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Getting to know your friends – Part III

Part II – Getting to know your friends – CLICK HERE

Screenshot 6:33 PM Calif. time, 2 May 2022


6:55 PM Friday 29 April 2022

You added Kerry Molfesis to the group.

You added Malohle Mampane to the group.

You added Barry Molk to the group.

You added Shani Weltsman Moran to the group.

You added Barry Moltz to the group.

April 29 at 10:11 PM

Fri 10:11 PM

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You added Kerry Molfesis to the group.

You added Malohle Mampane to the group.

You added Barry Molk to the group.

You added Shani Weltsman Moran to the group.

You added Barry Moltz to the group.


April 29 at 11:11 PM

Fri 11:11 PM



Thumbs up sign



April 30 at 12:19 PM

Sat 12:19 PM

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Malohle Mampane left the group.

April 30 at 12:50 PM

Sat 12:50 PM



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traditional interlock bricks | Facebook



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You removed Gerald Katz from the group.

Yesterday at 10:01 AM

Sun 10:01 AM

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Title: Failed tyrant 

Putin is thinking of his legacy as he goes under the knife, well aware of what his doctor and close aids are thinking before opening him up.

In not wanting to have the legacy as a failed tyrant, what instructions do you think he is giving his doctor?


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Yesterday at 12:01 PM

Sun 12:01 PM

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Sauce: orange juice, tahini and wasabi – next time lemon zest on top will be good.


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Isn’t it amazing the shit people put in their bodies, the sauces full of SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) to hide the flavor of the decomposing animal flesh triggering the cancers, and yet they survive so long and manage to talk so much shit?


You added Rip Esselstyn to the group.

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Added @Rip Esselstyn son of cardiologist Caldwell Esselstyn MD who logically advocates a plant food based diet, and like his father Rip appears in Forks Over Knives.


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@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. ~ I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority; i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitch fork”.


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Failed tyrant


Yesterday at 2:02 PM

Sun 2:02 PM

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I want to go back when everybody is ready to what Mr. Hearst had up his sleeve when only he and I knew where the social internet was headed and furthermore, most important, we knew that the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-Monsanto-Engelhard Industries-Marc Rich were not going to let it happen.

Even if all you smart people knew what came out of that meeting between the Ziff family and Veronica Hearst and myself in Boston, just ahead of me presenting Mr. Hearst with my 4 page “White Paper” which even today would blow most of media moguls right out of the water, it is that good, you would also have needed to know what countermeasures the enemy would be taking, but still they are not God and couldn’t figure out the impact of social media Internet when you have “content content content” that keeps everyone coming back and voicing their approval.


Yesterday at 2:32 PM

Sun 2:32 PM

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First we have to look, in order to keep things in perspective, at what the 4 smartest males of the last century Einstein, Smuts, Feynman and Ben Gurion, missing only Spinoza who in terms of time-space was only a short while before, would be thinking at this time, assuming also that they conscious of everything and everyone.

Remember, “cause-effect” has only who created God to answer. Everything else works picture-perfect, other than unreasonable man who is all about reasoning, and we have Latin words to prove it.

Anyone want to add something, even one of those Latin words.

Einstein was dead in 1955, and had no vision of people out at restaurants in a group, and forget all those not in conversation which is about 85%, focus instead on each automaton human talking with the automaton human next to them, both more interested in the handheld beside them than any verbal conversation and not only both of them but all the rest seated know that at least while they are altogether they can’t be stabbing each other; or the one possible exception, if the conversation was of a sexual nature with the other person, without forgetting that at any moment, the dream wife and the money connection could happen with that handheld.

Feynman died in 1988 and Ben Gurion in 1973.

Smuts, 11 September 1950.

So we have a timeline, 1950, 1955, 1973, and 1988. Spinoza again 1677.

All 5 saw the corruption clearly.

They would see the same thing now.

Remember they wouldn’t be blind.

It is worse today.

We don’t learn from the wrong history is the problem and it will continue if we dont start teaching it right now. 

No time to lose.

But all 5 would have had no clue where it was going.

Let me take you back to 1993, when few knew as much as me and Mr. Hearst.

Musk left South Africa in 1988 when he was 17 and just finished high school, but the people at Wits University hadn’t forgotten this bright kid with a very bright father who was an exceptionally smart politician as he was an engineer-business man.

Let’s be real Elon Musk being in Apartheid South Africa for the first 17 years of his life, don’t you see the corruption closehand?

If you had nothing else going on in your life, such as being beaten repeatedy to a bulk all because you are smart and have difficulty understanding stupid people, if your parents were getting on great, etc etc, probably yes, you would know not only all the corruption but that it extended throughout the globe because of how obvious the SA Oppenheimers were in total control.

In other words, Im convinced Elon Musk was totally clueless when he left South Africa right after school about the level of corruption in South Africa that was feeding the rest of the planet.

Does technology change the nature of the person, the basic?

It seems we are completely stupid, illogical.


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Did he Putin die yet?


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Edit: Did Putin die yet?


Yesterday at 4:42 PM

Sun 4:42 PM

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Put aside the thought of Einstein, Fynman, Ben Gurion, Smuts and Spinoza looking down on all of us, and perfectly understanding my earlier words, “voicing their approval” because back in 1988, things were not all that different to going back to ancient times when the Roman Senate would meet and all the people of Rome would be told afterwards was what the Town Cryer had to say.


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Everything is relative, remember that.


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Advances in one on one and one on many communications technology post 1988 are infinite from the time Feynman died and Elon Musk left South Africa and first arriving in Canada where he was not afraid of hard work, and his father insisting that he and his younger brother Kimbal learn about trades like building houses with brick using their own hands, not telling black South African slave wages to stop behaving like “children”, no doubt contributed positively in that area for character building.


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Let us focus on what the chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation, Randolph Appearson Hearst first saw as the future of humanity.


