Good reason to always seek logic
August 9 at 7:00 PM
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson is this your way of saying that you wish to be added back to Name Someone Stupid (NSS)?
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser No. It’s my way of saying thank you. I still haven’t had time to finish DI. I feel so good being vegan. Energy levels rising.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you are full of it.Congratulating me for you deciding to become vegan is horse-shit.It is a distraction.Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention (DI) is a killer to all those with big egos who as Einstein pointed out have little knowledge.When you talk, you cannot learn, unless talking to yourself, which is not what we are speaking about here.A person who talks too much is not a better listener.Talking too much begins with having parents who have no parental skills which you won’t find in university text books encompassing early child education because the people in charge of the minerals want increasingly dumber people like you to counter the advances in technology, specifically communications.I also explained to you that the worst readers take no more than 3 hours to read The D I book and most do it in significantly less time.When you posted a distracting photo of yourself with a woman on NSS you showed you are someone I would be a fool to trust.Big things are about to happen on NSS and you are contributing.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser that book is a distraction. Eating healthy and feeling good is what’s important.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson a distraction from eating healthy?You see you are angry.You didn’t need me to tell you that you were eating unhealthy.You were lying when you said “thank you”. You were angry.Do you blame the food or your mind or a combination of both for being twisted mind?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser you talk a lot.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser I’m just a simple forest dweller. An ordinary man.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, back on July 29, 7:20 PM you wrote to me on fb messaging:What is it you wish to accomplish, Gary?At 9:02 PM, I responded:Get everyone into one room.On July 30, 6:43 AM, I asked:How would you summarize The D I book and its assessment of the human?At 6:47 AM you responded:Haven’t finished it. Will give you when I’m finished. On vacation next week so should have time to finish it-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, you were saying, “you talk a lot”.Is here as well as NSS not a big enough room for you or is it already too big?-
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Tommy SimpsonTurns out sitting beside a babbling stream of clear cool water and listening to birds is more enjoyable than reading books about crooks. Still, I may finish it. Also, I have to work a lot and exercise and explore my new veganism. It’s a full and exciting life.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you know that even a little Corporal like Hitler picked from the bottom of the barrel can learn from practicing in front of a mirror how to be deceptive.There is nothing in the text books of how to survive in the forest that says you should be treacherous.You would agree that a deceptive person is treacherous.I was only turning you on to a very important book which explains who controls the money and the minerals and your comeback is that The D I is a distraction from eating healthy.Do you have a mirror in your dwelling?-
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ActiveActiveGary GevisserSolly Krok at age 92, have you learned something new today about yourself, your children, your grandchildren and the people who call you the most?Is having visitors around also not as pleasant as before?Stephanie Marine you are 65. Can you answer those important questions I just put to our mutual friend, billionaire Solly Krok?Stephanie, while you point out my misspelling of “Rooibos” earlier, showing how careful you pay attention to what I say even though you mostly don’t like it because you have an aversion to the truth about your lies and the lies others have told you which you bought into because your mind wasn’t programmed to question better or you destroyed your mind by not paying attention to your surroundings including the company you keep, you have been awfully quiet recently on NSS when you should have been speaking out like the rest.Why is that?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser I’m aware of central banks and how money is created and distributed btw. I don’t need DI for that.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you are intentionally misleading; so obviously the forest isn’t helping much.Being aware of the Central Banks is not a revelation.Everyone has heard of the Central Banks if they trade money or pay attention to politics and economics.But you know from The D I book that the Central Banks are not the only creators of money and nor are they the only distributors of money.Why couldn’t you be clear who the other players are?Were you lying when you said that The D I book is a distraction as well as when accusing me of talking a lot, because you know that when you say someone talks a lot, you are really saying that they talk trash?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser so are you trying to take down the cabal?-
