Getting to know your friends – XIII
Part XII – Getting to know your friends – CLICK HERE
Screenshot: 4:45 PM Tuesday 26 July 2022
XIII getting to know your friends
Mon 3:48 PM
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Blvd Nitza 22/A
Apt. 21
Netanya, Israel
12th Dec. 1986
Darling Gary,
It was good talking to you and to know that life is exciting for you, I just want you to, also, have fun, like surfing and other sport, music and gay, light conversations as opposed to “business-business-business”.
I wanted you, all, to learn how to play, especially, because I never did! From 2yrs I was on the professional stage and remember, serious, business “conversations” (albeit one sided) with my father (O vashalom) when I was only 6? My idea of “fun” was writing and politics (at 12 I was a red hot commie, writing, at night, on street walls, with red paint “Open the 2nd front” which meant help Russia to fight the Germans!) I was about that age when I first became conscious of being Jewish in a way that related me, to those people, in Europe, (just cross the English channel) who were being tortured and put to death, merely, because, they, or, one grandparent even, was Jewish. Hitler wanted to wipe this ancient people out and I believe, that my desire to have a dozen children, was in order, to do my “bit”, and replenish the world with Jews, showing the Nazis, that we, the Jewish people, would survive him and his party.
Here am I, now, in Israel – amazing ?! Not able to relate to Israelis as well as, perhaps, I can relate to the French, whose literature and culture, I was well exposed to in my school days, (At 2 I went to a French reading school!!) but, my soul relates to the land, the history. I know I belong to King David’s family and the Badash family were living in Lebanon, specifically, in Tripoli in the year 400 (or 400 yrs ago – I forget which)
We are descended, on my father’s side from Syrian, sephardic Jews. My grandfather, whom I did not know, was nicknamed Schwartza, he was so dark and Granddad Al was once asked to leave a bar in Durban, because, when sunburnt, back in 1947, he was thought to be an Indian. The blondness comes from Grandma Raies – Russian family. You, of course have Lithuanian blood too, so you tend to be fair and Kathy has those incredible blue/green eyes.
Before I run out of space. I’m alone in a square that has 2 sides of street cafes. “U” A is unpacking the shipment. (Angina has its virtues.) After my bagel, cream cheese & lox, I’ll take a slow walk, passed the beach-home.
I miss you & love you so much.
Be happy & KS
mom XX
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It is 3:50 PM Calif. time, Monday 25 July 2022.
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It has all been deafeningly silent since posting up the one-of-a-kind verbiage of former member, Stacey McNabb, “… Was too engaging and distracted me” this past Friday at 10:32 AM, other than thinking himself superior in culture and intellect to the indigenous blacks of Africa, white South African policeman @Johny Basterd placing a single tear-drop smiley face right after.
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That is an extraordinarily long period of time for one talkative human to be quiet.
For the entire group thinking pretty much the same as Stacey McNabb is mind-blowing.
But not surprising either to me or someone like @Alexis Hearst‘s grandfather, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000].
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Each of you could also imagine not only the entire literate population of human ants doing the same but for this most eerie, weird silence continuing indefinately, everyone waiting for the first to drop out.
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And then who will be next.
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My decision to return to the “conversation” which is much more than a monologue as Ms. McNabb has so well articulated is because a cousin of mine on my mother Zena’s side of the family, Leigh Pevy, the granddaughter of my maternal grandmother’s
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Rachelle Pevy Ash
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whose mother died while giving birth to her, 1903, found me on facebook.
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On my grandmother Rachelle’s right is her second husband, my granddad Al Ash [1899-1965]
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and my very elegant mother Zena to his right.
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We all know what a great set of legs mean to both species of human.
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The unconscious human who is also most often lonely because they have no mate and see the prospects of dying alone increasingly realistic as their physical attributes no longer turn heads
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resorts to make jokes of everything, wouldn’t you agree @Lew Joubert, @Johny Basterd, @Trevor Goldberg, and @Gary Berman?
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Note how I limited that list.
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Most, and that would include Barak Obama who physically is in much better shape than most his age, see themselves at least smart in the common sense department even if they have little or no money wealth.
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The rich on the other hand, like Obama who has yet to tell the true story of how he became the frontrunner in the upcoming November 2008 Presidential election, consider themselves super bright if they have made a ton of money.
