Getting to know your friends – VIII
Screenshot: 2:11 PM Calif. time, Saturday, 14 May 2022
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Julius Musya left the group.
Alffie JustAlffie left the group.
Colin Wall left the group.
May 11 at 5:44 PM
Wed 5:44 PM
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Julius Musya left the group.
Alffie JustAlffie left the group.
Colin Wall left the group.
AbdulKadir Shariff left the group.
Gary Saitowitz left the group.
Lilly Anne Shields left the group.
Gary Dean Levick left the group.
May 12 at 10:46 AM
Thu 10:46 AM
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AbdulKadir Shariff left the group.
Gary Saitowitz left the group.
Lilly Anne Shields left the group.
Gary Dean Levick left the group.
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It is 10:46 AM Calif. time.
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I would like to talk about time-space-energy.
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There is more to be said about the sun sending us future wonderfully tasting food via the sun perfect distance from earth.
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First though, I would like to take you back to late 1993, early 1994.
May 12 at 11:06 AM
Thu 11:06 AM
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Randolph Hearst, grandfather of member @Alexis Hearst who is close friends with member @Claire Petretti Marti who remember is no fool, wonderfully kept, beautiful in fact, and also cares deeply also about children, all children, Jewish, non-Jewish, black, white, hispanic, Asian, Russian etc etc, could not have envisioned a day like today, May 12, 11 odd days after the 21st anniversary of the publishing in the Jerusalem Post, the 4th of my 4 articles condenming the treason pardon by Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton of SA Oppenheimers’ terrorist financier, Marc Rich, when in one instant, you post a Tweet in a forum, possibly soon to be singularly controlled by Spinozaesque Elon Musk which reaches a statistically valid, and might I add, numerous sampling of the world’s literate population, and without pressing a button on the keyboard, not a thought given to even moving a mouse, it is instantly placed on your website/s as well as anyone else wanting to share it publicly or privately.
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Hearst who has been dead going on 22 years couldn’t even talk to his other borad members or executive team about his true feelings of his daughter Patty Hearst’s armed robbery conviction in 1976, and only in February 1979, after serving 22 months in prison, President Carter who had been on the job going on 2 years commuted the atrocious miscarriage of justice.
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That is not to suggest that if President Ford had learned how to knit
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instead of choosing to receive one concussion after the next, in other words, permanent brain damage, he would instantly prevented the miscarriage of justice.
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I very much doubt Gerald Ford was vegan.
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There are also a great many, most in fact, Vegans who are stupid.
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It is scary on the one hand to think how much more stupid they would be.
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On the the other hand, something very mysterious is working on things to have us thinking better.
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29 odd years ago, there wasn’t a person in the media business who was as clued in to the future of his content merging with the last speed internet.
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Of course whenever I talk of war-information-money, there is always at the very top the SA Oppenheimers and their shills who haven’t withdrawn from the race or allowed anyone to get anywhere close to toppling them from their pivotal position of ruling over everyone and everything.
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Neither Harry Oppenheimer nor his only son Nicholas were well schooled in the study of Quantum Mechanics because in both instances it was over their pay grade.
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That is not to minimize the importance of QM and its findings best illustrated, and repeatedly, with the Double-Slit experiment which @Steven Bailey wants everyone to believe he perfectly understands when placing a “heart” emoji right below my writings earlier, this past Monday, 2:31 PM Calif. time, “Nor will we ever get our heads around GoDNature observing us and our highly sensitive measurement instruments during the double-slit experiments”, and then the next day, Tuesday at 8:10 AM, and it is now Thursday, 12 May 2022, he, Bailey provides his famous “thumbs up” following my writings:
Bailey, you are Christian, is that right?
Is it not also true that you describe yourself as “lame” because you didn’t have the backbone to confront Christian Nicholas Oppenheimer directly?
If Zelenskyy was not Jewish would you have supported Zelenskyy getting an air defense system knowing the slaughter that would occur if there was no air defense system in place which is good for people like you who couldn’t compete toe to toe in a merit driven system?
Do you think the failure to prosecute the German-South African Oppenheimers at Nuremberg, was a turning point in humanity?
What good have you contributed to this world?
Why do you continue investing your time and energy being a member of this symposium?
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@Steven Bailey those 121 odd words had you thinking.
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Was the “thumbs up” to let us all know that you couldn’t get past the first question, “… you are Christian, is that right?” and that you are in fact Christian?
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Again, @Steven Bailey can you be precise in the answer to the question, “Are you a believer in the Christian faith?”?
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Hearst couldn’t care less if you were atheist, agnostic, Jew, non-Jew, Lesbian, heterosexual, the amount of pigment melanin, only that you could think clearly and reason.
Like me, he also wasn’t aware that in 18 months I would be spending an entire day with the “male heir” of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971 who represented John F. Kennedy at the coronation of Pope Paul VI [1897 -1978] back on 30 June 1963, 4 days after President JFK announced at the Berlin Wall, the atrocious, “”Ich bin ein Berliner”, which happened to be the same day Mossad head, David Ben Gurion stepped down for second time as Prime Minister of Israel.
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Try not to focus much on virulent anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. who the “D” Branch of Mossad took out on 2 March 1971, the month after turning age 54, representing President John F. Kennedy, whose clan is not exactly pro-Jewish, which is not to suggest that Arnold Schwarzenegger has always had a particular fondness towards black and Jewish people, at the coronation of Pope Paul VI.
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Let’s look quickly at how quickly the Popes in recent times have committed to returning all their stolen ancient artifacts.
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When you can’t talk to your most trusted top executives about an incredible ugliness cast on your daughter all because your father breaks the mold, risks his entire media empire to call out Hitler and knowing that there would be forever grand repercussions, you find someone like me who can come up with a very well written technical document, which had the hands of several most competent individuals with broad experience, but the reader would see it as one hand given how seamless was this 4 page document, to tie the hands of your executives.
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There was never the need for either a study or the ultimate term, “Stockholm syndrome”.
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Is there anyone in class who is not perfectly following along?
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The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, how about you?
Are you and my middle brother @Mel Gevisser as close as ever?
Do you cut your other friends like @Micha-el Frame who just joined us on every real estate deal you have done in the past?
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With deep pockets you can make your own money.
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Monster @Steven Bailey, what do you think of that?
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What does it feel like not to be able to predict either positive afterlife or your future before the afterlife begins?
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@Steven Bailey, why are you having such a hard time simply acknowledging clearly that you are a Christian?
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Let me suggest why.
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You have sufficient intelligence remaining to see the consquences and you would prefer that your lack of speech doesn’t speak volumes.
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Intelligence is quite the mystery especially so when you see how many people are stupid and they think that by failing to argue their point that they demonstrate their superior intelligence.
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Imagine South African Invader Charles W. Engelhard Jr. representing President Kennedy at the coronoation of a Pope who doesn’t mean us Jewish people well.
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Lumumba was executed on 17 January 1961.
3 days later, and having heard President Eisenhower’s military-industrial-complex speech the same day as the torture murder of Lumumba presiding over mineral rich Belgian Congo, Kennedy becomes President and his speech includes, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”.
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Would you agree, @Steven Bailey, @Nancy Spielberg, @Steven Kofsky, @Jeffrey Essakow and @Jeff Johnson, those are historic words?
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A benefit of being a “Late Talker” such as myself is that one listens better.
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That does not mean one hears everything perfectly that is spoken in your direction.
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Given all the flow of information it is important to know most of all to never discard good people.
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Most of you would agree that you have this nasty habit of discarding people.
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The Popes are good at that.
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So was Charles Engelhard Jr. and all those he surrounded himself with.
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A bad person surrounds themselves with weak individuals for fear of reprisals.
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“Yes men” can do you more damage in the instant.
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But bad people don’t see any other alternative.
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They either fall on the sword and that would mean giving up instantly their empire or to go with people who are mostly focused on protecting their rear end and choosing weak underlings.
