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He sounds sick

Subject: He sounds sick – Re: 3 cheers for Steve Bailey – Re: Sad news
Date: November 2, 2018 at 7:48:39 PM PDT
To: Michael Tordu-The Coward Awerbuch <>
Cc: rest; Isaac Herzog – Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>, “Mendelbuim, Michal” <>, “Leshed, Danya” <>, Jos Verhorst – Chairman De Amstel Club <>, “Glen Sol – Administrator of Beare Investment Holding Co. – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Gillian Slovo -daughter of assassinated Ruth First, whose husband and father of Gillian was Joe Slovo, a South African politician, an opponent of the apartheid system. A Marxist-Leninist, he was a long-time leader and theorist in the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).” <>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, hillary Mulholland <>, Gary Gevisser <>, “Voyeur Max Pohl – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Mark Blumberg – No longer FB friend. Blumberg says that his father marched alongside armed wing of the ANC head, Joe Slovo.” <>, “” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell <>, “” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Ernest Rady <>, Paco Furió Marco – Spanish-German Business News TV Anchor <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, kathleen paris <>, K Leavitt <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, “Samuel Mark Tollman – born and raised Jewish in Durban, South Africa. Served in the Apartheid Regime’s military. Converted to Islam. No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, Miko Peled – heavily misguided profiteer of the Arab-Israeli conflict <>, “Dave Osh – No longer FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in \”management friendly\”; i. e. \”shareholder hostile\” takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <>, “Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography.” <>, Simon Schama – Professor of History Columbia University <>, “Professor Jared Diamond – author, Guns, Gems & Steel” <>, “Kevin Hall – Pulitzer Prize Winner, Panama Papers” <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, Conrad Strauss – ex chairman of Standard Bank South Africa <>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, Janet Bick <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser ” <>, “Michelle First – neice of Roy & J. Essakow” <>, Conrad Wolff – supporter of Roy Essakow <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – \”Learned discipline and duty\” in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, “” <>, “Elad Davidovitch – former Israeli army reservists and movie maker who lacks information.” <>,, Zvi Remak <>, אסי דלק <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>,, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2018] which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer.” <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest. Met Strauss on June 20, 2006 at bottom of zipline at Simatai Great Wall, China. Most shocked was Strauss to hear that DeBeers had established retail shops on US soil.” <>, “” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Vicky L. Schiff – co-managing director Wetherly Capital Group.” <>, Mweinstein <>, “Jeff Malatskey – another quiet classmate of Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]; and seller of exam papers – University of Natal-Kwazulu South Africa – partner Ernst & Young.” <>, “Bill Simon c/o Dan Weinstein – co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group.” <>, “Lester. Houtz” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, “Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter \”The Pig\” Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig. Both The Pig and his brother Bernard were open supporters of the South African Apartheid Regime [1948-1994] as well as principal backers of today’s Museaum of Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial at the Durban Jewish Club, Durban, South Africa. Sidney now lives in the long time residence of Sandy Moshal-Gevisser Jacobson’s grandfather, Sol \”The Little King\” Moshal, also a staunch supporter of the Apartheid Regime as well as very close ally of virulent anti-Semite, South Africa Invader, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, “Sidney Abelski – sellout lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <>, “Desiree Pure Evil Levin – No longer FB friend of GG. That ended on Aug. 20, 2018 following GG’s comments on group chat, A test of humanity.” <>, “German lawyer Claudia {I didn’t know the coin was gold} Seibel Esquire – (So why did she keep it?)” <>, Claudia Harel <>, Galit Tassi <>, “Richard Poplak – author of Dr. Shock, How an apartheid-era psychiatrist went from torturing gay soldiers in South Africa to sexually abusing patients in Alberta – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney Scooter Libby, VP Cheney’s Chief of Staff.” <>, “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by \”friendly fire\” in Afghanistan.” <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, Bear Inn – Wiveliscombe <>, “Bryan Howe – Parish Clerk, Wiveliscombe” <>, Kerry Traitor Molfesis – long time resident of Wiveliscombe <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Moses Brown <>, “” <>, bhanu pratap <>, Parth Raj Singh <>,, Bruce Bentel <>, Bruce Bigelow <>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, Rafael Zulueta Egea <>, Johann De Jager – General Counsel South African Reserve Bank <>, Ben Wessely <>, “rds.y” <>, Adi Hurwitz – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, avichai edelsteyn <>, Cc-Colin Puterman <>, Cc-Elaine Zulberg <>, cc-Clive Bernstein <>, cc-Saul Basckin <>, Cc-Michael Arinov <>, “rick. schmitt” <>, “David Schmarman c/o Michael Sagorin. Schmarman was banned by the SA Apartheid Regime. Fellow Jewish high school student from Carmel College, Durban, South Africa, Sagaorin when doing his South African Apartheid Army duty with the SA Police Force arrested a black African kid who had stolen Schmarman’s motorcycle helmut for \”bread money\”; and despite pleas from Schmarman to drop charges, Sagorin went ahead with the arrest; the black kid was found guilty and sent to prison.” <>, “” <>, cc-BermanJ <>, David Lazarus <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef ” <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “Andel, T.R. van” <>,,,,, Professor Arendsen – Leiden University – Extraordinary Professor of Societal and Historical Context of Tax Law <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “Berger, M.S.” <>,,,,,,,, Bernhard Brandl <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “Brosschot, J.F.” <>,,,, “Bruijn, M.E. de” <>,,,,,,,,,, “Rafael Adolf – Brazilian Radiologist practicing in Germany + no longer FB friend.” <>, guy bechor <>, Uri Bar-Joseph <>, Uri Rosenberg <>, Menashe Cohen <>, Christina Stay off the Fat Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>, “Steven Bailey – Former FB friend who decided to unfriend, and now is back.” <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “” <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, Eli Symon – Co-executor of Alan Zulman’s and Zena Gevisser Zulman’s estates <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq – Inspired by Zena Bardash-Ash Gevisser Zulman, played pivotal role in collecting billions from remnants of Germany’s military machine during WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to the home of the German-South African Oppenheimer clan whose Lloyd’s of London Insurance have never once attempted to hide that they are the money launderers of money launderers, and figured the common herd would think themselves too smart to have it all smack in their faces” <>, “Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” <>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <>, Coast 2 Coast Capital – Acquirer of Albi-Danziger-Gevisser for $50+ million in June 2016 <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – Learned discipline and duty in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, “Neil Gevisser – Resident of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England where my mother Zena has her primary residence for the past 4 decades. Neil, now a British citizen, without disclosing his criminal past [1985] in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, petitioned for corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian which was approved on Sept. 15, 2016, 6 days ahead of my arrival in Israel. Also author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] following his voluntary – since he had the choice of immigrating to Israel – service in the brutal South African Apartheid Regime-3rd Reich’s Southern Division’s military.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – Evil South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, “Jonny Gevisser – only son of Leslie Gevisser; Director The Extra-Mural Education Project Cape Town South Africa” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Gary Barber – former CEO of MGM – on Ulpan-Gadna training with Gary Gevisser 1972. Barber owner of racehorse , WONDER GADOT.” <>, Aron Pflanz – TESLA <>, Elon Musk <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>