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ActiveGary GevisserSo Tommy Simpson, you know that The DI book explains who controls the Central Banks, and therefore how do you know you don’t need The D I book to tell you that?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, my goal is to expose people like you who provide a cushion to the South African Oppenheimer group.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser are we headed towards the rothchilds and Zionism? Can’t you just tell me what DI is saying?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser sounds like just another cartel to me.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser history is full of these people and organizations. What is it to me?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson No it doesn’t.If it sounds like a duck it usually is a duck.You are ducking the fact that The D I book explains explicitly that the SA Oppenheimers sit atop their cartels; hence all your gobbledygook talk.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser okay so I know now the genius diamond guy Oppenheimer with the great marketing and mass psychology firm control the global capitalist cartel which controls the state governments and media etc.What now?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, history is not full of these people.Besides, they are as you learn from The D I book, the pivotal controller of both the minerals and the money and their goons have you believing that the money is a mineral.You feel horribly fooled when reading the book.You would prefer like everyone else fooled that it is a bunch of independent cartels who run the show.You join the club of many people who are angry but that doesn’t make any of you good or right.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson why has it taken so long for you to admit you have been lying?-
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Tommy Simpsonnot sure where I lied or how I’m angry. I literally don’t care about any of these people or their nonsense-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you ask “… what now?”.Tell me you are ready to rejoin NSS and you will learn.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you are perfectly sure where you lied, starting with saying “you talk a lot”.-
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Tommy SimpsonBut you do talk a lot Gary. That’s no lie.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser I gotta read the book. You’re so excited about it.-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser are you familiar with Alex Jones?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you are also lying when saying “I literally don’t care about any of these people or their nonsense” because you have been distracting when you punched up that distracting photo on NSS because this new knowledge bothered you a lot.You know from reading The D I book that you have spent your life talking nonsense and how do you go back and reclaim your sanity from the people listening to your crap, “I’m aware of central banks and how money is created and distributed btw. I don’t need DI for that. “-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you can in fact teach a dog new tricks. You can’t teach old, stupid humans.Do you feel good with your distraction Alex Jones talk.Did he teach you, “central banks and how money is created and distributed btw” and to ignore The D I book or did you simply pull any name out of the white pages?Are you now going to say that you had enough sense not to listen to any conspiracy theorist who doesn’t begin referencing Professor Epstein’s The D I book?I haven’t seen that you are ready to rejoin NSS.Should I start without you?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, what in your mind prevents you from saying the truth; namely that I talk a lot of common sense and that it kills you?-
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ActiveGary GevisserSteven Kofsky, you consider yourself a Hollywood musician of sorts, and you live in Malibu which is not quite the forest where this Tommy Simpson says he lives and communes with nature but clearly disconnected from truth.So you have more in common with each other.Kofsky explain why it is that you remain a fb friend of mine as well as a member of NSS and clearly we don’t see eye to eye on the important issues?-
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ActiveGary GevisserStephanie Marine, even you, doesn’t Tommy Simpson’s words, “Gary Gevisser I gotta read the book. You’re so excited about it” have you feel like vomiting?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, remember me mentioning the stooge Hitler practicing in front of the mirror his speeches which his backers encouraged because remember he was only a Little Corporal in World War I which Germany lost and only an idiot would think of building up an illegal army without the full consent of the world’s armament suppliers.Have you previously had practice to arrive at “Gary Gevisser I gotta read the book. You’re so excited about it”?Does it occur to you that you shouldn’t believe your own bullshit or you could end up increasingly more stupid?