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In the case of David Gevisser (1926-2009], the “male heir” of Charles W. Engelhard Jr., his wealth was so vast and his political clout far exceeding even Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] that the Peter Principle had run its course and he had no alternative but to seek out the brightest person he could find and who knew all the important history.
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I see lame-slimey @Steven Bailey as the bottom of the barrel, but there are a great many who come next and everyone is in a feeding frenzy.
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If you examine the metaphor of “Shooting fish in a barrel” the barrel is round and turning like a hamster on a wheel.
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Many a pilot has got disorientated when flying through clouds or simply high on drugs, and before they know it they are flying head first into the water.
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If you look at water, you really don’t want to mess with it.
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We will get back to dams shortly.
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The adoption of the “Stockholm Syndrome” preceded the conviction of Patty Hearst by 3 years.
Let’s look at Wikipedia’s account:
In 1973, Jan-Erik Olsson, a convict on parole, took four employees (three women and one man) of Kreditbanken, one of the largest banks in Stockholm, Sweden, hostage during a failed bank robbery. He negotiated the release from prison of his friend Clark Olofsson to assist him. They held the hostages captive for six days (23–28 August) in one of the bank’s vaults. When the hostages were released, none of them would testify against either captor in court; instead, they began raising money for their defense.[3]
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I don’t know about any of you, but I feel like taking a break.
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The time is now 12:32 PM Calif. time, 12 May 2022.
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Hearst didn’t think that in the course of my all day meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa back in mid-1995, I had forgotten all the luxuries that could be bought controlling the wealth of the richest and most powerful person on the planet and how easy it would have been to seek an accomodation with Harry Oppenheimer who knew that I had not burned any bridges.
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How important it is to be careful what you say about yourself.
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No one at @Gary Glass and @Lynne Karen Bentel‘s wedding thought that I was either poorly dressed or didn’t know how to speak in public, even though it was the first time any of them had heard me speak in public.
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Having a barmitzvah is not exactly speaking in public.
Would you agree with that @Tony Leon?
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When you don’t gossip, you never have to watch your back.
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No one should talk history, economics, military and politics [hemp] unless they have mastered “military economics” which you have only learned from me, because it exists nowhere else.
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The fact that I am not stupid in understanding the sciences does not make me a complete idiot.
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@Steven Bailey, are you able to keep up or are you torn from looking constantly in the mirror and promising yourself that you are not going to commit suicide for fear of reprisals?
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Elon Musk has the ability to end all the suffering as well as waste of resources even though Col. US Senator Richard Black is having a hard time waking up to the truth.
Senator Black thought he knew it all.
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You added Diane Sare to the group.
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Im assuming the @Diane Sare is the same woman I have been corresponding with, until she had earlier today, 7:15 AM Calif. time, an underling, Ryan Frasier, Drector, Constituent Services, Office of Senator John Bell, Senate of Virginia, 13th District, write me a very distracting email, that would have got Randolph Apperson Hearst’s antenna right up.
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You can hear a talker coming.
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People more guarded in their speech you simply have to bring them to one of my fb symposiums.
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Earlier, a coyote, quite scruffy looking, came within 25 feet of us sitting under a large oak probably between 250 and 350 years old, certainly older than when the British burned down the White House on 24 August 1814, which was just shy of a century, 99 years, 11 months, and 4 days to be exact before the outbreak of World War I when Allied General Jan Christiaan Smuts performed better on both the battlefield, turning points against the Germans as well as in organizing the entire logistics of the war once joining the British War Cabinet in 1917, and wasting no time in writing an official letter to British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George [17 January 1863 – 26 March 1945] admonishing American senior military officers when suggesting in no uncertain terms that he was willing to lead American troops into battle.
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Well within a second, my great F-C wife’s 1/32 Huron Indian blood kicked in and shooed off the coyote, in order to save its life from human predators.
May 12 at 4:15 PM
Thu 4:15 PM
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BTW, yesterday for the first time my very althletic mind-body Française-Canadienne [F-C] wife Marie Dion practiced for the first time her Bruce Lee one inch punch
and later today once she has finished rewiring a ceiling lamp in the kitchen, I will watch her perform it without me being directly in front, given the high probability she will achieve or come very close to what Bruce Lee pulled off.
Just in case noone knows how spectacular an athlete was Bruce Willis, there has in all probability never been an upright walking animal who has come anywhere close to Bruce Lee’s explosive power in both his arms and legs.
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There again I was talking about the male species.
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The woman is superior in every category other than in muscle strength.
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But we are not talking about muscle strength.
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We are talking about harnessing energy within.
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Imagine if Bruce Lee ate a healthy vegan diet.
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That is almost impossible to imagine.
May 12 at 5:01 PM
Thu 5:01 PM
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Edit: Just in case noone knows how spectacular an athlete was “Bruce Willis” [sic] …
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Looking back
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How do you get people to react to the extraordinary similarity of Patty Hearst robbing a bank while under the control of her captors and the incident in Stockholm, Sweden, 3 years earlier?
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@Steven Bailey do you think the people are simply as dumb back in 1976 as they are today?
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Could it be that in the past, lets go back 10,000 years the people ate less because the air, soil and food was healthier?
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Who here feels that their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend who weighs more than them, eats more because they are constantly hungrier?
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@Steven Bailey, this is much more up your alley than Quantum Mechanics.
Please share your opinion, even if you have decided that they way to avoid looking in the mirror is to grow a beard.
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As everyone here knows, I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they turn slimey.
@Steven Bailey, do you agree with that assessment?
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Who thinks @Nancy Spielberg has had enough but doesn’t want to make a conspicuous exit and is waiting to see others leave ahead of her?
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@Steven Kofsky, you have previously left my symposiums, what message do you think you are leaving @Nancy Spielberg when you remain, and ever so silent?
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It is not only an increasingly fatter world, but one most cruel.
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You would rather hold on to the past of destruction of the planet than choose a far better alternative than the SA Oppenheimers-Glencore-Monsanto-Engelhard Industries-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Deutche Bank-Cryptos being in charge.
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Bear in mind you have known this ugly side of yourselves since witnessing the first view of The Lady’s Speech and seeing no comments in support of me and my mother Zena.
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Each moment that has gone by, you can only have got sicker inside without necessarily being able to identify the cause.
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Elon Musk should consult with my cardiologist first cousin @Barry Molk MD, a full blown advocate of the purple pill and whether the side effects from getting an instant erection obscures all his dying organs resulting in the disgraceful neglect of my mother Zena?
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Edit: There is more to be said about the sun sending us future wonderfully tasting food; the sun perfect distance from earth.
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Edit: … couldn’t even talk to his other “borad” [sic] members …
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Edit: … permanent brain damage, he, a former American football player, would have instantly prevented the miscarriage of justice.
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Edit: … merging with the “last” [sic] speed internet.
You added Jill O’hara to the group.
You added Lew Joubert to the group.
You added Daria Piotrowski to the group.
You added Vimi Kapoor Kalra to the group.
You added Dann Marley to the group.
You added Jessica Ro to the group.
You added Sardar Sajid Zaman Chaudhry to the group.
You added Natasha Reid to the group.
You added Debbie Patton Kingsriter to the group.
You added Welcome G. Sarr to the group.
You added Steven David Sobol and David Azzini to the group.
You added Sadie Al to the group.
You added Dennae Sutphin to the group.
You added Jorge Esquivel to the group.
You added Debbie Adler to the group.
You added Ruth Mariben Arbis to the group.
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You added Jill O’hara to the group.
You added Lew Joubert to the group.
You added Daria Piotrowski to the group.
You added Vimi Kapoor Kalra to the group.
You added Dann Marley to the group.
You added Jessica Ro to the group.
You added Sardar Sajid Zaman Chaudhry to the group.
You added Natasha Reid to the group.
You added Debbie Patton Kingsriter to the group.
