hello from machupícchu.
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 1:12 PM
To: ‘rupa wasi’
Cc: rest
Subject: RE: hello from machupícchu…—…THE HEAT IS ON!
To: ‘rupa wasi’
Cc: rest
Subject: RE: hello from machupícchu…—…THE HEAT IS ON!
Alvaro – it is delightful to hear from u.
Please congratulate Oscar who will hopefully serve his newborn being more than a “sperm donor” but of course the mother of the child knows that in the event of a mishap, like me she can count on you to “pick up the pieces.”
I may very well come and visit sooner than u dreamt lending u a hand or too in finishing up the work that Oscar told me would take a month or too while putting the finishing touches to the book I am writing, Manager Minute One, which began to take form when I first visited Machu Picchu in March of last year, losing though everything I typed the result of Pypeetoe jumping on to my bed, water spilling all over the laptop that then “blew up” not able to retrieve a single dot.
Butt there can really be no excuses especially if there is no such thing as “luck” and the choice each one of us face each and every day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, is simply “right” or “wrong” nothing quite though like “buying in” at the right time, agree?
In the course of the next 24 odd hours I will be sending out a series of communications, one to an accountant friend, another to one of my bankers, a third to a former mayor of Hollywood, California, and possibly one to the manager of my property in Santa Monica, all geared tu helping put planet earth intTOo it’s rightful orbit.
“Baring in mind” [sic] that the greatest gift given to each one of us, besides for “mother nature”, was one incredible mind, one mind working “in stink” [sic] with another leads to nothing short of perfect synchronicity a subject matter I dwelled on at length yesterday that led tu me being unusually quiet, celebrating “Happy Hour” last evening with Marie, appropriately dressed in her new mini-skirt leather outfit, at a local restaurant, the food although quite tasty no where near, up to the standard of Rupa Wasi, Devin Standard still looking forward to seeing the outfit that contributed to almost a riot taking place in the new beach house to mention little of the incredible mess left by the previous tenant to mention just in passing the $200 odd plumbing bill.
Your website containing a photo of the Condor Houses is nothing short of excellent leaving me with the feeling that my monies despite the payback being long overdue, hi Vicki “Sticky” Schiff, hi Newell Starks, hi Jeff Rabin, hi Marc Culp – FBI, hi George G. Hurst Esq. et al, having been put though tu very good use, no doubt at our next AGM [Annual General Meeting] of “stake holders” u will almost certainly get my continued vote of support.
Should Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. or Mr. Derrick Beare or Mr. Standard or Mr. Bellows, a gentleman who would have my vote 4 running the Gevisser Group of Insurance Companies simply waiting 4 Part 8 of the 8 Part mini series to Diana Henriques of the New York X to take effect, happen to show up before Marie and/or I arrive don’t hesitate to ask all these gentleman to give u a hand, Mr. Beare though I can assure u will be the most helpful in the kitchen both in terms of cooking and cleaning up whereas Mr. Krinsk should u have any problem with the guests will be able to serve them up a storm or too without the possibility of them responding with anything but kindness, watch out though for Campbell Soup’s alligator shoes.
Devin Standard, however, can be counted on 4 floating “In N Out” like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, and if this doesn’t hold back the tide, change=▲ everywhere, building character, transforming “mice into men” then we can all count on Mr. Bellows to not only price everyone else’s insurance premiums right without worrying about setting aside huge chunks of change to pay lobbyists around the world to pass laws that result in folks like Warren “Body Odor” Buffet and South Africa’s “kingpin” insurance king, Donny Gordon, ending up so “filthy rich”, never tu forget the biggest crook in the world, Mr. Buffet sumhow always ending up in the “pound seats” now consigliore to California Governor elect “I lied, I cheated, I groped women, butt I paid 4 it all by marrying a fricken Kennedy” Schwarzenegger.
Although Jeffrey, Derrick, Devin and Ron, never tu forget the women who most assuredly rule over us are guarded with their tongues they have a way tu bring out the best in everyone, particularly the female species, much like u as well as Oscar.
With all that said I am very happy with the way things are turning out, no doubt despite u having increased the prices u can expect business to increase quantum fold in the foreseeable future.
