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Forgetfullness sic – XV

Forgetfullness sic – XIV CLICK HERE

10/21/21, 12:04 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, spoke up on The Lady’s Speech observers on fb symposium just earlier:

9:56 AM California time

@Torah Gemach:

So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?

11:57 AM

Gary S Gevisser:

Title: Get on the boat 

GemACH sic, I think, overpopulation is the biggest problem that has to be tackled.

Then everybody has to be vegan. 

It is cleaning up the planet.

Then the mineral resources have to be monitored so that there is no waste.

Everyone is on the same boat.

The GDP is no longer an issue. Competition will weed itself out. Without GDP you will have the best product/s that do the least harm to humans and other species we share the planet; and people are no longer running like rats after the money.

It is more of an enlightenment towards the betterment and caring.



October 21, 2021

10/21/21, 1:41 PM

You sent

How long can you swim?


October 21, 2021

10/21/21, 5:29 PM

Cynthia forwarded a link


About 3 minutes…..please share in Messenger with your friends OF LIKE MIND!

Wow!!! I can’t believe he said it!! 🥰🥰



October 23, 2021

10/23/21, 1:01 PM

You sent



You removed Dani Rakoff from the group.

You removed Torah Gemach from the group.

You sent

You removed Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend and Dani Rakoff aka 


 RATcoff sic from the group.



December 5, 2021

12/5/21, 10:20 AM

You sent

It’s a loss of gain if you give something free.

It’s a weird mentality.

Gain for what, to do what?


A contact left the group.

A contact left the group.

February 26 at 3:56 AM

Feb 26, 2022, 3:56 AM

Cynthia forwarded a link


have you seen this!!!!!!!!!






Steven Bailey left the group.

March 14 at 2:33 PM

Mar 14, 2022, 2:33 PM

You sent

What if it was now the end of the world, would it change your behavior?

It is an important question, what have you accomplished with your life?


March 18 at 1:37 PM

Fri 1:37 PM



And you?



March 18 at 3:18 PM

Fri 3:18 PM

You sent

Cynthia, I know you know that I have accomplished a lot in exposing the corruption of the two largest segments of the world economy, the financial services and minerals market which are inextricably tied to the war business.

You also know that means people like your son who sell video games that numb the minds of the people would not fair well if the people knew the truth.

They would also eat more healthier. Everything would be better.

It simply takes the miracle of people waking up. You believe in miracles, right?

And no, I would not change my behavior, including my eating habits or for that matter my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife if now was the end of the world.

Now tell us what you have accomplished that you are proud of, and if it was now the end of the world, would it change your behavior?


You sent

@Cynthia Cindy Petit, let’s also be clear. 

You and I do not like each other. It stems from my very nice mother Zena whose father Al Ash is the brother of your father who was a drunk and embarrassed of his Jewish heritage without really knowing how utterly spectacular was their mother Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943] who was the most trusted member of Mossad head, David Ben Gurion’s [1886-1973] inner-circle because of the fact that your father was a drunk.

The fact that you had no control over your father’s drinking habits is a matter between you and God, and only God can give you the answer.

That doesn’t mean Al Ash who never once touched alcohol, not even a beer, and nor did he ever once smoke a cigarette, and my mother was not only once a chain smoker but every so often my mother would sip on one glass of wine all evening and leave the glass always at least half full, was foolish enough to trust your father with the “family secrets”.


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This drinking is a most important matter.


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People who drink have loose lips.


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Imagine if during a sober moment Al Ash shared with your father the problems us Jewish people faced from within, namely the Gestapo’s Jewish Zagiew collaboration network who made the disgusting Jewish Kapos within the death factories such as Auschwitz look like saints.


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Do you think your father would have been able to keep his mouth shut when sloshed out of his mind?


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It is also common knowledge that parents who have a drinking problem pass this trait on to their children.




Thumbs up sign


You sent

@Cynthia Cindy Petit, note two things:

First, I added you a moment ago to my group chat-symposium Watch the price of facebook’s shares.

Read very carefully all that shared yesterday, 17 March 2022 as it contains information that would have even Mr. Zelenskyy in a life and death fight and knowing that if the Russians grab his wife and children they will likely be raped before being put to death, fixated; bearing in mind that no fool Zelenskyy studied economics-law at university before deciding to become a comedian.

Second, @Micha-el Frame who was a classmate of my disgusting, green with envy, murderous sister Kathy who has many similar traits to you, decided that he wanted to make his presence.


You sent

@Micha-el Frame is a long time member of “Watch the price of facebook’s shares” and perfectly understands the very disturbing material I shared yesterday, worst that I explained it in a way a young teenager would perfectly understand.

So I don’t think we would be far wrong that it is nervous energy that has @Micha-el Frame deciding to his the “thumbs up” here.


