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Getting to know your friends – X

Part IX – Getting to know your friends – CLICK HERE


Screenshot: 11:27 PM Calif time, Sunday 17 July 2022

Fri 1:53 PM

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@Lisa Johnston , it is 1:44 PM Calif time, Friday, 15 July.

Note, but you don’t need to comment, @Steven Bailey remains quiet since 6:04 PM yesterday after he exploded, like a bat out of hell, when seeing the reaction “True” out of the mouth of very on top of things, highly qualified electronic and mechanical engineer @Errol Graham Musk to “Major corporations-government have long been infiltrated” (sic).

The Latin adverb “SIC” is because I added to the original message at 10:02 AM yesterday the word “government” which is obvious, if you have common sense.


July 15 at 2:09 PM

Fri 2:09 PM

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@Lisa Johnston, now that we know you cannot explain why you added to your normal response the inexplicable “lawsuits” which took an extraordinary effort on my part, and where I demonstrated a great deal of patience which my high school Latin teacher Mr. Braithwaite never exhibited because he tolerated no stupidity which didn’t sit well with the stupid like Gary Firer who no longer allows me to add him to my fb group chats symposiums, and you also note there have been no further departures since multibillionaire Solly Krok left “finally for good” at 9:21 AM, again yesterday which was well prior to Errol Musk’s “True” at 3:19 PM,  allow me to present to you the very important question, my highly intelligent, top of her class, highly secretive British-English mother presented to all her 4 children once coming to the conclusion that they knew the difference between right and wrong:


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Who do you want to be in business with, an honest fool or clever crook?


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Let me also share with you that 99.99999% percent of the literate population which includes university and non-university educated get the answer wrong.


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Should say someone like the fool @Steven Bailey pipe in with the right answer you can safely assume that he has heard me provide both the question and the correct answer repeatedly.


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It is now 2:13 PM and before I proceed with the steps needed to add your friend/mentor to the symposium which would guaranteed capture the full attention of Chairman of the Board Hearst Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst, I want you to answer that very much important question which tests the integrity and intellectual capacity of this all about the money me individual.


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I will also now email you a link to the 51 minute and 50 second filming of my mother Zena


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in Kensington Park, London back in late spring 1987, right before I turned down Lloyds of London’s invitation to join the oldest Old Boys Club which was founded in 1774, the same year Scottish economist Adam Smith, no relation to member 2002 Nobel Laureate, economist, @Vernon L. Smith and economist Dr. @Rodney Smith Phd, penned his nonsense, Wealth of Nations.


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@Lisa Johnston , if you are having trouble figuring out the answer to the question, you can just say “I don’t know”.


Yesterday at 7:53 AM

Sat 7:53 AM

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@Lisa Johnston, it is now Saturday, 7:52 AM Calif. time.

We last heard from you on Thursday, 14 June, the day after my middle brother @Mel Gevisser who is increasingly hiding, turned 67, when you wrote:

He knows a lot more than I do about things and he has been my mentor.


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Those 16 words are in stark contrast to you previously calling me “rude”?


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Note I am questioning.


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Let’s say you were an advisor to Mark Zuckerberg because you know he has advisors, and you co-host a podcast which means you are certainly more of an influencer than those who don’t including the children yet to be born to parents who are quick to put them into army boots when they turn 18, that nabbed member @Errol Graham Musk and I watched every moment of it, including when you left briefly to attend to one of your children, and you did ask Errol an important question at the beginning how Elon got his name which revealed that Errol clearly had strong input, and most non-family members would not know and that would include Zuckerberg unless he had been fully briefed that Errol was into rockets as a young teenager and very successful when you consider he built a two-stage rocket without Pentagon-NASA support.


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My question is would you advise Zuckerberg to pay attention to my symposiums on Facebook, in particular this one?


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@Lisa Johnston, it is now 8:03 AM and you have yet to respond to my fb message to you yesterday at 7:23 PM, “Do I have your email?”.


Avigdor Feldman left the group.

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I had committed earlier at 2:18 PM that I would send you a link  my filming of my mother Zena in Kensington Park, London a stone throw away from her and her second husband, Alan Zulman’s


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very cute, romantic bachelor pad


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Edit: … to my filming …


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Those 3 screenshots above were from a brief filming of my mom and Alan Zulman


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which I recently had digitized along with the 50 minute and 51 second filming of my mother which had @Errol Graham Musk, one of the very few to have seen this “eyeopener” and telling of my and my mother’s very close and most trusting relationship announcing, “our mom is a stunner.”


You added Penny Rey and Penny Rey to the group.

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Errol Musk has undoubtedly met a lot of the world’s most beautiful women including Miss World 1958, @Penny Rey @Penny Rey who married a very good looking Natal farmer, hence Rey is the name Penny


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uses on facebook.


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While I am sure you are focused on the question concerning both Zuckerberg and how best to determine the mental faculties of your children once they have mastered the difference between right and wrong, principally as a way to protect yourself and other loved ones who are not necessarily family members such as Fatima Meer


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, a Mossad agent who perfectly understood as did all intelligent people that every major corporation as well as each government on the planet that produced weapon weapon systems that others wanted which includes Mr. Bone Saw and Israel, had been infiltrated by the principal architects and profiteers of war, famine, disease and the such; namely, the German-South African Oppenheimer family and their shills such as Nelson Mandela.


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Just like Fatima Meer who was the subject of my mother Zena and her husband Alan Zulman’s only argument which took place in late December 2001 that resulted in me purchasing that very evening a “safe house” for my mother Zena on the water’s edge of the village of Minehead, a short distance from her principal residence in Wiveliscombe, Somerset and which I walked to in quite heavy rain, and nor was it summer time in England at the time, and still England remains in the northern hemisphere, and it did take me several hours as I was walking through heavy mud fields long stripped of their trees for sheep farming which you probably know the environmentalist John Muir strongly detested given how sheep eat everything, not very discerning, like most humans, Fatima aged with time as did Alan Zulman who is the person standing behind Mossad head David Ben Gurion back on 16 May 1969, 14 days before my mom celebrated her 40th birthday and my mom was still married to my father Bernie who you may recall mentioning earlier was the happiest person who loved his job at Moshal Gevisser as not only was he the most competent individual and loved by all the staff other than the other top executives


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the exception, of course, his father, co-founder of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970], Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890 –  24 February 1970] and his elder brother Morris Gevisser [c.1880 – 25 August 1961]


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Morris’ youngest child, the traitor David Gevisser [1926-2009] was not present when the photo of the board was shot for the purpose of the 24 page booklet celebrating the 50th anniversary of Moshal Gevisser, namely 1960


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and nor was his father who was gravely ill, hence their photo is inset, along with Colin Sternberg who is mentioned with admiration in Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale’s 1962 autobiography, The Sunlit Years


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@Lisa Johnston if you think there is parsley growing out of my copy of The Sunlit Years, you would be wrong. I just placed it on the one cutting board where there is a bunch of freshly picked, very green, organic parsley.


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If you would like to see the entire bunch, I can do that for you.


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To be clear, neither my mother nor I had any fear of harm coming to my mother from Alan Zulman who loved my mother more than anything in the world, and would still have been willing to die for her after the argument where very few words were spoken but he was a completely changed man after that.


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You would know that when the human gets the shock of their life without being electrocuted to death, they can never think the same.


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Im now taking a break for breakfast with my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion whose French accent doesn’t interfere with her mind, clearly on a par with that of my stunner mother.


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AJ Lauren left the group.

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AJ Lauren left.


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Where was I?


Barry Beder left the group.

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Yes, we should not equate the actions of very brave Fatima Meer with the Nazi Fritz ter Meer.


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Barry Beder who just left has a last name similar to Bayer, as in Bayer, IG Farben, Rockefeller-Oppenheimer.


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BTW, at 7:47 AM today, I mentioned to aviator @Errol Graham Musk :

Yesterday was a watershed moment, and it had nothing to do with you, no points of contact other than we all originate from one powerful force that is anything but chaotic.


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One of Alan Zulman’s close relatives is Norma Essakow, the mother of members @Roy Essakow who was my best friend throughout high school at Carmel College, Durban, SA and his elder brother The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow who is a year older than my brother Melvin which didn’t prevent The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow from being the “best man” at my brother’s wedding to member @Terry Orman Gevisser from hell.


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@Lisa Johnston you may know from your own family experience or just watching afternoon TV soap operas that the all about dirt human can help itself talking behind the back of anyone which can result in them getting a leg up.


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If you look carefully at those one of a kind Italian shoes which were gifted to my amazing F-C wife by the owner of the most exclusive boutique in all of Rome just a short walk from the Pantheon and the gift was not because my wife spent a lot of money on clothes because she didn’t, far from it, only a couple of items that were on the sale rack which had been marked down to well below cost because you needed to have the perfect shaped body which few including the rich have – just look at Ivanka Trump who just perished which eating the SOS at restaurants 3 times a day when not ordering in will do it – and the owner also threw in a couple more items without his assistants writing them up, you will notice they are resting on the sheet cover; again because they were new and on display without a price tag because they were not for sale.


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I know that at all times none of you think I’m distracted for a moment.


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It was my eldest brother, Neil Magic Hands


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Carly Berman left the group.

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who first introduced me to his long time clients, Veronica and Randolph Apperson Hearst.


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@Lisa Johnston, you see that Carly Berman has left but nor have you answered my important questions.


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I should also share with you that just yesterday I shared with how to eliminate all bots with just one well orchestrated team of the world’s very best software engineers led of course by his eldest Elon.

It is even possible that before the switch is turned, all bots will disappear for good.


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I’m sure you will want to know how.


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How are you doing in lining up your next guests?


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Another of my clients who my brother Neil introduced me to was one of the street smartest if not the most street smart  multimillionaires to have ever lived.

