Hillary Mulholland – we are talking about fake people
Hillary Mulholland
SEP 29, 2018, 1:40 PM
You are now connected on Messenger.
OCT 7, 2018, 11:37 AM
On you on DDML [Down Durban Memory Lane]?
Are you on DDML [Down Durban Memory Lane]?
Hillary Mulholland
Not sure will check
No, but have now requested to join
OCT 21, 2018, 12:20 PM
I just shared with Capella Martin the following:
I just sent my FB friend Colin Schacat the following:
I just sent my FB friend Tish Vorster the following:
I just sent my FB friend Glenn Goldblatt the following and I also note that you haven’t shared with me your email:
I just sent my FB Chris Seville the following:
I just sent my new FB friend Pamela Stein the following:
Pam hi – I’m keen to hear what you are about
You can figure me out quickly by what I just sent Handre Visagie my one FB friend who is 28, and of course you too can send me your email:
Remember what you said about the people being blind but u didn’t mention they are mostly lame and quick to suggest that they are different to rest of the spineless cowards
Below is what I just wrote Lew Joubert who couldn’t be bothered to read M-H and wanted first to know what it is about; not to mention when I hit the send button I will be sharing what I’m now sending to you to not only some of my FB friends but a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population:
How the apartheid regime stayed in power for 46 years and things got worse when the ANC were brought to power, unless you ended up getting richer which a great many did
It is not only very easy to find on my FB Wall because it is near to the top but if you haven’t read it you are way behind and of course it is not only my FB friends who pay careful attention to my writings given how there are few to none including Nick Oppenheimer who know as much as I do about his company Brenthurst Foundation-De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation given how I demonstrated to his father Harry as well as others that I had more common sense than Nick who only knows how to react to a changing world without however having truth-logic at his side and no less important he knows better than to trust his self serving advisors who are learning from how the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has handled the coverup so far
Should you wish to be as up to speed on such matters of importance as people such as Nick Oppenheimer and the Crown Prince as well as folks like Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence (MIMI) who you can see from my website 2facetruth.com don’t take me for a fool, let alone someone who talks to talk you can send me your email and I will copy u on TIED HANDS which will be released in less than 30 minutes
OCT 23, 2018, 10:38 AM
Just sent the following to Colin Schachat:
Just sent the following to Stacey Dolton:
Just sent the following to Cavell Martin:
Just sent the following to Damon Alagich:
Just sent the following to Kerry Lynne Bishe:
Just sent the following to Kim Braman:
Just sent the following to Debbie Bolleurs English:
Just sent the following to Roma Revill:
Subject: Game changer
Just sent the following to Christina Windsor Smith:
Just sent the following to Janet Murray:
Just sent the following to John Hughes:
Just sent the following to Harry Andreou:
I just sent the following to Natalia Vladimirovna:
Just sent the following to Paul Cartwright:
Just sent the following to Marion Rendahl:
Just sent the following to Melita Rundle:
Just sent the following to אלישבע אמריה:
Just sent the following to Alan John Goodall:
Just sent the following to Leslie Chapman:
Just sent the following to Dirk Koetze:
Just sent the following to Mark Scott Hayward:
Just sent the following to Colin McGee:
I just sent Linnie Joubert the following:
Just sent Hilton Greenbaum the following:
Just sent Billy Jacobs the following:
Just sent Philly lawyer, Rasha Foda the following:
Just sent Lew Joubert the following:
Just sent Trevor Tucker, a distant relation of mine the following:
Just sent Steven Bailey the following:
Your flakiness has inspired me.
Im now writing to Goldie Hawn who my mother Zena interviewed and which my mother mentions in that EXTRAORDINARY AND INSPIRATIONAL article of March 21, 2001 in the Wellington Weekly News; and here is a 13 paragraph exert which if you would like to comment on, please be my guest:
The fact that Epstein-DAAC continue to provide The D I book free over The Internet is not because they are stupid. On the contrary, they perfectly understand the spineless human beast who not only derives great satisfaction in seeing the good trampled on, but spineless people have the biggest egos and are unwilling to accept that they have been so horribly duped.