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, you describe yourself as a “poet” with at least a knowledge of what the Libertarian Party stands for, which is much more than me because Ive never looked at their manifesto given how all political parties are the same to me, all bought and paid for, and that not only makes common sense, but once you read The D I book it makes perfect sense.You have repeatedly said that you have started reading The D I book which is the same tune that everybody says; interestingly no one admits to having finished this page-turner book which turns everyone’s world upside.So in fact this is a behavioral study of the human condition which if it is not all the result of poor conditioning than a most more powerful force that we cannot see and nor does it talk must have influence.Let’s leave it however to our conditioning and the environment which we continue to destroy in support of coverups by all the people who know better, such as yourself.You and I didn’t start talking today, and just like the history of the Libertarian party which you first brought to my attention on June 6, 2019 at 1:44 PM Calif.timeso is all our history.Each of us, like everyone before and after, are responsible for the history.More importantly with this digital age and social media expansion, each of us in the future will increasingly have more say than in the past when it was only the most powerful who got their power from both weapon systems and the soldiers who are increasingly unnecessary on the battlefield making the entire spying business nothing more than an additional cover for the thieves stealing the minerals and have us the plebes fighting over the money that they also control.You and I have also been talking since May 20, 2019 which is the day following the 4th anniversary of my wife Marie and I being invited to a demonstration of AquaFair electronic exchange at the Economics Experimental Laboratory of very rich private Chapman University which is headed by 2002 Nobel Lauriette Vernon Smith who I was seated next to during the analysis that followed the demonstration; and I could have sworn I noticed him experiencing a stroke when my very quiet, polite, but no fool Française-Canadienne wife, a most beautiful woman in every category expressed a critical question which floored everyone in the room, condemning to the garbage heap for eternity the study of economics.What was interesting was the reaction that followed which was identical to watching a chicken move around with its head chopped off.I feel the same thing is happening with you now, and you remember that in our fb messaging we covered the immediate and long term impact of playing stupid one time too many which is why you shouldn’t play stupid the first time.Nor have you even seen what is going on at my fb group chat, Name Someone Stupid [NSS] since I removed you because of your attempts to distract; but you are clear that you don’t want me to add you back.The same thing cannot be said for those who remain, including Solly Krok, Steven Kofsky and Stephanie Marine who have no problem following along because I write simply as well as sufficiently interesting to grab the attention of a 13 year old even if they are hooked on junk food which is almost impossible for a kid to avoid these days, given how not only do their parents know very little about health but when repeatedly told to be quiet because the parents never thought about their peace and quiet being disturbed when deciding to bring their toy child into this world, the child also learns from age 3, “How are you going to make a living to afford the car, the wife, the house, the toys, the boat?”Over the age of 13 it is that much easier because for most their body begins to take a downward dive and the pear shape expansion of the rotting internal organs of the poisoned gut also not pleasing to the eye of the healthy human, and the focus becomes the beautiful money and hiding that their focus is the beautiful money.Do you remember trying to coach me about the Libertarian Party?Do you think my knowledge of the money-mineral resource game is impeded by my knowledge of the specific individuals, not vague cartels, responsible for the front people of the Democratic and Republican Party as well?For example what did you learn about President John F. Kennedy following the CIA on August 5, 1962 turning in Nelson Mandela who was on the run to the Apartheid Regime of South Africa beholden to Kennedy’s handlers; namely the German South African Harry Oppenheimer, my former boss-client, and his German-American partner Charles W. Engelhard Jr. whose “male heir” was my father’s first cousin David Gevisser, a very ugly man in every respect which is why Engelhard Jr. picked him in the first place.You don’t expect bad people to surround themselves with good people.Did this Mr. Jones teach you that or was it your common sense kicking in?BTW, were you aware that today, August 10, 2021 is the 57th anniversary of 2 very important events in modern day history?Just in case you don’t know.First, President Johnson who you see below meeting with his friend and financier South African InvaderGerman-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. at the opening of the World’s Fair in New York back in May 1964, signed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which met the objectives of escalating the Vietnam War, and nor is it important that the events leading up to it were embedded in false flag-covert operations because in war the idea is to win period.Furthermore, President Johnson and the US Congress like their opposing numbers in China, North Vietnam and the Soviet Union can’t claim naivette because their goals also were to win as much territory for their peoples either by invasion and/or buying the real estate.Second, on August 10, 1964 the nuclear powered and nuclear armed aircraft carrier fleet Enterprise arrived at Cape Town, South Africa by which time Nelson Mandela had a front row seat in his prison camp, Robben Island.The fact that the Enterprise could have singlehandedly delivered a death blow to the Apartheid Regime in one flyby of a handful of fighter bombers while the destroyers trained their guns on Cape Town’s docks just in case the Apartheid Regime made a run for it, was not lost on Mandela or Harry Oppenheimer and Charles Engelhard Jr. who called the shots.1
