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How do you think a postage stamp is priced?

From: Gary Gevisser <>

Subject: How do you think a postage stamp is priced?
Date: March 28, 2019 at 4:00:12 PM PDT
To: “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>

Deborah – Next I’m going to be asking my 3 siblings who you know well but not as well as me, how they would describe their relationship with my mother?

It is a question that you too should consider very carefully even if they don’t answer which is almost certain.
Like you they have great difficulty with the truth, and it doesn’t help their conscience with the passage of time, the same with you.
It would have been so easy [f]o[r] you to do the right thing. It would have been no skin off your teeth to assist my mother Zena get her very simple wishes granted and she knew that her 3 elder children didn’t want to be with her because their past misconduct so haunted them.
My mother Zena was not Christian in her thinking. She was very Jewish. You reap what you sow.
Your punishment must be your soon to be 85 year old husband, Harvard law professor Arthur R. Miller Esquire.
You have done the most terrible deed and if he is any way supportive then he too is a horrible man.
There are not enough harsh words to describe your actions which show no remorse only a willingness to distract from your terrible crime.
By granting my mother her wishes, she would have loved you that much more but still no one could be loved more than me and it was only you scoundrels and your weak intestinal allies who were shocked by [my] mother’s wonderful body language, words of praise and abundant love she showed towards me; something none of you could ever imagine coming from your mother or the mothers of your friends who would declare they had the best mother in the world.
You could also have sung your praises to all who wanted to hear, and there would have been a great many around the world who would have gladly listened to you because it was such a great story without the trauma you helped create which of course illuminated all the great ugliness that the people preferred never saw the light of day.
But you didn’t know what would have happened because who is to say what could have happened, only what did occur.
You could still however predict the future, even now; and in a worse case scenario with my mother joyfully at my side sharing her insights as I told the story of the money and the role it played in our Jewish Holocaust and the aftermath which was a whole lot worse, you would still be a hero assuming you went after the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and of course at the top of the list of the world’s worst criminals, the South African-German Oppenheimer family.
You recall that when you began this journey of seeking retribution on the Nazi Germans, Harry Oppenheimer was getting on in years but he was still very much alive.
My mother Zena and I saw that clock ticking down but we didn’t want to rush you even though it would have been good for Oppenheimer to know that his legacy was about to be severely tarnished and his offspring and children would withdraw much quicker than they have.
There would not have been an ill-word spoken between the three of us and you wouldn’t have needed to concern yourself with ever again running into my 3 white trash elder siblings because they too would have been most reticent to show their faces in public. 
So what stopped you?
All I can think of is your ego and upsetting the people who have paid you to stop your investigation which should only have ended with the reopening of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals while placing the actions of the prosecutors including the Jewish American prosecutors under the microscope.
The ego, though, seems at the heart of it.
For everyone to have the same ego problems must have us focusing on its great importance as we also dont see ego playing any role in other other species which is simply driven, based on our current understanding, on the need to survive.
Try imagining God looking down on you, and Alan Zulman who you see in the photo further down, just behind Ben Gurion, also at God’s side and the same with Ben Gurion.
Try also keeping in the back of your mind that this ego problem is across the board with everyone who currently knows how severely flawed is the pricing of the money.

What if they are all smiling happily?
Would that make you smile that much more?
Even if you don’t believe in God but your imagination can tell you that God and everyone else in God’s presence is smiling happily, why wouldn’t you be smiling unless you have done something very terrible?
Let’s say they were all mad as hell with you and you could tell that from their stern faces, would you continue feeling totally miserable?
Of course you would.
In fact you know for an absolute fact of life that you have committed the worst sin possible given how you had the political clout to have long intervened and granted my mother Zena her clear wishes.
I take my mother’s life and legacy very seriously; and there must not be any mistake in your mind about that.

You are first and foremost a lawyer who has made very bad decisions in getting yourself filthy rich.
You are betting against Mother Nature when you defy the principles of logic which is to follow the truth unless you find that the truth you believed to be true is false.