Just to tell how smart was Irving Cooper who loved me as much as his wife Helga, an orphan German Jewish child who escaped Hitler, and it is fair to say Helga also had only the highest praise for me and it was not only because I helped put her son in law into the battery business which many know is a good business if you know what you are flaking and you get in at the right time.

Neil once massaged Vice President George Herbert Bush and received as a gift from Bush a pair of Vice President cufflinks.


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It is now 9:59 AM California time.


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Smart people don’t have to be penniless.


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When you are penniless you just can’t think of anything but surviving for a very short time, hours, days, weeks, it all depends on your emotional state that is tied directly to your physical health that is tied up with your emotions.


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One can’t emphasize enough is the emotional state of one’s child.


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Are any of you feeling frustrated as a child because you had moron parents?


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You also don’t hear @Errol Graham Musk putting down his wonderful parents who did the best they could for their children.


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Yes they could have sent Errol to my mother for Charm School teachings but they didn’t, and that would have been the end of the story, Maye and Errol wouldn’t have got married to each other and therefore no TESLA which has always been enemy number one.


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That we know for sure because this electric car came about much too soon and they wouldn’t be scrambling now to try distracting you with Biden having to eat crow softpunching chummy chummy with MBS to focus on the importance of making gas in the United States affordable.


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They almost fooled all of you.


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You know that inflation is controlled by the people who price fix the money and the minerals going back to the turn of the last century.


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@Steven Bailey do you know what day it is?


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If any of you are thinking Elon has been acting, like you are all acting, from the start, you are dead wrong.


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His body weight showing his body is under stress doesn’t come about if you are acting.


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Elon put his heart and soul into TESLA from the start.


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The money people just control the money.


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Smart people like Randolph Apperson Hearst who was a very good USAF pilot and trainer during World War II and Irving Cooper don’t make their assessment on revealing their deepest secrets and fears on the recommendation of their masseur.


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My brother Neil has only just recently found out why he was sent to boarding school at age 7.


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Let me just ask very quickly, and I’m running out of batteries on my cellphone and the electricity has been cut in the forest for about 2 hours which is very unusual unless for maintenance which is really never, and nor are there more than once a month you hear far in the distance big truck and when the US Forest Service come around, that too would be a fair size truck which is about once or twice a year, more likely once to check that we have kept a sufficient fire defense which doesn’t mean much if the surrounding 420,000 acres all burn at once similar to the sun going supernova, would any of you have liked to have my mother and father as parents which would mean you would have my grandparents?


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@Lisa Johnston, by the time I was 15 I knew everything there was to know about Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) and that meant all those who worked for him in key positions.


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I’m still weathering a sprained right hand middle finger that has a splint while also chewing and sucking on delicious grapes 

 which you would expect me to pay more attention to than you who you know is being rude, but the lesson ties in with how we eliminate all bot, robot fake accounts.


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One cannot expect for example someone like Roy Essakow who is logic deprived to automatically know that “bot” comes from the word “robot”.


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@Lisa Johnston did you know it did, or this knowledge new to you?


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You have shown conclusively that you are very interested in Marc Rich.


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Why don’t you speak up right now, it is 10:35 AM and ask Roy to come on your show?

Roy Essakow has everything he and his brother have to Marc Rich.

Roy worked for Marc Rich when Rich was on the run and holed out in Zug, Switzerland.


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Amazing the batteries lasted this long.


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In the forest you can sometime hear a pin drop, it is that quiet.


Yesterday at 11:19 AM

Sat 11:19 AM

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The power is back on.


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Quite the games.


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It is now 11:19 AM PST.


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Let me go back and make edits ahead of why I think Elon Musk should let us know.


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Also leaving us a little earlier is Avigdor Feldman, the well known Israeli activist lawyer who represented Mordechai Vanunu the Israeli former nuclear technician, convicted for releasing top secret at the Dimona nuclear power plant in the Negev Desert, who Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] kidnapped in Rome back in October 1986.


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For what it is worth, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Vanunu was set up, and even if he put up a good defense, which I don’t think he did, it might not have helped, and could just have easily hurt him, especially if he ended up dead.


Yesterday at 12:29 PM

Sat 12:29 PM

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Edit: … top of her class

highly secretive …


Yesterday at 1:38 PM

Sat 1:38 PM


Thumbs up sign


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Mannie Hirsch, it is confusing your emjoji “Thumbs up” because it can be anything from a compliment, and you should be more specific down to, “I am being very sarcastic and you figure it out because I like very much to confuse people because I’m needy, narcisstic and only happy when everyone else is unhappy, and if I can stab a good person in the back I will”.


Yesterday at 2:22 PM

Sat 2:22 PM

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Mannie, before I continue with the edits of what I have previously written, during which time I don’t have to listen to all the noise going on in other people’s heads because you all know what we are driving at here, and that is getting rid of all bots unless the people don’t want that and therefore we will get that much closer to having everyone in the same Internet room which I believe you would agree interests also Mark Zuckerberg who is the only branded name who has spoken out about the gross, most disgusting morally as well as intellectually, Gross Domestic Product economic index that logically given who is most tasked with promoting its nonsense is the OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation which was established coincidentally in the upside down year of 1961, although Zuckerberg in his public address at Harvard University didn’t explain why the GDP is so gross and how it became a “staple of our diet” and no one questioning, lets look at your and my interaction on fb messaging:


Yesterday at 2:38 PM

Sat 2:38 PM

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Mannie Hirsch


You’re friends on Facebook

Lives in Johannesburg, Gauteng

May 2, 2022, 12:04 PM

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As I just wrote on your fb wall:


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We have 43 mutual fb friends of your 4950 total.

What do you hope to gain by continuously placing a thumbs up on my fb symposium Getting to know your friends and being very in the grey when not explaining yourself clearly?

What is your career and “do” [sic] you obtain a degree from Wits?

Edit: … “grey” (sic)…

Jun 1, 2022, 2:01 PM

You sent [a link]

Subject: How does someone become so powerful that all the common herd can see is one still photo?

Place yourself in the shoes of a 29 year old graduate liberal arts student who did not inherit the gun-money-diamond power of Nicholas Oppenheimer, because there is only one Nick Oppenheimer who is fat, ugly and has a disproportionately large head.

You have also not produced a whole bunch of co-dependent children and are about to graduate with a post graduate degree and having already tucked under your belt some “street experience”, and now left to complete one course about the concentration camps during WW II.

You run into me who is not being spoken about by the media, which I understand, and I then in the course of 30 seconds I take you to Ch.9 of The Diamond Invention book, (DIAMONDS FOR HITLER) how long before you tell all your university friends and family members that you like, that they need to listen up?

Notice that you are still breathing just like when you took your first breath.

When you inhale you feel less in control then when you breath out, and you know that you have less breaths ahead of you than when you started life.

Now let’s assume that you are this 29 year old reading this, and you already know why it is that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer is not a name that was on the tip of your tongue before I began mentioning it, and why it is if you have a need for money to start your business and/or destroy your competition, you would go to one of Oppenheimer’s companies where you will find the lowest cost loans because De Beers and their affiliates have a zero cost of capital.

How many of you who have had all this information for quite some time still manage to force yourselves to listen to what better known people than me are talking about when it comes to your money, or do you find that it is no struggle at all because you have convinced yourselves that if what I had to say was all that important then I would already be a household name and the first thing that would happen is that there would be an immediate suspension in the trading of shares of public corporations?

You know that if the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve has not already explained to you all why it is that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer was unknown to the masses and yet everyone has heard of J.D. Rockefeller, it is either because Mr. Bernanke and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan were either stupid or lying to you.

When you know that you have got the wrong information and yet you continue on like nothing has happened would you expect yourself to get more intelligent or dumber?

Does the feeling of stupid bring with it a happy or 


Does it make sense to you that of all the people you know in the world that I would be the number one target of the people most profiting from keeping all of you in the dark, but for some reason, you are more angry with me than everyone else, other than yourself?

Do you find yourself liking your company as much as when you remember liking yourself the most?

If you were in my shoes would you be telling yourself that before I write my best selling book D-Money Lie I should wait until I am dead or would you be more focused on learning about the book publishing business even though there isn’t anything about the book publishing business that you don’t know?

Can anyone advise me on how I best get my information out and at the same time stay alive and enjoy life to the full?

Do you think it is wise that because I don’t know whether tonight is going to be my last night that I should go out this evening and stuff myself like a pig and then wake up tomorrow morning hating myself to death and still I am breathing and knowing that there is no way to make up for being illogical in my choice of foods unless that meant in the process of being stupid I would attract someone more beautiful than my French-Canadian wife to sleep with?

When you are old and notice that you are not attractive to young people as you once were, do you think your stupid thinking about food and what you drink has impacted your looks much the same way as your stupid thoughts?

Again, were you in my shoes, who out there would you be trying to impress?

When you look at fat people do you still think that they must be smart to have money otherwise why would anyone listen to someone who has trouble controlling their willpower unless they no longer have willpower?

If you are fat and don’t know how the money is valued and why it is that the most unhealthiest foods are very inexpensive, that is very sad, but still that does not mean that those who are withholding the information from you were doing the right thing.

How do you compensate all the fat people who are fat because they were intentionally made ignorant not to ask the right questions?

Obama is not fat, so what is his excuse for making sure that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer remains an unknown to the masses?

Would you consider it evil if it turns out that Obama knows everything you all know about Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his grandson Nicholas Oppenheimer?

If Barak Obama was not President of the United States of America and was just one of you reading this, would you say he was just as bad as you for not sharing the information?

Remember, all I am doing is trying to get people to start thinking because I know how difficult it is to acknowledge how stupid it feels to put up with people you helped get elected who you know cannot be trusted with either thinking smart or “honestly” [sic], and at some point your minds have to tell you that they are lying when not acknowledging the importance of the photo showing Putin in a very subservient position to someone who people like Obama should know as well as Putin.