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Then there are those like @Trevor Goldberg who inherited most all of his wealth think they are “God’s gift”.
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They might say it a little differently or a lot differently, but in the end they feel they are deserving of their luck and nor does anyone wanting to suck to them feel the need to question them any further because the inheritance laws are so entrenched just like Darwinism which is here to stay even though it is complete nonsense simply on the basis that there hasn’t been enough time for the human and all its parts to have mutated, without forgetting that most all mutations end up negative.
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But we are not here to argue facts.
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Facts mean nothing to the human in denial.
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All we are doing is proving that you can fill up a room of humans who are all in denial about the one thing they care most about which is not their family members but the money they believe in most.
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We all also know it is very hard to have a conversation with someone whose mind is on other things.
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Yet you are all here with your minds all on the money that you can’t refute has violated all the rules of both common sense and how money is defined which to begin with has to be limited in supply.
That means it is not possible to string a bunch of computers together and start generating Crypto currencies and call them money when the next rich person can do the exact same thing with their string of computers and then drive demand by using both their Cryptos converted into government-fiat monies as well as their existing fiat-government monies to drive demand.
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Note that I didn’t mention that for a currency to have any validity it has to be tied to productivity; namely, the production of goods and services that are independent of one another.
In other words you can’t set up a service business like selling insurance which the government supports such as AIG.
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So I have now mentioned both productivity and reminded everyone of my first Daily Dirt from November 2008.
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Who remembers which half-black American became President-elect in November 2008?
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@Steven Bailey, I note that you remain awfully quiet.
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@Steven Bailey is in fact no different to all the world’s politicians except that he is not as financially rich as most all of them.
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There are course those of us humans who are not fools.
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We see our bodies aging but at the same time we are very aware of our accomplishments in the areas of engineering, impressionist art painting and philosophy where the pursuit is everything.
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You cannot solve a single problem on this planet earth unless one first addresses the fatal flaws of the money.
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You are all here because of one simple reason.
No one else has come close to providing my knowledge and nor have any of you chosen to share this important knowledge, all the while the planet continues to be spent.
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Wishing me dead is also bad karma and you remember that karma is all about “cause and effect” and you didn’t have the intelligence, call it common sense, to figure out the fraud of the money.
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Every day you turn on the TV and you get the same total bs and that is comforting.
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The TV, as I best recall, and please correct me if it has changed has “The News” beginning at around 5:30 PM and then it repeats itself every half hour or so, and you remained glued expecting to hear something different but you don’t because your mind is being completely manipulated just like the money.
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Your brainwashed minds informs you, “If there was anything new or important to report those trusted Newscasters, idiot talking heads, who smile at the right, crack a clever joke here and there, would have let you know”.
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When I type into Google whose capital formation is the exact same as all our enterprises, total bs, the words “Original tv broadcast”, the following appears:
The first “television” system broadcast was a straight-line by Philo Farnsworth on September 7th, 1927. The press was presented with this scientific breakthrough on January 13, 1928 and it even headlined a few major nationwide papers.
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You don’t have to believe Wikipedia, but take my word for it that they got this part right:
In 1927, Ernest Oppenheimer managed to wrest control of the late Cecil Rhodes’ De Beers empire and built and consolidated the company’s global monopoly over the world’s diamond industry until his retirement.
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What Wikipedia don’t say and nor do the university text books or any of the Wall Street money managers who take down hundreds of millions and billions each year in compensation is what Sir Ernest Oppenheimer mostly achieved; namely, owning the politicians who chose the generals.
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Fortunately for the planet, there was General Smuts who simply couldn’t be brushed aside that quickly given his excellence on the battlefield as well as in planning for future wars.
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So you all see we are getting to the difference between religious imbecile @Saville Katz who has blocked me now on fb messaging as well as unfriended me, and @Johny Basterd.
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Us Jewish people in particular should never discuss politics without first being well versed in military economics given how the goal from the very start of our existence which began with the essence of our belief system, “… God is one” was to exterminate us.
The “… God is one” can only be described as total madness as it pissed off all the rulers at the time including the Pharoah of ancient Egypt or an unbelievable “stroke of genius”.
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Obviously I see madness the same as Einstein, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
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Most all of you expect the truth-logic to disappear because you don’t like the feeling of stupid.
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Nor is it something that you should take up with me.
