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Getting to know your friends – VII

Part VI – Getting to know your friends – CLICK HERE


Screenshot: 5:39 PM Calif. time, 10 May 2022

Sat 11:26 AM

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It only takes a few to organize, because people are such sheep they will follow.

The opposite is also true. It takes just bullies, but they only have brute force, not logic.


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May 7 at 2:19 PM

Sat 2:19 PM

Johny replied to you



Mmmm. The drama queen Pinnochio style


May 7 at 4:59 PM

Sat 4:59 PM

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@Johny Basterd, why speak up now when you have been so quiet all this time contemplating what it means to be watched by an ingenious power that can at any time interfere with our thoughts as well as as mechanical instruments to observe our smallest particles?

What makes you think you are any better than very B- Hollywood Heard who of course has the “establishment” pulling for her?

She went after Depp’s money knowing from his reputation as an alcoholic that he couldn’t get it up, and nor was she about to give up natural desire for sex in the prime of her life, and no indication that she is ready now to give up her meat, the same with you.

You fought for the SA Oppenheimers’ monopoly money otherwise known as BOMM [Big Oil Monopoly-Money] when taking up arms against the SA Oppenheimers-Putin backed Cuban forces which South African forces had on the run but your commanders were instructed when encircling them in Luanda, Angola to “back off”.

You are increasingly bored with life; and that is your punishment.

You express your disappointment in the next person by staying at my symposiums.

It is as traumatic for you as it is for multibillionaire @Solly Krok and his not at all bright son-in-law, @Michael Treger who at least had his good looks going for him besides for his inheritance monies.

You have much more in common with everyone else than you realized, but still there is no equal sharing of the money-wealth.

You are caught in an epic lifetime “Thought Experiment”.

With Deep Pockets you can make your own money.

No longer is Ambers Gaslight Heard’s pitiful performance foremost on your mind.

The only person to watch other than all the rest of anything but stupid nature, such as the ants, all the different and beautiful species of birds including the wild turkeys who most people have never seen and wouldn’t realize how big they are, the same with the huge and fierce Turkey Vultures that I mentioned earlier, the same with the lizards, snakes and mountain lions-cougars, possibly more cunning than the leopard, is Elon Musk.


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Elon Musk is not stupid.


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His support of Crypto Currencies and in particular, more recently Doge Coin which many a commentator pronounces very similar, if not exactly, “Deutche” Coin, could turn in the next instant.


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It is one thing for someone as deprived as you to feel comfort in the company of fools, ugliness of the highest order, but not Elon Musk.


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He saw before most how unmoved is man to do the right thing.


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Remember he got beaten up at a South African high school, repeatedly, because he was simply bright.


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Nor would he have been a “smart ass” because smart people know better than to taunt weak bullies.


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With GoDNature observing all of us 24/7, I don’t have to think what decision Elon Musk will inevitably take.


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It will be the right decision.


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Elon Musk has demonstrated repeatedly that he does not follow the crowd.


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Who would want to be a sheep like @Johny Basterd, yet to explain why he should be entitled to vote versus a person with a darker complexion who was not fooled by the German-South African Oppenheimers?


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How could you not see the SA Oppenheimers coming?


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You were blinded by the bling-bling.


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They took us off the Gold Standard 48 days after Elon was born, so he can’t be faulted for that.


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That was a catastrophic move as it placed absolute power in the hands of the people who make their own money and decide who of us will be their friends.


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It was moral decision that had Elon Musk and his younger brother Kimbal deciding not to serve in the most wretched military on the face of the planet.


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How could they have grabbed so many Jewish boys to serve as their Hitler Youth Movement?


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No one could predict this.


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Again, there is order to this disorderliness of man who is suicidal, destroys its habit and that of the far smarter species  who are not equipped to produce weapons of mass destruction such as tanks, nuclear bombs etc etc.

Second, we also can’t figure out figure what causes the electrons to orbit the nucleus of the atom; and third, is the double-slit experiment.


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@Johny Basterd why don’t you try and have a conversation with @Michael Treger?


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Surely you have questions such as, “Is your family wealth sufficient grounds for you to vote when the whole subject of what qualifications should a human have to be entitled to vote, means absolutely nothing to the mining monopoly rulers and their bought politicians, many if not most far better actors than both Johnny Depp and Ambers Heard?”.


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How could they have grabbed so many Jewish boys to serve “as” [sic] their Hitler Youth Movement?


You added Claire Berlinski to the group.

You added Claire Petretti Marti to the group.

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You added Claire Berlinski, daughter of mathmetician-philosopher @David Berlinski 

You added children’s book author @Claire Petretti Marti.


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@Claire Petretti Marti who is like my former umpteen year American attorney, King Golden Jr. Esq. schooled at the “Gentleman’s Law School”, University of Virginia Law School, but Claire no longer practices law as she pursues her passion of writing , again children’s books, has not responded to me on fb messaging but she and I have communicated over email.


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Claire has led me to believe that she is an “intimate” of @Alexis Hearst, a granddaughter of my former client, William Randolph Hearst.


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I have little doubt that @Claire Petretti Marti is an intimate of @Alexis Hearst who could be a fake account here on facebook, but I doubt it.


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Remember, we are talking content.


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Location only has meaning when a vile, mean spirited mineral monopolist is in charge and has everything fixed, including elections, in a military expedition.


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It is now 5:44 PM, and @Johny Basterd has yet to utter one more word.


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Not even a “Ha ha ha”.


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There are significant disclosure issues that a real estate speculator has with regard to their tenants, investor partners, their family members and friends when with deep pockets you can make your own money is the real Dog Eat A Dog DEAD world.


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Should Elon Musk in fact choose to be like everyone else, then he knows you sheep will shy away from Twitter should he complete the purchase which in the event he doesn’t will cost him an inconsquential, totally meaningless $1 billion that cost him nothing in the first place, just like the bullets that @Johny Basterd fired into the body of his opponents on the battle field who were also clueless as to the politics-economics.


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There is good reason why his father, brilliant engineer @Errol Graham Musk sings my praises, and remember Errol has done so publicly.


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It is normal to applaud something good.


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The rest of you know you are abnormal, and you only find comfort in the ugliness of others.


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I know that if I was in Elon Musk’s shoes I wouldn’t want to go to my death being connected to such almost unimaginable ugliness.


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This is again, a most beautiful universe in every respect, including the design of the insufferable human full of the worst emotions, jealousy and greed.


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Why would “Saving Lives” be so important when we all know that no matter what we are all going to die?


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Why isn’t “Saving the planet” more ingrained in our brains other than the advertisers who want us sick pummel us with “Save a life, buckle up, get vaccinated”?


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Why take it out on me man and my mother Zena just because it makes you feel better than to feel that you have been so horribly fooled?


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Eyeballs mean nothing when all the competition is contrived, controlled by the very worst of humanity who should have been the first prosecuted that Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals, which was not lost on David Ben Gurion and other smart people around the world who knew better than to speak out.


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Even with this incredible power of the light speed Internet, look how each of you behave towards me and my mother Zena.


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Back on 23 March, @Claire Petretti Marti wrote me the following email”

Hi Gary,

Thanks for sharing. I’ve forwarded it to Ginger. I apologize I haven’t had time to review everything but I will at some point. I’m on book deadline and heading back east tomorrow for my mother’s funeral. 




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It was 8:05 PM when @Claire Petretti Marti responded to my earlier writing at 4:42 PM.


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My writings to her were sent from iPhone.


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As I “cut and paste”, and there will be breaks for when adding photos, everyone is not only free to leave but to make their comments.


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My writings of 746 words were titled, “Jerusalem Post articles”:

Claire hello again – you possibly still remember me and my wife from the Pannikin, a week ago today.

I have yet to check out but it is on my To Do list.

As promised, below is a link to my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post condemning the pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich.

No doubt they remain the most controversial in the 90 year history of the JP.

Suffice to say, it is not only your friend Ginger who would be interested to see the connecting dots between that pardon which was given along with nothing to speak of pardons of drug dealers etc etc, and this very poorly orchestrated, and most obscene invasion of Ukraine by Putin who probably didn’t realize when building up Russian forces on Ukraine’s border that he might never again get to enjoy his pleasure yachts and the such.


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As you look at Putin now, this moment, looking to chop off more heads amongst his military advisors, it may not occur to you that other intelligence services such as Israel’s Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence (MIMI) have a hand to play in this fiasco which remember has women and their children suffering the most, along with the polluting of the soil.

So you might not be thinking ahead when buying your next load of bread looking at the ingredients to see if the wheat comes from Ukraine?

Perhaps I didn’t mention that I learned, at a young age, from my very savvy, highly secretive British-English mother Zena


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May 7 at 6:52 PM

Sat 6:52 PM

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not only “loose lips sink ships”

but until one has mastered “military economics” which isn’t taught at either university or military academies like Westpoint, it is foolish to talk politics, economics, history or religion.

Proverbs ~ Better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.