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He did not see man suddenly displaying goodness towards his fellow man.


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He logically saw the SA Oppenheimers tightening their grip to restrict privacy and get the masses that much sicker with prescription drugs, recreational drugs, and most important the continuing poisoning of the food supply.


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He could also see that his executives weren’t taking the initiative to follow through with the Ziff family despite the “heads up” they received from his very ambitious wife Veronica who was not content with being the wife of the former chairman of Hearst Corporation because no one expected Hearst to live forever.


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There is a sense of urgency amongst women married to older men.


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Who can relate to that?


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A lot of people have sat on the sidelines as “Johnny come lately” entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Bezos and Dorsey arrived out of nowhere.


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The old money people can see change, but none of them saw it as clearly as Hearst.


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That is all that I am saying.


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Since the German-SA Oppenheimers don’t have to abide by the anti-Trust/anti-Monopolies laws of each country whose leadership profess the importance of each country’s “soverignity”, why would we expect the rest to be compliant, unless they are bought or fearful of the SA Oppenheimers and their shills?


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It is only money pulled out of thin air and the grotesque in intellectualism, grotesque in fairness, grotesque in its negative impact on the planet Gross Domestic Product index which prevents Ukraine from being able to voice “Article 5”.


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All for one and one for all.


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Smuts, Feynman, Einstein, Spinoza and Ben Gurion would perfectly understand what all the corrupt leadership of all the countries are doing but they would look at each of you and wonder, “How do you live with yourselves?”.


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When you see the ugliness of Gerald Katz once he departed here dropping his crap, you will of course not be in the least bit surprised.


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Each of you have seen this all very clearly by the deadly silence of everyone who has viewed my mother Zena in The Lady’s Speech and accompanying video footage I have placed up on Youtube.


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I continue writing to give everyone, that means all humans their opportunity to speak.


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Again, such technology was unimaginable less than 35 years ago.


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Does technology change the nature of the person, the basic?

It seems we are completely stupid, illogical.


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Approval can be voiced with clapping of hands.


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Approval can voiced with jumping up and down expressing one’s agreement.


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Approval when you know you have done wrong and are as guilty as hell, most often comes with silence.


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I have done the right thing, and you are all mad.


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21 years ago today, 1 May 2000, the Jerusalem Post published my 4th article condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier, Jewish Belgian-American Marc Rich who despite his vast wealth, and most kept offshore, was clueless that he was manipulated from the moment he first arrived in mineral rich South Africa back in 1958 and couldn’t conclude a piddly manganese mine acquistion which catapulted him into the big league or he became a far better actor than Laurence Olivier [1907-1989].

Moreover, although I didn’t know that 9/11 was just 4 months and 10 days away, and nor did I know that it would occur on the 51st anniversary of the passing of Smuts, that didn’t prevent me from addressing the impact of this treason on future terrorism in the very first sentence of the first article, an “open letter” to convicted American-Israeli-Soviet spy Jonathan Pollard:

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.


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To be clear, neither The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, nor Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] assisted me with that first 32 word sentence or for that matter anything contained in those 4 articles.


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I never discussed them with anyone.


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I could easily have got my client @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. but not only would he have been busy on other matter I didn’t need his help.


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The less one talks to others the better an observer one becomes.


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Of course when you have done wrong which is to fail in giving credit when it is due, “The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism” you don’t need to be told what is the right thing to do in order to make it right.


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Let’s now look at the 4th article in its entirety, and note its simple title, “Kerrey’s versus Pollard’s heroism”:

There has been only one Holocaust, but what the Nazi Holocaust demonstrated so well is that human deprivation occurs incrementally. It starts with simple massacres; you shoot the first innocent person and then you shoot the next set of people and after you realize that you cannot shoot enough people you look to more efficient methods such as gas chambers. This is why weapons of mass destruction are developed and why chemical warfare is so frightening. Saddam Hussein understands this. Bob Kerrey, former U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, took the first step down this frightening path while a U.S. Naval Seal and stopped. On the other hand, Jonathan Pollard, the convicted spy, did not need to kill anyone to understand the consequences of weapons of mass destruction before he blew the whistle on what he saw cross over his desk at Naval Intelligence.

The rewards in America for covering up your sins or revealing the truth are indeed ironic. In this instance Kerrey received the nation’s highest award of valor while Pollard’s reward is going on sixteen years of hard time.

In war both sides commit atrocities, which is the whole point of peacemakers in attempting to prevent future atrocities. It is in the gray area of corrupt secret policies such as the ill-conceived CIA support of Iraq in supporting Saddam’s chemical warfare production that was ultimately aimed against Israel – a policy that is so incomprehensible to anyone who has relatives that lived through the Holocaust.

Were there only one witness to Kerrey’s atrocity, this cover-up would have remained with those who elected to follow their leader [which led directly to Kerrey’s Bronze Star that stated that twenty-one Vietcong were killed in this incident, a clear lie which could have been refuted at any time including the moment at which President Nixon personally awarded him the Congressional Medal of Honor]. What was going through his mind at that moment when the President of the United States was reading the commendation for heroism to him personally?

Is this public persecution of the whistle blower by the political elite and the press in America any different than that they imposed on Jonathan Pollard? The only difference is there was no corroborating witness and Pollard stands alone in revealing the conspiracy of the misguided CIA policy aimed at the Jewish State which ironically was probably used against U.S. soldiers during the Gulf War. Whose sin is greater; Pollard’s for violating an American secrecy law that could have lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens to prevent another Holocaust or Kerrey’s sin, which clearly led to the murder of at least thirteen innocent people? Pollard has already spent 15 years, one-third of his life, in an American prison while Kerrey spent the same time in two of America’s most exalted political offices; knowing full well that he had lied while serving his country. Where is the justice in the American judicial system? Where is the forgiveness in Bob Kerrey’s heart?


