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Getting to know your friends – Part VI

Part V – Getting to know your friends – CLICK HERE

Screenshot: 10:20 PM Calif. time, 6 May 2022


You added Michael Treger to the group.

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It is 9:15 AM Calif time Friday, 6 May 2022


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New member @Michael Treger , a son in law of billionaire @Solly Krok made a grand exit earlier from several of my other symposiums.


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Why wait so long?


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Did you think you would influence a stampede and get your name finally in the limelight?

If you are happily married to Arlene Krok, what are you doing on social media?


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The double-slit experiment does not disprove God-logic.


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That in itself is a traumatic thought experiment for the human focused on fooling the next person with the goal of having slaves sustain their lifestyle.


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Most of you with any wealth have inherited it from their parents, like @Michael Treger and Arlene Krok or stolen from those poorer, with no conscience.


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@Tariq Ramadan did you ever think you would be in the same room and feeling the same as a wish-washy person such as @Steven Bailey?

Very difficult in this fast paced digital world to predict the future when you are counting on others to hold up their end of bargaining with Devil SA 

@Steven Kofsky is probably thinking about his future Hollywood career if he doesn’t continue to suck up to the Spielbergs who of course don’t want the truth of their money success to go viral.


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With Deep Pockets you can make your own money.


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Imagine a world without the worst humans who seek out the most troubled, least creative, in control of the money.


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The problem is the brainwashed have no imagination, only hatred, jealousy and greed pumping through their veins.


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You can all relate to very B rated actress Ambers Heard or her sucker Johnny Depp.


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With the SA Oppenheimers-Jonathan Bear’s money clearly in your thoughts and how there would only be darkness on the horizon without the presence of Elon Musk who perfectly understands what makes you all so common and predictable only looking out for yourself, let’s move on to Zelenskyy.



Today at 2:42 PM

2:42 PM

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Edit: … when you are counting on others to hold up their end of bargaining with Devil SA Oppenheimers.


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Zelenskyy-Ukraine is no longer important.

It was nuclear war, and the best way to avoid that is to not get involved; sell ever more sophisticated and increasingly expensive conventional weapons, concentrating more financial wealth in the hands of warmongers that just poison the soil and air; and the destruction of infrastructures preparing the groundwork for  renovation thst brings jobs to the survivors and the influx of future rebuilding and renovation which adds to the GDP attracts the discombobulated refugees who have to deal with a new language, culture and more of the same little official corruption.


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The only concern, again, was nuclear, at least as far as the brainwashed such @Steven Bailey were concerned.

Public opinion is not very important.

We can sway them any way we want.

We can buy journalists and have them think the way we want.

That is this society.


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You would prefer to talk afternoon soap opera Ambers Gaslighting Horrific Actress Heard who has co-opted the ACLU who most believe is do good organization of the do gooders.


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But you know the American Civil Liberties Union (UCLA) were not the first to tell you, “With Deep Pockets you can make your own money.”



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What sort of person puts on a nightgown when she is in fear of being raped, beaten within an inch of her life and explains her made up story, “I just wanted to help Johnny. He is the love of my life. I just wanted to have children with him and grow old together; money has never meant anything to me” (sic).


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It is now 2:58 PM.


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Everyone who hasn’t left remains.


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That number is an important statistic.


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@Michael Treger, can you share with us what you are thinking?


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Again, knowing she was an actress, it’s hard to believe her acting, it is that bad.


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The syndicated-subscription based media have yet to the best of my knowledge brought up why Heard keeps repeating, “I wish I could remember”?

Her best, again what I have heard, “I wish I could remember how many seats I sat in” on the private jet of Depp in order for her to escape his clutches.


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Why do so many remain on my symposiums is not troubling or not something I have difficulty figuring out.


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I understand it perfectly.


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Each of you understand it perfectly.


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So would Mark Zuckerberg, even President Biden would get it in an instant.


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Who wouldn’t?

Only an illiterate person.


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The analysis of why no one wants to see me debate Nicholas Oppenheimer is also something each of you can figure out on your own.


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That does not mean the correct analysis is inconsquential.


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It is in fact monumental.


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The problem you know is not me, it is each of you who are in denial and counting on the next person to keep up their end of the bargain with the Devil SA Oppenheimers and their shills.


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@Emma Elliott, do you feel bought or does that not concern you as much as the truth getting out and you cannot trust my eldest brother Neil or my two other siblings as much as before you began your heist and murder?


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@Steven Bailey do you feel bought, or does it concern you more that you were bought so cheap?


You added Larry Shain to the group.