I was a “Late Talker”, a blessing which is most difficult to put into words.

You may have a better idea of why Randolph Apperson Hearst was keen to hire me as his ceo along with publishing my book which besides for explaining all that is wrong with the formal university study of economics is a very comprehensive human behavioral study.

Moreover, just the other day, 18 March, 10:49 AM to be very precise, I explained to one of my fb friends, Brett Archibald, the following:

After figuring out that Sikes (former Chairman of the FCC) was just another lame bureaucrat, Hearst asked me how I would best tighten the noose around the necks of his top executives and so I suggested that I produce a rather technical “White Paper” and imbed in it near the beginning wording that would keep his executives quiet forever.

Archibald, btw is the author of


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which details his 29 odd hour life and death ordeal







There have been some 2 million views of the 60 MINUTES Australia segment detailing his harrowing experience.

Hearst on the other hand thought every literate person would read my book within the first 30 days of publication, with the right promotion of course.

Nor could one think of anyone better than Hearst to promote it.

Furthermore, Hearst was most comfortable in me using a nom de plume, but the problem is that my former client, the father of the man on the right


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would know instantly it was me.

Do you recognize the man on the right?

Imagine if I was dead right now.

Your friend Hearst might be most interested, while I’m still alive, to read the 4 page “White Paper” I prepared for her grandfather, even more so if she didn’t get along all that well with Hearst’s last wife Veronica.

Moreover, Hearst who was an accomplished pilot during WW2 for good reason bowed to my Jewish Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser who completed a miraculous 71 dive-bombing missions.


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Not to mention, his father William Hearst was the only Captain of Industry to stand up to Hitler in support of us Jewish people.

I now need to get going as the Tesla I’m in is now finishing being charged.

Feel free to ask me your questions, and of course I’m pretty sure your NATO Attache friend would be interested in all this?

All the best,



Sent from my iPhone


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@Johny Basterd, did you notice that I slipped in a photo of Elon Musk alongside the word, “Life is too short for long-term grudges” as well as Deutsche Bank?


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@Johny Basterd do you recognize either of these two men?


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Both served in the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime militia.


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Of course you recognize on the right Eugene Alexander de Kock (born 29 January 1949), former South African Police colonel, torturer, and assassin, active under the apartheid government.


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On the right is my brother in law David Danziger, also dark, who is proud of his service in the Hitler Youth Movement militia where he says publicly that he learned, “duty and discipline.”


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@Johny Basterd, is de Kock one of your heroes?


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Remember there is a level of spirituality that comes with knowledge and doing the right thing.


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That doesn’t mean those void of spirituality cannot imagine that they are being observed 24/7.


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It is now 7:15 PM Calif. time. Edits will come later.

At 3:49 PM, Justin Davis responded with “They are both sad and pathetic IMO. No innocents in this story” to my earlier posting on 5 May at 10:37 AM, “Knowing she was an actress, it’s hard to believe her acting, it is that bad.”


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You added Justin Davis to the group.

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You added Justin Davis to the group.


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@Justin Davis, you and I have 41 mutual friends on fb.


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Your profile says “Lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia”.

We haven’t previously communicated on fb although back on November 2 of last year I wrote to you the following on fb messaging:

Hi – do you know sister Kathy Danziger who lives in Melbourne?

I write on the military economy, specifically the minerals and banking sector.

What do you do?

What did your parents do in SA?


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Justin, why didn’t you respond?


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Below are our 41 mutual friends:

Akiva Gilbert

54 mutual friends

Alan Soicher

119 mutual friends

Alex Carlebach

180 mutual friends

Andrea Kasowitz

1 mutual friend

Anthony Mclintock

176 mutual friends

Anthony Rosmarin

30 mutual friends

Anthony Segal

81 mutual friends

Ari Kruger

86 mutual friends

Arnold Orkin

167 mutual friends

Arnold Orkin

130 mutual friends

Barry Beder

149 mutual friends

Barry van der Westhuizen

88 mutual friends

Basil Cohen

157 mutual friends

Bev Kaplan

41 mutual friends

Daniel Brauer

159 mutual friends

Danielle Franco

106 mutual friends

Darryl Yutar

82 mutual friends

Dean Becker

28 mutual friends

Elaine Maher

114 mutual friends

Eve Denise Schnaid

156 mutual friends

Gabi Brenner

33 mutual friends

Gary Bloch

55 mutual friends

Gary Dean Levick

155 mutual friends

Gary Fisher

229 mutual friends

Gidon Dean Steckoll

169 mutual friends

Jacalyn Krossynsky

184 mutual friends

Jason Sham

149 mutual friends

Johnny Feinstein

57 mutual friends

Joseph Nogid Gluck

152 mutual friends

Kevin Zulberg

70 mutual friends

Lance Levin

215 mutual friends

Laurence Sher

7 mutual friends

Linda Licht

109 mutual friends

Malcolm Katz

91 mutual friends

Rochelle Brenner Rubin

109 mutual friends

Rod Margo

230 mutual friends

Sharon Levitt

68 mutual friends

Shaun Rosenberg

7 mutual friends

Shneur Reti-Waks

4 mutual friends

Steve Dinkelspiel

6 mutual friends


You added a participant to the group.

You added Lance Levin to the group.

You added Johnny Feinstein to the group.

You added Jacalyn Krossynsky to the group.

You added Gary Firer and Gary Fisher to the group.

You added Daniela Essakow and Daniel Ammann to the group.

You added Daniel Brauer to the group.

You added a participant to the group.

You added Gary Dean Levick to the group.

You added Kevin Zulberg and Malcolm Katz to the group.

You added Shneur Reti-Waks to the group.

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You added Lance Tollman to the group.

You added Lance Levin to the group.

You added Johnny Feinstein to the group.

You added Jacalyn Krossynsky to the group.

You added Gary Fisher and Gary Firer to the group.

You added Daniel Ammann and Daniela Essakow to the group.

You added Daniel Brauer to the group.

You added Dean Becker to the group.

You added Gary Dean Levick to the group.

You added Kevin Zulberg and Malcolm Katz to the group.

You added Shneur Reti-Waks to the group.


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@Shneur Reti-Waks is related to the Waks family of Melbourne who at least two of their children, now adults were raped by officials of the ChaBAD sic whose headquarters were across from their home, and the coverup by the top rabbis of Australia extended all the way to Brooklyn, New York.


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@Solly Krok are you following along?


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I mentioned to @Errol Graham Musk that I will soon be returning to my two grandfathers’ visit to Israel in early 1929 when my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890 – 24 February 1970] purchased the most valuable, most strategic beach properties of Haifa harbour, and placed them in his sister Pessiah’s name.

Pessiah and her children and grandchildren were all murdered in The Holocaust that soon followed.


You added Nancy Spielberg to the group.

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Added back @Nancy Spielberg who understands perfectly well how easy it is to place a block if she doesn’t want to be added.



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For those of you haven’t watched her brother Steven Spielberg’s 2005 Hollywood blockbuster MUNICH, pay most attention to Steven Spielberg 5 minute introduction, and then fast forward to 1 hour 41 minutes and 2 seconds into the film.


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Currently, my fb friend count is holding at 2,294.


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Those too are good numbers.


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Is Putin still alive?


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It only takes a few to organize, because people are such sheep they will follow.

The opposite is also true. It takes just bullies, but they only have brute force, not logic.


May 7 at 8:15 PM

Sat 8:15 PM

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You take over other countries which have higher population growth, they become your slaves.



A contact left the group.

Lew Joubert left the group.

A contact left the group.

Yesterday at 12:37 PM

Mon 12:37 PM

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Moshe Taragin left the group, and then blocked his name.

Lew Joubert left the group.

Dean Becker left the group, and then blocked his name.


A contact left the group.

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Edit: Of course you would recognize on the “right” [sic] Eugene Alexander de Kock …


You added Sofiaan Fraval to the group.

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You added Elon Musk intimate, @Sofiaan FravalSofiaan to the group.


You added Dion Nissenbaum to the group.

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ou added WSJ journalist, @Dion Nissenbaum to the group.


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@Dion Nissenbaum, check your inbox for my response, “Planet on its last spins” to your email earlier, “What is the connection?”


Jacalyn Krossynsky left the group.

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Jacalyn Krossynsky left the group.


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“Last spin on the planet”


Yesterday at 1:59 PM

Mon 1:59 PM

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Its amazing how much people have to say.


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1:59 PM Calif. time.


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@Sofiaan Fraval you know as well as Elon and his father @Errol Graham Musk as well as anyone who has studied economics that all means of exchanges issued by the governments have to be tied into productivity.

When the productivity is controlled by the money created out of thin air you have the most vicious cycle.


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Elon knows that you, nor all the happy Tesla owners have an answer and all that you are doing is looking to profit like everyone playing the stock market and clueless as to how it is organized to fool.


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So you stick around on my symposiums until your brain cannot take the pain any longer and you just leave.


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But your mind doesn’t forget that Elon doesn’t have the answer and he too will inevitably suffer like you.