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@Alan Mark Zeligson, remember at any time you can come back and talk about Jewish South African psychiatrist Dr. Aubrey Levin MD and how he was able to leave South Africa a free man and commit more sexual deviant crimes.


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So where are we?


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We can all perfectly understand that Elon Musk for the first 17 years of his life had a lot to deal with at home as well as the bullying school, but what about the rest who are far dumber?


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Very few dumb kids got beaten up by smart kids like Elon Musk.


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Who feels that I am moving far too slow?


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Elon’s father was rich but @Errol Graham Musk knew better, and/or his mother and/or his father guided him not to throw money at his kids; most likely Errol’s mother.


You added Richard Friedman to the group.

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Since we know not many South Africans were as smart as Elon Musk what did those much older, but without any of his trauma and who went on to university like @Alan Cline, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, @Mel Gevisser, @Mervyn Brivik, @David Levy, @Richard Friedman, @Roy Essakow, @Peter Gevisser, @Mark Gevisser, @Merrick Wolman, @Martin Perling, @Martin Goldblatt, @Micha-el Frame, @Trevor Goldberg, @Jonathan Gevisser, @Gevisser John, @Ivan Oshry, @Hilton Wolman, and @Anthony Maister what did they think Harry Oppenheimer was up to?


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Was it because the real estate was so cheap with 93% of the population not able to participate in the ownership of the best lands that they all lost their focus?


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How stupid were this first generation of South African Jewish people following our Jewish Holocaust?


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How come they appear so nice on facebook and Instagram?


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Why are they so slow in their applause of Elon Musk?


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Remember, when the indigenous, first peoples of America outnumbered the white invaders there was not the US Declaration of Independence-US Constitution because then the white invaders would have been locked up in the Tower of London awaiting execution.


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There is more than dead people who don’t produce babies, not voting in fair and democratic elections.


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The SA Oppenheimers ensured that the least deserving Jewish South Africans got rich in real estate and stocks in public corporations.


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It was just an easy life for all white South Africans who had no conscience.


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That did not mean the brainwashing of black African culture being evil wasn’t reinforced.


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@Johny Basterd, how’s your day going?

Are you planning on letting us know what qualifications do you have to be able to vote?

Do you think @Ayi Kwei Armah is really a white person wearing mascara all over his body and when he goes home at night, he has to wipe it all off otherwise it will mess up the sheets?


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Currently I’m looking at the sidebar of my laptop computer screen to see if Gerald Katz is going to answer my last question put to him at 5:28 PM Calif. time:

“Are you saying that you are ready to return to Getting to know your friends and that you will agree at the beginning to fall on the sword?”.

At 5:22 he had given me a “Thumbs up” following my earlier writings that ended:

“You should also end by saying that since departing Getting to know your friends, you have been playing with me the most despicable, ugly, coverup game, and your thinking was that so long as you could keep typing your crap, that I would eventually relent, but that didn’t happen.

There Gerald Katz, you have something to think about until I decide either to add you back or not.

Of course you can decide before then to block me from adding you back as well as unfriending me on facebook.”


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It is now 5:52 PM and Katz remains silent.


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So is economist Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the former principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development, the same with all those I included in the cc section of “Inspired” that went out at 1:15 PM and which I provided earlier a link, the same with the previous email broadcast to Rothwell titled, “Failed tyrant”.


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Everyone would understand that Rothwell didn’t need to write me recently that he reads everything I send him because Rothwell understands why it is that you all show “approval” of the ugliness you display.


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Lets try and think what is going through Rothwell’s mind right now:

Following up on “Failed tyrant”.


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Sauce: orange juice, tahini and wasabi – next time lemon zest on top will be good.

Gr, isn’t it amazing the shit people put in their bodies, the sauces full of SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) to hide the flavor of the decomposing animal flesh triggering the cancers, and yet they survive so long and manage to talk so much shit?

Do you ever feel that GoDNature has you totally fooled or are you more concerned that Gen lets you eat all the killer SOS because she isn’t being all that nice wanting you dead sooner to inherit?

What about this South African comedian Trevor Noah whose voice I’ve never heard, now making sick jokes about inflation killing the poor, do you think he rose all on his own, oblivious to how he has to please Oppenheimer?

Does it help to focus on the next ant 


 that gets your attention to realize how little intelligence you have?

Why do you think intellectual midget Steven Spielberg comes up with such a weak depiction of an alien that looks ugly and scary?

Doesn’t a simple blade of grass


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blowing in the wind trigger something utterly beautiful such as the imagination that you cannot even draw?

Why look for aliens when there are abundant Alien Invaders (AI) getting uglier?

They spend lots of time on the Internet, and the kids too which make them less attractive.

Why have you been writing to me all these years so much distracting stuff but you block me from adding you to my Facebook symposiums.

Don’t you want to do something good before you croak, knowing that you haven’t figured out what this vile, destructive, two-faced human is doing here, and join us at my symposium Getting to know your friends that is going to get even more interesting in the hours ahead, especially since Elon’s father, brilliant engineer Errol Musk, included in the bcc section, agrees with my assessment of Crypto currencies but doesn’t want me to share the knowledge with anyone else, even though it might save Elon from those who would prefer he is killed.

I think Elon Musk has it all figured out, only missing the food. Imagine if he gets inspired!


Sent from my iPhone


You added Tony Leon to the group.

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@Steven Bailey, no matter that you are lame and slimey, don’t you want to hear from a South African growing up in Apartheid South Africa what influence they thought Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer had on both their Apartheid Regime and the political opposition parties whose leadership were disproportionately Jewish, such as member @Tony Leon?


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Did Putin die yet?


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Title: A battle for the soul

Putin must be thinking everyone wants him dead.

If his doctor has a conscience he will let him croak.

