Glen Sol – Works for Jonathan Beare Investments – grew up with Mary & Nicholas Oppenheimer,
2 mutual friends: Hazel Freed and Maureen Marks
SEP 27, 2018, 10:39 AM
Say hi to your new Facebook friend, Glen.
If you send me your email I will copy you on an email I’m going to sending shortly to Jonathan’s favorite nephew, Derrick Beare.
Glen Derrick , late David’s son?
Yes he is.
I just forwarded you what I sent Derrick who I haven’t communicated with since my meeting with Jonathan on Jan. 13, 2005 when Jonathan did more than renegade on our deal.
Is he in CT or overseas? I work for Julian Beare , Beare Holdings
Jonathan reneged on a deal? Doesn’t sound like the JB I have known for all these years .
Derrick, I believe is still in London; and of course Julian Beare knows more than he is letting on.
What do you do for them?
Yes, it may not sound like JB but then you didn’t figure out the Terry Rosenberg-Prefcor deal.
Now I will bring you up to speed on what caused JB to change the purpose of our most well planned meeting in Beverly Hills, bearing in mind, that prior to that meeting JB never once missed an opportunity to meet with me.
Not to mention, one only knows someone once they have been put to the test.
To mention little of, I assume you have seen how politely I dealt with that gentleman who didn’t like to read the truth about the gun-money power of our ACME TIMBERS Corporation which dictated terms to all those in South Africa involved with any business reliant on wood; and you know about furniture.
I see you are still writing up a storm and I haven’t forgotten that you work for them, but still Im sure you want to have my knowledge even if it is disturbing since it places you at a competitive advantage in the present, and the present is what is important, right?
I remember awhile back reading on the web what you wrote about Zulman and the moshals and Buthelezi and don’t recall it all but it was a kind of expose on the wealthy Jewish families in Dbn , yes I saw how politely you had dealt with him , didn’t your mother marry a Zulberg ? Beacon sweets ? Yes no problem at all I am responding and always have an open inquisitive mind and an active member of our community here in Durban , however hold my own council so am interested in hearing what you say
Have you heard of scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention?
When JB placed demands on me at the very start of our breakfast meeting at the Beverly Wilshire where we had last met a year or so before – and when he excused himself from the table with the head of the Rothschild family, I think it was Nathan, to just come and chat with me as Derrick wanted to let JB know that I was just visiting for a short while – I told him that his “demands” were not only unconscionable and that would mean I would have to sell my soul which I wouldn’t do for all the money in the world, and my response was to point him to paragraph in Epstein’s book, and JB instantly collapsed into a heap of tears and when he finally recovered from his stroke, he began threatening me.
Bear in mind I did not write the book.
Would you like to see what I showed him?
Your previous response is to be applauded. Should I continue?
Also did you receive a copy of what I sent Derrick?
BTW, Derrick and I were the best and closest of friends for a good 2 decades prior to that meeting with JB on Jan. 13, 2005.
No I saw the FB posts but not a mail you sent Derrick
No I haven’t read EJE’s the diamond invention, should I ? What demands did JB place on you ? Yes please continue you certainly have my attention Gary
Im waiting to hear if you want to see what I showed JB which not only changed his entire world but it caused irreparable damage to Derrick who made the foolish mistake of bending over.
And yes, I have written extensively on this subject of the corruption of the Durban Jewish community which in order to know you need to know the history of Engelhard and the equally virulent anti-Semitic and anti-Israel German-South African Oppenheimer family.
My mother Zena did marry Alan Zulman who co-founded with Abe Dubin South African Clothing Industries. Alan’s first cousin is Arnold Zulman of Beacon Sweets, another “beauty enterprise” who owe their existence and wealth to Engelhard-Oppenheimer.
Yes my parents were very friendly with Charles engelhard , the Oppenheimer ? Abe Dubin yes I knew them too Vera is still with us , yes please send me what it is that you sent JB , I remember now it was all part of what you wrote on the web that I read , Dubins, moshals Arnold Z , it all rings a Bell
Im just going to make myself a quick cup of tea and will be back.
In the meantime take a look at this one chapter of The D I book, aptly titled, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY, and see if you can figure out the very short section that I chose carefully to show JB that caused him to have a fit; bearing in mind when you see the words about Engelhard Jr. having “no male heirs”, his “male heir” and most important chief executive officer was my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser [1926-2009] who in mid-1995 the day following my morning meeting with Trevor Manual, SA’s Minister of Trade & Industry, offered me the highly lucrative job of managing his investment portfolio whose value far exceeded the wealth of Jonathan Beare, who is of course very “small potatoes”.
Tell me quickly about your parents; how did they end up in Engelhard’s circle?
Also what is your background, education, work experience etc?
