Getting to know your friends – Part II
Part I – Getting to know your friends – CLICK HERE
Screenshot: 6:59 PM Calif. time, Friday, 29 April 2022
Part II – Getting to know you
Alan Brivik left the group.
Yesterday at 8:23 AM
Thu 8:23 AM
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Alan Brivik left the group.
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@Johny Basterd, I continue to speak on important subjects with Elon Musk’s father, who remember is extraordinarily well university educated in engineering, and BTW he is most literate.
You would have picked up that what I shared yesterday included a hint of what I will be getting to you later today, and you are quiet like everyone else including the big talkers @Douglas Turnbull and @Anthony George Williams who now hide amongst the “takers”.
Do you @Johny Basterd consider yourself “educated” having received a college diploma in police administration and fought in the bloody Angolan War which had Harry Oppenheimer financing both you and your opponents?
Please also spell out what are your “beliefs” and what make them superior to others?
Yesterday at 10:06 AM
Thu 10:06 AM
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@Johny Basterd like most you are addicted to social media even when you are on duty during the graveyard shift at Cape Town airport.
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You have been waiting for quite a long time to speak
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You thought that the title, “Apartheid was regrettable, but Africans were not ready for democracy”, was your rallying call for another Blood River battle against the “Kaffirs”, would you agree with that assessment?
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I think you would, just like your bad brainwashing from your corrupt priesthood, that the original humans, all black as the Ace of Spades, are to be punished as “hewers of wood and drawers of water”, all originating I’m told comes from the Old Testament and known as the curse of Ham?
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“Bastard” (sic), you may not know this because obviously you were raised by Mormons, no strike that, total morons, but Judaism is totally ingenious, because it commands all Jewish people to think, starting with us being most comfortable in using our imaginations, rather than our loose tongues, to question God.
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How in the world can a just God treat any human inferior to the next by virtue of the colour of their skin when we all started out as black as the Ace of Spades?
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Do you consider yourself stupid or totally stupid like @Douglas Turnbull and @Anthony George Williams and the rest of the ignorant membership who cannot think?
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Can you imagine how stupid you would be if you didn’t have 17% black blood running through your veins?
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How come you are not proud of being that much superior to those of us white people not so fortunate?
Jeff Lazar left the group.
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Moron @Johny Basterd I see not only that Jeff Lazar left but you raised your ugly finger and pressed the “thumbs up” button after my post, “Do you consider yourself stupid or totally stupid like @Douglas Turnbull and @Anthony George Williams and the rest of the ignorant membership who cannot think?”
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Maybe if your intelligence, again that 17% were to kick in you wouldn’t be such a fat meathead and chose smartly a healthy vegan diet and not only would we be blessed not having to look at your very ugly fat face, but you might decide to worship the God of Jewish person Spinoza and start learning to think, again using your imagination, before speaking.
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It was only the Afrikaner white man’s gun that defeated the Zulus at the Battle of Blood River otherwise you Afrikaners would have gone the way of the Neanderthals.
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I’m not calling you a Neanderthal because that would be insulting to Neanderthals.
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You are as low as humans get, in my humble opinion.
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There are of course whites with less black blood than @Ayi Kwei Armah running through their veins who are exceptions, such as Larry Bird, the basketball player, @Errol Graham Musk, Elon Musk, Messi, the soccer player, and I can’t think of anyone else other than of course Ben-Gurion, Smuts who like all Afrikaners had that 17% advantage, Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman.
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“Bastard” (sic) how in the world can you pass an opinion on the virtues of democracy at the same time suggest that all Africans are not mentally equipped to embrace democracy when you also know that the worst white people who have ever stepped foot on this planet own all the politicians?
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@Johny Basterd is there anything you can think of that I might have missed?
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Does it make you feel any better knowing that there are other white people such as my 3 elder siblings, all my cousins, aunts, uncles as well as the rest of the intellectual retards such as @Steven Bailey think exactly the same as you?
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Surely there are others this tight bounded membership would like to join us.
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@Alan Mark Zeligson, is there anything more you want to say about your sexual deviant Commandant Dr Aubrey Levin MD?
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For example, why besides for no conscience, in other words bought, did the South African Medical Society made up of many Jewish doctors and Jewish judges such as Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge, member @David Friedman give pedophile, sexual deviant, psychiatrist Dr Aubrey Levin MD a free pass so that he could journey to Canada, continue sexually abusing the youth while spreading anti-Semitism?
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Who thinks anti-Semitism is a distraction?
Yesterday at 12:04 PM
Thu 12:04 PM
Johny replied to you
Original message:
@Johny Basterd is there anything you can think of that I might have missed?
You got me totally wrong, I never said all Africans, what I said is the masses meaning the majority of them…. Now if the majority was so clued up the Anc would only have lasted 4 years… But we all know the truth what happened. They are al unable to see the total incompetence of government. It’s about the African culture, they just think differently. And again it’s not about race but about pure evil.. I am aware of evil elite running the show…
Anthony George Williams left the group.
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They won’t eat right but they will build monstrous cancer centers.
Yesterday at 1:15 PM
Thu 1:15 PM
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Yesterday at 2:28 PM
Thu 2:28 PM
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“Hand of fate …
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reaching out to both of us.”
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@Johny Basterd will it help calm your mind-soul to listen to Dr Oliver Lazar talking about Life After Death and his 243 subjects?
You added Oliver Lazar to the group.
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You added Professor @Oliver Lazar
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
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Added my first cousin @Karene Fisher (Gevisser).
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Btw, @Johny Basterd, Anthony George Williams is also going nuts as he sees Crypto Currencies gig about to implode; and of course taking all of Wall Street with it.
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So @Johny Basterd given how all you know is from being a policeman and killing innocent people in the bloody Angolan War, what would you contribute in a peaceful world, other than keeping your mouth shut?
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@Johny Basterd , do you see anything spiritual in the physical laws of nature, starting with “cause and effect”?
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@Johny Basterd do find it stupefying funny that they are still building banks
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Johny replied to you
Original message:
So @Johny Basterd given how all you know is from being a policeman and k…
Haha. Killing innocent people…you were not there in Angola with me were you….. Keeping my mouth shut for what… Oh no I think you are abit confused..
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in prime locations, needed to keep the masses focused on “location location location “?
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@Johny Basterd I will assume you are all caught up with “location, location, location”.
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Did you keep count of many humans you killed in Angola doing the dirty work of German-South African Harry Oppenheimer?
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Also were you ever tested for intelligence?
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Do you feel it is all genes or do you think the food you eat affects your brain muscle?
You added Pieter Swart to the group.
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@Johny Basterd , note I just added our 1 mutual fb friend, @Peter Swart .
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@Johny Basterd remember we are talking about peace and quiet and what contribution you will be making, as well as not forgetting it is all about the money and dating, attracting the mate.
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Yesterday at 4:25 PM
Thu 4:25 PM
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@Johny Basterd you sound confused.
