FBI investigates Israeli military intel. report

Call received April 29, 2008 3:38PM PST duration 26 minutes 52 seconds
from FBI Special Agent Curran Thomerson
**UNOFFICIAL Transcript**
Curran Thomerson IÂ’m contacting you with regards to a message that was posted on a Chevron Message board back in January (2008).
Adam Tucker Yes.
Curran Thomerson Do you know what I am talking about?
Adam Tucker Yes.
Curran Thomerson You know we get a lot people posting stuff that hear about or speculations. Would you say the information is credible?
Adam Tucker Yes, very Credible.
Curran Thomerson Why did you post on Chevron yahoo message board?
Adam Tucker I was wanting to share the information. I thought it would be relevant since it was an oil company.
Curran Thomerson Where did you get the information?
Adam Tucker From a colleague.
Curran Thomerson Did you think to share this information with us?
Adam Tucker I believe my colleague did.
Curran Thomerson When did your colleague share this information with you?
Adam Tucker My colleague began broadcasting it in August 2007.
Curran Thomerson Why did you wait until January to share the information?
Adam Tucker I believe my colleague shared the information with the FBI back in August of 2007.
Curran Thomerson So he did attempt to share this information with us?
Adam Tucker Yes
Curran Thomerson What is your involvement with this plot?
Adam Tucker I am just sharing the information
Curran Thomerson What do you do for a living?
Adam Tucker I have been unemployed since February.
Curran Thomerson What did you do for a living?
Adam Tucker I had a construction company until late last year and then began doing reserve studies in December and then was laid off in February.
Curran Thomerson How credible is your colleague
Adam Tucker Very Credible
Curran Thomerson How did your colleague get this information?
Adam Tucker Israeli military intelligence and Mossad and it has been addressed to IMI and Mossad and they have not refuted it.
Curran Thomerson Is your colleague a member of Israeli Military Intelligence or Mossad?
Adam Tucker No, he maintains that he is neither an official or unofficial member of any Israeli Intelligence gathering agency. But he is Israeli Special Forces trained. Mossad also informed the FBI one month prior to 9/11.
Curran Thomerson Can I ask your colleagues name?
Adam Tucker Gary S. Gevisser, I believe you already have a file on him.
Curran Thomerson What does Gary do for a living?
Adam Tucker I donÂ’t believe he works.
Curran Thomerson So, is he still a member of Special Forces?
Adam Tucker No, I donÂ’t believe he was ever member, I just know that he was Israeli Special Forces trained.
Adam Tucker I thought you were contacting me about money laundering that occurred with in my family.
Curran Thomerson No, I know nothing about that.
Adam Tucker Well I would like to share this information with you.
Curran Thomerson We can get to that when we are finished.
Adam Tucker Can I get your email address?
Curran Thomerson No, I donÂ’t give that out.
Adam Tucker You can actually find out more information about Gary by contacting a lawyer named Jeffery Krinsk.
Curran Thomerson What is thier relation?
Adam Tucker I believe they worked together on projects in the past
Curran Thomerson What type of projects?
Adam Tucker I know of one cases that worked together on was against Revlon and Ronald Perlman. Jeffrey knows a lot about Gary. Would you like his telephone number?
Curran Thomerson Yes
Adam Tucker Hold on one second let me get his number from my phone… 619 238 1333
Adam Tucker What did you think of the information posted on the message board?
Curran Thomerson To tell you the truth I am having trouble locating it.
Adam Tucker You can find it on the homepage of just3ants.com. And you will also find an analysis of the IMI report there as well.
Curran Thomerson So is this your website?
Adam Tucker It is our website.
Curran Thomerson What is the website about?
Adam Tucker Sharing knowledge and the truth. We are completely transparent.
Curran Thomerson What is your involvement?
Adam Tucker I just help share his story because of my computer background.
Curran Thomerson Do you work for Gary?
Adam Tucker No. I did some consulting work for him in 2001.
Curran Thomerson What type of work?
