Heart & Brain
Subject: Heart & Brain -: Don’t like walls – Fwd: Avoid Re: SDUHSD Petition is circulating – what is your opinion?
Date: August 27, 2020 at 10:39:46 AM PDT
To: martine@viableholdings.com
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <GaryStevenGevisser@gmail.com>
Subject: Heart & Brain -: Don’t like walls – Fwd: Avoid Re: SDUHSD Petition is circulating – what is your opinion?
Date: August 27, 2020 at 10:35:51 AM PDT
To: martinealter@gmail.com, Def-sec1 <Def-sec1@mod.gov.il>, “Louis Kemp – Best friend of Bob Dylan. Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures” <LekLa18@gmail.com>, Marta Rubau <mrubau@brugarol.com>
Cc: rest; shaun attwood <attwood.shaun@hotmail.co.uk>, “my mother’s second husband. Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa. South Africa – Clifford Benn who fought in the DAAC’s” <cbenn@mweb.co.za>, Sandra Moshal Jacobson Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin tortured to death ANC armed wing member <colbren@live.com>, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, “Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions.” <shauntomson@yahoo.com>, Naor Wolf <naor@nw-law.co.il>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <tene@arava.co.il>, “a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>, יעץ ומידע <holocaust_res.crm@yadvashem.org.il>
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <GaryStevenGevisser@gmail.com>
Subject: Heart & Brain -: Don’t like walls – Fwd: Avoid Re: SDUHSD Petition is circulating – what is your opinion?
Date: August 26, 2020 at 9:36:06 PM PDT
To: Michael Allman for SDUHSD <leeann@allmanforschoolboard.com>
Cc: rest; Julia Wong <julia.wong@theguardian.com>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <vsmith@chapman.edu>, “Dr. Rodney Smith Phd” <rsmith@stratwater.com>, Adison Hewson – entrepreneur and wife of U2 singer Bono <pr@edun.com>, help@rogerwaters.com, Ownership Advocacy MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst <mschmidt@tesla.com>, Matthew CBS <matthewmargo@aol.com>, Werner Filmmaker <office@wernerherzog.com>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon – c/o Christopher Carter” <christopherc@ziffrenlaw.com>, Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <Beverly.Stracey@lloyds.com>, Laurie Black <LJBlack612@aol.com>, Jeremy Sharon <jeremysharon@gmail.com>, Jean Figadère <jeanfigadere@hotmail.com>, Ernest Rady <erady@americanassets.com>, “Joseph Steinberg – Chief Executive Officer of Luecadia National Corporation.” <jsteinberg@sprintmail.com>, Max Hastings – British historian debator – Britain Should Have Fought in the First World War <rachlawr@hotmail.com>, Charlie Robinson – author of The Octopus of Global Control <theoctopusofglobalcontrol@protonmail.com>, charles ivie <charles.ivie8@gmail.com>, shaun attwood <attwood.shaun@hotmail.co.uk>, “Torah Gemach – Chabad member also having trouble with the 4th Commandment + Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.” <Torahgemach@aol.com>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <Kingdelmar@aol.com>, “protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission . Currently the Chairman and co-founder of The Prague Security Studies Institute Roger Robinson – intimate of Gary S. Gevisser” <rrobinson@pssiwashington.org>, Daniel Ammann <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <pcrm@pcrm.org>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <drmcdougall@drmcdougall.com>, “Dr. Lim MD” <office@truenorthhealth.com>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <bjp1@cornell.edu>, “American-German Charles W. Englehard Jr. – c/o Bonnie Kwan Ayi Kwei Armah – Ghanaian writer; once taken under the wing of Central Bank of England official Gordon Richdale who went on to captain the team of South African Invader” <bbkwan@earthlink.net>
Politics is a game.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
When did it occur to you that it is money, created out of thin air, combined with military might, drives the economy of the world?
When did you realize that this money, rather than military might has been the best kept secret of the Covid-19 pandemic?