I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes
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Since you began to talk today going on 5 hours ago with, “… I am are of evil elite running the show…” and previously we heard from you at 5:35 PM Calif. time yesterday when sprouting, “That is true, the masses in Africa not educated and can easily be manipulated by belief” and now we know that you believe their “belief system” is the “evil African culture” that has led the black African astray, albeit they were here first and if you beleive in God, then God put them, who is our white man’s ancient forefathers including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Christ, and so God couldn’t have created them all bad to begin with, I have covered a good hundred kilometers while visiting my dentist for a teeth cleaning, the same with my wife and we both got once again the “thumbs up” sign, plus we stopped by a UPS store to ship the back of a mid-century chair for repair in Venice, Los Angeles, not northern Italy, just in case you are further confused.
All helped, I might add, by the automatic pilot of the TESLA I was driving without, just in case you are interested, making out with my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion in the backseat.
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That is not to suggest that in the space of the past 8 hours I never took my hands off the TESLA’s steering wheel which I did but only momentarily and nor would I want to leave you with the impression that I was driving all this time and our dentist hoping into the car without it stopping because I was trying to break some record
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Edit: … hopping into the car…
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I also want to make clear that previously in the space of 8 hours I have covered more distance than a couple of hundred kilometers which in miles is a lesser number by a factor of 5/8ths.
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Once, and it was only one time, I travelled in decked out private jet from New York City to Rio De Janeiro in about the same amount of time, maybe an hour longer, with a quick refueling, and that distance was around 4800 miles, approximately 7700 kilometers.
I was accompanied by member @Alexis Hearst‘s grandfather, Randolph Appearson Hearst who before we left New York had granted me power of attorney in the event the ceo of his one corporation which was well hidden through offshore corporations didn’t act as he had been instructed.
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We also waited on the tarmac of the airport in Rio listening in on the board room proceeding which went without a hitch, and then we flew directly back to New York and during that time I elaborated on the 3 or so minute conversation we previously had which resulted in this super rich and powerful man offering to publish this book I continue to write in real time as well as the position of ceo of Hearst Corporation.
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Hearst was also even more eager to hear how I planned to proceed with my life’s ambition now that I had turned down both offers.
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Given how I had no idea how events would turn out, especially since I didn’t plan to open my mouth to anyone else, and only my highly secretive British-English mother Zena
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knowing pretty much everything, and of course my mother could be counted on not to breath a word to anyone, which didn’t mean my equally very on top of things father Bernie Gevisser
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suffered from shell-shock the results of his training and miraculous 71 dive bombing missions against the Nazi bastards during World War 2, because my father didn’t suffer from shell-shock or anything close, and was no less a very good observer as is my mother Zena who of course could be dead by now without her captors letting me know, and of course they continue to derive great satisfaction from their Poverty of Thought because they are dumb, like most, I was in no position to share with Hearst what the future held.
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Moreover, since I knew that he and my mother and father and nor was I, to repeat, going to speak out, it would mean that everything would lay in God’s hands.
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@Johny Basterd, you haven’t expressed clearly whether or not you believe in God, but you have used the word “evil” which most often has a scary religious connotation.
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If you go to church and pray, you must believe in God.
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If you don’t go to church and pray but you say that you believe in God then you must believe in God.
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In fact very few of the world are either agnostic which is sitting on the fence because they are stupid or atheist because they are stupid.
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In other words the vast majority of people would say that they believe in God.
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There of course have been people who to prevent themselves being killed have said that they are atheist or agnostic; but again such individuals are an incredibly small percentage of humans.
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You also know Mr. @Johny Basterd that anyone who is corrupt, even if they are able to justify their corruption, “I know people who are far more evil than me” cannot possibly believe in a Higher Power.
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In other words, the vast majority of humans only say they believe in God because it is a crutch and who better than perfect man Jesus Christ to have died for all our future sins or to use their religion to intimidate others.
Would you agree with all that Mr. @Johny Basterd?
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Even if you don’t agree Mr. @Johny Basterd, most people would agree that member @Errol Graham Musk‘s eldest son Elon is pretty bright and would know that speaking out in support of Jewish person Spinoza would not bring him any friends, especially amongst corrupt Jewish people which is why all Jewish kids schooled in Jewish day schools not only in South Africa but throughout the globe never knew the first thing about Spinoza who was as Jewish as it gets.
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So Mr. @Johny Basterd given how knowledgeable you are about the evil culture of black Africans why do you think Elon Musk would even bother talking about Spinoza let alone saying that he believes “In the God of Spinoza”?
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@Johny Basterd, you must have an opinion on this because you have such a strong opinion on the majority of black Africans who you don’t know the first thing about, just like you never knew because of your Poverty of Thought that you were manipulated from birth to fight in the Angolan War where both sides were financed by racist, anti-Semitic German-South African Harry Oppenheimer.
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@Johny Basterd do you do any exercise on a daily basis to help remove your fat or does in fact your fat prevent you from thinking about anything other than paying attention to your stomach which is constantly telling you that it is hungry and the last thing you even want to think of is exercise?
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When you were trying to secure a Russian hooker on the Internet did you ever get passed showing her just the head shot you provide as your fb profile photo and your intellect?
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Did you talk politics-economics with her, as you have been doing with us?
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Given how it was a scam, do you look back on it and think about each time you were impressing her with your looks and intellect, she who could have been a whole bunch of guys laughing their heads off, and never thinking at first that you would be so quick to hand over R13,000 who most black Africans don’t dream of making in a year, if not a lifetime, and does that tell you that you should be the first disqualified to vote were in fact your vote in an election to count?
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@Johny Basterd, I hope that I am not boring you to death, because if that were the case you would not be around to collect your next paycheck.
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@Johny Basterd does it help you to think about dying and what comes next or would you prefer to focus on the rest of the members who obviously think more like you than me?
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Let’s assume that both @Alexis Hearst and Elon Musk are following this in real time, what would you like to say to them?
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Of course Im talking to everyone including The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow.
