Hear the Musks
From: Gary2 <gary@2facetruth.com>
Subject: Hear the Musks -: Blind spot – Re: Message from Laurie Black
Date: June 1, 2022 at 5:57:43 PM PDT
To: “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <LJBlack612@aol.com>
Title: Hear the Musks.A need for evolution.Free society.
Subject: How does someone become so powerful that all the common herd can see is one still photo? [Word count 2577]
Place yourself in the shoes of a 29 year old graduate liberal arts student who did not inherit the gun-money-diamond power of Nicholas Oppenheimer, because there is only one Nick Oppenheimer who is fat, ugly and has a disproportionately large head.
You have also not produced a whole bunch of co-dependent children and are about to graduate with a post graduate degree and having already tucked under your belt some “street experience”, and now left to complete one course about the concentration camps during WW II.
You run into me who is not being spoken about by the media, which I understand, and I then in the course of 30 seconds take you to Ch.9 of The Diamond Invention book – DIAMONDS FOR HITLER
– how long before you tell all your university friends and family members that you like, that they need to listen up?
Notice that you are still breathing, just like when you took your first breath.
When you inhale you feel less in control than when you breath out, and you know that you have less breaths ahead than when you started life.
Now let’s assume that you are this 29 year old reading this, and you already know why it is that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer is not a name that was on the tip of your tongue before I began mentioning it, and why it is if you have a need for money to start your business and/or destroy your competition, you would go to one of Oppenheimer’s companies where you will find the lowest cost loans because De Beers and their affiliates have a zero cost of capital.
How many of you who have had all this information for quite some time still manage to force yourselves to listen to what better known people than me are talking about when it comes to your money, or do you find that it is no struggle at all because you have convinced yourselves that if what I had to say was all that important then I would already be a household name and the first thing that would happen is that there would be an immediate suspension in the trading of shares of public corporations?
You know that if the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve has not already explained to you all why it is that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer was unknown to the masses and yet everyone has heard of J.D. Rockefeller, it is either because Mr. Bernanke and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan were either stupid or lying to you.
When you know that you have got the wrong information and yet you continue on like nothing has happened would you expect yourself to get more intelligent or dumber?
Does the feeling of stupid bring with it a happy or
Does it make sense to you that of all the people you know in the world that I would be the number one target of the people most profiting from keeping all of you in the dark, but for some reason, you are more angry with me than everyone else, other than yourself?
Do you find yourself liking your company as much as when you remember liking yourself the most?
If you were in my shoes would you be telling yourself that before writing my best selling book D-Money Lie I should wait until I am dead. or would you be more focused on learning about the book publishing business even though there isn’t anything about the book publishing business that you don’t know?
Can anyone advise me on how I best get my information out and at the same time stay alive and enjoy life to the full?
Do you think it is wise that because I don’t know whether tonight is going to be my last night that I should go out this evening and stuff myself like a pig and then wake up tomorrow morning hating myself to death and still I am breathing and knowing that there is no way to make up for being illogical in my choice of foods unless that meant in the process of being stupid I would attract someone more beautiful than my French-Canadian wife to sleep with?
When you are old and notice that you are not attractive to young people as you once were, do you think your stupid thinking about food and what you drink has impacted your looks much the same way as your stupid thoughts?
Again, were you in my shoes, who out there would you be trying to impress?
When you look at fat people do you still think that they must be smart to have money otherwise why would anyone listen to someone who has trouble controlling their willpower unless they no longer have willpower?
If you are fat and don’t know how the money is valued and why it is that the most unhealthiest foods are very inexpensive, that is very sad, but still that does not mean that those who are withholding the information from you were doing the right thing.
How do you compensate all the fat people who are fat because they were intentionally made ignorant not to ask the right questions?
Obama is not fat, so what is his excuse for making sure that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer remains an unknown to the masses?
Would you consider it evil if it turns out that Obama knows everything you all know about Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his grandson Nicholas Oppenheimer?
If Barak Obama was not President of the United States of America and was just one of you reading this, would you say he was as bad as you for not sharing the information?
Remember, all I am doing is trying to get people to start thinking because I know how difficult it is to acknowledge how stupid it feels to put up with people you helped get elected who you know cannot be trusted with either thinking smart or honestly, and at some point your minds have to tell you that they are lying when not acknowledging the importance of the photo showing Putin in a very subservient position to someone who people like Obama should know as well as Putin.
This is all rather bizarre, don’t you think?
You have never read a fiction novel or seen a horror movie close to this.
Your minds also tell you that there are a number of people reading this which would convince you that everyone you know including Obama would understand all this as well as you, and that number we don’t all have to agree on.
What provides you with comfort that nothing is going to change much, if at all, is your conviction that if it was going to happen, it would have happened a long time ago, and besides all my information could easily be wiped out since it is mostly digital.
I also understand how very unimportant is the truth when it comes to making an honest living.