This is all rather bizarre, don’t you think?

You have never read a fiction novel or seen a horror movie close to this.

Your minds also tell you that there “is” [sic] a number of people reading this which would convince you that everyone you know including Obama would understand all this as well as you, and that number we don’t all have to agree on.

What provides you with comfort that nothing is going to change much, if at all, is your conviction that if it was going to happen, it would have happened a long time ago, and besides all my information could easily be wiped out since it is mostly digital.

I also understand how very unimportant is the truth when it comes to making a [dis]honest living.

You have most likely not thought all that much about how hard the US Congress and President Obama work to make the money they make as they have to be constantly making speeches and that much more aware that their lies will inevitably catch up with them because their job description does not say they are allowed to lie unless it is in the interest of national security.

Sir Ernest Oppenheimer knew what he was doing when putting President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the US Congress on the spot,

because he was quite certain, that despite not being an American citizen he was the most powerful person in the world only because he was smart enough to bribe the most powerful American politicians who put their personal interest ahead of the nation.

You would expect if you were Oppenheimer to bribe them with untraceable diamonds which didn’t prevent Oppenheimer from also using highly paid prostitutes who wouldn’t have all had tattooed on their tits the words, “I am a prostitute”.

There was nothing funny about 6 million Jewish people murdered during the very brief Jewish Holocaust being first given a number that was tattooed on to their skin.

You would agree that is different than using one’s free will to enter a tattoo parlor?

We have now moved on from logic to morals.

How would you judge the morals of Obama and the US Congress compared to your own?

Wouldn’t you like your nightmares to end with Obama explaining his read of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book that was written in the same year that I emigrated from De Beers’ South Africa to the United States of America and knowing when I landed at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport (17 March 197[8]) that so long as I kept my mouth shut and got through the mental gymnastic exercises I would soon be working for De Beers who decide what is marketed to their common herd?

Couldn’t you see yourselves or even your dumbest next of kin being able to explain all this rather well, unless they were so severely retarded that they couldn’t feed themselves?

To think that not a single politician or academic or radio or TV talk show host has yet to question how corrupt was President Franklin D. Roosevelt when failing to at least have Sir Ernest Oppenheimer arrested for refusing his order [stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil] and if that was not possible to have his Secretary of State instruct the CIA-OSS to assassinate Oppenheimer and at least save the lives of 6 million Jewish people?

7 decades of complete silence.

What do you think prompted his grandson Nicholas to present such a “show of force” on September 5, 2006?

Could it be that Nick O. was frightened by all your silence?

Put yourself in his shoes, would you be bothered that I would be so convincing that my mother Zena would warn me, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!” and for the past going on 9 years my mother has lived as if I was already dead?

My mother and I didn’t have a “fallout”; I just said that I believed the time was right to expose the Oppenheimers who never demonstrated that they meant us Jewish people well when providing Hitler with his diamonds and nor did De Beers explain what they did with the diamonds that Hitler did not use.

Even simpletons can read simple English.

You can all look back and see that Oppenheimer had no intention of complying with Roosevelt’s Presidential Order otherwise he would have.

The United States Justice Department are also able to read and see that the negative consequences for the Oppenheimer family and their corporations throughout the world were not as devastating as they were to the 6 million horribly murdered.

You hear of “slaps on the wrists” that De Beers carefully orchestrate against themselves, but no war crimes tribunal has been convened, not even close.

It is hard to turn back the clock because it is impossible.

So people continue to function; that is normal.

What do you consider normal when the most abnormal situation took place that no one wants to talk about now, but still they cannot get enough of their History and nature channels?

When they were murdering the 6 million Jewish people and 40 million Russians and Chinese, there was more food available to the soldiers who survived.

That was very thoughtful of you.

Now I am speaking for all of you, and I have stopped that.

You see it does not matter how Sir Ernest Oppenheimer bribed Roosevelt and the US Congress because all that matters is that the lives of the 6 million Jewish people and the 40 million Russians and Chinese were not all that important.

Would you feel better or worse if Roosevelt and the US Congress were given a controlling interest in De Beers and their affiliates and then able to use the inheritance laws to pass them down to their offspring?

It looks like they committed mass murder as well as treason against the United States of America for pennies.

How much do you think would be a reasonable price for me to have to pay an editor?

How many of you would be willing to pay in advance for a first edition copy of my book?

What value do you think Nicholas Oppenheimer placed on getting Vladimir Putin to journey all the way to Johannesburg, South Africa on September 5, 2006 to have a photo of Putin looking hugely skeptical as Oppenheimer speaks, gesturing with his right hand?

Remember, neither Putin nor Oppenheimer have said that it is fake.

While lawyer President Obama never explained when he was a law school student at Harvard Law School that price, including the price of the aircraft fuel to bring Putin to South Africa, costs De Beers nothing – as it is only resources that are consumed which brainwashed people don’t understand but they think they are bright because someone unintelligent told them that they are and they got the math question right when asked how much 1 +1 equals, and they think because money has a number associated with it that the money is therefore as certain as any number otherwise there would be more people arguing about the value of the money which they don’t think is important because they prefer to argue about the things they are brainwashed to argue about such as whether Meryl Streep was putting on her best performance in her last movie – it does not mean that Putin was stupid when agreeing to come to South Africa as well as when he instructed the Kremlin to release that photo that speaks for itself 759 days later (3 October 2008, one month before Obama became President-elect).

If your head pains too much and you are concerned about the side effects of a self performed frontal lobotomy because that is all you feel will lessen the pain, stop reading.

Again, remember you are this attentive 29 year old student who also agreed with me that once he read entirely Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which he couldn’t believe was available for free since he was raised to believe that anything free was a communist conspiracy, he would contact me with any questions and also seriously consider my suggestion that he have all the non-Jewish people he knows ask all the Jewish people they know, starting with all the Jewish American politicians and their political campaign sponsors, why it is that there are not more Jewish people like me around the world asking why the Jewish Holocaust Museum curators and benefactors who also give generously to saving all the impoverished children of Africa, Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Gaza Strip, panhandlers etc etc don’t have more of them [because there are none] pointing out that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer defied President Roosevelt’s Presidential Order to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil and nor was Oppenheimer prosecuted at the Nuremberg Trials for his war crimes.

Can someone tell me how their weekend is going, just to let me know that their mind is still working?

[Word count 2542]

Gary Gevisser

Seen by Mannie Hirsch at June 2, 2022 at 4:36 AM

Write to Mannie Hirsch


You sent

The edits will now continue. 

It is 2:49 PM Calif. time, Saturday 16 July 2022.


Yesterday at 5:47 PM

Sat 5:47 PM

You sent

Edit: … “your mom is a stunner”.

Edit: … my father Bernie who you may recall me  mentioning earlier was the happiest …

Edit: … who loved his job at Moshal Gevisser as he was the most competent individual and loved by all the staff other than the other top executives …

Edit: … the all about dirt human can’t help itself talking …

Edit: I should also share with you that just yesterday I shared with Errol Musk how to eliminate all bots …

Edit: One can’t emphasize enough the emotional state of one’s child.

Edit: … nor is there more than once a month you hear far in the distance a big truck …

Edit: Roy Essakow owes everything he and his brother have to Marc Rich.

Edit: … Gross Domestic Product economic index that is illogical given who is most tasked with promoting its nonsense, the OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation which was established coincidentally in the upside down year of 1961 …


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Note that very quiet on this symposium, South African-Israeli-American Clive Gurwitz, who immediately after completing his Paratrooper training in the IDF back in 1969 was thrust into the War of Attrition that immediately followed the 1967 6 Day War, gave a “thumbs up” following, “How does someone become so powerful that all the common herd can see is one still photo?”.


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Of course given my parents’ lifelong close friendship with Clive’s family, I know that his “Thumbs up” does not mean, “I disagree with everything you are saying.”


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The above photo taken a good 3 decades ago in Somerset, England in front of the one of the oldest if not the oldest church in England shows Clive on the right, me, my eldest brother Neil and our father Bernie.


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It is now 5:57 PM.


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You can’t stop thinking about what you don’t want to talk about.


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It is completely middle America dirt Amber vs Johnny Depp or Trump or Biden’s son and associates.


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You have to come to terms that you have been distracted beyond comprehension and that is why you are sticking.


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@Lisa Johnston, you are probably thinking:

Gary, you know how busy I am juggling so many things being a single parent; life happens; shit happens, and you are not the only thing going on in my life. 

I still don’t understand why it is that you go after people like @Steven Bailey who from what I can tell is just telling people what is happening in the sky above, quite harmless; but I know he has run out of expletives to express his frustrations at being caught time and again.

I have to be very selective in reading what I dont want to hear, and I think you can understand my frustration.

Also, as I gather myself, don’t assume or accuse me of anything and/or everything, so please be polite, get your charm school refresher course and then give me a call after you are fully bandaged up, or should I already know that your splint will only come off on October 11 assuming you are alive, and if not , I’m sure the funeral director or mortician will see no reason to retrieve the splint and offer it to Sotherbys, and I won’t bother with Christies because we are talking about all major corporations having been long infiltrated.

Dont also remind me that Errol Musk credited you with “True” and not a word, I agree too many;  and furthermore, I never offered you my email, so why should I answer that question?

Again, Im busy.

Can we now move on to more pleasant things without you coming back and reminding me that I wrote to you so friendly last, “Gary I have requested to add my colleague Wayne Crouch who has also spoken with Errol?



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@Lisa Johnston are you aware of the passage of time since you wrote those words which ended with; 

“I think you will enjoy being acquainted with him.

He knows a lot more than I do about things and he has been my mentor”?