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Below is a current listing of members:
Abigail Camilla
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Al Rosen
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Alan Cline
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Alan Mark Zeligson
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Alan Woolf
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Alan Yudelman
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Alec J Drobis
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Alexis Hearst
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Allan Zulberg
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Andrea Gould Bilbow
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Andrea Kerzner
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Andrea Lee
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Anthony Baxter
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Anthony Freeman
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Anthony Maister
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Antony Unruh
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Arie Fabian
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Arlene Donenberg
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Arnold Orkin
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Ashley Cohen
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Ava Gevisser
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Ayi Kwei Armah
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Barry Beder
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Bernice van Eck
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Biancè Muller
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Bliks Impi
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Brad Brivik
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Brian Berman
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Brian Davidoff
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Carly Berman
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Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti
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Cheryl Hellmann
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Chris Greyling
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Clifford Benn
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Colin Boruchowitz
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David Friedman
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David Julian Danziger
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David Levy
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David Schmahmann
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Desmond Brivik
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Douglas Turnbull
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Elana Janit
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Eli Haim
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Errol Graham Musk
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Evan Smidt
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Foster Gamble
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Garry Kasparov
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Garry Kasparov
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Garry Kasparov
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Gary Berman
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Gary Cooper
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Gary Gevisser
Group creator
Gary Glass
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Gary Levinsohn
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Gary Saitowitz
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Gary Salmo
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Gary Silberman
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Gerald Katz
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Gevisser John
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Gregory Lex Blank
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Hedda Gevisser
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Hedda Gevisser
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Henri Slier
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Hilton Wolman
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Hilton Wolman
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Hymie Berchowitz
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Ilan Kirkel
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Ivan Oshry
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Ivan Strous
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Jeff Johnson
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Jeffrey Essakow
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Jeffrey Robert Krinsk
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Jenny Fletcher
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Johny Basterd
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Jonathan Gevisser
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Jonathan Marine
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Julia Ioffe
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Justine Gevisser
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Justine Musk
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Karen Lindeque Rubin
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Karene Fisher
Kerryn Brivik
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Lee-Anne Dalley
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Leo Gevisser
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Lionel Kahn
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M’Poyo Kasa-Vubu Justine
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Mannie Hirsch
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Marialuisa Marino
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Marika Lewis
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Marine Serre
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Marion Brivik
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Mark Gevisser
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Martin Goldblatt
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Martin Krok
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Martin Perling
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Mel Gevisser
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Merrick Wolman
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Mervyn Brivik
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Micha-el Frame
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Michael Burts
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Michael Sewitz
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Michele De Beer
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Oliver Lazar
Paul Rozowsky
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Peter Gevisser
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Peter Gevisser
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Peter Gevisser
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Peter Swart
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Pieter Swart
Raymond Sass
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Renee Maletsky
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Rodney Smith
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Ronlynne Botha Benn
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Roy Essakow
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Saville Katz
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Semone Silver Goss
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Sidney Lazarus
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Solly Krok
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Steven Bailey
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Terry Gevisser
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Terry Orman Gevisser
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Tomer Tene
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Toni Katz Copans
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Tony Haverstick
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Tosca Musk
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Tracy Lipworth
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Tracy Tomson
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Trevor Abramson
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Trevor Goldberg
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Vanessa Kupowitz
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Veronica Theart
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Vladimir Golstein
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Warren Saks
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Wendy Ann Bouman
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Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen
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Approximately a year and half went by before I next followed up with Randolph Appearson Hearst who shortly before our trip to Brazil had convinced his current wife Veronica to travel with me on a commerical flight from New York City to Boston rather than by private jet.
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@Johny Basterd, as a policeman you would know that the most watched people in the world are those who travel either by helicopter or private aircraft; in other words that is the most conspicuous way to travel followed by traveling first class and then business class.
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So there are benefits to traveling economy class in a commercial airline which they don’t charge you more for.
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Veronica Hearst was fine with it because the flight only takes about an hour unless the plane ditches in the ocean and everyone dies, and those who don’t are late for whatever they had planned.
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Had we taken a private jet, all 3 of our lives might have turned out vastly different.
Yesterday at 5:57 PM
Thu 5:57 PM
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Im in the midst of preparing for an evening mountain bike ride on this beautiful evening without us forgetting that this saga of two Hollywood actors bickering and their bellboy who doesn’t want to have anything to do with such nonsense and only wants to keep his meager earning job, although Johnny Depp might leave him the bulk if not his entire estate if for no other reason than making him laugh harder than he has probably ever done in his life, is distracting from Elon Musk now owning Twitter which cost him nothing and now he has the power to use Twitter as a platform for doing good, which of course wont go down all that well with the corrupt including all the corrupt media-Wall Street.
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To start with Veronica Hearst who was previously married and her second husband, Colombian cement magnate Andrés Uribe, died 50 days after their marriage from brain cancer would not have been sitting with me in the terminal of Logan Airport waiting to board our flight back to New York City.
Of course she would have in all probability made the same phone call to an executive of Hearst Corporation to share the good news of our meeting with the Ziff family who owned pretty much the entire computer space, led by their PC Computer magazine, but there is no assurance I would have been seated as close as I was to her because on a private jet why seat right next to someone; that doesn’t make sense. At least I would have chosen to be seated elsewhere, minding my own business.
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I couldn’t help but overhear her conversation which placed her husband’s control of Hearst Corporation in peril.
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I had no choice but to share with Mr. Hearst in the presence of Veronica when we got back to their apartment in New York overlooking Central Park, her uncalled for phone call, which of course Veronica Hearst did not appreciate.
The same of course couldnt be said for Mr. Hearst, who while very disappointed in his wife of about half a dozen years, recognized quickly that I had done the right thing.
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Granted how many people do you know @Johny Basterd would risk pissing off the wife in the presence of her husband who is the most powerful media person in the world, second only to Harry Oppenheimer?
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Something tells me Mr. @Johny Basterd you wouldn’t be alone amongst our membership here to do everything within your power to please someone like Mrs. Veronica Hearst with her sights on replacing her husband as Chairman of the Board of Hearst Corporation.
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Following my all day visit with the “male heir” of Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] in Johannesburg, South Africa, I called up Randolph Apperson Hearst who was most pleased to hear from me.
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Of course I didn’t mention to my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009] during our very long meeting that followed my morning meeting the day before with South Africa’s new Minister of Trade & Industry, Trevor Manual
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and I see now that Mr Manual no longer allows me to add him to my symposiums, that I would be sharing the pertinent aspects, because that would have been tantamount to stringing a rope around my neck.
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@Johny Basterd, you seem to know a lot about the ANC, African National Congress.
So why don’t you jump in again and tell us everything that you know about Mr. Manual who then rose to become the umpteen year South African Minister of Finance and also whether if you were in my shoes, in order to help ensure my legacy it was a good thing to share with most trusted Randolph Apperson Hearst how I saw the future unfolding.
Pieter Swart left the group.
Chris Greyling left the group.
Evan Smidt left the group.
Today at 10:26 AM
10:26 AM
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Pieter Swart left the group.
Chris Greyling left the group.
Evan Smidt left the group.
You added Miki Dayan to the group.
You added Valerie Heck to the group.
You added Marta Rubau Carreras to the group.
Today at 11:46 AM
11:46 AM
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Title: We are continuing to see the future unfold.
While it may not be important to everyone, but “cause-effect” is not something that is easily dismissed, assuming you are intelligent.
Remember, science is only something that we discover.
How we know we have to discover something is itself rather remarkable, but we can figure out a cause, reason for everything, other than just one thing and that is God.
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That is all just “coincidence” talk and so we are back to the money.
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t is now 11:46 AM Calif. time, Friday 29, 2022, 2 days from the 21st anniversary of my 4th article published in the Jerusalem Post, that was not titled, “Why is the world so upside down when everything else including the tilt of the earth is just picture perfect?”; instead the title remains, “Kerrey’s versus Pollard’s heroism”
For those too busy to click on the link above, below is how it begins:
“There has been only one Holocaust, but what the Nazi Holocaust demonstrated so well is that human deprivation occurs incrementally.”
Today at 12:24 PM
12:24 PM
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It is easy to corrupt, is the bottom line.
I guess almost everyone has a price.
And BTW, Randolph Apperson Hearst didn’t assist me in composing any of the four.
In fact he took his last breath, 18 December 2000; 7 odd days after my 2-day New Beginnings Party whose email invitation went out on 1 December 2000, 11 months and 9 days exactly before 9/11, which I attribute to the treason pardon by Bill Clinton of the Rhodes-De Beers Scholar Class ’68, of terrorist financier, Jewish Belgian-American Marc Rich [1934-2013].