Nor can the DAAC believe in miracles because they are corrupt and they are warmed when seeing that the only support I, my gorgeous Française-Canadienne [F-C] wife Marie Dion and my mother get is from opportunists who give either backhanded slaps and/or weak, distracting support and that only takes place once they have been flushed out for being two-faced; otherwise they are darn right mean and threatening, and can only be counted on to let you down; but all the time gauging as best they can whether I might possibly succeed against what are seemingly insurmountable odds, and so many of these people continue to engage with me, just in the event the miracle occurs in our lifetimes.
The funniest part is that if given the choice they would choose to have the DAAC continue their brutal rule which is so devastating to the environment and our humanity, assuming man ever had anything more than a herd mentality at best, just wanting to be entertained with slapstick comedy or music that resonates with a brain which sees no purpose other than self-gratification.
The people who know about me, and that would of course include not only all my FB 533 friends, and about half that number I have “unfriended” or they have “unfriended” me, but the 933 odd independent views of The Lady’s Speech, are fully capable of understanding that a recognizable name such as yours or Trump or for that matter any media person at the top of their game or about to be washed out, can decide to speak out and become the “game changer”.
Not to mention, I have a number of very revealing Facebook group chats going on, and while mostly silent when not distracting, those subscribing can see who are leaving the conversations without saying that they remain as interested as everyone else, but they don’t want to contribute to the expansion of my footprint on The Internet and nor do they want to remain so visible like the rest of the fools.
In other words those who don’t speak also speak.
Those who do speak with their nonsense or when leaving the conversation are creating for the most mind-boggling cluster fuck for themselves which they will never be able to get rid of, at least not in this lifetime.
Nor are they totally stupid because they continue to see the logic in doing things like eating and brushing their teeth if they don’t want to offend others as well as my footprint on the Internet including social media such as Facebook continues to grow and yet no one can refute my findings.
Yes it certainly looks like the human has been gifted with nothing more than “artificial intelligence”.
It is the result of my observations which are helped by my good quantitative skills that one does not need to believe in miracles for them to happen because miracles take place regardless of man’s thoughts and actions.
The fact that none of this knowledge about the DAAC’s ongoing stranglehold on the world’s resources and population control would ever have seen the light of day were it not for me coming forward, is truly remarkable.
The fact that the people once given the knowledge do everything within their power to distract tells you how little power the people actually have over their minds, which is a good thing.
My beautiful and totally brilliant F-C wife Marie Dion explains; “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!” and which does not supplant her, “People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!”.
Let me know if you didn’t receive a copy of what I sent Goldie Hawn.
Hillary Mulholland
Just busy, will read later
OCT 23, 2018, 12:23 PM
Its possible that my computer when doing a random pick of email addresses didn’t pick up yours
When I return to my laptop I will check and if not included I will forward it to you.
It would help if you then forwarded it to not only everyone you know – and let me spell it out – but to everyone you have ever communicated electronically even if it is a computer customer service person you have thanked for reminding you every year ever since you reached puberty to check that you have a sufficient stockpile of adult diapers.
No one can really explain why certain elements like uranium which is rather unique can cause a chain reaction because the human never created uranium or more importantly the atomic structure we all share.
The complete lack of sensitivity of the human herd does not mean you have to follow them
It means that you have the free will to act like me and my mother and my wife to expose all those actively keeping my mother hostage-captive, and that means no matter what you go to your grave with a clear conscience for having done the right thing, without even thinking of what victory it would mean for gaining my mother’s release before she is dead
we don’t find this totally pervasive insensitivity in any other species.
Man is showing that he is best at doing wrong and enjoying the most doing wrong to the best of us
That is totally counterintuitive
Man thinks he is mostly guided to do good
But I am showing the exact opposite is true and moreover man does not expose those making a mockery of our moral conscience
That is too unbelievable to be something random
Nature is perfect
Nature is reacting when we feel bad about doing bad stuff
Nature is reacting when we feel good about doing good
Nature in reacting is demonstrating extraordinary intelligence but man is too caught thinking that what it is doing is all that is important, rather than taking the time to observe nature performing miracles constantly.
