Sandy’s silence.

That however, is not my purpose in contacting you.

I would like to know more about this Eeben Barlow, starting with where you got this information that he “admitted to killing enemies of the apartheid state”?

Thank you,


Jacques Pauw tears Lost Boys of Bird Island apart in scathing review

The investigative journalist says much of the book doesn’t make sense and may in fact contain several lies.

MAR 17, 2019, 4:55 PM


Mr. Pauw, I see that you are being harassed up the kazoo, but there is a most powerful weapon you have yet to place in your arsenal.

It is of course the truth.

Nothing escapes the attention of the people who pay the likes of Barlow; and the fact that you are right that ex-wife Chris Steyn should have disclosed her relationship with Barlow and that would have only increased book sales, which clearly was not a priority for Ms. Steyn.

Everything connects up. You just have to follow the mineral resource trail rather than the money trail which only confuses matters.

Let me know if you first want to know about author-journalist my cousin Mark Gevisser’s father who I knew much better than his oldest son.

David Gevisser was much more than a hypocrite but David is dead, and his son Mark Gevisser has a story which he has yet to tell that will knock your socks and also end all your harassment.

MAR 18, 2019, 1:15 AM




MAR 18, 2019, 4:01 PM


Did you receive a copy of “Nothing is too small – Say no to the elimination of bodily fluids – Mark Minnie”?

MAR 19, 2019, 6:39 PM



No, but if you have, please send. Busy with big expose about him.


March 19; 7:37 PM

did you check your spam folder?

When you say him, are you referring to Mark Minnie?

Have you seen the head shot of Minnie taken at the mortuary before they quickly cremated him?

MAR 19, 2019, 9:30 PM


Did you see my communications with Chris Steyn?

MAR 20, 2019, 10:36 AM


Jacques, you must appreciate that I know as well as anyone the life of a journalist wanting to make a big splash which pays the bills, often times a lot more if the splash is big enough without previous stories necessarily being as big a splash as the crowning achievement, although having a consist track record of success doesn’t hurt, and the celebrity status leads to other good stuff like paid meals, larger expense account, 5 star accommodation, Lear jets on call and retirement that much sooner and to be the center of attention at dining room tables such as Charles W. Engelhard Jr.



Let me quickly draw your attention to the first two pages of Chapter X, THE ENGELHARD EXPERIENCE of South African journalist Mark Gevisser’s father, David Gevisser’s 2006 memoir, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, and as you may notice when reading the whole book it is really just the first page, and less half page 96:

My NEW LIFE in the Engelhard arena was just beginning, and it was perhaps even more fascinating and exciting than I had believed it to be from my previous external vantage point. I moved into a luxurious and quietly elegant office suite in French House, Fox Street, which was a far cry from my grubby utilitarian quarters at Moshal Gevisser in Market Street. I had an office staff of some 15 people and a fleet of long sleek American cars and chauffeurs in the basement. Responsibilities, apart from SAFII Acme, were the wide-spread and expanding Engelhard investments in South Africa, control of their two South African homes – the “Courthouse” beautifully run by Doris Trace, and “Mbulwa”, managed by Audrey and David Hull, a magnificent country home perched on a mountain overlooking Sabie, in the planning and building of which I had been closely involved.

The Engelhard family itself came once or twice a year, but in addition there was a constant stream of visitors – business, political and social connections from the US.A., and representatives of deposed European royalty important for the social and business entree that they provided. This involved both Hedda and me in a fairly constant programme of entertainment, which reached frantic levels when the Engelhards themselves were in town. There were always formal dinners which became the apex of Johannesburg social life, luncheons, and visits to the forests and Kruger Park.

New York, where I stayed at the Engelhard apartment in the Waldorf Towers; Far Hills in New Jersey (the Engelhard home “Cragwood”); Pamplemousse, the retreat at Boca Grande in Florida; the summer home at Dark Harbour in Maine; the flat at the Grosvenor Hotel in London; the apartment in Rome; the fishing lodge in Quebec; the second floor of the Dolder Grand Hotel in Zurich; these all became familiar territory to me, and occasionally to Hedda when we were able to make arrangements for her to join me. This was all so far removed from our normal South Mrican life-style that it had a “through-the-looking-glass” fairy tale

[Top page 96]

quality. It was not just the sumptuousness of the surroundings, the walls hung with Monet, Degas, Picasso, Modigliani, Chagall, the tables casually littered with Faberge and Giacometti; it was also the people who, if not friends, became well-known acquaintances. President and Ladybird Johnson were close family friends, as was Senator Mansfield, the Senate Majority leader. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor were frequent house guests. Jackie Kennedy’s mother was a Court House visitor. Famous actors, singers, society figures, politicians, foreign dignitaries, if not part of my everyday life, were at least no longer a surprise.

Impressions abound. President Johnson was a gruff bully of a man. Ladybird was all but ignored, and his sexual adventures were open. Senator Mansfield was a delightful true gentleman. He must have been a superb ambassador to Japan. The Duke, always impeccably dressed, was not bright; the Duchess awful. I was often placed next to her at dinner. If one did not bleat “Your Royal Highness” at short intervals (a title to which she was not entitled) you were likely to be ignored. Teddy Kennedy was entranced by his own looks. Vanderbilts, Dillons, Rockefellers, Paleys; all joined my exotic list of acquaintances. I was getting used to this life!


My Apple Pages gives a count of 552 words of that cut and paste; and you may come up with a different number.


The reason for my knowledge is not hurt by the fact that for the better part of a year 1993-1994 I was the most trusted advisor to the chairman of the board of media giant Hearst Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1925-2000] who happened to die in the same year as Harry Oppenheimer who supervised my year long orientation into De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] starting soon after I immigrated to the USA on March 17, 1978 arriving in Chicago one week shy of my 21st when I was also anything but naive.

It was however my mother Zena Gevisser, a household name in South Africa spanning 3 decades who first taught me the most important truth about journalism; “Use the newspaper only to check the date, and then double check with another source.”

All “persons of interest” on this Mark Minnie murder story whose big story is of course the one of a kind coverup right from the start, have gone quiet.

So Im not assuming that you are currently yachting alongside my mother’s one client Aristotle Onassis




given how Onassis has been dead 44 years and 5 days.

I expect that along with writing your big expose on the Minnie murder mystery you are reading very carefully what I have previously sent you.

It would have been most polite of you, and proper, to have simply written to me back acknowledging that you had received the emails I had previously sent you or that you still were looking or that you were adamant nothing had arrived from me via email.

When I spell things out, I am very clear.

My 4 page White Paper which I submitted to Mr. Hearst in late December 93 did not include anything from my all day meeting with my father’s first cousin David Gevisser [1926-2009] who also happened to be my mother Zena’s best friend; but that friendship which lasted a lifetime one was much more akin to Sun Tzi’s teaching, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer”, because that would only take place in mid-1995 following a morning meeting in Pretoria with South Africa’s new Minister of Trade & Industry, Trevor Manual.


Suffice to say in a short while I will be continuing my broadcastings bringing attention to the important events of the day.

Obviously I consider our communications important enough for me to write to you and so you can expect that you are going to get more “honorable mention.”

BTW what do you think is wrong with this photo below?



What do you think of this photo?


