Head the list – Re: Story of your career – Re: What have you found out? -Re: Comment – John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Subject: Head the list – Re: Story of your career – Re: What have you found out? -Re: Comment – John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
Date: July 11, 2017 at 9:09:53 PM PDT
To: “Hall, Kevin” <khall@mcclatchydc.com>
Subject: Head the list – Re: Story of your career – Re: What have you found out? -Re: Comment – John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
Date: July 11, 2017 at 9:09:53 PM PDT
To: “Hall, Kevin” <khall@mcclatchydc.com>
Cc: “Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers-Barclays Bank controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer.” <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org>
Wow, so you are the guy that broke the story on the Panama Papers.
Does the name Marc Rich “ring a bell”?
Does the name Roger W. Robinson mean anything to you?
I have quickly breezed through your latest article that you provided the hyperlink, and I see nothing about ties between Russian spy agencies and 3 branches of the US Government approving the transfer of a most military strategic mineral asset, and yet your headline is all about “spying”:
Lawyer that met Don Jr. had ties to Russian government, spy agency
Who do you think has protected the German-South African Oppenheimer family from prosecution for their war crimes of genocide?
The choice is:
a) Putin-KGB-Soviet Union
b) Western powers,
c) both or
d) none of the above
I bet you could come up with your list of their other criminal enterprise actions which have also proved hugely profitable?
I am particularly surprised given that you are a Pulitzer Prize winner that the Oppenheimer-De Beers-Barclays banking-mining network didn’t already drop on your desk a copy of scholarly author, reporter, Edward J. Epstein’s 1978, non-fiction, interesting read book, THE DIAMOND INVENTION where you come across a very precise heading for chapter 17, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING.
I am now going to introduce you because of the timely nature of your reporting to the world the most important stories that your editors are approving, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the principal economist for Nuclear Energy Agency which is housed as you should know within the OECD who are headquartered in Paris, France.
Geoffrey might still be sleeping because he is stationed in Paris, but that doesnt prevent me from sharing with you the alarming two emails he sent me on June 25, 2013 which then led to our dinner meeting in Paris later on September 16.
Yes, the Panama Papers snared up a lot of people. Could you explain why the German-South African Oppenheimers don’t head the list?
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On Jul 11, 2017, at 8:07 PM, Hall, Kevin <khall@mcclatchydc.com> wrote:interested in hearing more, what I was working on just movedas for story of lifetime, given that I just won the Pulitzer for Panama Papers it is going to be hard to top but I am willing to try! let’s hear more
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:00 PM, GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote:
I will now give you, thanks to your timely response, the benefit of the doubt, but still you must agree that your Chinese “intrusion” was distracting. Don’t sleep on it or you may miss your next deadline.You obviously do not recognize Nicholas Oppenheimer, the grandson of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, no relation to the nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer which is what you were most likely thinking. His father, Harry Oppenheimer who was my “direct report” was not in that photo because H. Oppenheimer died going on 6 years prior.Once you know all the players in that photo which Putin controlled and only released on October 3, 2008, one month ahead of Senator Barak Obama becoming President elect, could you see this most important photo having any impact on your next story?What I can tell you, and which I can provide very strong evidence, is that it directly impacts your story of today that is headline news around the world.Is this not the biggest story of your career?If it isn’t, could you point to me what story is more spectacular and did it get “top billing” on Drudgerport.com?
[Word count 191]
On Jul 11, 2017, at 7:46 PM, Hall, Kevin <khall@mcclatchydc.com> wrote:
au contraire I have had no time to research photo as involved in a story that is scheduled to move at crack of dawn in final throes of edit, so if I could be rude and ask to just tell me as I am distracted with deadlines tx kgh
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 10:33 PM, GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote:
But no one is accusing the Chinese of interfering in our last Presidential election.The focus has been on Russia influencing the outcome of the last US presidential elections.My question does not involve “double standards”, I thought I was very clear on that?Your article doesn’t bring up the “double standards” and I agree that there are a great many.If you want to talk about the Chinese, I also have a lot of knowledge on that subject, as a very very close colleague of mine was the inaugural chairman of the US-China Security Review Commission.So I also know my way around big corporate politics.Were you to bring up anything Chinese in your article then people would have thought you were mad.It is the Russians who are being “attacked” and the Republican President Donald Trump has not raised hell about the Russians far more than “eavesdropping” and choosing one candidate over another when acquiring with the approval of the 3 branches of US Government a “command and control” over our nuclear stockpiles.Let me know when you ready for me to explain that photo.BTW, the company that man on the right works for has tentacles that stretch long and deep in to the media business, an industry I know better than most who watch and don’t watch TV. Of course, I never watch the TV news and nor have I watched TV in 24 years but one cannot escape it when walking into hotel lobbies, airport terminals and the such and the TV is on.How many people do you think have got great paying Hollywood jobs by impressing the executives that they are fully brainwashed?My common sense had a lot to do with me learning earlier in life than most how to figure out whether a media person was either lying or stupid?The younger one is expert at a particular skill then there is less chance of being bullshitted.If one only acquires wisdom late in life, you are plagued that much more with the bad choices you made when you should have been focused on how exactly do the rich get richer?Logic, common sense tells you that you have to first learn if the people who are rich, are smart.The fact that most rich people actually believe they are smart doesnt mean they are smart. To find out the truth about anything other than how to breath which is automatic and thank God, not