We are talking about a genocide that has taken place before our very eyes.

It is far worse than our Jewish Holocaust because we should have learned, or more likely we didn’t really know the truth of 6 million genocide of innocent Jewish Europeans, and therefore how could we learn?

What a legacy for Putin to leave behind.

What a legacy for Steven Spielberg to leave behind.


You added Nancy Spielberg to the group.

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Yes, member @Nancy Spielberg and I have conversed.


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We also don’t see eye to eye on her 2014 documentary Above & Beyond.


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@Nancy Spielberg, have you or your brother taken steps with Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Israel to recognize Smuts?


You added Steven Kofsky to the group.

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My fb friend, @Steven Kofsky and @Nancy Spielberg are fb friends, and they might even hang out together occassionally.


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@Steven Kofsky what have you shared with Nancy and her brother Steven about the SA Oppenheimers and how they first got protection from the South African Jewish leadership, business and religious, as well as all that you have learned from me?


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@Trevor Abramson, do you already have a money connection with the Spielberg’s and therefore don’t need a formal introduction here?


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If you weren’t being beaten to a pulp – probably used the wrong word earlier, but you all followed perfectly – wouldn’t you have seen all the corruption close up?


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Us Jewish people were only forced to wear Star of David badges.


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It didn’t start out them taking out our eyes.


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Those of us Jewish people born after The Holocaust had 2 eyes, and even the few born blind would have been told how important was the mining business in giving white South Africans an easy life; certainly more pleasurable than the 93% non-white population who couldn’t profit from the SA Oppenheimers’ banks loaning monies to white South Africans in order to make a killing and with the profits diversify into charity giving.


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Professor @Vladimir Golstein do you feel that you have a better understanding of the politics-economics of the Ukraine now that you know the history of South Africa post World War II?


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Let’s assume you do.


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Would it change your advice to Mr. Zelenskyy?


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Do you think Mr. Zelenskyy should have his forces move rapidly in counterattacking the Russians while emploring NATO as well as Finland and Sweden about to join NATO and all that nonsense talk also a big distraction, and in demoralizing the Russian army to hasten Putin’s health deterioration and have his doctor either encouraging Putin to let him kill him while under or for the doctor to make that decision on his own?


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@Steven Bailey, would you consider it murder if Putin’s doctor decided “enough is enough”?


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Title: A battle for the soul

Putin must be thinking everyone wants him dead.

Again, if his doctor has a conscience, he will let him croak.

We are talking about a genocide that has taken place before our very eyes.

It is far worse than our Jewish Holocaust because we should have learned, or more likely we didn’t really know the truth of our Jewish Holocaust, because of ignorant people like Steven Spielberg, and thereforere how could we learn?

What a legacy to leave behind.

Even if he doesn’t die now, this is going to be his last hurrah.

Let’s do a poll, will Putin have the conversation with his doctor?


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Will Putin have the conversation with his doctor whether to let him die if when opening him up he has just weeks to live in great pain, and in the meantime there are recordings of Putin showing the public that he is still alive and in control?


Yesterday at 6:56 PM

Sun 6:56 PM

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Yesterday at 7:53 PM

Sun 7:53 PM

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Edit: … unimaginable more than 35 years ago.


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Edit: … 1 May 2001 …


Yesterday at 8:19 PM

Sun 8:19 PM

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Mulberries may lower cholesterol levels, help prevent fatty liver disease, and improve blood sugar control. They also decrease oxidative stress, which may reduce cancer risk.

Mulberries are considered a superfood in large part because of the high amounts of antioxidants and resveratrol. Antioxidants are molecules that fight the harmful effects of the oxidation reactions occurring in the body.

Mulberry is known to aid in the production of melanin in your hair. This allows you to retain your hair’s natural colour. It is especially beneficial for people who suffer from premature greying of the hair. If you consume mulberry juice on a regular basis it can make your hair healthy.

A new study suggests mulberries could be key to new treatments for obesity, after finding a natural compound in the fruit activates brown fat, boosting metabolism and aiding weight loss.

The mulberry fruit is often used in Chinese medicine to relieve ailments ranging from insomnia to tinnitus. The mulberry fruit contains a number of vitamins, minerals and nutrients including carotenes, thiamene, riboflavin, vitamin C, tannin, linoleic acid and stearic acid.

With their splendid taste mulberry molasses and black mulberry are some of the favorites of gourmets. Especially white mulberry is diuretic. Therefore some physicians recommend waiting until 1 to give mulberry to babies. As a matter of fact in some sources it is stated that you should wait until baby is 2 years old.

Nutrient Value of Mulberries

Given below is the nutrition profile of 100 g fresh and raw mulberries.

Calories- 49

Total fat- 0.4 g

Sodium- 10 mg

Potassium- 194 mg

Total carbohydrate- 10.3 g

Protein- 1.1 g

Health Benefits of Mulberries

Let’s dive into the reasons why mulberries are so popular.

1. Good for Your Kidneys

The health of your kidneys is essential to remove wastes and extra fluid from your body efficiently. In addition, they further eliminate acid produced by your body’s cells.

According to a study, mulberry extracts are beneficial for those suffering from kidney damage caused by diabetes. It occurs due to metabolic disorders. And  is known as diabetic nephropathy. Mulberry extracts help improve insulin resistance, oxidative stress, and reduce inflammation in the body. 

2. Makes Your Hair Healthy

Melanin is a natural pigment that determines hair colour. Your hair turns grey or white when the production of melanin slows down.

According to research, mulberry aids the production of melanin. In addition, it retains the natural colour of your hair. So, one suffering from premature greying of the hair benefits from it. If you want healthy hair, you should have mulberry juice regularly. To promote hair growth, you can directly apply mulberry  juice to your hair.