If you feel you are too busy then you have to question why you haven’t been rewarded with wisdom
The fact that I shut up everyone including my siblings who should have immediately after I last saw my mother on Oct 8, 2016, gone to visit my mother in Israel and/or got their slaves to video my mother refuting everything she had said about me and her disdain for them, is earth shattering given how all I have received is the most ugly uphill
Of course all the officials and everyone who knows about this outrage perfectly understands that their quietness is because the videos are totally compelling and supported perfectly by the taped phone conversations leading up to my visit
Only the most destructive human is the exact opposite of all other species who are constantly searching for knowledge and making life-saving adjustments in the moment these much more kinder and sensitive life forms gather knowledge such as a puma ready to pounce on a deer and the deer doesn’t just stand there and say, “come and get me!”
OCT 27, 2018, 9:10 AM
Are u related to a anne mulholland ?
What do make of the human lameness?
Do u see any positive from it in terms of you getting courage from how treacherous the next person gets once they realize the whole world has been fooled by the DIG and will try harder to help those profiting the most at the same time derive great satisfaction if they can pick up any suffering coming from me, my wife and my mother?
Don’t forget corrupt people like my siblings and TORDU are not bright
All they have done is highlight the depths of deprivation that the human is capable of
They also know the game they like and hope to sustain throughout their lifetimes can change in the next moment because it is a giant fraud
Each moment that the people react the same cowardly way they know that their trust for one another does not improve
That means the distrustful have to count on each person getting the information remaining loyal to this group of treacherous fools
How fortunate we see how the richest family in the world, House of Saud operates with the most deranged killers
Notice how quickly it is no longer news headlines but everyone who knows me sees that I’m still around exposing how much more rotten the human has become since our Holocaust that we keep telling the children cannot be repeated as we remind them of it so often while leaving out the most critical facts
U can see my study of the human fast approaching completion
In fact your reaction to this might be it
OCT 27, 2018, 11:29 AM
Hillary Mulholland
Anne Mulholland is one of my sisters. We are five sisters Lynden (usually known as Bly) Anne, myself, Moyra and Sonya.
I am unfortunately all too aware of the human condition of power, greed and corruption. I have two children a son of 35 and a daughter of 31. One granddaughter who will be 4 in December. My children’s father passed away many years ago. He was Jewish but I never converted.
Are u FB friends with Trevor Goldberg?
You possibly know that he was one of the first year students at the university of Natal who I tutored as part of the B.COMM HONOURS program that I abandoned to move quickly forward in joining the DAAC
I make it my business to learn from every interaction including dumb people like Trevor who demonstrate they are dumb by having no filtering system
You must have heard or come across people who are as good as the last person they spoke with
That explains Trevor Goldberg and most people
If you tell someone like Trevor Goldberg a secret then you are a fool because he is an insecure person and needs to constantly reassure himself by passing on information told to him in confidence so that the people he is sharing the confidential information will continue to keep his company
I have never shared confidential information with Trevor or anyone else because I learned very young in life that not even family can be trusted, instead to not busy oneself with gossipers and with more time not listening to nonsense talkers one is rewarded with intelligence to solve the problems placed in each of our paths
That did not mean I had few friends growing up
In fact I had the widest circle of friends than any of my siblings, cousins and other friends and if I felt any of them were gossipers which was easy to tell from the way their parents behaved then I just kept my distance
You just wrote a lot of words but you didn’t really address what I sent you, and so I took you on a little educational excision
You also saw that I included what I sent you without revealing your name to a huge number of individuals/groups who all perfectly understood the essence; namely, the distrustful have to count on each person getting the information remaining loyal to this group of treacherous fools.
Telling me about your many sisters and two children and what you have learned about the treacherous human without specifically identifying which if any of your siblings and grown up children are treacherous, greedy, power hungry and corrupt, tells me that you are trying to protect them
People only protect bad people because the bad people know the bad done by those protecting the bad
That does not make any of the bad good
You could have long by now shared with your entire list of FB friends as well as your entire email list the plight of my one of a kind mother and to keep forwarding them every communication you receive from me the instant you have read it
Telling me that you have a 4 year old daughter is no less distractive than the rest
I know the people don’t want this information to get out but they are still curious about what I think is going on that the media-politicians are not talking about
They have yet to talk about, “the distrustful have to count…”
So I told you that I thought this human case study I have been conducting that actually began 4 years before I broke my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004, when I wrote my father on his 77th birthday, Oct 18, 2000 a military-peace plan that I titled Perspective One that you can find on Google, is now complete and simply requiring that I figure out the best way to reach the largest possible audience
Again the callousness shown towards my mother who the Israeli authorities had no business placing a non family member as her guardian shows the ultimate depths of human depravity
Should I not respond to you again, it is because I consider my time doing other things more important, and of course you can share this with the world
Hillary Mulholland
I am not fb friends with Trevor Goldberg, I ditched him a long time ago he is however still friendly with my other sisters, he dated Moyra. He was also best friends with my children’s father. He is just a fake. When their Dad, Jules was still alive suffering with Alzheimers, they (all three children) basically just left him alone with a carer, and complained about the money she spent. Anyway he and their Mom who I had the utmost respect for are both now dead, as are my parents.