Horse racing fraternity Oppenheimer as well Bridgot and Harry , grew up with Mary and Nicky older then my sister and I but none the less family friends with a common interest horse racing
Are you in touch with Nick O.?
No , kind of drifted apart after Harry died and then Bridgot passed and my mom passed and lost touch , don’t mix in those circles am a very private person
How old are you? What’s your background; how did you end up with the Beares?
Are you Jewish?
68, Jewish yes and after retiring from Bidvest joined Beare holdings at Julian’s suggestion , how did SMJacobson die and did they find the perp? I don’t know who I don’t recall that ? Which jacobson family did she marry into?
Which Gevisser lived at Beth Shalom the Jewish aged home ? My sister went to a deportment modeling “lady” school run by your mother I am sure it was Zena or am I mixing up ? It was in the 60’s
You should be start reading that chapter, and then your mind will open up.
Sandra was my classmate at Carmel College, Durban. She was a member of Umkhonto and assassinated by fellow members; i.e. at the instruction of Nelson Mandela who got his orders directly from Harry Oppenheimer who again oversaw my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays starting soon after I immigrated to the US on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st.
David Gevisser who was more closely related to Sandra who I dont know who she married, writes about her murder in rather explicit detail in his autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER
Here is the most important chapter in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER
and you will quickly see by the people the Engelhards had at their dinner table that they did not like Jewish people unless they were like David Gevisser very obedient Jewish Kapos-sellouts.
So Im interested to know how CW Engelhard treated your parents? Did they have any business dealings?
BTW, Sandra’s half-naked and tortured body that was dumped in the boot of her car, was discovered on November 4, 1997; and when you read David Gevisser’s account it sounds like it was very recent.
David Gevisser, like all liars who suffer from the short-circuits of the brain, makes out in memoir that Sandra’s death was recent.
The only recent thing was a SA Police whitewash report which was started in March 2006 and they nailed someone very convenient because that person had long died, and the report was published in the SA newspapers on September 5, 2006 the same day Nick O. met with Oppenheimer.
How many people on DDML do you think would be interested in this conversation?
Your sister could have only taken a course with my mother Zena. Did you see the photos I put up on DDML of my mother and her book and record THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN?
Did you see what I sent Derrick B? Check your spam folder if you haven’t.
You haven’t told me about your education? Who were the principals of Bidvest?
Notice how my FB friend count has just shot up since beginning to post on DDML.
Bear again in mind that I know how extraordinarily interesting is my knowledge of the most important history of South Africa, and just from my polite rebuke of that idiot Dudley Dowling will of course have that many more tongues wagging.
History is not only being made today, because most non-Jewish South Africans are as clueless about the modern day history of Israel as are Jewish South Africans and which I am explaining in real time, but all of JB’s wealth which Derrick is counting on, could evaporate in the next instant.
As you can see I am answering all your questions, and if I miss one, please let me know.
It is possible that the Gevisser at Beth whatever was my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser’s [c1890-1970] second wife, the witch Jennie Maltz Gevisser
who conspired with the managing director of our Moshal Gevisser, Sol “Little King” Moshal [c1894-1986] to allow the “nobody” and rather poor, but very corrupt Natie Kirsh to “asset strip” Moshal Gevisser [1910-1970].
Wouldn’t you like right now to get really rich and also do the right thing by organizing the entire Durban Jewish community and all the rest of South Africa who would be interested in knowing how the real dog eat dog world works?
You just have to say, “Please come along to a one of a kind Educational Light Journey seminar-workshop and only pay at the end what you can afford and what you feel is fair!”
My mother owned country hotels for years issey Geshen was her partner in a few country hotels she owned race horses her passion , I trained in hotel management , wanted to be a fashion designer but not to be my father made sure of that , rebelled st a young age against religion and authority , saw the light settled qualified in the hotel industry enjoyed it , owned a small hotel , sold got into procurement and design in the industry business bought out by BV stayed on for 20 pdf years and retired , that’s basically it . No like I said they had a mutual interest in horse racing no business dealings that I know of at all , like the oppenheimers horse racing was the only connection and I never in all my interaction with them growing up felt any dislike or ill feeling to us as Jews . I thought it was Zena and no I haven’t seen it , Gary it seems I have a lot of reading to do , it’s been interesting and exhausting , need to end for now , we will continue soon, I will check the spam , signing off for now G, to answer , Brian Joffe, who has since retired matriculated no varsity but hotel qualifications , various other bits and bobs on paper over the years , for now that’s enough , off to bed Layla Tov except on your side of the planet it’s daylight , my son had a GF who lives in New Jersey I think , they always chatting at odd hours . Being diabetic on insulin I tend to sleep early so like I mentioned signing off , not sure I will look when I go to BS again , Gary without sounding rude , it seems you have it in for the community here well certain family’s that is , is there a reason ? If I am wrong then I apologize but it just seems that way when I read how you speak of them , is it political ,personal or just the way it is ? Perhaps my sugar needs attention and I am reading it all wrong , don’t misunderstand me I am finding this all interesting reading just a bit overwhelming right now . I have s lit to absorb thanks , till next time G
First of all you know you can beat diebetes with the right diet, but change is difficult for most.