You added Welcome G. Sarr to the group.
You added Steven David Sobol and David Azzini to the group.
You added Sadie Al to the group.
You added Dennae Sutphin to the group.
You added Jorge Esquivel to the group.
You added Debbie Adler to the group.
You added Ruth Mariben Arbis to the group.
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You may have noticed that my fb friend count not only continues to rise without much support for the planet and ending the wars, but the increase of fb friends are disproportionately Vegans?
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@Lew Joubert, do you think I should target more carnivores because you show greater intelligence?
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@David Monk, @David Julian Danziger and @David Levy what do you think?
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Who would like me to shift gears and compliment @Sofiaan Fraval who is not only unashamedly proud that his entire household including his dogs are vegan, but he is in perfect position to encourage Elon Musk before he starts having trouble getting an erection?
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@Johny Basterd, do you have trouble getting an erection?
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Are there any carnivores here who are having trouble getting an erection?
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@Trevor Goldberg, @Trevor Abramson and @Antony Unruh, have you thought about how your sex partners might feel if they thought you would have more self-confidence in bed?
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@Trevor Goldberg, you remain single, do you think your prospects would improve for greater sex and more often if you stopped poisoning your internal organs or are you simply addicted to the SOS [Salt Oil Sugar].
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Let’s see if we can bring in another prominent Jewish rabbi.
You added David Masinter to the group.
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Rabbi @David Masinter, do you feel that eating animal flesh makes you possibly better looking?
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Let’s assume your answer is maybe but unimportant, and so you pass on that one.
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Do you think because Torah doesn’t specifically say that eating poison animal parts is unhealthy, therefore you should forget altogether the science that says eating both meat and dairy; namely, liquified meat is unhealthy for both your looks and intellect?
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Rabbi @David Masinter, don’t you find it extraordinary that every rabbi I have tried to communicate with about where in Torah it says that it is okay for the private ownership of real estate and the minerals beneath either lie through their teeth; namely, saying that the Torah says it is so, or they are silent?
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Rabbis @Larry Shain and @David Masinter, you know that you cannot possibly believe in God if you lie, especially about the most important subject that is tearing up this earth, the air we breath, the food and most importantly the water.
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Rabbis, does the fact that it has taken 3000 years for the truth to get out, convince you that God cannot possibly exist because why would God go out of HER way to make the religious, who in Spinoza’s words, “Worship ink on paper” to look stupid when you pride yourselves on your disheveled look to underscore that you are intellectuals of the highest order?
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@Yitzchok Friedman, can you at least voice if you think God is smart?
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@Shaun Attwood, how come we don’t hear much about Ghislane Maxwell?
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@Saville Katz, tell us about your run-ins with the Russians in California back in the early 80s.
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@Sidney Lazarus, do you feel you keep easier track of your informer network on facebook than your father did keeping a list of Jewish people who arrived for South African National Party-Third Reich’s Southern Division’s fund raisers at your home in Durban North?
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@Jeffrey Essakow, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Esssakow, once you got a few shillings in your front pockets, you told Sidney’s father, Gunter “The Pig” Lazaras to stop telling you how to run your life.
When do you think The Pig’s intimidation tactics rubbed off on to you?
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What if this Higher Energy Reaction [HER] is aware of our stupidity and makes allowances by limiting the secret to one most important experiment?
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Had Richard Feynman said that he was religious, I am quite certain that the first people wanting his blood would have been our Jewish orthodox religious who not only excommunicated the amazing Spinoza but they have refused to lift this atrocity which is a very black mark against the hypocrite religious.
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Granted you may recall “sum” [sic] of this before.
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Time is important.
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Without time, which is only relative to mankind, the oxymoron of all time, we wouldn’t know learning, knowledge, light or the importance of The Old One [TOO] first referenced by Einstein.
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As some of you know, I was communicating with Marcia Bartusiak, MIT professor, and author of Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony which I felt was missing in its praise of Einstein.
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Ms. Bartusiak did finally agree that Einstein should have been given a Nobel Prize for General Relativity.
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Does one have to be Jewish to recognize such an insult, direct threat to Einstein from his peers?
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Obviously not, there are a bunch of high profile Jewish physcists who have yet to acknowledge this “shot across the bow”.
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Of course they all perfectly understand what it takes to keep getting the grant monies and have the publishing world continue singing their praises.
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Remember, none of you including all the 90 Nobel Prize winners in economics since 1969, failed to recognize the atrocity of the GDP, so you can’t assume that you are a genius no matter how much everyone else tells you that you are a genius.
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Why not therefore assume that God-HER-TOO is simply smarter than all of you combined.
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I think that is a good start, because you are not going anywhere else, at least not while you are here.
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Nor would we know the importance of The Old One [TOO].
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Let’s say Einstein wrote a letter to the Nobel Prize committee that he was upset about the slight, do you think that would have won him their good graces?
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@Steven Bailey, what do you think?
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@Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen, have you changed your diet or would it cause too much of an uproar with your husband who might take it that you are unsatisfied with his lovemaking?
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Elon Musk is preoccupied with sex and it isn’t going to get less as he ages poorly.
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@Sofiaan Fraval are you forwarding this to Elon in real time, or waiting for his family members present to beat you to the punch?
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How in the world could Einstein explain to his peers that General Relativity came to him in the form of a dream, just as he was waking up?
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To say that he would have placed his life in danger is an understatement.
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They denied him the Nobel Prize for turning their entire world upside down.
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To get to existence of time, without forgetting your mantra from age 2 and 3, “Money is time” one first needed space, the distance between one object, like nothing and where we are today waiting for Col. Richard Black to get smart.
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That doesn’t mean Elon Musk hasn’t figured it all out before the rest of you because despite Elon not having as much black African blood running through his veins as the moron, racist, bigot, policeman, @Johny Basterd, which simply tells you how much smarter Elon would be, and therefore quicker reflexes, it is fair to say he is brighter than all of us and therefore why would Elon want to follow the crowd?
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Not getting the Nobel Prize would have confirmed to Einstein that were he to admit that GR came to him in a dream, which is really the only possible explanation, he life would have been in that much greater danger.
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It is now 6:42 PM and I want to enjoy the light-energy while the sun is still shining on an evening mountain bicycle ride, so I will speed things up.
Jorge Esquivel left the group.
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People who administer the money of a man who made money from violence, are immediately conflicted; hence the establishment of the Nobel Prize from a man whose fortune came from violence.
Without dynamite we wouldn’t have built dams which are the most destructive creation of all man in every respect, but it helped create the atomic bomb, and for us to know how bad we really are, and our dumbing down complete with using the excuse not to protect the Ukrainians who are not all Nazi by providing them with an air defense system which would increase the risk of Putin using nuclear weapons which in the next instant would vaporize Russia.
To know beauty you have to experience the dark.
You obviously want to see things get darker.
Go back to GAS [Gomorrah & Sodom], but leave me out.
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Hold that thought.
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Jorge Esquivel left the group.
May 12 at 11:11 PM
Thu 11:11 PM
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Edit: Remember, all of you, including all the 90 Nobel Prize winners in economics since 1969, failed to recognize the atrocity of the GDP, so you can’t assume that you are a genius no matter how much everyone else tells you that you are a genius.
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Edit: … his life would have been in that much greater danger.
Daria Piotrowski left the group.
Debbie Adler left the group.
Yesterday at 8:41 AM
Fri 8:41 AM
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Daria Piotrowski and Debbie Adler left.
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It is 8:41 AM Calif time.
Yesterday at 9:07 AM
Fri 9:07 AM
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What is everyone thinking now that Elon Musk seems to be backing away, and his excuse rather lame, from purchasing Twitter all the while having increased his followers – free advertising for TESLA and more pressure on his number 1 adversary BOMM – Big Oil Monopoly-Money – by well over 10%?
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Is it worth a billion.
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I think so.
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He could always say “I overpaid. Everything is crashing”.