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I am not however suggesting that @Micha-el Frame disagrees with my assessment of the dangers associated with people who have a drinking problem.


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Today the people, including those on pills, which is about 80% of the western population, know that the drug companies are thieves of the highest order, but for some reason those who produce and distribute alcoholic drinks like Vodka and Tequila are applauded, especially if they are making killings like that actor who is married to that Lebonese lawyer.

Do you know who I am talking about?

Right now my mind is mostly focused on enjoying the French being spoken between my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion and her mother Rachelle who is in Montreal.

Rachelle Dion will be 99 this year and still plays a good game of bridge although her eyesight makes reading the cards a little difficult.

Please don’t tell me that your son has invented a blender that grinds up playing cards and then majically spits them out 2 sizes bigger before going back to their regular size so as not to disrupt the flow of the game and disturb the other players.

@Cynthia Cindy Petit have you thought what positive your son would contribute if the nature was restored and healthy kids would just play out in the wilds, watch and listen to the birds, and the rest of the more sensitive animals and insects and most of all recognize that they are all, as with the wind, watching each of our moves and encouraging us to stay in the moment?


March 20 at 4:46 AM

Sun 4:46 AM



Childless people (dogs don’t count) are very selfish and self centered (you are to the extreme) Right now your personality is not leading you to Heaven. But God is good and God is forgiven and God is love. So it is never to late to change ( which my father did). I pray for your soul to be saved and your writing not to be so harsh. 




March 20 at 8:50 AM

Sun 8:50 AM

You sent

You, @Cynthia Cindy Petit, are lying through your ugly teeth.


You sent

It is now 8:50 AM Sunday 20 March 2022, and you have to be suffering horribly.


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Before you began to write your ugly defensiveness you knew that you were going to avoid writing all that you had accomplished with your life.


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A liar, is a cheat, is a thief.


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A liar, a cheat, a thief, cannot for a single moment believe in a Higher Spirit.


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Of course you can protest until the cows come home that you do, but that is only an attempt to make you feel better about yourself as well as to fool others.


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That does not mean God is unaware of your deep selfishness and surely you can easily imagine returning initially once the ants help the microbes already inside you eating away turn you that much quicker into compost, into your favorite shellfish dish.


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I am currently speaking with attorney King Golden Jr. over phone texting about the subject “destiny” which my mother Zena covers not only in depth but so beautifully using her own life experiences in a 50 minute and 51 second filming I did of my mom in Kensington Part, London just a few steps away from her and her second husband, Alan Zulman’s spectacular bachelor pad, just a stone throw away from the Royal Albert Hall.


March 20 at 9:29 AM

Sun 9:29 AM

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That filming, which you and the rest of world will inevitably see, and destiny which the past and future all coming together in the present without forgeting  your luck and bad luck lives inside of you from the start even if you are not born with the most spectacular, long, perfect shaped legs which is every girl’s dream and you can see the resentment building up from an early age for those not so blessed, quite depressing wouldn’t you say, in your case?, took place in the spring of 1987 just before I turned down Lloyd’s of London’s invitation to join the world’s oldest, most exclusive Old Boy’s Club which was established in 1774, same year the drunk economist Adam Smith penned Wealth of Nations which of course all the Founding Fathers read and knew it was the biggest bunch of nonsense, much the same as their US Declaration of Independence which so openly, disgustingly trampled on the indigenous peoples of north America when referring to them just a few lines down from the start as “savages” and you may remember the opening, “All men are created equal …”.


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My mom was 58 at the time and what an amazing legacy she has left with that spectacular rendition; plus my mom has me and for very good reason my mother has been consistently from day one


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very proud of me.


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It is vividly clear that my most stylish, beautiful and cameragenic mother Zena has mastered her subjects very well.

29 odd years later, September 2016, my mother Zena takes her hat off to my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion with this film footage


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once I showed her 2 recent photos of my then 58 year old, perfect in everything wife


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BTW I had children; I had my wife’s two.

This is what you got out of my writing, like you are a psychologist. Yuck. 

Let me repeat ad-nausea; you are Yuck, yuck, yuck.


You sent

You have been plotting all this time; something preconceived that you have seen or read, doesn’t look very original.

What is wrong with you?

Do you think this is the way to work on your future fate being more favorable?

Why not explain why your son’s video games help reduce the violence of the amass of violent video games; and remember to provide statistics.

Again, my mother’s 50 minute and 51 second footage is very positive, empowering, made a lot of sense. 

It comes from a lifetime of empowering others, and never once did my mother Zena ever take any crap from anyone; and her single goal once conceiving me was to protect me at all cost.

And here I am continuing to educate the world to be more in touch with nature which means preserving what’s little left of nature at all cost.

The bad people must be getting nervous.

What it must be like to be in that world plotting; who can we bribe; who is on our side; who is a spy; can we trust him, the final question.