Gary I asked you what I can do directly and practically to help your Mothers cause, but you have never given me a direct answer, it’s a simple question! I do not know you, but I had the utmost respect for my parents, and your Mother was a Durban legend, so I was hurt to see that she is in that situation in Israel. I don’t have time for gossip and you asked about one of my sisters so I gave you a brief family roundup. I do not need to justify to you how I understand the nature of humans and the measures they will go to, to protect their own interests. It’s quite honestly none of your business. I would never just share the information about your Mother to my list of friends, because that is pointless. You need a targeted approach and a plan for getting the situation changed. Please don’t respond as I would hate to take you away from your very important life.
Hillary Mulholland
Why not approach Sol Kerzner for help, I see he was just celebrating his 2nd
Bar Mitzvah in Israel
You are defensive and illogical for a reason
Yes, we should know everything there is to know about everyone because the most corrupt already have that information which you quickly gather from reading The D I book
Plus I told you what is the right solution for helping my mother as well as exposing all the rotten but you simply didn’t like it because it focused too much on your immediate family who cannot be any better than the rest otherwise they would support my strategies and tactics for getting out the information and bring more public international attention to the plight of mother that again spotlights those responsible for all the evil, chaos and wars
You don’t get to work for the DAAC at their highest levels because you demonstrate stupidity
I did not ask your advice on how best to go about it, because my plan is working as I have now reached the top official in Israel responsible for my mother’s ongoing captivity and Herzog’s words demonstrate the huge coverup
Yes I just read what u wrote about Jewish Kapo Kerzner whose eldest daughter I have known since we kids and Andrea is no better than her father who knows everything there is to know about the plight of my mother unless he suffers from dementia
Get me his email and I will write to him directly by first reminding him that my mother and her parents when first arriving in Durban in early 48 stayed at his parents Minorah Hotel that the clown Kerzner mortgaged to build the Beverly Hills hotel in Umchlanga rocks, and if he had brains he would have gone directly to Harry Oppenheimer who would have found someone else Jewish wanting to be a clown, wouldn’t you think?
Hillary Mulholland
I am not defensive at all, if you knew me at all you would know that. I fear I am exchanging words with a person who sees themselves as G_d. All knowing and above all reproach. I truly hate narcissism, just behind dishonesty and lack of integrity. About Sol, I just thought he could add voice to your mother’s plight. Gary I am not buying into your superiority delusion, we all have our flaws and I at least am very aware of mine. Patience isn’t my strong suit.
That’s very revealing
You should have patience when you have learned important truths about who controls the minds of the population
I demonstrate clearly that I don’t consider myself God and nor am I under illusion about your decision to go on the attack because it is you playing God when not wanting to expose all the rot in your own family while sharing valuable information about Trevor Goldberg and his siblings’ treatment of their rather dumb and narcissistic father Jules.
Surely you didn’t share that information to distract me?
Obviously you think if telling me who you feel it is none of my business if you have similar rot in your family as there is in mine, that I should help you get out the information about Trevor and his siblings which I will do right away, as soon as I’m back at my laptop
This is a very important day, please make a note in your computer diary
Try to come up with either a Yes or No about whether you agree with me that it is of utmost importance, “The distrustful have to count…”
I will also share with Andrea and her first cousins the Wolmans on your thoughts about Sol being able to help, and try getting his email and/or at least the reception desk at Sun International or I could just ask Trevor
Btw given what a flake you also think is Trevor, why would any of your sisters have anything to do with him, unless you think those sisters too are flakes and therefore you no longer have anything to do with them?
Remember I’m not the talker
I started out at the top of the DAAC exposing their top officials even trying to place DEBEERS INFORMERS WANTED ads in the South African Sunday Times and I have just been working my way down the ladder of human snakes and every so often when directed by nature-logic to swing back up and remind those at the top that their misdeeds are not going unpunished
can you get me Trevor’s email address?
Hillary Mulholland
Exactly what rot in my family would you like me to tell you, two elder sisters married and divorced 3 times. Younger one Moyra married but separated, awaiting divorce. Youngest Sonya happily married for 31 years to Mats Wilander.
I spent the last two months of my mothers life with her everyday and all five sisters where there on her deathbed. Some of my sisters are not highly intellectual but all have warm and caring hearts. My daughter has been a heroin addict for at least 7 years, it is a painful thing to watch your child destroying themselves but I am still there loving her. Oh by the way I mentioned my 4 year old grand daughter because she has lived with me since birth. She loves her mother and this way she is safe and secure and can still spend the clean times with her. My son is another story, he is embarrassed and disgusted by his sister and this anger extends to me as he feels I should disown her and have nothing further to do with her.
I mentioned Trevor’s Dad because I find it most difficult to understand people who just ditch a parent or child when the going gets tough. Whatever happened to unconditional love?? I’m sure I can get Trevor’s email address
Hillary Mulholland
OCT 27, 2018, 3:56 PM
I asked for Tevor’s email address. Of course, I know he is on FB. I make a point of adding this talker to my FB group chats.
You have now been on FORGETFULNESS my group chat for quite a while.
Big changes are happening all the time, but the small minded person misses it.
But fear not because I have explained it all very well on FORGETFULNESS that there is something very wrong when you have all the happy face people holding back on the world’s best kept secret.
So you see the connection with my mother Zena is not quite the same as any mother having her last and clear wishes not being listened to and my mother Zena also predicted this which confirms that much more that my mother was of clear, sound mind in terms of where she was, what she was saying, who she wanted to be with and why the others could not be counted on, when I filmed her.
Not one of the now 938 views of The Lady’s Speech can be feeling good about not commenting on this disgrace.
We can see who these “peole” [sic] are by the image they put out of themselves on social media.
They are wrong to all smile because they are unhappy which is why they all ignore the wrong.
They look like they are being manipulated by a higher force.
What do you think?
Just posted the following on FORGETFULNESS:
Hillary, why don’t you sleep on it before making a decision and what you should retract?
I see you have left the group, but I will send you this again on FB messaging.
In the meantime, I will add a few more names to the group.
Now remember all your words on FORGETFULNESS about me, and every single detail that we have discussed here.
It is going to be delivered verbatim.
Hillary Mulholland
Whatever Gary, I am too old for drama. You are obviously quite malicious so go ahead. I am a big girl and can stand by anything I say. All I really wanted was to help with your Mother if I could. I have great respect for outstanding parents.
This is a private forum and as a published poet anything you “publish” on a public forum is in fact a copyright infringement.
Don’t start preaching the law, when you now try to hind behind as I expose you for having said lies about me on my group chat, FORGETFULNESS.
You seem to have a problem remembering one thing from next what you have said.
Hillary Mulholland
I didn’t lie about you, I gave my opinion on how you go about manipulating people with supposedly good intent but you just want to abuse a big an audience as possible.
Integrity, loyalty and love were the family values that we grew up on.
You are in my opinion a most devious person.
Let me explain.
Your opinion was to malign me, and you know that you can’t support your false assertions about me and why you now dont want me to publish everything.
You couldn’t even figure when I told you specifically how you could help my mother, you didn’t didn’t think it was a good idea.
I figured that you weren’t smarter than me and that the reason you didn’t like my suggestion of sending out my email broadcasts all also centered around the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] which is at the heart of why mother is in captivity, is because you saw it as too hot a “potatoe” [sic].
Then you jumped into telling me about Trevor Goldberg.
Hillary Mulholland
You asked me if he was my Facebook friend? Otherwise he would never have been in our conversation!
I think we got the history between us pretty much down. Let’s end it and let the people decide? Does that sound good?
Hillary Mulholland
Do what suits your conscience Gary, I only answer to my Maker, and I am comfortable with that
I too am comfortable with my conscience and logic; and to have a good conscience you have to have very good logic.
Would you say that you have good logic and that you have demonstrated that in this FB messaging conversation.
BTW, dont you think it is rather arrogant to say, “I only to my Maker”?
Wouldn’t your Maker who is also my Maker require that you follow logic at all times?
You haven’t explained why you would have anything to do with your sisters who have anything to do with a person you call a “fake”?
There can be nothing worse than someone who you consider in your infinite wisdom to be a “fake”.
A fake is a fraud, a liar, and a cheat.
Does our Maker not want you to make wise choices to help your sisters?
You were not trying to help Trevor Goldberg from stopping being a fake when you encourage your sisters to be friendly with him.
When you support your sisters being friendly with him, you are helping send a message that Trevor Goldberg is anything but a “fake”.
Could you see sending out such “mixed signals” it could weaken your logic and that there are other important things that you are missing out on spiritually?
Please explain why it would be wrong to have my email communications which attract a lot of attention just like my website 2facetruth.com not be sent to as many people as possible?
My writing skills have always been exceptionally good, much the same as my quantitative skills.
Hillary Mulholland
No, what I do know spiritually is that we are not in a position to be responsible for another’s journey so no I don’t advise my grown up siblings on who they should or shouldn’t be friends with. That is their journey.
You also thought my writings skills were rather excellent when you spoke loudly about on Oct 11, 4:35pm Calif. time, “Surely we can rally enough SA/Israeli support to petition the situation”
Now explain your opposition to pulling out all stops to help my mother?
With regard to Trevor Goldberg, you avoid mentioning how disgusted you must feel about yourself seeing your siblings supporting a “fake”.
Hillary Mulholland
I can no more stop Trevor from being what he is than fly to the moon.
I just knew for myself that Trevor was a fake friend and didn’t really give a hoot about me or mine.
You just nailed it.
Goldberg didn’t give a hoot about you or your sisters.
How could you, Miss Logic, not be able to convince your sisters that Goldberg is a fake?
Hillary Mulholland
Oh I think in their hearts they know, but many people find it difficult to just end long term relationships with friends
We are not talking about their hearts. You had to have had specific proof about Goldberg’s character to conclude that he was a fake. Did you provide that evidence to your sisters?
Hillary Mulholland
Family relationships are our most challenging, but also our biggest area of spiritual growth
I was not asking for your philosophy.
We are talking about your character.
Did you provide your sisters with the hard evidence that Golberg was a fake?
Please answer the question about my mother.
Hillary Mulholland
I wasn’t talking about any other part of his life, I was talking of my friendship with him. Through the years I noticed he was only around for the good times, that’s how I weed out true or fake friends.
So that hard evidence could [not] have you convincing your sisters. Could you see the harm to your sisters by them continuing to have relationship with a fake, given how well you spelled out that Goldberg was someone not to be trusted.
Could you see being around a fake could be detrimental to your sisters’ health and that it could also end up impacting your ability to be logical such as doing as I suggested and forwarding my very well written and interested email broadcasts which I know interests those at the very top and bottom of the pyramid as long as they are literate and have food in the belly and a safe environment?
Correction: So that hard evidence could NOT have you convincing…
BTW, I think like you that it is a good idea to expose Goldberg which is why you told all that you did.
Hillary Mulholland
Gary exposing others is not my thing, he wasn’t a good friend to me he might be to others, I don’t know. My personal opinions are just that, I haven’t investigated him so no I don’t feel the need to expose him. Perhaps my thoughts are to ‘take the log out of my own eye, before trying to take the splinter out of someone else’s’
Answer my question about my emails being forwarded helping my mother and me expose all those like Goldberg.
BTW, logical people would agree with your son, to dump your daughter into better care than you can provide.
How do I invite your son to be my FB friend?
Also to be united with Goldberg and those like him, against me and the good I represent is not a good thing.
Hillary Mulholland
What have you got against Goldberg? I would help by sending emails out about the unfair treatment of your mother but I am not getting involved in trying to expose people because they have shortcomings as do we all.
The “unfair treatment” you know means exposing specific individuals. Are you stupid?
Hillary Mulholland
I don’t provide her care, she has been in rehab and is under the care of a Social Worker. I provide love and unending unconditional Love
Regarding Goldberg:
I explained that I agree with you that he is a fake, an untrustworthy person. How could you ask that question? Are you stupid?
BTW, when your daughter asks for a new pair of jeans, do you buy it for her and does she sell it?
Hillary Mulholland
Yes Gary everyone is stupid. So why didn’t you say he is a fake, you must have convincing evidence that he is untrustworthy (not my word)
She doesn’t ask me to buy her anything
Of course I have evidence that Goldberg is a fake. It is the same as yours.
I did not say everyone is stupid.
My mother is not stupid.
My beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion Gevisser is not stupid.
Stupid people are illogical people, would you agree with that?
Go back to my mother Zena. When you wrote publicly as strongly as you did, did you not think that it would mean you helping me and my mother expose specific individuals?
Hillary Mulholland
Yes those that were responsible for taking away her rights as an individual without Just Cause
I cannot see how Goldberg fits into the picture
Do you remember writing just earlier, “Gary exposing others is not my thing” followed by “I would help by sending emails out about the unfair treatment of your mother but I am not getting involved in trying to expose people”?
Now you are saying that you are willing to expose those individuals.
Are you having trouble making up your mind?
You have written on the very public FORGETFULNESS group chat things about me that are untrue. You were not being truthful when you previously wrote bad, untruthful things about me on my group chat Review of DDML
Goldberg perfectly fits into the picture.
We are talking about fake people.
Fake people are those who say one thing and do the opposite.
Do you need more examples?
Nor did you say that you had a problem with not wanting to expose others, because all you said was that you were not in “aggreement” [sic] with my approach to increasingly public international attention to my mother’s plight.
Hillary Mulholland
No I am not talking any longer, I have a very important 3 year old waking up in a couple of hours, who deserves all the love and attention I can give her
You are showing great signs of being the “fake” you charge Goldberg with.
Hillary Mulholland
In your opinion
That is right. It is my opinion.
You knew why you didn’t want to send out my emails detailing the captivity-murder of my mother Zena but you were not honest in telling me. Being honest would have meant saying, “I don’t want to expose people” and instead you said simply that you didn’t agree with my plan, but you didn’t provide me with a better plan, and you know that your “better plan” could have also been done in conjunction with my plan.
I think you should mend your relationship with Goldberg. I will advise him accordingly; probably at the same time I share our dialogue here.
Can you let know as you take your nap as well, surely, if you are ready to proceed as you had stated in Review of DDML that you will forward my email broadcasts to as many people as you can, and in the process expose all those “gulty” [sic] of this most heinous crime?
BTW, a person who keeps changing their mind not only reminds me of Trump but everyone who has a problem with logic.
I have also found that people with good logic are far more trustworthy, do you know why?
Could you see G-DNA-ture punishing those doing wrong with “falty” [sic] logic or do you think our Maker would think of something smarter, such as?
Are you talking to your sisters who are on Forgetfulness?
Do you think they will like Goldberg more or less after they see all this?
I am focused on helping my mother, and when someone comes along bearing false promises, I do not like it.
I am doing the right thing and my logic is not faulty. Note that I misspelled it earlier.
If you feel ashamed of your behavior it is because you should.
You know perfectly well that the knowledge I have about business of the DAAC which affects all our lives including heroin addicts because it is a business that they control from start to finish and that is not only because they handle all the banking, processing and shipping, can only do good to the planet.
Again, you know it is coupled with my mother’s captivity.
You can’t fault either my mother knowledge or ongoing analysis of what the DAAC’s DIG continues to do the minds of humans.
If you don’t feel ashamed it would be wrong to assume that you have perfect logic.
Hillary Mulholland
I asked what there was that I could do directly, get people to petition those that can do something
I am not being facetious or argumentative. Is English your first language. If Afrikaans is your first language, then I need to rethink everything.
Hillary Mulholland
I don’t agree with the way you are going about it, same as I don’t agree with war. That is my prerogative. English is my only language, I am 63, tired at 2.44 am and am not in a debating competition
Of course you are tired. You have been stupid for much longer than it starting at 2:44am
I am fighting for the life of my mother who is being systemically murdered and you are playing a word game with me?