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But I don’t think that is what he is thinking.
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The purchase of Twitter is independent of money.
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Musk said from the beginning, it is about Freedom of Speech which has never existed for the masses.
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Remember who is Elon Musk.
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For those new to the game to end all game playing other than the best looking and smartest getting the best looking and smartest guy, they wouldn’t know about me as much as my mother Zena and 3 elder siblings.
Yesterday at 9:42 AM
Fri 9:42 AM
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I will introduce you by sharing the earlier, April 27, 62 words written to me by Musk’s very savvy father, brilliant engineer father @Errol Graham Musk (1946 – ) who before beginning his university engineering studies at Wits University caught the attention of Harry Oppenheimer whose son Nicholas controls the minerals-parts of every TESLA on the road as well as TESLA’s labour pool.
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It is now 9:45 AM.
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As you read those 62 words, don’t forget, and I will keep reminding you, there has never been close to democracy in human history; again, nothing close.
In other words only a fool would believe their vote counts, and when your vote doesn’t count you have the wolves and foxes fighting over who is going to get first grab of the chickens.
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@Errol Graham Musk April 27:
Elon is going to be faced with a concerted effort to destroy, marginalize Twitter as a a right wing propaganda outlet. He is up against the strongest cartel the world has ever seen, If they fail to stop him he becomes someone in the position of JFK. BTW you should have a ‘podcast’. Is that what they call it. A TV show.
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For those of you in a state of complete shock or simply wishing you hadn’t been born into such a cruel world, it is important to understand what is going on right now.
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Unless you are as expert in “military economics” as I am, you shouldn’t be speaking about history, economics, military and politics (HEMP).
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That means if you are like @Steven Bailey who only knows about offering lawn cutting services and the such, you should stick to what you know and leave the rest to the experts.
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Even if you are on social media to find nothing more than a more attractive body than the one you are fucking, you have no business offering your opinion on history, economics, military and politics unless you are as expert as I am on the HEMP.
You added Vicky Schiff to the group.
Yesterday at 10:16 AM
Fri 10:16 AM
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So when you come before the California Coastal Commission (CCC) who will decide the future of your real estate development, the first thing you should acknowledge, place in the public record, your knowledge of how deep rooted is voter fraud.
New member @Vicky Schiff who I only first learned of at my New Beginnings Party in December 2000 from my longtime close friend, great surfer, super street smart Paul Tomson, younger brother of my classmate, member @Tracy Tomson who also at the party accompanied by her fiancé who she is now married to, will remember our dinner together in mid-2001 at an Italian restaurant on 5th Avenue, downtown San Diego, when CCC alternative member, Dan Weinstein showed up at dessert, late getting out of a CCC meeting and couldn’t keep his mouth shut, so eager to impress Ms. Schiff who he hoped to join him as co-managing director of his newly formed Wetherly Capital Group, a lobbyist-investment group with financial backing by the richest and most powerful of Wall Street led by Supermarket King Ron Burkle who gave President Clinton his first job after leaving the White House on 20 January 2001 when giving Patricia Hearst a full and long deserved pardon as well as the treason pardon of DAAC (Debeers-Anglo American Corporation) terrorist financier, Marc Rich.
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@Vicky Schiff and I haven’t spoken since the two of attended the board meeting of the Wetherly Capital Group on 8 February 2002, soon after my return from Machu Picchu, Peru for the first time, and accompanied by my Italian Greyhound, Pypeetoe.
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I wanted to make sure that Pypeetoe was able to travel with me everywhere, not just on the plane but to the top of Machu Picchu where previously only stray dogs occasionally ventured.
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To be clear Pypeetoe was not at the 8 February 2002 board meeting.
Nor had I left him behind in Peru.
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Also to be clear, the 8 February 2002 that was held in the conference room adjoining the office of Richard Ziman who was not only Chairman of the Board of Wetherly Capital Group but also Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Ari Realty, the largest Real Estate & Investment Trust (REIT) trading on the New York Stock Exchange, was not the first board meeting I had ever attended.
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Moreover, I didn’t need to study accounting-finance-economics at university in order to read financial statements which make absolutely no sense either when all voting in elections are a scam or the first page of the financial statements fail to disclose both the voter fraud and the fact that the SA Oppenheimers’ DAAC conduct 90% of their transactions “off balance sheet” using or threatening to use their exclusive, unlimited supply of lightweight, untraceable, price fixed Diamond Currency and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by the 90%.
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That would mean every bank and all their branches locally and internationally are a fraud from start to finish.
You added Dan Weinstein to the group.
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Bear in mind it was not only me, @Vicky Schiff and her co-managing director @Dan Weinstein at the one of a kind board meeting on 8 February 2002, not long after 9/11, as also joining us was my close colleague, economist Dr @Rodney Smith Phd, who I am quite remembers it all too well, considering the fact that I took charge immediately once the meeting began, again with the late arrival of Dan Weinstein.
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It is also possible that the Dan Weinstein I just added, is different.
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After focusing on how you feel about being bamboozled by the media-politicians riling you up about one politician versus the next, and who is more credible blah blah, remember it is and will always be “content content content.”
Yesterday at 11:02 AM
Fri 11:02 AM
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It is now 11:02 AM Calif. time.
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The earth remains spinning as it has done for 4 billion years.
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Time-space remains active as it has done for 13.8 billion years.
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From end to end the universe stretches 90 billion light years across and man will never come close to reaching the closest star.
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It is time for Musk to stop talking about desolate Mars which only attracts very lonely people like @Steven Bailey and foolish money grabbers.
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That is not suggest if I was in Elon Musk’s shoes I would play it any different.
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He has been dealt deservedly the most brilliant cards and again, I cannot fault a single move other than he took our advice to find an artist lover, it is just that he chose the wrong type of artist.
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Nor am I willing to share, at least not in bed, my one of a kind smart, impressionist oil painter Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion.
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I am however willing to help Elon vet his next prospect, should he call upon my assistance.
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@Sofiaan Fraval, how are you doing convincing Elon to turn vegan, also cut out all the SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) which will make him less anxious?
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It is now 11:16 AM
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I should get back to Twitter which you can follow on the homepage of
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@Vicky Schiff, I’m talking to you as well.
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April 27 was also not the last time @Errol Graham Musk whose career and personal life Harry Oppenheimer would have followed up until his death in August 2000, having just months before, May 2000 fully co-opted clown Warren Buffett into the Diamond Invention Game (DIG).
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Randolph Apperson Hearst understood perfectly the merits of being able to get the entire world’s population onto the same page at the same time.
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He also knew that it would drive the talkers such as The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, @Steven Bailey , @Nancy Spielberg, Steven Spielberg, @David Monk , @David Julian Danziger , rabbi @David Masinter , rabbi @Larry Shain , PR guru @Larry Winokur , @Alan Mark Zeligson , @Alan Woolf , @Andrea Kerzner , @Anthony Maister , @Tony Leon , @Tony Haverstick , Professor @Vladimir Golstein , @Alan Cline , @Sidney Lazarus , excellent film producer @Anthony Baxter, @Antony Unruh , @Trevor Abramson , @Michael Treger , @Trevor Goldberg, @Ava Gevisser , @Mel Gevisser , @Kathy Danziger , @Ayala Weisel Esq, etc etc totally insane.
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Hearst could also see, once I pointed out to him the advances being made in digital communications, the reality of getting everyone onto the same page by first getting them into the same room.
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The only question was deciding when to pull the trigger.
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So it is up to each of you to decide what moment works right for you.
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We can all also agree that @Steven Bailey and my 3 elder siblings are not eager to commit suicide as they are also fully perplexed in their choice of mental suicide when failing to observe the clear wishes of my mother Zena who would have enjoyed each and every meal, not only because of the great taste and all the nutrition in our healthy non-animal foods but the company of two intelligent humans who never talk to talk.