Not to mention, Jewish Belgian-American Maurice Tempelsman [1929 – ], the most trusted emissary of Harry Oppenheimer to commit the most heinous insurrection, mass murder, and if there was ever going to be “pushback” as you are all seeing in real time, the rape, pillage and mass murder will be blamed on us Jewish people.
They look at the name “Temple”, their blood curdle, triggering Masons, blah blah, vile stuff, not so @Steven Bailey?
Templesman is not in the limelight.
In fact, Templesman is completely unknown to the masses.
Yet he is so in your face
when it comes to the replacement of the brutally assassinated Prime Minister of the Belgian Congo, Patrice Lumumba by Mobutu the very worst of the black African “uncle Tom” despots, without us forgetting that just because you corrupt the head of state doesn’t mean that the black African culture is evil; quite the opposite in fact.
@Johny Basterd, are you following along? I do have more to say to you, even if you decide not to stick around, in which case you will have to trust that much more others to keep you in the loop.
You all should read this Vanity Fair article
about Veronica Hearst who must take partial responsibility for Hearst Corporation not owning all of social media; i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and the such. Who else, other than the top management of Hearst who would have to explain why they failed to latch on to the future of the Internet when it was right in their faces?
Did they not follow up with the Ziff family when they were given the “heads up” by Veronica Hearst?
Were they dumb or just bought?
In early ’94 Randolph Apperson Hearst would have given them a “road map” of the future unless he felt it would be better to let things unfold naturally.
By mid-1995 he knew that Harry Oppenheimer and his shills would be tightening their grip on control of the money-media.
So you can already see that the Vanity Fair article is missing quite a bit.
We are continuing to see the future unfolding.
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You added Miki Dayan to the group.
You added Valerie Heck to the group.
You added Marta Rubau Carreras, personal aid of Germany’s richest billionaire, Kurt Engelhorn Alexander who is the “illegitimate” great, great-grandson of Friedrich Engelhorn, the founder of the German chemical company BASF-IG Farben-Auschwitz-Engelhard Industries-Monsanto. [Note IG Farben-Auschwitz-Engelhard Industries-Monsanto.]
Engelhorn, no relation to German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr., is only interested in philanthropic work and leaves his money matters to his German-Swiss bankers who have no problem being viewed as trustworthy by the “help”.
If the “help” don’t talk, then there is less free flow of information from the bottom up.
Cousin @Mark Gevisser, how do you get them to talk?
You get wolf’s in sheep clothing to enter a chicken coop.
Important to understand how very effective was the Hitler Youth Movement which was exclusively non-Jewish, but following World War II was expanded to our Jewish communities throughout the globe, beginning of course in South Africa, ahead of General Smuts, “King of the Jews” being defeated in the 26 May 1948 South African General Election, 2 days after Smuts used his 78th birthday celebration to recognize the fledgling State of Israel now into its 9th day of bloody fighting.
Engelhorn has a daughter who I believe lives in South Africa. @Alan Mark Zeligson you might want to check into a story involving a brutal murder.
We also mustn’t forget that Zelensky is Jewish and the world pretty much has forgot him.
Engelhorn who has more time to read than your average slave wage earner barista also could afford the Swiss army security that the Vatican employ, but then he wouldn’t get the feedback from people like Marta who come from the “common man” aka “salt of the earth”, innocent, naive, who get involved with grass roots organizations, separatists, secessionists and such
No surprise Marta knows personally all those just down the road in Girona who are serving life sentences.
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Edit: … who have no problem being viewed as untrustworthy …
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Edit: We also “mustn’t” [sic] forget …
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@Ayi Kwei Armah, let’s put a face to you.
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I prefer that photo of you which reminds me of how “Briton”, disgrace Gordon Richdale viewed you when telling him to his face, “Go fuck yourself, and the rest of you ignorant, stupid whites who see us a children” [sic].
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This more recent photo, I assume,
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still has some of the same defiance.
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@Ayi Kwei Armah, you of course know that the retard white South African policeman, @Johny Basterd failed to grasp the substance of that exert I provided earlier, but he found words at the very beginning that triggered the neurons inside his stomach and brain killing one another.
When he surfaces, like a drunk from their stupor, we can expect more incoherency.
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Without the ability to predict the future, it becomes that much more difficult to function.
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@Trevor Goldberg would you agree with that?
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@Trevor Goldberg, you never told me whether you fought in Angola which cannot be blamed on you and you other white privileged boys stealing Mini motorcars
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for joyrides.
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The thought never occurred to you when performing your misdeeds on a regular basis before you got caught of what was happening to black South African youth and their parents who were stealing cars, shoplifting etc etc for bread money.
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Probably to this day, you have never thought about it.
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Do you think you were born this way or your parents’ poverty of thought [pot], your environment, the company you keep or any of the previous parts?
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We should look carefully at the power of the words belonging to @Ayi Kwei Armah who did the very best that could be expected of a conscious human to slow down the genocide of Africa.
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When you lose your culture, that is worse than a genocide because a genocide leaves no trace.
You have to figure out when a mind has been destroyed.
Arie Fabian left the group.
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The slow death of Africa doesn’t mean the end of the world.
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Arie Fabian left the group.
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It just takes one, even @Johny Basterd can fall on the sword and admit, “I’m all messed up. I didn’t understand what Smuts was all about because I came from the one group of Afrikaners, pretty much evenly divided, who thought, because we were stupid, that Smuts was a traitor” and that is more likely to start a chain reaction, than if no one steps forward.
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In other words, things can only improve for the planet and the future generations which I’m certain is all that Elon Musk is thinking; other than if he is going to be called as a witness in this trial displaying human stupidity, vulgarity, ugliness as it really is, and, and it is an important and, the actual large, not fairytale Dallas, sums of money give life and meaning to this epic soap opera of the rich and famous who make their money fooling the masses.
Drinking, fighting, drugs, sex and violence. Tits and ass.
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BTW, does anyone know of a South African who returned from the Angolan War who was not totally messed up?
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@David Levy, you are a religious Jewish person who was a Captain in the Apartheid Regime’s army that began on 11.11.1975, 29 odd years to the day before I broke my 24 year silence with the BOMM [Big Oil Monopoly-Money] Banker Oppenheimers-Monsanto, and you would have joined at the beginning of 1975 for your 2 year stint.
Did you keep a dairy?
What do you tell your children and grandchildren?
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The Eloquence of the Scribes ~ @Ayi Kwei Armah
‘Apartheid was regrettable, but Africans were not ready for democracy’.
In this, third instalment of the serialisation of Ayi Kwei Armah’s memoir, The Eloquence of the Scribes, he tells of his university days in America and how, because of differences of opinion, he had to discontinue receiving largesse from a British multi-millionaire [Gordon Richdale [1908-2002] who had business interests in South Africa and who was funding his studies. The Briton thought apartheid was regrettable, but that the Africans in South Africa were not ready for democracy. “In his opinion, the best option would be to give the vote, in gradual stages, to a small number of Africans selected on the basis of education and responsible behaviour. I asked why Europeans were not subjected to the same standards, and was immediately aware that I had fouled a congenial atmosphere,” Ayi Kwei Armah recalls.
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“I asked why Europeans were not subjected to the same standards, and was immediately aware that I had fouled a congenial atmosphere” ~ @Ayi Kwei Armah
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@Johny Basterd are you aware that had Mr. @Ayi Kwei Armah not placed sticks in the wheels of Gordon Richdale and his benefactors Engelhard Jr. and his partners, the SA Oppenheimers, there is that much greater chance that I would not be here today exposing all the ugliness.
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Again, how courageous of a man who @Johny Basterd and most whites think have an “evil” black culture.
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It wasn’t as if @Ayi Kwei Armah was on drugs or brainwashed and couldn’t figure out the consequences for himself for his direct affront on Gordon Richdale who in order to be considered as a prospect for Wall Street-Randlords had to demonstrate his willingness to bloody his hands in a Central America coup d’é·tat.
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Cousin @Mark Gevisser did you ever spend time alone with Gordon Richdale?
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Aunt @Hedda Gevisser do you ever remember if you eldest son, journalist, author of 2007 Thabo Mbeki The Dream Deferred, @Mark Gevisser ever met and conversed with Gordon Richdale?
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@Peter Gevisser, what about you?
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Cousin @Martin Goldblatt, do you remember talk amongst the family of Engelhard Jr. and Gordon Richdale?
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Who thinks Gordon Richdale stopped paying attention to Africa after he wrote The Sunlit Years [1962] when he was just 54 years of age, and aware of the non-reaction by the OECD established the year before in the upside down year of 1961 to promote the heinous GDP economic index, to the assassination on 17 January 1961 of 35 year old Patrice Lumumba and his entire inner circle, the same day President Eisenhower gave his threatening, and last speech from the Oval Office, “Military Industrial Complex”.
Today at 1:59 PM
1:59 PM
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Given how “good” and “beautiful” are relative words, we need some sort of yardstick to gauge the beauty of nature even if it is its last burst.
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Without this transparent, across the board ugliness, we wouldn’t have this necessary gauge, wouldn’t you agree, @Michael Sewitz and @Micha-el Frame?
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@Johny Basterd, do you think based on your observation of @Ayi Kwei Armah whether he would qualify to vote on the future of Africa?
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@Johny Basterd when you compare your qualifications, including only having between 15% and 17% black African blood running through your ice veins, to those of Mr. @Ayi Kwei Armah, would you disqualify yourself automatically?
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@Johny Basterd do you think given all your thinking, mental faculties without telling us whether you returned from Angola much smarter than when you went in or worse, your vote should count the same as @Ayi Kwei Armah?
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Do you feel that his “evil” African black culture should be considered with his application?
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@Johny Basterd who besides for you and massive hypocrite @Mark Gevisser should establish the guidelines for deciding who should be qualified to vote even though you have known for some time now that no one’s vote counts, other than the SA Oppenheimers’ and their shills?
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Earlier at 7:56 AM I began responding to a 4 word message from member @Errol Graham Musk who knows of course like the rest of you that I have got both the logic and knowledge down pat which he sent at 2:18 AM which of course much later in the morning back in South Africa where I believe he is right now.
He hasn’t responded, and nor are my words unimportant because again we are talking about the history and money and who controls all the voting which decides things for example how much a developer of land should pay for the permits to build, knock down, rebuild, knock down, rebuild, knock down, rebuild and other items that cost either money and/or influence peddling.
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We must not forget “Karma”.
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Perhaps not everyone has seen the word “arm” there before which can mean a “helping hand” or “arm” only one side of a conflict when you can arm and own both sides, you just have to own the media and the politicians.
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I was also pointing just coincidences, which you can take it or leave it.
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What you can’t dispute is that each of you are totally ignorant of how the democratic process actually works.
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@Gevisser John, @Jonathan Gevisser and @Jonathan Marine can each of you describe in your own words how the democratic process works in first world countries versus third world countries like the Congo, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Eqypt, Israel, Sudan, Iran etc tc?
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Who recalls hearing on the news or reading in a magazine the exact moment a Third World country turns into a First World Country?
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Do you think the last question dilutes the question of how a monopolist such as SA Oppenheimers-Monsanto views the democratic process and how many troubled corporations with an ugly past, Engelhard Industries and Monsanto end up in Germany with so many Old Money Rich people who don’t talk as much as say Jewish South Africans and people like no less ignorant @Steven Bailey and @Johny Basterd.
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@Jeff Johnson, you help the Patagonia people with their free marketing and advertising.
Will you be discussing with them the impact of nonsense voting rights on rainforests and how grass roots groups like Green Peace only provide further cover?
You added Kathy Danziger and Kathy Danziger to the group.
You added Emma Elliott to the group.
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Professor @Vladimir Golstein, you and I mostly do not see eye to eye.
What are your thoughts that you would like to share with us so that you can get say a higher profile on Twitter?
Do you feel that you know enough about crypto currencies to engage me now in debate?
If not how much time do you need?
Would it help your preparation if I were to get in to what bothered my mother Zena’s second husband Alan Zulman that he would leave his death bed, going back 6 years ago, and before he died of course, 6 August 2016, in great pain from the cancer of the bowls, kidneys, colon, you name it, travel on his own, all the way back to England to check on documents which he didn’t want to get into the hands of my treacherous 3 elder siblings, @Kathy Danziger@Kathy Danziger, @Mel Gevisser and our eldest sibling Neil Gevisser married to the gold digger @Emma Elliott who is more than half the age of Neil older?
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You really have to think about it.
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A man is dying in horrific pain, and all he can think about are documents pertaining to his business dealings with other South African partners of his, and these partners stole all his money in numbered Swiss bank accounts and his fear is that my 3 elder siblings might use those documents to extort monies from Alan Zulman’s former business partner Abe Dubin and his principal South African financial advisor Alan Benn, the father of members @Lee-Anne Dalley (Benn) and @Clifford Benn.
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Why does legacy bother anyone when we know that their and their neighbour’s vote does not count?
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If the neighbor is profiting from the SA Oppenheimer’s “rule of law” then he would be expected to talk about how bad is that politician and how much more honest is the next?
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The ACLU who have received the most dishonourable mention in this epic afternoon soap opera that only God could have concieved of arriving right at the time that Elon Musk buys Twitter to expose all the frauds in the “Free Speech” movement such as the American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU], would understand not only what each of you perfectly understand today about how much weight voting rights have in Big Oil Monopoly-Money [BOMM] but you would expect people like Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer to carefully pick their opponents.
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How stupid can all the ACLU lawyers be not to figure out the strategies and tactics of the SA Oppenheimers-Monsanto?
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Professor @Tony Haverstick, you are a Professor of Ethics.
Does it bother you more that you are only waking up now to the real Dog Eat A Dog DEAD world or all the students you have taught, leading them down the garden path?
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Let me quickly share with everyone an email communication earlier with a customer service person who has taken charge in repairing my decade old Maui Jim sunglasses that have been broken in half for at least a decade:
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Read from the bottom up:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Re: [Maui Jim Sunglasses] Re: Repair
Date: April 29, 2022 at 11:07:05 AM PDT
To: Maui Jim Support
I’m thinking of putting our conversation on Twitter – you can have a pseudo name or I could give you a pseudo name?
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 29, 2022, at 10:18 AM, Maui Jim Support wrote:
Aloha Gary,
Hey I know exactly what you mean, gotta have some options for the regular folks!