Twisted Mind Tordu.

You obviously have an appeal.
To loop in so many people to your game is more than most interesting.
To loop in the very quiet, at least in his diplomatic public persona, but certainly not at his raucous parties at his Chateau de la Barre which include a German-Dutch banker who he helped find his perfect castle just 30 minutes away, is unbelievable.
If you are wrong, and in fact God does exist, you know that you are in big trouble; and the fact that you wouldn’t be alone is still no consolation.
If you believe that there is no God Almighty consequence, then you don’t need to exhibit any form of a conscience and you will therefore, more than ever, keep hitting “reply all”.
I would like to take you on a “gentleman’s bet” that you will never again hit “reply all”.
If you do nothing else other than hit “reply all” along with the words, “You owe me a gentleman’s bet” that would mean that you have won the bet.
May I strongly suggest that you read my entire Facebook messaging dialogue with my FB friend Diane Ward which I have titled, “I simply challenged your bullshit” which you can access by hitting at least one of the hyperlinks contained in this missive or to go to my 2facetruth.comBLOG.
You shouldn’t have much difficulty finding it; and if not please write to her asking her for an audience, if you think she would be interested in you, although I cannot be certain that you and F U Cynthia Petit haven’t started dating.
The question, “What are we doing here?” must now take on added significance because we are reaching infinitely small odds of it all being random, a succession of events having to take place in order for this world to be so totally upside, and each one not simply infinitesimally small odds of happening, because any and all “risk assessment” specialists which you are most certainly not, would say it is zero.
I may need to spell out right now, that if it is not random, and no less important, because it is of monumental importance, how everyone shuts down; not because they disagree with my findings, but they fear both sharing the knowledge as well as the thought that all this time each of us is being watched; and that would mean our children, our parents, grandparents, and all those deceased including the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the first of us Hebrews, Abraham.
Again, we are not talking one or two events resulting in all conversations involving the word money making absolutely no sense, but a series of events which has required coordination by the richest families in the United States who don’t all get along famously as well as each member of the different Royal families of Europe, along with all the top government officials who are either bought or totally incompetent.
Nor can anyone plead ignorance when they are presented with the facts and they choose to ignore them because of selfish financial reasons.
You are going to see all of this happening very shortly before your very eyes and you are going to remember my mother Zena only saying the most positive things about me; and my mother, like my wife Marie Dion is no dummy.
When you are sharing very important truths which have lay hidden for a very long time during which time billions have died and been born, and still there is nothing close to the truth in the educational curriculum or in the newspapers, magazines, radio or TV, then you have to look at the fact that were it not for me exposing it all, all your lives would have continued with you all talking the same bullshit.
At 11:29am Calif. time, I placed up on Diane Ward’s FB wall the following:
The positive is that I will shortly provide my “manifesto” to your “Women’s Rights Council” which doesn’t come close to going far enough, and therefore it undermines that much more the constantly eroding rights of women, especially financially poor women who are far better at raising the children than the men, unless they have lost the respect of the children which comes either from abusive men and/or the woman having lost respect of their critically important body temple

That manifesto will be revealed in my follow up to the Israeli authorities who are spearheading the extraordinary coverup of the imprisonment of my British citizen mother Zena in her Netanya, Israel apartment.
Earlier at 8:38am I placed up on my FB wall:

I’ve been having a dialogue with my FB friend Denise Wardwho supports a document which purports to advocate women’s rights

You should read that document along with our dialogue.


