House of Saud – Pretense of Justice [Screenshot of Maye Musk’s FB wall, 19:01 Calif. time, Oct. 2, 2018
Gary Gevisser replied to a comment on this.
Walking the red carpet, saying hi to photographers💃👋 #Premiere#AStarIsBorn
Loved the movie. Congrats #BradleyCooper @ladygaga
Thanks @juliaperryh @emiliawickstead @louboutinworld @joomilim @neusa_neveslove_mkup
Christopher Dunn, Samantha Heller and 157 others
Josephine Rispoli Bellissima ……. like always
Humberto Miranda Your my star
Wendy-Ann Antanaitis Stunning!
Lisa Morris Yes!!! And that color!!!
Pipi Wyatt You are fabulous
Angela Petty Yes
Chandra Turrentine Ambriehl Turrentine
Nadeeka Abeysinghe Love this dress and color !!!
Barbara Viczián Love your style!
Bridget M Metcalfe Awe so lovely!!!
Theresa Miller You are beautiful
Patricia Holmes Sexton Work it like the queen you are
Susan Kimberly Gorgeous
Leilani Stuthard Simmons Stunning woman!
Samantha Heller Maye strutting her inner luminescence. Fabulous.
Mary Johnson stunning
Maria Crumes So fine Maye
Radka Dimitrova Gorgeous
E Holiday Stephens Your so cute..
Melanie Joy Such grace .
Gary Gevisser Pretense of Justice – [Word count 2604]
Grace under fire is what you show; and there is little to celebrate, at the moment, with Elon’s decision, and so quickly, to settle with the SEC, and which no one here is talking about; and that must also send an important message to your brain sensors about “fair weather friends”.
In the forest where I am presently, there are dark clouds and the more sensitive trees and bushes including the beautiful sage and manzanita, the manzanita in particular quite unique to this environment would have sensed much earlier than us warring man the pending downpour which is all they need and a little rich soil, to survive.
There is no one on this planet, apart from me, in a knowledgeable position to best defend Elon and do so in quick succession; and that would include the SEC prosecutors who are only looking to their big future pay days; and of course there will be big bonuses forthcoming from the $40 million settlement that sends shivers through the spines of Elon’s simple human supporters who can only dream of affording the least expensive TESLA.
The fact that there are so few supporters speaking out tells you how easily the fickle human falls into line, believing that the government prosecutors are doing the right thing and protecting the integrity of the financial markets.
Elon, I believe was 17 when he emigrated from our birth country South Africa to Canada, and that would have been around 1987 when I made the decision not to join Lloyd’s of London, the oldest and most exclusive Old Boy’s Club given how my “risk assessment” skills told me that disaster was pending; and that happened within a few weeks of my very carefully thought through decision which would place me immediately at odds with my employer Insurance Marketing Services Inc., the largest and most profitable private insurance publishing company which I had joined 3 years before; first as Chief Financial Officer and shortly thereafter I was appointed Chief Operating Officer once I gave the founder of the company, George Nordhaus an ultimatum that he either fires the President of the company who had hired me, who was replacing my middle brother Melvin who was over his head despite his sufficient university education and more experience in the insurance field, and I was only 27 at the time, but a lot more worldly experience than my 29 year old brother, tucked under my belt.
Most importantly when Alan Greenspan was appointed on August 11, 1987 as the new Chairman of the Federal Reserve and I was familiar with his very articulate writings from 1966, his essay Gold & Economic Freedom, never part of his confirmation proceedings which told me that he had already been bought, I knew that I had made the right decision and then 69 days later, Black Monday, October 19 took place and those shockwaves continue to reverberate.
While everyone was looking at the large decline in the stock markets around the world, the real show was taking place at Lloyd’s of London who I provided with something to “chew on”, to start an insurance syndicate focusing on small, owner managed businesses wishing to avoid the bureaucracy and insurmountable conflicts of interest surrounding Wall Street, in order to cushion the impact of my decision given how I just completed engineering a rather quick turnaround of IMS Inc. which included allowing Citigroup a “look in” to the highly lucrative insurance market which the Glass-Seigal Act had presented stiff barriers, which were themselves to distract both the investing public as well as blue collar workers from what was really taking place.