Please remind me tu discuss with u a “means test” as an alternative way to charge the likes of those who subscribe to the notion that money is the ultimate arbiter, conventional wisdom being that sometimes u have to get your hands dirty in order to make money, folks who DON’T feel that money has to be looked in conjunction with what u had to do to make it.
Should my dad, Bernie Gevisser [BG], show up as he once did at our Ccrest Café in Minehead, England please show him the courtesy of at least listening to his curry recipe and then let him taste your rendition, no doubt it will knock his socks off.
And do not be put off if he insists on standing while eating, this way he gets a better read of peoples’ cards, this last hyperlink showing a scanned photocopy of The Struggle Continues card given by “freedom fighters” in South Africa facing possible death sentences, to their attorney, a relation of Mr. Beare.
I consider folks like Derrick Beare very much cousins although I am unaware of any hanky panky going on between my parents and Derrick’s parents something quite foreign to both sets of parents which was not exactly “par for the course” for other parents of my friends, my recent E–mail forcing a whole number of South Africans many now living abroad to dig deep, at this time, only in tu the memory bank.
Remembering of course that not everyone remembers to put in film when taking a photograph, us all though equipped with photographic memories that over time, primarily as a result of our sequencing being interfered with turns to rot much like the pot bellies one finds in most societies where folks have got to big 4 their boots.
If a friend or too of mine were to seek sanctuary with u at sum point in time until things settle down I know they can count on you and your friends, agree?
There is though absolutely nothing to fear other than the fear of G-D, time soon to dispense with superstition once and for all my mother, like many who consider themselves members of the Jewish faith incredibly superstitious, so u figure, why besides 4 my father’s good looks, ocean front property in Israel, an incredibly good name would someone as remarkable as my mother find 4 me the “perfect math” [sic], never tu forget the c, the light that shines bright within each of us, those of course who are not brain dead.
Just as I placed the hyperlink on the “brain dead” above the thought occurred tu me that perhaps Laurie Black, the daughter-in-law of the enzyme probably at work rotting out Bill “Wallpaper” Clinton’s colon, formerly and now deceased ambassador to Switzerland, who has finally decided, I assume, to find the absolution she seeks, may be the person responsible for placing the “HELP HELP Help” posting on 06/11/99 at 12:25 PM EST on the Yahoo Revlon message board, i.e. the possibility exists that Laurie who is a momworker is also momworker63, not that mathematics is her forte, to mention little of what she may have recently “tabled” when sitting on the Regional Water Quality Control Board what do u think?
More importantly I have designated 1% of the shares that will ultimately be issued in my websites including www.footsak.com for the person responsible for this posting that put me into “high gear.”
Right now my family et al r still in a state of recovery following this last email I sent tu BG which I sumhow failed tu broadcast.
Nearly two hours ago, at 11:14 AM PST to be precise just as I sat down to type this email while also working on the 4 others I hope to get out today I spoke with Mr. Krinsk Esq. 4 sum 3 minutes and 17 seconds and in addition to us making arrangements to meet tomorrow 4 lunch, this time not at Rainwaters but possibly in his vault the exact location of our meeting Mr. Krinsk’s seems to think I should keep to myself, more importantly, it seems, again the phone line was not very clear plus I am losing my hearing, Mr. Krinsk is somehow under the impression that the South Africa Airforce is developing a “Gevisser SCAL” although it is possible the person contacting Mr. Krinsk used the word, “SCUD”.
All the best,
—–Original Message—–
From: rupa wasi [mailto:rupawasi@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:57 AM
To: gsg@sellnext.com
Subject: Re: hello from machupícchu
From: rupa wasi [mailto:rupawasi@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:57 AM
To: gsg@sellnext.com
Subject: Re: hello from machupícchu
hello gary sorry that we havent answerd before but oscar was alonr in
machupicchu with some problems with the hosue plus he has a baby now so you
could imagine, but even do we have been working hard we finished with one of
the hosues is difficult to build there erspecilly in wood but its done half
of the project if you want visit
you will check some pictures its really nice wev builted as luxurios as
possible but its taking more time and more monet than expected but its the
way we wanted we still have half of the project left to bulit for next year,
well friend thanks for the support and hope you can visitus soon to see what
wehavbe done take care and good luck