3. Brightens Your Skin

Mulberry extracts brighten your skin by treating pigmentation. Furthermore, it evens out skin tone and reduces dark spots. Resveratrol, found in mulberries, protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and the antioxidants are great anti-ageing agents. Amongst them, Beta-carotene neutralises the free radicals. Mulberry also has vitamins A, C, and E that removes wrinkles.

4. Good for Your Lungs.

Mulberry is good for you if you have contracted a lung infection. 

As per a study, mulberries inhibit two pathogens responsible for lung infections. These are influenza viruses and Pneumococci. Even the root bark of the mulberry tree has antiviral and antibacterial properties. So, mulberries aid in keeping your lungs healthy. 

5. Leads to Weight Loss

As per research, mulberries, especially black mulberries, have pectin. Pectin is a fibre usually found in fruits. It acts as a laxative to help stool pass through the bowels. Thus, mulberries facilitate digestion. This benefit relieves us from constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps.

Mulberries also help people lose fat and tone their bodies. 

6. Help Increase Blood Circulation

High iron content in mulberries boosts the production of red blood cells. In simple terms, mulberry increases oxygen distribution to essential tissues and organs. As a result, it boosts metabolism and enhances body functioning. They are also rich in antioxidants which improve the functioning of the blood vessels by dilating them. It further ensures regulation of blood pressure by enabling a free flow from the heart to other body parts.

7. Improve Vision

According to a study, Zeaxanthin is one of the carotenoids found in mulberries. It further acts as an antioxidant and prevents retinal damage. Furthermore, it removes the free radicals that can cause macular degeneration and cataracts. Mulberry tea improves eyesight according to traditional Chinese medicine.

8. Reduce Risk of Cancer

According to research, mulberries have many anthocyanins and pharmaceutical ingredients which possess anti-cancer effects. The presence of resveratrol also prevents the growth of cancer cells. They together fight colon cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and thyroid. Anthocyanins and other metabolites like resveratrol are essential and can possibly change the face of human cancer in the future.

9. Improves Immunity

As per a study, mulberries use the alkaloids in the macrophages to activate them. They boost our immunity and keep us alert. In addition, mulberry is also a good source of  vitamin C and is, thus, a potent immunity booster. Polyphenols ensure the health of the blood vessels by promoting immunity to foreign pathogens via various pathways. They activate these signalling pathways to initiate immune responses. Furthermore, potassium lowers blood pressure to keep immunity in check.

10. Mulberry Builds Bone Tissue

Vitamin K, calcium, and iron are the best nutrients that enable the buildup of bone tissues. Mulberry has all of them. The presence of these nutrients stops bone degradation and bone disorders. For example, osteoporosis and arthritis are common degenerative conditions that can be avoided by consuming mulberry.. 

As per research, mulberries can carry on the task of building bone tissues due to their anti-inflammatory properties.


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Can we live on Mulberry alone?


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There has been 1 “no vote” to the question of Putin-Doctor death conversation.

More than what I expected.

Again the question; will Putin have the conversation with his doctor whether to let him die if when opening him up he has just weeks to live in great pain, and in the meantime there are recordings of Putin showing the public that he is still alive and in control?


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I think Putin would ask the question.

Why wouldn’t you want to cover everything?

Seems reasonable.


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@Steven Bailey, if it turns out and only God would know for certain, that no stupid person has thought to ask this logical question, do you think that means they probably feel stupid and won’t answer the poll or comment here, but can’t now get the question out of their head and waiting for their favorite media-politician person or media-politician they hate, to bring it to everyone’s attention?


You added Anne Pollard to the group.

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Added Jonathan Pollard’s ex-wife @Anne Pollard who remains a fb friend; not to mention Ms. Pollard also received a prison sentence for her role.



Yesterday at 9:13 PM

Sun 9:13 PM

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Title: How to end the war

Scenario #1 – The doctor puts him in a coma for 6 months; wakes him up, tells him, “We lost. Zelenskyy is in power. You have to go to prison now.”

Scenario #2 – They say he is dea


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Scenario #3 – Putin wakes up from the surgery, sees Amber Heard next to him and realizes she has been assigned as his fulltime nurse. (The salary was good.)


Today at 12:35 AM

12:35 AM



Thumbs up sign





Today at 10:48 AM

10:48 AM

You sent

Our Efforts to Find Alien Life Have Gone Nowhere. This New Strategy Could Change That.



Today at 11:41 AM

11:41 AM







Today at 12:08 PM

12:08 PM

You sent

@Mannie Hirsch  as I just wrote on your fb wall and followed up on messaging:

 We have 43 mutual fb friends of your 4950 total.

What do you hope to gain by continuously placing a “thumbs up”on my fb symposium Getting to know your friends and being very in the “grey” (sic) when not explaining yourself clearly?

What is your career and do you obtain a degree from Wits?


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It is now 12:09 PM Calif. and Elon Musk has yet to explain why he bought, yet however to consummate, Twitter that could cost him a billion if he pulls out.


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There is also in my opinion only one good reason for doing so and I’m certain his father, member @Errol Graham Musk would agree, because Errol Musk has pretty much said so when agreeing with my writings to him on fb messaging which we all know are read by others, which is a good thing.


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When people’s writings suddenly become unclear, you know that they are either trying to hide something and/or be threatening, and neither are good.


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The human itself does not need to be good in order for this to be a good universe.


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It is only important that conscious humans who first of all need a conscience recognize it is a good universe.


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Everyone’s conduct here shows that the human is not good at its core.


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It also doesn’t make the human a smart species when it can’t figure out the fundamental flaws that have destroyed the planet and the Genocides of the poor continue until we all live in harmony together.


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Therefore none of you playing your foolish games can expect to be blessed with sufficient consciousness to recognize this is a good universe.


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When you have encountered great trauma in your life, so you are that much tested to ask “But for what?” and see all the positive that much clearer.


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For example, let’s just say you lost your young spouse who was a drug addict and alcoholic and leaving behind is you and 2 young children.