The previous two questions would save the life of the next shooting victim or child in Africa dying of starvation or next hold up of a bank or next nastiness directed by one human at another.
Military might is still nothing close to moral values unless you believe your elected leaders reflect the strong moral character of its citizens and that means not only do its citizens need to have strong moral character but that no foreign power can influence the elections.
Of course that is the whole raucous behind Russian interference.
But you know that President Putin is not the small South African Oppenheimer family and that means Nick Oppenheimer also knows that this misdirection at President Putin is all a bunch of nonsense.
How can the elected leadership of the world not be bothered that people such as you and me know that if there is going to be any fingers pointed it has to be at the Oppenheimers who have many skeletons in their closets beginning with the slaughter of 6 million Jewish people?
No less important to the cross that you should bear, why do you think it is that following World War I, each successive generation has become lying politicians?
How can you possibly have different armies competing against each other for ultimately economic gain when at the very top is one mineral monopolist pulling the strings of the puppets who all know the game?
The game is to fool the people that they have a voice.
If it all sounds too unbelievable then you would say so.
Instead it is not only you but everyone who tries to diffuse and counting on the passage of time for the truth to be swept under the carpet.
Take a look at how everyone so ignores my “Pray” post on Ray Oshry’s Facebook wall. Go check it out, and then write to Ray Oshry asking what is going through his mind?
Have you noticed how difficult it is getting straight answers out of your children and grandchildren or do you prefer to think how when you are out in public and cough or sneeze the rest not only back away but they grab onto their mask like they are moments away from contracting the bubonic plague?
Just to keep things in perspective lets try and look at the big picture, and realizing that included in the Covid-19 deaths worldwide, 815,000 as of yesterday are people who will not die from the next flu and influenza outbreak which of course is already happening; and the funeral parlors are the first to feel the need for downsizing. Then there are the people who died from the Covid-19 virus who were already on their diabetes and heart disease deathbeds; and again funeral parlors as well as mourners will not have to mourn twice. Then there are those swept away in floods who had contracted the virus and if placed on ventilators they may have died sooner than the floods, and so there is an undercount of the Covid-19 deaths. Then there are those who jumped from 20 story high rises in Century City, Los Angeles for fear of contracting the virus and dying all alone in hospital, again there is that undercount; then there are the deaths from car accidents which have been reduced because bad drivers who are sick drivers from diseases relating to fat intake, heart disease, diabetes etc have died from the Covid-19 and therefore there are more drivers on the road suffering from road rage caused by the masks limiting their social interaction with others.
So if in fact it is true that the world population has continued to grow out of control maybe it is time our politicians were each sent a muzzle with a straw so that all their food including meats has to be blended so that never again can say a single word that is understandable.
As of 5:08 PM California time today:
That would mean that over the course of the past 7 months and 24 days, the net population increase is approximately 224, 242 humans per day.
The births, just looking at it a little differently, have been approximately 385,000 births per day and the deaths per day including the convoluted Covid-19 deaths have been approximately 162,000 per day.
The 3400 Covid-19 deaths per day on average since the beginning of the year are unfortunate for those who died who wished to live as well as their family and friends who genuinely cared for them.
I should also add that not everyone is heartbroken over the death of someone they don’t know or someone they don’t care for.
Not that many of the infant births since the beginning of the year, on average 388,000 per day have died of Covid-19.
They have also been born into this world driven by the unlimited money supply which is tearing up the earth with new development needed to house the growing population, and one of the interesting things is that while money is created out of thin so far not a single tree other than the first tree possibly, was created out of thin air.
So perhaps our caring for the next generation, remember we now have this year alone, and the year is from from over, approaching a 100 million new births.
Remember I am not a preacher because to be a preacher if blessing people to be successful in business in return for a donation to meet the needs of your flock, it begs the question of why you don’t simply ask God for money and if you are too stupid to figure that one out how close really can you be to God who is punishing you with stupidity?
Why would you bring children into such an ugly world?
Its incredible all this money.
People are not waking up.