You can see that unlike you, I show all my now 591 odd FB friends and not all of them are Sherpas, not even close; but Sherpas do speak their own language fluently, and they run into a lot of athletic westerners.

Nepal is also not that far from India and China; and the Chinese are also a very literate people, the same with the Japanese.
Do you see the world getting increasingly smaller?

As you know you can see which of your FB friends are currently active.
I last heard from Diane Ward at 8:36am, 2 minutes before I posted up on my FB wall, and by typing her name in that brief introductory commencement address, she was notified; and would have by now seen the reaction of some of her other FB friends.
If you mind me spelling everything out, please let me know exactly what you like and what you object to and remember to hit “reply all” despite the admonishment from the Levy family of Durban, South Africa now living here in San Diego.
Denise Ward and I have 28 mutual friends, and that number has not declined, because that number has increased over the course of the day.
I will also send all 28 a copy of this communique immediately following hitting the “send” button.
Geoffrey van Leeuwen’s very well renovated 1396 chateaux which rents for upwards of 1300 Euros a night is found in France, just in case you thought chateau was the bathroom; and to complete the job that has been going on a decade a half should now be made much easier with his higher pay scale, and without having to employ as low wage earners as before; and if he decides he wishes to compete with The Donald, so then he could call upon President Donald Trump and/or his son in law Prince Jared Kushner to refer those illegal, under the table foreign workers who helped build Trump’s skyscraper in New York City.
What you missed out in mentioning is how distraught you are having to feed yourself all alone, and what you would only do to have someone with a beautiful French accent talk to you.
You might suggest to the manufacturers of these lifelike sex dolls that they provide the option of both different languages as well as accents, unless you have already investigated this and know the answer.
A great many confirmed bachelors and spinsters like yourself as well as divorced couples have to grapple with loneliness on a daily basis; and you also know that what you consume is not the healthiest of foods which have you getting fatter and therefore less desirable, and all you are left with to impress other fatsos is your boring money talk; and totally debilitating to be forced to leave out mentioning me as well as Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book because if you mention The D I book and the people start looking it up on The Internet they quickly come across me and my clever name website
I can empathize with your anger even though since I immigrated to the United States 40 years ago this past March it was only a couple of years in all that time when I have been single, and in the first year there was not a moment to spare because I had not only a full time job but I was also learning from the horse’s mouth, Harry Oppenheimer
everything there was to know about the DAAC.
It is not a negative the fact that each of my girlfriends got progressively more beautiful until stumbling across the most beautiful Française-Canadienne Marie Dion some 24 years ago; and it is a dream come true each time I wake up in the morning and see the greatest, most perfect body and a face that you know caught the eyes of my very observant Beauty Queen mother Zena’s which not only sparked my mother’s great mind but it provided the world with a terrific glimpse of my mother’s one a kind impeccable, irresistible and most unique English sense of humor; and you got to see it all in the two videos I took on September 22, 2016 before Marie and Mango who is a male dog woke up.
Yes, Mango is so beautiful, his most expression filled face, pretty eyes and the shiniest coat from all the healthy organic food which has never had a heartbeat which we feed him at least 5 times a day and all carefully prepared which would have you salivating.

Had either of your parents ever commented to you or anyone else about the beauty of just one of your girlfriends?

How come you have on your FB wall this most ugly photo of yourself and an ugly, old, open mouth woman on a dance floor? Wouldn’t you have been better off in attracting a gay man having yourself dancing with your blonde girlfriend buddy?
“What was she like at 22?”

“She has quite a face!”

Which of Marie Dion’s physical attributes would you like to criticize?
Do you think her assessment of the human condition, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” is wrong when it comes to you?
There are many men and I assume young women who die in battle who have never had an intimate girlfriend or boyfriend.
The 9 million soldiers who died in World War I, not all of them had enjoyed the wonders of great sex 
which you may not know is not the same as having paid sex with a prostitute.
Do you think my mother Zena sounded insane or that she was exaggerating her smartness when explaining that that she was smarter than all her teachers?

Can you name me one of your teachers who thought you were smart?

Can you name me one person who ever hired you who would say that you are smart?

Had my maternal grandfather Al Ash died in WW1 and he was 14 when he volunteered to serve in the British army at the very start of the war and fought in the front lines throughout until the very end and was never seriously injured, he would have been another very young kid not to have enjoyed sex before meeting up once again with our Maker.
This question of whether or not there is a Maker has confounded man ever since man became conscious of his being, and began to explore his origins and being able to see similarities both in the look and behavior of other animals like the chimpanzee. 
Other animals can also learn from us when we have sex as they will observe and then imitate and look towards you to see if they have got it right.
Please don’t take my word on it, but I don’t suggest you get a stuffed dog that you buy from say Amazon to test it out on; although why not if the prostitute you are with decides that she is game.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone is game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser

This brainwashing business is very important, but you know that it does not apply to either my great F-C wife or me, but it most certainly applies to each and every human who failed to question how Nazi Germany was able to overcome the impossible odds of rearming when there were signatories to the Versailles Peace Treaty like most hardened frontline warrior, genius General, Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] making certain that his most trusted spies spread throughout the globe were looking for the first infraction by the Germans; even watching as the United States readied itself for a surprise attack by the Japs whose oil was being cut off by the Allies, which explains why going back to July 1941, General Smuts wrote letters talking about the upcoming war with Japan.