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South African rabbi @Larry Shain, what about you?

Does what God thinks bother you more than why you are desperately troubled by religious Jewish people having to lie about the most important tenet of our Torah; namely, how did land in Israel, given to all us Jewish people, end up in the hands of reckless private individuals?


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Imagine each and every religious Jewish person feeling the need to either lie about this most important event in our Jewish history which had logic written all over it; namely, all the people should own the land equally, or shut their mouths which amounts to the same thing, lying.


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As look back in history a little closer we find that the Pope-Vatican was not so much about morals as it was about conquering, rape and pillage.


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There is no dispute that the Popes had very successful armies who raped and pillaged.


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When you enter the Vatican they don’t even hide their stolen ancient artifacts.


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They just embraced a religion that would give them control of people’s minds without having to assemble armies of their own which worked for the corrupt rulers.


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The Church and the State are in fact inseparable.


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Why doesn’t the State point out the moment that the Vatican-Pope transformed into a peaceful enterprise to lesser the burden of the downtrodden?


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They don’t because it is transparent what has been going on a very long time.


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You keep brainwashing people over time, the more they will be brainwashed.


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@Steven Bailey do you agree with that assessment?


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The fact that the people are being conned doesn’t mean these actions escape the attention of our Creator.


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Remember we are not so bright as to have destroyed the planet because we never really gave thought to the ugliness of the GDP that dates back to 1934, but like the collapse of Wall Street was long in the planning.


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We are best at war and talking complete nonsense, and then wacking the good guys.


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When we talk about Elon Musk we must not forget how many times since he left South Africa in 1988 he came close to failing.


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Had his sister @Tosca Musk not taken a meager hourly wage job at a local eatery where she had to scrub the toilets clean every day, the family might not have survived, at least not intact.


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Their mother Maye cut her hand badly when they were repairing-replacing an old worn old carpet and the family were in a desperate state because Maye was earning money from advertisers for her hands.


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Im only making the point that there is one standout Captain of Industry who has defied the odds.


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No one else, other than God, can end this madness, darkness of the Nth Degree.


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Elon Musk is of course kidding around in his support of Cryptos because he is not stupid, or he has had a gun pointed at his head, which is the case.


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Notice, I did not say, “… he has most likely had a gun pointed at his head …”.


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With Deep Pockets you can make your own money.


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The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow and @Roy Essakow, when are you and @Tracy Tomson going to put your hands in your pockets and take care of Tracy’s, Shaun’s and Paul’s half-sister Terri Tomson?

Terri, who is with child, has been homeless and continues her public pleas for the past 2 months and 10 days as of 4 May. 

Everyone should check out Terri Tomson’s fb wall.


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It is now 3:35 PM.

There is something about waking up in the morning, and that first stretch in bed is just great, in so many respects, design etc going back to the year dot, but just the feeling of niceness, that is so much more pleasurable every day you wake up feeling that much stronger and ready to test yourself, your inner workings down to the subatomic level, against the elements, and a total fucking depression otherwise.


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By the time you stand in front of the mirror and everything looks so much better than when you recall yourself in great health and strong when you were 19 years of age, it is like dying and going to heaven and that is generally when the rest of the greatness kicks in and life’s blessings get only better as you find it that much easier, because it is rewarding to stay in the moment.

It probably reads better, “… that much easier to stay in the moment because it is rewarding”.

All philosophy my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie left to our mother Zena who by the age of 16 had read all the philosophies of everyone from ancient times to modern day times that were in print.

That didn’t prevent my mother Zena from using her own intellect to figure out the problems of the world and the solutions to many of these problems.

My mother was exceptionally bright; one of a kind in fact; but that doesn’t stop the monster from within each of you from rearing its ugly head.


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Nothing of the past in terms of horrific, and remember I haven’t forgotten about our Jewish Holocaust, comes close to what each of you responsible has allowed to happen.

Your imaginations tell you clearly that you know of nothing close and your culpability is that you are all quiet.

That imagination is no small matter.

Smarter dogs like Mango show it much clearer, and the ones that don’t are not stupid; it is just reflective of their stupid owners.


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There is nothing in this world as beautiful as our Mango, nor will there ever be.


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The human mind is not the only body organ ingeniously designed because everything is picture perfect in its design as well as its execution.

If you treat yourself right it pays immediate dividends including your attractiveness to the opposite sex, or if gay then to others who are gay and looking for the same physical attributes as heterosexuals.

Again cause-effect.

We can explain pretty much everything including most often in the most precise, but unspoken language of mathematics, other than the double-slit experiment that will continue baffling man ad-infinitum.