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That was Thursday evening.

Going on 48 hours have elapsed, and nothing.


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Try putting yourself in the shoes of someone like @Steven Bailey and Torah GemACH sic aka Benzion going around the bend who has dug himself an inescapable Black Hole following his decision to lie about a most important matter in scripture which is the source of all human conflict and then GemACH sic made it worse for himself and all the world’s hypocrites, religious and non-religious when trying to cover up with more lies.


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How many times can you repeat nonsense, “Go take your pills, you are totally stupid, no one listens to a word you say, you have no friends, your family have deserted you” before you go totally mad?


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@Lisa Johnston why didn’t you first plant permanently in your brain that there had to be good reason for Errol Musk’s praise?


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Have you ever come across such praise anywhere for someone credible?


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Have you tried going back in history to caveman times and then rolled the clock forward?


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My 3 elder siblings were given strong points of contact, call them neurons, and it was a test of the health of their links, call them synapses – (and nor was Elon’s Neurolink available over the counter) – such as my very rich maternal grandfather, Al Ash and his wife, Rachelle and my mother Zena


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arriving in Cape Town, South Africa in late 1947


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with my grandfather Al Ash carrying nothing less than a million English Pounds Sterling in his “back pocket” following the sale of his 14 grocery shops in Leeds, England, and their hotel off the boat was the 5 Star Mt. Nelson Hotel where most trusted General Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] kept a permanent suite; and still it remains nestled in the foothills of Table Mountain.

In case you are not sure, the hotel is not named after Nelson Mandela.


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@Lisa Johnston, fb show you are following along in real time, and nor am I assuming you are currently seated next to Mark Zuckerberg.


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Do you know anything about Admiral Lord Nelson besides for the Mt. Nelson Hotel probably named after him?

Just to let you know that I haven’t checked.

@Steven Bailey could you check with someone you trust?

So you know that South Africa became a Bank of England-British Colony after the Dutch withdrew and all part of the defeat of French Emperor Napoleon who had he not made fatal errors on the battlefield against 2 Bank of England-British Generals, Horatio Nelson who died at the Battle of Trafalgar – you might know of a square in London of the same name – and Duke of Wellington just a decade later, Battle of Waterloo, we would have no one else to blame other than the French because we would all be one country under one flag.


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@Lisa Johnston would you be happy with Macron if he married someone half his age rather than twice his age or are you more concerned about how he made the paygrade to be President of France?


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Im not saying that masks should be dispensed with because that is an entirely different subject other than everything is related.

In this universe there is no escaping logic, not even when being reincarnated.


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Why do you think it is that people make such a big deal about family when that is where we find the most treachery and which the governments capitalize on?


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How did you figure that this fellow was a good mentor?

Tell us now about his credentials.


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If you are sick, of course you should wear a mask to prevent you from infecting others.


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Doesn’t it also make sense if you smell something aweful to put on your mask like quickly like your life depended on it.


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You know where we are going with this, so let’s not.


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France remains a superpower only because of the collusion between the banks who have kept from the people that the money is price fixed, and the Royals who pride themselves as both slow hand wavers


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now you see it and now you don’t


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as well as having no power, only figureheads and bringing in tourist monies, which you know means diddly squat when all the major corporations have been fully infiltrated from the top down.


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Try to be the Queen in her carriage having to put on all that fake.


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Would you be willing to do it for all the luxury that comes with it?

Yes, of course you would.

So why wouldn’t the Queen and her family?


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@Lisa Johnston, you have heard Errol Musk explain First Principles really well, and you know that has rubbed off on Elon unless you think it is Maye he looks most like?


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If that made you think for a moment a little differently, then it had the desired effect.


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If not, try again and let me know how you do.


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Now this, which I am about to say, is at least as important as checking the spelling of everything you do; and most would say it is more important, unless you are writing nonsense and hoping to win a crossword puzzle for the incomprehensible, which is hard to make sense of.


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The Battle of Trafalgar (21 October 1805) had the British up against the French and Spanish Navies.


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@Lisa Johnston, this is important which is why Im telling you it is important because it will help you in reaching out to Roy Essakow and why not begin by sending him an email and copying me in the cc section and everyone else you know in the blind copy section asking him if he thinks I had anything to do with the derailing of the movie set to star Matt Damon and John Krazinski?


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Lisa, wouldn’t it be something if in fact nothing like this has happened in the history of the theatre when cavemen and cavewomen put on a show just as the sun went down to warm themselves before going to bed?


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Why even compare the very short history of Hollywood to anything when it is all total bullshit?


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Are you aware of what damage the discovery of electricity has done to the planet?


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We don’t want to turn the clock back, because we can’t.


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What we can do is look at the devastation of the planet in support of the economy and figure out its causes.


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What do you think are the causes?


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Is it fair to blame our ancestors or ourselves for continuing to put up with this nonsense as we see our time here running out far quicker than the sun during supernova?


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Who told you how to raise your children?


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It is the wrong word of mouth that leads to nonsense books that the people take as gospel as though it is scripture.


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If you are religious, do you feel that much smarter?


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Surely people who say they are religious must be naturally smarter because they put all their trust and faith in God.


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Rabbi @Larry Shain can you comment?


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Is being intelligent a criteria for being a rabbi?


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Lisa, why, you may ask, are two country leaders who live side by side joining the same side rather than fighting each other and the winner is that much stronger to fight the British; and why would the British let any nation survivor after they have been defeated?


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Lisa do you and @Steven Bailey need to look at map of the earth subsequent to Pangaea to know that Spain border France and France borders Spain?


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When you figure all the advances in communications technology and you know “content is king”, why are we playing all these games which have the winners at the top of the pyramid simply dishing out crumbs to those  below and the clergy of all the religions, including atheism, are quiet?


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The Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815, well ahead of the American Civil War [1861 – 1865] was quite different.

You have France again, against the United Kingdom, Dutch-Netherlands  and most importantly Prussia which is Germany whose leadership sex ties to the British Royal Family and Czar Nicholas of Russia couldn’t get closer and why the current Royal Family changed their name to Windsor in 1917 otherwise it would be too obvious even to those with the attention span of 5 seconds.


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Let’s take a minute to examine the situation a little closer.


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The American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783), also known as the Revolutionary War or American where the new settlers from Europe mostly of English descent sought independence from their motherland, the British; namely Bank of England established in 1694, almost a century before.


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It is always good to look at who owns the boat.


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The Mayflower was a British boat and it is unimportant the rest for these purposes.


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For the British to be defeated it would mean that their empire crumbled, but they still managed to hold on to places like India and grab the Cape of Good Hope; namely mineral rich South Africa.


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If you put on your chart the name Cecil Rhodes place his birth and date of death next to it in the far right corner.


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1853 – 1902


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On my screen it is on the far right.

How does it appear on your screen?


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You learned before running into me “Follow the money trail” and now you know it is the “mineral trail”.

But back then the money actually meant something and if you messed with the money you didn’t last long.


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The history books show that the American Revolutionary War resulted in the defeat of the British but we know that is not true.


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The British withdrew, made an assessment and returned in 1812 when they burned down the White House.


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The War of 1812 was not a one day war.

It actually began 18 June 1812 and ended 17 February 1815.


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@Lisa Johnston, @Roy Essakow, @David Monk, rabbi @David Masinter and the rest paying attention, who won the Battle of Waterloo?


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Yes, it was not Emperor Napoleon.

It was the British Crown.


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The rich have always been those rewarded for valour in battle and surviving.


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What changed?


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This is a question you should ask of your history school teacher if your parents didn’t tell you.


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@Wendy Ann Bouman is my high school teacher at Carmel College, Durban. Hi, Wendy.


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In my matric year, final year of high school for those of you who don’t know, I attended 3 totally different schools and left Carmel College immediately after I was voted House Captain of Samson by the student body.


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It is normal to ask a question, “Gary were you trying to set a precedent?” because it probably has never happened before.


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No, I was simply tired of the bullshit and wanted to make a point.


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The only person who picked up on it was our headmaster Mr. Mike Kessel who figured I knew what I was doing because he knew that I was not the dumbest person he had ever dealt with.


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Moving on.


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So we have the British Crown defeating the Dutch-Netherlands in January 1806 in a battle with the Dutch garrison of Cape Castle, Cape Town, who surrendered to the British under Sir David Baird.


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It is important that we not be sidetracked thinking if the professional basketball player for the NBA Larry Bird who played for the Boston Celtics was born with feathers would he be able to fly through the air like Michael Jordan?


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The British Crown-Bank of England defeat the Dutch, at the same time they are defeating Emperor Napoleon in 2 very decisive battles, and also preparing to lay waste to the White House on 24 August 1814.


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@Lisa Johnston do you the timeline down?


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The British Crown-Bank of England are very strategic.


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They sent a message to their brothers the American Revolutionaries that they will come back and they did.


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Why isn’t Donald Trump asking the Congress if they even know that the British burned down the White House?


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Look, I know the Capital Hill is not the White House and why would Trump supporters burn down the White House and Trump and his wife having to sleep in a tent.


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Cecil Rhodes had the Bank of England and their affiliate J.P Morgan backing him.

He was a bad guy. He was a monolist who wanted to steal the land and the minerals below without having to pay the soldiers out of his pocket.


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He also couldn’t pay them out of his pocket because they rightfully deserved the lion’s share of the land.


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@Lisa Johnston, do you remember me talking yesterday about 18 year old kids getting fat on Doritos chips in front of their TV when taking a break from getting fat in front of their computer screens playing violent video games?


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Do the parents care about these kids?


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What they say is First Principles:

You are getting fat on Doritos chips. How do you expect to marry a girl, have kids and you have no job?


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They go to the army, come back in ziplock or with PTSD, some mild, some not so mild.