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It is 2:17 PM and the massacres not only in Ukraine continue because the people are void of compassion.


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Without a conscience you can’t expect to be smart.


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No one is going to Mars or anywhere close.


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Musk knows that.


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Elon should have a good answer for his support of Cryptos.

Avoiding is not an answer.


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A “Yes man” is also very passive aggressive.


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That is not healthy.


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Elon also knows that the treacherous human sheep once investing a few pennies in Cryptos is hooked.


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Not many who have ever lived do good.


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GoDNature is not going to allow Elon to waste all his talents, at least not without greater good resulting.


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So I remain super confident that Musk will come around.


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He has seen from when House of Saud-Kushner suckered him with the $420 how everyone around him ran for the hills, the same during his defamation trial.


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Someone convinced him that Big Oil Monopoly-House of Saud would chop off their limbs and heads to support electric and in the next instant the treacherous oil producing regions of the world would turn to dust bowls, starting with those in deserts.


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An engineer always thinks there is an engineering solution to everything.


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We don’t even begin to understand how the brain works.


Kevin Zulberg left the group.

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Nor will we ever get our heads around GoDNature observing us and our highly sensitive measurement instruments during the double-slit experiments.



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We only get to see mental midgets like Kevin Zulberg showing us their struts.


You added Kevin Zulberg to the group.

You added Lynne Karen Bentel to the group.

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An earthquake sounding like a big bomb just hit.


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… not very far, must have been the desert, who knows.

It is 2:36.



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You added back @Kevin Zulberg and @Lynne Karen Bentel.


You added David Monk to the group.

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Added Goldman Sachs South African @David Monk


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@David Monk you should give your CLEAR professional opinion on Cryptos to felloW South African Elon Musk.


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@Sofiaan Fraval imagine if this very talkative @David Monk would enter a debate with me live.


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Do you see that @Nancy Spielberg remains with us.


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If the truth be told, all her brother’s investments in Treasury Bills, real estate, corporations etc go down the tubes.


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There is a reason why shareholder class action litigator (scal) Mr. @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. agreed, in writing, to pay my very high fee, ahead of me providing him the written text, not very much, along with a fairly elaborate algorithm needed to convince him to proceed with a most difficult prosecution of multi billionaire Ronald O Perelman and his Revlon Corporation.


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The fact that I voluntarily, without any conversation with Krinsk, decided to reduce the fee arrangement well after we had got through the threshold, well on the way to victory, all again to my hunch, followed up with that algorithm, which only gave us a very slight edge, is also not unimportant, but it wasn’t my first point.


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It may seem like I’m getting ahead of myself given how we need to get back to the events immediately after my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser and his partner, extremely shrewd Al Ash secured full ownership of the most valuable property in all of Israel, well ahead of the convening of the 10th anniversary of the League of Nations (2 September – 25 September 1929)  where as expected General Smuts would be the central character.


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Yes who would think people interested in history and money wouldn’t first look at which individual signed the peace treaties of World War I and II, and there was only Smuts.


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Before beginning any analysis you have to get the logic down.


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If you deny history you are doing irreversible damage to the brain that directs the rest of the body temple and that doesn’t make it irresistible.


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Who can’t wait for us to get back, just a week off, from more testimony from Ambers and then her cross-examination assuming one of her many lovers doesn’t convince her to check into a sanitarian.


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That’s not funny.


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This fragile, manipulative woman is looking for a book deal that will reveal all her boyfriends secrets.


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Of course she will make up stuff, a lot of stuff, in fact it could all be made up, but that would still make it very interesting to most.


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Remember there is absolutely nothing else interesting that you read once realizing all the university economics text books are bullshit when with deep pockets you can make you own money.


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Everyone’s perspective on the world now changes.


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It is a spinning wheel.


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Financial services, outside of war with boots on the ground, can be run from anywhere, do you agree with that @David Monk , @David Levy , @Steven Bailey and @Steven Kofsky ?


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This Covid pandemic which mostly weakened the immune system of the unhealthy thanks to the vaccines and boosters interfering with GoDNature doing its thing which is to guide each of us to Vegan, had us that much more used to being at home with both the handheld and laptop.


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Back in the 80s and before that going back 77,000 years


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everyone had time off.


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In modern day times when they got people to think that slave wages was different to being an actual slave where you never had to worry about food, accommodation, clothing and sex, we got the 2 day weekend.


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Even in Israel, I believe, there are 2 days for the weekend; either way who cares.


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This Covid pandemic is really just very recent.


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The moment it took hold, out the window went the 2 day weekend to relax, and not think about anything until you arrived at your office, and started to go through the mail and/or your briefing from your secretary.


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How’s everyone doing on their weekend.


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Now the handheld is with you when you go to the toilet.


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Imagine Pompei in Roman times prior to the eruption.


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The slaves are all on the toilet together, just feet apart and they are each talking to their stock broker on their cellphones seeking advice.


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Above is a screenshot of the 11 January 2002 Los Angeles Times newspaper feature story, “Carvings Spark Debate on Origin of Abstract Thought.


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I like the numbers 77.


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My mother Zena talks more than the number 7 being my lucky number in her 51 minute and 50 second filming back in early spring 1987 over in Kensington Park, London just a stone’s throw away from her bachelor apartment and about the same stone throw from where Pincess Diana and Prince Charles had sex – God just the thought of poor Princess Diana having sex with that ugly ignoramous.


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Where was I?


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Once Elon Musk gets his head around the extraordinary fraud of abstract- contemporary-totally bullshit art, assuming he hasn’t already, so do other things begin to fall into place.


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The level of stupidity can all be traced back to one corrupt family who were once Jewish and the good Jewish people of South Africa, without any high school or university education, couldn’t come up with a better way than to show their disgust by distancing themselves, so that the rest of world wouldn’t think they were complicit.


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Who thinks that because my other grandfather, Al Ash only had going for him elementary school, less than 2 years in high school before volunteering to fight at age 14 at the start of World War, on the side of the Allies of course, because he was born and raised in Leeds, England, then travelled to Canada where he helped build the Niagra Falls, not the water or the rocks going back to the year dot, crossed over illegally to the United States, made money for himself on the lower east end of Manhattan before returning to Leeds and building up a hugely successful 14 shop grocery store chain, that he must have been stupid?


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Remember, neither grandfather went to university.


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But when you go to university, you read books.


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During the time you read these nonsense book, it is costing you time that you can never make up.


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Plus you are being dumbed down with nonsense.


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The proof is in the pudding.


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Who argues that university only teaches you to get dumb but also corrupt?


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How could you miss out on with deep pockets you can make your own money?


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Neither of my grandparents thought Chartered Accountants were smart.


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They also knew better than to avoid paying attention to them.


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They hadn’t forgotten why the decision was made to ostracize the once Jewish German-South African Oppenheimers.


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@Alan Cline is this going too fast for you?


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@David Monk, what are you thinking?


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Everyone can notice that @Johny Basterd is just dying to speak. 

Go ahead @Johny Basterd.


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Edit: … “sanitarian” [sic].


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Its amazing how much people have to say.


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@Dion Nissenbaum has yet to reply to the email, “Last spin on the planet.”


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If you are thinking straight it is a very powerful thing to end all the spin.


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Wouldn’t you just love to hear Elon Musk tell it straight?


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There is a part of every human wanting to hear the truth.


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The more brainwashed, unhealthy you are, the more difficult it is, but still there is that slight glimmer, wouldn’t you agree @Johny Basterd, @Jeffrey Essakow, @Kathy Danziger, @Emma Elliott, @Mel Gevisser, @Deborah Sturman?


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Will Elon Musk do it?


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He and his family members and intimates can see that you all understand it all perfectly.


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Musk is smart enough to know that it is possible to extrapolate this ugliness of the highest order to all humans.


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That would include all those now and in the future who will work for TESLA-SpaceX which should be the only factory operation, health care provider, fitness guru, dietician, marriage counselor, water provider, food provider, energy provider etc etc on the planet.


You added Vernon L. Smith to the group.

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Added 2002 Nobel lauriette, economist @Vernon L. Smith Phd who we met back on 19 May 2015 accompanied by my long time colleague and friend, economist, Professor @Rodney Smith Phd.


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There have only been 90 Nobel Laureates in economics, according to my count, since they began issuing them in 1969.


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Let me remind everyone that 1969 came 2 years ahead of President Nixon and his advisors saying, “Trust us with both your money, and when to make overt war as well as secret wars” and the economists never raised an eyebrow, then or since.


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That doesn’t mean Israeli Special Forces commanders didn’t see the value of distractions such as Operation Green Island which began just when everyone was watching Neil Armstrong step foot on the moon.


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Each of you here are also distracting.


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Think about it.


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Not a single economist who received a Nobel Prize and that includes Milton Friedman and Paul Samuelson, standard University text books during my formal schooling at the University of Natal-Kwazulu, or for that matter any of the hundreds of millions of students of economics can debate me on the merits; namely, each and every important aspect of economics that is taught from the text books, other than instructions on how to turn the pages, is total bullshit.


