Scott Coleman – They have run a great scam
Screenshot: 6:46 PM Calif. time, Monday 9 May 2022
Scott Coleman
You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Anchorage, Alaska
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 8:30 AM
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At 8:25 am Calif. time, 5 minutes ago I sent our mutual friend Jay D. Alexander the following on fb messaging before unfriending and blocking him:
Last evening as we came to the end of your participation in the focus group I wrote to the owner of a clean, healthy, raw food – no meat-fish-dairy of course – restaurant owner the following:
Subject: Logical species – Re: Change of mind – which is positive since most are not even aware of their mind.
This attachment to meat is visceral, as Marie says.
It is seen as the rich man’s reward, excess.
They are the current rulers and that is madness of the highest order.
We must be hopeful because it is totally illogical and we are a logical species.
Jay, let’s face it most people are unhappy which is why they are on facebook, and because it is mostly superficial, no exercise really of the mind and certainly not of the body which without exercise that is stimulated by good fuel placed inside each of the body organs including the transplanted liver, their happiness is very short-lived replaced by even greater despair with each passing moment given how an ugly body is not attractive to the next person unless they are looking to be co-dependents and that is not healthy, and the healthy people are very clear that they find aesthetically ugly very unappealing because they look right through the person if not doing everything within their power to avoid eye contact.
Whatever little humor they have is picked up from others because inside they feel like the crap they look like on the outside.
So this lack of self-respect has played into the mind game of the money and with less happiness all around the human is that much more fixated on the money and knowing that if you have a lot of money wealth people will find you attractive no matter how repulsive are your looks.
Are you following along?
Everyone who has read The D I book knows that they have been horribly manipulated which is not a sign of great intelligence.
So far there have only been a handful of people including my wife and my parents who have risen to the occasion and that tells you a number of things including that man isn’t bright but rather vulgar and second, the architects of this game the German-South African Oppenheimer family are most proud of their accomplishments.
But you can see that even they have begun hiding and it doesnt really soothe their spirits anxiously waiting for the next shoe to fall that there are so many increasingly aware of this rather dreadful game if you happen to be poor and if not poor then you know that your role in accumulating wealth had little to do with you unless you were an emissary of the Oppenheimers-De Beers-Barclays-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben.
Once I unfriend you and block you on facebook you can still write to me on email and if it is interesting I might respond depending also on all else that is going on.
That is not to say that you shouldn’t continue your burial plans which started obviously long before you ran into me.
Do you find that you are as intimate with your other facebooks who care for you much more than I do given how I have absolutely nothing in common with you other than we breath the same air that is all connected?
Will it make you feel better if all our 7 mutual friends, and there were 8 but one just dropped out, are as unnerved by The D I book as you?
Could you think of a better person other than yourself who could have made better use of the liver transplant?
I see it as such a waste but then everything has its purpose including compost.
So you see in fact your deceptiveness has inspired me.
Feel free to write to our mutual facebook friends with your thoughts:
Dai Lesty
1,345 friends
Kenneth Kales
4,606 friends
Milagros Mirelle Munzuri Villalba
4,999 friends
Nancy Lloyd
4,739 friends
Scott Coleman
455 friends
Tom Sawyer
1,874 friends
Tracy Kelly
8 mutual friends
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 10:36 AM
what’s the DI book?
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 2:27 PM
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The Diamond Invention
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 3:50 PM
ok, I am familiar with the marketing of De Beers
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 4:51 PM
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Did you already read the book?
they have run a great scam!
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Did you already read The D I?
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That’s interesting.
I read a synopsis
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Where did you find a synopsis?
this may be the prologue
Prologue – The Diamond Invention
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You see I picked up “I am familiar with the marketing of De Beers” and I know for a fact that unless you have read the book and you do have to be alert and/or you worked for De Beers at their highest level, which I did, and my direct report was Harry Oppenheimer who you get introduced in chapter one, A RELUCTANT TYCOON, you don’t have a clue about their marketing.
Did you know that De Beers are the most prominent player in weapons trafficking?
So all you did was read the Prologue which is very different from a synopsis.
BTW, Harry Oppenheimer directly supervised my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia, terrorist of terrorist financing institution which began soon after I immigrated to the US from mineral rich South Africa and officially joined them in early spring 1979 when I was still 21 years of age without having forgotten that my desire to join them was because of all the economic garbage taught at their best business schools which of course was located in their backyard of South Africa.