That sounds like it’s gonna be an interesting book! I’ll have to keep my eye out for that.
We look forward to …
Gary Gevisser
Apr 29, 2022, 11:43 AM CDT
Great – that saves time and money
– and believe it or not, while I’m not the money richest person in the world, not one of the richest people in the world know as much as me about the money and that includes no fool Elon Musk and his father Errol Musk who is the last person I wrote to earlier today in response to him writing to me.
All part of a book I’m currently finishing.
Apr 29, 2022, 11:43 AM CDT
Great – that saves time and money
– and believe it or not, while I’m not the money richest person in the world, not one of the richest people in the world know as much as me about the money and that includes no fool Elon Musk and his father Errol Musk who is the last person I wrote to earlier today in response to him writing to me.
All part of a book I’m currently finishing.
Sent from my iPhone
Maui Jim Sunglasses
Apr 29, 2022, 11:30 AM CDT
Aloha Gary,
Sounds like a plan, we can get those lenses replaced as well.
No worries if you don’t have a printer! …
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@Foster Gamble, is there anything you would like to add?
You added Yoko Grandsagne to the group.
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Added @Yoko Grandsagne, the widow of recently deceased Hubert Astier, former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture.
My Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and I dined twice with Yoko and Hubert, before he died, of course.
Not only did @Yoko Grandsagne wake up to how incredibly ignorant was her supposedly “cultured” and much older husband with the money, in fact Yoko understood far better than Hubert the real history of the Far East and its colonial rulers but who would dare argue with the Director of Versailes, Vice Minister of Culture of all France, and all that France projects to the rest of the world is its nuclear weapons, culture and amazing designer @Marine Serre who makes up for all the rest of the bullshit including Macron The Dictator, but Yoko was totally enthrilled with @Foster Gamble‘s THRIVE that she recommended it to me.
Yoko too preferred not to hear my critique of the totally nonsense THRIVE Proctor-Gamble promotion.
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@Yoko Grandsagne probably won’t say much before departing other than distracting talk such as she had to put up with a whole bunch of garbage talk on top how unsatisfying is having a sick, old lover.
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Now for those of you watching Ms. Amber, who I had never heard of before this afternoon epic soap opera, and now just looking up her age on Wikipedia
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born April 22 1986 making 36 years of age, and let me see if I recognize any of her movies
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and not a single one; again I had never previously seen her face before, at least I don’t recall, and again the same with her name that is new to me.
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To those of you who think I must live continuously in the dark, a sheltered life, think of all that storage space you have used up in your brain keeping track of rich, dumb celebrities who get chosen for their roles.
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Remember Ms. vicious, opportunist, foul mouth, liar Heard, and if I could think of other names to call her I would, husband beater, physical and mental come to mind, is an ACLU Ambassador who renegaded on her committed financial contribution to the ACLU and those monies were part of her divorce settlement with Johnny Depp.
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As most all of you know – and so don’t play too busy, because if you are not too busy to be here then of course you will be watching intensely your worst nightmare being played up – there has been clear talk by the one British housekeeper who would be any of your housekeepers if you could afford him, that Ms. Heard consumed daily 2 bottles of wine.
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For those of you who have ever been married or simply shacked up with an alcoholic drunk who can’t get it up and are constantly sleeping off the effects of the alcohol – and again there is not a shred of evidence I have seen that Mr. Depp is in any way shape or form violent towards Ms. Heard in a constant search of baiting him – they are not about to give up their playtime.
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So lets put everyone into the shoes of Ms. Heard.
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@Emma Elliott, that includes you.
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@Alan Mark Zeligson, Im not suggesting that in order to get this embedded into your imagination you quickly go out and and buy 12 inch heels without first practicing on something less high and dangerous.
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Johnny Depp is out for the count.
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There is icecream running down his pants and he isn’t moving because he is passed out.
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@Lee-Anne Dalley, you can imagine the talk as the friends who have been hanging in the adjascent rooms for things to calm down, swarm.
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There are several other penthouse apartments to choose from.
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2 bottles being consumed every night is really not a lot when you consider that those having sex don’t want to be sloshed.
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@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. what does your schedule for lunch next Wednesday look like?
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We must not forget that those behind Crypto currencies did not like Crypto Jews who were quite amazing people and responsible for keeping alive our independent thinking Judaism that has individual responsibility written all over our imaginations.
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When you don’t like someone you shit all over them, isn’t that right @Mark Gevisser, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, @Roy Essakow, @Julia Ioffe?
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@Julia Ioffe, I am not suggesting that you have said anything derogatory about me, I was simply making the point that for those of us bad humans we crap on the good.
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I actually think Johnny Depp is one of the coolest guys out there and were it not for his entourage also profiting from all the chaos caused by this venomous Heard, he would be that much cooler because he would be healthy, and long having kicked all the drugs and alcohol.
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The human turns to booze and drugs to forget their sorrows.
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We can see that there are few humans worth losing tears over; again why it is that we have such “stickiness” to my fb symposiums-group chats which is not lost of on fb officials including Mark Zuckerberg who understands that advertising revenues, TV ratings, credit scores, homes and other real estate holdings mean absolutely nothing when your vote doesn’t count.
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Yes, everyone is used to pulling out cash or a credit card or writing a check or simply signing at a restaurant and having the accounting staff bill the business manager who checks to see that if there is more than the usual tip then they should get their cut.
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A lot of advertising and PR has gone into the human mind not questioning how a mineral monopolist’s mind works, and it just seems too easy not for all the world’s economists, accountants, lawyers, judges and politicians to have figured it all out a long time ago.
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Now what if karma is real?
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Why would a normal person go against karma when their life now is not absolutely perfect?
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@Johny Basterd take yourself as an example.
You got screwed out of R13,000 by a Russian scam who had you, a white South African policeman with vast experience in the Angolan War, thinking the most beautiful Russian girl was going to be flying over to South Africa to marry you, have sex with you whenever you want, clean and cook for you.
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You must be thinking how much worse it could be on the next go-around.
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Let’s say the next time your eyes catch an ant passing by, would that have you wanting to be an ant and you could care less which part of the human carcass you are eating first?
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Those of you who think the composting business is the way to defeat the BOMM BANKERS Oppenheimers-Monsanto, you are probably wrong.
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The focus must always be on karma, your future destiny when you are not simply smart enough to know how the minds of regular people like Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer work.
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When @Johny Basterd spoke about how he knows the elite who rule the world, did you notice that he wanted to avoid mentioning the SA Oppenheimers because if he mentioned them he would feel that much more stupid.
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Harry Oppenheimer understood perfectly that the people would react exactly like @Johny Basterd, @Steven Bailey, and the rest of you miserable.
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That is why he had his Simon & Schuster first publish The Diamond Invention book in 1982 by which time most of you, not Amber Heard, were already born.
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Remember these very bad people mostly hate Jewish people because we are hard wired to question authority, and so why not examine how the richest and most powerful people got to be so rich and powerful.
That makes sense, right?
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The important thing here is the desire of people who don’t like independent thinking Jewish people to make the Jewish people the scapegoat until all of humanity gets along and there are only few humans on the planet and all getting along great with robots doing most of the work; and the people just eating very smart foods, not getting the cancers caused by fat-obesity, having lots of great sex and living long lives happily ever after.