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@Johny Basterd, do you recognize the face of the woman above, even if you have forgotten that her friend name is Ambers and her last name, surname is Hearst?


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Let’s try it again without the the “sics”.


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@Johny Basterd, do you recognize the face of the woman above, even if you have forgotten that her first name is Ambers, and her last name, surname, is Heard?


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When you have the most vile, racist, stupid, white South African policeman who thinks he did great job killing in the Angolan War, quiet, you must think of all the far right and far left doing the same.


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You can imagine them all in an oversized sports stadium, the size of the planet, at least in your minds, and they all sit here quietly.


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@Johny Basterd, could you see Ambers Heard deciding to call it quits?


You added Howard Schachat to the group.

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You added lawyer and partner of The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, Howard Schachat Esq. to the group.


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@Howard Schachat‘s current wife, Diane Levy, who may be Howard’s first and only wife so far, did the most bizarre defamation of me when copying in the carbon copy section, and a whole bunch of people she saw in the cc section of one of my email broadcasts, telling everyone not to respond to me.


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The fact that Ms. Levy Schachat did not explain why she was intent on defaming me was quite obvious.


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How can you tell other people that someone who is good, is bad, and the rest of them know that she is lying through her teeth?


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So why would the current wife of the partner of the threatener, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow be doing the bidding of the Essakows?


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@Johny Basterd, would you agree that is a good question?


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@Steven Bailey, can you think of anyone else who is just a “taker”?


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When everyone can no longer talk their shit, you have a paradigm shift taking place.


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Let’s go back to my first meeting with America’s land and cash richest, skilled and experienced litigator @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who runs the money and real estate investments of Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.


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The fact that Jeffrey is a member of the Democratic National Committee and is also as it close as it get to Secretary of State, John F. Kerrey Esq. also means that Mr. Krinsk Esq. knows a lot of important people.


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Our first meeting which was very social, at an intimate dinner at Matre D restaurant in the flats of La Jolla back in early 1999 when Jeffrey joined just as dessert, different to the spelling of desert, this gathering of 4 couples, again, intimate dinner that was not on the cheap side, which included America’s richest cardiologist Dr. Paul “Bozo The Clown” Tierstein MD who was ready to leave his current wife on the spot as he pretty much begged, was on his hands and needs to the side of my beautiful-exotic F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion – and we were dating, not yet married – Krinsk and I only very briefly discussed that member @Deborah Sturman Esq., just “getting her teeth cut”

 had put me in touch with a close colleague of his, Kirk Hulett Esq., a very competent, and might I add nice, partner at the 2000 pound gorilla law firm of Milberg, Weiss, Bershad, Hynes and Lerach who like Krinsk specialized in harrassing corrupt Wall Street chief executives officers which was like “shooting fish in a barrel” assuming you could overcome the very strenous obstacles protecting these crooks, otherwise Wall Street would have long collapsed.


Yesterday at 5:59 PM

Mon 5:59 PM

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Edit: … and “needs” [sic] to the side …


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It is now 6.


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Of course Krinsk, discretely wanted to know as would any normal human, the nature of what had very near in the future multi-billion extractor out of German-Swiss banks-industry, Sturman Esq. pulling away very busy Hulett Esq. to draft for a me a letter to a “little official”, Paul Borden of Leucadia National Corporation  – NY Stock Exchange symbol LUK] whose ceo and biggest shareholder Joseph Steinberg and I go back to the early 90s when Steinberg, a very quiet multibillionaire, and much smarter than his partner Warren Buffett, and I first met in New York City headquarters to just simply “shoot the breeze” after I pulled the plug on a real estate transaction that cost him a cool $10 million, forget the opportunity costs to Steinberg for having $10 million more in his pocket to leverage.


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Just to tell you how smart was Steinberg, he first sent Borden  who left Leucadia National Corp. right when Steinberg, fresh out of Harvard business school purchased bankrupt Leucadia back in 1978, and thinking that Steinberg and his partner Cummings wouldn’t amount to much; and when returning “cap in hand”, Steinberg immediately sent Borden to Russia to investigate a deal between Steinberg and the Russian mafia; i.e. Putin and company, that was “on the skids”.

Nor did Borden argue much when the Russians arrived at his hotel suit with their AK 47s pointed at his head.

They didn’t need to squeeze the trigger for Borden to leave “shits scared out of his mind”, and returning to Steinberg “empty handed”.


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Doesn’t it remind you of how Marc Rich too followed the Peter Principle which seems to be the way of all Wall Street-Hollywood because it is.


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Steinberg was getting rid of the foulest tasting Pepsi Cola can, perfectly flavor tested for the vodka drunk Russian in exchange for Vodka which of course never arrived.


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Not only did Steinberg get his little official Borden back into line, but Steinberg who knows a little about insurance had taken an insurance policy which covered his entire investment of $25 million.


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Remember when we are talking hundreds of thousands and millions back in the 80s, those monies each are worth trillions today thanks to the arrival of Cryptos.


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So how come a loaf of bread doesn’t cost several trillion dollars?


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Again, you would need to ask someone like Nicholas Oppenheimer, which you prefer not.


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Can you believe that the only person on Wall Street who is talking down Cryptos is Warren Buffett which considering what a clown he is, the thinking to many is that Cryptos have to be worth more than the $25 that Buffett says all Cryptos are worth.


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The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow why don’t you and Jeff Jacobs go on public record how you would value all the world’s Cryptos and what value you would assign to them?


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Buffett is of course lying through his teeth when he says that he wouldn’t pay $25 for all the Cryptos.

The true value of each Crypto is a negative multi-trillions as they include all the offshore monies going back to the early 70s that have now been laundered through the trading of Cryptos.


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It is right out of the playbook of the German-South African Oppenheimers.


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You have heard that the more you borrow from a bank, the more you own them, especially if the security-collateral is real estate.


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Everyone here is in real estate or related, knows that by staying here it becomes that much more difficult to plead “Plausible Deniability”.


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How can you lay a glove on Nicholas Oppenheimer when you have allowed the trading of Cryptos to last but for a few nanoseconds?


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During the Covid pandemic that the profiteeers want to continue until everyone is vaxed to death or at least sick to death, the focus of the common herd such as @Steven Bailey, @Steven Kofsky, @David Levy, @Jeffrey Essakow, @Roy Essakow, @Emma Elliott, @Michael Sewitz, @Michael Treger, @Micha-el Frame etc etc was not on the behind the scenes activities of Crypto Currency trading.


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Is everyone keeping up with the rest of the class.


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Of course I mentioned to Krinsk that the letter drafted for me by Hulett caused an immediate resolution, and every penny that Borden owed me was not only paid, but he wasn’t able to insist on his previous demand that I sign a more binding “non-disclosure” which even if he had offered me all the money in the world was not going to happen.


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Nor did I enquire at any time from Krinsk whether he had spoken to Hulett before Krinsk decided to engage my services.


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Why would I choose the toughest Wall Street fraud case as my first assignment?


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First, I don’t like Jewish people who give Jewish people a bad name.


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Second, Krinsk who is Jewish, was in agreement on that.


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Third, I knew that Krinsk was smart, not because he was fortunate enough never to have come across previously a Jewish South African because he had.

Rather Krinsk didn’t seem bowled over by the South African accent which for the most part is all that Jewish South Africans bring to the table.


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In other words, Krinsk show no signs of being prejudice against me because I was South African.


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Thank you Jeffrey.


You sent

Time for an evening mountain bicycle ride on this picture perfect spring day.

Please leave your comments in the comment section below.


You sent

There is a humming bird still eating; last meal.




Today at 7:23 AM

7:23 AM

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It is 7:22 AM Calif. time.


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You get them hooked, 1,2,3 and 4 is more than enough.


You sent

As it goes up, they feel so bright.


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Am I getting a little ahead of myself?


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It depends on who you ask.


You sent

You don’t know what I am thinking, but I know pretty much what each of you are thinking.


You sent

I had an interesting conversation the other with Elon Musk’s closest intimates, member @Sofiaan Fraval who knows he lost it the moment he wrote me a short communication and forgetting he was speaking with.

He and I have 267 odd mutual friends, down from our high of 269.

By far that is still the most number of mutual fb friends I have any of my remaining 2302 which is far less than the entire world’s sheep human population or for that matter the number of ants which remember in total weight equal the weight of all humans.


You sent

Nor did I need to hear of Elon Musk or his father my fb friend @Errol Graham Musk to understand logic and apply it every waking moment of my life.


You sent

I bet most all of you have never even attempted to jump over a single barrel on ice; how about clearing all 7.


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No you associate brilliance mostly with money.



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The question is not very complicated.

Is Elon Musk machiavellian?


You sent

It depends on who you ask.


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If you ask people who have made money with him and they are all about the money, they will say he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.


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Others will say, “for sure”.