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The physicists today are marveling at having photographed the massive black hole at the center of our galaxy some 26,000 light years away which really isn’t that far considering the vast scope of the universe so many billions of years old and here we are in the course of less than a 100 years destroying 75% of the earth’s green space and we continue breeding unconscious humans.
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One British physicist, a total nerd looking and crap talking youngster, while thinnish looks unhealthy, and knowing there isn’t much to say other it is a photo which is also easy to imagine, unless you are like most spoon-fed crap literally and figuratively, went so far as to say on BBC yesterday that the photo shows the “edge of the universe”.
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Edge of the universe.
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What the fuck is he talking about.
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A fool thinks they can fool everyone.
Dann Marley left the group.
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@Steven Bailey can you divide 26000 light years into 90 billion and when you come out with the result, how do you determine where is the edge of the universe?
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Dann Marley left.
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Who else needs a hand in leaving?
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@Nancy Spielberg, how are you and your brother Steven getting along today?
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@Errol Graham Musk wrote to me again on April 28 and the following day, clarified what he had written on the 28th.
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Today is 13 May.
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It is 11:50 AM.
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You would expect @Errol Graham Musk to be no interested in what I have to say since writing, “… in the position of JFK. BTW you should have a ‘podcast’. Is that what they call it. A TV show”.
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Let’s back up a little as the battery charge on my iPhone is about to run out.
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The nature of things only allows one sperm from one sperm donor to penetrate the human female egg.
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In other words, the richest on paper and most accomplished human of this century, Elon Musk has only one father.
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@Errol Graham Musk chooses carefully who he wants to spend his time communicating with when he has more choices than probably anyone else in the world who has something important to say.
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@Errol Graham Musk knows exactly what makes each of you quiet when not distracting, tick.
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In other words none of you are fooling him.
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When you have your enemies in the same room and they are not talking to each other because they don’t have the truth constantly at their side, you have a paradigm shift taking place.
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That is not say Hearst couldn’t envision such a time, the question was only when it would happen and would I be able to live to see it.
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My mother Zena as well as my father Bernie saw the exact same thing.
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Given how tight was the circle of those who knew and none of us talkers, it would be left to me in deciding the time and place.
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If you scroll back to the 4 photos I uploaded together and the last one showing me practicing my golf swing atop Machu Picchu, and it looks pretty smooth to me, you will see right before a photo resting on the front paws of Pypeetoe which was taken earlier that evening and I was handed by the security detail of the Israeli Ambassador to Peru in the center, the first copy.
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@Sam Haim, do you remember?
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Has your eyes recovered from the tail lashing of Pypeetoe?
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Let’s see if we can get some edits in before the iPhone shuts down which I could prevent but that would force me to walk a 100 meters from where I’m relaxing comfortably in the one deck chair I finished sanding and oiling the other day.
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Edit: … @Tracy Tomson who was also at the party …
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Edit: @Vicky Schiff and I haven’t spoke since we attended the board …
Yesterday at 3:00 PM
Fri 3:00 PM
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It is now 2:59 PM
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I will be online for the next, at least 2 and 1/2 hours, outside of GoDNature deciding otherwise.
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You also don’t need to be religious in order to be smart.
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In fact, even @Steven Bailey and my 3 elder siblings as well as each of their fake friends including our mutual fb friends, @Jenny Arenstein – Friedman and @Micha-el Frame who perfectly understand the elephant in the room whenever they converse with each other, including when just thinking about one another, which most don’t have the mindfulness to contemplate even once in their lifetime, know that most all religious people are very stupid.
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Nor can a stupid person be trusted.
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That should be obvious, but let me explain.
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Let’s say you are playing rugby
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and you are a member of the backline; namely, either scrumhalf, fly half, center, and there are two centers, and a wing on either side making the sum total 6 players.
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Im not talking about when more than 6 players enter the backline.
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Im only talking about the standard 6 line formation.
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@Steven Bailey, are you able to follow along as well as say @Errol Graham Musk and my middle brother @Mel Gevisser and even our brother in law @David Julian Danziger who realizes today that he bit off more than he could chew when getting caught up in my sister’s web all stemming back to when she failed to take a break from eating chicken wings when she could have been listening to my mother Zena’s Charm School teachings, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN?
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@Steven Bailey, I would agree that to use lawyer terminology that is “compound” questioning where there is more than one question and it is confusing.
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Obviously, your wife @Steven Bailey could have benefitted from a course with my mother as would most all women, but then that would have us forgetting the role that destiny plays in each of our lives from the very beginning.
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So @Steven Bailey answer the questions as best you, and only when you decide the time is right without forgetting, choosing suicide is very poor option for anyone, unless you are on the battlefield and totally surrounded and not wanting to be taken prisoner or already a prisoner, sentenced to death and not wanting to give your captors the pleasure of a public hanging as was the case of 37 year old, Israeli Military Intelligence officer, Lt. Coloonel, Meir Max Bineth (27 June 1917 – 21 December 1954).
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Surprisingly @Steven Bailey you haven’t brought up your utter disgust of Israelis continuing to kill innocent American-Arab journalists, destroying Palestinian homes and grabbing lands of Arabs in places like Hebron at this very hour.
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What happened to your vitriol hatred of Jewish people?
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Could it be that you are increasingly singularly focused on you did in your previous life that caused you this destiny?
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Do you wish the mirror had never been discovered and that you could have simply stayed up in the trees swinging from branch to branch without thinking about your retirement monies?
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So we have nincompoop astrophysicists overjoyed by the photo of this massive black hole at the center of our galazy all the while innocent civilians are being brutalized in Ukraine in order to perpetuate the refugee crisis that plays a pivotal role in people continuing to think there are different forms of government even though it is not possible that their vote counts when all the world’s mineral resources are controlled by one entity who have their government regulators by the short-hairs.
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@Steven Bailey were I to ask you to place a thumbs up after the previous paragraph would you subbornly refuse because you would feel manipulated?
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Imagine what a religious person feels once realizing how utterly stupid they are.
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Rabbi @David Masinter are you really able to focus on your prayers this Friday evening, Shabbat as you did before you realized how obvious it is that God has long abandoned you and the rest of the fake relgious?
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If you are religious, the first thing you have to ask yourself is what you are doing for those less well off than you?
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That automatically means you must investigate how the money is first distributed to the people who control the minerals used first for weapon systems and who price the weapons that the governments pay for.
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A rabbi still has to buy the clothing he wears.
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A rabbi is not prevented from questioning if the taylor across the street from his regular taylor is in the pocket of his taylor who keeps reminding him not to bother with his fake competition who is more expensive.
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With deep pockets you can make your own money.
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It is 3:31 PM Calif. time.
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It is possible that those of you with eyesight have from time to time seen ads on buildings, FOR LEASE.
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Let us assume that all of you, including @Steven Bailey and @Steven David Sobol have seen such a sign once in their lives.
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With deep enough pockets those properties could remain vacant either until the end of time, or when a large astroid like the one that killed off the dinasours some 63 odd million years ago hits and instead of landing in ocean hits a land mass like Manhattan and the shrapnel penetrates all the world’s nuclear stockpiles, still not the end of time given the ongoing accelerated expansion of the universe, or simply when the materials holding up the structure such as steel, concrete and the such begin to fail, and that length of time is anyone’s guess unless they are a structural engineer and have the ability to run an alogrithm to figure out a more precise time period.
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Harry Oppenheimer was not quite as precise as that when requiring me to ask the right questions.
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@Steven Bailey, try putting on your thinking cap.
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Were you in my shoes back in early spring 1978 and having just turned 21 years of age, what would be one of the first questions you would ask Harry Oppenheimer?
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@Steven Bailey, why don’t you write your autobiography and at the same time line up investors to sponsor your TV show?
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Who thinks South African comedian Trevor Noah would find our show funny?
You added Trevor Manuel to the group.
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Hello @Trevor Manuel, how’s your day going?
