How come …? – Backup 2
Screenshot 1:59 PM Calif. time, Sunday October 31, 2021
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How come there are so many people with high IQ and they are still destroying the planet?
You, Shellie Evans, Boitshoko ChoCco Mogedi and 7 others
Can you say GREEDY
Shellie Evans , more so not so bright. It is a curse not to be excited by the unknown.
ActiveThe ones with the high IQ’s are not the rulers and policy makers. They have been speaking out and advising ever since. Unfortunately policy makers are not driven by enlightened knowledge, but by offers of enrichment alone, for being in power is always a very uncertain and short term endeavor in democracies.
Gary Gevisser I will tell you a curse we’ve all been under. FEAR of dying. That is how they control the population with FEAR. We never really die, just change. We have the Spark of Life that never ever dies. Let go of the FEAR, and they lose all their Powers.
ActiveKobus PJ Van Staden name me one who has spoken out against the GDP?
Gary Gevisser I do not understand how you relate GDP to destroying the planet, but as far as our weak GDP in SA goes;Economists do it all the time. A couple of years ago my daughter did her degree in education at the UFS when one of their assignments was to research why some countries give free education and others not. She compared South Africa with New Zealand (about half SA’s population) and Japan (about 10 times SA’s population). Those two countries compared neck to neck on GDP per capita despite the difference in population numbers. Everything boiled down to incompetent governance, criminal nature of SA’s ruling party and a poor education system as reasons for a weak GDP. And she scored above 90% for her work. Much of it was based on the concerns of economists as was published in the media. And that includes everything, from absurd labour policies to political instability and everything in between. So, yes, a lot has been spoken out. But like I said, that knowledge is not what government is driven by…!?
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Kobus PJ Van Staden I read carefully everything you wrote.Let me first say that I am very well university schooled in the study of economics.Kobus, how did the GDP come about? Did it show care for the planet, in particular the green space which provides most of the oxygen and all of it when the sea dies?
ActiveGary Gevisser ok, I get it. Yes, I agree, profit over planet is killing the earth! I was published a couple of times on the topic in newspapers and magazines. The solution is to transform to clean industry, but the biggest obstacle to it is the status quo with key politicians on their payroll.
Kobus PJ Van Staden what you had published, did it have to do with how the GDP came about?I feel you are jumping all over the place.What is your formal schooling?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, can you share your email so that I can send you a backup, just in case.
Gary Gevisser No, it had to do with environmental decline and global warming, of which GDP is a driving factor when based on industry thriving on dirty energy, causing polution, and on urban development without much regard for the natural habitat it destroys in the process. My formal education is in the field of physics, so I understand how life is supported by earth’s photosynthesis process and how the above negatively affects it.Tha’s why you perhaps feel as if I am jumping around, for my focus is not purely on GDP as the causing factor of us killing the planet, but on the relationship the GDP has with the actual variables responsible for it.
Kobus PJ Van Staden is there a reason why you don’t answer how you have all this knowledge about the GDP?The first place you look to when someone is all over the board on the subject of economics-politics Is their formal university schooling.So I will ask it a different way. Where did you learn what you know about economics?I also believe you purposely avoided answering my question from much earlier on about your knowledge of the origins of the GDP.Even if you are well university schooled where if you “ate” [sic] conscious you quickly wake up to the horrors of the Gross Domestic Product economic index, it doesn’t prevent you from going to the library or asking Google.What have you learned?
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Gary Gevisser I did not gain my knowledge the same way every university student did. That is why my thought process doesn’t follow the same “groove”. I went into business for myself at a young age and started learning about economics from the physical and practical side of things, and also to determine what the greater picture looks like of which I form a small part. Thanks to my physics training, I am also good at analyzing and making sense of all the variables that make up a system. Our capitalist system could very well be described as a scientific model of input variables and transformed outcomes. And since economics is as much about numbers as science is, and since numbers do not lie like words do, meaning that it will always and eventually expose that which is wrong, it enables one to form solid and rigid perceptions of what should be, and what not.On your question about the origin of the GDP, no, I do not know, because I have not googled it..? However, I suppose the answer can be viewed from different perspectives, one that its origin is with the formation of our modern day economic model, or one that is as old as man himself if you consider trade a measure of a nation’s wealth, even if it wasn’t called a GDP back then..?Perhaps you would like to enlighten me in this regard?