Are you sensibilities not equally offended when you have Democratic Jewish Senator Schumer all over The Internet-Youtube asking for immediate donations, no matter how small to save the world from another 4 years of Trump?
If this pisher ChaBAD [sic] movement out of Brooklyn, New York can figure out that the South African Oppenheimers are the place to go for extra Yarmulkes, more synagogues, more Torahs, more sets of Tefillin,
more barmitzvah prayer books,
why do you think Melania
has yet to ask Trump for a divorce?
Isn’t there something sick about a beautiful woman kissing on the lips someone obese who cares for women as much as his friend pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz and Peter Thiel care for underage girls?
There is camera work showing Trump making light comment of of Jeffrey Epstein liking young women.
Come on, sex is all that drives people, particularly men with money.
Nor has Trump said that his friendship with Epstein terminated because Trump was adamant he wanted nothing to do with a pedophile; instead Trump wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well.
What if Trump only reads what the teleprompter says, would you say he needs a new teleprompter or whoever is writing his speeches?
Could you see this pantomime taking place in either Ancient Rome or Ancient Egypt?
We have nuclear weapons placed in the hands of these idiots and obviously you are comfortable in wiping your hands clean of the matter and placing all trust in God. What other logical conclusion is it possible to come up with?
Could you see a powerful monopolist wanting us to have great choices in our politicians because they show great concern for their family and no less love and respect towards their loyal friends?
Do you think both President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer have kept the photo of Putin meeting with Oppenheimer in Cape Town, South Africa back on September 5, 2006 a secret from President Donald Trump?
Couldn’t you think of a way to help Donald Trump be more relaxed?
Why would he get so upset with this Las Vegas clown, puppet Jew
Sheldon Adelson not moving fast enough to write Trump a check?
Do you think the SA Oppenheimers decided purely on looks which of us Jewish people was the ugliest fish monster to be the front person running Las Vegas?
Do you think Donald Trump doesn’t call out his political opponents and the media to investigate the meeting of President Putin and Nick Oppenheimer because Trump is concerned that the mainstream media CBS-NBC-Fox-CNN-Attwood-Robinson-Rush Limbaugh would be out of work and fearing they would join the violent protestors on the streets of Wisconsin and Seattle, or perhaps because the weather is better the media would prefer Cape Town and organize a riot in the Khayelistsha black township that you can’t miss as you exit Cape Town International airport?
Did you make note in my comments yesterday on my facebook group chat Forgetfullness SIC where you are present that my 2 elder siblings’ presence on the group chat, while saying nothing, serves to intimidate all the others as well their facebook friends from deserting them?
Do you think I am wrong to fight for my mother’s great legacy as the rest of the world show their ugly insides?
How low do you think is the likelihood that everyone in the Trump Administration and the US Congress and the British Parliament and Macron and Merkel are all in the dark?
I realize that I have made that important point previously but maybe given how I am saying it differently and time has passed on you will remain focused on it forever.
It is most difficult to think of other things when you know how increasingly difficult it is to predict the future with more people finding out that if you need money for example to make homemade toothpaste, or find a slave to pick your manzanita berries which may very well be the most detoxing substance on the planet, or paying someone to research on The Internet how to train your dog to only twirl once before getting settled, or to purchase with or without a mortgage your 10th palatial residence fully staffed having taking the creme of the crop from the Grosvenor Hotel which is not currently the priciest on Booking.com as that is the Savoy where they are offering a deal at $1199 a night down from the regular $1,885, then the place to go, if you are serious, is the one-stop-shop SA Oppenheimers.
I want to be perfectly clear, when talking about Manzanita berries which I continue to suck on having picked a handful off the tree just minutes ago, and they are totally delicious, it still doesn’t mean you can avoid altogether the air necessary for breathing that contains increasingly enormous amounts of nuclear radiation poisoning, aluminum that does not do the dementia mind good.
