Free mind
Gary Gevisser to Elon Musk
March 24 ·
Subject: Free mind
Dear Elon,
You will have seen my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion’s response, Life is too long for lies, to your, Life is too long for long-term grudges.
I have been writing quite a lot to your mother Maye on her active and increasingly telling FB wall.
Now Im turning back towards you, well aware of the tightness of the relationship with your mother, as it appears much the same with mine.
Our DNA is unique to each of us and such precision engineering software programming still has all this DNA replicating faithfully. As similar as we humans are and in abundance, that ever so slight change tells each of us that we are very important.
Sum sic
Built tTOo
We have not only free choice, we exercise free choice even when we are passive.
Our molecules move even when we give a command to our brain to remain silent.
What are the chances of randomness explaining such individual features which last a lifetime?
Forget when or how we evolved to have everything that has ever lived as well as what is currently alive a different “fingerprint” has to surely be significantly lower than 1 in a billion of this not being a simulation?
There is nothing wrong in everyone driving a Tesla because we don’t lose our independence or individuality. The more relaxed the journey, the less pollutants helping nature to drive a free mind.
Pulling together like never before takes us back to our fellow countryman, Jan Christiaan Smuts. His Holism & Evolution, not his only accomplishment, but it impressed a lot of future plagiarists as well as another bright mind. Einstein credited this thinker and doer with a most great accolade, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually the Theory of Relativity.”
There is nothing wrong with everyone split between two teams which keep changing, such as a pick-up game of touch-rugby, and those players who were not playing together yesterday now on the same side and quickly forgetting all grudges 🙂
Even the few scratches and bumps build only positives, strengths and bonding, and with everyone driving home in their Tesla, what do you care? Just so long as Tesla gets their money you and Tesla along with the other stakeholders can only keep smiling.
Rest assured, your future financing headaches are now something of the past.
Our connections to mineral rich South Africa should also not be taken for granted, whether or not this is a simulation, which I agree it is, and with each of us having the choice of contributing or not contributing; and everything is geared towards good, better yet greatness.
Those communications are not your typical FB “chit chat” as they touch “sacred ground” of those talking competition to improve everything for everyone, rich and poor, and the poor will eventually see their lot improving, but their actions show the total opposite.
You can also see that while I am very practical I am no less aware of the dark forces which are hidden by the media heaping lots of praise on those who talk out of both sides of their mouths, and this awareness affords me the most optimistic view for mankind, the oxymoron of all time.
You will inevitably, and it could be as early as tomorrow my birthday, if not sooner have the whole world behind you, including the darkest characters because they don’t want to be left behind in this future age of enlightenment.
Your current pose speaks well of the future.
Keep smiling!