Ms. Musk, I am giving you right now time critical information which if I were to place it up immediately on the FB module, Durban Down Memory Lane [DDML], the little to no reaction from the going on 18,000 members will not diminish its significance; not to mention the ongoing exponential growth of my FB friend count thanks to DDML.
Let us now move the clock forward from October 19, 1987, 14 years, 8 months and 27 days to July 16, 2002 when in reply to a friendly email from a lifelong best friend from Durban, I ended with:
Jeff, could you explain to me why a publicly traded company should be valued any more than a private company?
Love to all.
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Gary Gevisser POJ – Page 2
Jeff Malatskey who was in my same class throughout our schooling and a year behind me at the University of Natal-Kwazulu because he first tried his hand at dentistry before deciding on business-accounting, saw his whole world falling apart with that very important question which was as important then as it was in 1774 and no less important today.
Suffice to say, in order to save both time and space, just ask if you or anyone else wants to know why it makes all the sense in the world that a public corporation run by self-serving management has to be worth significantly less than a private company run usually by its owner who is not distracted by the mainstay of Wall Street’s “management friendly” i.e. shareholder hostile takeovers.
Unless there are new developments from what I saw early this morning, Elon now has a boss even if the chairmanship position has yet to be filled.
It is also more than the Securities Exchange Commission who are now going to be his boss for the next 3 years while they provide no guarantees that his health will improve.
Elon is going to made to feel worse than being at school surrounded by bullies, because he could always go home to you, and the two of you could figure out countermeasures such as winning over the bullies with sound reasoning that a bully is hiding something deep in their past, and if that doesn’t do the trick, as it is very unlikely the bully listens otherwise they wouldn’t be a bully, then to learn martial arts like Krav Maga and still physical violence is the least preferable option.
I sure hope that Elon is not knocking his head against the wall and decides to pick up the phone and call me and I will explain what is going on better than anyone in his inner circle because if they were loyal to him, they would have first protected him from doing such a quick turnaround which makes Elon look a lot like Donald Trump who changes his mind in mid-sentence.
Outside management who are usually university educated like Jeff Malatskey are only loyal to those offering them the highest paycheck and money is not something to be passion about especially if you have my knowledge of the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which to be as expert as me you would have needed to work for the diamond drilling cartel De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] at their highest levels.
Call it my “good luck” the fact that I was at the right place at the right time back in 1978 when the DAAC were taking out the last of their resistors in Israel after having first bought both the government in power as well as the opposition which is standard operating procedure for the DAAC going back well before they brought their Apartheid Regime to power in mineral rich South Africa following the rigged South African General Election of May 26, 1948 when the favorite, and incumbent Prime Minister, General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] the best friend us Jewish people had in modern day times, got the boot.
My mother Zena who remains a captive in her Netanya, Israel apartment because of her support of me, taught me from an early age, “You make your luck.”
It was both greed and vengeance, much the same with my 3 elder siblings who have been disrespecting my mother’s clear wishes, which resulted in a great many investors in Lloyd’s including my boss George Nordhaus filing lawsuits against Lloyd’s alleging fraud which resulted in the catastrophic losses, unprecedented in Lloyd’s history dating back to 1774, the same year Scottish economist Adam Smith came up with his nonsense Wealth of Nations book, again published just 2 years before the US Declaration of Independence which along with the later US Constitution did not talk favorably about either women, black slaves imported from Africa or the “savage” native American Indians who were continuing to be massacred because they still constituted the majority of the population and fearful were us white Europeans that if given half the chance they would beat us back; hence why the word “savage” remains so prominent, so close to the start, “All men are created equal…”
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Gary Gevisser POJ – Page 3
It is not only the SEC but the entire US Government as well as the British government, plus all the allied nations and the communist block nations no less complicit, who are hiding the most incredible secret.
Lloyd’s of London were tied at the hip with my former employer De Beers-Barclays
when imposing, starting in the early 1990s and continuing to this day, a ban preventing American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyd’s while allowing terrorist financing countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait & Qatar mentioned most prominently in the Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad [IMI-M] report from the summer of 2007, to not only continue investing in Lloyd’s but to launder the untraceable monies, that the DAAC use as bribes when investing in Lloyd’s.