Tell me this, if a medical doctor or dentist or science researcher tells you that fluoride and chlorine in the water is good for your heal
th and you look at the devastating size of the human animal wobbling the streets, does it automatically have you questioning if there is enough fluoride-aluminum and chlorine in the water and that the solution is to keep breeding more humans because at some point a positive mutation will occur and an intelligent human will finally emerge?
Really, how difficult was it for you to realize that the gross of gross, Gross Domestic Product economic index was designed to destroy both the planet and humanity?
How can you possibly run for political office and not have studied the basics of all economic studies?
Let me assume that you have spent the past hours since finding out about the treason committed by our politicians and unelected figures like the chairperson of the US Federal Reserve when they have failed to make you aware of the now going on 3 decade old ban prohibiting American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyd’s of London who have since not long after the turn of the last century been reporting to the ugly monopolist SA Oppenheimers, and therefore you have barely had time to eat, and why at the first opportunity of taking a breath of fresh air you will write back telling me about this one pimple you saw sticking out of the mask of this one stranger you passed by in the street that you found so disgusting that you vomited over the food that had just been served to a patron, a young female on her first date and both of them vomited spontaneously which in turn caused a domino effect and by the time the Russian Red Army had to be called in because all US Armed Forces including the National Guard had vomited out their lungs and could no longer breath, everyone was dead.
Nor do I think it is my position to spell out for you the exact wording of the question you should now put to Oppenheimer representatives Trump and Biden at exactly what time and what day the SA Oppenheimers began celebrating, but that is a start.
Do you find yourself praying less over the past 24 hours for fear of offending a Higher Energy Reaction [HER]?
Do you see that the more you come to terms with the stupidity, the utter duplicity of the human race so you feel that much more the presence of HER and that in turns twists your mind even more?
Look at it all logically.
The more the smartest of us humans look at the brain the more we realize that we know nothing.
Now if President Putin understood this money business perfectly and simply waited for the next President of the United States, ONLY HALF-BLACK Senator Barack Obama to make his next move to become the lead contender for President of the United States before deciding to share with the rest of the world, including the two of you, the world’s best kept secret
back on October 3, 2008, one month before puppet Obama became President elect, why in the world is Merkel of Germany all up in arms about President Putin’s key opponent having been horrifically poisoned?
Maybe you could think on your own of some other item in the news which is more important for me to address?
Since you are quiet following your nonsense “You are a horrific prolific writer” [sic] let us focus on that poisoning matter.
What do you think are the chances that it was an opponent of President Putin who poisoned the opponent of Putin to make Putin look bad?
Would you agree that it is about 50/50 with a zero percentage error rate?
If you were Putin how would you respond to Merkle with the most murky past demanding that Putin be more forthcoming?
Do you think that because someone is fat and old looking that they are therefore that much more credible?
I haven’t forgotten because I don’t have a bad memory that you were all up in arms about this $5.3 million fraud in your rich San Diego school district keen to pump out more idiot children.
Would you like me to speak with those officials publicly who masterminded the fraud or have you moved on to other matters?
The art of distraction is a long political ploy.
Would you know if the murder of Julius Ceasar by Brutus was an actual event?
The only thing you know for certain is that this small, non-Jewish, virulent anti-Semitic South African Oppenheimer family who executed a Coup d‘état in Israel back in the late 70s, have been calling the shots ever since they were able to get their stooge, pro Eugenics President Franklin D. Roosevelt to institute the GDP economic index and at the same time keep Roosevelt quiet about his assistance in helping Nazi Germany violate the key tenets of the Versailles Peace Treaty prohibiting the rearming of Germany.
Why do you think Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. once he became a celebrity didn’t point out that there was something rather “peculiarly wrong” at the World’s Fair in St. Louis in 1904 which had bunches of African tribes people in special enclosures that looked like their villages back in Africa and to top it off housed in a cage, 4 feet 11 inches tall Pigmy African Ota Benga
who later committed suicide?
No one ever questioned Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s being able to show not only his much larger size but white women couldn’t stop throwing themselves at his feet?