Kobus PJ Van Staden what university did you get your degree in physics?You haven’t named so far one individual who you say has a high IQ and has been speaking out against the GDP. Why is that?You write that your focus is on the relationship the GDP has with the actual variables responsible for it.What variables are responsible for the GDP?Where do you get your knowledge about the Gross Domestic Product economic index?
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Kobus PJ Van Staden it has been 19 odd minutes since you last wrote “… enlighten me in this regard” and 12 minutes since my response.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, you also haven’t shown your published articles which I assume have a strong connection to the GDP, why is that?
- 4h
Kobus PJ Van Staden, do you recall writing, “On your question about the origin of the GDP, no, I do not know, because I have not googled it…” and previously writing, “… my focus is not purely on GDP as the causing factor of us killing the planet, but on the relationship the GDP has with the actual variables responsible for it”?There seems to be a conflict with what you are saying.That is why I persist in having you explain these “variables” without forgetting you wrote in the next breath, “… about the origin of the GDP, no, I do not know…”.
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Kobus PJ Van Staden, it is now 9:54 AM, Sunday, October 31, 2021 on the west coast of the United States.Tomorrow will be the 49th anniversary of my first meeting with Mossad head, and first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion who nearly 2 months later, as I was preparing to return to South Africa after a 3 month Ulpan-Gadna training, asked me for my assessment of what I had learned; and my answer, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret” had Ben Gurion chuckling followed by, “I may borrow your words in the future”.Those were our last spoken words.Kobus, your writings remind me a lot of my university economics professors who spoke a lot but said nothing that made any sense.
Gary Gevisser I have a life as well, so forgive me for not clinging to my electronics 24/7..!First, let me ask: What is your drift? Why is it so important to you that I name people with high IQ’s and exactly where I received my education? How is that relevant to the topic of discussion? Is the facts alone not sufficient?When I write about “variables”as input, I refer to all labour and materials that produce the money value (outputs) we call the GDP. And as for this discussion about killing our planet and how it is connected to the GDP, input variables include what our planet” pays” to generate its monetary value, like excavations in mining and deforestation to develop expanding urban suburbs and industry…Nevertheless, it looks like you are more interested in discussing me than the topic rather..?
Gary Gevisser if you know it all and lives by a code of not speaking, your posting here is a direct contradiction to your code!?
Kobus PJ Van Staden , you are once again mistaken and defensive.People who have little knowledge have big egos and more likely to lie.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, I was 15 years old at the time.There wasn’t the Internet back then or anything close unless you were a leader of a superpower and willing to use your nuclear weapons to maintain the status quo which of course that hasn’t changed.But we should not get ahead of ourselves even though going on 17 odd years ago, 11.11.2004 to be very precise I threw down the gauntlet for the originators of the insanely illogical, morally reprehensible GDP to come clean which followed my analysis of the arrogant human condition once discovering Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which shuts everyone up; and it is free on The internet and you simply need to know how to use google to access.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, you have been caught in your gobbledygook, nonsense talk and you are angry, defensive, hostile going through the continuous stages of grief loop.You have yet to laugh it off with, lol, but you must be thinking of it.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, also remember, this is my topic.I began 2 days ago, “How come there are so many people with high IQ and they are still destroying the planet?”The character of a person is most important, and when they write trash, it is important to know what drives them.Knowing someone’s background is critical in that assessment.You may well be at the bottom of economic and intellectual pyramid, and yet given the power of the Internet you could very well influence the next generation to be even more stupid.Let me now make a backup of this entire dialogue and place it up on my 2facetruth dot com BLOG.
Gary Gevisser I have no need for being defensive. I just do not understand why you do not want to discuss the topic you started. And angry I am definitely not.As far as ego = 1/knowledge goes, it wasn’t me who boasted about my 46th aniversary with the prime minister and throwing down the gauntlet… I have been discussing the topic since the start. And now it is you who become offensive after I asked you why discuss me and not the topic..? I don’t know if you realize it makes you look like someone who made a statement on a platform where it is open for discussion, perhaps to make you look intelligent, but since you do not possess the intelect to debate the topic, you now play the man and not the ball..? And in that, I can quote Newton to you: We can calculate the orbits of heavenly bodies, but the stupidity of man even the gods struggle with!