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Who wants to wake up every morning next to a drunk who can’t get it up and needs to be continuously looking for distractions?


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@Alan Mark Zeligson do you like waking up each morning to yourself?


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Wouldn’t every male who is here want to wake up next to a beautiful woman who fills all your wildest fantasies and is also super super smart?


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A good universe does not mean it is a stupidly designed.


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Professor @Oliver Lazar you increasingly look like a “taker” even though you have proof, better than evidence, that human consciousness exists outside of bodies.


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On May 2, 2001, both my parents were not surprised, but still disappointed that my 3 elder siblings and all our cousins remained silent.


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@Kathy Danziger can you explain why?


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Edit: … did you obtain a degree from Wits?


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Edit: … does not mean it is stupidly designed.


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Edit: … exits outside of our bodies.


You added Lidia Monroe to the group.

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Added @Lidia Monroe


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You added Rubin Katz to the group.

You added a participant to the group.

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I could only add 2 out of 3 of our mutual fb friends.


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If anyone thinks I’m going too slow they are free to leave.


You added Jann Turner to the group.

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That would include you @Jann Turner who earlier left my fb symposium “Forgetfullness” (sic).


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Remember none of you knew Randolph Apperson Hearst as well as me.


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He left behind a legacy that he was not only super smart, but super good.


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He could have gone and cut a deal with Harry Oppenheimer which would leave his kids and the next generation being the “keepers” of Democracy, Free Speech.


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@Lidia Monroe for all I know you could be bot, the same with our third mutual friend Esther Lerch who blocks me from adding her to my symposiums.


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Shortly I will share with everyone here you and my fb messaging conversations, the same with Esther Lerch.


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@Lidia Monroe your fb wall today talks about you doing an interview with Dr Jordan Peterson at Stanford.


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Can you get him to come on to this show, right now?


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Is there anyone who would like to have others such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama join us?


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@Alexis Hearst how are you doing?

I hope to add shortly to Getting to know you, the author woman who first told me about you.


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Edit: Shortly I will share with everyone here “you” (sic) and my fb messaging conversations, the same with Esther Lerch.


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It really is smart to live your life like you are going to die today.


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When you start developing diseases like Parkinson’s, obesity related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, terminal cancers etc etc you know you are that much closer to death and that you should do your best to cure those diseases in the smartest way you can.


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Notice I left out Alzheimer’s.


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Who here already shows signs of Alzheimer’s or knows of someone and your interaction with them make you uncomfortable and them possibly with you if they think you are either stupid, suffering from Alzheimer’s or manipulative or any combination?


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So why are so many of you playing stupid when you know it is the wrong thing to do?


You added Ayala Weisel to the group.

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There was nothing in The Lady’s Speech of 9 minutes and 24 seconds that shows my mother Zena suffering from “advanced dementia “ which is what my 3 elder siblings and their lazy, Israeli liar-lawyer @Ayala Weisel Esq asserted 7 days earlier on 15 September 2016 to the Israeli courts in Petach Tikva.



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That shows sick fucks of the highest order.


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@Johny Basterd you know that you are also a sick fuck, but would you do that to your mother even if it meant getting paid all the money in the world?


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@Trevor Goldberg, you would do it, wouldn’t you?


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Randolph Apperson Hearst wouldn’t.


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I wouldn’t.

My Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion wouldn’t.

I’m pretty sure that Elon Musk wouldn’t do it.

What do each of you think; would Elon Musk go before the courts and make the false assertion that either of his parents, Maye and Errol were suffering from “advanced dementia “ when all the evidence was to the contrary?


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@Errol Graham Musk what do you think?


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@Tosca Musk , what do you think?


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@Justine Musk, what do you think?


You added Kimbal Musk to the group.

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@Kimbal Musk, what you think?


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First cousin cardiologist Dr @Barry Molk MD, what do you think?


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@Marion Brivik (Lazarus), you have been very quiet, and we go back a long way, what do you think?


Lidia Monroe left the group.

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@Kerry Molfesis you know that when you turned traitor for greed, you contributed to my mother’s murder; what do you think, would Elon Musk do the same thing to his parents?


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Lidia Monroe left




I’m sorry…..what is this group and how did I get added?


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@Ari Kirschbaum the title is self explanatory.

Do you know Lidia Monroe personally?

Is she who she says on her fb profile?


Someone replied to you

Original message:

@Ari Kirschbaum the title is self explanatory.

Do you know Lidia Monroe…


I have no idea who you are.  This is a group dedicated to one person’s identity?


You sent

We have 20 mutual fb friends and to be clear, you are one of my fb friends.


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I will now post up those 20


Someone replied to you

Original message:

We have 20 mutual fb friends and to be clear, you are one of my fb friends.


Ok. I get that.  But what’s the point of this group?


You sent

Why would you think for a moment it is dedicated to one person’s identity when it is about each of us?

Why wouldn’t you be more on top of things?


You sent

Let’s start with Lidia.

Is she for real in your opinion?


Someone replied to you

Original message:

Let’s start with Lidia.

Is she for real in your opinion?


I have no idea.  She could be real or not.  I don’t communicate with half my FB friends.  I need to purge a ton of them.


You sent

Ari, what if any communications have had with her?


You sent

Edit: … have you had with her?


You sent

Ari, why is it so difficult for you to be straight?


Someone replied to you

Original message:

Ari, what if any communications have had with her?

Probably little or none.  But I can say the same about 50-60% of my FB friends.




I don’t put so much thought into it


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Have you heard of either member @Solly Krok , member @Errol Graham Musk or Randolph Apperson Hearst.


You sent



Someone replied to you

Original message:

Have you heard of either member @Solly Krok , member @Errol Graham Musk …


No.  But I’m guessing we have mutual friends on fb


You sent

I’ve already said that you and I have 20 mutual friends, but you don’t answer the question, have you heard of any of those 3 men?