Wouldn’t all these naked white women surrounding the Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. been the perfect setting with the TV cameras live beaming into everyone’s living room to have the Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. make the point that Jesse Owens was very possibly a white man who for the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin went first to South Africa in order to get the darkest suntan to make him look like a Negro?
Do you think if basketball player Michael Jordan was white it would prove Eugenics right?
Yes you would if you could also get every black athlete who was superior to every white athlete to admit that they were born to white mothers and fathers and followed the path of this “white” person Jesse Owens in acquiring a dark tan in South Africa, or would you prefer to no longer think?
Why do you think it is that overwhelmingly people of color are more athletic?
Do you think that is proof of their inferior intellect?
Let’s say that you were ONLY HALF BLACK former President Obama and you could think without your teleprompter wouldn’t it be the smart move to elevate all the black African Americans by having them study the duplicity of the most senior Democratic leaders such as Franklin D. Roosevelt disgustingly pro Eugenics which took over academia as well as the weak Republican opposition to these Democratic monsters?
Could you see today that there are more than a disproportionate number of black people in positions of wealth and power throughout the planet, but for some reason they miss the detail of the money?
Do you see racism for what it really is?
Don’t you find it equally offensive that this Falwell Falwell Jr. according this one article
Apart from the money angle how can you be either a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent when you know it is not possible to have more than a one party state when a monopolist that no one wants to talk about rules?
Are you beginning to feel sympathetic towards Hitler?
How about Musolini?
How about Idi Amin?
How about yourselves?
How about ONLY half-black Obama?
How about racist Dutch-South African Hendrik Verwoed?
How about all the world’s diplomats who require conflict to afford their and their family’s lifestyle because what can be more important than taking care of one’s family?
How about Green Peace and Sierra Club and their sponsors such as Monsanto-BASF
Couldn’t you see Hitler saying to himself “Why not give these warmongers what they want?” and after executing the slaughter of the 6 million, and tens of millions others, not only was no ground lost in future development of road, highways, interstates, one residential development after the next and more bank branches in prime commercial locations each making out like they are competing for your business but all the removal of the debris from the blanket bombing and reconstruction only increasing the GDP which facilitated that much more the baby boomers carrying on the same as their war parents, being able to justify to himself that he behaved no worse than others; and there are even reports of Hitler having saved as many as two Jewish people.
So you think it wasn’t that evident, there was no internet?
Could you see a meticulous planner like Sir Ernest Oppenheimer leaving it up Hitler to receive Oppenheimer’s instruction via ESP?
Let’s now study this word “Stupid” a little more.
Something appeared to happen around 1980
I can’t say for sure it is all because my one intimate Roger W. Robinson, the protege of racist banker David Rockefeller only joined the National Security Council in March 1982 and immediately had the ear of President Ronald W. Reagan not only because what went in one ear came out the other of the “Being There” President, but no less important, Nancy Reagan couldn’t enough of “Our Man Roger’s” identical initials to her husband President Ronald W. Reagan but both being born on the same day 6 February, just 40 years apart fitted in perfectly with her blind faith astrology beliefs.
Then again “Stupid” could have just as easily been an “Act of God”, and therefore no meaning to non-believers including of course all the corrupt politician-media-preachers-business people-medial doctors-lawyers and the such.
So lets look at the use of the word “Stupid” a little closer.
Let’s say it is like the Big Bang and we don’t know what came before assuming the Big Bang Theory is correct which it looks like it isn’t and you can read one of great mathematician-philosopher David Berlinski’s papers on this point if you are interested and you have the time during your 10 minute breaks from reading my writings.
At the year 1800 and Napoleon brilliantly pulling the wool over the eyes of the idiot rapist slave owner Thomas Jefferson, there begins a movement slowing down the use of the word “stupid”, and I don’t see the word “fucking” being used alongside “stupid”.
BTW, could you see Falwell or his father using a slur-vulgar word in the presence of God and not really all that in awe of God?