Second, I didn’t get that Brian Joffe bit.
Third, you are absolutely wrong – and yes it could be the diabetes which is also not good for the brain – I do not have it in for the Jewish community of Durban because that would be painting with too broad a brush, and that would be totally stupid.
You really don’t have much to read because you have read it all here as well as that chapter 18 and the section which so disturbed JB who is not what he wants the world to believe, is no longer new information to JB.
In other words he and Derrick and a great many other people have had this very important knowledge for at least the past more than 13 odd years and they certainly haven’t shared it with you; so much for their kindness and truthfulness.
My beautiful F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion who is not only very private but more importantly quiet because you can’t be involved in community activities if you are private because the community should know everything there is to know about its leadership says:
Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth.
She also explains for the Poverty of Thought [POT]:
The truth is disturbing for those busy keeping track of their lies.
A bird just dropped by the window to say hello to me
while letting me know how very perfect is nature in stark contrast to human who is not only monotonous but is so easily fooled and when finding out the truth acts so disgracefully.
You talk about the Oppenheimers treating you so respectfully, “and I never in all my interaction with them growing up felt any dislike or ill feeling to us as Jews” and all I can surmise is that they were most content that you never questioned them.
First, you know that they controlled 85% of the capitalization of the JHB Stock Exchange, meaning the remaining 15% knew better than to argue.
Second, their Apartheid Regime did not take out center-page ads in the South African Sunday Times, Durban Daily News
and Natal Mercury
– now looking for a newspaper article in Afrikaans with a photo of me and my middle brother Melvin –
and now I have to take our world traveler dog Mango out – I will be back.
Continuing – spelling out the following:
“We thought it important in the interests of fair play, democracy and so on and so forth, to let the world know that the German-South African Oppenheimer family control the entire South African economy and that would include our opposition parties such as the Progressive-Democratic Alliance Party and all its stooges such as Helen Suzman, Schwartz and Tony Leon.”
Third, and I see that you have yet to fall asleep – and please let me know what you think caused JB his stroke from which of course it is not possible to fully recover – you would know that the business of a monopolist is not in support of competition and that would mean the Oppenheimers supported dictatorships which you also know have not been very kind to us Jewish people.
Fourth, when you get to chapter 16 of The D I book which is just 2 back from THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY you will know for certain that the Oppenheimers hate Jewish people as well as the fledgling State of Israel which of course both my parents and grandparents fully understood because they all had common sense.
Have you yet come across in David Gevisser’s TUF the type of people the Engelhards had as their dinner guests?
Here is a photo taken at the opening of the World Fair in 1964 which my mother Zena also attended:
Did you ever hear of JB’s Avenger Golf company?
Here is me practicing my swings at the top of Machu Picchu
Let’s now go back to when you first came across my writings on The Internet. Can you recall approx. when that was?
What percent do you think of the Durban Jewish congregation know about me beginning to expose the DAAC publicly back on 11.11.2004 when I broke my 24 year silence?
What percent of the Durban Jewish congregation who had wealth, do you think was not bought?
How do you think the DAAC kept track of those people who were not bought?
You must remember the Durban North Lazarus clan who openly supported The Third Reich’s Southern Division as they held fund raisers for the National Party at their homes.
You would also know since you surely frequent to the Durban Jewish Club where the Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial museum is housed that the principal benefactors of the Tolerance Museum are the Durban North Lazarus clan whose closest friends were all the rich Durban Jewish people as well as those like the Essakow family, also of Durban North who wanted to get rich.
Jonathan Beare also had no problem being very close to Gunter and his brother Bernard Lazarus because in JB’s mind at least the Lazarus’ were not hypocrites.
So you see that I am not only very polite but most methodical in ferreting out all the shitheads.
The question you should be asking yourself as you know that as you age you are not getting younger or more importantly, healthier especially if you dont kick the diabetes, how can it be that so many people you know are totally corrupt or totally stupid?
You also know exactly how to go about figuring out if someone is “playing stupid” and if so then it means they are corrupt.
So let’s assume most if not all those who look like they are “totally stupid” turn out to be totally corrupt, then it would mean the situation approximately closely the story of Sodom & Gomorrah other than Lot may have been able to find 5 good people, and my understanding is that God stopped negotiating with Herself when getting down to 10.