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So let’s ask his father, @Errol Graham Musk.


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I will be back. 

Remember to leave your comments in the comment section beloew.


Malcolm Katz left the group.

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BTW, today is the 9th day following the 21st anniversary of my 4th article published in the Jerusalem Post condenming the treason pardon of De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-IG Farben-Auschwitz terrorist financier Marc Rich.

Easy to remember its start:


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There has been only one Holocaust, but what the Nazi Holocaust demonstrated so well is that human deprivation occurs incrementally. It starts with simple massacres; you shoot the first innocent person and then you shoot the next set of people and after you realize that you cannot shoot enough people you look to more efficient methods such as gas chambers.


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Edit: I had an interesting conversation the other day with one of Elon Musk’s closest intimates, member @So…


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Edit: … forgetting who he was speaking with.


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Edit: By far that is still the most number of mutual fb friends I have any with any …


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Truth to your opening statement is that there has been multiple holocausts in the past.




To think there has only been one is a bit conceded.

Maybe it is the only one that applied to you.


You sent

Bailey, you are Christian, is that right?

Is it not also true that you describe yourself as “lame” because you didn’t have the backbone to confront Christian Nicholas Oppenheimer directly?

If Zelenskyy was not Jewish would you have supported Zelenskyy getting an air defense system knowing the slaughter that would occur if there was no air defense system in place which is good for people like you who couldn’t compete toe to toe in a merit driven system?

Do you think the failure to prosecute the German-South African Oppenheimers at Nuremberg, was a turning point in humanity?

What good have you contributed to this world?

Why do you continue investing your time and energy being a member of this symposium?



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The single purpose of a monopolist is to make war because they are the sole supplier.


You sent

@Steven Bailey do you think GoDNature is watching your every move and thought?


You sent

Bailey, can you check the spelling of the verbiage you wrote earlier?


You sent

Bailey, why do you think the Jewish people have been singled out for annihilation from the start, and do you think it is because of people like you that we have survived?


You sent

Bailey, do you need time to catch your breath?


You sent

Bailey was the word “conceited” above your slave wage scale and so you fucked it up?




Truth remains. There have been multiple halocaustesses


You sent

Bailey, why don’t you at least admit that you are a Christian and therefore you believe in God and the afterlife as well as the destiny that got you here?


You sent

Bailey, your response above, “Truth remains…” has me questioning both your intellect and English comprehension.

Do you feel that you are mentally challenged?


You sent

Bailey, you are a shit talker; so why don’t you provide the chronology of our Jewish Holocaust that allows you today more than a pot to pee in?


You sent

Bailey, do you feel mentally and physically weaker since you decided to speak out today?

Don’t forget to think more about the good order to this universe that is demonstrated so well in the double-slit experiment.


You sent

Bailey, had our Jewish Holocaust not met with opposition, you would agree that I would not be here and you would go to your grave never thinking about the tragedy to the planet caused by the GDP or the ongoing coverups of that spectacular poverty of thought which decimates the study of economics-finance?


You sent

@Steven Bailey, do you see the introduction by the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben-Auschwitz of Cryptos the ongoing coverup of the GDP?

What do you think happens next?


You sent

Every ant has its purpose.

Every human has its purpose.

Bailey, you are going to get quiet once again and your weak energy today will follow you the remainder of your life.

Nor is it possible, no matter how many drugs you take to predict for yourself a positive outcome at the end.



You sent

You must feel very conflicted deciding whether to say you are a Christian, and therefore accepting Jesus Christ as your savior and whether your future destiny will be better.


You sent

Bailey, I would hate to be in your shoes. Committing suicide would not be a comforting thought.

Staying alive wouldn’t be a comforting thought.


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Your only comfort are the large numbers who think like you.


You sent

@Errol Graham Musk, we can all agree that we have finally dispensed altogether with @Steven Bailey.

Do you think your son Elon is Machiavellian?


You sent

WSJ journalist @Dion Nissenbaum, it is most unusual for a top Wall Street Journalist such as yourself to be quiet and knowing that a great many people, all the way to the very top, Nicholas Oppenheimer are watching.


You sent

Rory Jones who co-authored with you, 

Jared Kushner’s New Fund Plans to Invest Saudi Money in Israel

is also very quiet since he received the first email rebroadcast of “Last spin of the planet”.



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Who would ever have thought the German-SA Oppenheimers would “turn Jew on Jew”?

Do you think it went right over President Donald Trump’


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s head?


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What about his daughter who is married to Jewish New Yorker, realtor Jared Kushner?


You sent

@Dion Nissenbaum is your fear that Elon Musk is too distracted with dating and his other ventures to pay attention to the House of Saud ‘s takeover of Israel?


Today at 10:09 AM

10:09 AM

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It is now 10:09 AM Calif. time.


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This is what we know.


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Elon Musk would have no difficulty knowing that @Steven Bailey is not the only complete idiot in the world today.


Today at 10:35 AM

10:35 AM

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Musk would also know that in addition to, “… labor limits the output of goods and services” being completely wrong,

as he leaves out robots

which will save this planet, along with Artificial Intelligence if allowed to  function within the oldest computers dating back to the 70s, if not long before.


You sent

It is now 10:46 AM


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1 Euro for a home in Italy isn’t going to save the planet from stupid people like @Steven Bailey and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow because it is ignoramuses who do most of the breeding of humans who rarely turn out better than their parents-teachers.


You sent

Imagine if BBC documentarist Evan Williams understood as much as all of you about the role of Cryptos in hiding the theft of the minerals since the turn of the last century which make it all but impossible for Elon Musk to survive, but for the saving grace of the light speed internet exposing the moron gossipers who have nothing better to do with their time than lash out at those doing good?


You sent

We can all perfectly understand why it is that people like the Essakows and @Steven Bailey are mad at the world given what appears to be inferior intellect at birth, but Elon Musk is a different kettle of fish altogether.


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For those blessed never to have eaten “Gefiltershit” [sic], a Jewish delicasy, they should just be happy that they missed that one.

Obviously that isn’t enough.


You sent

@Steven Bailey, should we get back how often have you heard of a consultant in a high risk venture willing to take less of the cut after his hunch, backed up by an algorithm proved the “linchpin” in this announcement?:


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@Steven Bailey, do you think the athleticism needed to jump over barrels in a Holiday Festival Ice Show Extravaganza which attracted the best figure skaters of Europe


Today at 11:44 AM

11:44 AM

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who also remembered me


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going back from 3 years before, 1965


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and there was one male skater, a photo of the two of us I will try and retrieve later, who could whle skating backwards clear 5 barrels, interferred negatively with me passing the mental gymnastics examination needed to join the arch enemy of us Jewish people, German-South African Oppenheimers-IG Farben-Auschwitz-Deutsche Bank?


You sent

So far @Steven Bailey you don’t give me much credit for anything other than your continued presence exposes both your personal ugliness and the ugliness of society in general, and such important truths cannot be overstated.


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Why don’t you @Steven Bailey share your thoughts about white South African bigot policeman, @Johny Basterd‘s belief that the black African culture is evil?


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@Steven Bailey do you agree with @Johny Basterd?


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Remember Bailey, and the rest of you, it is perfectly fine to pick when you choose the time to show what makes you tick.


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Should we jump the clock forward 72 years following the conclusion of the 10th anniversary of the League of Nations where all eyes were on General Smuts?


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We are not talking about 25 September 1929.


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Nor are we talking about the period covering the Wall Street collapse of 1929, September 4 – November 13, 1929.


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We are talking specifically about 25 September 2001, 14 days following 9/11 Al Quaida-House of Saud terrorist attack which was kicked into high gear following the treason pardon by outgoing President Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton of Big Oil Monopoly-Money [BOMM]-House of Saud-SA Oppenheimers’ terrorist financier Marc Rich whose top Jewish South African lieutenant @Roy Essakow, who was held back a year at school because he couldn’t make the grade, is still with us here at Getting to know your friends.


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My highly secretive British-English mother Zena has never suffered from lack of intuition.


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That doesn’t mean my mother Zena


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here wearing her Alan Austin fur coat


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in front of her one of a kind bachelor apartment in south Kensington, London, a stone throw from the Royal Albert Hall


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where my one of a kind F-C wife Marie Dion sat in the Queen’s box to watch the ballet Romeo and Juliet; moreover, it was a full house, other than the presence of the Queen or any of the other Royals and so we had their box all to ourselves – imagine that – and below is my mother Zena in a no less spectacular outfit standing in front of her racing green Rolls Royce.


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Notice that we don’t hear from the likes of @Steven Bailey and Greefswald-Ward 22 patient @Alan Mark Zeligson, “You disgusting rich kid, profiting from black African slave wage earners”.


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How could you miss your cue?