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Remember Britisher Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853, just 8 years before lawyer President Abe Lincoln introduced the Bank of England-Green Back to finance the war which had American Revolutionaries killing American Revolutionaries.


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@Lisa Johnston how many times today have I used the word strategic?


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It wrong to assume that because Prince Charles looks and acts totally stupid that he is a rocket engineer, and the same with his and Princess Diane’s two boys.


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If you are thinking of asking me if Prince Charles has any illigitimate children, please ask someone else, because I’m not interested.


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In the same year that the Russian Revolution (Mar 8, 1917 – Jun 16, 1923) began which toppled, killed Czar Nicholas, Cecil Rhodes’ successor German Sir Ernest Oppenheimer forms the Anglo American Corporation.


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The title “Sir” is not Chancellor of Germany because it is a British title conferred by the British Crown-Bank of England.


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The “Sir” came in a little later, 1921, the same year the South African Reserve Bank a subsiduary of the Bank of England was established and which Sir Ernest ran.


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@Lisa Johnston how much time do you spend looking at all the sex games between the Royals?

Could you see a way to shorten that exercise?


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Do you see history coming together clearer for you when you look again at the photo of President-Czar of Russia, KGB Putin and German-South African Nicholas Oppenheimer, grandson of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer meeting in Cape Town on 5 September 2006?


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If you look at the timespan between 1806 and 2006, and lets say we agree there is a 200 year gap, does it make you now want to look more closely at the night’s sky and wonder what is wrong with everyone that it is taking so long to get it?


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How do all these financiers talk on the phone to each other let alone meet and shake hands with one another?


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In the movies it is actors who are playing a role.


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But these people actually believe they are geniuses.


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They have their big yachts to prove it.


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5 minutes with Errol Musk is just perfect.

Keep saying it and it will sink in more than conversations between Anneke and Errol

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was all staged, and the people bearing the brunt of it all besides for the poor of Russia were us Jewish people.

Russiona revolution all staged. By qugess bank of England.———


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Delete:  Russiona revolution all staged. By qugess bank of England.———


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@Lisa Johnston, the question of who do you want as you partner/s in business leads into how you would advise Zuckerberg whether to pay attention or find something better to do with you time; and then the follow up question to you Lisa would be, “What would you suggest Zuckerberg focus on rather?”


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The removal of the bots would mean there was less reason for Elon to back out of the Twitter deal.


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Lisa let me also remind you that my 4 elder siblings got the “thought experiment” wrong, so why not at least guess an answer, or say as I politely suggested, “I don’t know”?


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BTW, I still dont see an invitation request from this Mr. Couch to join us?


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Again, my question is a hypothetical one, would you advise Zuckerberg to pay attention to my symposiums on Facebook, in particular this one?


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You haven’t yet seen the filming of my mother Zena shortly after my name and titles appeared for the first and only time in the Weekly Marketeer which was sent to upwards of 6,000 insurance agents around the world, and most all of them were millionaires playing golf several times a week, and nor did they work weekends other than golf.


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That was March 16, 1987.


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Lisa, if you have trouble finding it, write to @Steven Bailey and ask him.

Let’s pick up tomorrow and we will talk more about the effect on racism with the price of money fixed.


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@Lisa Johnston, I just saw your fb message from 5:59 PM which going on 2 hours ago:

Hi Gary! 

Apologies again for the delayed reply. 

I hope you can understand I get extremely preoccupied in day to to day life, being a solo mother as well as working two jobs (one being a freelance researcher and journalist) 

My contact email is if you ever wish you send anything through. 

Hope you have a great rest of your weekend. 

Warm regards, 



Today at 7:43 AM

7:43 AM

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@Foster Gamble are you following?

@Lisa Johnston, I’m just speaking with @Errol Graham Musk, and the time is 7:38 AM California time, Sunday 17 July about OOO (Oil of Olay) which a Durban chemist, Graham Wulff created in the early 50s and naturally saw my mother Zena as the person to help steer its success which my mom did, first in developing the marketing material with more than her signature as it was my mom’s good facial looks and healthy skin


Kabuchi Wanjau left the group.

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Today at 9:29 AM

9:29 AM

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There is a Turkey Vulture circling, not exactly hunting, as it is looking for dead stuff


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Member @Diane Sare running for Senator of Virginia.


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Much more pleasant thoughts while relaxing after a healthy breakfast is watching the variety of birds at their pond drinking and otherwise cooling themselves off.


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@Lisa Johnston do you know where one can find lightweight binoculars with a button you press when zooming in on a bird that instantly provides a heads up display of its specie, date of birth, health of its vital organs, when last it ate, what it ate, the full DNA 

 of the partners they have mated with, and then a second button how their offspring turned out?


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There is a tiny ant which was just walking on the face of my iPhone screen, and my thinking was the same as well as reversing the camera to take a selfie and share that photo with all of you if the ant traversed on to the camera lens which didn’t happen.


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Let me quickly get back to @Errol Graham Musk as a curious Blue Jay, and they are curious by nature, all perfectly hardwired to grab our attention, no different to a piece of steak rotting that much more when joining up with the previous putrefying carcass boiling 

 in and around the once healthy organs, has flown into the tree right above me, looking down and nodding.


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@Lisa Johnston, Errol Musk, the father of Elon Musk who has internal problems with the people administering his $220 billion estate including his charities that have most recently been administered by a young professional poker player who made a good size chunk of change from fooling his opponents along with the “luck of the draw”, according to what the news is reporting, is now offline according to the read out provided to me by fb messaging.


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It is now 9:54 AM.


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@Lisa Johnston please don’t feel the need to remind me that you have children to feed and that you work 2 jobs.


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I’m a good listener. I get it the first time if it is interesting.

The next time I see it as filler to distract.


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Your journalism job will be made much easier and lucrative if you could have the audience of Oprah who just provides content for middle America like @Steven Bailey and most all here who are sticking while hating themselves because the truth is not something they can find anywhere else.


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I will be sending you via the email address you provided the link to my mother Zena’s most interesting, stunner, 50 minute and 51 second talk back in 1987 when both of us also had on our minds my decision to turn down the invitation to join Lloyds of London which was formed in the same year bs artist Adam Smith penned Wealth of Nations which was 2 years prior to the Declaration of Independence 1776.

Please give me here on this symposium your feedback, and at any time let me know what you think of City of London-Bank of England-JP Morgan rather effortlessly making profit on American Revolutionaries killing each other in the American Civil War that followed their British army burning down the White House on 24 August 1814.


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@Lisa Johnston did you pick up that the Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815, a one day event which the British Crown won decisively adding to its Battle of Trafalgar victory, 21 October 1805, War of 1812 (Jun 18, 1812 – Feb 18, 1815) took place 3 years to the day after the commencement of the War of 1812 which historians say resulted in the United States getting it independence and the same historians also saying the war proved inconclusive because the British Crown held on to Canada and it mineral resources.


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@Lisa Johnston who do you think won the American Revolutionary War

(Apr 19, 1775 – Sep 3, 1783) and the War of 1812 (June 18, 1812 – February 18, 1815)?


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@Steven Bailey, @Steven David Sobol, @Steven Kofsky and @Diane Sare who do you think were the overall victors?


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@Lisa Johnston I will also then forward to you “Perfectly logical universe” which I first began broadcasting at 1:55 PM on the 14th, 3 days ago.

You will first notice that @Steven Bailey was included in the cc section along with more than a 100 other groups and individuals all playing the same stupid game.

By reading it you better understanding what they are thinking when either silent or distracting.


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What is no less important is the fact they cannot dispute the truth about the money which they care more about than than family.


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As a journalist you also focused on getting the content that everyone wants.


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In the case of Matt Drudge he came up with the blotch of President Clinton’s sperm on Monica Lewinski’s blue dress.


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Would you reach as low as that if the money was worth it?


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You were thinking of other things, most of all what I was sharing here on Getting to know your friends, while writing me that long speech last evening that included wishing me well over the weekend which again consumed time and resources just like mining nonsense Cryptos, the highlight of human-nature depravity that is not possible to beat at any time prior to our sun turning into a Red Giant, .and it will take far less than 8 minutes to fry everything because the sun will be at our doorstep and not even the ostrich will bother


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What major coup would it be to get member @Roy Essakow on to your podcast now that you are armed with all this information.


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Even if he refuses to come on to your show you can share with your audience why you think he is reluctant.


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Can you think of anything more interesting about the Clinton administration than the truth of why Clinton granted a pardon to terrorist financier Marc Rich?


You sent

You will also be able to introduce the very threatening email Roy’s brother realtor, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow sent me on July 14, 2009 8:26:58 PM PDT

Thanks for the update. I pray things will improve from here on. I will always be there for u if u need to ever just shoot the breeze. Just call. Look forward to seeing u on Saturday.

that was in response to my earlier in the day, Tue, 14 Jul 2009 17:41:19 -0700 email broadcast titled, “Sending munitions to Russia to pay penance” [sic] and the thread beginning, “im thinking about a change of plans”.


You sent

@Lisa Johnston do you agree with my approach to exposing the corruption at the very top and working down to people like @Steven Bailey who the people further up can’t get enough of his entertainment value, plus they receive no direct compensation for towing the line?


You sent

So when you say that you don’t like being confrontational what future are you working towards as it applies specifically for your children?

Is it enough that you work yourself to the bone 

 so that they can eat during which time they will learn not to open their mouths and be disrespectful towards you given how you have slaved for them?


You sent

Do you agree with Elon Musk that we need to keep growing the population or do you think Elon is laughing at everyone because he finds the human so depressing, so flakey, so stupid, so selfish, so annoying, so full of hot air sarcasm, apart from beautiful, sexy women?


