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He lied for Trump

The president’s lawyer told The New Yorker: “I am afraid it will be on my gravestone. ‘Rudy Giuliani: He lied for Trump.'”
David Rudzin Well maybe because he DID !!!


Gary Gevisser Does it really make you feel good when you see other idiots talking shit?

Can you really laugh off knowing that those you have liked as well as criticized for their political-economic point of view are as ignorant as you were before running into me?

How long do you plan to continue playing stupid?


Tori Stern Gary u r nasty + mean. I’m not stupid, therefore I have no reason to be or act like I am. You ever listen to your mom? U don’t Got nothin nice to say, don’t say it.


Tori Stern And if u keep being an assho*e I will have no choice but to block you. I thought I did that already. Oh well. Bad move not to, if I didn’t. Have a nice night. 🙂
Gary Gevisser Tori Stern, do you remember writing in our public setting that you were not a mentally well as you would like you?

Would you like to see that?

If you are going to bring up my mother, you should know that she warned my middle brother Melvin about marrying his wife but Melvin didn’t listen.


Gary Gevisser Being non-confrontational is no excuse for bad judgement!


Gary Gevisser Tori Stern, why is it that you cant be a normal person and see the very powerful stuff in those 55 words?

Why are you so negatively charged?

Have you finished reading The D I book?


Gary Gevisser Tori Stern have you tried changing your diet?


Gary Gevisser Musk is the only one who has made a dent in the system

He scared them in their stagnant state

They all say nothing is going to change, that the poor masses will stay numb and the rich will continue with the destruction of the land, raping Mother Earth.


Tori Stern Gary, are you feeling okay?? U seem a little on the ill side mentally.


Gary Gevisser Tori Stern, are you saying that you are incapable of seeing the positive because of some deep rooted jealousy in what I wrote earlier?

Musk is the only one who has made a dent in the system.

He scared them in their stagnant state.

They all say nothing is going to change, that the poor masses will stay numb and the rich will continue with the destruction of the land, raping Mother Earth.


Gary Gevisser Do you see a connection between mind body health?


Gary Gevisser Tori Stern you don’t seem to be uplifted by knowledge, why is that?

What do you hope to gain by being on facebook?


Tori Stern Getting rid of people like you from my profile, feed, and notices.


Tori Stern Obviously, Gary, u r jealous of me. Go pick on some1 ur own size. U r just a bully and I don’t indulge either bullies or bad behavior, both of which you are guilty of. Go f*** off. Really. U r just a pathetic loser trying to piss me off. U aren’t even worth getting pissed at. Go jump in a lake or maybe jump off a cliff b4 ya do so. Have a nice trip in the water. I hope it’s nice and cold so you can wake up and see that bothering me won’t make you any better of a person than whom you already are. And Who are you, prescicely? A loser, that’s all. And a moron. Leave me alone. U r just a jerk and I don’t mean the good kind. Wait. There is no good kind. I almost forgot. Whoops! 🙂