Now when people use Yiddish or Hebrew expressions such as Shana Tovah-Good Year, I am mostly reminded of the fact that Eichman had a sufficient command of Hebrew to know that if someone approached him using the word, “Shalom” he would safely assume that person was Jewish and should be sent off to Auschwitz.
Let’s just say that I am right that this Higher Energy Spirit [HER] exists, wouldn’t you want to spend the rest of your life trying your best to do good rather than looking to fault me and accuse me wrongly?
JB and his family have fucked over a great many people because only an idiot would not realize that with Engelhard owning the majority of shares of ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES people like the Beares could only afford to be generous with others by informing on other members of the Durban Jewish community who were still resisting.
To JB’s credit, when I met with him the time before at the Beverly Wilshire-Regent Hotel on Wilshire Blvd as it intersects Rodeo Drive, he made it perfectly clear that Gunter and Bernard Lazarus in all their years of fund raising for the National Party-Third Reich’s Southern Division, they themselves probably contributed no more than 25,000 Rand.
The Apartheid Regime like the Oppenheimers-Engelhard didn’t need anyone’s money; they had all the money in the world.
Nor has anything changed other than they have spread their wealth to the obedient.
SEP 28, 2018, 10:53 AM
What did you come across in chapter 18, that you think I knew would not only send JB into a death spiral but reveal his true colors?
OCT 2, 2018, 11:13 AM
Mr. Beare Holding administrator, if I were you, I wouldn’t celebrate too quickly my removal from DDML.
OCT 24, 2018, 3:32 PM
Who in the Beare group should I send a backup of this besides for you; and could you give me their email?
NOV 5, 2018, 10:52 AM
In due course I will respond to your last email.
In the meantime, knowing how glued you are to your communicating devices, and therefore know the importance of today, chew on the following being sent out to people eager to learn more and see what people like you are hiding from; and you just have to put yourself in the shoes of those far less corrupt and who simply have less, and you immediately can feel their level of “curiousity” [sic] reaches a feverish pitch:
What do you do? [Always polite to show interest in the next person].
I write on the hemp, history economics military & politics and it tends to quickly get people’s attention once I also show them 4 articles
of mine published in the Jerusalem Post just ahead of 9/11, along with the common sense “thought experiment”: How Nazi Germany who had no military, no military officers, no cash, no mineral resources, no food, no beer, no leadership etc after the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty, yet managed to violate the key tenet of the VPT and find Allied weapons manufacturers to back this rather ugly dictatorship?
Then when I ask people what sort of favors Germans-Austrians with wealth had to perform to satisfy Hitler’s very astute bankers who were obviously in bed with the weapons developers-manufacturers, in order for them to hold on to their wealth after the defeat of Nazi Germany, it is like that the wrecking ball they first received turned into a guillotine.
My writings, which have more than a ring of truth to them because they are materially truthful, has everything to do with my mother Zena being held in captivity in Israel for the past 2+ years
BTW, I am fast approaching the end of my “human study” which picks up were scholarly Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book leaves off.
and should you wish to see the final pieces being put together send me your email and I will include you with the rest of the “tribe”.
Letters Published by the Jerusalem Post –
NOV 6, 2018, 2:28 PM
Again, I haven’t forgotten you or what I had to take into consideration when you never responded logically to my very clear answer to your, “Jonathan reneged on a deal? Doesn’t sound like the JB I have known for all these years.”
Let’s examine carefully my response:
“Yes, it may not sound like JB but then you didn’t figure out the Terry Rosenberg-Prefcor deal.”
A very average 15 year old sitting with your knowledge would know to respond along the following lines:
“Gary Gevisser. You also know Terry Rosenberg. My God, you know all the biggest players in the South African economy following the death on March 2, 1971 of the King Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and of course given your immediate family’s connection to Engelhard, I would expect that if you demonstrated any aptitude for business-money, then it would make sense that Harry Oppenheimer would take a personal interest in determining your role within his Octopus empire. So what is the scoop on the Rosenberg-Beare relationship because I too was very shocked that a seasoned executive, someone who headed up Arthur Anderson “Consutling” [sic]-Auditing could wreck things up so quickly, and not simply land on his feet after crashing Prefcor-McCarthy Retail, but rise to the highest levels of the DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation]?”
Glen, you must also remember writing to, “Yes my parents were very friendly with Charles engelhard” as well as “grew up with Mary and Nicky”.
68 isn’t that old unless you have tortured your body which is generally the result of first abusing your brain who logically punishes those closest who neglect it in time of need by administering the most painful, deadly doses of slow, torturous murder of the ancellary organs.