You sent

Let me know if this is a good time to share with you my writings and positions at Insurance Marketing Services Inc. which were made known, again 16 March 1987 for the first time to the world’s richest insurance agents/brokers who were on the frontlines of monopolist Lyolds of London-Bank of England-British Crown-Canada-SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben-Bayer-Monsanto wiping out their last opposition.


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@Lisa Johnston, you know you could just as easily send an invitation here @Diane Sare and her friend, the former Senator Richard Black to also come on to your show.


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Not to mention, the year before, 1986, I was not all work-no play as myself and my best friend Derrick Beare

spent the better part of the day in Mexico City watching the final of World Cup 86 where West Germany played Argentina and you can see who we were rooting for but only finding out the result once we returned to Los Angeles where we had separated residences; and it wasn’t long, less than a couple of years before he moved into a small apartment building we bought together although I initially put up the money, not that Derrick was “short”, we just had that sort of relationship, “What is mine is yours”.


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Bear in mind this was well before Derrick bought his last house in London


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more recently and now wanting to sell it for what he paid, $242 million, which makes it the second highest price paid for a residential property in all of Great Britain and nor would it go unnoticed by the British Crown.


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@Lisa Johnston, I would also suggest that you ask both Derrick and his uncle, multibillionaire Jonathan Beare who I last dined with back on 13 January 2005 at the Beverly Wilshire-Regent in Beverly Hills and the time before was the previous year at the same hotel where Derrick and I also had our separate suites


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to come onto your podcast.


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Again, while there may initially be some reluctance, you will at least be the first to try.


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Im not suggesting that you purchase the Muppet Show rights but you could could either get actors to sit in, or have computer graphics designer create stick figures.


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Be creative.


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@Lisa Johnston you will notice that Russia expert @Julia Ioffe who gets a lot of coverage on the PBS show Frontline remains active but quiet, here on Getting to know your friends.


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She too is getting an education about Mr. Putin which I don’t believe she knew before because I don’t think she is that good an actress.


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Her previous knowledge about inflation-economics was like yours, Zilch, zero, absolutely nothing.


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Nor does it help Ms. @Julia Ioffe that there is no student of economics including all the Nobel Laureates who has a clue, unless they learned it from me.


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If I take you back to 1978, as far as Harry Oppenheimer


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knew, no economist he had ever spoken with had the foggiest notion how the real Dog Eat A Dog [DEAD] world worked, and nor did he have reason to lie to me.


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He could have said, “Those on my payroll now know.”

But I covered that in my questions to him.

He admitted that no one, including his son Nicholas had asked him about his control of inflation globally.


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Everyone who worked for him simply stopped at his control of every major politician such as President Dwight Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson, President Richard Nixon, Senior National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, President Gerald R. Ford, President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald W. Reagan.


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I have left out puppet Nelson Mandela.


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I will get back to him shortly.


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Once you consider that that highest paid politicians and their advisors don’t know the right questions to ask, you shouldn’t be surprised that we haven’t figured out what us humans are doing here.


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We are fast.


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@Lisa Johnston, would you agree that modern day humans are fast?


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@Steven Bailey, would you consider yourself and your wife and kids “fast”?


You sent

Im not talking about fast at making wrong assumptions although indirectly  that is one of the results.


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Who thinks war is barbaric?


Today at 12:54 PM

12:54 PM

You sent

@Lisa Johnston, let us assume that you have been waiting for the link to “Zena’s THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN – Kensington Park, London, spring 1987” as well as Perfectly Logical Universe which ended with, “It is not that there is nothing kind about mankind because that oxymoron is obvious, rather it is this stupidity that is hardwired in an otherwise perfectly logical universe” before committing yourself further.


You sent

They are both now in your inbox.

The time is 12:54 PM and you notice no one here is leaving.


You sent

Lisa were it not for the discomfort you and everyone else feels about having been so misled by your trusted news people and the politicians you adore, especially if what they have to say means more money in your pocket to employ slaves and enjoy the other luxuries of life, you would be all over Errol Musk’s words, “Gary, you should definitely write a book  because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now”.


You sent

The fact that he then goes on to explain himself very well, “I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning” is like Hitler walking up to you himself with a smile on his face and with you head in a brace, arms and legs tied, no way possible to defend any part of your body and he plunges a daggar first in the most sensitive areas and finally after he has had enough fun, he quarters.


You sent

Lisa, are you aware of the atrocities in the Urkraine since the Russian invasion which could have been stopped if the human who is aware of how the money-inflation system works had a conscience?


You sent

You expect more from your rabbis, don’t you?


You sent

But then why would you expect more from the rabbis and other Jewish people who deride Spinoza?


You sent

Spinoza recognized during the height of the Spanish-Portuguese Inquistion which was singularly focused on eliminating every Jewish person on the face of the earth, that to find rational people was liking looking for a needle in a haystack and even then if you found them, they would sell you out for a buck.


You sent

You do understand that the human was not made to last forever, or anywhere close.


You sent

So why would any rational person want to have us humans explore other universes yet to be found when there is no chance in hell of finding another habitable planet like earth.


You sent



You sent

So of course your reasoning is money. It is a way for NASA officials and other government agencies to get money to afford their officials and employees a lifestyle without having to break their neck being used as dummies in carefully calibrated automobile accidents to test the safety features of the vehicle.


You sent

What exactly are you thinking your children are going to accomplish to improve the human thinking department?


You sent

You can’t think you are smarter than Spinoza and he had a very bleak view of humanity ever being rational but that didn’t mean he had a negative disposition.


You sent

On the contrary he expressed his optimism by illucidating the extraordinary positive uplifting features of the design of this universe that has the imprint everywhere of a Creator knowing exactly what they are doing and the human oblivious because they simply lack common sense and raised by stupid parents.


You sent

Lisa Johnston how do you best deal with you and your mentor @Mannie Hirsch, no strike that, Wayne Crouch failing to pick up on the disgraceful Gross Domestic Product economic index?


You sent

Lisa, why havent you addressed that I cannot find the request by Wayne Crouch to join this symposium?


You sent

You must recall the draft speech I provided to you that sounds a lot like @Steven Bailey and bullshit artist, Black Hatter Torah GemACH sic aka Benzion going around the bend?


You sent

@Steven Bailey, why don’t you pipe in now talking about your Sunday and waiting for the sunset and your meditation to begin?


You sent

Lisa, do you think it is right that the people at the top of the economic pyramid should be entertained by their subjects such as you and @Steven Bailey?


You sent

Lisa, did you first think that Errol Musk must be out of his mind to provide such unmistakable applause?


You sent

The fact that you have done everything within your power to avoid doing the right thing which is first of to be polite and thank me for my knowledge at the same time apologise for when you wrote you nonsense after first showing that you can in fact write sense when responding to in particular to my writings to you on June 13 at 3:24 PM.

Let’s look at it again:

Are you aware of the high likelihood, like 99.9999%, that my writings to Matt Damon’s Hollywood lawyers, detailing the fatal flaws in Swiss journalist, Daniel Ammann’s best seller, King Of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, caused Matt Damon and John Krazinski to back out?


You sent

You had also previously recieved a link to my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich by outgoing President Bill Clinton from the Class of ’68 Rhodes-De Beers Scholars.


You sent

You haven’t even said if you read those articles including the first, an “open letter” to Soviet-American-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, is that correct?


You sent

@Anne Pollard, you talk a lot on social media.

Is there anything you would like to now contribute to this conversation?


You sent

Why would we expect our political and religious leadership to be any better than a flatline human?


You sent

It really wouldn’t be smart to assume that because it is Sunday everyone is sound asleep.


You sent

Of course Nelson Mandela, long before he gave his nauseating “I am Prepared to Die” Speech from the dock on April 20, 1964 just around the time Charles W. Engelhard Jr., his favorite guests, the Nazis Duke and Duchess of Windsor and President Johnson were preparing for the festivities surrounding the opening of the World’s Fair in New York 2 days later, April 22,


You sent


You sent

had been duly briefed about what he needed to do in order to save his neck from being wrenched at the gallows.


You sent

Lisa, are you aware of how many South Africans black and white, mostly white still see Mandela as proof of a “miracle”?


You sent

Lisa how are you coming along with the filming of my mother Zena?

I see that the number of independent views remains at 16; in other words, you have yet to click on the link.


You sent

Please don’t tell me anything in this regard other than if you cannot find the email in either your inbox or junk folder.


You sent

In other words, I don’t want to hear that there is a shortage of baby formula at your local convenience store and you are waiting for Scotty to beam up.


You sent

Most all of you, and I can only think of Errol Musk being the only exception are thinking, “Was Dale Carnegie putting us on with his total crap, ‘How to win friends and influence people?'”.


You sent

Harry Oppenheimer is not the only person in the world who thought it was total garbage.

My mother Zena was most certainly alive in 1936 when again this complete and total trash was published but when she did, my mom decided that it would be another good test of mental competency.


You sent

Back in 1983 when my middle brother Melvin was full-on suicidal because his girlfriend who was very possibly a lesbian or bi or just wanted multiple lovers, and Im sure Amber Heard isn’t the only one, my mother recommended that he read “How to win friends and influence people.”


You sent

Do you recall that @Mel Gevisser?


You sent

When someone very smart like Errol Musk and my mother Zena recommend a book, you would be a fool not to oblige.


You sent

It is normal, when you read a book that someone smart has recommended that you provide feedback.


You sent

Lisa, have you read the book?


You sent

Has anyone here read the book?


You sent

@Steven Bailey have you heard of the book?


You sent

@Steven Bailey do you still consider abortion the greatest  mass murder?


You sent

The time is now 1:45 PM.


Today at 2:02 PM

2:02 PM

You sent

Lisa, you know that the divorce rate is at least 70%, depending upon who you ask, but you certainly know it is not zero.


You sent

Why else besides for sex would you get married?