Then around the time of the start of the American Civil War there may have been soldiers in the field on both sides who were wondering if this “Honest” lawyer Abe Lincoln was for real when getting the government into the business of printing the money which placed that much more power in the hands of the bought politicians?
As you know not all the combatants in the American Civil War who were killed, some 2% of the population, survived to question the sanity of Lincoln and all those now calling him “Honest Abe”.
Suddenly out of nowhere begins this steady decline and still no word from God that invisible to our human eyes is the resurrection of all the dead who were calling their superior officers stupid.
Bam, and then this massive erection, Lochness Monster arises.
Bear in mind the possibly drunk Scottish economist Adam Smith had already penned his nonsense Wealth of Nations in 1774, the same year that Lloyd’s of London which began on a solid footing was established which as you know 1774 is two years before 1776 when the nonsense and so distracting US Declaration of Independence was signed.
So you have this baby boomer idiots of my generation dashing to university and colleges that they can’t erect quick enough, and now they have to find jobs making sure that there are so many residential and commercial development codes that to remove one and replace it with another is tantamount to moving all the political houses like the British Houses of Parliament and the US Capital along with all the surrounding foreign embassies to Timbuktu and before that happens to have the world’s best ant trainer train all the ants of Africa to converge so that in the event of an earthquake all the buildings will just rock, and world’s greatest bands, without killing each other, politely take their turn in an effort to make the plastic human feel somewhat human.
Do you see President Donald Trump as more or less of a racist now that you know better to keep quiet than to be so talkative?
Being worldly politicians you must therefore know your American history and in particular the most important American purchase of all time, the Louisiana Purchase of 1904.
As a quick refresher course, let’s look at the headline of the one Louisiana Purchase website I found on the Internet:
“Meet me in St. Louis, Louis” will be more than just a famous Judy Garland tune after your group experiences the sights and cultural legacy of the most-fabled of all World’s Fair’s – The Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904.
The Fair celebrated the centennial of President Thomas Jefferson’s fantastic real estate deal with Napoleon Bonaparte of France: $15 million for 600 million acres of the Louisiana Territories. The deal was struck in 1803, but it took until 1804 for the word of the transaction to reach St. Louis. That same year, Jefferson’s exploration team, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, departed St. Louis to map the newly minted U.S. lands.
To be clear the Louisiana Purchase did not take place in late October 1989 at the premier of the Broadway musical Meet Me In St. Louis which the Krok family of South Africa financed, and both my mother Zena and I attended.
While it is easy for the human who has told their first lie to keep lying and why you should never tell your first lie, the human official such as yourselves are held to a higher standard of “full disclosure”.
I of course knew the moment I began reading your distraction talk about the $5.3 million fraud that you were doing your level best to avoid answering my first question which you had asked me to provide.
If you count the letters in the word, “moronic” they number 7. That was easy.
When you count from either left to right or right to left the number of letters in the word “fantastic” they number 9.
Do you feel that both your children would arrive at the same, identical count?
So why wasn’t, to save time and space, the word “moronic” substituted in for “fantastic” so that it reads correctly, “The Fair celebrated the centennial of President Thomas Jefferson’s moronic real estate deal with Napoleon Bonaparte of France.
Jefferson and his armies could have sent out scouts to the Indian tribes, “Would you join us in stealing from Napoleon the lands that he won in battle not in convincing arguments of right versus wrong according the tenets of the 10 Commandments, but by using the pointed barrel of his rifles and cannons, this way we will not have to scalp you and for the weakest of you who remain we will place you on reservations where we will supply free booze and then allow Jewish South African stooge Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner help you set up casinos where you cannot possibly lose unless you fall out of favor with us monopolists?”
Could you see a deal with the native American Indians who weren’t into either booze or white picket fences or bloody awful dams being better for the planet than a deal with the SA Oppenheimers?
There is no other way to best describe the GDP besides for saying that it is totally fucked up.
Nor am I going down the path of analyzing the use of the word “Fuck” because I have shown you how but if you have difficulty then simply ask politely without being fucking sarcastic.