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Kobus PJ Van Staden, you can now view the screenshot I took at 10:40 AM Calif. time on my BLOG.Are you able to access it from this link below?Bear in mind, unlike you I do not hide my now 2,136 fb friends, 2 shy of its all time high of 2,138, and there have been about an equal amount of those who have unfriended me as well as those I have unfriended to mention little of what can be learned from those who don’t accept my fb friend invitation.So Kobus PJ Van Staden, are you afraid that the South African Oppenheimer family might already know everything there is to know about you?While waiting for your articles or to explain your laughable contradictions, have you heard of the SA Oppenheimers who have to deal with the fools who carry their genes but when it comes to hiring the best and brightest they are most particular about both their people as well as quantitative skills?2FACETRUTH.COMHow come …?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, since you say that you have been on topic from the start and that it is me who is straying, let’s recap:On October 28, Thursday, at 7:37 PM Calif. time I began, “How come there are so many people with high IQ and they are still destroying the planet?”The following day, at 2:43 PM, I see that you piped in for the first time, “The ones with the high IQ’s are not the rulers and policy makers. They have been speaking out and advising ever since…”Yesterday, Saturday at 1:46 PM I responded, “Kobus PJ Van Staden name me one who has spoken out against the GDP?”So Kobus PJ Van Staden we are talking about the Gross Domestic Product which has you providing two conflicting stories.Let me now make a backup, just in case.
Gary Gevisser I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but am not sure why it doesn’t show – perhaps you decide what you want posted..?
It is now 10:57 AM Calif. time and prior to posting on my BLOG, Kobus PJ Van Staden would you like to know who else I know is watching and learning from your fast and loose play?Have you heard of South African multi-billionaire Solly Krok?You know that he didn’t hire you in August 1989 to do a review of his international holdings.There is also good reason why 16 years later, early 2005, Krok first said to me, after not hearing from me in a decade when I did in mid 1995, a second most important assignment, this time in South Africa, on his behalf, “Gevisser, I should have listened to you” and nor did I first begin, “Solly, this is Gary …” because I simply said before his very true words, “Solly hello.”Kobus PJ Van Staden, you would agree that your educational background and work experience go a long way in determining one’s credibility.You will eventually tire of your bullshit, but in the meantime, others not so full of themself will hopefully learn not to imitate your horsehit.Would you like to know more about another fb friend of mine, Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene who is Israel’s largest organic produce farmer?
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Gary Gevisser as for conflicting stories, I have responded on the question you have posted, then YOU, in your reply to me, switched the topic to GDP. Go check your backup! And here we are, you are still to start discussing YOUR topic..?
Gary Gevisser gee whiz, now you are really going at Ego = 1/knowledge.I do not care about my background, neither about yours! I only care about the topic of discussion, which you are not doing..?After all, I guess intellect will reveal itself once you start participating, don’t you think?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, I have censored nothing.No less important are the following:First, you know you have got caught in your lies when writing two contradictory statements about the GDP.All humans who speak and write English know what the word “orgin” means.Your initial writings are impossible to decipher.You recall writing, “my focus is not purely on GDP as the causing factor of us killing the planet, but on the relationship the GDP has with the actual variables responsible for it”, making out like you know everything there is to know about the GDP.Those “actual variables” caught my attention in part because you didn’t spell out what those important variables are and second, who was responsible for them?Then you write as I explore more your bullshit, “On your question about the origin of the GDP, no, I do not know, because I have not googled it…”Were you in a university lecture hall, you know that you would be the laughing stock even if everyone else was dumb, but not as dumb as you.How are you doing in your research of Harry Oppenheimer, his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and Harry’s only son, Nick?
BTW, Kobus PJ Van Staden, I know that you have other things to do like breath, but try to keep track of the time, 11:28 AM Calif. time and let me know when you feel you have to get off The Internet altogether.Perhaps you saw this one ad of mine
which appeared once in the South African Sunday Times back in the early 90s.Does it interest you to know the reaction of Harry Oppenheimer and others most familiar with my accomplishments?Also let me know when you want me to move beyond you not able to name one person with a high IQ who has spoken out against the GDP which is exclusively responsible for the destruction of the planet?You of course would expect fb officials in addition to those who are fb friends of mine who are watching these events very closely.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, note that the backup that is now in the process of being shared with my 10K+ email list that includes groups of many thousands, was taken at 11:39 AM, 2 minutes ago.Can you hang for another couple of hours while I take care of other matters?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, in the meantime, why not look at my other fb friends and let me know who you find interesting?