You sent

Can you explain what is so great about bringing impressionable and defenseless children into this world?


You sent

So lets agree that most people get together with someone else to have sex.


You sent

The time that turning your wife into a baby factory to have a bunch of slaves to work the farm belonging to a ruthless landlord-baron-king has long passed.


You sent

Sex obviously is built into our DNA and the Roman Catholic Church have yet to figure the best way to eliminate either gay sex amongst its Archbishops or pedophiles within its ranks.


You sent

The other religions have the same problem


You sent


You sent

Rabbis @David Masinter and @Larry Shain do you recognize the rabbi pedophile above with the black kid in his right arm?

Do you think or can you tell if the rabbi had an erection?


You sent

When however you don’t allow your priests to marry and have sex, logic would say that you invite bad things.


You sent

Knowing that there is an incredibly high chance that you are going to be divorced and your children brought up in a broken home and no prospects for your children other than if they are a girl being a surrigate for Elon possibly why date someone other than to have sex?


You sent

There is nothing wrong in having sex.


You sent

In fact there is nothing better than great sex and nothing worse I assume than sex with someone who has you wanting to vomit.


You sent

We should celebrate sex, not sweep it under the carpet.


You sent

What is wrong with the Pope?


You sent

I have yet to ask Elon why he would take his 4 children to haven of pedophiles, because he and I have yet to communicate.


You sent

Lisa, you say that Errol was going to ask Elon if he would come on your show.

I believe you when you say that is what Errol said, because if Errol didn’t say that then Errol would know never to appear on your show again.


You sent

Are you still trying to get Elon to come on your show?

If so why don’t you explain here why he should?


You sent

I can see the prospects for future girls, once they become of age getting the opportunity not only to go live on Mars but have Elon’s sperm.


You sent

First, he would line them up as you would a beauty contest and he picks what he believes to be the healthiest, and with each contestant knowing in advance that there is a distinct possibility that to test the merchandise before making a final decision, Elon will want to have sex with the woman at least once.

Of course every winner will be set for life financially until Starship is finally ready for the one way journey.

Lisa would you be up for it at the present time?


You sent

Lisa, if you were to guess how many women do you think around the world would enter this competition?


Today at 6:54 PM

6:54 PM

You sent

It is now 6:54 PM.

“Enter this competition …” 2:20 PM


Today at 7:22 PM

7:22 PM

You sent

Edit: By reading it, you better “understanding” [sic] what they are thinking when either silent or distracting.

Edit: … you also focused on getting the content …

Edit: … you could just as easily send an invitation here to @Diane Sare and her friend, the former Senator Richard Black …

Edit: … first off, be polite …


You sent

It is now 7:27 PM.

No one has moved.

How does this rational specie behave so irrationally to the truth about what is killing the planet and the soul of the human?

How do you explain that phenomenon other than it cannot be possible?

@Lisa Johnston is this what most stumps you?

Do you think that as my questions mount up and there is silence all around that it dilutes my knowledge?


You sent

@Lisa Johnston there are now 18 independent views of Zena’s THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN – Kensington Park, London, spring 1987.


You sent

Given how selective I have been in sharing the link, and that number hadn’t moved in quite some time and we are talking about me loading it up on 23 March, there is a high probability that you have clicked on the link and then why wouldn’t you have watched it?

Increasing the chances it is you is the fact that it comes so highly recommended by Errol Musk the 150+ IQ father of Elon Musk who is not necessarily as intelligent as his father.


Jeffrey Cook left the group.

You sent

If your head is twirling it probably begins with Harry Oppenheimer being surprised that I addressed so quickly the garbage spoken about inflation in the study of economics and finance at university as well as all the major newspapers like the Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times of London, The Economist etc.


You sent

Jeffrey Cook left the group. He too is a big talker on social media.

Let’s see if it was a twitch or something more serious.


You added Jeffrey Cook to the group.

You sent

You added Jeffrey Cook to the group.


You sent

@Jeffrey Cook what do you hope to gain by continuing to be my fb friend?


You sent

Why did you wait so long before departing?

Was there anything in particular that bothered you most that had you deciding to now be so conspicuous?

Do you have any university schooling in the study of economics-finance?

Would you watch Lisa’s podcast if she managed to get Roy Essakow on to her show?


You added Avigdor Feldman to the group.

You sent

You added Avigdor Feldman to the group.


You sent

@Avigdor Feldman have you discussed with your client Mordechai Vanunu also known as John Crossman my assessment of his defense?

Would you like to hear more about my mother Zena and her very clear thinking that runs counter to the claims of her captors>


You sent



You sent

Dr. @Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen MD do you really have the stomach for this?


You sent


You sent

What in the world is a medical doctor doing promoting cancer meat?


You sent

To think you came top of the class in matric 1974, what the hell happened?

Was it the lure of money?

What is wrong with you?

You were one of the prettiest girls in our class and there were several. Something must be going on inside your head that has you sticking around?

Is it to see how well our classmate Roy Essakow does in responding to why he thinks Matt Damon and John Krazinski pulled the plug on the movie?


You sent

We all know that @Jeffrey Cook is still thinking when he should depart.


You added Yusuf Saifuzzaman to the group.

You sent

You added Yusuf Saifuzzaman to the group.


You sent

Let’s give @Yusuf Saifuzzaman a little time to get caught up with the rest.

Yusuf, have you gone back to look at our dialogue on fb messaging? If so is there anything that you would like to change before I share it with the group?


Yusuf replied to you

Original message:

Let’s give @Yusuf Saifuzzaman a little time to get caught up with the re…

Brother I am too busy with work so couldn’t concentrate… apologies 


You sent

We mustn’t forget that the atrocities in the Ukraine are the tip of the iceberg of the harm being done to the poor of the world along with the escalating damage to the planet where the trees are dying all around.


You sent

@Yusuf Saifuzzaman you and I are not “brothers” or anything close.


You sent

Do you wish to add anything else before I share our dialogue?


Yusuf replied to you

Original message:

@Yusuf Saifuzzaman you and I are not “brothers” or anything close.

Withdraw  word


Yusuf Saifuzzaman left the group.

You sent

Saifuzzman has left the group, blocked me on fb messaging and I would assume unfriended me.

My very interesting fb messaging conversations with cigar smoking 53 year old Saifuzzman, university schooled in economics, began on 7 July at 7:47 AM:

You sent

Would you like to be involved in a group chat with Datim Dimov Rothschild.

My expertise is “military economics”, the fixed pricing of monies and minerals and it’s impact on the art world.


You sent

Let’s look at the tail end of long conversations with Yusuf Saifuzzaman, shall we. 

Wednesday 6:47 PM

You sent

How would you rate your formal economic schooling on a scale of between zero and 10; and zero being competely worthless, a total waste of your precious time which you can’t make up for?

6:48 PM

You sent

What criteria do you use before leaving one of my fb symposiums?

It is now 6:48 PM Calif. time, Wednesday, 13 July 2022.

6:49 PM

You sent

If you were to want to own a media company how would you go about doing it?

Thu 8:37 AM

You sent

You are up next.


You sent

Friday 2:21 PM 

You sent


You sent


You sent

Today Sunday, 7:56 PM 

You sent

You are a miner of information.


You sent

Then Zaifuzzaman hit the block.


You sent

Check out the BLOG for the entire dialogue with Saifuzzman and be sure to study the dialogue surrounding Jewish Kapos and the Zagiew.


You sent

Let me quickly return to Derrick Beare who I filmed, and he was most happy to oblige both outside his previous home in London as well as when my mother and her second husband Alan Zulman came around to look at his first shipment of porcelain from Korea.

That filming was also just very recently digitized and on the thumb nail drive it was placed on, the filming was right before my filming of my mom and Alan Zulman in their Kensington bachelor pad.

Below are a few screenshots of Derrick right at the end:


You sent


You sent

Remember Derrick is the owner of the second most expensive residence in all of the United Kingdom and probably Europe.

The Russian oligarchs couldn’t outspend him, if he put his mind to it.


You sent

@Lisa Johnston do you feel that I am helping you build your content?

Could you imagine Derrick Beare and Roy Essakow the first and second guest on your own podcast?

How would you introduce both of them?


You sent

It is also fair to say that my mother Zena is well dressed


You sent


You sent

and looking most interested and happy with Derrick’s first shipment of merchandise.

Of course my mom adored Derrick. He was very bright, nice, most polite and happy that we all had his best interests at heart.


You sent

Behind my mother is her second husband Alan Zulman  who many, including Alan Zulman himself considered him the “youngest self-made millionaire in South Africa”.


You sent


You sent

@Lew Joubert, are you not tired of playing voyeur>


You sent






You sent

Do you do this on other group chats on fb?

Why speak up now?

What would you guess is the number of others following along 24/7?





You sent

So you think Yusuf and Lisa are bots?


You sent

Is there anything in our fb messaging conversations that you would like to change before I share them?


You sent

Did Errol Musk’s words of praise bother you?

Can you explain why you are comfortable playing voyeur?


You sent

Lew, once you consider that that highest paid politicians and their advisors don’t know the right questions to ask, you shouldn’t be surprised that we haven’t figured out what us humans are doing here.

Lew, given you old age, have you figured out what we are doing here?


You sent

Do you feel misled by the people you look up to or do you only look up to yourself?


You sent

Lew, do you have an opinion on Mandela?


You sent

Lew, what keeps you here when you could be doing so many other things?


You sent

Sleep on it.



If I am comfortable as you so politely put it ‘playing  voyeur’, I might ask are you comfortable playing curieux?



What am I doing here? Multitasking.





This is what I came across on my morning stroll.