Your better senses if they had been more finely tuned would have alerted you to this GDP calamity long before deciding to become politicians.
In my conversations this morning with South African billionaire Solly Krok I pointed out that the possibility still exists that you might break rank with the rest of the world’s corrupt politicians because you would want to be the first, who wouldn’t?
In the meantime I continue to be the only voice that my mother Zena has.
Below is my last Tweet to Musk and notice that your names are not mentioned:
Let me quickly share with you the proliferation of lying all stemming from the politicians. Below is my dialogue with someone going by the name Eric Edwards who first sent me a facebook friend request and before accepting I asked a few questions.
Tue 1:16 PMYou sentDo we know each other?Tue 8:00 PMsentWe share the same surname. I’m from Europe.Tue 9:41 PMYou sentwhat’s ur surname?Tue 10:46 PMsentGevisser my father was from South Africa.Wed 6:00 AMYou sentWhy isn’t your surname Gevisser?Why do you write your surname Edwards?What is your father’s name and where does he come from in South Africa?Wed 8:17 AMYou sentSo you are liar.What was your purpose in setting up this fake account?Gary Gevisser on Twittertwitter.comWed 9:27 AMsentI don’t have Twitter. Sorry for bothering youWed 9:29 PMYou sentWhy would you lie and say your last name is Gevisser?
Remember I didn’t just get off a yacht
in Haifa Harbor, Israel just yesterday.
When there are 1390 independent views of The Lady’s Speech
and not ONE WORD in support of me and my one-of-a-kind mother Zena, that is not a sign the people are either nice or that humanity is worth saving.
If you think for a moment that Elon Musk hasn’t figured this out then you must take him also for a complete idiot.
BTW, if you look at that very kind card gifted to me by my Spanish comedian friends, “Gary, it was great having you around” it is dated 11 September 1987, 14 years to the day before 9/11 which of course I had no idea was “in the making” because that first required the Presidential pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich which I also didn’t know was “in the works” because it may not have been back on 11 September 1987.
But I did know that when Alan Greenspan was appointed Chairman of the US Federal Reserve on 11 August 1987, again 69 odd days prior to Black Monday, 19 October 1987 which was 1 day after my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser celebrated his 64th birthday, and Greenspan’s appointment confirming that I had made the right decision to turn down Lloyd’s of London’s invitation to join the world’s oldest and most exclusive Old Boys Club, it was just a question of time before the stock market would crash.
My thinking was that the people would have the sensibilities to look at the crash of ’29 and realize that the “powers that be” were doing the same thing.
Stupid me was wrong; and I did feel bad the following day having celebrated the evening of October 19, 1987 with my two very good looking girlfriends who were in their prime!
Musk, in my opinion, is the only intellectually honest branded name individual on the planet and he is battling to stay independent of the world’s Military Industrial Complex [MIC] which of course includes Big Oil [BO] made up of De Beers-Oppenheimer-BMW-Volkswagen-Audi-Ducati-Monsanto-BASF-IG Farben.
Not to ever forget that sick celebration on 6 February 1959, “Our Man Roger’s 8th birthday and President Ronald W. Reagan’s 48th birthday, organized by Nazi Carl Wurster alongside his fellow Nazi officials who were not in the least concerned about placing their Zyklon B gas pellet production facility, IG Farben in the dead center of death factory Auschwitz.
Amazing how slow are the corrupt to volunteer the name of the high ranking Nazi American official who organized the quick release of Wurster’s officials after their slap on the wrist prison sentences.
While amazing Musk’s genuine support is very thin, what is most important is that the rest of you flakes are paying attention to what I have to say.
It just takes one of you to break rank and the rest topple.
As best you recall, neither of you nor any of us presently, fast approaching 8 billion humans who remember are the only species who can choose to pray or not pray, were at the signing of the Louisiana Purchase which historians don’t quite portray Napoleon’s genius because it is the victors of war who write the history books including during ancient Roman times.