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Who thinks the bridge from Crimea to Ukraine was as important as getting all of you to think that was/is an important strategic military objective for Mr. Putin?
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Let’s say, President Putin dies today of cancer, even if it is not throat cancer which may be treatable until the rest of the body shuts down, because we are only talking about the hypothetical of President Putin dying today?
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How much should a developer pay to rebuild the apartments of innocent Ukrainian civilians who have been murdered to make way for the real estate hyenas and vultures who come in after the kill?
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I was mentioning earlier today to @Errol Graham Musk what charachteristics my 22 followers on Twitter have compared to Elon’s now 88.9 million.
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@Steven Bailey, your mind tells you that you don’t miss a beat when you can put your mind to it, what would you say both groups have the most in common and what they don’t have the most in the common?
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@Steven Bailey, do you understand the question?
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Remember alwasy karma-destiny and why it is that the most stupid, most ugly Jewish people end up the richest amongst us Jewish people and the rest can’t wait to brownnose them?
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I also mentioned to Elon’s father at the end about my first trip to the Far East in early spring 1989 where I visited Japan, Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan, and I did it alone with my video camera.
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Who would like to see footage of that trip?
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My plan is to get the tapings digitized this coming week.
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So what have we learned today?
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First and foremost live each day like you are going to die today.
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What else?
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You are all still here even though you know that by staying here and if you die today you have less time to do things of great importance to your future destiny.
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One of the things I find most interesting is that when people talk and write about Quantum Mechanics which is nothing less than mind-blowing, there is no mention of the unpredictability of nature-coincidences and karma-destiny.
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Given how us Jewish people are supposed to be the thinkers-questioning people, could our leadership ranks have been infiltrated by people who don’t wish Jewish people well?
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Shouldn’t us Jewish people have been the first to recognize that eating animal flesh would kill us that much quicker and in pain given how the laws of kosher are so clear that we shouldn’t eat either meat or liquified meat-dairy once the science kicked in?
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Why are there a disproportionate number of stupid Jewish medical doctors who give the rest of us healthy Jewish people a bad name?
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It is the money again that trips everyone up, but still thinking you can overcome your destiny with bad karma is really foolish.
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Who remembers if there is any other Captain of Industry who has done more for Zelensky than Elon Musk?
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Who thinks Elon Musk needs to convert to Judaism, have a bris, get a barmitzvah in order to do what is right?
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What is wrong with the rest of the Captains of Industry including Israel Prime Minister Bennett and the Israeli Knesset?
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Let’s cut back to Amber Lighting Fires Heard.
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Again, she doesn’t look like she drinks 2 bottle of wine a night all on her own.
She and her friend wait for Johnny Depp to pass out, and then she and her friends including those staying in the other penthouses go party in one of the vacant Penthouses without any fear of Johnny Depp beaten to a pulp by this bitch-witch walking in on all the sex.
That is not to suggest that Ms. Heard doesn’t have photos to show the jury of Johnny Depp passed out with ice-cream running down his pants.
Isn’t it also so amazing when we are only talking about the money how they can all get sober for the trial?
So why doesn’t Amber Heard admit that she is not a total drunk and was having multiple affairs?
@Emma Elliott, could you work with @Steven Bailey and @Douglas Turnbull to try to figure that one out?
t is so ugly this epic afternoon soap opera.
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As much as it pains everyone lets come back to Mr. Zelenskyy that the world has forgotten about and his extraordinarily low following on Twitter couldn’t possibly have escaped the attention of “Spinozaesque” Elon Musk.
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@Steven Bailey do you still feel proud for supporting Mr. Zelenskyy and his courageous army not being provided by the west an adequate air defense to prevent the massacring, or would you prefer to talk Crypto currencies and why you were equally stupid not to figure out you were being brainwashed when first told you had the right to vote?
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Who thinks my mother Zena was mad for coming up with this newspaper headline?
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Who thinks coincidences should prevent us from thinking stupid because they provide strong evidence that there is an unseen power in control at all times?
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Who thinks Elon Musk would want to return less intelligent than he is today, say like most all of you?
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How come Elon Musk stands head and shoulders higher than anyone else in support of Mr. Zelenskyy?
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Who thinks Elon Musk thrives on the common herd of fools supporting him?
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Who thinks there are people around Elon Musk who would like to see him either dead or get quickly deathly ill?
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Let’s talk about Mr. Putin.
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Putin is totally ruthless.
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He is far worse than Hitler who didn’t fool either Ben Gurion or the Jewish Brigade who had they not survived their first offensive action on 19 March 1945 when my father Bernie flew two dive-bombing missions in support, then the State of Israel would have been obliterated by sunset on the first day of the official start of her War of Independence, May 15, 1948.
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Who feels that 1948 is so long ago, and every day now is Happy Hour?
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Who would like to Amber Heard being cross-examined by a great professional attorney such as member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq.?
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The important question is how long is the destruction of the Ukraine going to last before the dust settles and the likes of The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow come in for the next killing?
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Why do you need Jewish real estate investors to distract from genocides far away and out of sight?
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@Alan Mark Zeligson what would prevent you from being a real estate investor mogul other than cleaning up yourself?
Why would you feel the need to change your diet and look healthy when you argue that George Soros is so ugly and fat and he also gets the chicks impressed with his money?
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Who feels that they have less questions to ask of God when they take their final breadth?
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Fair enough, we will all be dead in just a few more decades outside of the powers that be not able to prevent a mad dog like Putin from going completely nuts and launching nuclear weapons or someone else wanting to cover their tracks and looking to blame to Putin?
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So everyone just sits on the fence waiting for it all to happen.
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We know that Zelenskyy wants himself and his wife and two kids to survive, will he wait until the bitter end to speak his mind clearly?
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Who recognizes that all the social media stuff does nothing to help humanity or the planet when it is controlled by unconscious people who want everyone unconscious?
Who has figured out the game-plan of the SA Oppenheimers-BOMM?
Maybe the deathnail of crypto currencies is that it costs the BOMM SA Oppenheimers nothing in money while consuming energy and therefore an environmental, monumental cost; and we can see by the lack of response, consciousness of these human automatons?
Does anyone else have other thoughts?
It is now 4:39 PM and the religious Jewish people are preparing for the Sabbath.
Everyone thinks they are smart and everyone else is stupid?
Then again, lLearning exactly how the Dog Eat A Dog DEAD world works takes little time and no effort.
It is the ease of understanding that makes it is so nerveracking, at least for the unaccomplished whose greatest attribute is their gift of the gab.
Will they attend a global Town Hall meeting?
Will it be a stampede?
Yes, if properly promoted.
Who better than Twitter-Elon Musk to promote the truth given how his adversaries Big Oil Monopoly-Money [BOMM] who control the minerals that feed the wars, starting with oil will never back off.
Will he risk his life for the good of the planet?
What can be more important than saving the planet knowing that Mars is long out of reach, and by then this human will have blown up or removed all the green space of the planet because it doesn’t want to give up what it has?
How could I possibly have been so easily fooled is what first comes to mind when hearing for the first time the timeline of events, starting with the power of the Kings being vested in the bankers who didn’t want to fight on the frontlines, just like the Kings who concocted this most evil ploy on the unsuspecting humans while promoting transparent differences such as racial inequality as they rode the coattails of slavery that was not so much racially based as it was the weak not able to stand up to those with the bigger gun.