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By now all of man should have been humbled by the double-slit that proves conclusively that there is another force that is observing our most advanced experiments relying on  mechanical instruments made by man but containing atoms the same as each of us that we cannot explain how they work or their purpose other than they allow each of us to talk, eat and do other things that our bodies-minds are compelled to do without us thinking all the time, what exactly are we doing here other than taking up space and being the most ugly when put to the most important test of conscience-consciousness.

I will get back to my siblings, cousins and the corrupt Israeli justice system that has allowed them to get away with the worst type of murder, punishment of my mother Zena for supporting the truth, and no other motive.

To be happy by the sadness of others who have done nothing wrong to you and it is across the board is as perplexing as what is this destructive, illogical human doing here.


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Edit: … and the destruction of infrastructure preparing the groundwork for future jobs all adds to the GDP attracting more discombobulated refugees who have to deal with a new language, culture and more of the same little official corruption.


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Edit: As we look back in history a little closer …


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4:07 PM

10 minutes ago I posted, in response to this photo

“I don’t find it pretty. It is however, the look of innocence.”
4:09 PM
If you pay attention to classical physics everything of lifeform comes from within our earth that was there to begin with, replenished as needed, and our sun.
4:10 PM
We are talking about 1 sun, not trillions upon trillions that are out there, and many many times the size of our sun, and of course, some are smaller.
4:11 PM
There are a lot of competing things out there and our sun just happens to be the right distance from earth to give us this garden of Eden that we can’t stop trashing.
4:12 PM
Check this out:
The sun is mostly composed of the elements hydrogen (H) and helium (He). By mass the composition of the sun is 92.1% hydrogen and 7.9% helium. Various metals make up less than 0.1% of the mass of the sun. The temperature of the sun’s surface is about 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit (5,726 degrees Celsius).
4:13 PM
Forget everything after ” … elements hydrogen (H) and helium (He).
4:14 PM
The French have difficulty in pronouncing the letter “H”, I thought I would get that out of the way.
4:16 PM
When you add 92.1% and 7.9% it comes out to 100%.
4:17 PM
But they don’t emphasize that point because it might not be obvious and they don’t want those people to feel like they are stupid.
Again, it has yet to be established that I am stupid.
4:19 PM
Who sees the beginning of the word “Hell” in “Helium”?
4:20 PM
If there is something to coincidences that we don’t understand, it simply means we don’t understand.
We are programmed to enquire.
We are driven by sex.
4:21 PM
That doesn’t mean we have to act stupid.
That is ingenious creation that infant who is coming out to this very cruel world.
4:22 PM
Both Helium and Hydrogen are included in the Periodic Tables.
Im sure there are illiterate people who havent heard of the Periodic Tables.
4:23 PM
How many here think all that contained in the Periodic Tables takes quite some brain?
4:25 PM
If there was enough water on the sun then the sun wouldn’t burn; but there 2 hydrogen (H) atoms and 1 oxygen (O) that make up water, and so we don’t have to worry about that one.
4:26 PM
When we eat, we are just transforming the sun into our bodies with different appetising foods.
4:32 PM
Forget why we would put animal sacrifice into our bodies, just focus on this amazing transformation from a boiling hot sun all this perfect distance and we are at war blowing everything up because we have this irrational super ego that keeps getting bigger, while losing sight of this big picture transformation.
4:33 PM
I give you the knowledge and the analysis and you throw it straight back in my face.
4:35 PM
Why choose depression for yourself and those around you.
They are not on your team.
4:36 PM
This proves content is more important than location which has been price fixed.
You have to have fairness in your heart in order to be happy.
4:37 PM
Look how we can logically explain happiness.
How many other species are as smart as man.
Let’s look at the positive.
4:38 PM
This game is going to end one way or another.
It is also going to be soon because none of us has that much time left.
4:40 PM
You have a group of clowns with unlimited Deep Pockets calling the shots.
Johnny Depp would get more than just his arms around all this.
4:42 PM
He might give up drink and drugs altogether but either way he is not going to think he is stupid because he perfectly understands what is going on; and he also wouldn’t think I’m stupid.
4:44 PM
We haven’t heard recently from @Alan Mark Zeligson telling me that I should try and date Aubrey Levin.
Everyone can relate to Zeligson, but I can’t.
4:45 PM
We should be thinking about Zelenskyy and the world not caring about what happens to this good Jewish man and his family.