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When you know that all the economists have got the Wall Street collapse all wrong either because they are stupid like @Steven Bailey, @Alan Brivik, @Alan Cline, @Emma Elliott, @Roy Essakow, @Jeffrey Essakow, @Howard Schachat Esq., @Mark Gevisser, @Michael Treger, @Micha-el Frame, @Peter Gevisser, @Richard Friedman, to name just a little more than a handful, or simply bought, and you can see how the Wall Street debarcle is all coordinated with the activities surrounding the 10th anniversary, September 2 to September 25, 1929, of the establishment of the League of Nations which the US Congress refused to adopt because it simply didn’t meet the goals of the foreign based, German-South African Oppenheimers’ international, global military industrial complex, so you have to institute that much greater, General Sun Tzis axiom, “Keep your friends close …”


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Again, the decision by my mother Zena to use email, targeting specific individuals including family and close friends-enemies to broadcast her memoirs, Life Story of Zena on 25 September 2001, was not taken lightly.


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Aside from myself, the only other person who understood what my mother is doing, is her first husband of more than 3 decades, my father, World War II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot, Bernie Gevisser who realized within hours of returning to Durban, South Africa on 23 April 1945 having flown his final, 71st dive-bombing missions 8 days before, 15 April, 3 days after SA Oppenheimer-House of Saud stooge


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President Franklin D. Roosevelt took his last breath, just 5 days after writing terrorist financier King Ibn Saud Roosevelt-Oppenheimers’ “Letter of Friendship”.


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@Steven Bailey, you say that you are not anti-Semitic, only you hate Zionists which amounts to the same thing.

Have you ever criticized the decision by Roosevelt either to turn away the SS St. Louis and its Jewish passengers, many if not most who end up being murdered by the Nazis, or Roosevelt’s failure to assassinate Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his only son Harry following their refusal to follow his Direct Presidential Order to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil?


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@Steven Bailey can you explain your jitterish writings, “halocaustesses”?

Do you have any other signs of a neurological disorder?

Do you see your prospects on the next go-around being brighter?


You sent

@Steven Bailey, don’t you find it utterly amazing that from the sun, some 93 million miles away, and nothing that friendly in between, we get the most delicious tasting mulberries, which are mostly water, along with critters such as you, Hitler, Stalin, SA Oppenheimers-Putin?


You sent

Isn’t it equally amazing, if not disturbing to those absent spirituality which requires of course great intelligence, that had Putin simply “held his horses”, gathered around him, starting with US Colonel, Senator Richard Black, Putin would own all of Europe, Canada, North American and South American Continent and both China and India, forget all of Africa backing him every step of the way?


You sent

But it wasn’t meant to be.


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How was Nicholas Oppenheimer not able to convince Putin of the importance of staying healthy and that means also choosing his advisors no less carefully?


You sent

Simple. God created stupid people such as Nicholas Oppenheimer who you all love to death.


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But I don’t yet see Elon Musk wanting to join the ugly.



You sent

Elon Musk is very much into the esthetic which shows that he has a logical mind.



Eli Haim left the group.

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So what that he was once attracted to Amber Heard who is now getting fat and ugly.


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Eli Haim left the group.


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When Musk writes 2 days ago, 8 May, “… it’s been nice knowin ya” he feels that he has bonding with all his automaton followers?


You sent

My response yesterday to this guy @Almisehal at 8:40 AM

He’s not done here. We are still expecting a lot out of him

leaves no doubt I expect more out of Musk.


You sent

It simply wouldn’t make sense that all this most magnifiscent creation going back 14 billion years and the cataclysmic destruction of the only livable spot in the entire universe that we can reach which is some 90 billion light years across, you lot end up the winners.

Remember it is only 77 odd years ago we discovered the atomic bomb, and if you lot are anything to go by, all humans would prefer the truth gets written out of the record.


You sent

Just because Elon Musk cannot relate to most humans does not mean he is void of perspective.


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@Steven Bailey, are you aware that both @Nancy Spielberg and @Errol Graham Musk are paying equal attention?


You sent

@Steven Bailey have you noticed that my fb friend count has been creeping up ever since it dropped below 2300?


You sent

@Steven Bailey, are you busy cutting lawns right now and avoiding more consumption of the deadly pesticides?


You added Carolev Strasburg to the group.

You sent

Who noticed that my new fb friend @Carolev Strasburg who just joined us, applauded,  my posting from 7 May at 9:28 AM Calif. time?



You added Ellen Ericksen to the group.

You added Ed Coffin to the group.

You sent

I will share it again:

Title: Memory goes pouf

@Ellen Ericksen I think you covered it.

Some people, a lot, are unreachable.

They love their salt oil sugar (SOS).

There is this fable of Lot’s wife turning to salt.

The people of GAS (Gomorrah & Sodom) were unreachable.

But it is a good universe because we can teach the children with logic-truth.

You reached this @Ed Coffin, in time hopefully.

When you talk about taking away the meat, it triggers an epileptic fit in people.

Suddenly the memory goes pouf.


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It is now 1:10 PM.


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Let’s return to Epilady USA Inc.


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When I decided that it was necessary to expand my responsibilities to South African multi-billionaire, member @Solly Krok and take the Chief Operating Officer position in order to execute a RIF [Reduction in Force] and assisted every step of the way, by very well schooled, seasoned attorney, King Golden Jr. Esq. who will get a copy of all this shortly, I did not ask Solly for more money.


You sent

Again, in the late 80s, there were no Cryptos and nor were there any repercussions from the treason Marc Rich pardon.


Nancy Spielberg left the group.

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@Ellen Ericksen, I know you are in to both saving the animals from execution as well as torture and I couldn’t think of anything more admirable, other than saving the planet which is tied in to the meat-dairy aggressiveness of the population, boosted of course with antibiotics, vaccines and other poisons to keep them stupid like most all of my current listeners who really shouldn’t go out and stock up on Dale Carnegies’ How to Win Friends and Influence People, as I suggest they use their time more wisely to dispose of their economic text books, money magazines, autobiographies of money stupid people, as well as anyone on TV or radio talking about money.


You sent

Let me make sure that it was not a nervous twitch that caused Nancy Spielberg to leave.


You added Nancy Spielberg to the group.

You sent

@Nancy Spielberg, have you examined as I have your brother’s 5 minute introduction to his 2005 movie, MUNICH?


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Have you discussed with him, why he was so late in seeking a posthumous pardon for Charlie Winters back on 23 December 2008, the same day my webdesigner Adam L. Tucker met with ex CIA official Charles Knuff?


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Why didn’t you mention in your documentary Above and Beyond, the very great Charlie Winters?


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@Steven Kofsky is it that you like the Spielbergs that you are one of @Nancy Spielberg‘s fb friends or their money-political clout?


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Of course we will come back to MUNICH.


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25 September 2001 could have been just a normal day in either the Antartic or Artic.


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My mother Zena, however, was continuing to look at the silence of the world’s Jewish communities following now the publication of my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon of the terrorist financier Marc Rich which the SA Oppenheimers and their shills, including Israel Prime Minister, Ehud Barak applauded, and which my first article, an “open letter” to convicted American-Israeli-Soviet spy Jonathan Pollard, husband of member @Anne Pollard, pulled no punches.


You sent

@Anne Pollard, do you have an opinion on that “open letter”?

Have you discussed it with your ex-husband Jonathan Pollard?


You sent

Who here is looking for a sex partner as much as Hollywood-Madison money connections?


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If anyone knows how to reach podcaster Joe Rogan, not sure about the spelling of his last name, please let me know.


You added Sam Haim to the group.

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@Sam Haim would you know?


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When General Smuts came away from the 10th anniversary very disappointed, my mother Zena was 3 months and 26 days old.

Solly Krok was 3 months and 28 days old. 

His younger identical twin brother Abe was 3 months and 27 days old.



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At the time Solly was unaware that in less than 6 decades he would pull off the unimaginable.


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Here is a fast going bald but good looking Jewish South African man who has never taken on the American establishment in any significant way outhustling an icon in the most lucrative personal care sector which Victor Kiam owned.


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Those of you who only know from American football, Kiam who I assume is long dead, owned the New England Patriots.


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Others may remember his jingle, “My wife love the Remington shaver so much, I bought the company.”


You sent

$3 million to Victor Kiam was chomp change.


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But to Solly Krok that was a huge sum of money to plunk down to get the right to distribute the Epilady Women’s shaver when he would be going up against Victor Kiam who could care less if Solly was Jewish, pink, Arab, Gentile, Muslim, etc.


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Solly was also hamstrung by his idiot children, with one exception Lauren, and the rest of their idiot management team, most of whom were Jewish South Africans.


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This is the only thing and the last thing lectured at Harvard Business School.


You sent

It is the case study of case studies, at least as it relates to business.


You sent

Here we are experiencing the human case study of human case studies, just in case you didn’t know.


You sent

Who is Solly Krok up against?


You sent

@Steven Bailey, you have 3 guesses?


You sent

@David Monk, if you want more guesses, go ahead, you have the floor.


Today at 2:42 PM

2:42 PM

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Edit: Musk would also know that there is more to, “… labor limits output …”.


Nancy Spielberg left the group.