In return for paying Napoleon a healthy dose of gold which President, I forget his name right now, yes slave owner, slave rapist Democrat-Republican President Thomas Jefferson forked over to Napoleon, the United States in order to make good for its increasingly rich politicians then had to make war with the Native American tribes which you can understand Napoleon preferred others to have the blood on their hands rather than his.
BTW, isn’t it wonderful that this most celebrated Founding Father who didn’t have a problem with the US Declaration of Independence referring shortly after, “All men are created equal…” to the Native American Indians/indigenous peoples as “savages” is considered both a Republican and Democrat?
Are you saying that us Americans have the blood of all the peoples Napoleon massacred over in Europe because we played an instrumental role in financing that slaughter?
No, I am not saying that.
Having a conversation with you both is most difficult to have because you intentionally make it difficult and so I chose a move as if I was playing chess with myself.
Are you okay with that?
I would however be most interested to hear the nature of your dinner table conversations and whether you involve your children to better educate them on how little they know, including your upcoming politician son who for all I know President Trump has picked as his Vice President should Trump win the next election and deciding to anoint himself Emperor of the United States for Life?
You do realize that you cannot possibly get anything more preposterous than the GDP economic index?
So utterly preposterous it is impossible to rule out of the existence of God as it only strengthens to infinity the existence of such an omnipotent power that us increasingly stupid animal humans thinking we are the top dog.
It is in all your reactions being the same where this invisible God must surely reside.
Let’s see.
Do you think it is in your liver that is suffering from liver cancer the result of alcohol abuse?
What about the sugar candy you picked up at the checkout counter of the supermarket?
When you pass litter on the interstate do you think God would be stupid to imbed herself in the litter to get our attention which we can avoid by looking elsewhere?
Since we can’t explain how our minds for more than 86 years have managed to avoid the calamity of the GDP index and we just keep building more paved concrete and tar roads, more hospitals, more houses, more apartments, office buildings, more weapons, flying machines, Navy ships and land based tanks and artillery without forgetting more submarines to house the growing the world population because the politicians all find the money, and the excuse being that a growing GDP is good for the health of the population, could the possible explanation be God laughing at all of us?
Do you think because we are indoctrinated to serve God that we should continue amusing God because what else would God do with HER time?
How can you not question all these politicians all over the world who tell you that the monies are plucked out of the air?
Do you think it is just a coincidence that Im am having problems with my new MacBook Air?
Do you go to bed saying to yourselves that you only trust politicians who lie?
Could you see any politician with a troubled youth being the candidate of choice for the racist SA Oppenheimers?
Can you think why it is that all the corrupt humans who have read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic The Diamond Invention steer well clear of starting a grass roots organization to get Nick Oppenheimer, Peter Thiel, Warren Buffett, Goldman Sachs, President Trump, VP Biden, the Clintons etc to give their point of view of this most important book ever written?
Can you name one politician other than Ben Gurion who did not lie?
Do either of you have a personal relationship with your rabbi or Catholic Priest or Muslim Mullah sufficiently strong that if you got too hungry starving yourselves to death that they would offer their body or parts of their body for you to plunk down on the barbeque?
You understand that this entire mask wearing business is to keep us that much more apart as you surely must have noticed how the mask doesn’t exactly make for intimate conversations.
Why do you think all the politicians-media have yet to speak about all these bailout monies for Wall Street pricing the poor out of the housing market – fear you know is a great motivator to conform?
Imagine if I had access to a computer networking team currently available to SpaceX, TESLA and Neuralink, you would all be out of business, the same with the Savoy and all those offering accommodation over the likes of Airbnb and Booking.com
Musk is the only person who is not “playing business” besides for of course the hard working laborer and small business person trying to keep their shop doors open, and also providing jobs to people desperate to stay alive.
Isn’t it time for you to get both a heart and a brain?
On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 6:05 PM Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote:
Lee-Mike, my earlier response left out the word “about” that I’ve now filled in.
It is a very important question, is progress being accurately/fairly “gsuged” [sic] by the GDP? and why I asked.