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Speak to your marriage counsellor or your rabbi or your priest or your mullah or Dr. Laura or your favorite politician or the politician you most hate or your children or your favorite charity director or your basketball coach or your cricket coach or your neighbor you like the most or your neighbor you hate the most or your investment advisor or your insurance broker or your mother or your father or your grandparents if they are not dead and you want to put them into an early grave to grab the inheritance monies.
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I didn’t mention your psychologist who profits from your mental problems.
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@Trevor Goldberg is it true that you were pissed off that your Alzheimer patient father Jules Goldberg who never worked a day in his life because he inherited a bunch of money was now spending your and your 2 siblings inheritance monies on his medical needs that was only making his health care providers only too happy to oblige?
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Let’s pick it up next with how the good Jewish people of South Africa such as my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890 -1970] and his elder brother Morris Gevisser [c. 1880 – 1961] expressed their displeasure towards Sir Ernest Oppenheimer by simply ostracizing him to the point that he abandoned his Judaism in favor of Christianity, and the corrupt Christians had no problem embracing him, none of which was lost on “Jew King” General Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] who remains hated to this day by his retard fellow Afrikaners such as member @Johny Basterd.
Not to mention, my second cousins @Jonathan Gevisser and his first cousin @Mark Gevisser, both grandchildren of Morris and Janie Moshal Gevisser are no more intelligent in my opinion than @Johny Basterd who can be forgiven given how his parents and grandparents were obviously total fools.
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Edit: … everyone waiting for the first to drop out smacks of something totally out of this world, outside of human consciousness, like coincidences which are totally unpredictable.
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Edit: … Leigh Pevy, the granddaughter of my maternal grandmother’s brother and whose mother died while giving birth …
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Edit: There are of course those of us humans who are not fools.
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Edit: … philosophy where the pursuit of truth-logic is everything.
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Edit: … smile at the right time …
Anne Pollard left the group.
You added Anne Pollard to the group.
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It is now 8:42 AM Calif. time, and you are all still here, except for the no less fool full of herself religious Anne Pollard, raised poorly resulting in not figuring out, prior to conspiring with her fatso husband, Jonathan Pollard to sell out her country, and in the process play right into the hands of the moron lowlife anti-Semites such as @Steven Bailey and @Johny Basterd spreading globally anti-Semitism and anti -Israel sentiment which suits of course all the hypocrite Jewish people profiting from weapons sales and the rest of the logistics of war, including the building of prisons to house the far less dangerous criminals, when simply looking at her husband’s disgraceful physiognomy, a pig deluxe, and her healthy mind saying, “Stay away from that beached sperm whale that stinks to high heaven!”.
Again Anne Pollard would have done well to take the Zena Gevisser Charm School course the same with her only daughter, the Wicked Witch of the East Kathy Gevisser Danziger.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
Let’s also not forget and I will keep reminding you, that you are all voyeurs , the rich and the poor; so you know what you all have in common.
Cruel cruel cruel.
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Who can figure out what’s wrong the headline and the rest of today’s New York Times article covering the bogus supply chain problems and the no less manufactured inflation all geared to distract voyeurs and the such?
Let’s give everyone now the opportunity to speak whatever is on their mind.
Will a couple of us be suffice for a morning coffee break or do you @Lisa Johnston need more time to sleep on the question “Who do you want to be in business with …?”
Lisa, you know that you have nothing to lose since you are in the neighborhood asking my sister to join you for coffee and if you don’t know what to talk about I can try prompting you.
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Edit: Will a couple of hours …
You added Leigh Pevy to the group.
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You added back @Anne Pollard
You added @Leigh Pevy
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@Leigh Pevy I have a couple more email broadcasts to forward you and then you will be fully up to speed with my 3 elder siblings and the rest of the voyeurs.
You added Ivan Horowitz to the group.
Today at 9:42 AM
9:42 AM
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You added @Ivan Horowitz who is fb friend also of my cousin @Leigh Pevy .
My last message to Horowitz, 23 odd words, at 9:10 AM, and it is now 9:42:
Why didn’t you share with Leigh Pevy all that you learned from me as you play voyeur.
What sort of Jew are you?
Today at 2:08 PM
2:08 PM
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Edit: … Leigh Pevy, the granddaughter of my maternal grandmother, Rachelle Pevy Ash’s brother, whose mother died …
Edit: … wanting to suck up to them ..