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ActiveActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, at 5:45 PM Calif. time which was less than 10 minutes ago you decided to break away from here where you last placed up an emoj of bewilderment following “… Harry Oppenheimer and Charles Engelhard Jr. who called the shots” which was at 6:37 PM Calif. time yesterday and write to me on fb messaging:5:45 PMTommyDiamonds are stupid. I’m on chapter 9. Boring shit.5:46 PMTommyWhy anyone would buy a diamond is beyond me besides industrial.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson anyone who assigns an emotion to a mineral such as “stupid” is distracting.You are continuing to go down the same path expecting a different result.The title of Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA is only boring if you are stupid or trying to distract which is stupid.It is about arming Nazi Germany which cost a lot of people their lives and didn’t make the survivors any more sensitive.You are an excellent example.You received a backup of our dialogue here soon after I took a screenshot last evening at 6:40 PM Calif. time and you would have seen a bunch of people in the carbon section.You could easily have hit “reply all” and shared your opinions with everyone else, but your goal is to distract.I get it, and so does everyone else.-
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ActiveGary GevisserYou can jump in at any time while I share more of my insights.Are you okay with that or would you prefer to say that I talk too much common sense for your taste?-
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ActiveGary GevisserBTW, did you recognize Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who Mossad assassinated on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, standing on the far left in the photo taken at the opening of the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City which my mother Zena also attended?-
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ActiveActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson why did you confine your “boring” remarks only to Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, and mention nothing about our discourse here yesterday?Is this the first time in your life you have felt that you are a trickster?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, there is a high probability that you are still online like most.I have been at this since late 2003 and so Im not a novice.Before that I also observed that the most educated economists, philosophers, lawyers, medical doctors, judges and politicians were clueless about the money, which is what we are talking about, along with this never before imagined Mass Psychosis.Again, you are contributing to helping everyone get on to the same page, other than you would prefer it is not in one large room which is why you shot back to facebook messaging.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, I didn’t fall for it.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTitle: Good reason to always seek logicTommy Simpson, you always have to ask why there are beautiful women in this world and why when looking up into the night’s sky with only a crescent, continuous lightening strikes can light up everything from the ground up making it look like daylight and we can figure both out.Two diametrically different events all can be logically analyzed.It is good to choose good.You don’t look at a beauty contest and applaud because the ugliest woman won.If you see someone struggling for air you don’t assume they need help for a toe infection.Cause-effect is a powerful combination that requires extraordinary logic which most all of us fail to grasp.Good reason for us always seeking logic.Not all the world is beautiful and so there must be a reason for that.It doesn’t however make sense that you should see money as beautiful because ugly people like J P Morgan convinced you that the money is beautiful.Does it interest you to know that during the American Civil War, J P Morgan was not only a war profiteer but he delivered to the Union armies defective rifles that did more harm to Union soldiers than the enemy?Let’s say that too is boring; so lets move back to the money.There is something about the money which drains our intellect.So what if you have ugly thoughts because you are jealous, should the planet suffer?Of course not, because if we look at the root cause of jealousy what we find is that our kids are not competing to stay healthy and attractive all their lives but to get hold of the money quickly while still youthful to buy attractive things that make them appear to themselves more attractive as they look around and observe the distractions, less time standing in front of the mirror which is how they were mostly as children, which is again all logical.Before mirrors there were also less people.Nothing groundbreaking there.Since Fabienne Lacourpaille wrote on my fb group chat-symposium, Name Someone Stupid [NSS], “… There is an extra room for guests” which was yesterday at 8:19 AM Calif. and it is now 6:19 PM, exactly 34 hours ago, only my fb friend Beth Isaacswho is now tagged, and who I don’t get along with and yet she remains my fb friend, has left.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, is there something you wish to say? How about you Beth Isaacs?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, the rest of the 250 or so membership of NSS must also know that Beth can’t be as disinterested as she is making out because they know she can’t be different to them.No doubt they wish she wouldn’t be so conspicuous.Remember no one is prevented from looking here at my Facebook wall where we are having this conversation, and that would include Beth.Why focus on one person?Im not.Im focusing on all of you who think the same which doesn’t make you right.You are wrong and you know it.You have all just been pretending to be disinterested, when not tricky.Why be tricky when it is only a book that bothers you all the same?It is just a book, yes; but it is a very powerful book that talks to truths which bother everyone.Each of you are teaching the other how best to be tricky and get away with it.That is not a good pursuit.It is bad to do bad.It is not as you have previously written that all currencies will eventually be cryptos because you have never had anyone credible debating those who promote Cryptos who have sucked you all into believing that all currencies will be cryptos in the future.There is no way possible to explain why the Central Banks would be supporting Crypto currencies from the very start, other than Crypto Currencies are the creation of the Central Banks doing the bidding of the mineral hoarders whose allegiance is to one single player, the German-SA Oppenheimers who have the ability to upend the financial services sector which includes the real estate game in the next instant, and why it is that the Oppenheimers and their banks are controlling the demand of cryptos which are flying in invisibly from hidden offshore bank accounts, converting into other financial instruments, but mostly real estate and adding to the inflation while cleaning all the dirty money from their illegal drug trafficking and arms trading enterprises.Tommy Simpson, you must not forget that Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER does not address what happened to the diamonds the SA Oppenheimers sent him using officials of the Red Cross as couriers or how the SA Oppenheimers managed to escape either a CIA assassination or prosecution at Nuremberg for their war crimes.So Tommy is it fair to blame us Jewish people for the principal architects of the 6 million Jewish Holocaust not only escaping prosecution in a heavily promoted Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals but growing from strength to strength?When you look at how many heads of state have been killed throughout the planet where minerals are to be found in abundance, what do you think explains how the Oppenheimers’ heinous Apartheid Regime never once encountering a decapitation?Only one Prime Minister, Hendrik Verwoed being assassinated by a crazed Greek which didn’t put a dent in the ongoing 46 years carnage of those resisting tyrannical rule.Nor did it end when the no less corrupt ANC came to power in 1994 for in November 1997 my cousin and classmate from Carmel College, Durban who was a member of the armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto was brutally tortured to death by fellow members of Umkhonto operating under strick orders of Harry Oppenheimer-Mandela.The SA Oppenheimers and their cronies who are easy to identify because you just start with the SA Oppenheimers and move downwards are on both sides of the Crypto currency transactions, just as they are in all their business pursuits, making a complete farce of the distinction between the private and public sector which employs a great many people.They also know that the governance of the Cryptos are non-existent and so do all the politicians who keep talking about regulating the crypto currency trading.If the people get mad enough they will make illegal all crypto currency trades and that will be the end of it, and the people will say that shows good government at work.Tommy Simpson, am I still talking too much common sense for your liking?“Why anyone would buy a diamond is beyond me besides industrial.”You therefore read that the industrial diamonds of the SA Oppenheimers won the war for Hitler.Should we kill off the remaining 6 million European Jewry who still survive?2FACETRUTH.COMPrivate Sector Illusion-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, have you thought about having your girlfriend edit your thinking before writing what is on your mind that is geared to confuse?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, where in the book did you realize that the German-SA Oppenheimer group had diversified into the financial services sector using their untraceable, unlimited in supply, lightweight diamond currency or threatening to use their diamond currency and knowing that no government regulator would dare lay a glove on them?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson does it boost your confidence that most all people either go quiet or speak like you until they run out of steam?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, if the people continue to behave like you and most, then everything will go the way of Cryptos and whoever holds the most real estate assets wins.So how do you continue to keep the world’s best kept secret a secret?What is missing from all their thinking is the “fairness doctrine” which needs to have logic written all over it; and caring for the planet must always be first.The fatal flaw in that thinking is the morally reprehensible and insanely illogical Gross Domestic Product economic index which rewards war enterprises and developers of land into structures which replace the trees and bushes and the tar and cement roads to get to these structures also heat up the planet.Are you also aware that the GDP index breeds overpopulation which the religious turn to scripture, worshipping ink on paper, to justify without calling out the corrupt politicians?How many conversations have you had with a religious person about the GDP or did the GDP also escape your attention when talking politics-economics?Again, this bad thinking should have been nipped in the bud right at the very beginning but the people were too preoccupied when the GDP was introduced in 1934 with the worldwide Great Depression than to think that the Great Depression was all contrived and besides the Dust Bowl was nature talking to us.Do you ever feel that nature talks to us via logic and we should be most humble?Have you ever thought that humble people listen better than those who talk to talk and can only express their frustration with themselves by telling lies, “You talk a lot”?In conversations are you generally the one doing the most talking and thinking everyone else is stupid to be listening to you?Nothing can be more fictitious than the Cryptos because they say the founder/s are anonymous.Yes, they are pulling your legs and you can’t even figure it out without being spoon-fed.They also see how you are all reacting like a spoiled child who is emotionally unstable and shows no logic in their behavior.You have to be able to reason with children otherwise you are going to go mad.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, it is now 6:54 PM, more than hour since letting me know that The D I book is all trash talk and you don’t want to add more this conversation than the emoj expressing your shock at how limited is your knowledge.Surely you have something to say?-
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ActiveGary GevisserI must leave shortly to walk our doggy Mango whose friend Bella is arriving any moment.1
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson , you chose last evening to use a different emoj, this time a “thumbs up” after “… any moment” without addressing why you think you are very different to Little Corporal Hitler with few prospects after being rejected as a fine art student, which didn’t mean that Hitler was fooled by bullshit, abstract, contemporary art, because he wasn’t.His abhorrence of such total crap may have been his only “virtue” which is not to suggest Hitler was anything other than an opportunist who read the creators of modern day wars better than his closest competitors and when it came time to dispose of his rivals in the Night of Long Knives without his very powerful connections placing sticks in his wheels, he had to have given himself a pat on the back.Do you think you are beyond taking a bribe?Anyone who’s distracting if they are not a professional comedian is treacherous, wouldn’t you agree?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser I don’t have the desire for power Hitler and all politicians have. I’m simply not interested in controlling others nor do I have any love for nation states.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson you have to be positive. There has to be purpose to everything.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson , do you see a connection between Forgetfullness-dementia and choosing to forget?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser life has no purpose.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson it was 45 minutes ago that you came back to life.Time-Space had to come out of somewhere.Wouldn’t it be more correct for you to say that you have yet to figure a purpose for life?Do you see negative consequences to the neurons inside the brain and stomach when choosing to forget?In other words have you found that you get smarter with making smarter choices?Did you think it takes time for a meathead who eats meat-dairy (liquified meat) to overcome the withdrawal symptoms?Are you aware that cheese attacks the brains of humans like heroin?Don’t you enjoy sex more when you are healthy versus all dried up and cranky?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser Yes, I’ve watched all the Barnard videos. Sure, you can create a purpose to life if like but life itself has no purpose.