What else could explain how you were so lame in your extraordinary failure to follow up coherently and promptly, other than you were just trying to get out of me as much information which you could then apply to get that much more unjustly enriched?
You also perfectly understood what I had written on Down Durban Memory Lane about our and Engelhard’s ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES having direct and total control over the housing, vacation estates, blah blah but also the food the Beares put on their dinner table, and last but not least how much they paid their household slaves, their employees both black and non-black and finally people such as yourself to help administer their accumulated wealth and which you know they don’t need your financial-business expertise but like Derrick who felt he had to perform, which was to bend over.
Now let me share with what I just sent my fb friend Roch Chouinard a 57 year old, now retired, ex-military, aerospace engineer, R&D Investment Director for the Canadian federal government:
I just sent the following to my FB friend Veronica:
Veronica, tell me if I have got it right.
1. You are in a complete state of shock because you figured you knew everything there was to know about the Holocaust.
2. You figured that there had to be bigger academics and members of the board of each one of the Holocaust Memorial Museums who had explored all the ins and outs of WW2 including investigating the arming of Nazi Germany which could have only come from the Allies and its bankers, and now you are wondering what else have they lied about.
3. You have no idea who in your inner circle starting with immediate family members can you trust as well as what it says about you if you don’t immediately inform all those you communicate with now as well as over your lifetime to share these material facts otherwise you are no better than all those who have had this knowledge and chose not to share it with you.
4. You are questioning your own reasoning skills and how you could let it slip by not to question more the rearming of Nazi Germany and lets just quickly throw in the insanely illogical and morally indefensible GDP economic index.
5. You are looking at all the people you know for sure have this information starting with all my literate FB friends and now watching to see your reaction because they know you now have the information.
6. You are looking at all the people you know and wondering when they go to vote at elections are they simply stupid or just trying to con the next person into thinking that their vote counts.
NOV 10, 2018, 12:40 PM
You only got to see pages 1 and 2 of my response to your public trash on my FB group chat FORGETFULLNESS sic.
[When this appears on the BLOG there will be a hyperlink to the entire FOREGETFUlLNESS sic]
Page 3
Glen Sol, please keep checking the BLOG to view our prior FB messaging as this should allow others quiet as well as chiming in to guide you best, and most important to listen carefully to what Austrian-German @Christina Moritsch-Krall has to say about what she thinks her parents-grandparents had to perform in satisfying Hitler and his bankers in order for the family to hold on to their inherited wealth.
FB now show that Christina is trying to call me.
Sol, this is of critical and timely importance, but not quite as important as you being certain that your answer, “absolutely nothing” and the rest of your Goebells talk is what you want left standing.
The DAAC chose most carefully, first based on their ugly, so piggy looks, Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus and his also not exactly beautiful elder brother Bernard who is apparently still with us whereas The Pig died justifiably from throat cancer.
Do share as you did on FB messaging how you expect d-G sic to end your days of great suffering.
Remember, no one I am aware of, put a gun to your head, as you were simply out to impress me with your money connections; and they dont get any higher than “Englehard” [sic]-Oppenheimer.
Whenever a not very bright individual such as yourself starts using big words, “vitriol” it should remind people first of medical doctors who are increasingly seen, at best, as quacks which is how they were all regarded at the turn of the century, the same with lawyers who were considered the scum of the earth.
Remember I was clear in saying “at best”.
Page 4
Even Nazi Auscwhitz sic medical doctor Mengele who had to be as sick as it got, starts to look more like the person next door, as rotten as that is, once one examines the evidence of the pivotal role played by medical doctors in the poisoning of the human population post our Jewish Genocide of WW2.
When any animal is poisoned and sick you cant expect them to be kind to the more sensitive animals starting with those the human animal kills to satisfy its lust for quick easy filling; and no wonder you also suffer from not being able to enjoy the food you eat, which is the only company you keep when your presence so disgusts those beautiful of the opposite sex.
Of course the flip side – for every action there an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained or lost – your self-destruction; i.e. “suicde” [sic] of your taste buds does make it easier, I would assume, to digest the rotting animal carcass as it passes through your lips on its way to to enlarge the prostate, deliver more poison to the pancreas, liver, kidneys, bowls and finally that colon.
Should you not retract your lying and therefore most offensive remarks, I will start out tomorrow sharing with you and all those on each one of my FB group chats – and of course my 10,000 email list – exactly what both my mother Zena and father Bernie thought of anyone, especially Jewish people, having anything to do with the Charles Engelhard Jr and Ernest-Harry Oppenheimer families.
To be clear, nor [did] my mother Zena who spoke the most clearly, and my father most comfortable in leaving it to my highly literate mother to speak for him as well, mince words about such seriously ill in the head individuals.