Adam Tucker Computer work.
Curran Thomerson So what, like you helped him with programs and web development?
Adam Tucker Yes, and I was paid at that time, but I have not been paid by him in many years.
Curran Thomerson Are you involved with any other websites or know of any terrorist website that might have information about this plot?
Adam Tucker No, I have tried to find sites to share this information but, no.
Adam Tucker Can I get your email address?
Curran Thomerson No, I donÂ’t give that out.
Adam Tucker Not even a work address?
Curran Thomerson Why do you want my email address?
Adam Tucker Incase I have more information to share with you.
Curran Thomerson Do you think you have any more information to share?
Adam Tucker No, everything I know is on the website. We are completely transparent.
Curran Thomerson Ok, Adam, thank you for your helpÂ…
Adam Tucker I would like to discuss the money laundering in my family; they are very dangerous.
Curran Thomerson Ok, tell what you know.
Adam Tucker In November of last year I emailed my family and I believe I CCed the sheriff and FBI, and in the email I explained how my uncle laundered money through his business. Within a day or two after, I got an email from my ex-wife telling me that my family was trying to get me arrested. I found out that my mother had contacted my ex-wife whom she never spoke with and later my mom emailed me to incriminate me by asking me what I wanted. In the late 1980Â’s my uncle and his partner had a silent South African partner that provided them with $2 million dollars in seed capital to start their plastic bag company.
Curran Thomerson So this is your uncle.
Adam Tucker Yes
Curran Thomerson So, wait, that was a lot of information can you run that by me once again.
Adam Tucker Yes, I was a kid at the time and all I knew of it were trips that were made to South Africa and the souvenirs that they brought back which made it seem like a vacation. When I was older I found out that my uncleÂ’s partner Albert Halimi contacted family members in Iran that put them in contact with a man in South African that wanted to get money out of the country. And most likely used diamonds. My uncle told me that a suitcase arrived one day with $2 million dollars and there was no official contract so if he wanted to, he could have screwed the guy. But I know they paid him back and then some.
Curran Thomerson Can you spell their names?
Adam Tucker Pete Grande and Albert Halimi
Curran Thomerson So he contacted people in Iran?
Adam Tucker Yes, he has family in Iran.
Curran Thomerson Do you know the name of the South African man?
Adam Tucker No.
Curran Thomerson So this guy wanted to get money out of South Africa?
Adam Tucker Yes. And my uncle and his partner needed the start up money since both of them had already mortgaged their properties and still needed more money. Can I get your email address?
Curran Thomerson Well, thank you for your help. We will contact you if have any further questions.
Adam Tucker You are welcome. Thank you.
Call placed to Curran April 29, 2008 4:12pm PST duration 3 minutes 23 seconds
Adam Tucker Curran, hi this is Adam again.
Curran Thomerson Oh, hey, whatÂ’s up?
Adam Tucker I wanted to find out if Gary was being investigated for indictment
Curran Thomerson Oh, I canÂ’t tell that information. If I did tell you that I would break just about every law in the book.
Adam Tucker What about my family? You didnÂ’t seem that interested in hearing about them.
Curran Thomerson ItÂ’s not that I am not interested; it just falls under the jurisdiction of another office. I will forward the information to them.
Adam Tucker What about Robert Hansen?
Curran Thomerson What about Robert Hansen?
Adam Tucker He got off because he got paid in diamonds.
Curran Thomerson What do you mean conflict diamonds?
Adam Tucker Not necessarily conflict diamonds, just diamond currency. They are light weight, unregulated, untraceable, and fit nicely in diplomatic pouches. ThatÂ’s why Jonathan Pollard got caught; he didnÂ’t get paid in diamonds.
Curran Thomerson Yeah that is how they got him. How did you know that Robert Hansen was paid in diamonds?
Adam Tucker I read it somewhere.
Curran Thomerson Ok, well, I’ll let you know if I need any more information from you.
Adam Tucker Ok, thank you. Bye.