What if Zelenskyy grows old just like all of you?
4:46 PM
It doesn’t bother me.
4:48 PM
So far every modern day leader has been corrupted, few exceptions Churchill, Smuts, and Ben Gurion.
4:49 PM
Does Zelenskyy want to end up retiring to Kibbutz Sde Boker?
Nothing wrong with God.
4:50 PM
So why do we keep blaming God when things go wrong?
4:51 PM
How difficult is it to wake up in the morning happy with the way you feel and look, and the connection between the 2 is quite amazing engineering.
4:56 PM
There are significant disclosure issues for real estate developers when faced with unlimited Deep Pockets calling the shots, and it is not only litigator @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who would tell you the same thing.
4:57 PM
How can you possibly forget, with Deep Pockets you can make your own money?
4:59 PM
Ambers would be a different woman if it wasn’t for the clowns with unlimited Deep Pockets calling the shots.
So would Johnny.
So would all of us.
So would the planet be better off.
4:50 PM
It stands to reason that we should always try to do our best.
You can even see an old man in that infant’s face.
Why tempt fate when we can do a much better job for the children?
5:11 PM
It is 5:10 PM and we must not forget the Speilbergs have yet to talk about Smuts.
5:12 PM
There is order to this disorderliness of man.
Can’t quite work it out, because it is suicidal.
We also can’t figure what causes the electrons to orbit; and third, is double-slit experiment.
5:13 PM
Most of the time us humans can be convinced with triangulation; we have that here, and more; and it is unmoved.
5:14 PM
You couldn’t predict this.
You couldn’t program a computer to figure any of it out. That is how good is the human brain.
We should not abuse it. It is capable of great things as well as stupidity.
5:15 PM
Do we see much signs of stupidity in the animal we eat as well as what we see in the wildlife?
They all seem to get along better without us.
We seem to be getting in their way and we simply can’t help ourselves.
5:16 PM
Lizards don’t get along all that great with snakes who eat lizards.
5:17 PM
But with all their many attributes they have not been tearing up the earth.
Where in scripture does it say it is a good thing to destroy nature because you should listen to economists and “politicans” [sic] who don’t know what they are talking about?
5:20 PM
Nothing I am presenting means the human brain is smart, only that it has been ingeniously designed to be stupid and defy logic which says to do good.
How many engineers design a ruler to be crooked?
Something to think about.
So it is clear that another power that created all this is alive, well and in charge.
Why stick around when you don’t like the truth and it is being repetitive?
5:21 PM
You have to start somewhere.
Wherever you begin exposing the truth, is the right choice.
The good will automatically come together without any of us being concerned one way or the other.
We are only working on our future fate; this destiny was all prewired into each of us.
Aren’t we happy that at least we have Elon Musk arriving just in the “nick of time”?
5:23 PM
There is, and has always been, an orderliness to everything; and, it can all be explained how it got here after the first life form or so we think; but it is that first life form that perplexes us so.
If you stay real still, the nonhuman life forms will come to you.
It is quite an interaction.
They are perfectly programmed.
We humans are programmed with flaws that we have to identify and make right.
No one refutes what I say about the money and you also disagree with my philosophy of life, and yet you remain.
5:26 PM
@Michael Treger is now trying to make himself inconspicuous after being so conspicuous.
Now @Solly Krok has never thought any of his children were bright, but he was hopeful that at least one grandchild would turn out smart and sadly Solly is very disappointed.
 So how do you express your disappointment in the next person?
You stay at my symposiums.
Does anyone have a better suggestion than to tell the rest who are trying to fool them to go fuck themselves?
Do you believe the language coming out of this Ambers Heard’s mouth.
5:28 PM
I haven’t seen any film footage from today, but everyone knows she is making it all up.
5:29 PM
Remember Elon Musk has an interest in all this.
5:32 PM
He will keep his distance that much more from Hollywood-Madison Avenue.
That is a good thing.
Again, logic at work.
How do you show up late for work and you are just acting a few scenes and being paid tens, hundreds of millions, and the rest of the crew have to work their butts off at slave wage pay and be constantly anxious what if Depp dies of an overdose?
One of the good things about animation is that it will easily replace the fake actors.
Animation though, is not real.
5:33 PM
With Deep Pockets you can make your own money.
5:39 PM
Next we return to my grandfathers, ages 29 and no more than 38 respectively, meeting up in Israel and both my British-English grandfather Albert Bardash and my Lithuanian-South African grandfather [Israel] Issy Gevisser knowing that Smuts was in a losing battle to beat the restriction on Jewish immigration to South Africa; again, early 1929.
6:05 PM
6:28 PM
10:20 PM
Edit: …  listen to economists and “politicans” [sic] …
What they would do for money.