But of course my mother and father were only talking in private because they perfectly understood, following the demise of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] that the DAAC spy Kapo network, which included most members of our Moshal Gevisser families, and all members of the Beare family who hadnt left South Africa, and the entire Durban North Lazarus clan, were all very close by.
Sam Schaffer left the group.
Page 5
I will also [provide] the list of the extremely small number of good Moshals, and there were only 3 of them who also happened to be members of the not often spoken about Mossad Branch D.
So Glen Sol, you must either retract your “loved and respected” or explain clearly what these Beares, Moshals and Lazarus’ did in their words and actions to expose both the DAAC and their Jewish Kapos. Do we have a meeting of the minds on this most important point?
Go look now at all those speaking out on the Youtube Lady’s Speech Zena
where there have now been 958 independent views, which you understand does not include a count of those who repeatedly return and who would prefer that my mother Zena never speaks again of her love and support of what I am doing.
So dont be naughty and think you can speak for my mother, you miserable diabetic person, so wanting to suck up to J. Beare-Lazarus clan.
Have you considered changing your diet now that you know “Diebetes” [sic] 2 is curable or have complications already set in and you are hoping to wake up dead, sooner rather later, given how you cannot possibly be thinking that the way you look and smell is going to attract someone beautiful?
Where did you learn, or who taught you that it is perfectly okay to start a very dirty fight and think you can get away with it?
Could your service in the cowardly, brutal Apartheid Regime’s militia have played a role in you turning into such a savage, beastly specimen?
I certainly think that militia greatly influenced my 2 elder brothers, Neil and Melvin to end up dirt.
Do you know of any Jewish South African who served in the militia of The Third Reich’s Southern Division who turned out a mensch-honorable?
Can you provide such a list? If it turns out that they are all your sponsors, I will accept that.
Yes, there were in fact less than 2 handfuls of Jewish South Africans who genuinely opposed the Engelhard-Oppenheimer DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] during their Apartheid Regime’s 46 year uninterrupted rule where you and some 32,000 other Jewish South Africans served in their brutal military even though you all, and that includes my 2 dirt elder brothers could have immigrated to Israel even if you couldn’t afford a shirt on your back.
Page 6
I notice how very quiet things have got here.
I also note that my FB friend Sam Schaffer who also would have served in the Apartheid Regime’s brutal military has voluntarily left the conversation.
With regard to my dirt sister Kathy you just need to look at what the Nazis looked for in choosing their female Jewish Kapos to help keep order in the death factories. This is a very important subject which my mother Zena brought to the attention of all her 4 children once we reached abstract age.
This “lovely” sister’s words and actions show how dirt ugly she is, most eager to punish my mother which you loud mouth Glen Sol avoid making any mention of.
Of course they didn’t choose high self-esteem, beautiful Jewish women.
The female Nazi SS guards were notorious for being more brutal than their male counterparts.
Look at yourself.
Would you hire someone more competent than you to clean out Jonathan Beare’s anus before his next visit to a gay bar?
I must tell you that I do not remember specifically asking you if you have ever licked his cock which he is probably having more trouble getting erect, but you may know?
You are vulgar; and yes, I will continue to explore how you served J. Beare given your wrongful attack on my character.
We must turn all negatives into positive.
Who wouldnt want to learn how best to be an arse kisser in moving up in this dog eat dog world?
You also now appear to be saying that you previously “worked” for Jonathan Beare which is not the same as you “work” for Beare which is what you originally told me?
Did you bite down on the job?
Was he helping you get potty trained, all over again?
Or was it simply a falling out?
Could it be that you were wrong in telling me that you work for him? Do I need to go back and look at what you have said, and that maybe it is me who has got it wrong?
Was your decision to finally speak out publicly because you learned yesterday from me that the DAAC specialize in taking a position on both the “buy” and “sell” side in all major financial transactions?
Does your common sense kick in and tell you what happens if one of their spies on Wall Street, led by “independent auditors” who are anything but honest, fail to inform the DAAC in a timely manner?
Im assuming that the services you render for J. Beare extend at some point into the financial area, and that he is not hiring you as a “false scout” to identify business opportunities because he learned on January 13, 2005 when I pointed him to small section of Epstein’s The D I book that he had got it all wrong, and in the future to go directly to the DAAC and find out how he could be of service.
So beginning January 14, 2005, J. Beare got out of bed a very different thinking person.
No longer was he interested in hearing what business and real estate investment opportunities his former scouts were now flogging.
He realized that they were as big a fool as him or working for the DAAC.
You would agree that J. Beare found himself in a very tough position because he still had to do deals.
Let’s say that you heard first thing January 14, 2005 that Arnold Zulman’s Beacon Sweets started by his father Hymie was up for sale, and you immediately called J. Beare who was still in Beverly Hills seething.