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You weren’t aware that the day following our morning meeting in Pretoria, South Africa where you approved the sale of trade show company, Made In USA Inc. where multi-billionaire @Solly Krok was one of the investors, to South Africa’s largest trade show group, South Africa International Trade Exhibitors [SAITEX] that I would be meeting with the “male heir” of racist, monopolist, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971], because I didn’t know at the time.
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Even if I had known I wouldn’t have shared that information with you, because in all likelihood you wouldn’t have approved the transaction which effectively placed the future of Made In USA Inc. in the hands of senior officials of the former Apartheid Regime who were your enemy for the previous 46 years, prior to you and your boss Nelson Mandela coming to power the year before 1994.
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@Wendy Ann Bouman, you taught us high school history at our Jewish day school, Carmel College, Durban, South Africa.
You have the opportunity to speak directly to Trevor Manual who went from Minister of Trade & Industry to the umpteen year South Africa Minister of Finance and yet Manual knew as much about finance-economics as the current US Treasury Secretary and Chairperson of the US Federal Reserve which is either absolutely nothing about how their job works or they are far better actors than Brad Pitt.
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Who thinks Brad Pitt is a great actor?
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Does anyone here have an opinion about anything?
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It is 3:51 PM and I haven’t heard directly from Elon Musk or his father Errol.
Dennae Sutphin left the group.
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Earlier when I said that I had not communicated with Vicky Schiff since the board meeting of the WCG on 8 February 2002 which was 4 months and 28 days after 9/11, it didn’t mean that the WCG’s attorney, Stanford Law School graduate, William H. Jackson Esq. failed to communicate with me.
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In fact Mr. Jackson Esq. wrote me the two-page letter you see above on April 3, 2002, 54 days after the board meeting which continued after I voluntarily left having given everyone in the board meeting the opportunity to say their piece.
That didn’t mean I was distracted by Ms. Schiff continuously kicking me with her new high heeled shoes under the table, which again, my years of playing rugby in the hooker position came in handy, because when departing I did so with the handouts which had been provided mostly by Ms. Schiff which were proof of voter fraud taking place in the upcoming November 2002, California Gubernatorial elections where the WCG were backing both candidates, the encumbant Democrat Governor Gray Davis and the Republican challenger, William Simon Jr. the son of the former US Treasury Secretary, billionaire William Simon.
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Let’s go back to the game of rugby.
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The moment the rugby ball leaves the scrum, whoever picks it up and starts passing, usually the scrumhalf, but often times the 8th man, the remaining 5 players in the line have a better sense of what is going to happen next than the other team unless they have access to your playbook and/or their ESP is better.
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A rabbi is expected to have the most excellent ESP with God.
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If they can’t follow the logic they respond, “Whatever”.
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When you are following the money trail on behalf of the poor in order that there be peace on earth so God would be happy and to make HER presence known, but you fail to miss how easy it is for a mineral monopolist to control the voting in each and every election by simply bypassing the election process and rewarding those doing the most damage to the environment, the real estate developers than the poor, how can you call yourself “A man of God”?
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When someone who calls themself “A man of God” realizes that they have as massive a brain deficiency as realtor The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, it is hard to imagine that they continue concentrating on their daily prayers.
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So rabbis @Larry Shain and @David Masinter, how do you manage to live with yourselves without going stark raving nuts?
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@Yoko Grandsagne how are you doing?
Have you met anyone interesting since the passing of your husband, Hubert Astier the former Director of Versailles, and before that most prestigious job in all of France, the Vice Minister of Culture?
What’s the weather like today in the south of France?
Would it interest you to join a panel of women previously married to idiot rich people or top government officials in order to help the next generation of children not to be so stupid?
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The game of rugby requires each player on the team to be both athletic and fast thinkers.
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If you have one player, such as @David Levy who is the team’s captain and all he does is bark orders, it is most likely you will lose to better captained team.
@David Levy, would you agree with that assessment?
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It is 4:18 PM and Dennae Sutphin left the group at around 3:54 right before I posted, “Earlier when …”.
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During the 54 days following the board meeting, I did not stop breathing or exercising.
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I had the goods.
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@Vicky Schiff do the 3 documents above help refresh your memory?
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Not only did the WCG back both candidates for office of Governor of the 7th largest economy in the world but the WCG had managed to loop in the world’s largest water company, French Vivendi-Veolia with tentacles to the very top of Hollywood.
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Russian interference in the 2016 US Presidential election.
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Who thinks that is not the only distraction?
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With deep pockets you can make your own money.
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Why do we bother with a category of real estate developer, or real estate broker, or real estate salesperson, or real estate mortgage broker, or real estate financier?
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@Wendy Ann Bouman, do you think that is a fair question?
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Of course Vicky Schiff produced those first two documents because she hoped to loop me into their corruption, but I wasn’t buying it.
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What no one, other than GoDNature could have predicted was that two-page typed letter on Pircher, Nichols & Meeks letterhead.
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Mr. Jackson Esq. who I have never met and have no idea what he looks like, even though I knew he first represented Ms. Schiff who brought him into the WCG which she joined soon after our dinner at the Italian restaurant downtown, San Diego where remember Dan Weinstein showed up late and blabbing his mouth how he played a pivotal role in getting his future benefactor, multibillionaire Ron Burkle to become the Supermarket King of the United States thanks to Weinstein’s father close ties to the Teamsters Union.
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The first time I set eyes on Mr. Jackson Esq.’s two-page letter is when he faxed it over to me at my one address, 327 Parish Lane, and you can see he mispelled Parish, on April 3, 2002.
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Again, I read it because it was addressed to me and my eyesight was sufficiently excellent as well.
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I didn’t want to think much about it, and so I immediately called member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who I know is not preparing to go to synagogue at this new synagogue being built in prime location La Jolla, Calif.
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and I believe it is a ChaBAD sic establishment, would you know Mr. ChaBAD sic rabbi @David Masinter?
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I figured that while Mr. Krinsk Esq. used his mental faculties, I could rest mine.
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It worked.
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Mr. Krinsk Esq. of course was not only busy but he was very suspicious of its authenticity, and for good reason.
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That conversation was very short, obviously.
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The next day a Federal Express van showed up, right when @Sam Haim who lived above, which was before my wife and I moved in, and obviously that meant Sam Haim found other accommodation and Im sure he misses the Tree House
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@Sam Haim, those were great times, I’m sure you would agree.
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How many neighbors not only get on but then go on vacation together to Machu Picchu?
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You can see on the photo above of The Tree house which probably goes for around $10 million today, if not more, and it all depends on who you ask, it was taken on December 6, 2000, probably by my father Bernie as we were preparing for my New Beginnings Party.
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You unsent a message
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@Tracy Tomson, I sent you a photo of yourself and your fiance, do you still have it?
Has The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow instructed you yet to destroy it?
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The presence of Sammy who was born in a mud hut in Cairo Egypt and moved to Israel because his family are Jewish right after Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] did not have me losing my focus which was to call Krinsk immediately and let him know that the letter was genuine.
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Krinsk took just a few seconds, because his time is very valuable, and he is otherwise very busy, to let me know that he could settle with Vicky Schiff-WCG for $3 million with one phone call; and I countered, why not $63 million which had Krinsk being his usual self responding, “Call me once you have made up your mind” [sic].
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I never did call Krinsk back, at least not on that subject; and to this day neither of us have brought up Jackson Esq.’s extraordinary, infantile, self-incriminating letter which will go a long way in shutting down the Stanford Law School.
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In a very clockwork universe there is time and place for everything.
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Here we are looking out, using the most sophisticated landbased telescopes some 26,000 light years away, and we are dropping bombs on civilian targets in order to perpetuate a lie that every vote counts, so long as it is cast by a citizen and there is no undue influence by people with access to unlimited sums of money and political clout who could beat out the likes of The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow in every transaction.