You added Errol Graham Musk to the group.

You added Steven Bailey to the group.

You added Vladimir Golstein to the group.

You added Tony Haverstick to the group.

You added Shellie Evans and Kathy Niell to the group.

You added Linda Essakow Smulowitz and Carole Essakow Janks to the group.

You added Lisa Essakow and 2 others to the group.

You added Daniela Essakow and Linda Oken Essakow to the group.

You added Steven Kofsky to the group.

You added Harry Rady to the group.

You added Andy Cohen and Sofiaan Fraval to the group.

You sent

You added Errol Graham Musk to the group.

You added Steven Bailey to the group.

You added Vladimir Golstein to the group.

You added Tony Haverstick to the group.

You added Shellie Evans and Kathy Niell to the group.

You added Linda Essakow Smulowitz and Carole Essakow Janks to the group.

You added Lisa Essakow and 2 others to the group.

You added Linda Oken Essakow and Daniela Essakow to the group.

You added Steven Kofsky to the group.

You added Harry Rady to the group.

You added Sofiaan Fraval and Andy Cohen to the group.


You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You added Dionne Zulman Sabel to the group.

You added Zulman Tamara and Tamara Zulman to the group.

You added Bobby Jacobs to the group.

You added Jann Turner to the group.

You added Binyamin Shifra Glickman to the group.

You sent

You added Dionne Zulman Sabel, daughter of Alan Zulman, my mother Zena’s second husband, to the group.

You added Zulman Tamara and Tamara Zulman to the group.

You added Bobby Jacobs to the group.

You added Jann Turner, daughter of assassinated Professor Richard Turner (25 September 1941 – 8 January 1978), partner in the Durban Movement of Steve Biko (18 December 1946 – 12 September 1977) whose 2 day torture assassination began on 11 September 1977, 119 odd days before the Apartheid Regime, under orders from Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) murdered Turner with a single bullet fired into his living room, and bled to death in his 13 year old daughter Jann’s arms.


You sent

Let us not forget that my cousin and classmate from Carmel College, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997), a member of uMkhoto, the armed wing of the puppet Mandela’s ANC, was tortured to death in late 1997, her half-naked body found dumped in the trunk of her Toyota automobile in Johannesburg by what her “very in the know” uncle, David Moshal Gevisser [1926-2009) knew were fellow members of uMkhonto having just the year before given testimony to the ill-conceived South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission headed by no less bought Roman Catholic Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Not to mention, at the 28 February 2000 hearing of the T & R Commission where Sandra’s previous testimony is “read into the record” there is no mention of her death some 27 odd months before, as this would have brought into question the timing of her death so soon after her very revealing testimony which explains the ongoing silence of complicit family members and friends.


You sent

@Werner Herzog isn’t this quite a bit more gruesome than your Grizzly Man?

Are you no longer interested in attracting eyeballs to the truth?


You sent

Click link below taking you to Part V of Watch the price of facebook’s shares

which covers more details of very brave, courageous Sandra Jacobson’s murder.


You removed a participant from the group.

You added a participant to the group.

You sent

I’ve just been following up with very distant relative @Julie Lipworth-Hills who I thought  had been previously added.


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In order to add her I had to remove a member because we have reached the limit.


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I chose my classmate from Carmel College Durban Jody Perling.


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Break, my last message to @Julie Lipworth-Hills was at 1:33 PM, some 5 minutes ago:

Who do you guess turned her (Sandra Moshal Jacobson) in?


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March 21 at 11:57 AM

Mon 11:57 AM

You sent

Let’s first note that no one is leaving, and more analysis on that will be forthcoming.

It is now Monday, 21 March 11:57 AM.


You removed Carmen Silvia Stanke from the group.

You removed Clive Berkowitz from the group.

You removed Denise Ward from the group.

You removed Issy Fisher from the group.

You removed Louis Druion from the group.

You added Richard Friedman to the group.

You added Musa Joe to the group.

You added Paula Bentel to the group.

You added Paulette Kam to the group.

You added Paul Blackbeard to the group.

You removed Wayne Lusvardi from the group.

You removed Stephen Schaffer from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed Nina Senčar from the group.

You removed Jason Coster from the group.

You removed Bombertin GT from the group.

You added Lawrence Mathoho to the group.

You added Tebello Pesa to the group.

You added Lufuno Nancy to the group.

You added Naturinda Innocent to the group.

You added Katiso Motoko to the group.

You added Phakiso Thulane to the group.

You sent

You removed Carmen Silvia Stanke from the group.

You removed Clive Berkowitz from the group.

You removed Denise Ward from the group.

You removed deceased Issy Fisher from the group.

You removed deceased Louis Druion from the group.

You added Richard Friedman to the group.

You added Musa Joe to the group.

You added Paula Bentel to the group.