And it get worse than that.
Besides for Lloyd’s accepting as a money instrument, price-fixed diamond currency from “accredited” investors like the House of Saud, the US Government has continued to allow Lloyd’s to sell their insurance products to Americans and American corporations.
Nothing in the history of human civilization is as convoluted, systemically corrupt as what Lloyd’s have been allowed to do.
The Lloyd’s fraud makes a mockery of all banking laws, and every other law on the books.
It is a total slap across the face of our democracy; and the DAAC are not remorseful, and nor are all those they have co-opted-corrupted, and whose job is to distract at all cost.
When the SEC decide on possible candidates for the chairmanship, and they will first have to meet Elon, he should have the candidate read this, and/or speak with me in person.
Most people when they think of Saudi Arabia see Dollar signs, fancy limousines, fast cars, exotic dancers and palaces one after the other; and everyone wheeling and dealing.
They don’t see it as the House of Saud.
This is a country named after one man, Ibn Saud who was brave on the battlefield but his offspring prefer to finance terrorists and create chaos around the world which also suits their puppeteers.
That is why it is not the end of the world for Elon despite his choice this past Saturday which to me, forget anyone else who thinks logically, is most disappointing.
He has to deal with the reality before being able to fix the problem which first requires identifying those within his inner circle who have only their personal interests at heart.
His 24 hour turnabout, after telling the world on Friday that he was going to fight tooth and nail to hold on to control of TESLA which he has now most assuredly lost and the imagery is clear, “Another one bites the dust”, cannot be swept under the carpet. Nor was it good to attempt to distract us with a rich Japanese man willing to pay a small fortune to travel once round the moon in one of Elon’s expensive joy ride rockets.
Whatever SEC crimes Elon may have committed they are pale in comparison for what the SEC has allowed Lloyd’s to pull off for going on 3 decades; and the banning of Americans is of course to coverup the misdeeds going back to the appointment of Alan Greenspan when suddenly this most articulate man could only be understood by an insane mindreader.
There is no way to fully describe in words the miscarriage of justice that has taken place ever since the DAAC were allowed to prevail in instituting the greatest fraud of them all when having governments throughout the world who were watching Nazi Germany rearm in clear violation of the Versailles Peace Treaty, allowing for the introduction of the insanely illogical and morally indefensible Gross Domestic Product index which governs the health of the world’s economy while promoting unstoppable consumerism.
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The goal is to have people not think before getting them sick.
What better than breath in fossil fuel fumes which along with nuclear radiation gasses make for a wonderful concoction.
I am not suggesting that Elon immediately file a workers comp claim against his future boss chairman, but he can certainly wear a smile on his face when demanding proper restitution from the SEC for putting him through this hell.
I also suggest that during that call we conference in my former very close colleague, shareholder class action litigator [scal] Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who continues to be a member of my Facebook group chat, ATOH [A Test of Humanity] alongside the likes of Alan Dershowitz and his feigned nemesis, Noam Chomsky.
It is time to end this Pretense of Justice even if it has been going on since the time us Jewish people left Egypt as slaves.
It is not possible for someone like Elon to function as ceo without also being the chairman.
The fact that his Tweets since Friday are not front page news is not because he feels good about his decision; and as the minutes tick by it will only get worse.
He has written a lot about “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”
An important part of remaining positive is to be able to wake up every morning as well as go to sleep being able to look yourself in the mirror.
Even if the money wasn’t bullshit which it is, getting all the money in the world to die the richest person in the grave which the ants have long laughed at, cannot be worth it.
Forget all that I have previously written.
Pay only attention to the present.
The financial system has its roots in the drilling industry where it is only “might is right” which rules the day; and all the diplomacy talk is nothing more than a Pretense of Justice [POJ] as all those who pay homage to their respective Gods and prophets are at best buffoons.
While waiting for his call I will continue on DMML…/permalink/1892587807456690/
where I have yet to get into the brutal assassination of my classmate and cousin, Sandra Jacobson [1957-1997] who was murdered 3 years into the reign of the DAAC stooge Nelson Mandela who was my hero as a kid until I was around 13 years of age and began asking the important questions of my very worldly British-English mother Zena as my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie listened intently to my mother’s responses which did nothing to alter to my positive outlook on this life which on a superficial level looks miserable, that suffering part of the human condition from start to finish and one singer I heard this Saturday at the local farmer’s marketing urging to shift the focus, without neglecting to say that the boy and girl thing is more suffering.