But based on what you have previously had to say about how generous, polite, clean and honest is J. Beare, he didnt share with you our meeting the day before.
You begin, “Jonathan hello. This is Glen Sol. I have wonderful things to say about you and your family; and BTW, what I mostly have to offer is my personal connection to Nick Oppenheimer who I grew up with; and before you say anything negative about him or his family, let me assure you that so long as we give him what he wants, he will put aside the fact that we are Jewish.”
Jonathan responds, “What makes you think that I am now only thinking about Nick Oppenheimer and how best to please him, so that I can hold on to my fortune?”
Glen Sol, the only reason why J. Beare needs anyone after January 13, 2005 is to deflect attention away from him.
He does not need financial advisors that he cannot trust.
The only person he can possibly trust is Nick Oppenheimer who doesnt need you to make the introduction on behalf of J. Beare. I have long done that.
If your job for J. Beare since January 13, 2005 has been to replace the toilet paper rolls in each of his bathrooms as well as to make it look like he has not gone into hiding, then why not say so?
Most certainly I am not going to ask you how much he pays you, because that would be in bad taste, wouldn’t you agree?
J. Beare had no choice following our meeting going on 14 years ago, but to tell all his friends throughout the world that they were going to have to stick by him.
Wouldnt you have done the same thing if you were in his shoes?
What, if any, instructions have you received from J. Beare?
Do you really think it is a bad reflection of my character that all the people who love, adore, trust and respect J. Beare want to have noting to do with me?
For good reason I consider Jonathan Beare a significant adversary, but one who lost the moment he revealed his true colours at our breakfast meeting in Beverly Hills back on January 13, 2005, 63 odd days after I broke my 24 year silence with his DAAC handlers.
Another unwitting DAAC puppet is my sister Kathy’s old, gray-dying skin husband David Danziger who looks a lot like this one murderous officer of the DAAC Apartheid Regime who oversaw many death squads.
If you go through newspaper clippings around the time of the very distracting Truth & Reconciliation Commission Hearings, you should come across it.
So proud is Danziger that he now gives public speeches praising the Apartheid Regime militia for teaching him discipline an[d] duty.
Whenever someone has to read from notes when giving a 2 minute speech praising Warren Buffet and also telling the audience conferring him an award that at its heart is again marrying my sister Kathy; i.e. that the only smart thing he did was marrying my sister, you begin to perfectly understand Danziger’s wrong diagnosis of my mother, suffering from “no memory… advanced dementia” when visiting with my mother in the first week of September 2016 for one evening on his way to Poland.
How sick can a Jewish man be to thank the Apartheid Regime’s military, period?
Danziger cant be the only Jewish South African male plagued by his poor decision making.
When you do bad, you not only enjoy hearing of others doing worse, but you go out of way to destroy any good that comes in your way?
Glen Sol, can you relate to that?
NOV 10, 2018, 2:25 PM
2:22 PM [Calif.]
Page 7
Earlier I spent a few minutes sharing with Glen Sol on our FB messaging which he obviously hasn’t blocked, all my writings since he left immediately before I started page 3.
Also note that “Fake” Trevor Goldberg provided a tear drop face at the end of page 3.
“Additonally” [sic], I wrote to Christina Moritsch Krall who twice tried to call me, “Never call me.”
Given how everyone who knows Trevor Goldberg must surely agree with his friend Hillary Mulholland that he is a “fake” which is probably worse than being called a Nazi even if you are a Nazi because Nazis are simply misguided individuals and can be educated to see the light, I would therefore expect Trevor to do everything within his power to ingratiate himself with Glen Sol until Glen is no longer of service to Trevor.
So Trevor, please try and share the remainder of this missive with Glen and/or Jonathan Beare who for good reason always took you for a fool.
Glen Sol, just earlier I was explaining how with common sense and a bit of history one can easily turn around a Nazi. There is one exception however.
A Jewish South African who served in the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime’s militia which were no different to the Nazi Gestapo and/or a German-Austrian who moved to The Third Reich’s Southern Division following WW2 with their family’s inheritance intact, are virtually impossible to communicate with.
That does not mean loyal DAAC Third Reich’s Southern Division soldier Jewish Trevor Goldberg and Austrian-German heiress Christina Moritsch-Krall are precluded from crawling into bed with each other, rather they can be best counted on to distract, and in so doing they serve a purpose.
Sol, you are the first Jewish person in the world that I am aware of who applauds Durban’s preeminent Nazis, Jewish Kapos, The Lazarus clan of Durban North. That is really not a feather in your cap.
In fact it is huge, earth-shattering what you have managed to accomplish all on your own, unless you are now proclaiming that G-d made you expose the DAAC penetration of our Durban Jewish community.
We should now talk about todays hot news item; the revelations by the WSJ that Donald Trump actively participated in the coverup monies paid to his prostitutes and porn stars to have sex with him which he felt was needed in order to get him “elsected” [sic].
Not the sex, just the coverups.
So what is important is that Trump knew that his lack of moral character would influence sufficient numbers of voters that they would not vote for him in the rigged elections given how it didn’t matter to the DAAC who won, just the same as during the entire rule of their Apartheid Regme, all the opposition kept quiet about the Oppenheimer DAAC’s duplicity.
If it isn’t clear already how vulgar, sick, dirty, dirt is human society and progressively so, then it will be so tomorrow.
No longer is that one dude who no one really cared about being spoken about. The leadership of the world is just saying that in the interests of world peace, Mr. Bone Saw should be given a break.
Trump is dirt and dirty and most people could care less other than it gives them something to talk about.
But what Trump has going for him is that he is far more intellectually honest about his driving force being money.
You use the word “scorn” which you must be thinking about yourself because I have never not once been scorned by a woman; in fact the few relationships I have had started out totally great and only got better.
My first girlfriend was The Pig’s eldest daughter Marion Lazarus and at the time she was the most beautiful Jewish girl in all of Durban; and so I, nor my mother Zena held Marion in contempt because of her disgusting Nazi Jewish Kapo father.
Nor did Marion, who my middle brother Melvin was besotted over, come close to tossing me out on my ear; and again, you know that you are trying to make out like there has to be something wrong with me because you see that I as well as my grat F-C lover are perfectly healthy and feel so terrible about yourself.
So really you are talking about your own miserable life and I would expect that any decent woman would want to have nothing to do with you.
Nor do I want to think of even what you look like, but that doesnt mean you shouldn’t at least try squeezing into bed with Goldberg and Moritsch-Krall, but again I dont want to think of such ugliness.
Just stick to business and how you all have to deal with one another knowing what J. Beare has had to deal with ever since our last meeting when immediately thereafter, he told his favorite nephew Derrick Beare what db needed to do to please his uncle so that db would never have to work a day in his life.
But not all of you are sharing in the DAAC’s spoils of war equally with J. and Derrick Beare, and nor are J. Beare and D. Beare equals because a relationship is always more than money especially when the entire relationship is exclusively money.
You each have to bow to one another and make conversation.
You know how it is when you are looking and talking to someone but your mind is on other things such as if and when your name will appear on the $HIT list.
Notice that you dont devote a single thought to very existence of a Higher “Engergy” [sic] Spirit [HER].
It was great after Marion Lazarus to quickly find myself attracted to the best looking non-Jewish girl in all Durban if not South Africa, Linda Phillips who made it to Model of The Year, and who every male of our generation wanted a piece of; and of course they mostly had to talk and grin and bear that their dreams would never become a reality.
Lets face it, there is reason why most humans look ugly because they are ugly looking.
By a show of hands how many of you here are happy with your sex life?
Your are mostly here to learn about why it is that you are so miserable and to grab hold of as much money as you can to compensate for your misery.
The remaining 4 women in my life were progressively more beautiful as well as accomplished and for the past 24 years as you know from my mother Zena comments I have been with the most beautiful, smartest woman in the world.
Physical beauty is important to begin with.
It gets critically important when you realize that despite how much material wealth you have, you are not bright.
Then you need to look back at all the time you have wasted listening to idiots mislead you, your parents-grandparents as far back as you can remember, and that moosh has filled up your brain; and the best you can do is put up ugly photos of a starving black African child with vulture looking on waiting patiently for the last breath.
Steve Bailey, you should be ashamed of yourself and the same as the rest of you quiet.
Sidenote to Steve Bailey: Did you learn nothing from yesterday’s missive other than it made you more passive aggressive? See if going forward you can stick to focusing all your attention on those responsible for the captivity, murder of my mother Zena who you hate because she is more beautiful than any of your mothers as well as your ugly wives, and you can’t see your daughters and granddaughters ever having such a combination of beauty and mindfulness.
Glen Sol, you go to sleep not entirely alone because you have your deadly diabetes keeping you close company, and the equally obvious thought that J. Beare has been stringing you along.
So you must be thinking that if you keep this up it is either going to result in you finding someone rich who applauds what you are doing and they would have to be a total dog or someone poor willing to help you clean up after J. Beare; and how much fun can it be if you are still left with all your fat and its disgusting smell telling you that you are fast losing the battle against cancer.
Put all that aside.
Focus on 2 things: First, what you wish to retract; and second; that following our meeting in Beverly Hills on January 13, 2005 J. Beare has been going out of his way to please his DAAC handlers.