You have most likely not thought all that much about how hard the US Congress and President Obama work to make the money they make as they have to be constantly making speeches and that much more aware that their lies will inevitably catch up with them because their job description does not say they are allowed to lie unless it is in the interest of national security.
Sir Ernest Oppenheimer knew what he was doing when putting President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the US Congress on the spot, because he was quite certain, that despite not being an American citizen he was the most powerful person in the world only because he was smart enough to bribe the most powerful American politicians who put their personal interest ahead of the nation.
You would expect if you were Oppenheimer to bribe them with untraceable diamonds which didn’t prevent Oppenheimer from also using highly paid prostitutes who wouldn’t have all had tattooed on their tits the words, “I am a prostitute”.
There was nothing funny about 6 million Jewish people murdered during the very brief Jewish Holocaust first given a number that was tattooed on to their skin.
You would agree that is different than using one’s free will to enter a tattoo parlor.
We have now moved on from logic to morals.
Continuing …
P2 – How does someone become so powerful that all the common herd can see is one still photo?
How would you judge the morals of Obama and the US Congress compared to your own?
Wouldn’t you like your nightmares to end with Obama explaining his read of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book that was written in the same year that I emigrated from De Beers’ South Africa to the United States of America and knowing when I landed at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport (17 March 1978) that so long as I kept my mouth shut and got through the mental gymnastic exercises I would soon be working for De Beers who decide what is marketed to their common herd?
Couldn’t you see yourselves or even your dumbest next of kin being able to explain all this rather well, unless they were so severely retarded that they couldn’t feed themselves?
To think that not a single politician or academic or radio or TV talk show host has yet to question how corrupt was President Franklin D. Roosevelt when failing to at least have Sir Ernest Oppenheimer arrested for refusing his order, and if that was not possible to have his Secretary of State instruct the CIA-OSS to assassinate Oppenheimer and at least save the lives of 6 million Jewish people?
7 decades of complete silence.
What do you think prompted his grandson Nicholas to present such a “show of force” on September 5, 2006?
Could it be that Nick O. was frightened by all your silence?
Put yourself in his shoes, would you be bothered that I would be so convincing that my mother Zena would warn me, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!” right before breaking my 24 year deafening silence with SA Oppenheimers-De Beers on 11.11.2004, and for the past going on 9 years my mother has lived as if I was already dead?
My mother and I didn’t have a “fallout”; I just said that I believed the time was right to expose the Oppenheimers who never demonstrated that they meant us Jewish people well when providing Hitler with his diamonds, and nor did De Beers explain what they did with the diamonds that Hitler did not use.
Even simpletons can read simple English.
You can all look back and see that Oppenheimer had no intention of complying with Roosevelt’s Presidential Order, otherwise he would have.
The United States Justice Department are also able to read and see that the negative consequences to the Oppenheimer family and their corporations throughout the world were not as devastating as they were to the 6 million horribly murdered.
You hear of “slaps on the wrists” that De Beers carefully orchestrate against themselves, but no war crimes tribunal has been convened, not even close.
It is hard to turn back the clock because it is impossible.
So people continue to function; that is normal.
What do you consider normal when the most abnormal situation took place that no one wants to talk about now, but still they cannot get enough of their History and Nature channels?
When they were murdering the 6 million Jewish people and 40 million Russians and Chinese, there was more food available to the soldiers who survived.
That was very thoughtful of you.
Now I am speaking for all of you, and I have stopped that.
You see it does not matter how Sir Ernest Oppenheimer bribed Roosevelt and the US Congress because all that matters is that the lives of the 6 million Jewish people and the 40 million Russians and Chinese were not all that important.
Would you feel better or worse if Roosevelt and the US Congress were given a controlling interest in De Beers and their affiliates and then able to use the inheritance laws to pass them down to their offspring?
It looks like they committed mass murder as well as treason against the United States of America for pennies.
How much do you think would be a reasonable price for me to have to pay an editor?
How many of you would be willing to pay in advance for a first edition copy of my book?
What value do you think Nicholas Oppenheimer placed on getting Vladimir Putin to journey all the way to Johannesburg, South Africa on September 5, 2006 to have a photo of Putin looking hugely skeptical as Oppenheimer speaks, gesturing with his right hand?
Remember, neither Putin nor Oppenheimer have said that it is fake.
While lawyer President Obama never explained when he was a law school student at Harvard Law School that price, including the price of the aircraft fuel to bring Putin to South Africa, costs De Beers nothing, it does not mean that Putin was stupid when agreeing to come to South Africa as well as when he instructed the Kremlin to release that photo that speaks for itself 759 days later, 3 October 2008, one month before Obama became President-elect.
It is only resources, which the SA Oppenheimers have stolen from the indigenous and poor people of the world, that are consumed which brainwashed people don’t understand, but they think they are bright because someone unintelligent told them that they are and they got the math question right when asked how much 1 +1 equals, and they think because money has a number associated with it that the money is therefore as certain as any number otherwise there would be more people arguing about the value of the money which they don’t think is important because they prefer to argue about the things they are brainwashed to argue about such as whether Meryl Streep was putting on her best performance in her last movie.