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, you will see when scrolling to the top of my fb page a rebroadcast of “Commitment”, a 1945 odd word missive I placed up on 13 August 2016 which was 1 month and 9 days before I filmed my mother Zena in The Lady’s Speech (September 22, 2016), the day after I arrived in Israel to fulfill my mother’s wishes.In “commitment” there is detailed reference to President Nixon’s speech on August 15, 1971 which took place 166 days after the death of his benefactor Charles W Engelhard Jr. which for good reason bothered Nixon because he was that much more concerned with the future.You are into the money as well as politics until you find out how little you know and that makes you angry.An angry person naturally cannot reason as well as someone who is rational.2 days from now will be the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s speech which had dramatic consequences given how everyone accepted it.Can you explain what he was saying?What if it turns out that neither you nor better schooled economists like Vernon Smith Phd who won the 2002 Nobel Prize can make head or tail of Nixon’s speech because it is as much nonsense as you speak, will that have you feeling more depressed and do you think depression results in a positive or negative outlook?Btw, just in case you missed it, I sat next to Vernon Smith on May 19, 2015 during a very important logic discussion; and logic goes hand in hand with morality-fairness doctrine which politicians have to argue convincingly to the electorate in a debate unless they are all faking their disagreements.After my wife politely questioned how those who couldn’t afford to bid against those with more money and it would mean they would either be without water or they would have to eat less in order to afford water, Vernon Smith was floored; and nor was he the only seasoned economist in the room of the Experimental Economics Laboratory housed within the very rich private Chapman University with a loss for words.-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson what does watching all of Dr Neal Barnard MD’s videos got to do with the purpose of life?What is your source of knowledge that life has no purpose?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, I’m about to follow up with an African American, Devin Standard who were it not for his high profile on The Internet search engines when you type his name alongside mine, could easily already be President of the United States, certainly Director of the CIA.1
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ActiveGary GevisserA key determining factor in the weeding out of eligible candidates to be the right hand person of Harry Oppenheimer is that no one would have been able to point out a single occasion when I was sarcastic, or anything close.It is not so much that sarcasm shows a weak intellect caused by an emotionally insecure person whose parents taught such poor behavior thanks to their own insecurities, rather sarcasm is to mask something more ominous.You are lying to yourself when not being direct without having to be impolite.The positive is that it can be corrected.Did you see that I edited in the question what happened to the diamonds Hitler didn’t use?-
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson, picking up from yesterday, August 23, at 4:31 PM where I asked your source that life has no purpose which to me sounds catastrophic and what you would expect from someone who has knowingly wronged another person for either financial gain and/or jealousy and stopped learning resulting in severe depression, is this the sort of chatter you begin with when trying to get someone into bed?Obviously you are uncomfortable with the question and yet you introduced something that I would expect a psychologist-psychiatrist to milk.BTW, are you following the rise once again of the Taliban and the recently replaced head of Mossad thinking nothing of taking a $20,000 bribe?-
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser no. I don’t follow current events. I’m more into making music and dancing and taking long walks. I told you I am a simple man.
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ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson would you say that someone who feels that there is no purpose to life is depressed?
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Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser the opposite. I’d say they are free and capable of bliss.
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- 21h
Tommy SimpsonGary Gevisser it’s those trying to find purpose that get depressed.
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- 21h
ActiveGary GevisserTommy Simpson that’s stupidity.Then again this past Tuesday at 3:06 PM Calif. time you tried distraction with “Gary Gevisser that book (The D I) is a distraction. Eating healthy and feeling good is what’s important.”Simpson, does it bother you more that it is a most beautiful woman who stopped cold the very top echelon of professional economists, rather than a man who first recognized, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”?Or do you simply prefer not to think of yourself as stupid?If you were to canvas all your fb friends as well as those others you know and they applauded you for “it’s those trying to find purpose that get depressed” wouldn’t you feel more depressed or do you think I’m flogging a dead horse even if it resulted in all the world’s 13 year olds being inspired by your grand stupidity to seek purpose to life?How did you do with President Nixon’s 15 minute speech that was written by Charles W Engelhard Jr’s “male heir”, my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser and monopolist Harry Oppenheimer?Given how it is totally objective and remember you know all about the Libertarian party and therefore you must know all about the Democrat Party and Republican Party, can you explain the speech or would you rather die than think about it?
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- 17h