Also Kobus PJ Van Staden since you have this interest in professing an indepth knowledge of physics without however providing any academic background in physics or demonstrated you can build better rockets than Musk who obviously reads well, we will be getting into more physics which you obviously don’t know as well as Einstein otherwise you would automatically be humble.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, also try to remember my accurate statement that the GDP is exclusively responsible for the destruction of the planet.Let me know when you figure out who stands the most to gain from war, civil unrest, refugee crisis one after the next in mineral rich regions of the world such as South Africa and the Congo?Is Afrikaans your first language, or would you prefer at this time to be quiet?Proverbs ~ It is better to be quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Gary Gevisser ok, it starts shining through that you are dumber than I first thought, because if it is true that you are so highly schooled in economics, you know that a book can be written about everything (the variables) that make up the GDP. But of course I would only refer to those relevent to the topic, which I did mention.I will admit, however, that I have been miss reading “orgin” (sic) for “origin” as the correct spelling I assume you intended is “organ”…?As far as the university lecture hall filled with highly educated fools go, I laugh twice as hard for them laughing about a source of information when they are not willing to engage in debating the information itself..?And once again you play the man and not the ball? What are you affraid of? I mean, someone as stupid as me should not be much of a threat to your ego, don’t you think?
Gary Gevisser I will be waiting for you, go sort out your other matters.BTW, if you really are that curious about my education in physics, why don’t you go ask prof. Randall D. Knigt of California yourself? We had an interesting discussion once about a new rocket launch concept of mine which utilize electomagnetic propulsion and creates its own wormhole in repelling air molecules (plasma), not to rip it apart, as it is launched at about 10k km/h and reaches the height of the ISS orbit with momentum alone without a drop of combustible fuel, which I am sure Elon’s engineers are looking into, because I have also posted the concept on an engineering site and got positive feedback…
Gary Gevisser and one more thing: No, I am not interested in Harry Oppenheimer’s reactions, neither in your accomplishments. I am only interested in the fact that you are affraid to debate the topic of your own post here – playing the man and not the ball, because things like prestige, fame and riches do not impress me. A good debate does, even if I lose!In all my life, egoism never comes to mind. Only fear from those who always wish (and suggest) that I keep quiet presents itself…
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Kobus PJ Van Staden what is this professor’s email?You also know that the teacher of a self-taught person is a fool.
Kobus PJ Van Staden, you are also lying when you say that you are not interested in Harry Oppenheimer’s pivotal role, the same with his father Sir Ernest in the establishment of the GDP which you have provided two very conflicting statements.Nor are you in the least bit interested in an honest debate because you know you have lost not only the debate but the spark of life.You will now live the remainder of your life living in the past and dreading the future or another way of saying the same thing, “fearful of the unknown”.Again, after a while you are going to tire from continuous repeat of your nonsense.You are a coward, let’s face it.Did you serve in the Apartheid Regime’s military or police forces?Have you ever written anything about the SA Oppenheimers profiting more than anyone else from both their Apartheid Regime and the no less puppet ANC which followed?
Lack of empathy. Also, the fact someone is good with numbers doesn’t define his intention. Being very intelligent and mean is quite possible.
Democracies aren’t ruled by intelligent people. You can be the most intelligent person on Earth, that doesn’t mean you will have the means to use towards anything (given that you may will have to struggle all your life to surpass economical scarcity).
Pedro Gomes Branquinho I agree. Knowledge, or intelligence, means little without opportunity.
Anne Pollard, you are not only my fb friend but the ex-wife of American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who is responsible for you spending some 3 and 1/2 years in prison for collaborating.You also know that my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich on De Beers-Rhodes Scholar, President Bill Clinton’s last day in office, 20 January 2001, 7 months and 22 days prior to 9/11 terrorist attack, centered around Jonathan Pollard.You and I have been conversing on fb messaging since 6:19 PM on 10.19 which is 12 days ago, and you have yet to answer my question put you in that post:Did you see my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post following the pardon of Marc Rich and the first an ‘open letter’ to Jonathan Pollard?Anne Pollard, why is that?You like this Kobus PJ Van Staden first come across like you are an open person; moreover, why wouldn’t you want to get the bottom of your ex-husband’s rather strange behavior which is not indicative of either an intelligent or honorable person.Not to mention, how very positive I was, relatively speaking towards Jonathan Pollard in that first article, again, an “open letter” to a man now into his 16th year of solitary confinement in a United States maximum security prison.So lets look at the first sentence of that “open letter” which was published in a not exactly conspicous international newspaper:“The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.”Anne Pollard, it is now 12:52 PM Calif. time, Sunday, October 31, 2021.20 years and 1 day short of 9 months have elapsed since that “open letter” published in Israel’s most widely read international newspaper; and the silence continues.You wouldn’t need my background, knowledge and intellect to figure out that first sentence, all of 32 words, couldn’t be more precise.Nor would you be able to find that information in any university text book, autobiography, magazine, newspaper or spoken by a talking head radio announcer or TV host.But you may be able to find an editor who could improve on those 32 words, but I very much doubt it.