Someone replied to you

Original message:

I’ve already said that you and I have 20 mutual friends, but you don’t a…


I just answered no.


You sent

Did you know Elon Musk has a father?


Someone replied to you

Original message:

Did you know Elon Musk has a father?

Doesn’t everyone?




Is Errol his father?


You sent

Don’t you think Elon Musk is related to member @Errol Graham Musk ?


You sent

Do you have a question for Errol Musk or for his son?


You sent

Ari, you are into finance-money


Someone replied to you

Original message:

Don’t you think Elon Musk is related to member @Errol Graham Musk ?


Could be based on the last name. Or maybe Errol’s FB profile is fake


Someone replied to you

Original message:

Do you have a question for Errol Musk or for his son?


I have many


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can you explain the economics of Elon purchasing Twitter when all he gets is free publicity in exposing that there cannot be democracy, free speech when a monopolist controls the minerals that he is dependent upon for all his money making ventures?


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While you are thinking about that very important question, what are your academic qualifications; and second, do you know anything about South Africa?




He gets 3000 $ extra every month helps to pay the bills


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Btw, I have confirmed this @Errol Graham Musk is Elon’s father.


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Ari, why is it that when people get nervous their thinking-writing becomes erratic?


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Ari, when look at member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq’s Wikipedia profile

do you think he would not only hire a fool but invite him to his wedding?


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Ari, why is it taking you so long to provide your academic qualifications and share with us your many questions for Errol and Elon Musk?




I think you have some serious fucking mental issues and need to get a life


You sent

@Ari Kirschbaum did can you explain the economics of Elon purchasing Twitter when all he gets is free publicity in exposing that there cannot be democracy, free speech when a monopolist controls the minerals that he is dependent upon for all his money making ventures, bother your brain 


 to the point that you question what would be the purpose of you being born with such low intelligence or do you think the poison foods you eat are the main contributing factor?


You sent

Ari, how can that valid question cause you to go off your rocker?


You sent

Why is it taking you so long to leave Getting to know your friends and on your way out, as I add our mutual friends, you unfriend me on Facebook.


You sent

Also let’s see what our 20 mutual friends think of my question which has you fucked up totally?


You added Barak Uranovsky to the group.

Someone replied to you

Original message:

Also let’s see what our 20 mutual friends think of my question which has…

Yes.  Please do so.  F-ing moron




Get a life


A contact left the group.

You added Joseph Nogid Gluck to the group.

You added Rachel Terry to the group.

You added Yitzchok Friedman to the group.

You added Martin Peltz to the group.

You added Moshe Taragin to the group.

You added Ari Goldwag to the group.

You added Sarelle Lasry Epstein to the group.

You sent

My posting moments ago on Ari Kirschbaum’s wall:


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You added a participant to the group.

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@Ari Kirschbaum since you allow me to add you, have you ever completed or advised in a Wall Street deal?

Can you also explain why it is that religious people such as yourself eat so poorly and fail to notice your stupidity?

How could you possibly fool God unless God is in control of your lack of consciousness?


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Again, Ari, you religious are disproportionately unhealthy, increasingly dominate Israeli politics, do you really feel you are smarter than God?



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Edit: … and increasingly dominate…


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@Ari Kirschbaum does the though of the most delicious tasting vegan asparagus soup have you thinking how much you miss eating ox tail 





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@Ari Kirschbaum what makes you sicker, feeling the effects of your ill health on your sex life or whether it was purposeful by God that you failed to examine the business model of the only one wildly successful mineral monopolist S A Oppenheimers-De Beers-BASF-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben-Auschwitz who should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals (1946-1948)?


You sent

@Ari Kirschbaum you just wrote to me a lie on fb messaging before hitting the block:


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You call me “You a pathetic loser”.


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Yet your mind tells you that not only have had a very revealing conversation but you are the loser.


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The fact that you call upon God’s help when writing, “Thank Gd …” and immediately followed by “I never had a discussion with you” does not mean you have managed to fool God.


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So in all your praying you never thought that nutrition was important to your diet just that you go through all the daily rituals to show you are an observant Jew, and that the sickness, the slowness, your body organs including the brain slowing down, was a normal thing.


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Isn’t it logical to examine your life each moment that you are doing your best to preserve the healthiest the body you are given at birth and therefore show the utmost respect to God, rather than mouthing off a bunch of words that obviously have no meaning to you?


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Should we get into why it is that religious have never thought about how illogical and sinful it is for a society when there is private ownership of land which only emboldens the mineral monopoly?


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@Errol Graham Musk do you see the difficulty everyone is having with the Twitter question?


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Edit: .. Yet your mind tells you that not only have we had a very revealing conversation but you are the loser.


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Edit: Should we get into why it is the religious have never thought …


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@Ari Kirschbaum a religious person has to think of the afterlife unless they are totally fake.


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When you know you have done wrong as you have done here as well as when writing me your trash on fb messaging, you can’t be thinking that God is going to forgive you when returning you as ant because of your diet related health problems.


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It is normal that you would expect your health to deteriorate which is what you should have thought more about when eating rotten food while reciting empty prayers to God for you eating animal flesh that has been scientifically proven to punish you with terminal diseases.


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@Ari Kirschbaum do you feel the ugly state of your internal organs reflected in what you see when looking in the mirror and the eyesore for everyone else including your young family members, makes you and others like you, that much more quick tempered, “Yes.  Please do so.  F-ing moron”?


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Irreligious people like the Musks are not used to witnessing religious people so vile, so disgusting.


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The thinking is that there has to be something beautiful that makes up for your ugly looks, but that is simply bad brainwashing by the fake religious who would never fool the healthy kids unless they were brainwashed by stupid, ugly parents-teachers.


