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Game over

Screenshot: 3:10 PM Thursday 15 December 22.


Amira Friedman

Yesterday at 2:13 AM



Hilarious Texts

December 13 at 6:01 AM



Gary Gevisser
Has you husband shared with you our conversation on fb messaging regarding land ownership and the teachings of Torah which has him most disturbed?

Martin Peltz
Michael Burts
Nicholus Sibisi
Paul Bushnell
Joseph Nogid Gluck
Harold Joffe
Gary Sachs
Gary M Sherman
Gary Fisher
Basil Cohen

7:26 AM Edited

Amira Friedman
Ransomware Cyber Attack

8:35 AM

Nicholas Friedman
Barry Beder
Asne Goodman
Arnold Orkin
Alon Feldman
Akiva Gilbert
Colin Brett Winter
Rabbi Alex Carlebach

7:28 AM

Amira Friedman
Ransomware Cyber Attack

8:35 AM


Paul Bushnell
Please take me off this group

11:37 AM

Gary Gevisser
Paul Bushnell is there a reason you feel the need to make a spectacle out of yourself? At your age you should know how to both untag yourself as well as unfriend me on fb.

I would prefer not to have stupid friends.

What about you?

What exactly do you find so disturbing about the 37 odd word paragraph:

When a government executes the legal doctrine of “imminent domain” [sic] to grab land for the supposed “public good” then it should be equally argued how does private ownership of land in Israel serve the public good?

Do you know of any other specie who when feeling totally stupid feels the need to talk?

11:44 AM

Paul Bushnell
Gary Gevisser no offence. I dont know how to do that or i would have. Please assist. Wish you well

11:49 AM

Gary Gevisser
Paul Bushnell a moment ago I wrote to you on fb messaging:

Have you discussed me with Clifford Benn?

Do you think his father Alan Benn thought I was dumb and therefore played cards with me most saturday afternoons through high school and university because he thought I need to improve my reasoning skills?

Do you surf?

Would it be too much to ask of you, assuming you can at least swim, to ask others you meet in Durban’s Bay of Plenty what they think of the 17 odd word paragraph which is causing everyone to go off the deep end:

To repeat:

When a government executes the legal doctrine of “imminent domain” [sic] to grab land for the supposed “public good” then it should be equally argued how does private ownership of land in Israel serve the public good?

11:52 AM

Dovi Yael Rabin
Elana Janit
Darryl Yutar
Daphna Horowitz
Eli Berkow
Eli Knight
Eve Denise Schnaid
Herbert Hack
Jeff Lazar
Jeff Levenstein

7:30 AM

Amira Friedman
Ransomware Cyber Attack

8:35 AM


Johnny Feinstein
Jonelle Smith
Kathy Kaler
Rabbi Larry Shain
Lisa Gamsu
Mannie Hirsch
Marika Lewis
Pio Kadera
Pio Kadera

7:32 AM

Amira Friedman
Ransomware Cyber Attack

8:36 AM


Roz Sussman
Sharon Messias Gluck
Tziporah Carlebach
Yudi Cohen

7:33 AM


Gary Gevisser
Below is my fb messaging dialogue with Nicholas Friedman, and should it be removed , you can contact me directly or simply visit the BLOG of my website

Tue 12:54 PM Calif. time
You sent
Rabbi Friedman, is there anything in Torah that supports the private ownership of land in Israel?

12:55 PM
Nicholas Friedman
Do you perhaps have me mistaken for someone else? I am not a Rabbi?

Tue 4:41 PM
You sent
Sorry about that.
Would you know the answer though?

Wed 12:23 PM
Nicholas Friedman
Could you be a bit more specific about what you are asking. I am not 100% clear about your question.

Wed 12:54 PM
You sent
Do you agree that Torah is very clear that the land of Israel was given to all us Jewish people equally?

1:08 PM
Nicholas Friedman
The land was divided amongst the different tribes and should then have been passed down to descendants. The Tribe of Levi and Cohanim were not given land but received tithes which were taxed on the rest of the tribes.

Wed 2:06 PM
You sent
Would you agree that the land was given equally, and not by how much money each person had?

Wed 2:24 PM
I don’t think it had to do with money. Each tribe was allocated their property according to Hashem’s cheshbon(calculation) of what each tribe required. There is something known as hashgacha pratit(divine providence) so nothing in Judaism is accidental.