Very very crafty was Smuts who unlike Churchill was not fooled by President Franklin D. Roosevelt whose public image today is not going to be what it is going to be tomorrow or at any time in the future – CLICK HERE.
My health which you show concern for has never been better. In fact yesterday I went for a checkup to see how the 4th digit of my left hand which got dislocated this past September 9 when I did a 3 somersault fall off my mountain bike when traversing a steep mountain trail which began, the somersault that is with Mango in my right arm, was coming along and the nurse when finished with the blood pressure and heart rate, I asked, which Im sure everyone does, “What are the results?” and she answered, “Just wait a moment, I am writing it in; 96 over 65 and your heart rate is 60.” I responded joyfully, “Not bad for a 61 year old!” and she replied, “Most people half your age and in shape wished they had those sort of results. You must be doing something right.”
Another thing fatso TORDU; it is going on 7 years since I had a cold, and that lasted a very short time.
My equally healthy F-C wife would also be going on 7 years since having a cold were it not for a cold she had a couple of years ago, thanks to a sick cougher on a long flight back from Europe.
Are you noticing that you are spending more time with sick people as you age poorly, even when alone?
I did not feel the urge to ask the nurse about her sex life, and nor did I go on about the virtues of having a great sex life which my mother Zena strongly advocated for her charm school pupils who were not all beauty queens like her one model Penny Coelen, Miss World 1958
I know you would prefer not to show it, but is there any part of you that is jealous of me?
You know that my 3 elder siblings are very jealous of my special relationship with my mother, so could you also be jealous of that?
Were you close to either your mother or your father as I am to both my parents?
Was your mother as beautiful physically and in her mind as my mother Zena was when I last saw and communicated with her, now over 2 years ago?
Are you joyful that both of us are sad by the turnout of the disgraceful human race?
Of course you are.
There we are, get off the couch and careful not to dislocate your shoulder jump on to the cushions and scream out loudly for joy. You know that you are in the company of a great many people, so that must make you even happier.
Remember, neither I, nor my mother Zena nor my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion Gevisser hired you to run sales for Made In USA Inc. You fucked up royally with only David Altman’s assistance. How in the world haven’t you blamed DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] operatives for your failure that put you on the path to ruin and worst of all you don’t have a date for tomorrow night?
There is an extraordinary rude awakening that awaits you all who given your huge numbers.
It can only have you thinking of blaming our Creator because nothing random can explain how billions of you talkers got it all wrong when simply not questioning the most logical question, “How could, with so many people opposed to Hitler, starting with us Jewish people, allow him to get away with violating the most important prohibitions of the Versailles Peace Treaty?”
Remember, that is just one in series of other impossible to believe events.
If this were only a “Thought Experiment” it would have the smartest Quantum Physics minds such as Einstein and Feynman listening carefully; even you Tordu are still capable of doing that.
I also maintain that had Feynman who was obsessed with the repetitiveness and boredom of the Sabbath evening prayer simply focused on the introduction, “And it was evening, and it was morning” and blocked out the rest, he would have seen more to Judaism than a bunch of obsessive convulsive idiots reciting stuff week after week that sounded so stupid.
It is one thing for you to look yourself in the mirror and say, “I know I am stupid, but I never considered myself much of a historian. Christ almighty, I didn’t even earn a university degree. All I know is something about fashion and even attending fashion school does not mean I have taste.”
How can you be in the fashion business and not have your body temple exude good taste?
This arming of Nazi Germany and allowing Germany-Austria’s rich to hold on to their wealth, and get back so quickly on its feet after our Jewish Holocaust was a phenomenon that I first began to think about for the first time 46 years ago yesterday, which was my father in law’s birthday
as well as the anniversary of my first meeting with Ben Gurion who knew everything there was to know about me and my 3 elder siblings on our first two trips to Israel back in 1966.thumb_13769491_1221966691189516_895701787535858578_n_1024.jpeg
Yes, my 3 elder siblings are dying a horrific slow death, and you can see that with their extraordinary silence as I continue to share the important knowledge of not only their poor actions that are not helped by their infantile coverups but the empirical evidence of human devolution.
The arming of Nazi Germany was also missed by Israel’s most elite intelligence gathering special forces, Unit 8200, and that too was not lost on Ben Gurion who to send a clear message to those of us aware, went very light on Israeli Military Intelligence officer, Avri Elad who squealed to the Egyptian authorities which didn’t have the Egyptians going light on either the torture or execution of the other Israeli intelligence officers, including the father of my FB friend Michelle B. Dagan, 37 year old Meir Max Binethwho chose to commit suicide in his Egyptian cell on December 21, 1954 than face the public humiliation of his hanging the following day.
So good was the cover up that it led to blame being placed on Israel’s Minister of Defense Pinhas Lavon who was of course innocent, but the same cannot be said of Israel Prime Minister, Moshe Sharett, intelligence chief Gibli or for that matter Moshe Dayanwho testified against Lavon, after which Lavon resigned on 17 February 1955. 
How different the world would be today had Ben Gurion not been around to succeed Lavon as minister of defense and on 3 November 1955, Ben Gurion replaced Sharett as Prime Minister. 10 years is all that Elad got, and that was for being caught later selling Israeli secrets to the Egyptians.
When a very similar event occurred at the start of the 1973 Yom Kippur War with Director of Amram, Israeli Military Intelligence, Eli Zeira defying orders by both Prime Minister Golda Meir and Mossad head Zvi Zamir who had met the day before in a safe-house in London with President Sadat’s closest and most trusted aid, billionaire Ashraf Marwanwho told Zamir that war would break out the following day, Ben Gurion was not the only Jewish person in the world who was devastated.