You added Paulette Kam to the group.

You added Paul Blackbeard to the group.

You removed Wayne Lusvardi from the group.

You removed Stephen Schaffer from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed Nina Senčar from the group.

You removed deceased Jason Coster from the group.

You removed Bombertin GT from the group.

You added Lawrence Mathoho to the group.

You added Tebello Pesa to the group.

You added Lufuno Nancy to the group.

You added Naturinda Innocent to the group.

You added Katiso Motoko to the group.

You added Phakiso Thulane to the group.


You sent

Symposium-group chat members as of 12:54 PM Calif. time, 21 March 2022

Abner Weiss

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Abraham Cahan

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Adele Abramson

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Adele Strous Clingman

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Alan Cline

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Alan Dershowitz

Added by You

Alan Morton Dershowitz

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Alan Yudelman

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Alexander Soros

Allan Zulberg

Amina Abdulbaki

Andile Madikizela

Andrea Kerzner

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Andrea Lee

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Andy Cohen

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Ann Lesley Katz

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Anna Zaikin

Anni Potash

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Anthony Maister

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April Gottlieb

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Arnold Joffe

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Arnold Pollak

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Avichay Shkedi

Ayala Weisel

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Ayi Kwei Armah

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Barry Molk

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Barry Pepper

Ben Kesling

Bernice Ungar

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Binyamin Shifra Glickman

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Bobby Jacobs

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Caren Schneiderman Peer

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Carole Essakow Janks

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Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti

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Carolyn Woolf – Lewis

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Chemise Michelle

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Cheryl Hellmann

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Civil Liberties

Clifford Benn

Clive Kaplan

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Colin Goldman

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Craig Shandler

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Cynthia Cindy Petit

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Dana Legator Glasser

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Daniel Ammann

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Daniela Essakow

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David Azzini

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David Cline

David Danziger

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David Ellison

David Fifield

David Levy

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David Masinter

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David Schmahmann

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David Woolf

David Zulman

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Debbie Patton Kingsriter

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Deborah Sturman

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Denise Jacobson Lichtenstein

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Dennis Mulligan

Dionne Zulman Sabel

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Dominic Peters

Elria Wessels

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Emma Elliott

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Errol Graham Musk

Added by You

Errol Perling

Added by You

Esmond Jacobson

Estelle Malatskey

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Fede d’Ami

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Foster Gamble

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Frances Poeggel

Francesca Versolatto

Added by You

Frank Robert Melman

Galit Tassi

Gary Gevisser


Gary Glass

Gary Levinsohn

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Geoffrey Goldberg

Gillian Goldman

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Gisela Gala

Added by You

Glenda Werbel

Harry Rady

Added by You

Harry Rady

Added by You

Harry Rady

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Heather O’Brien Kerzner

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Hedda Gevisser

Hilary Hackner

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Hilton Greenbaum

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Hlumelo Biko

Ilana Moshal

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Ivan Oshry

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Jacquelyn Berry

Jane Brown

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Jann Turner

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Jared Aufrichtig

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Jeff Johnson

Jeffrey Essakow

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Jeffrey Robert Krinsk

Jennifer Ann Jordaan

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Jenny Arenstein – Friedman

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Jenny Feinstein

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Jeremy Perling

Jerry Phillips

Jill Essakow

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Jill Essakow

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Jo Becker

Jon Shenk

Joseph Nogid Gluck

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Julie Lipworth-Hills

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June Eriksen

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Justin Boland

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Justine Musk

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Karin Cohn

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Karl von Zinzendorf

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Kathy Danziger

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Kathy Niell

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Katiso Motoko

Kerry Molfesis

Kevin Moshal

Kibbutz Baram Kitchen

Kibbutz Matzuva

Kimbal Musk

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Larry Winokur

Lawrence Kushner

Added by You

Lawrence Mathoho

Lee-Anne Dalley

Linda Essakow Smulowitz

Added by You

Linda Oken Essakow

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Lindie Botha

Lisa Essakow

Added by You

Lisa Fugard

Lisa Joanne Ash

Lolly Brukin Ossman

Added by You

Lori Nichols

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Lucia Estrada

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Luciana Versolatti

Added by You

Lufuno Nancy

Luke Z Rudkowski

Added by Steven Bailey

Lynne Karen Bentel

M’Poyo Kasa-Vubu Justine

Added by You

Marcia Kramer

Marcy Campbell Krinsk

Maria Romano

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Mariucci Grusovin

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Mark Darryl Gevisser

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Mark Gevisser

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Mark Kromer

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Marshall Curry

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Marta Rubau Carreras

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Martin Krok

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Mary Jane Schmidt

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Mary McDougall

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Maureen Greek

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Maxie Pohl

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Melody A. Kramer

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Merrick Wolman

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Micha-el Frame

Michael Aronowitz

Michael Ditz

Michael Rodd

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Michael Sewitz

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Michelle B Dagan

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Michelle Tayton

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Morena Hervat

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Muhammad Nasim

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Muhammad Saeed Akhtar

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Musa Joe

Naama Gaash-Stieglitz

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Natalie Patton

Naturinda Innocent

Neal H. Hurwitz

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Neil Friedman

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Nesie Shells

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Nick Sternberg

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Noam Chomsky-Theorist

Nora Gerolimich

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Noreen Kane Steingold

Norm Zwail

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Norman Finkelstein

Olga Zabludoff

Oren Weinberg

Paolo Gavs

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Patrick N. Mcguire

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Paul Blackbeard

Paul Levinson

Paul Watson

Paula Bentel

Paulette Kam

Paulette Vidergauz Kam

Added by You

Peter Barendse

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Peter Thiel

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Phakiso Thulane

Pierre Lotzof

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RabbiOshy Asher Deren

Raviv Drucker

Renata Capria D’Aronco

Added by You

Richard Friedman

Rip Esselstyn

Added by You

Robert Cromeans

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Robert Lobel

Rodney Smith

Ron R Bellows

Rona Legator

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Ronlynne Botha Benn

Rosalie Fisher

Added by You

Roy Essakow

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Ryan Floth

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Sam Haim

Sandra Sternberg

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Sandy Evan Hanes

Saville Katz

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Sean Ferrari

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Seth Abramovitch

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Shani Weltsman Moran

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Sharon Krok Feuer

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Shaun Marsh

Shellie Evans

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Shifra Glickman

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Sidney Lazarus

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Sirene Howard

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Skylar Waldon

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Sofiaan Fraval

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Solly Ganor

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Solly Krok

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Steve Trotman

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Steven Bailey

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Steven Kofsky

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Susan Munro

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Susana Yad Vashem

Tamara Zulman

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Tebello Pesa

Teri Lawton

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Tomer Tene

Tommy Simpson

Blocked  · Added by You

Tony Haverstick

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Tony Leon

Tosca Musk

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Tracy Tomson

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Trevor Abramson

Trevor Goldberg

Valerie Heck

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Vaughaneen Reynolds

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Vera Dubin

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Vladimir Golstein

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Warfield Fine Art

Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen

Werner Herzog

Yaron Frame

Yoko Grandsagne

Added by You

Zulman Tamara

Added by You


You sent

The timing of my birth, 7 minutes after 7, the evening of Sunday, 24 March 1957 was never lost on my mother Zena who was born 1 minute after midnight, Thursday, 30 May 1929; not to mention my mother in her one of kind talk that again lasted 50 minutes and 51 seconds and which I will be uploading in due course, makes mention that the number 7 must be my lucky number.

That is not to suggest that when the senior attorney for the National Association of Broadcasters [NAB] who I had known intimately since the early 80s, and Valerie Schulte Esq. was introduced to me by her “bosom buddy” King Golden Jr. Esq. who you see vacationing with me in Samos, Greece


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picked up a $25 chip off the roulette table at Ceasars in Las Vegas that I had just placed on the number 24 which was the only time I placed a bet during our entire trip, and of course my umpteen year American attorney and best friend King Golden Jr. Esq., the former in house General Counsel for the huge weapons developer and intelligence gatherer, Science Applications International Corporation, still San Diego’s largest employer and the largest employee owned weapons contractor, I was unaware that I had placed the $25 on the number 24 rather than the number 7; and before I could react, the croupier announced, “No more bets”.,


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Guess what?

Yes, 24 was the winning bet.


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Not only did we all smile, other than Valerie who couldn’t wait to leave.


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Valerie Schulte Esq.’s “input” however, in the hours leading up to our great dinner celebration and the NAB picked up the tab, which I was happy to do, but Valerie insisted given how our table of about 15 other high level Washington DC officials might have read more into why I was being so generous, but of course it would have been my client, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] Chairman of the Board of Hearst Corporation doing the honors.


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When I got back to New York City and relaxing with Hearst eager to hear about this visit to Las Vegas, the first thing I shared was the incident of Valerie Schulte Esq. who earlier in her career had a 15 year relationship with Ted Turner, founder of CNN, the “arch enemy” of the networks, CBS, NBC and ABC who were represented by the NAB.


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Hearst thought it was the funniest thing he had heard in his life.


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At the time, it was the funniest thing that had happened in my life, and it remains so to this day.


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That is not to suggest that I hadn’t previously laughed or stopped laughing at unconcerned humanity other than how seriously it takes its money and the wealth the money accumulates.


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I also don’t think anyone here thinks I am getting ahead of myself.


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I still need to get back to King Golden Jr. Esq. who resides these days in Washington DC while constantly checking on his real estate investments.


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There is also still unfinished business with my mother Zena’s first cousin, the @Cynthia Cindy Petit who has yet to share with us all that she has accomplished with her life.


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Back though to King Golden Jr. Esq. who remains one of the coolest dudes I have ever met, and the last thing that would come to mind when hanging with King is that he is a lawyer by training.


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When however he thought like a lawyer, you wouldn’t find any better; he was that good.


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Of course, his schooling had a lot to do with competency and why he was the top graduate at University of California, Berkeley where he did his undergraduate before studying law at the “Gentleman’s Law School”, University of Virginia Law School where again he came top of his class.


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So you would all agree that it made sense that America’s most prestigious, formidable weapons contractor would want to have the smartest attorney as their General Counsel.


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Let me now share with you all my writings to King yesterday starting at 8 AM Calif. time:


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Still shots taken from film footage, hence the blurriness, but still pretty good.

O to turn back the clock, but I wouldn’t do anything different; what about you?

There is a 50 minute and 51 second video of [my] mom speaking back in 1987 in Kensington Park, London just a few steps from her and Alan Zulman’s one of a kind spectacular bachelor apartment – I can send you some stills of it if you like – and my only prompting was saying to my mom before I turned on the camera, “Tell me highlights of your life”.

You have never seen anything in your life close to as “out of this world” in both the delivery and subject matter.

Yes my mother only spoke on subjects that she was totally expert, and hence why people like President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Aristotle Onassis and Pandit Nehru so embraced my mother.

Of course all of them wished both their wives and mistresses were as beautiful and as well-rounded as my mother, perhaps they wished they could one day before getting old and ragged get halfway in any subject, and the most important of course was to hold on to their femininity.

Yes King, in that entire monologue you don’t hear a single “Uh” or “Aah” or anything close.

The jealousy felt towards me and my mother which you see in the way we have both been treated for doing the right thing is nothing short of electrifying.

But there is an upside, a most important one.

It is called “destiny” and my beautiful mother Zena covers that too in great, wonderful detail.

It is highly unlikely you are going to be the first to see this film footage or any of the other film footage that includes Marie joining me for 10 days in South Africa back in late September, early October 1995 where the footage shows us no less in love than we are today.

But who knows.

When fate intervenes one cannot be certain of the future, and so it is also your fate at play whether you get to see the film footage before anyone else.

If you got a 100 humans in a room, or all the world’s literate and lets round it off at 8 billion, and asked them if they “believe in destiny” or “fate” if you prefer, and remember a good half of the world’s population are either Indian or Chinese, 99.99% would answer, “Yes” and those who didn’t, it is because they just enjoy being argumentative.

The only exceptions are those who have read The Diamond Invention book; and still some of them might answer that they believe in destiny because they have forgotten they have read the book which causes everyone to shut down and show their true ugly colours.

From the time my mother Zena was a little girl,


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my mother


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mastered her subjects very well.

You can also understand that my mother Zena was totally taken by Marie the first time she saw her, actually 2 recent photos,


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in close to 2 decades, all the result of the “mistake” when I brought up within an earshot of Alan Zulman who was busy on a sewing machine making my mom one of his amazing creations


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the name Fatima Meer


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back in late 2001, by which time not only had all 4 of my articles been published in the Jerusalem Post, and deafening silence followed everyone who knew me, including all my siblings and closest friends spanning a lifetime, with 9/11 having come and the “War on Terror” kick-started by treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich on Clinton’s last day in office, but Fatima Meer was now undoubtedly Nelson Mandela’s most trusted confidant


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It is now 1:43 PM Calif. time, and there is more I should share with King Golden Jr. Esq. about heroic Ms. Fatima Meer whose speeches on our University of Natal-Kwazulu campus were really not all that kind towards us Jewish people, somewhat of an understatement.


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Then again, you would know that it is only stupid people who are anti-Semitic or anti-Israel, and there was nothing stupid about my mother Zena’s most trusted Muslim friend, Fatima Meer.


March 21 at 2:39 PM

Mon 2:39 PM

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When cutting and pasting my text-photos from yesterday’s speaking with King Golden I inserted above a link to today’s posting on my facebook wall which began with “What happened to common sense?”

My last post at 11:38 AM is titled, “Unconcerned”.

A French speaking person such as Française-Canadienne member and my fb friend, @Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti would be more familiar than the rest of you who don’t use the French “insouciance” on a regular basis.

The literal translation but without the incredibly sexy, sensous French accent is “reckless” or “carefree”, not caring about anything.

With well adjusted kids which all pretty much start out that way, can’t think of any exceptions, at least none come to mind, which is why I can’t think of them, nothing boothers them; they dont think to the future, what could go wrong; that is the nice context, the “insociance of the youth.”


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For these purposes when talking about the unconscious human, I think the word “unconcerned” describes perfectly pretty much everyone.