Why wait?
Who would want to be chairman of TESLA with this hanging over their head?
Gary Steven Gevisser
1d · Edited
Gary Gevisser Post Script: Those who have come at Elon are bad. It is evident, but it needs to be said.
Gary Gevisser House of Saud – Page 1
Note that I, along with my postings which were getting a lot of “traction” on Down Durban Memory Lane, have been removed and nor have the administrators said why.
It says a lot about censorship and democracy, and something that Elon and the world should be paying most attention to as it goes to the heart of the House of Saud set up.
Bear in mind that the members of the House of Saud which only have oil and the military support of the oil companies who only want Elon around so long as he agrees to their terms and conditions, tell the world that their dictatorship is the result of consensus by all members of the House of Saud Royal family, and that takes a sharp edge off the rest of their abuses including their mistreatment of women as well as the genuine opposition.
As you are probably only now learning for the first time there was no genuine opposition to the Apartheid Regime whose main backers, the German-South African Oppenheimer family should have been the first and last prosecuted at Nuremberg.
This was almost “first nature” to me growing up in my highly literate and secretive British-English mother Zena’s household where my South African Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser was no “potted plant” while recognizing my mother’s vast knowledge of the “problems of the world and the solution to many of these problems.”
Once, however, proving to Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000]
at the very start of my year long orientation into the world’s most secretive and powerful society and which De Beers founder Cecil Rhodes spelled out clearly in his first will of 1877, that having been most discrete all my life did not prevent me from both fine tuning my common sense as well as figuring out that most people are as good as the last person they speak with, so he opened up the DAAC’s [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] darkest and well kept secrets.
Oppenheimer was also well aware that prior to the start of my official employment at the DAAC’s most important site-holder on US soil, Codiam Inc., in early spring 1979 when I looked like this
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Gary Gevisser…
Gary Gevisser House of Saud – Page 2
he had allowed scholarly American Edward J. Epstein the most extraordinary access into the inner sanctums of the DAAC, by a non-family member.
Moreover, while I have no blood connection to the Oppenheimers, my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser [1926-2009] was the “male heir” of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]
who following the Oppenheimers’ escape from prosecution at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-47] became Harry and his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer’s “protector”.
This is only to share with you that the tightness the House of Saud want the world to see masks an important truth which is their undoing.
The House of Saud, like the royals of Kuwait and Qatar who get a lot of free “air time” with their support of professional sports all the while advocating, “NO TO RACISM”, would have long disappeared were it not for DAAC rule.
Furthermore, it should be us Jewish people, led by us Jewish South Africans who should have been the very first following the farcical Nuremberg to expose the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime were it not for the fact that our leadership ranks had been fully infiltrated following the rigged May 26, 1948 South African General Elections which ousted General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] while Harry Oppenheimer, the “Trojan Horse” joined Smuts’ United Party and won his first seat in the South African Parliament which was now under the control of the DAAC’s National Party which immediately began introducing the draconian Apartheid laws.
This would not be the first time you have heard from me this most important information, but not only will it ring true to your ears but its relevance today, this very hour, is close to home.
My banning on Down Durban Memory Lane for which there is no justification other than the administrators either didn’t like the truth and/or they were told to “leash me”, should be all the wake up call Elon needs to know what his future holds unless he decides that holding on to his conscience, his future happiness is a fight worth fighting for.
Nor can you or your 3 children be blamed for not realizing how perverted was also the justice system in South Africa given the hugely disproportionate number of Jewish South African lawyers and judges.
My mother Zena is now paying with her life for supporting my positive nature; and something she is willing to do, just so that the truth of the origins of our Jewish Holocaust and its aftermath beginning with the decimation of the South African Jewish community gets out, before all is lost.
And should it turn out that no one cares because the opinion of the people is what they get off the TV, then of course, still all is not lost, because then it is entirely left in the hands of God.
Again, I will be writing next to Elon.
6h · Edited
Kathleen Frame U r beautiful. I really wish to have known. U growing up