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It is now 2:08 PM Calif. time.
@Anne Pollard remains with us without giving us her opinion on the harm she and her ex husband, American-Soviet-Spy Jonathan Pollard did to the Jewish people following the State of Israel losing the war with the German-South African Oppenheimers and their shills in the late 70s by which time Ben Gurion was already dead.
How could the State of Israel confer any honors on the SA Oppenheimers?
How could religious Menachem Begin fail to speak out when the last of the resisting Israeli diamond merchants were wiped out in a squeeze by Barclays Bank and their Israeli bank affiliates, all orchestrated by the Oppenheimers?
Professor Edward J. Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention spells it out perfectly in chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL
but neither the Prime Minister of Israeli or the President of Israel or the Israeli Knesset needed to first read The D I book to know how the SA Oppenheimers became the global powerhouse.
That is why you have intelligence services like Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] who of course were known to the SA Oppenheimers who have a way of convincing those they wish to turn by sharing who was already in their pocket.
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When you are silent because it all makes perfect sense, you send a clear message.
When there is more than one of you who are silent because it all makes perfect sense, the message you send is that much clearer.
When it is most everyone who is silent you can’t expect everyone who speaks to all be forthcoming.
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What you expect is what we are witnessing.
You want all your brainwashing to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
But that is wishful thinking.
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You are playing a game with your own head, not mine, when you first lie to yourself, “How am I going to get out of this one?”.
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@Lisa Johnston would you agree with that?
Foster Gamble left the group.
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@Claire Berlinski would you agree with that?
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Notice that Foster Gamble, the Proctor Gamble heir who puts out his total bullshit THRIVE just left.
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Let’s check to see if it is a twitch.
You added Foster Gamble to the group.
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@Foster Gamble, how long has it been that you have been playing voyeur?
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Do the rest of the Proctor & Gamble heirs know what you have been hiding from them, or are they all up to speed?
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@Michael Treger and your wife Arlene Krok who I suspect is in control of this fb account, don’t think I have forgotten about you. I will calling upon you soon to share your recollections of the Bar Illan University steam barbeque invention that exploded in your suite at the Park Hotel in New York City, overlooking Central Park. So just hold your horses.
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@Steven Bailey, do you agree with my assessment, “You are playing a game with your own head, not mine, when you first lie to yourself, “How am I going to get out of this one?”?
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@Wayne Crouch what’s up with you?
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@Leigh Pevy have you received your copy of my previous email broadcast titled, “Reincarnation round” which left my computer network at 1:53 PM, and it is now 2:36 PM?
You know already to check your Junk folder if you can’t find it in your inbox, but I thought to remind you, just in case.
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@Vicky Schiff, it is not part of your personality to be so quiet. Do you still speak with Paul Tomson?
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Who thinks any of Elon Musk’s full and half-siblings would keep all these proceedings from him?
What about those he trusts sufficiently to invite to his parties and accompany him on his private jet?
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@Errol Graham Musk understands everything which is why you would expect him to be carefully monitoring the “performance” of each family member who is old enought to know the difference between right and wrong.
Ivan Horowitz left the group.
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@Foster Gamble, surely you didn’t think I have forgotten about you because I haven’t mentioned your name in the past several minutes.
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@Leigh Pevy, you will have noticed that our mutual fb friend Ivan Horowitz just left the group.
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He now prevents me from adding him back and I would assume he is unfriended me.
Obviously @Leigh Pevy you know that he is not someone you can trust; at least not as much as me as it comes to the truth.
Do the two of you hang out together on Shabbas?
Does he wear a yarmulke constantly and does that reassure you that he is a righteous Jew?
Foster Gamble left the group.
Today at 3:14 PM
3:14 PM
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Foster Gamble left the group for the second time without saying anything more.
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Just a minute ago I placed the following on the fb wall of my cousin @Leigh Pevy:
Leigh Pevy, I would now like to introduce myself to all your fb friends:
Leigh Pevy’s grandfather and my maternal grandmother, Rachelle Pevy Ash [1903 – 23 April 1972] and who passed away 4 months and 9 before I began a 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head, Ben Gurion’s Sde Boker kibbutz, were brother and sister.
Today I write on the “military economy” which is greatly helped by Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], head of the world’s wildly successful mineral-banking monopoly De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Deutsche Bank-Barclays Bank-Union Bank of Israel, recruiting me right out of university to be his right-hand-person.