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We can however, think of exceptions starting with my mother Zena.


You removed Yaron Frame from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You added Penny Rey and Penny Rey to the group.

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When you hear my mom speaking about her model, member @Penny Rey @Penny Rey, you immediately fall in love with Penny who was the first most beautiful woman to come into my life after my mother Zena.


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You also feel the same way about Penny’s father whose quick accension to a Director of the Frame Group, headed by the richest Jewish South African, Philip Frame, is all thanks to Penny winning the Miss World which as my mother so beautifully points out it only speeded up her father being appointed a director for his competency and integrity was never an issue.


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Also member @Ronlynne Botha Benn is also going to love more than anything in the world hearing my mom talking fondly of her as well as her daughter Ashley, and the sparkle in my mother’s eye when talking about Ashley is no less cute.


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Now where was I?


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Most of you with a poor diet can’t remember what you ate for breakfast or which part of the pig were the bacon strips, and for us Jewish carnivores why not come up with a different name for Jewish delicacy oxtail?


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Those of us with a much healthier diet which for us males is driven by the woman realizing that the male specie really isn’t all that smart to begin with, just wants a healthy lover, tend to have better memories; at least that is my personal experience.


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Does anyone have the same point of view or something different?


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I am not saying that when it comes to preparing the food, and it is usually the woman, that they demonstrate total love for their man when not caring what crap they serve.


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BTW, I couldn’t think of any place on earth that I have visited where if you are in horrific physical shape which is reflective of the mind, the last place you want to end up with your partner is in a cozy bungalow with a large open pit fireplace inside the home overlookiong the magnificent Knysna Forest where at this moment, 3 PM Calif. time, there is apparently one lone, old elephant on its way out.


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On the other hand, if you are in great physical-mental health and you also happen to be with the most beautiful Française-Canadienne woman who has ever stepped foot on planet Mother Earth


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then your first choice would have to be this one bungalow at Knysna.


You removed a participant from the group.

You added Brett Archibald to the group.

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It has been a while since I last heard from new member, South African Chartered Accountant and author of


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Brett Archibald; to be precise it was December 3 last year at 5:56 AM Calif. time when Brett asked:

Are you Gevisser from the Marshall Gevisser Company?


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I believe Brett was born around 1969 and not as I first thought, 1962.


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Like member @Estelle Malatskey‘s husband Jeff Malatskey, Brett spent his career, or most of it, working for the Ernst & Young auditing firm and whose workproduct going back to its beginnings, 1849 isn’t worth the paper it is written on.


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To be perfectly clear, Ernst and Young came into existence in 1989, 33 years ago, through the merger of Ernst & Whinney and Arthur Young & Co.. 

The oldest component, according to Wikipedia, is from 1849.


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Durbanite Derrick Beare who is not a member and nor do I believe he keeps a facebook account, at least not one that he uses to spy on others, and of course Derrick probably has a fake fb account for doing just that, would be smiling when just seeing the word “Arthur” as it reminds him as it does me of the managing partner of Arthur Andersen South Africa, born again Christian, Terry Rosenberg


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who succeeded by failing and eventually winding up as a Director of not only the SA Oppenheimers’ Anglo American Corporation [AAC] but a director of AAC’s Uranium One corporation that President Putin used to acquire 20% of the United States of America’s strategic uranium reserves back in October 2010 during the Obama-Biden first administration.


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Now when my mother Zena would counsel, “Don’t believe a word you read in the newspapers, magazines or TV” it didn’t mean you should find an island before you die in order to bury yourself when you eventually die.


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On the contrary, it meant to read every newspaper, magazine, and non-fiction book you could get your hands on that the masses were reading to figure out the extent of the brainwashing.


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TV, on the other hand, my mother considered more injurious to the brain than opium addiction.


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Please do not write me back saying that I am corrupting our youth by also mentioning Hunter Biden and where best to purchase a crack cocaine pipe.


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I mentioned earlier the funniest moment of my life outside of the greatest sex of my life which is ongoing, but second to Valerie Schulte Esq. removing the $25 chip without even bothering to ask me because she considered the value of a $25 not something to throw away, was Terry Rosenberg sitting Derrick Beare and myself down in one of the empty large rooms of the Game retail headquarters in Durban,  back in 1989 and Rosenberg proceeded, using a paper flipchart to explain the fundamentals of his plan to build to the largest retail conglomerate in the world.


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By this time, Derrick and I knew that not only was Terry Rosenberg who was Derrick’s multibillionaire uncle, Jonathan Beare”s top chief executive, a thief but a total incompetent to boot.


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The only problem is that we did not have the evidence.


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I would like each of you to imagine what it is like sitting in front of someone who is hellbent on talking up a storm to confuse you.