Israel was on its knees and all the Syrian forces needed to do was to keep rolling off the Golan Heights where they decimated our frontline forces, and the road ahead was as clear as daylight, and then all Israel would have been left with was her nuclear option; and we are not a suicidal people. Nor was God shining on the Egyptians who left the safety of their missile protection shield and then went up against the might of the IDF which thanks to the Syrians staying put, was now fully prepared for anything the Arabs decided to throw at them, but never expecting such stupidity from the Egyptian high command led by Sadat who was a Nazi from start to finish.
Yes, a little history doesn’t do the people any harm because this little piece of history explains how Unit 8200 went from bad to worse.
Can it only be a coincidence that Unit 8200 officer Mr. Isaac Herzog, who joined Unit 8200 in late 1978, just 5 years after Israel’s so very near defeat, and certainly the borders of Israel would far less apart than they are today, is now in charge of the coverup of my mother Zena’s ongoing murder?
In those 5 years, the DAAC who should never have been allowed to escape prosecution at Nuremberg and they knew why the Allied prosecutors at Nuremberg kept tossing the files of German-South African Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry in the wastepaper basket – CLICK HERE– grew from strength to strength before decimating the last of the resisting Israeli diamond merchants.
Does it make you feel better when you misspell the DAAC’s most important site holder on US soil, Codiam Inc?
Do you feel better thinking that it was just a coincidence rather than my aptitude that had me watching throughout 1978 and 1979 the DAAC obliterate their competition and start filling in their replacement with Jewish Kapo stooges like Lev Leviev who probably still continues to protest that he hates the DAAC?
Tordu you are amazing for others reasons which I will get to in a moment.
Dutch Ambassador van Leeuwen and Leeuwen in Dutch translates into “Lion” in English, wouldn’t ordinarily give you the time of day, but now you are mates, thanks to how your appeal has resonated with such a large and eclecticcrew including Diane-David Levy who told you all to stop being stupid and hitting reply all which is exactly what Levy did, confirms that you are all totally stupid.
Don’t you just love the fact that there is a beautiful brass plaque at the back entrance to our 1930s rock cabin which comes from the Lion Clothing Company that was started in 1886, the same year Ben Gurion was born which was the same year large deposits of gold were uncovered in mineral rich South Africa. I have a photo of the plaque now up on my FB wall.
So we must start with who is this David Levy, Head Boy of the Durban Jewish day school, Carmel College who went on to become a Jewish Kapo Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division which you most likely served in along with 32,000 other Jewish South African boys; and it was not quite like Hitler’s Youth Movement who were not as close to as brutal as the Apartheid Regime aka Third Reich’s Southern Division military which took root on May 26, 1948, the 11th day of very bloody fighting in Israel’s first war of survival which began officially on May 15, 1948, the day following Mossad-Haganah head, David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] declaring Jewish Statehood.
First, and not quite as important as point number two.
Twisted mind-Tordu, my beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion is not interested in you or any of your ramblings. Again her words, “He sounds sick”. Then when I asked is there anything more about him, “I don’t even have a visual of him. It was years ago that I came up with Tordu twisted mind.”
A “fat smack”, I don’t think so. 
You moved very slow years ago when we met for the first time when your facial features were hard to identify; and if only you had found a beautiful woman with a great mind which could only be in your dreams, do you think God would have found a replacement for you?
Instead your reality is that every morning you wake up alone and then look at your fat disgusting body-face that you can’t escape from, plus compounding that fucking disaster – there is a great pun deeply imbedded within and check with Mr. Krinsk Esq. if you need help – both your cowardice in dealing with ex-CIA Charles Knuff and your betrayal of Lynne Bentel who I felt needed to know that if you were talking badly about her to me, who you don’t like, then logic would say that you wouldn’t also be discreet with others.
There are many ways to look at you Tordu as there are with all tormented and conflicted souls, including my 3 elder siblings, but in the end you are left miserable, even with the miserable company you keep; and that is a deepening depression because as words gets out – keep checking the 2facetruth.comBLOG – your confidence level does not grow.
The male sexual organ doesnt fit as well in the human hand as it does inside a beautiful women who happens to love you, which is someone who trusts and respects you.
You never got to sleep with Lynne Bentelwho you have lusted over since you were teenagers because Lynne did have consistently good taste and there was nothing wrong at all with Gary I. Glass who I introduced her to.
If you were 21 years of age and infatuated with a beautiful woman and you could still hold you head up high it would be one thing; but it is much much sadder when you are 60 and most likely a bigger fat slob than you were when we met you; and who I couldn’t recognize then even though you said that we had previously met.
Point 2.
Twisted mind TORDU Awerbuch I would like for you to examine your writings to me of July 2, 2011:
What I would really like to see, and what would keep one from straying beyond your very eloquent style, would be a summation of what you intend to prove.
And course follow it in context
There is something very important that I am doing my very best to teach you because it is not easy to teach old humans, especially if they are fat like you, how best to think logically; and when they abuse their minds with lies they quickly find themselves as you have, doing the most stupid things which you can’t blame yourself because you are no longer in control of your mind; an ingenious part of the design.
You are not be alone in trusting no one, and to therefore place your trust entirely in God, and for good reason that cannot be comforting.
You saw how you played a pivotal role in getting a whole bunch of people who have been so silent, such as Geoffrey van Leeuwen, Slovo, Laurie Black, Daniel Ammann, Janet Blick, Glen Sol, Hillary Mulholland, F U Cynthia Petit, Diane-David Levy and let me know which ones I have left out, to expose themselves and others when hitting “reply all” without any of them believing in a million years that Diane-David Levy would actually speak each of your tormented minds, “Will you ALL please stop copying everyone in your correspondence with this man. Block him by sending his emails to spam.”