Judaism doesn’t necessarily believe in equality. Each person has tailor made requirements for their purpose. Equality is kind of like saying that everybody should have the same glasses prescription.

2:36 PM
You sent
Each person was given an equal amount of land – you should know Torah if you are presenting yourself as religious – so of course it had nothing to do with how money you had.

So my simple question which you are not alone in having great trouble answering, how did we go from us Jewish people owning the land collectively to private ownership of the land and making slaves of the “have not” Jewish people?

If you haven’t thought of it, why not simply be honest and say so?

12:43 AM
Nicholas Friedman
I think you are oversimplifying the issue. The world we live in today has actual vs potential scenario. There is the world as it is and the world as it is supposed to be. Until the revelation of Moshiach we are living in a state of galus(exile) where we are in plan b, c, d, etc… Our tikkun now is to correct the world. In each generation if the Beis Hamekdash is not built it is as if each person has a responsibility for its destruction.

2:13 AM
Nicholas Friedman
An even bigger question then land is why an all powerful creator create humans who experience a great deal of suffering. If the creator is good , is it not in his power to give all sentient beings happiness and if he is not good, couldn’t the creator create much more suffering in our lives, in other words why do we have intermittent periods of happiness and simcha?

7:16 AM
You sent
You may think your “bigger question” will distract me from my original question which gives the answer to your “bigger question” which shows an ugly mind as you come up with exile nonsense that has no bearing on the truth.

Actual vs potential is the sort of nonsense you hear from someone with warped intellect trying to confuse the next person with psychological hogwash.

A man who professes his closeness to God is not someone who is evasive, deceptive.

You follow the Torah as though it is gospel, and you are perplexed that you can’t find anything in Torah that supports the private ownership of real estate in Israel which wouldn’t make sense if it was a logical and just God which by definition and action God is truth-logic.

You would have expected yourself and all the other rabbis who pontificate on what is just to have addressed this matter with the secular Jews of Israel including the Knesset.

You feel a colossal stupidity as well as thinking which of the religious people in the world have got bought to ignore this very important subject, hence you write a whole bunch of distracting stuff starting out that I’m oversimplifying the situation.

When a government executes the legal doctrine of “imminent domain” [sic] to grab land for the supposed “public good” then it should be equally argued how does private ownership of land in Israel serve the public good?

And we are focused on Israel because we are Jews who have people such as you pummeling us with religious doctrine and using words like “Hashem” to make out that your pious and good and doing God’s work to fix the ills of the world.

Moreover, I am more than very well formally schooled in economics, I was recruited right out of university and in your backyard by mineral monopolist South African Harry Oppenheimer who had already bought Menachem Begin and Schneerson.

I’m also writing a book and you are contributing, so give yourself a pat on the back.

Let’s now bring in our 67 mutual fb friends to comment before opening it up to the general public.

Is there anything you have said that you wish to retract or add to?

7:40 AM Edited

Amira Friedman
Ransomware cyber attack

8:34 AM


Amira Friedman
Please don’t open the link it is a ransomware cyber attack

8:28 AM

Gary Gevisser
Amira Friedman why would you write repeatedly, “Ransomware Cyber Attack” when you know it is not true?

How could you think that repeating a lie would make it true?

Let me share with you and everyone else, as I also rebroadcast this very important interaction, your husband Nicholas Friedman‘s reply to “… Is there anything you have said that you wish to retract or add to?”:

8:01 AM
Nicholas Friedman
The way you are speaking to me and acting towards me sounds like you are a deeply troubled person with pathological mental issues. I have done nothing to warrant your ire, to make a private conversation public is not ethical or moral. You seem to have a beef with me and have fixated in a strange and bizarre way. It is what it is anyway and to be honest I couldn’t care an iota what you think about me nor the 67 common Facebook “friends” . I was trying to be kind towards you by engaging a random person who I know nothing about to try and assist. I dismissed your basic premise that all should own land equally by saying that the Tribe of Levi and Cohanim did not actually own any land. I am not benefitting in any way by advocating for Hashem. I try and provide people who I engage with hope. I have received feedback on several occasions where people who I have engaged with say that they really needed to hear a message that I sent. I don’t pretend to be religious as you say for any benefit that this could accrue. So you are very mistaken in your hypothesis. My personal belief is that everyone is on a journey and the term you use religious is a loaded terminology. I dont try to pretend to be better then the next person because I am on a path of Torah observance to the degree that I am able and actually encourage other people in this direction only because I believe it to be true and can improve the quality of peoples live’s to be believe.