Suffice to say I have today several group chats-symposiums going on facebook whose membership represent a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, and one can safely assume not all of them are good.
The extraordinary attendance record is best explained by my one facebook friend, Stacey McNabb writing to me the other day, after she decided to leave Getting to know your friends, the following:
“… actually to be extremely honest… The truth is I was enjoying the chat so much that is was distracting me from my work and keeping me up at night. I have everything linked so the Mac suite
So even my watch buzzes me got every notification
The group chat is right down my alley… trust me! I did not want to leave but as I said I was constantly reading the chats and my brain needs rest to work and I was more focused on the discussions
… each message I could not help but read.
Yes enjoying it a bit too much
The chats were so true and open and interesting
But I’m passing out on my computer …
Was too engaging and distracted me”
You added Foster Gamble to the group.
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@Foster Gamble do you think much about your reincarnation?
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Do you think such thoughts are for the birds?
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@Foster Gamble if you could be convinced that Elon Musk is following along would that make a difference in your thinking?
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What have you hoped to achieve all this time playing voyeur?
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You do realize that your only credibility is that you inherited a Trust Fund.
Foster Gamble left the group.
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Foster Gamble left the group, again.
He also shows that he is online.
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@Steven Bailey, you like to talk.
Why didn’t you at least try and strike up a conversation with Foster Gamble or do you find your wife more interesting?
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It is now 3:24 PM.
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Who thinks Jonny Carson of the Tonight Show would be totally bored with all this?
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Who here feels that all advertising whether it be for Lear Jets with solid gold finishings, to baby and adult diapers is all contrived?
Who thinks the price of weapons and housing makes absolutely no sense when the price mechanism is systemically corrupted and those profiting the most from the corruption are now more than ever trying to cover their tracks by pulling out all stops to confuse you with words that has you thinking they must know what they are talking about?
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@Lisa Johnston your head just popped up.
Do you want to tell us something?
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Lisa, what bothers you more, thinking of having the largest audience in the world and everyone sharing their thoughts on how they have been horribly fooled, or getting your hair cut badly by an inexperienced hair stylist?
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Lisa, do you remember what day it is today without having to look?
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Lisa, if you had your life over, would you bring children into this cruel world?
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Does being religious help you understand your purpose and the rest of us humans responsible for the devastation of the planet that all the people trying to fool us want us to forget about and just make the most of the lot we have each been handed?
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Who here either wishes they hadn’t been born or at least wishing they had done different with their lives prior to letting their body go to hell?
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Who thinks my mother Zena Gevisser always gave good advice to those who listen?
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@Clive Gurwitz, you have been a family friend from when you were a kid, the same with your elder brother and younger sisters.
Do you ever remember sitting down with my mom and getting her opinion?
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If any of you were to start a business today, what would be your first choice?
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Let me give you some examples.
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1. Would starting Google be interesting when you know that all it takes is money capital to either hire software programmers or to buy out Google or fund a competitor to Google and drive them out of business?
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2. Would starting be interesting when you know that the only reason got off the ground is because the Walton family who own Walmart saw it as a very smart move to distract from them wiping out the first tier of small business owners?
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3. Would starting a competitor to Goldman Sachs be interesting to you if you knew how best to reach out to the SA Oppenheimers and their shills such as Ivan Glasenberg-Marc Rich-Glencore?
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3. Would starting a competing lawn cutting service to @Steven Bailey interest you if you could simply marry someone rich and feel that by employing Bailey you are helping the economy grow?
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Edit: 4. Would starting a com…
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5. Would starting a competitor to Comic Con interest you if you could stand by the entrance and hand out flyers to all the attendees explaining where to find an ulimited supply of money capital?
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@Alan Cline, I don’t remember you at university having an original thought.
What about now?
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“… actually to be extremely honest… The truth is I was enjoying the chat so much that is was distracting me from my work and keeping me up at night. I have everything linked so the Mac suite
So even my watch buzzes me got every notification
The group chat is right down my alley… trust me! I did not want to leave but as I said I was constantly reading the chats and my brain needs rest to work and I was more focused on the discussions
… each message I could not help but read.
Yes enjoying it a bit too much
The chats were so true and open and interesting
But I’m passing out on my computer …
Was too engaging and distracted me”