How come the intelligent human such as The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow couldn’t adapt its thinking to coincide with advances in communications technology?
Where is our human emotion?
Was it ever there?
Who would have thought up that you can get the masses to lean on their crutch as they scratched, clawed each other to death and coming away, “Jesus died for our sins” as the poor without this knowledge commit crimes just to survive, which is not quite the intensity crimes of those profiting from the genocides.
The thinking is that the richest people in the world on paper and who have the grand lifestyles that come with it couldn’t possibly be either so stupid or machievellian that they would play their part in perpetuating the grandest scam not only of all time, but beyond the human imagination given how earthshattering are Cryptos in cementing the destruction of the planet.
It is again, the human imagination that gives us the first glimpse of the supernatural.
Without imagination we would all be automatons like the ants who seem to have no purpose other than they look so alien.
What do ants think of us humans other than we are big?
Getting all of Wall Street into one room would end all our questions because they would all be deafeningly silent.
Silence is good.
A TESLA is not only silent, it is sexy.
Everyone should own a TESLA and if not have a part ownership in one without having to think how they can afford it.
It hasn’t cost the biggest thieves in the world a penny to create their buffers such as Wall Street, their politicians, their religious leadership and their NGO charities and the like.
With everyone silent we can then get back to the basics of how we got into this mess.
Knowing the right questions to ask is more important than the answers.
How do we fill up this room?
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Let’s recap:
It is easy to corrupt, is the bottom line.
Almost everyone has a price.
Again, Randolph Apperson Hearst didn’t assist me in composing any of the four articles, that everyone doesn’t want to touch with a 100 foot pole.
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We are continuing to see the future unfolding.
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Who thinks drunk Sean Penn has figured out what each of you are working on; namely, how would a mineral-banking monopolist such as Harry Oppenheimer focus his attention?
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@Tracy Tomson, you like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow as much as you do real estate, what are your thoughts?
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Who thinks this is the best way to get to know your friends?
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What if not everyone is focused on who is going to be first to next leave?
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Everything is very quick with each of you.
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You never sit around in other group waiting.
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This is a unique experience for you.
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You have uneducated people like @Trevor Goldberg, @Tracy Tomson, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, @Saville Katz, @Miki Dayan, @Merrick Wolman, @Marta Rubau Carreras, @Lee-Anne Dalley, @Clifford Benn, @Alan Cline, @Alan Woolf and @Alan Mark Zeligson along with Professors such as Professor @Vladimir Golstein who have always managed to impress and manipulate those he considers fools without forgetting, either @Emma Elliott or @Johny Basterd.
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First cousin @Karene Fisher, what is your best guess on how long your current relationship is going to last and do you feel that you were short-changed in the mental faculties?
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@Ivan Strous, do you recognize yourself in this photo below?
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You added Jenny Arenstein – Friedman to the group.
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Ivan, do you recognize new member @Jenny Arenstein – Friedman in the far right with part of her face missing?
You added Alan Brivik to the group.
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Do you notice @Alan Brivik standing behind my sister @Kathy Danziger in the dead center, and to Alan’s right, just behind, with his face turned to the right is member @David Schmahmann who was shortly thereafter, the last day of school before leave to study for the Matric exams November 6, 1970, 116 days or 3 months and 24 days before Engelhard Jr.’s long orchestrated assassination was completed, 2 March 1971?
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@David Schmahmann, do you have thoughts on which of your classmates at Carmel College, Durban were ratting on you?
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I think, that it is fair to say that many more than @Errol Graham Musk realize that I’ve established that Nick Oppenheimer is behind the wars and the money-Cryptos that are the purpose for the wars.
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Does anyone disagree with that assessment?
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Who remember at 12:24 PM this past Tuesday, Rian Geldenhys changing the title of symposium to “Gevisser Harrasment Group” and the group silent then and since?
Who do you think profits the most from the price fixing of real estate and all the costs that go into building a real estate empire that can be diversified into gambling enterprises and the such?
Who felt good inside when Geldenhys then wrote?:
Say after me:
I am Gary Gevisser. I demand conversation from people who don’t want conversation. I am creepy.
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Most of us know that Elon Musk was bullied at his first high school before his father moved him to another school.
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Elon was physically beaten to a pulp, but they didn’t enter his mind because he knew that he was smarter than them and they were just bullies who didn’t like the fact that he was so much smarter.
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Most all of you focus on bullying because you feel stupid.
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In other words, you are not much different to the thugs, bullies who beat up on Elon Musk.
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If you could each put yourselves in Elon’s shoes do you think he would have trouble seeing the similarities between you and his high school bullies?
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Isn’t it amazing how the mind can overcome even the most horrible physical torture so long as the victim is able to recover?
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But how do you fix a bad mind?
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@Emma Elliott do you have any thoughts?
What about you @Jonathan Marine, @Jonathan Gevisser, @Jenny Arenstein – Friedman and Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge @David Friedman?
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Why is it that none of you ask my sister @Kathy Danziger and brother @Mel Gevisser to show you video they have of my mother Zena singing their praises since they have kept my mother in captivity these past going on 6 years?
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Who can imagine a cluster of people so ugly?
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During our Jewish Holocaust it was common knowledge amongst the Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe who exactly were the Jewish traitors because the Gestapo’s Zagiew Jewish collaberation network all carried guns and when they met with any resistance from their fellow Jewish brothers and sisters they shot them on the spot.
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If you could save a bullet and simply turn the weakest of the next generations of Jewish people, wouldn’t you also derive great joy and satisfaction without having to worry about who was going to clean up the blood?
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It is now 5:27 PM.
Let’s end today’s class with what you have all been waiting for.
Both Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer made sure that no one on Wall Street came to them with an offer that would replace their mineral wealth with cash, coins, paper money, Crypto currencies etc etc when they could use their mineral wealth as collateral to purchase say Twitter, TESLA, General Motors, Morgan Stanley, Chase, and Goldman Sachs.
They simply paid their Wall Street clowns top dollar to keep their mouths shut.
What about those who were too stupid to ask the right questions?
Nothing stops any of you from asking them now.
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Edit: … army that fought in the Angolan War that began on 11.11.1975 …
Today at 6:25 PM
6:25 PM
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Edit: … for joyrides because you were still in high school.
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Edit: … who is more than half the age of Neil “older” [sic].
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Edit: … taking charge in repairing my 2 decade old Maui Jim …
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Edit: … on top of how unsatisfying is having a sick, old lover.
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Edit: … just seems too easy, miraculous, for all the world’s economists, accountants, lawyers, judges and politicians not to have figured it all out a long time ago.
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Edit: Remember “alwasy” [sic] karma-destiny and …
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Edit: Who would like to see Amber Heard being cross-….
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Edit: … when they take their final “breadth” [sic]?
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Edit: … looking to blame Putin?
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Edit: ou never sit around in other groups waiting.
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Edit: Do you notice @Alan Brivik standing behind my sister @Kathy Danziger in the dead center, and to Alan’s right, just behind, with his face turned to the right is member @David Schmahmann who was banned shortly thereafter …