Today at 3:00 PM

3:00 PM

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Edit: … could with a back-summersault clear …

Edit: That doesn’t mean my mother Zena lacked reasoning; here wearing …

Edit: … where my one of a kind F-C wife Marie Dion and I sat in the Queen’s box …

Edit: …Wall Street “debarcle” [sic] is all coordinated …

Edit: … Bernie Gevisser who realized that the Nazis had won WW2 within hours …

Edit: … “My wife loves the Remington …”

Edit: This is the only thing and the last thing which should be lectured at Harvard Business School.


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Nancy Spielberg left the group.


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It is 3:01 PM


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Here we have representative @Steven Bailey picking one section of my vast knowledge and expertise to have a go at me, and he demonstrates a complete lack of comprehension.


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English is also @Steven Bailey‘s only language other than shit talk.


You sent

More outrageous is the silence of everyone when failing to fall out this most ugly  POS.


You sent

Just in case; Piece Of Shit.


You sent

@Steven Kofsky and @Steven Bailey do you think it is Nancy Spielberg paying careful attention when to leave or do you think it is her brother Steven along with a multitude of assistants, each of them only looking out for themself?


You sent

@Steven Bailey are you totally disgusted with yourself when you look in the mirror or does the alternative, suicide seem much worse?


You sent

In my opinion, @Steven Bailey, and based on my experience, knowledge and intellect, if I was you, I would steer completely away from doing yourself in.


You sent

That is not to suggest that when you begin experiencing your body parts-organs quitting on you, you should refrain from eating as healthy as humanely possible to stave off death.


You sent

@Steven Bailey, is there anything else I might be able to help you with?


You sent

Does anyone else here have a suggestion such as what words or emojiis @Steven Bailey could use to laugh it all off?


You added Agata Kay to the group.

You added Scott Coleman to the group.

You added Shaun Attwood to the group.

You added Betsy Burmeister to the group.

You added Ron Clinton to the group.

You added Adam Habibi to the group.

You added Geno Maurillo to the group.

You added Colin Wall to the group.

You added Natalia Carranza to the group.

You added AbdulKadir Shariff to the group.

You added Brien Emard to the group.

You added Lilly Anne Shields to the group.

You added Kabuchi Wanjau to the group.

You added Rosa Close to the group.

You added Julius Musya to the group.

You added Alffie JustAlffie to the group.

You sent

For the new members who I just added, and who are not as familiar with writings-knowledge as the rest of the membership, may I suggest you first read what triggered the “epileptic fit” deep inside of long-time member @Steven Bailey.

It was the start of my 4th and final article published in the Jerusalem Post, Israel’s most widely read, English international newspaper following the treason pardon of international terrorist financier Marc Rich.


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To access that article and the 4 previous, just scroll up.


You sent

At any time ask me or the rest of the listeners any questions you may have as well as feel free to comment favorably or not.


You sent

Of course I know Wall Street finance, and certainly better than when Elon Musk graduated from Wharton with an economics degree.


Rosa Close left the group.

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That doesn’t mean Elon is incapable of mounting a takeover of facebook-Meta but I wouldn’t recommend it.


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Rosa Close left the group.


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I know it is difficult to scroll up and keep reading at the same time.


You sent

Below is a link to all 4 articles; and note that American-Soviet-Spy Jonathan Pollard’s ex-wife @Anne Pollard who was also imprisoned for several years for aiding and abetting Jonathan Pollard who was overmatched from the start, in part because his poor diet prohibited him from thinking about all that he was doing wrong including not only committing treason against his country, the United States of America but interferring with ongoing military operations both covert and overt.


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Ron Clinton left the group.

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Ron Clinton left the group.


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Let us now quickly take a look at the black faces in background to the Coca Cola ad above.


Scott Coleman left the group.

Geno Maurillo left the group.

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For those of you who are unaware like the rest that with deep pockets you can make your own money, the failure of Coca Cola to show sensitivity towards non-white slave wage earners might not bother you at all.


You sent

Scott Coleman left the group.

Geno Maurillo left the group.


You added Nancy Spielberg to the group.

You sent

As everyone can see, @Nancy Spielberg continues to avoid blocking me from adding her.


You sent

@Steven Bailey is there a message you would like to give to Nancy?


You sent




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Once sufficient numbers of us humans understand the implications of with deep pockets you can make your own money, so they will be looking that much closer at the fake religious who have been doing the bidding of the warmongers who don’t all wear army fatigue.



You sent

@Steven Bailey, would you agree with that?



You sent

@Steven Bailey, how would you describe yourself right now when looking in the mirror?



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When my grandfathers acquired the most priceless, valuable Haifa beach properties which extended all the way up the hill, Einstein and Ben Gurion were yet to have this meeting.



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In 1944-1945, General Smuts was doing much more than seeking to arm non-white South Africans in the fight against the Nazi bastards.



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It should be easy for those with eyesight to see that in the center of the photo above is a white male.



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He is clearly in charge because he is.



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There is also a stationary truck to the left of the photo.



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For those unfamiliar with darker skin faces, it might be difficult to tell the ages of the non-white men.



You sent

@Steven Bailey and @Johny Basterd, would you be surprised that the average age of the non-white men is more than the age of my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Lieutenant, Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012]?



You sent

These men, not only had rank, solid fitting uniforms but they prepared the food my father and the rest of General Smuts’ most elite fighter bomber squadron, Squadron 11, ate as well as serviced the Kittyhawk-P40 Fighter Bombers.



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Prior to taxing for takeoff



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You sent

each and every commanding officer is present.



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Along with the fighter-pilot they check everything is in perfect working order.



You sent

When an aircraft doesn’t return the ones most concerned are the non-white South Africans.



You sent

@Steven Bailey, would you know why?



You sent

Who thinks black South Africans needed to read and understand the US Declaration of Independence as well as each and every article of the US Constitution to know how the Germans who were supported by half the white-black Afrikaners such as rascist, moron, bigot, intellectual midget @Johny Basterd executed the genocide of the Herero and Nama back in 1904-1908.



You sent

In 1904, General Smuts was 34 years of age.



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He hadn’t forgotten his schooling at Cambridge University where he was the top student and it wasn’t only the law faculty who thought that Smuts was at least as smart in the sciences as Isaac Newton.



Betsy Burmeister left the group.

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It is important that Albert Einstein is not only Jewish but he was denied a Nobel Prize for General Relativity; not because the rest of the scientific community were morons like @Steven Bailey but GR lay the foundation for the existence of a Higher Energy Force [HER] far more so than anything in the Old Testament-Torah or the New Testament which of course was as censored as our Torah.



You sent

Betsy Burmeister left the group.



You sent

My fb word count remains at 2302 with no new additions, which means those fb friends who have left, Getting to know your friends have yet to unfriend me.



You sent

Let’s provide a list of the current membership:



You sent

AbdulKadir Shariff

Abigail Camilla

Added by You

Adam Habibi

Agata Kay

Al Rosen

Added by You

Alan Brivik

Added by You

Alan Cline

Added by You

Alan Mark Zeligson

Added by You

Alan Woolf

Added by You

Alan Yudelman

Added by You

Alec J Drobis

Added by You

Alexis Hearst

Added by You

Alffie JustAlffie

Allan Zulberg

Added by You

Andrea Gould Bilbow

Added by You

Andrea Kerzner

Added by You

Andrea Lee

Added by You

Andy Cohen

Added by You

Anne Pollard

Added by You

Anthony Baxter

Added by You

Anthony Freeman

Added by You

Anthony Maister

Added by You

Antony Unruh

Added by You

Ari Kirschbaum

Added by You

Arlene Donenberg

Added by You

Arnold Orkin

Added by You

Ashley Cohen

Added by You

Ava Gevisser

Added by You

Ayala Weisel

Added by You

Ayi Kwei Armah

Added by You

Barry Beder

Added by You

Barry Molk

Added by You

Barry Moltz

Added by You

Bernice van Eck

Added by You

Bliks Impi

Added by You

Brad Brivik

Added by You

Brian Berman

Added by You

Brian Davidoff

Added by You

Brien Emard

Carly Berman

Added by You

Carolev Strasburg

Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti

Added by You

Cheryl Hellmann

Added by You

Claire Berlinski

Added by You

Claire Petretti Marti

Added by You

Clifford Benn

Added by You

Clive Gurwitz

Added by You

Colin Boruchowitz

Added by You

Colin Wall

Daniel Ammann

Added by You

Daniel Brauer

Added by You

Daniela Essakow

Added by You

David Berlinski

Added by You

David Friedman

Added by You

David Julian Danziger

Added by You

David Levy

Added by You

David Monk

Added by You

David Schmahmann

Added by You

Deborah Sturman

Added by You

Desmond Brivik

Added by You

Dion Nissenbaum

Added by You

Douglas Turnbull

Added by You

Ed Coffin

Elana Janit

Added by You

Ellen Ericksen

Emma Elliott

Added by You

Errol Graham Musk

Added by You

Foster Gamble

Added by You

Garry Kasparov

Added by You

Garry Kasparov

Added by You

Garry Kasparov

Added by You

Gary Berman

Added by You

Gary Cooper

Added by You

Gary Dean Levick

Added by You

Gary Firer

Added by You

Gary Fisher

Added by You

Gary Gevisser

Group creator

Gary Glass

Added by You

Gary Levinsohn

Added by You

Gary Saitowitz

Added by You

Gary Salmo

Added by You

Gary Silberman

Added by You

Gevisser John

Added by You

Gregory Lex Blank

Added by You

Hedda Gevisser

Added by You

Hedda Gevisser

Added by You

Henri Slier

Added by You

Hilton Wolman

Added by You

Hilton Wolman

Added by You

Howard Schachat

Added by You

Hymie Berchowitz

Added by You

Ilan Kirkel

Added by You

Ivan Oshry

Added by You

Ivan Strous

Added by You

Jann Turner

Added by You

Jeff Johnson

Added by You

Jeffrey Essakow

Added by You

Jeffrey Robert Krinsk

Added by You

Jenny Arenstein – Friedman

Added by You

Jenny Fletcher

Added by You

Johnny Feinstein

Added by You

Johny Basterd

Added by You

Jonathan Gevisser

Added by You

Jonathan Marine

Added by You

Joseph Nogid Gluck

Added by You

Julia Ioffe

Added by You

Julius Musya

Justin Davis

Added by You

Justine Gevisser

Added by You

Justine Musk

Added by You

Kabuchi Wanjau

Karen Lindeque Rubin

Added by You

Karene Fisher

Added by You

Kathy Danziger

Added by You

Kathy Danziger

Added by You

Kerry Molfesis

Added by You

Kerryn Brivik

Added by You

Kevin Duffy

Added by You

Kevin Zulberg

Added by You

Kimbal Musk

Added by You

Lance Levin

Added by You

Larry Shain

Added by You

Larry Winokur

Added by You

Lee-Anne Dalley

Added by You

Leo Gevisser

Added by You

Lilly Anne Shields

Lionel Kahn

Added by You

Lynette Machray

Added by You

Lynne Karen Bentel

Added by You

M’Poyo Kasa-Vubu Justine

Added by You

Mannie Hirsch

Added by You

Marialuisa Marino

Added by You

Marika Lewis

Added by You

Marine Serre

Added by You

Marion Brivik

Added by You

Mark Gevisser

Added by You

Marta Rubau Carreras

Added by You

Martin Goldblatt

Added by You

Martin Krok

Added by You

Martin Perling

Added by You

Maxie Pohl

Added by You

Mel Gevisser

Added by You

Merrick Wolman

Added by You

Mervyn Brivik

Added by You

Micha-el Frame

Added by You

Michael Burts

Added by You

Michael Sewitz

Added by You

Michael Treger

Added by You

Michele De Beer

Added by You

Miki Dayan

Added by You

Nancy Spielberg

Natalia Carranza

Nori Menolotto

Added by You

Oliver Lazar

Added by You

Paul Blackbeard

Added by You

Paul Rozowsky

Added by You

Peter Chait

Added by You

Peter Gevisser

Added by You

Peter Gevisser

Added by You

Peter Gevisser

Added by You

Peter Swart

Added by You

Rachel Terry

Added by You

Raymond Sass

Added by You

Renee Maletsky

Added by You

Richard Friedman

Added by You

Rip Esselstyn

Added by You

Rodney Smith

Added by You

Ronlynne Botha Benn

Added by You

Roy Essakow

Added by You

Rubin Katz

Added by You

Sam Haim

Saville Katz

Added by You

Semone Silver Goss

Added by You

Shani Weltsman Moran

Added by You

Shaun Attwood

Shneur Reti-Waks

Added by You

Sidney Lazarus

Added by You

Sofiaan Fraval

Added by You

Solly Krok

Added by You

Steven Bailey

Added by You

Steven Kofsky

Added by You

Tariq Ramadan

Added by You

Terry Gevisser

Added by You

Terry Orman Gevisser

Added by You

Tomer Tene

Added by You

Toni Katz Copans

Added by You

Tony Haverstick

Added by You

Tony Leon

Added by You

Tosca Musk

Added by You

Tracy Lipworth

Added by You

Tracy Tomson

Added by You

Trevor Abramson

Added by You

Trevor Goldberg

Added by You

Valerie Heck

Added by You

Vanessa Kupowitz

Added by You

Vernon L. Smith

Added by You

Veronica Theart

Added by You

Vladimir Golstein

Added by You

Warren Saks

Added by You

Wendy Ann Bouman

Added by You

Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen

Added by You

Yitzchok Friedman

Added by You

Yoko Grandsagne

Added by You



You sent

@Yitzchok Friedman you look like you are Jewish religious, is that correct?

How do you explain private ownership of real estate when the Torah is perfectly clear that the land of Israel was given by God to all the Jewish people?



You sent

@Michael Sewitz is it fair to say that today you weigh close to double if not more than in this photo below where you are speaking to my middle brother, needy @Mel Gevisser at the wedding of @Gary Glass and @Lynne Karen Bentel which I helped arrange?



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For those unfamiliar with what I looked like some 3 decades ago, it is me in the background resting on a crutch having earlier, not that day, but prior to the wedding, broken my leg in a motorcycle accident.



You sent

@Michael Sewitz do you remember what you and Melvin were talking about?



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When we look at a monstrously large sign advertising a bank that is being built in a heavily congested residential-commerical, it should help keep everyone’s focus by remembering, with deep pockets you can make your own money.



You sent

The nature of most relationships when sex is not involved is about money and making money connections.



You sent

@Michael Sewitz does it traumatize you to think back on all your conversations since you began talking or are you relieved somewhat that you can barely remember what you ate for breakfast today?



You sent

Who feels that they are pretty much in the same boat as Michael Sewitz and @Mel Gevisser?



You sent

Who thinks there should be more sharing before each of us dies now that we know with deep pockets you can make your own money?



You sent

Who feels haunted that they have failed to assist my mother Zena



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get her wishes granted?



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You sent

Who remembers the rapacious, vicious attack of @Steven Bailey?



You sent

There have now been 1554 independent views of The Lady’s Speech which I filmed of my mother Zena on 22 September 2016, 5 days after my 3 elder sibling and their malicious, money-hungry, liar-lawyer, Israeli @Ayala Weisel Esq. went behind my and my mother’s back, 7 days earlier, September 15, and had non-family member, ugly of uglies, self-serving @Ayala Weisel Esq. appointed as my mother’s guardian on the basis that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia”.



You sent

@Steven Bailey do you feel comforted that there are many others beside for yourself who are happy to see my mother and me suffer?



You sent

Jealous people are never happy.



You sent

Jealous people are the first to gossip badly about others because they are not happy.



You sent

Let’s look at my witch sister, member @Kathy Danziger in happier times



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but she was already on her way to being fat.



Natalia Carranza left the group.

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Michaelhouse is the boarding school that our eldest brother Neil attended after first being sent to boarding school at age 7 because he was not only pestering Kathy, pulling her hair constantly, but he was a talker.



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Natalia Carranza left the group.



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Remember Elon Musk knows that his 92 million followers on Twitter are different to all of you in one most important respect.



You sent

You have the knowledge about the money and the wars that his 92 million do not.



You sent

To hold on to a very ugly lie is not something that your body-mind can be proud of.



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It will reject you.



You sent

The body-temple is designed ingeniously.



You sent

None of you are all that bright; certainly you are no genius when compared to the Creator.



You sent

@Steven Bailey let us know when you have stopped looking in the mirror.



You sent

Jewish people know more about the imagination than non-Jewish people because to us God is in our imagination.



You sent

Others such as Christians needs more visuals such as depictions of Jesus Christ strung to a cross and arrows piercing his torso with blood oozing out.



You sent

@Steven Bailey, is that no so?



You sent

What works against us Jewish people is that there is no such thing as salvation from a Higher Energy Reaction [HER] because we are limited to once a year, Yom Kippur asking forgiveness from those we have sinned and if the victim says, “Go fuck yourself” you are totally fucked.



You sent

@Steven Bailey would you like to see a mass exodus of Jewish people to accepting Jesus Christ as their savior?



You sent

Remember there is a reason for everything.



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So there is a reason for Christianity.



You sent

@Steven Bailey what do you think that is?



Today at 4:48 PM

4:48 PM

You sent



Today at 5:35 PM

5:35 PM

You sent

Edit: … when failing to call out this most ugly POS.

Edit: There have now been 1554 independent views of The Lady’s Speech which I filmed of my mother Zena on 22 September 2016, 7 days after my 3 elder sibling and their malicious, money-hungry, liar-lawyer, Israeli @Ayala Weisel Esq. went behind my and my mother’s back, and had non-family member, ugly of uglies, self-serving @Ayala Weisel Esq. appointed as my mother’s guardian on the basis that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia”.