requiring much thought because it requires no thought, one has to investigate thoroughly.That is because no one explains how the money is valued, and therefore you cannot get people to talk about it.That simply means you have to give up a bit of the play time to visit with the “new rich” and you can tell if they are smart by how well they play a game of cards like Klobbios which like all card games involves a lot of luck, but there is a skill involving memory most of all.The more times I played the richest new rich man in our city which was once a week from my mid-teens under I finished my university studies in history, economics, military & politics [HEMP] when I was still 20 years of age, the better I got and the worse he got because he was aging poorly and I was just getting into stride; and nor do I believe that I have peaked now at age 60 when I am healthier; i.e. stronger and almost as fit as when I was 24 and playing very competitive rugby which you would know is not a game for squirrels 🙂You really do have to laugh at all this.Life is a great game; you just have to play it right and the fear will disappear.While playing Klobbiyas every Saturday afternoon with Alan Benn, there were other things I did in the morning as well as evening. I even found time to relax during the HEMP lectures because I figured out that the lecturers knew less than me or they were lying. Either way I didn’t find them interesting.At no time during our card games did Alan Benn reveal to me that he knew the first thing about how the money was valued.It also occurred to me that someone had to know how the money was valued because someone was valuing the money.It wasn’t Alan Benn otherwise he would be much richer.Someone much richer than him had to know how the money was valued and so I began climbing the ladder.Stockings belonging to beautiful legged lady are not what we are talking about here.Alan Benn was best friends with the richest of the “old money” people and they were too busy making money to bother playing cards with a kid who was known to ask a lot of questions, but only good questions.What if the person valuing the money was also able to keep it a secret, then it would mean he would have to share less of his winnings, in fact keep it all to himself.But what if he was very smart and decided to mitigate the risk of being caught by corrupting everyone who got in his path?If, however, you did not know how the money was valued then you simply weren’t smart. But would you tell on the rest knowing that someone manipulating the valuing of the money would likely be bribing the very top government officials?So I am asking you would you spill the beans or try to “curry favor” with the people valuing the money?I will answer that question if you would like to me to answer it.I was there to have fun playing cards every week with the smartest money person I knew and nor did our conversations drift over into me seeking to acquire knowledge of how he made his money, because I never once asked that or any similar question; in fact I never once asked Alan Benn to explain to me his business which centered around the buying and selling of real estate. He never discussed a single business deal he had worked on or was working on; and nor did I think it polite to ask.I was there to learn how the brain of a smart money person works.I wasn’t making money while playing cards with Alan Benn because I was still in school-university, making just enough to cover my university tuition and with a little savings to have a 3 month “cushion” when immigrating to the US one week shy of my 21st birthday.Nor could I see Alan Benn making money as we both played cards.His money, like all investors was making money 24/7 or losing money 24/7.Nothing however, could top being the top person valuing the money who no one was talking about.Getting to the very top wasn’t difficult because I knew that there weren’t many people cash and real estate richer than Alan Benn and therefore to try and find a job with them and see if they knew how the money was valued.While I worked on that by mostly keeping my mouth shut, I noticed that I was getting brighter compared to Alan Benn and yet he continued to get richer.So there you have it. Figure out a way, that allows you to determine that because someone has money it doesnt mean they are bright, and then imagine all that you could do if given a new start in life.I assumed the best; that Alan Benn was totally ignorant of how the money was valued; and that therefore meant the people who were valuing the money would make it their business to keep very careful track of the “new rich” starting with the richest amongst them who had yet to be bought.The rich every so often discount their presumption that they are bright to appear humble and add to it, “I must say it helps being lucky”,So you can see that there was more than luck, lets just call it substance, that brought me to former chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation, Randolf Apperson Hearst [1915-2000], but as you know it is not what have done in the past but “what can you do for me right now?” and once again my very influential Washington connections came through, which impressed Hearst immensely.With that much more knowledge from the Hearst group “tucked under my belt” there is very little about the media business that escapes me.It is easy when standing in my shoes to figure out if someone is being deceptive and that is what makes the chronology and its prescient timing so very important as you write back to me “on the fly”, perhaps thinking that you would have the excuse that you hadn’t read all that carefully what I had to say and that I would go away with the distraction of the Chinese.At least you have had time to research that photo.What have you found out?Gary[Word count 1531]
On Jul 11, 2017, at 5:32 PM, Kevin Hall <khall@mcclatchydc.com> wrote:
I would add that we have all sorts of scrutiny of Chinese investment here and yet welcome Russian oligarchs and dirty money
Sent from my iPhonehttp://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/articl e160622854.html Could you please explain to me why there is all this “hush hush” talk about this and that person spying, and hacking into email servers left and right; and it all centers around the Soviet-Russians, BUT nothing about the repercussions of the Soviets-Russians-Putin owning 20% of the US strategic uranium reserves; and it is the Republicans who are most quiet by their deafening silences whereas you can understand why the Democrats are so quiet since it took place under their watch; [and I would have voted for Hillary Clinton had I registered to vote earlier.] So I am not partisan.Please enlighten me on your thoughts and then I will explain this photo below showing on the right, the son of my former boss:
Kevin G. HallChief Economics Correspondent-Senior InvestigatorMcClatchy NewspapersTwitter: @KevinGHall
Kevin G. HallChief Economics Correspondent-Senior InvestigatorMcClatchy Newspapers202-383-6038 O202-746-1372 CTwitter: @KevinGHall