Again D-D Levy hit “reply all”. If it was only D-D Levy hitting “reply all” and writing to everyone as if you are all total and complete idiots, it would be still be catastrophic.
Never before have so many come out the woodwork.
So we have to dig further.
It cannot however, be overemphasized that a whole bunch of you showed each other and a great many others who you included when hitting “reply all” but who would have far preferred to stay out of your “aim of fire” how very troubled you are by your, parents, your grandparents, teachers, friends, close and distant relations, as well as university professors never once coming close to questioning how Germany could rearm after their atrocities of WW1 which was in line with their atrocities wherever else they sought to grab the mineral resources, and a far cry from the ancient Romans who were far less bloodthirsty, because the Romans and the Greeks as well as the Persian empires were far more intelligent.
Don’t yet focus on the Germans who give us great vehicles like Audis, BMWs and they now own Ducati which is not a good thing, but not quite as bad as the second most important item that escaped 5 generations of thinking; namely, how it would be possible for Hitler’s bankers to allow people like Christina Moritsch-Krall’s parents-grandparents to hold on to their inherited wealth without exacting a price, such as both turning a blind eye to the harsh treatment of us Jewish people and the financing of the slaughter of the 6 million.
Bear in mind that when you are shooting fish in a barrel, it may not be worse than the wholesale torture murder of 6 million innocent Jewish people who had nowhere to run which has been the case ever since Roman Times which cannot be blamed on the great Persian King Cyrus (c. 600 – 530BC) who freed us Jewish people from Babylon which was not politically motivated but one based on logic since it made no sense to make such a small minority people, who didn’t go around trying to convert anyone,the world’s scapegoat.
Nor am I talking about more than a regular barrel of beer or wine that you see delivered to the proliferation of mini brewery, bad food eating establishments which can only exist because of the insane manner that the economy of the world is administered, and which is not taught in the universities or in the text books or on the TV where the people get their opinions; and then there are people such as you Tordu whose only previous job I know of before you started selling kid’s educational videos and you haven’t explained what training you have in telemarketing was working for the trade show company Made In USA Inc. at a time when it was owned by senior officials of the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime who were happy to sit back and relax and allow the DAAC’s puppet Nelson Mandela and the ANC to start getting all the flak.
If God exists then killing a single fish when there is an alternative that is more healthy and environmentally sound, can only be considered stupid as well as murder.
An insensitive human cannot be expected to logically thought process.
When you look at the timing of the arrival of King Cyrus into our Jewish lives, it was around the same time as the great philosopher-mathematician Pythagorus who didn’t either invent or discover the building blocks that the Right Angle Triangle provided the craftsmen such as those who designed the pyramids, but he did discover, or at least legend tells us Pythagoras (c. 570 – 495 BC) discovered the Right Angle Triangle Theorem which removed all forms of superstition and mysticism out of the equation.
Pythagoras also was not obsessed with killing Jewish people in order to surround himself with beautiful women who of course are superior to men in the math-logic because they are instinctively multi-tasking, solution oriented problem solvers until they start acting like men racing after the money.
Now Twisted Mind-Tordu, you cannot be expected to philosophize anything more than why your fat belly, fat face is not attractive to the opposite sex, and please provide as long a dissertation as you feel is necessary to get your point of view across.
Geoffrey van Leeuwen on the other hand is a critical cog in talking peace with a gun pointed; i.e. the selling of weapon systems to all the belligerentsin an armed conflict as well as to ensure that the drug growers-manufacturers and traffickers of highly addictive heroin are given a free pass.
You Tordu nor anyone else, other than the administrators of Airbnb, have yet to see my and now Director of North African and Middle East for the Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs, van Leeuwen’s previous dialogue which surrounded his written statements that he was not receiving my emails without however confirming whetherthe email address his very studious father Fritz, a private school owner, like his father before him who also owned a private school in Holland during the Nazi occupation, had provided me when I was staying at their grand residence Chateau de la Barre, Menigoute, France where there are enough huge bedrooms with on suite magnificent bathrooms to choose from, but the van Leeuwens do not provide however, at least at the present time, according to their offering on Airbnb, Bangkok hookers.
Now the many stories Fritz told us when we spent a week at the beginning of June at the Chateau were not only authentic, i.e. they rang true about how impossible it was to save any Jewish people including the Jewish kids at the school who were all deported to their deaths within hours of the Gestapo arriving at the school but most interesting was a story about a rich Jewish family who escaped and got a royal send off by the Gestapo, and which again, you don’t see anything close to the truth described at any our multitude of Holocaust Memorial Museums because to do so would raise the curiosityof not only Jewish kids but childrenthroughout the globe, and that is not your goal when the goal is to keep breeding and raising ignoramusessuch as you Tordu.
Every day we conversed and most afternoons well into the evening; and we also dined together – see videos on Youtube – and it was only the 5 of us, our dog Mango included of course as well as Geoffrey’s 13 year old daughter’s dog which Geoffrey had offloaded on to his parents which was not altogether a bad thing because this very cute dog, also a play-friendfor Mango kept the minds off Fritz and his equally beautiful wife Georgette off their aches and pains
Tordu, you are not the Director of North Africa or the Middle East for Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs or anything close; and yet you are not alone in thinking like van Leewen, Levy and company.