If your head pains too much and you are concerned about the side effects of a self performed frontal lobotomy because that is all you feel will lessen the pain, stop reading.
Again, remember you are this attentive 29 year old student who also agreed with me that once he read entirely Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which he couldn’t believe was available for free since he was raised to believe that anything free was a communist conspiracy, he would contact me with any questions and also seriously consider my suggestion that he have all the non-Jewish people he knows ask all the Jewish people they know, starting with all the Jewish American politicians and their political campaign sponsors, why it is that there are not more Jewish people like me around the world asking why the Jewish Holocaust Museum curators and benefactors who also give generously to saving all the impoverished children of Africa, Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Gaza Strip, panhandlers etc etc don’t have more of them, because there are none, pointing out that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer defied President Roosevelt’s Presidential Order to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil and nor was Oppenheimer prosecuted at the Nuremberg Trials for his war crimes.
Can someone tell me how their weekend is going, just to let me know that their mind is still working?
It is now 4:51 PM Calif. time, 1 June 2022.
I recognize that my fb friend Errol Graham Musk posted a “thumbs up” following the placement yesterday at 1:37 PM of 22 May 1944 TIME MAGAZINE with leader of the South African United Party, and Prime Minister of South Africa, Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] on the cover.
Errol Graham Musk was 4 years of age at the time of Smuts’ death, but we know his father was a supporter of General Smuts who received Einstein’s highest praise, “Smuts is one of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually General Relativity” given how poorly Musk’s father was treated following the defeat of Smuts in the rigged South African General Election of 26 May 1948.
To repeat the words, back on 5 April, of brilliant engineer Errol Graham Musk who in his early teens built a 2-stage rocket, to mention little of his over-the-top academic distinctions, which didn’t mean his engineering consulting business suffered from a lack of competency:
My father was a math prodigy who did not have the means to study in the 30’s (to put it mildly). He volunteered for the military in 1939 and was immediately placed in Military Intelligence, where he was a a cryptanalyst for the next 6 years, all the way into Europe. He could do the Sunday Times crossword in 10 minutes or less. He won R10 a couple of times. His group wore a cheap brown uniform with no insignia or rank for obvious reasons.
Those 86 words, don’t tell the whole story of the English South African Musk family.
The human can only handle the truth in small doses.
It is no surprise that Errol Graham Musk knew my highly secretive British-English mother Zena’s half-brother, staunch United Party supporter, Deputy Mayor of Durban, Natal, South Africa, Joe Ash very well, albeit my uncle Joe, a highly accomplished Royal Air Force engineer during WW2, was 23 odd years older than Errol.
My uncle Joewas not all that easy to get along with if you were stupid. He tended to surround himself with the best and brightest, but that didn’t mean he could outsmart the German-South African Oppenheimer family.
Not to mention on 20 February, Errol Graham Musk wrote to me the following:
Oh, Joe Ash and I did lots of things together! How amazing to read his name. I was also a city councillor, but of Pretoria, at the time.
Those 28 words, remember are written by the accomplished father of the world’s richest person on paper and who is up against the entire world’s military industrial complex, including their fake opposition such as Noam Chomsky.
Elon Musk is now facing the exact same opposition who are severely handicapped by their lack of truth and the light speed internet, which let’s face it, is G DNature at its finest moment.
It is not possible to predict such across the board ignoring of the important truths surrounding the manipulation of the monies; and therefore wealth accumulation cannot be any less fraudulent; and therefore we have to look at the accomplishments in and of themselves, not linked to anything monetarily; and nothing comes close to disrupting the current system of mediocrity all geared to promote the Peter Principle the exact opposite of the merit system which filters out fools, than TESLA.
Remember, it is not only an electric car which has rightly won all the awards, which hasn’t gone unnoticed by Big Oil Monopoly – BOM – House of Saud, but car dealerships are essential to propping up the real estate inflationary wars.
What we have going on right now in the Ukraine is simply a distraction.
You have to have a malingering on war, one day one side has the advantage and the other the next, all the while the talk of expanding into a nuclear war is just that all talk, but the real estate throughout the world gets that much more concentrated in the hands of the rich landlords.
You just have your media showing how bloody and how quickly a conflict can begin and the people seeing all the carnage forget that much larger numbers of poor no longer needed thanks to automation are being wiped out by inflation which is great if you can get away with convincing the people that the war in Ukraine is the cause of the inflation.
You don’t want to be totally spoon-fed.
We also know that coincidences are not predictable.
Combine all the unpredictable stuff, you soon realize that this man specie is really not all that smart, but compensates with massive cruelty.
Truth is that which does not change.
What do you want to say about yourself at the end of the day?
On May 17, 2022, at 11:56 AM, Gary2 <gary@2facetruth.com> wrote Laurie Black Lawrence: