God has a hand in the sadistic Chabad Syndicate – Next 60 Minutes
Title: God has a hand in the sadistic Chabad Syndicate
Subtitle: Next 60 Minutes
Reposting from Goymorrah aka Bentzion Chanowitz’s Post on his fb wall:
September 4, 7:40 PM Calif. time
Bentzion Chanowitz aka Goymorrah:
Gary Gevisser is this you?
Tuesday, December 17, 8:00 AM
Goymorrah aka Bentzion Chanowitz aka Torah GemACH sic of SADISTIC ChaBAD sic pagan ritual “SWINGING THE CHICKEN”.
Do you take pills to combat your ill health?
Dec. 17, 10:58 AM
Goymorrah aka Torah GemACH sic, aka Bentzion Chanowitz of SADISTIC Chabad, do you not see that God has a hand in everything?
When you experience indigestion as you obviously and increasingly do, do you see it as you, or God, punishing you, for your lack of consciousness?
Why would you derive great pleasure torturing a defenseless being before you kill and eat it?
Given that ChaBAD sic protected the rabbis who condoned their own raping of the young Waks boys, Shneur Reti-Waks and his eldest brother Mannie, as the sick fuck rabbis of Melbourne, Australia embarked on a crusade of retribution against the Waks family who lived opposite ChaBAD sic headquarters, making it all but impossible for the Waks family to sell their home to get the hell away from you monsters, why would you retaliate against me for doing the righteous, Jewish deed, exposing your corruption of the highest order with your sexual deviant, beastly thoughts, “I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi, Am I correct?”?
Goymorrah, what can explain your lack of shame?
Tommy Simpson vocal supporter of Goymorrah
Dec. 17, 11:20 AM
Fb messaging with Bentzion Chanowitz aka Goymorrah:
December 13, 9:19 AM Calif time.
Goymorrah do you want to know what specific item may have contributed to God absolutely punishing you with retardation ?
Reply, Monday, December 16, 8:48 PM California time:
Bentzion Chanowitz aka Goymorrah:
Today, Tuesday, December 17, the day following the 117th anniversary of the Great White Fleet launch, which signaled upon the return 434 days later, February 22, 1909, the total dominance of the United States to dictate trade with the rest of the world without the need for President elect Donald J. Trump to curry favor with any Wall Street-City of London billionaire, instead to follow the teaching of General Tzi, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”:
Gary Gevisser:
Goymorrah aka Bentzion Chanowitz aka Torah GemACH sic of SADISTIC ChaBAD sic pagan ritual “SWINGING THE CHICKEN”.
Do you take pills to combat your ill health?
How do you think God punishes the fake religious such as you who abuse their body temple?
Dec. 17, 11:22 AM
Follow up at 8:11 AM California time.
Goymorrah, you must be feeling your insides paining you now and for the rest of your life, and no one to turn to other than those equally punished before returning as your worst nightmare.
Dec. 17, 11:55 AM
Follow up at 8:28 AM California time
When did it occur to that eating unhealthy that makes you fat and stupid is defiant of God?
Can you describe the pleasure of being sadistic to a much more sensitive animal?
Can you think of anything more important to God than exposing the traitors of Jewish people?
Why do you think you are so weak?
Dec. 17, 6:15 PM
Gary Gevisser all your character traits show that you are a full blown Narcissist, you can still get help before Chanukah.
Dec. 17, 6:45 PM
Bentzion Chanowitz Pigtail Goymorrah, without forgetting your indigestion suffering that correlates with the joy you get from torturing, before eating, God’s most sensitive animals that us humans are logically tasked by a good universe, with protecting, check out this diamond currency informercial,
not so much for the glimpse of green space you encounter when arriving in Bombay-Mumbai that you would want to be rid of, but rather, at approximately 14 minutes in, the cart driven by an ox, your future ancestors.
The Diamond’s Business
The Diamond’s Business
Dec. 17, 7:31 PM
Goymorrah, it is 10:22 PM your time in New York, and you would agree that none of us can escape our destiny.
You know your fate is sealed, unless you decide to become a true Christian, go through confession, and get absolution from a Catholic priest, once accepting Jesus Christ as your savior, and that in all probability, from my read of the universe, isn’t going to change your fate.
You have read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention, that gives you the exact same horrors as George Soros and his son Alexander, the same with the rest of the Wall Street billionaires; the difference is that they lead a much grander lifestyle than you, that includes better healthcare.
You also know that I am not ignorant about world commerce and how it is regulated out of Johannesburg, South Africa, and to be very precise, the German South African Oppenheimers’ Brenthurst Foundation or if you prefer, De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who also control, from start to finish, all the Cryptos, including Dogecoin and Bitcoin.
There is no other way to say it, Diamond Currency is God’s Game.
Those two words fuck up everyone’s head, at least those who are all about the money, and think they understand money, which you thought you did before reading The D I book, and quickly realized that your now deceased leader, Menachem Schneerson was as bought as Israel Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, who facilitated the DAAC’s wiping out of the last of the resisting Israeli diamond merchants in the late 70s – you remember chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL – when I was the most trusted official on US soil of Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], head of the DAAC.
Next I’m going give you and everyone else, including Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, a quick pictorial, screenshots from this DAAC infomercial where all you need to then do is imagine all the players, from those sitting in indoor cubicles to the masses outside wheeling and dealing, soon to be playing video games with each other as well as players throughout the globe, each earning Cryptos that allow them to move up in the world peacefully.
[On Wednesday, Dec. 18, Goymorrah gives a “Thumbs up”]
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 7:34 PM
Dec. 17, 7:49 PM
Goymorrah it is now 10:45 PM your time.
You have to get up tomorrow morning to fill prescriptions for your overwhelming carnivore clientele. So try to get some sleep.
Of course, if you were molested as a child by a rabbi, or a bunch of rabbis, you wouldn’t have needed much of an imagination to come up with your monster thought, “Am I correct? I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi.”
But, you only need very limited imagination to see the diamond currency trade, that has never been regulated, because the virulently anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, mining-banking cartel, DAAC have refused to provide an inventory of their stockpiles, making a total farce of the world’s anti-trust laws and no less so the Justice Departments of every country, grinding to a halt; and the best video players taking over as the rich influencers, as pretty much all other jobs, including handjobs by prostitutes and Hollywood actors will be done by computers-robots.
Dec. 17, 8:52 PM
It is 11:30 PM your time Pigtail.
80 kilos of diamonds a day out of the DAAC’s slave encampment Botswana, makes them worthless, just talking economics, not humanity.
Pigtail Goymorrah, do you see the distinct similarity with Bitcoin-DOGE?
All this 80 kilos to destroy the earth.
Dec. 17, 8:51 PM
Pigtail Goymorrah, the dirt is probably more valuable than the diamonds. You might grow something out of it.
Dec. 17, 8:48 PM
Goymorrah Pigtail, it is 11:42 PM your time – good numbers 1142.
Everyone’s dream is soon ending. You have tied your destiny to the DAAC. They are not good people.
[Photo of Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer in South Africa, 5 September 2006, 663 days after I broke my silence with the DAAC on 11.11.2004, “Remember me?“; and that was 2,042 days after my first of four articles, condemning the pardon of the DAAC’s terrorist financier, Marc Rich on President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton’s last day in office, January 20, 2001, was published in the Jerusalem Post, 12 days afer the pardon; the first, an “open letter” to Israeli-American-Soviet spy Jonathan Pollard who was now serving his 16th year of solitary confinement in a US maxium secuity prison]
[Photo of Kremlin letter, dated October 3, 2008, authorizing the release of the photo and accompanying documents detailing the close friendship of the Oppenheimer family with Communist Soviet Union]
Dec. 17, 8:53 PM
Pigtail Goymorrah, are you sure you don’t want to know what specific item may have contributed to God absolutely punishing you with retardation?
Don’t be in a hurry. Sleep on it. Everyone is waiting for you to reconsider.
Dec. 17, 9:27 PM [Calif. time]
Pigtail Goymorrah, it is 12:08 AM your time, a new day, 18 December, 2 days following the 117th anniversary of the launch of the Great White Fleet, which signaled upon the return, 434 days later, February 22, 1909, the total dominance of the United States to dictate trade with the rest of the world without the need for President elect Donald J. Trump to curry favor with any Wall Street-City of London billionaire, instead to follow the teaching of General Tzi, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”.
Bear in mind, there is reason why this spectacular victory of the United States, who like every power, doesn’t have a perfect humanitarian history, but far better than any other people in recorded history, is not the first thing taught to elementary school kids well before entering high school when they should focus on getting their bodies strong without lifting weights, and to be outside as much as possible.
That doesn’t prevent the next generation of children from learning how incredibly magnanimous the United States has been to the rest of the world who are not at all appreciative.
Something to look forward to in the future.
Everything happens for a reason, including how very bad people haven’t succeeded in destroying the United States.
Pigtail Goymorrah, even a deceitful moron such as yourself, and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor, Jeffrey Essakow, have purpose, as does every chicken you have tortured, the same of course with every ant, bee and bird, yet to be born.
A person’s perspective is not the same as truth. Truth is that which doesn’t change.
A fool is someone who can’t change their mind when given the truth, unless the herd all changes at once.
Did you notice how quickly everyone got on board that Bitcoin-DOGE is the next best thing to sliced bread?
Hitler didn’t have to think much because he simply did as he was told and for a period of a decade and a half he lived a grand lifestyle, but he too eventually died, and if it weren’t for me, there is a great chance, outside of an Act of God, that the future history books of the rise of Nazi Germany will read the same as today.
Not to mention, at 6:22 PM my time today, I sent Maayan Hoffman the following:
Israel has the military might to dictate peace throughout the world. You also know finding the money to afford every Arab and Israeli as well as the poor in the rest of the world including the young teenager Taliban who only know to kill, the great lifestyle you enjoy is knowing to ask the right people.
ILTV’s Insider | ‘10,000 Future Rapes:’ Will a Hostage Deal Keep Hamas in Power?
Dec. 17, 9:35 PM
It is my highly secretive, British-English mother Zena, seated next to Dr Ruth.
Dec. 17, 9:38 PM
Goymorrah Pigtail, are you bothered that their arms are not covered?
Friday, December 20, 12:58 PM Calif. time
Gary Gevisser:
Title: Next 60 Minutes
Note; Goymorrah on Wednesday, Dec. 18, gave a “thumbs up” to the posting the day before at 7:31 PM Calif. time, ending, “… earning Cryptos that allow them to move up in the world peacefully.”
Of course, this scoundrel, when plotting his further descent into hell, had studied, like most all of you quiet, every aspect of this dialogue, all the way through, “Goymorrah Pigtail, are you bothered that their arms are not covered?”.
He is of course much worse than a narcissist, which is not good.
He knows that he is rotten inside and out.
He has no business advising anyone, not even himself.
Has enough sense to follow our previous dialogues, going back a half dozen years, sharing with him right from the start, my goal is to expose the ungodly, Chabad Syndicate, given both my common sense, as well as first-hand experience, going back to early 1978, when first learning from their boss, banking-mineral monopolist, virulent anti-Semite, German-South African, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], that their leader, Menachem Schneerson [1902–1994] made certain, no other orthodox rabbi, no Jewish Captain of Industry, and the media no less complicit, raised so much as any eyebrow to sellout, Israel Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, “turning a blind eye” to Oppenheimer wiping out, through his banking network, Barclays Bank, the last of the Israeli diamond merchants who took loans from Oppenheimer-Barclays-Deutche Bank, amounting to 15% of Israel’s entire Gross Domestic Product [GDP], or GNP [Gross National Product] if you prefer.
Who could think of a bank setting up a customer to fail?
Nor are we talking about an insignificant customer.
We are talking about all the world’s people who say the most terrible things about us Jewish people, not picking up this most deplorable “abuse of power”.
Where do you read in the history books of banks abusing their power in order to satisfy the most anti-competition mineral-banking empire?
Who thinks the power of the Oppenheimers-DAAC has diminished over the years?
Who thinks it is a conflict of interest that Harry Oppenheimer sat on the board of directors of Barclays Bank?
Has everyone noticed that Errol Graham Musk in his multitude of recent podcasts as he moves up the ranks of the British Royals, Elon’s father steers clear of mentioning H. Oppenheimer and his partner, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] in his answer to the question of great wealth-power?
Why mislead now?
Bear in mind, anti-competition, anti-democracy, forked-tongue H. Oppenheimer was born 117 odd days before the end of the United States’ greatest victory, the Great White Fleet expeditionary force [December 16, 1907 – February 22, 1909], coming away with the right to dictate all international trading, which ships get to enjoy “Freedom of Navigation”, and only those flying the American flag get US Navy protection, the only military with a threatening army.
But the US did not follow up on its success, and negotiated away its dominance; having to come back twice to reestablish dominance, with most all military officers knowing that it would be just a question of time before a brutal strongman, such as Putin, challenges the US, and not to be foolish.
No one in history has been magnanimous to the losers without living to regret it.
I far trust incoming 47th Commander In Chief, Donald J. Trump over Putin or any leader, for that matter.
If one moves away too quickly from Trump nothing less than “being resurrected from the dead”, 5 months and 7 days ago, the “comedy of errors” in the lapse of security impossible to calculate beyond a flat zero; and if being a carefully thought through conspiracy to kill Trump, no less preposterous, but don’t let that be a hinderance with little minds to keep themselves busy debating, one easily forgets it can only be the “Hand of God” saving us; otherwise, we would be looking at Joe Biden-Harris calling the shots.
How many would want to see Hunter and Dr. Jill and their sycophants running the show over the next 60 minutes?
Trump would be preparing for prison, with few eager to visit.
Would Biden-Harris-Obama-Pelosi have gone along with Israel and the US military now lining up both “friend and foe” to topple the Iranian regime; and dominate the region and beyond, to the 4 corners of the globe?
Bad politicians always want to prolong conflict, when it would be much quicker and less bloody to end them before they start, assuming you have the military might to obliterate all enemies, and which you may not have going forward, unless you assert yourself while you still have the power.
We had the might on February 22, 1909, and we let that slip through our fingers.
We have, 1 month from today, a very different leader in the White House; and so we can in fact “turn back the clock”; and if we don’t, Nazi Germany will again rear its ugly head.
It is really not very much for anyone who can both walk and chew gum at the same time to smoothly digest all this, given that your silences demonstrate you are all following along.
Of course if your digestive tract is not great, you also know how to improve upon it.
It is customary for people without pain to think more clearly.
Not to hear even a peep out of fellow Vegans who are fb friends of mine, and we are talking the most vile, visible torture of an animal, can only be explained that they too are hooked on 1) the money; 2) brainwashing that prevented them from questioning why they thought the money controlled by the politicians, who no one really trusts, shouldn’t be questioned; and 3) too big an ego, willing to die than let go of their ego, or this is all an “Act of God” that has to turn out good in the end.
We can see the good path, and if we choose not to take it, that is a choice that only says we are bad.
Only something good, can give us an easy option of choosing good, and ending this charade, but everyone decides not to bother.
Everyone is a blogger; but everyone pretends that they don’t have the power. They are pretending that something that is bad, which is Cryptos, is good.
Given that we are experiencing such gross unconsciousness, let’s try thinking like a more conscious being, such as a domesticated chicken.
Put yourselves in the feet of these chickens, grabbed by their ankles, as the rest of their torso is hurled back and forth, while their unconscious torturers are heaping praise upon God, drooling from their mouths as they prepare to sink their teeth into the bloody flesh.
Is this what God demands of us in the Bible; or is it more likely, we have made up all these pagan, ritual murders to justify the addiction to meat?
Again, where are all the animal rights activists, such as Animal Defenders International ASPCA, Vegan & Plant Based Recipes, Save the Rhino International, Cruelty Free International, Christiane Amanpour, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, U2, Cristiano Ronaldo, Leo Messi, Megyn Kelly, Kat Timpf, Gutfeld!, Tyrus Fans, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Michael Moore, Neil Cavuto, Desi Lydic, Tzipi Livni – ציפי לבני, CHINA Study Group , Kamala Harris and Neal Barnard, MD.
A great many of the fake ultra orthodox believe that they should be paid for praying and not serve in the Israel Defense Force [IDF].
How does such a minority get so powerful, so quickly?
You are not alone in having read chapter 16 of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, aptly titled, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.
Yes, we are talking more than 9 decades.
If it wasn’t me spelling it all out, and not one of you can mount a counterargument, your expectation is that the truth of this unimaginable mass psychosis of stupidity, retardation, ugliness would have remained hidden forever.
And notice, I have yet to touch on the moral depravity and insanely illogical, GDP economic index.
Just so long as it is in one of your imaginations, is good enough for me; and for God, who is much smarter than me.
Why aren’t all the growing number of anti-Semites around the world, “screaming bloody murder” at the top of their lungs?
Horrific Cockfighting is nothing close to this barbarism, because the Cockfighting crowd don’t profess to be, “God’s messengers” and give advice on how to dress so as not to offend God.
At Cockfighting events you don’t see the organizers asking for charitable contributions for the health and safety of the cocks.
One must always seek to achieve the lowest common denominator when you have something important to say. Reaching both Vegans, outraged by this diabolical cruelty, and their arch enemy carnivore Goymorrah, “laughing it off”, is an important milestone.
How can people who profess to be close to God, be torturing the animal before eating it, and Chabad, like the rest of the ultra-orthodox Jewish people, who I don’t consider to be Jewish, are no healthier than the rest of the world’s meat-eaters, because they are much more unhealthy.
During Covid, they accounted for 50% of the hospitalizations in Israel, and they are 10% of the population.
Where is everyone’s morals?
There is a correlation with morals and lack of consciousness.
How could us Jewish people be so remiss over the past 91 odd years , beginning with Hitler brought to power, January 30, 1933, failing to question the arming of Nazi Germany, considering also, that religious people are expected to be able to read the strict military provisions of the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty preventing Germany from ever again building a threatening army; and to make sure of that, VPT, imposed draconian war reparations on Germany, resulting in the German people starving.
Hitler’s Mein Kampf did not profess to be kind to Jewish people.
How much of an effort is it to go back in time, 13 years, 7 months and 2 days, from January 30, 1933, to the signing of VPT, June 28, 1919, 52 years before Elon Musk was born, gather the leadership of all the world’s Jewish communities, and declare;
“We have a nutcase now running Germany. If he gets his hand on a single rifle, he will use it to slaughter Jewish people. Versailles allows us to organize around the clock, observers at every factory where we think they might produce and/or assemble weapons, as well as every railroad hub, just in case the power goes to his head. If we let this madman get away with it, there will be no stopping the end to us Jewish people!”.
Ben Gurion wasn’t stupid. He saw that Hitler’s sponsors had long lined up their ducks.
You would have to be suffering from severe mental illness to approve a loan to Germany.
Remember Ben Gurion died in 1973. He had no influence from that moment forward.
Today, we are not prevented from looking back, and examining what went wrong, and understand how we have got to Cryptos and everyone’s freedom is taken away without the protection of the Jewish people to question.
If God doesn’t have a hand in this perfect crime dating back to the arming of Nazi Germany, the blood dripping everywhere today and inflation, which is Crypto, less visually striking, but just as deadly, then God help us.