Did you study anything at university?
Have you seen that I have currently 1321 odd facebook friends?
I would say that about 90% of them have read The D I book at least once and that 25% of them keep going back to read the most interesting non-fiction book ever written and which shuts up all the talkers.
Hence why they are so very quiet.
Do you ever recall seeing this photo?
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no but I know Russia is cooperating with De Beers to limit diamond sales
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Im now leaving on a relatively short mountain bike ride as it is already getting dark here in the forest just east of San Diego and this is very much mountain lion country; so not a moment to waste.
I just read what you last wrote. Take it from me that you don’t have a clue what you are talking about; bearing in mind that everything that you read about De Beers has been fully vetted to make sure that the reader thinks he knows everything that he needs to know.
Would you like to see what I sent British blogger Shaun Attwood who you can read about on Wikipedia?
but I think I am missing your point…
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PS – Note that amongst my fb friends is Israel Air Force Lt Colonel Tomer Tene who is also Israel’s largest organic farmer. Note also economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who soon after completing his economic studies at Chicago University joined the Pentagon’s most illustrious THINK TANK, RAND CORP.
Both men are not unsophisticated.
They know better however than to simply dismiss The D I book as much as the same as everything else written about De Beers.
My point is that you will be doing yourself a big favor to set aside 3 hours to read the book that will change your life forever. It has changed the life of everyone I know including all those who quickly shut down and understanding why no one is talking about the most important book ever written.
You didn’t say if you have any university schooling.
Send me your email and I will forward you what I sent this Attwood who has 300,000 subscribers to his youtube channel which is not close to the following of Elon Musk.
Do you have an opinion on Musk?
on Musk? not really, he has a lot of money and does some cool stuff with it, but the whole concept of billionaires is obscene to me
and 5 years of college and I tutor math in a high school
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 6:04 PM
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Did you study any economics at university?
How far have you got in The D I book?
If you want to be amongst the first to receive my follow up to Shaun Attwood, send me your email.
Bear in mind that once you read The D I book the idea of there being any privacy goes right out the window which tells you that all this stuff about Snowden and Assange is a smokescreen and clearly both individuals unwitting stooges.
December 13, 2019
12/13/19, 6:35 PM
I just try and absorb the facts and make up my own mind about things
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Yes, I understand.
What have you so far absorbed from The D I book?
Are you not in the least bit curious about my follow up to Mr. Attwood?
Are you feeling that you may have missed a great deal of important matters when thinking that you knew the marketing strategy of De Beers?
Of course you have interacted with a great many students over the years as well as adults with everyone expressing their opinions and sometimes Im sure there have been loud voices that carried; even friendships broken over political differences.
Now you are into old age and having to deal with the reality that not only have you been clueless about how the money system works but now having to think how many others are out there like you wanting to withdraw from the conversation because you too want to remain anonymous?
Are you sure you don’t want to see what my 10,000 email list will soon be reading and you feeling quite assured that our mutual facebook friends are not thinking that they are going to first share the information with you.
thanks, but I’ll pass
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Thank you for your contribution. It will be threaded into my next conversation which you can eventually find a copy on my BLOG or just speaking with our mutual friends.
December 12, 2021
12/12/21, 12:48 PM
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Any changes in your view of Musk?
Does he look to you as candid as he did say 10 years ago?
I see you recognize beauty.
Are you aware of how ugly the human has become as it has destroyed the planet and the people are oblivious as to why?
How could you have got all the logical math-science people to not pay attention to the GDP, not a single human questioning it, and when it is presented right to their faces they get uglier?
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Hidden in plain view.
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In what way have the Indians educated you?
December 12, 2021
12/12/21, 1:27 PM
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How to present my beautiful wife’s solution to save the planet using logic
It is bullet proof other than people think they own their children, just like a car or house.
They are not logical .
They show it in the way they eat.
But if they truly care about the children or if they are embarrassed about not really caring for the children other than an insurance policy and/or play toy they will get their children into a worldwide classroom where they are first taught the history of the mining monopolists which keep the Royals in check.
Then the children will encourage their biological parents to attend rather than stand out like sore thumbs.
Unless you have a healthy body yiu cannot have a healthy mind
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You must be aware over in Alaska that over the course of the past century 75% of the green has been destroyed and we have less than 24% remaining and that in half a century the plankton will not exist?