8:06 AM
You sent
Blah blah
Seen by Nicholas Friedman at 8:06 AM

8:07 AM
You sent
You spent some 42 minutes writing your dribble above.

Third, nothing on fb is private.

Fourth, you are embarrassed by the fact that I didn’t buy into your distraction.

Five, you could have chosen to simply say, “this subject doesn’t interest me” rather than write total nonsense.

Six, I would be a fool not to share our important dialogue because it highlights everything that is wrong in this world and how easy it is to fix.

Seven, you can disagree with my assessment and given the great importance I attach to it, we can find out what everyone thinks.

Eight, I also know that if 8 billion humans agree with you, it isn’t going to make you feel any better.

You feel like a fool because you are.

Have you spoken to your wife, to find out what she thinks?

I’m looking forward to her response as well as our 67 mutual friends, just for starters.

Big day today.

8:47 AM


Gary Gevisser
Amira Friedman BTW, what link are you referring to in your warning not to open?

Have you tried getting your mind to focus on the substance that had your husband imploding?

One should not take one’s cue from those who are heavily “brainswashed” [sic] who one can easily identify by how little they question.

One expects people who use religious talk like your husband, to question but in fact the religious question very little, just like the secular whose primary focus is grabbing the money the easiest way possible.

Now, however, you have the tool to educate your children unless of course your goal is to have them suck up to you?

BTW, when you attack someone by calling them mentally unstable because you feel mentally as well as physically ill as there is direct linkage between the two, you end up writing repeatedly, “Ransomware cyber attack” and your bad thinking is that the lie will wash out your pain.

It doesn’t work, does it?

9:30 AM


Nicholas Friedman
I experienced a ransomware cyber attack on my laptop after I opened the link. I sent the messages from my wife’s cellphone as my computer froze. I don’t know who Gary Gevisser is but he seems to be very unstable character.

1:01 PM

Gary Gevisser
Nicholas Friedman O please.

Our dialogue on facebook messaging is crystal clear you are deflecting. That is not good for your mind and those around you.

You also have enough consciousness to realize that you are totally unconvincing.

It is also malicious to suggest that my website has caused any problems with your laptop.

People stoop low.

1:39 PM

Gary Gevisser
Amira Friedman, note that because I initially “mispelled” [sic] “Eminent domain”, I have now placed the Latin adverb “SIC” meaning thus or so right after to note the error.

Is there anything that you have written that you would like to retract? Of course if you wish to add anything, go ahead.

8:53 AM

Gary Gevisser
Errol Graham Musk, father of Elon Musk.
Michael Musk, brother of Errol Musk and uncle of Elon Musk.

8:57 AM

Lee B. Mack
Foster Gamble misleading heir of Proctor Gamble
Linnea Johansson
Emily Miller
Eric Martinson
Faye Eastman
Mack Cleveland
Brian K Spector

9:01 AM


Gary Gevisser
Title: Game over [Word count 292]

Rabbi Larry Shain you also grew up in Durban, Apartheid South Africa and despite the trauma, I suspect you can follow everything that is going on here which includes people like Brian K Spector untagging themselves once he tied his tongue all up in knots and Nicholas Friedman who I now share 66 fb friends, one less than earlier, would write to me here at 1:01 PM Calif. time, and it is now 1:51 PM, “I experienced a ransomware cyber attack on my laptop after I opened the link. I sent the messages from my wife’s cellphone as my computer froze. I don’t know who Gary Gevisser is but he seems to be very unstable character” and my response at 1:39 PM, “… stoop low” much clearer.

Of course if there is one “Act of God” then one can make the argument that everything is an “Act of God”, and that alone should give people reason to be most cautious and not play it fast and loose with the truth.

Let’s assume that Mr. Nicholas Friedman‘s communicating device/s outside of his own brain caused everything to go haywire, it still doesn’t explain his and everyone else’s reluctance to address how does private ownership of land in Israel serve the public good?

Of course, this very important logical thinking extends to all 4 corners of the globe, and it makes the study of philosophy, religion, economics, finance, military, politics, and the such totally obsolete.

When he says, “I don’t know who Gary Gevisser is” he could have Alzheimer’s.

Mr. Friedman do you have Alzheimer’s or are you just playing it fast and loose?

Do you think, assuming you believe in God, that God is incapable of figuring out your game?

1:55 PM