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People such as member @Steven Bailey don’t have a clue what it means to be around people so smart as Terry Rosenberg.






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The likes of Bailey who represents pretty much all our membership different degrees of brainwashing only know about people like Terry Rosenberg from what they pick up in movies like the Godfather or that actor Douglas who shouts loudly on the silverscreen “Greed”.


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@Steven Bailey, what is that name of that movie which you remember better than what you ate for breakfast this morning?


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How in the world do I go from Valerie Schulte Esq. preventing me from adding a nice piece of change to my nestegg to listening to the crap coming out of the mouth of the former managing partner of Arthur Andersen which went defunct back in August 2002, some 19 odd years ago, and just a few years later in late 1993 coming up with a strategy for the most enlightened Captain of Industry, Randolph Apperson Hearst to tighten the noose around the necks of his top executives who had been playing things “fast and loose”, pretty much what all executives of large corporations do 24/7?


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Why not call it fate.


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Bear in mind, not just any woman, but the sexiest, most sensuous and with a brain out of this world, has promised me the very best birthday gift of my life this coming Thursday, which is less than 3 days away.


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A lot can happen between now and 3 days from now given how fiction literature has Rome built in 7 days.

Monday 21 March 2022 2:52 PM
The problem with religion and the same with the leadership of the scientific communities around the world is timing.


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It is not possible, outside of “Divine Intervention” to explain the sequencing of events that led to this ugly, most utterly stupid human specie.


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If it were only explained to us as young teenagers that there hasn’t been enough time for random events to turn simply structures into complex structures such as the human anatomy which begs the question of how those simple structures were so unimaginably smart to begin with to develop into complex structures that has this human ant destroyng the environment in order to satisfy the “health of the economy”, then very possibly we wouldn’t be so stupid to allow an economic index like the GDP to promote the destruction of the nature which we feed off in order that people like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow to be so charitable with his winnings.


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The human devolving brain if it hears repeated enough times, “Health of the economy” and their brain muscle is atrophying then that is all that makes sense to them.


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@Steven Bailey, @Steven Kofsky, @Nick Sternberg, @Errol Perling, @Marcia Kramer, @Mark Gevisser, @Mark Kromer, @Alan Cline, @Alan Morton Dershowitz, @Jill Essakow, @Rip Esselstyn, @Harry Rady would you agree with that assessment?


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Getting back to Terry Rosenberg trying to bamboozle Derrick Beare and myself as if neither of us had figured out during our university economic studies all the total bullshit sprouted by the professors.


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Both Derrick and I wanted to kick each other under the two single seat desks where Rosenberg had seated us, but then given how he was standing in front, then he would know for sure that we were on to his game.


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Did anyone notice the pun?


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It took a few months before Derrick and I got our hands on the “smoking gun proof” of Rosenberg’s fraud and then presented the documentation to his uncle Jonathan at his offices in west Hollywood, and J. Beare’s response was a simple but accurate, “Heads he wins, tails I lose”.


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To get another and possibly better understanding of “Better the Devil you know than the one you don’t” it would be most helpful, I believe to read my writings this past Friday to member @Brett Archibald which to date have only been shared with one member of “Forgetfullness” [sic] and as some of you know, Elon Musk’s father is also a member of “Watch the price of facebook’s shares” as is @Brett Archibald.


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Again I will in due course explain the psychology of each of your presence on my unmatched symposiums-group chats.







Yesterday at 6:06 PM

Wed 6:06 PM

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Are you an Ox Jew or a Fish Jew?

It’s a hard one to choose from.


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Tommy Simpson




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Goodbye weak spirited, no soul @Tommy Simpson who has been glued like everyone else and seeking to distract from the foolishness they feel inside, the result of being so easily fooled about the money.


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Before I remove you Simpson, let me share with you that in the course of the past 24 hours, Nicholas Oppenheimer has removed President Putin from the photo of the two of them taken in South Africa on 5 September 2006 which Putin waited 759 odd days before authorizing the Kremlin to release.


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Why now?


Tommy Simpson

I don’t care about Putin or Oppenheimer. They are clowns.


Tommy Simpson


I’m a dancer.


You removed Tommy Simpson from the group.

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Yesterday at 7:40 PM

Wed 7:40 PM

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All of a sudden I’m not associated with Putin.

Suddenly he is bad.


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I can’t imagine being in any of your shoes.


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Right “They are clowns. I’m a dancer”.


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Imagine that, Oppenheimer concerned with public opinion when he has all of you – not exactly united because you are chasing the money individually, including those of you married – as his cushion.


Yesterday at 8:08 PM

Wed 8:08 PM

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We shall look at the history of the German-South African family spanning 120 years, and never before have they been concerned with public opinion, so sure of their “cushion”.


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@Tony Leon, you have made a living talking, what are your thoughts?


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Lufuno Nancy left the group.