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Of course, it is every real estate investor who is at the mercy of the SA Oppenheimers-Deutchse Bank-Bitcoin.
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If we look back to April 4, 2002, and take my word for it, Krinsk Esq. would have got $3 million wired into my bank account by the end of the day, and all I would need to do was agree not to talk about it, $3 million would have bought The Tree House and whole bunch other properties in its vicinity, assuming the owners wanted to sell.
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How many people here are emotionally attached to their home versus their money?
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@Jonathan Marine, do you remember learning any of this when attending USC or since you became a hot shot real estate developer?
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In course of today, I have, as some of you know, including @Errol Graham Musk, been looking for a specific length wire, 25.5 inches long and it looks similar to this:
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The difference being, the one above is just shy of 23 inches and won’t work on a Norway reclining chair that is going on 2 decades old.
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Involved in this restoration effort is the CEO of the original manufacturer who no longer produces the chair either because it is too expensive and/or it is so well made that it lasts too long, as well as his United States distributor, plus their administrative help seeking others around the world who might have the correct wire somewhere in their inventory.
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I have even gone to the trouble of asking my bicycle mechanic, a recently retired US Navy aviator with 6 carrier landings flying high powered jets, who opted to become instead a US Navy Captain and more recently tasked with organizing the manufacturing in China and shipping of this massive dry dock to San Diego
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Within moments of asking Andy’s advice and also letting him know I needed my mountain bike serviced, he replied by text:
From here it looks like the wire has cast ends on both ends. Not sure how one would replace the casing with that scenario. Brake cables come with one end that looks like what you have there, not sure if there is a solid way to jury rig the other end. Bring it by when you bring the bike and I’ll take a look.
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If one is poorly schooled in the English, it might seem that Andy’s use of “jury rig” is incorrect.
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To be clear, the most brainwashed people on the planet are white Jewish South Africans followed white non-Jewish South Africans with very few exceptions.
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I can probably think of 10 South African exceptions.
1. @Errol Graham Musk‘s father, who would be Elon, @Kimbal Musk and @Tosca Musk‘s grandfather.
3. @Tosca Musk
4. @Kimbal Musk
5. Elon Musk
6. Bernie Gevisser
7. Gary Gevisser
For the life of me I cannot think of any other white South African who was born in South Africa and isn’t totally brainwashed.
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This Andy fellow who is my age, possibly a year older, is born and bred in the United States.
Before deciding to become a Navy Fighter Pilot-Captain he attended Harvard University; meaning he could already talk, read and write and when graduating with a degree in Political Science he was on a very fast track to become a very rich lawyer, but that wasn’t as interesting as becoming a US Navy Fighter Pilot.
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It is very easy to see by the way Andy’s garage shop is organized that he had no problem with discipline on any of his ships where he was Captain.
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I am not suggesting that we end this ridiculous war in the Ukraine by having Andy armwrestle Putin because by the time Putin shows up, Putin could be long dead.
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No doubt the goal right now of the military industrial complex which has no loyalty to the people who care about the animals, and the planet, and only care about overbreeding nimcompoops who don’t question, is to kill Putin.
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Of course I could be wrong.
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To find out we all just need to make a concerted effort to ask Nicholas Oppenheimer.
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@Steven Bailey, do you agree with that assessment?
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Bailey, do you think these days?
You added Eva Mattsson to the group.
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Let’s welcome my latest fb friend @Eva Mattsson.
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@Eva Mattsson, before you go back to the start of Getting to know your friends, and first look carefully at the existing membership, do you happen to have in your possession a wire such as the one you see above, but has the right ends and is exactly 25.5 inches in length?
The thickness should be standard.
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How many people who are right in their minds, leaves $3 million on the table?
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April 3, 2002, was well after 9/11.
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I hadn’t forgotten how unmoved was everyone by the publication of my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich.
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I did not think all my many friends around the world were genuine friends when they were all silent and you know how quickly bad news spreads amongst the unaccomplished.
Ed Coffin left the group.
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I have always lived my life once realizing the idiocy of thinking there is a distinction between the private and government sector when you have the world’s minerals owned by the most rapacious individuals who don’t care about the planet or the animals which need their habitat as much as us who are the most destructive specie imaginable and crule to boot, and I see Ed Coffin has just left, as if I was going to die that day.
You added Ed Coffin to the group.
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@Ed Coffin I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t experiencing an epileptic fit that resulted in you hitting the remove button.
Are you okay?
Is there anything else we can help you with?
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Ed, did you know that you have a weird fb profile photo?
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Do you remember previously communicating with me?
I believe it was on @Ellen Ericksen‘s fb wall?
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So how well was I getting along with @Vicky Schiff before she decided to get involved in rigging the upcoming California Gubernatorial elections of November 2002?
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I have blocked out the amounts of both checks Ms. Schiff wrote to me on 23 June 2001 which were the result of our contractual relationship which called for her to compensate me 10% of all her future gross earnings, until such time as she decided to fully retire.
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To be clear, I did not have a gun pointed at her head, or anything close.
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In fact, I left it up to her entirely to decide what would be fair compensation to me for having extracted her quickly, peacefully from her previous employment where she was the General Manager of a $100 million – I know that sounds piddly today – real estate portfolio where the limited partner who put up most of the monies was Lou Gonda, the second largest shareholder of AIG who everyone should recall came out of government protection bankruptcy, having wiped out all the competition worldwise, to now sponsoring major league rugby.
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Even America’s cash and land richest litigator Krinsk Esq. thought that the 10% was “rich” which it was.
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Nor was I unaware that Ms. Schiff would move quickly into the major money Wall Street league, but who better than me who doesn’t scare easily to have at your side?
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Nor did Ms. Schiff attempt at any time to renegotiate the 10% fee because she was very happy having me at her side, even though I committed to only being a phone call away, without having to attend boring meetings.
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Remember I only heard of Ms. Schiff at my retirement party.
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No one needed to tell me how upside down is this world.
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If you know the world is upside down, who do you want to spend the rest of your time with?
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I read, just yesterday, I believe, that most people with pets would prefer to be with their pets than either themselves alone or their spouses/significant others.
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Can anyone verify that?
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@Lew Joubert do you have an opinion?
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As you can I misread the dates on the 2 checks.
It was 23 October 2001.
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On 11 September 2001, the first anniversary of 9/11, The Coupon Clipper Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow completed the purchase of the $31.5 million Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, which of course he grossly overpaid.
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Had he not grossly overpaid then someone else would have paid less.
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@Steven Bailey, @Terry Orman Gevisser, @Kathy Danziger, @Deborah Sturman Esq., @Roy Essakow, @Emma Elliott, @Daniela Essakow, @David Julian Danziger, @David Monk, @David Masinter, @Michael Sewitz, @Micha-el Frame, @Michael Treger do you all follow that?
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Shall we come back to when Harry Oppenheimer decided to do mock the leadership of the Johannesburg Jewish community when agreeing to pay more to buy their synagogue than what it was worth and in return he asked the Jewish men, all about the money, to say Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, when he died; and these schmucks actually said Kadish for Harry Oppenheimer.
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I only know that story from Bob Dylan’s best friend, American Louis Kemp who married my very rich client, Maurice Arenson’s eldest daughter Anne.
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Below is are Louis’ writings:
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Michael Finger told me the story that his father told him that Debeers wanted to buy the prime location of the Synagogue he belonged to .. they asked a way over priced amount..
Harry O called them to his office and said your price is ridiculous but I will pay it if you promise me that when I pass away you will say KADDISH for me.. and they did.
You added Estelle Malatskey to the group.
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Imagine yourself, new member @Estelle Malatskey, married to EY [Ernst Young] partner, Jeffrey Malatskey, and you find out that all the money that has come in from EY is nothing less than bribe money, how would you feel?
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Remember, it is common sense that the minerals market is rigged.
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Certainly that is the case if you live in South Africa and you don’t fear every day being picked on, when not beaten to a pulp like Elon Musk.