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So how often over the course of your life have you used “F-ing moron” on someone you know is better than you?


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Can you point to a very specific time when you think God told you to your face, “Go fuck yourself!”?


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@Solly Krok why don’t you tell this @Ari Kirschbaum how the religious ChaBAD sic movement suckered you?


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Let’s all not forget, Elon Musk is intelligent because he is well read on more than engineering.



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He knows perfectly well how stupid are most humans outside of those who have mastered engineering and for the most part that is where their consciousness ends.


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Of course we must go back to both Putin’s conversation with his doctor as well as the vision you have of him waking up to Amber Gaslighting Heard next to his bed and told she is his full time nurse.


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You sent

There have now been 182 Twitter impressions of Scenario #3 – Title: How to end the war

Scenario #3 – Putin wakes up from the surgery, sees Amber Heard next to him and realizes she has been assigned as his fulltime nurse. (The salary was good.)


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If there was 0 impressions it wouldn’t be unimportant given how revealing it is.


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If there were 100 million impressions you would expect more than no reaction which we are getting.


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Comedians such as Trevor Noah pay top dollar for such clever jokes.


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The biggest joke is how could everyone be fooled by the money?


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Who thinks God has a hand to play in it?


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Who thinks Elon Musk today hasn’t read everything there is to know about Nick Oppenheimer?


You added Lew Joubert to the group.

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added @Lew Joubert who writes wanting to know what if Putin doesn’t wake up from his surgery?


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Lew is from Durban which is my hometown and he puts his birthday as 18 May 1925 with religious views of Agnostic Atheist.

Lew are you surprised by religious person @Ari Kirschbaum ‘s foul language or can you understand his mental anguish by the Twitter question?


You added Brett Archibald to the group.

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@Brett Archibald how are the book sales going?


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@Brett Archibald like Lew knows about Moshal Gevisser but he doesn’t want to talk about the Impact on elections and financial statements by the way the SA Oppenheimers exercise control over both.

The thinking is that the truth doesn’t matter


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@Ari Kirschbaum how long are you going to stick around ?


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Notice how @Ari Kirschbaum ‘s fb friends who have been added are not singing his praises and they are also sticking.


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Now if you can’t figure that out it doesn’t mean it is beyond the mental capacity of Elon Musk and his father @Errol Graham Musk whose 62 words to me on April 27 which ended, “… the position of JFK. BTW you should have a ‘podcast’. Is that what they call it. A TV show” are not his last words spoken to me.


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It is 5:55 PM Calif time, Monday 2 May, the day after the 21st anniversary of the Jerusalem Post publishing the last of my 4 articles condemning the treason pardon of SA Oppenheimer-Deutsche Bank terrorist financier Jewish Belgian-American Marc Rich on Clinton’s last day as the 42nd Commander In Chief, 20 January 2001.


You sent

There have now been 188 impressions of my Twitter scenario #3

that was Tweeted at 9:26 PM last evening.


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That number can only rise.


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Each person who sees it knows it is outside of the box thinking that weak thinkers like @Lew Joubert want to minimize.


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The rest of the world 8 billion or so humans counterbalanced by an equal weight number of ants designed to make us think, can follow the threads and that will only make those faking it that much more anxious.


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Holding on to a secret of the worst of the human specie is not good for the planet or the children who didn’t ask to be born or lied to.


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It is only in the movies that liars are united and that is only because they feel their respective money compensation is fair.


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That is not the real Dog Eat A Dog DEAD world.


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Those are Hollywood movies who create grotesque narcissist people like Amber Gaslight Heard who has nothing going on upstairs other than feeding off her supply line and focusing on rich guys she sees with addictions she can use to take advantage of.


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@Johny Basterd would you spend R13,000 to have sex for a few minutes with Amber?

What about the rest of you single guys or those married or in a relationship and wished you weren’t?


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Do you think it has occurred to Amber that the vast majority of you watching could care less about her morals, only if you could have sex with her before she starts looking ugly?


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Who remembers if we have covered here how best for Johnny Depp to answer, “Why would you get into a relationship with a women who is bisexual?”?


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Edit: … with a woman who is bisexual?



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Knowing that the money is all worthless along with all that the money has bought and that includes those of you who use prostitutes inside and outside of your marriages/relationships, it means that Elon Musk knows he hasn’t paid a penny for Twitter and should continue his acquisitions with the regulators and the rest of the Wall Street players as silent as all of you; just a question of time.



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@Mannie Hirsch why are you so quiet all of a sudden?



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@Alan Woolf and @Jonathan Marine are you doing regular backups of this symposium?


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… so we can continue selling a whole bunch for years to come as they resist.

This is like a little gold mine here.

















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@Steven Bailey do you feel proud of yourself, not only are you a man with blood on your hands, but you have contributed to the death and destruction of the planet?


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@Steven Bailey, should I help with the first words of your response, “How do you figure that?”?



Brett Archibald left the group.

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South African Chartered Accountant and book author Brett Archibald left.


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Does anyone have a suggestion as to who should replace Brett?


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Everyone notices how every member is glued.


You added Brett Archibald to the group.

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@Brett Archibald knowing that you and I do not see eye to eye, why would you remain not only a fb friend but blocking me from adding you back?


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During your 29 hour swim ordeal in the Indian Ocean had you realized that the $40 billion in annual revenues your employer and nest egg provider Erney Young aka EY was bribe money, do you think God would have allowed you to kill yourself quicker or do you think this is fair punishment for being so oblivious?


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@Brett Archibald is your will to live today stronger than when you were in the ocean during that last dive when you first planned to end it?


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@Brett Archibald, facebook show me that you are following along in real time.

What life experiences would like to now share with our audience?


You sent

Is there a particular actor, like Di Caprio who you would like to see depict you in our show or were you thinking about your movie?


You sent

Edit:.. What life experiences would you like …