I don’t care how tired you are now, when you said that you were going to help I interpreted it then very logically, the same as you are now saying which is very logical.
So the logic part of your brain is now working the same it was back when first jump in with such strong words.
A “petition” means getting more rather than less people to petition the authorities who have done a most egregious wrong.
What you could do directly is to get people to petition. Those are you exact words which I agree with.
You the names of the people in control of my mother including my 3 elder siblings and if you are wrote to them it wouldn’t go anywhere.
You know that the only thing that would work is getting through to as many people throughout the globe who were not directly involved in the captivity murder of my mother.
Those are the people who can do something. More of those people around the world can do more than just talking about it and doing nothing.
Who would you suggest we start with?
correction: you KNOW the names of the people in control..
OCT 27, 2018, 6:54 PM
Now given how important I consider my reputation, you and I have to get into the meat of the argument you presented on Review of DDML before you cowardly left:
“…and stop trashing others”, again your words.
Name me exactly who I was trashing. Yes, I was trashing Goldberg just like you were trashing him to me. That meant we were on the same team even if we had different experiences with Goldberg.
So I am clear in my agenda that is to get out the information on the money that controls human thought more so than spirituality until spirituality takes over and the fake-flakes start saying the most stupid things as the asses contradict themselves which has them angry and accusatory, as well as who knew what and when?
So we are very clear that both of us consider Goldberg to be a dishonorable human being; and that doesn’t mean I have forgotten that he borrowed $1500 from me decades ago and telling me either when he gets back on his feet or collects his father’s inheritance that he would pay back the monies.
I cant think of anyone else you were thinking that I was trashing without good cause.
Were you talking about your sisters?
Were you bothered by me saying, “That is not to say I disbelieve Hillary when she calls you a ‘fake’ because I know that you are a total flake, much the same with anyone including Hillary’s other sisters who have anything to do with you.”
Correction: It was my group chat “Forgeffullness” [sic] not R of DDML.
Surely, your sisters told Goldberg exactly why you said that he was a “fake” which is the same as someone who is two-faced and that mean you can only trust them to let you down, and it is just a question of time.
That would mean if you stay friendly with a “fake” you are looking for either trouble or you want something out of him which also makes you a “fake”.
Again, there cannot be anything worse than a “fake” to have as your friend.
Why wouldn’t Goldberg be a “fake” to your sisters like he was a “fake” to you. Weren’t your sisters in an uproar when you explained your reasoning for having nothing further to do with him?
Did you tell your sisters that they were hurting you deeply by having anything to do with him?
What can be worse than deciding after a lifetime friendship to “ditch” somebody? They had to have done something totally aweful for you to write to me a complete stranger, after i simply asked if he was your FB friend and then I gave some of my background with Goldberg and then you come bolting in, “I am not fb friends with Trevor Goldberg, I ditched him a long time ago he is however still friendly with my other sisters, he dated Moyra. He was also best friends with my children’s father. He is just a fake.”
You absolutely do ditch someone who is a “fake”. You also make it your business to tell everyone who knows that individual that the “fake” is a “fake” which explains why you didn’t hesitate to lay in solid punches to the “fake” Goldberg.
Then you have the audacity to lecture me that I am “manipulative” and worse.
I bet your mother than never fully cleaned out your mouth with the foulest tasting soap because what else can explain the residue that was left behind.
So you see I understand you began to follow along easily my explanation of the DAAC philosophy that the human it had brainwashed for more than a century was uglier than them who at least set up charities for the rich and these charities disguised the harm the charities accomplish when masking the harm done by those in charge of the charities.
That should the people ever discover the truth about the DIG they would turn on the messenger, and do everything to protect the DAAC institution which would crumble should the plight of my mother achieve critical mass amongst those humans who have a conscience and/or afraid of their “fake” friends and family turning on them.
OCT 28, 2018, 3:34 AM
Hillary Mulholland
We are a close knit and loving family. We believe in love and forgiveness. You may call me stupid, I will claim that even if it’s only for getting drawn into a conversation with you. Please let’s stop conversing as I don’t like your abusive manner.
[Hillary then BLOCKED]