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Imagine how his younger brother @Kimbal Musk felt to see his elder brother beaten up repeatedly and one time having to spend 2 weeks in hospital.
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There was no bullying at our Jewish day school Carmel College, because the Oppenheimers’ Kapos-Zagiew, the Lazarus clan of Durban North had everything under control.
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@David Schmahmann, why are you so quiet?
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Not only were you banned by the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime you found no comfort amongst your fellow classmates such as @Jenny Arenstein – Friedman, @Ivan Strous, @Alan Brivik, and we will leave out my sister Kathy for the time being.
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It is now 6:29 AM and it is an unusually hot day, hence the delay in getting out, but all the windows are wide open and there is the most wonderful cool breeze; best of all the birds are singing happily, different to when the two blue jays were having a go at each other; pretty much all morning.
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One wild turkey also showed up which had us thinking about all the other family members. They seem to be getting less in number.
Better to look on the bright side.
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The money is really all that attracts you here.
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Each of you also know including those looking directly over your shoulders or simply having access to your fb account, that all it takes is for Elon Musk to get off the dime, and tell it the way it is.
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For all I know he could have already done it.
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Certainly if I was in his shoes I would wait a moment longer.
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A great deal about the human race can be learned by being a member of Getting to know your friends.
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How in the world did they get everyone to accept the money as gospel?
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Professor @Vladimir Golstein, what do you think?
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Professor @Vernon L. Smith Phd, how are you doing?
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@Shani Weltsman Moran, you like to show yourself, what are your thoughts?
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@Peter Chait, its been a while since we have spoken. Do you still do yoga? Any thoughts of playing rubgy again; how about touch rugby?
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Who thinks the suicide of Meir Max Bineth in an Egyptian jail concerned David Ben Gurion?
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Who when they cough feel like it is the first sign that they are dying?
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How do you predict a positive outcome when you know that you have done wrong, and the world you live in is all upside down?
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How do you live with someone who you thought was smart and then you find out that they are the biggest bloody fool?
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Do you look at all their positives, such as how generous with money they have been to you and your kids or do wonder more about all the questions you had, starting with why are all there all these tyrants in Africa in particular who escape to safe havens with billions which their heirs have no problem spending on massive mansions, even buying up entire streets in the most valuable areas of expensive London, Bel-Air, Manhattan, San Diego, Hong Kong etc etc and no one raises an eyebrow, other than, “It is what it is”?
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@Vicky Schiff, it isn’t going to be long before you turn 60. What are your thoughts?
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Do you think I was dumb to leave all that money on the table?
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We never discussed the publishing business, did we @Vicky Schiff?
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Not, as best I recall.
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Was Jackson Esq. on drugs at the time?
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Can you imagine a publisher like Hearst having a field day with everyone glued to this symposium?
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There is a clear message everyone leaves when they don’t speak because they offer no rebuttal.
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Would we have got the spectacle of Amber Heard, the pitiful actress, full on narcissist, had she or Depp knew all that you know?
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Most unlikely because their lawyers wouldn’t want to be contributing to this show.
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Let’s talk more about @Errol Graham Musk.
Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Fri 7:10 PM
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Back on Feb 11, Errol Musk writes to me:
I was good friends with penny Coelen.
Feb 12:
He [Harry Oppenheimer] was my neighbor in La Lucia. We both had a holiday house there and we both flew into Virginia Airfield on many Friday afternoons, he in Anglo’s Kingair and me in my Baron. So we would say hello and offer a lift etc to the houses.
Feb 17:
Very intereting.
[Note the gap between Feb. 12 and Feb 17, “Very intereting” [sic]. I am only sharing Errol’s writings to me, after I shared the intimacy of both sides of my family with the founding mothers and fathers of the modern State of Israel which was hijacked by the German-SA Oppenheimers in the late 70s after they first quietened the rest of the Jewish communities, principally with free real estate monies.]
Feb 18:
Orange Grove Hotel! My cousin Art Mason was the pianist in Dan Hill’s band, so Maye and I were there a lot. Started with that early lady singer Dana Valery who became famous (her brother was a stand-in for deanMa rtin) Una Vally, Judy Page etc. It was sooo great there. The Lebs used to come in and cause trouble, but it was all sort of fun.
Feb 20:
Interesting. Your comments about the Jewish people are very interesting. To me they are the world’s most intelligent people (the massive urge to force these poisonous ‘vaccines’ in Israel puzzles me though). My mother’s grandfather on her father’s side was Jewish. He was a cantor in Liverpool, a sort of rabbi. My brother, a doctor, who has done the family tree thing, knows more. It pleases me to know this
[Who here thinks the Musk family demonstrate a keen dislike of Jewish people? Who thinks Errol Musk is ignorant about the Covid 19 pandemic? I don’t think I am misreading Errol Musk’s position on vaccines and why I never enquired more.]
Feb 27:
Tony Tillum Was a great friend of mine. I often went to watch him play criket.
Feb 28:
No I never met Nicky opp. but his sister Mary was often at my home in Beverley, Sandton, usually accompanied by Gonda Beatrix, the Show Jumper champion. They would pass by on hosreback and my place ‘Little southfork’ was always an open bar, whether i was there or not.
I kept up to 14 thoroughbreds, but only under pressure. My normal setup was 6 – 8 horses. My own thoroughbred was a half brother of a July winner, bred by the Oppenheimers.
March 26:
Gary, Please remind me never to get in an argument or competition with you, I hate losing! Errol Musk.
Also on March 26:
Busy looking
[I had previously given Errol a link to my mother’s 50 minute and 51 second filming in early spring 1987 in Kensington Park, London, right before I turned down Lloyd’s of London’s invitation to join the world’s oldest Old Boy’s Club. Of course should anyone wish to see that extraordinary footage, and that includes my 3 elder siblings, spouses, ex spouses, girlfriends, ex girlfriends, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, you can ask me or Errol or Solly Krok; only a handful I have shared so far.]
April 4:
Yes, very interesting as always. Have you put your thoughts down in a book?
April 5:
My father was a math prodigy who did not have the means to study in the 30’s (to put it mildly). He volunteered for the military in 1939 and was immediately placed in Military Intelligence, where he was a a cryptanalyst for the next 6 years, all the way into Europe. He could do the Sunday Times crossword in 10 minutes or less. He won R10 a couple of times. His group wore a cheap brown uniform with no insignia or rank for obvious reasons. Otherwise … My mom was uneducated beyond primary school, leaving England on a refugee ship in 1940. She did work briefly sewing the fabric panels for Huricanes and Spifires. She was the strongest, most reliable and intelligent woman I have ever known. She was instrumental in Elon’s upbringing, as Elon and Kimbal stayed with me after the divorce (I had custody). She later worked as my bookkeeper and later my brother’s bookkeeper (he’s a specialist). On the lighter side, recently I complained to my brother Michael …He replied “What about mommy?” I was stumped.
[Note that I have redacted placing … in two places above because I don’t see them as important for anyone to know. Sufficient to know that both Errol and his brother appear to be totally loved by both parents and it was recipricated.]
April 8:
Yes. long ago. It was funny and quite readable.
[Referencing The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, a favorite of Elon’s.]
April 11:
Yes. I was a candidate for Parliament for the Progressive Party a couple of times. I was an Anglo scholar, i e they gave me money to study. no strings attached. I met Harry Oppenheimer and Helen Suzman a few times. As a car enthusiast I have always tried to have nice cars. i have a Bentley and a RR, and an S500V12 right now. I asked HO why he
drives a BMW 525 with a driver. He said there are two cars that follow each other so if he’s ‘bumped’ he can get out and get into the following car and leave. He was not ‘uppity’ if you know what I mean. …
Today at 1:11 AM
1:11 AM
Thanks Gary. Great stuff as usual from you.
Today at 4:51 AM
4:51 AM
Thumbs up sign
Ed Coffin left the group.