You sent

@Lisa Johnston we must return shortly to talk about Irving Cooper and how his one deal which he orchestrated from his suite at the Pierre Hotel in New York City across from the Plaza that deceased Ivan Trump once managed before getting locked out of her office by The Don, is pretty much how we are eliminating all the bots; plus it is a very cool story.


You sent

Lew, do you want to hear more about Irving Cooper?

Have you heard of Jonathan Beare?


You sent


You sent

Lew, your world is money-politics South Africa. Why do you think Jonathan Beare is considered the most reclusive multi-billionaire South African who in his first real estate deal while still in his 20s made $1 billion in Amsterdam real estate, while my other multi-billionaire client Solly Client had his $50 million in prime Amsterdam real stolen stolen by his trusted South African Chartered Accountants?

Do you see the connections?


You sent

Lew, you have 10 minutes to answer; and if you remain silent, I will remove you from the group.

It is 8:48 PM Calif. time.


You sent

Lew I just set a timer, which I may or may not pay attention to.


You sent





Today at 9:29 PM

9:29 PM

You sent

Lew, could you see the Covid vaccine affecting your mental faculties and should I be more considerate of you?


You sent

Does it bother you that the price of money is as price fixed as the real estate and minerals?


You sent

Is there a reason why you are so belligerent towards me?



My mental faculties were completely exhausted long before COVID 


You sent

Do you see yourself as a cruel person?


You sent

Are you saying that it doesn’t bother you that you have been misled all your life?


You sent

Behind your sarcasm is there great anger?



Belligerent? No not at all, I quite enjoy our occasional exchanges, as well as reading some of your most fascinating articles, history and other little known facts about some people.

I am still awaiting the book you said you were going to write on you Dad’s that would be an intt read. So get on with it! 



Who pray tell, was not at some stage been misled?



A creul person? I suppose in the eyes of some, yes.

In the eyes of others an Angel.


You sent

I don’t believe you.

Did you always know the price of money is price fixed?

Remember you saud just earlier you are a fool.



….was not the Devil an angel of sorts?


You sent

Remember you said earlier you are a fool.



The price of money is fixed, but one asks….by whom?


You sent

Have you heard of minerals?



Did I say I was a fool? Oh well, seeing as I don’t lie, I must be a fool. The question then must be asked, a foolish fool or a cunning fool?


You sent

Why would you play voyeur all this time and now questioning whether the monies are price fixed?


You sent

You know that you have already lost this debate.


You sent

Why don’t you leave now and bandage up your sorrows?



I have heard of minerals, Sparletta, Hubbly Bubbly, Pepsi.



Is this what you call a debate!!! 


You sent

Why when I sent you the standard question about the plug being pulled on the Marc Rich movie, you chose to ignore it but you are   not waiting for a hard book.

Are you aware of the high likelihood, like 99.9999%, that my writings to Matt Damon’s Hollywood lawyers, detailing the fatal flaws in Swiss journalist, Daniel Ammann’s best seller, King Of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, caused Matt Damon and John Krazinski to back out?



No I didn’t. What did Matt Damon have to say about it? Was he shocked?


You sent

Do you think people who were vaccinated for Covid never thought the vaccine could be harmful to their immune system?


You sent

You are of the age that most people are dying.

What are your thoughts about death?


You sent

Lew, you are driving yourself nuts


You sent


You sent

How can the number of deaths from Covid be rising, just as fall approaches, when hospitalizations are dropping and most people recover on their own?


You sent

Lew, do you have an opinion on Mandela?



You are right, at my age I should already be dead.

My thoughts on death….I really don’t care, because one day (or night) when I wake up dead, I won’t know anything about it because I’ll be dead. So, death does not concern me.

COVID-19…..and your next joke Gary?


You sent

Lew, do you have an opinion on Mandela?



Mandela, which one, Winnie or Madeba?


You sent


You sent

Do you recognize any of the white people with Mandela?



Enlighten me.



Mandela was OK. What would you have done differently if you were he?


You sent

Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nicholas.


You sent



I take it you are a fan of Harry?


You sent

Wouldn’t you if Mandela and cared about his people condemned the Oppenheimers for their support of the Apartheid Regime?


You sent

Are you Jewish South African?





You sent

Are you Jewish?


You sent

What were you answering “No” to?


You sent


You sent

What did you like about Mandela?



His shirts.


You sent

Are you Jewish?



No, I not Jewish.


You sent

Do you have a religion you believe in?


You sent

Wouldn’t you if Mandela and cared about his people condemned the Oppenheimers for their support of the Apartheid Regime?


You sent

Why do you think Mandela never publicly condemned the SA Oppenheimers for their support of the Apartheid Regime and the Apartheid Regime’s political opposition parties?



Gary, it is 15h13 here AEST and I am off for a cup of Mildura tea followed by taking my girl for a walk.

I look forward to chatting further 


You sent

You saw the question.

Again, why do you think Mandela never publicly condemned the SA Oppenheimers for their support of the Apartheid Regime and the Apartheid Regime’s political opposition parties?


You sent


You sent

Lew, do you remember writing to me, “Of course I remember your mother! Who is that young man with all the hair standing next to her and the sports car?”?


You sent


You sent

So you appear to be born and raised in South Africa.


You sent

Again, why do you think Mandela never publicly condemned the SA Oppenheimers for their support of the Apartheid Regime and the Apartheid Regime’s political opposition parties?


You sent

Roughly how long will you be gone for tea?

Do you like any of our mutual fb friends more than the others?


You added Lorraine Odgers-Jewell to the group.

You added Peter Lawrence Ewart to the group.

You added Grant Odgers-jewell to the group.

You added HerrguitarTutor Tutor to the group.

You added Erik Holman to the group.

You added Ivan Bloch to the group.

You added Sakkie Prinsloo to the group.

You sent


You sent

Do any of my mutual friends with @Lew Joubert have an opinion on Nelson Mandela?


You sent

Do any of you discuss politics-economics with Lew?


You sent

Does any of this interest you as much as voyeur @Lew Joubert ?


You sent

Do any of you know that with money you can buy your way into Australia?


You sent

What do you think it means for locals who can’t afford their basics needs like housing when a foreigner comes in with price fixed monies and prices them out of the market, and death and despair more likely to come sooner?


Erik Holman left the group.

You added Erik Holman to the group.

Erik Holman left the group.

You sent

@Lew Joubert did you notice how quickly Erik Holman responded to being added back as I made sure it want a twitch or possible worse?


You added Erik Holman to the group.

You sent

I have unlocked new monster eggs, buildings and other cool things. Play Monster Legends and create your own incredible monsters.


Erik Holman left the group.

You sent

@Erik Holman I just reposted above what you wrote me on August 12, 2020.


You added Erik Holman to the group.

You sent

@Erik Holman I just reposted above what you wrote me on August 12, 2020.


You sent

Do you play with Lew?


Erik Holman left the group.

You sent

Erik Holman left.

It is now 10:41 PM Calif time 17 July 2022.


You sent

Is everyone aware that when prices rise in one region of the world the GDP rises and it doesn’t take into account the damage to the environment to produce the housing, the dams, the food, the clothing, the cars etc which means less for the children and their children?


You sent

@Lew Joubert why did you immigrate to Australia?


You sent

Were you in support of the Apartheid Regime?


You sent

@Lisa Johnston, why do you think Jonathan Beare went stark raving nuts when I pointed him to The Diamond Invention book?

Have you read the book?


You sent

Lisa, could you see how having @Lew Joubert on your show it will help attract an ever bigger audience?

Is that your goal and/or to just inform people about the important matters?


You sent

Lisa, do you think if Jonathan Beare was smart he would have realized much earlier in life that Harry Oppenheimer and his partner Charles W. Engelhard Jr. could have bought up the entire planet but then it would look like we had communist bosses running the world?


You sent

Lisa, the 3 photos you see of Jonathan Beare above which again are screenshots of a video I filmed of him in Hong Kong at our 5 star hotel Regent took place in March 1989, the same month and year that the SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben’s New York Times published the feature story, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD

and so both Jonathan Beare and myself were 16 years older when we last dined together in Beverly Hills back on 13 January 2005 when I shared with him certain writings of Epstein’s The D I book which resulted in Beare “going ape shit”.

Is that an expression you are familiar with?


You sent

Lisa have you noticed that the other mutual fb friends I have with @Lew Joubert are sticking?


You sent

Are you familiar with the value associated with the content when people stick, particularly people who don’t like the truth but want to hear for themselves first what is being said as well as who is getting the information?


Grant Odgers-jewell left the group.

You sent

Lisa, do you recall why Chairman of the Board of Hearst Corporation, member @Alexis Apperson Hearst @Alexis Hearst‘s grandfather, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] trusted my judgment?


You sent

Grant Odgers-jewell left the group.


You sent

It looks like his wife is sticking.


You added Grant Odgers-jewell to the group.

You sent

You added Grant Odgers-jewell to the group.


You sent

@Grant Odgers-jewell there is also nothing preventing you from deleting me as a fb friend.


You sent


You added Stacey McNabb to the group.

You added Marc van den Heuvel to the group.

You sent

@Lee-Anne Dalley are you having trouble keeping up?


You sent

@Tony Leon, you too don’t look like you are aging well. 

Why don’t you explain to our audience why you, who was the head of the Democratic Alliance Party whose primary sponsor was Harry Oppenheimer as he was both his Apartheid Regime and Mandela’s ANC, shared with me back in 1995, the year after Oppenheimer brought Mandela to power, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa!”?


You sent

@Antony Unruh, any original thoughts you would like to share?


Avigdor Feldman left the group.

You added Avigdor Feldman to the group.

You sent

@Avigdor Feldman, any further thoughts about my mother Zena?



You sent

Why didn’t you tell me that you had a conflict of interest from the start?



You sent

@Errol Graham Musk how are we doing?



You sent

It is now 11:21 PM Calif. time.