How could Geoffrey van Leeuwen protest that he had never previously got my emails beginning with the first on June 7th – CLICK HERE– which very politely introduced him to the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] and a couple of the key players, President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer whose family has never meant us Jewish people well.
As everyone can see, while not all the photos have uploaded properly, there is this interesting story I repeated of Fritz’s:
Your father told us a story about this Dutch Jewish man from the Hague, who in his small garage he cleaned the intestines of cows, a dirty job; and his rich son bought them all diplomatic passports, [and] the Germans bowed them out.
That is a great story of not only the power of money but how a son bought them all freedom. It is however, a personal anecdote and says little about the behind the scene events which led to the arming of Nazi Germany which it is highly doubtful you are aware of because it is not taught in the schools or universities, and those who know, don’t share.
And the lead in to that was a no less important piece of information:
After speaking with your father yesterday morning as he cleared up the miscommunication with your eldest brother who didn’t share with your father a communique Peter sent me, which prompted us to come visit with your parents and the wonderful surroundings, I mentioned that I would like your email address to share with you some of my knowledge.
And my ending prior to providing the Post Script introduction to the DIG as well as my credibility which is quite a bit different to your’sTordu who only has a credibility as a reliable liar and betrayer of trust:
Would you like to hear more?
Kind regards,
So now we have the most important foreign diplomat, far more so than any other western alliance diplomat given the Dutch nation’s Royal family’s complicity with Nazi Germany, and nor did the Dutch neutrality during WW1 mean that the Dutch people cared much for Jewish people and that was quite obvious when immediately after the liberationof the death factories in 1945, and the extraordinarily few Dutch Jewish people returned to their homes from where they were forcibly removedand their belongings and housing grabbed by the Nazi Germans and their Dutch collaborator,the Dutch Governmenthit these returning Jewish people, not only with the most vile anti-Semiticrhetoric when not murdering them in cold blood, but a fine for late payment of their property taxes while they were incarcerated, which remember wasonly because they were Jewish, and this black mark against the Dutchnation again led by the Dutch Royal family was only last year recognized by the Dutch Governmentas a “mistake” and of course the damage had long been done.
The Dutch Government and the DAAC have a very long history of the most vile abuses of civil rights and so you would expect today that the Dutch people lead the rest of Europe in condemning human rights violations including what they see over in the Middle East but that is all one big sham.
When the Dutch government apologizedlast year after a 72 year deafening silence of unprecedented disgrace, all they were doing was looking to see how how well their DAAC handler had done in shutting up our Jewish talkers such as ingrate, ignoramus such as Tordu and bigger name big talkers, Alan Dershowitz.
Not a word, just like there is little conversationon the disproportionatenumber of Jewish people being the front people for the ongoing rape of mineral rich Africa.
Yes, as a kid and university student Geoffrey van Leeuwen, thanks to his parents’very good upbringing felt a keen interest to learn about the plight of the DutchJewish people, and to help in any way possible; and sharing with his parents that he would do more for the State of Israel than the pervious person who held this now very important position as this woman was married to a Palestiniannon-Jewish person who had a biased view of Israel.
That does not mean all Jewish Israelis are genuinely upset by the turmoil, including thosesellingadvertising space on the JerusalemPost where at the top left corner of the homepage is the click-on to ARAB ISRAELI CONFLICT and if it disappeared where would they have advertisers to fill in the gap as well as more importantly, the brainwashing.
Why today does Netanyahu break his silence over the murder-dismemberment inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey, “What happened in the Istanbul consulate was horrendous and it should be duly dealt with. Yet the same time I say it, it is very important for the stability of the world, for the region and for the world, that Saudi Arabia remain stable.”
Tordu, that is a rhetorical question, and one that you don’t have the expertise to answer.
The reason that the House of Saud exists is because it is a very linear dictatorship. “Duly dealt with” is to tell Saleami Prince Bone Saw that the House of Saud is doing what it is paid to do; but in the future Saleami should gain some maturity and stick to sticking up fellow gangsters in the 5 star Ritz inside Saudi Arabia.
Stability in the region cannot be the goal when your team of 18 hit men, many your personal bodyguards, start dismembering a totally insignificant malcontent on a table while he is still alive.
No one, other than most FB users believe anyone moves in the House of Saud without explicit orders from Mbs, given Saleami Mr. Mbs’ recent history of not hiding his stringing up of fellow princes for crimes such as money laundering is the main business of the House of Saud, other than financing terrorism, promoting the rigged money and obliterating impoverished Yemen whose entire military could be wiped out in an afternoon’s outing by cadet F-15 fighter pilots on a training exercise were it not necessary to kill busloads of innocent children making it look like it is hard to distinguish from the ragtag army of Yemen. 
Mbs’ replacement would be no less stable, just a little more discreet, unless that is the message the profiteers of war want to be heard.
Mbs could care less about money laundering.
The person I most wish to reach is Elon Musk who has been incredibly quiet, but that doesn’t mean Musk should remain naive that the House of Saud-SEC didn’t set him up.
For those wishing to spend their Christmas at Chateau de la Barre this Christmas, Geoffrey van Leeuwen has updated his profile on Airbnb:
A Dutch diplomat, just finished my assignment in Kabul as the Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan, now back in The Hague, lived and worked in many countries, but spending as much time as possible in France, where we have restored this house to its former glory. For us it is our home, and a place to relax and recover. I hope it will be a relaxing place for you as well!