Anne Pollard you are also a member of my fb group chat-symposium, To be honest [TBH] since this past Monday at 8:51 PM Calif. time, and you have seen a lot, including the duplicity of ChaBAD sic member Torah Gemach and the leadership of the disgusting ChaBAD sic who have caught up in their web a great many unsuspecting Jewish people.Nor is there to my knowledge a more powerful or richer Jewish organization than ChaBAD sic whose operatives come across mostly as poor and trying to help poor Jewish people survive as well as get back to God.Anne, you have been very quiet.It takes a great deal of courage to write under one’s own name in such a public forum as the Jerusalem Post in support of an overmatched Jewish American who looks the perfect part of the anti-Semitic, Nazi caricature, “Dirty Fat Ugly Jew” and at the same time mince no words in condemning both President Clinton as well as highly decorated Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak who got so caught up with this pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and it was most certainly not because Mossad-Israel Military Intelligence [MIMI] wanted to get the goods on Clinton in a compromising situation because they had it with the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich.You see earlier this Shellie Evans pontificating on ridding ourselves of fear, but she doesn’t explain exactly how or for that matter what she herself has done that allows her to talk with authority.Note also my last two responses from this weak character, talker Kobus PJ Van Staden, the first at 1:15 PM which was 5 odd minutes ago:“… You also know that the teacher of a self-taught person is a fool.and the second, just a minute ago:Kobus PJ Van Staden, you are also lying when you say that you are not interested in Harry Oppenheimer’s pivotal role, the same with his father Sir Ernest in the establishment of the GDP which you have provided two very conflicting statements.Nor are you in the least bit interested in an honest debate because you know you have lost not only the debate but the spark of life.You will now live the remainder of your life living in the past and dreading the future or another way of saying the same thing, “fearful of the unknown”.Again, after a while you are going to tire from continuous repeat of your nonsense.You are a coward, let’s face it.Did you serve in the Apartheid Regime’s military or police forces?Have you ever written anything about the SA Oppenheimers profiting more than anyone else from both their Apartheid Regime and the no less puppet ANC which followed?
Solly Krok are you following along? Any comments about this Kobus PJ Van Staden or does Anne Pollardwho I am not about to add to my symposium, Name Someone Stupid [NSS], interest you more?What about you Hollywood music composer, Steven Kofsky.Steven Kofsky, I dont remember asking you if you ever dated Stephanie Marine?Brad Awerbuch, do you remember more these days the trip to Rome you took with me and mom Zena who was the first civilian allowed in to the captured territories of the Sinai following the 6 Day War?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, note that my fb friend count is holding at 2,136.Nor has Anne Pollard left either TBH or NSS which I mistakenly first thought I had yet to add Anne Pollard.Kobus PJ Van Staden would you like to be added to any of my fb symposiums in order for you to get a higher profile?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, are you familiar with the relationship between terrorist financier Marc Rich, anti-Semite, anti-Israel, racist, Harry Oppenheimer and Oppenheimer’s partner German-American partner Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who shared the exact same value system as Harry Oppenheimer and Sir Ernest Oppenheimer?Or does that also not interest you because you want to focus on the corruption and stupidity of the ANC government of South Africa and making yourself look far more intelligent and knowledgeable than you actually are?How do we get Randall D. Knigt to join us?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, could you have got the spelling of his last name incorrect? Is it Knight?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, I don’t see him on fb but I think Ive found his email, Can you confirm?How should I go about introducing you?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, would you like me to send you a copy of my email?
Kobus PJ Van Staden, let me share with you at this time, 1:51 PM Calif. time and it good to remember South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts by him passing away, age 80 exactly 51 years to the day prior to 9/11, those who are not university schooled have the hardest time waking up to the reality of the colossal inhumanity GDP but not nearly as devastated as those who earned degrees at university.Where would you say you fit in?
Kobus PJ Van Staden do you have a formally university schooled economist like my fb friend Dr. Rodney SmithPhd who you would like to have join us here, and who may be able to help you out?BTW, when you next visit my BLOG note that there are now 2 backups just in case you or someone else start deleting stuff.