[Word count 7091]

On Oct 31, 2018, at 12:00 AM, Michael Awerbuch <> wrote:
Gary u are prick, I’ve told you umpteen times go and see a professional and get some help.

The fact that you have to copy in fictitious people to your every conversation, and the whole world is against you, is a sure sign of a major mental issue. You had your breakdown when you worked at Cadium, you have never and will never have anything to do with DeBeers, and the real test of how ill you are, is that you will share this email with everybody in retaliation to criticism and without doubt censor and publish with omitted DeBeers truths.

What really bothers me is your wife’s mental state, because surely by now she has realised you are an absolute nutter, but I guess it fills a gap and allows her to believe she is also fabulous and famous.
She should spend her money on fixing that, then wasting it on you.

You are a take, an abuser and I’m almost certain your wife will not leave her dogs alone with you.

If people ask to get off your spam please do so.
I don’t think I’m as important as the people who you copy.
And you only copy because it might lift your Google ranking.
I can assure you, besides the few people like myself who actually enjoy fucking with you I can guarantee less than 5% have interest.

Be that as it may, I’m sure you read this. I’ve asked you many times to get help…

Come visit in LA sometime so a can give you a fat smack, you useless piece of shit!!!

Sent from BlueMail
On Oct 29, 2018, at 03:41, “” <> wrote:

You know that you and I are not friends, so you have no business writing me material that attempts to cover up the past.
Did you discuss with you sister your disgusting public behavior on my group chat, A Test of Humanity [ATOh] and how sly you were, you callous son of a birth, back on August 18 with the atrocious words, “The sad thing is you can’t clean up that mess”and did that ultimately hasten her death, and/or do you think God wanted you left here to suffer alone?
Is it okay for me to suggest that you and Michael TORDU Awerbuch should seriously consider being FB friends?
Are you in receipt of my more recent email broadcasts, and if so when you reply, please hit reply all and comment when appropriate:
1.Brain – Can you figure it out?
2. Bit of space
3. Czar to the test
4. Further help
Did you also mention to Fran how you after, not such a fool, not even close, Steve Bailey “called you out” so good and proper, you then sent me the “ugly” text message, and did Fran applaud you?
During these 7 days of Shiva, is it customary for Roman Catholics such as yourself to find a way to embrace a Jewish person like TORDU who has lost his way?
Is it also your life experience that when you are all about the money, and that is all you can talk about because you know nothing about art, and you have been so self-absorbed that your body temple has forsaken you, that you feel like you have nothing left to live for other than lie and hope all the negative attention you seek will take root elsewhere rather than being exclusively imbedded in your body-brain?
Why wouldn’t you put all your effort into saving TORDU’S soul and forget entirely my mother Zena other than your legacy words, “The sad thing is you can’t clean up that mess”.
Which crimes other than the crime of genocide against us Jewish people should we as a species let go, and leave it all in God’s hands?
Is there any crime against humanity that we should not bother with because we have to focus only on the tragedy of the moment?
How unless you are brain dead could you write me all that “very beautiful farewell service…” when you know that I don’t give a rat’s ass about you or you sister, the callous cowards you are.
Would you say that it makes common sense to leave all the good up to God, but then what is there left for our mere mortals to do, other than bad?
Would you take TORDU at face value that he was mourning the atrocity in Pitts or would you look deeper into his past?
How do you mourn strangers passing when you act so atrociously to good people?

Wouldn’t that be a sign of schizophrenia?
Would it bother your children if you started dating a fat, ugly 60 year old Jewish man who has never had a lasting relationship and ends up trashing the women who he most wants to fuck, but Lynne Bentel gave him the boot?
Let’s welcome Lynne’s ex Gary I. Glass to the conversation.
What if it could help my mother Zena, shouldn’t we now focus all our attention in helping you and TORDU become household names?
What else do you have to do of importance with your remaining time? You can’t bring back Fran. You have now less interaction with her. If you eat her portions of food it will only make you fatter. 
You have yet to tell me that you have started dating TORDU, and Im suggesting you assist me to place all negative energy people such as the two of you as lifelong friends.
[Word count 640]

On Oct 28, 2018, at 2:04 PM, Cynthia <> wrote:
My sister Fran passed on Oct 23. 💔 She died in her sleep at home at the age of 78, just six months after our brother. 
Her four daughters gave a very beautiful farewell service in honor of her in Long Island, NY.
Take care