Anytime you bet wrong against Mother Nature you lose.
Mother Nature is purposefully, and therefore ingenious in its design, total unpredictable.
That forces man to be constantly figuring out the best way to bring harmony and peace to the world even if man thinks that is far too lofty a goal.
When you lose the benefits of coincidences all you can look forward to is being that much more self-absorbed.
A self-absorbed person cannot be enchanted by the world around him and sees beauty were only ugliness exists.
A good example is seeing from a high rooftop the skyline of New York City with all its bright lights and tall buildings, and smiling wishing you could be there with the movie actors breathing in all the pollution; and so how often do you think of Manhattan before it was first called New Amsterdam?
Do you really see yourself as brighter than Donald Trump who might be stumped were he to be asked if he thinks the pollution of New York City increases or decreases or keeps the same his IQ?
Don’t be so foolish as to think of the Manhattan skyline as, “This is the price of progress and it is far better than a shit-hole in Africa where everything is a mess, from getting clean drinking water, to avoiding the sight of kids getting their arms chopped off by a maniacal person or group, or just getting telephone service assuming the electrical grid is working”.
While your law school as well as high school studies didn’t show up the inherent weaknesses of how poorly the health of the world’s economy is measured, I have set you straight in that department.
Nor should you be concerned right now with how few people know and the few who know couldn’t give a damm.
What you should be most concerned with is preserving what’s left of your mind because when you cannot see the awesome beauty of nature, nature does not come knocking at your door.
You may still view my sister Kathy and her husband David Danziger as having a loving relationship as you last told me going on 3 years ago, but that is only because you equate love and money as one and the same.
That is surely going to change very soon.
Remember you are rubbing up against the grain of Mother Nature when you purposefully do wrong to someone who you know is not only a good person but someone you have wronged.
You have known from the moment you first saw my mother Zena’s The Lady Speech which I filmed the morning of September 22, 2016, having arrived late the previous evening at her Netanya apartment that you are most familiar with even if you could easily get lost like my 3 elder siblings in the very small town of Netanya, that you grossly misjudged my mother’s mental faculties.
You don’t see right now the whole world in the cc section, but imagine the entire world tuned in and you will instantly begin thinking more rationally.
That is because first, you will find reason to respect me, if for no other reason than the fact that you know for an absolute fact of life that if it was not me revealing these important economic truths they would remain hidden forever given how in the next instant, the “powers that be” could decide to embrace a whole new economic index or simply announce that the world leadership have decided to start a new global currency which will have everyone exchanging the monies they have for the new currency just like the Europeans did with the Euro and going forward all borders between countries will be dispensed with just like the Europeans have done, and so long as you can afford to travel you can do so freely throughout the world.
Just like they concocted the nonsense Brexit debate, so will all such debates end, and people will only need to obey the law and no trouble will come to them.
All the soldiers who dont want to become well paid policemen will get a very healthy pension that will afford them a very nice house and all the basics and their children will get all the comforts at home when they go off to university and then start their own lives.
There will be no arguments about one form of government versus the next as everyone will get along and there will also be no visible poor anywhere close to the rich neighborhoods.
The news will only report positive stuff just like now they only report negative.
The reason why this hasn’t already happened is because they can’t yet get everyone on to the same page.
The person most likely to do so first would be Donald Trump which is why he was chosen as the perfect person to get the world to just move on because he does it so well with everything he touches starting with his many wives and mistresses.
BTW, can you figure out why Trump and [his] “fix it” lawyer, Jewish Cohen couldn’t work out a deal between themselves, other than their egos? [So that there is a problem, not that easy to fix, but still we can get both Cohen and Trump or their spokespeople to join in this conversation.]
Even President Putin would be fine taking a backseat role and simply living out the remainder of his life in the lap of luxury.
All of Hollywood and the celebrity musicians will give up their humans rights activities to focus on what they love most; namely their music; and there will be that many more musicians because the people will have that much more time on their hands.
People will share their TESLAs with their neighbor and friends and the driver who borrows the neighbors TESLA for a price of course will treat it much better than most people treat rental cars because the people are being coached to be less aggressive, more forgiving and so on because everyone is getting along much better because they are getting their basic needs as well as wants met, and their wants are also starting to subside.
It is just who is going to do all the upkeep and will the cleaning ladies cleaning your New York City residence which is probably not the only residence you and Professor Arthur Miller have together, be satisfied with their lot in life before all they need to do is pick up their robot replacement from the local post office delivered by punch a button to get it started and then they too can go out and play.
There are also many a housemaster who has become best friends with their servant and they remain best friends right until the very end when the survivor inherits the bulk of the other’s estate.
Don’t think yet of not everyone killing off their best friend or trusted family member just to inherit.
Think instead that your age difference of 23 odd years between yourself and Arthur Miller who I just checked on Wikipedia is now well into his 85th year which he will celebrate this coming June 22, assuming he lives that long in great health.
There are people like my eldest brother Neil and his new young wife Emma who is more than twice his age younger.
Second, there is this memory that we all share together that simply cannot be wiped clean.
Again, I am still here reminding you all of your egregious treachery towards my mother Zena and me.
Third, while you cannot possibly believe in a Higher Energy Reaction [HER] because such thoughts had to have long left your darkened souls, you must accept that HER exists and to help you along the way, just focus on the next thing that gets your attention.
Let’s assume it is just a creaking piece of wood, either the wooden floor or a piece of furniture simply flexing its muscles. That one distraction prevents you from thinking about all the things you need to still get done today. So in essence that past distraction has now taken permanent hold of your future.
You are not alone in being too stupid to have orchestrated, organized so perfectly the pricing of the money which was so audacious that it required the most mind-boggling gross, Gross Domestic Product index which in turn kept driving the Great Depression into World War II which happened so bloody fast the people could not think; and to keep it going they had to establish 16 years after WW2 ended an entity which would house the smartest of the growing number of university graduate talkers to promote without thinking the GDP index.
The fact that I am again one person who can shut up the entire Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development [OECD] and their adjunct the Nuclear Energy Agency [NEA] does not mean I am prevented from teaching others to put on this exact same Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achieves seminar-workshop much like what Vistage International does, but this you would agree is whole lot more worthwhile for everyone because it is first of all the truth and also more entertaining than your favorite afternoon TV sitcom.
The more rational you think, the nicer you become.
Don’t you want to leave this world thinking of yourself nicely rather than a murderous scoundrel or something in between?
Worse for you and the rest who are all in the same boat is that if you could get a qualified medical doctor to support your views, you know that they would be the laughing stock, and only someone wanting to take advantage of the next person and saying that they have “severe dementia” would seek out that medical doctor’s written opinion; and of course there are a great many non-medical doctors as well as medical doctors who lie through their teeth.
But you would agree all your extraordinarily poor judgement could place a major dent on those in the future wanting to exploit the elderly for financial gain.
At all times remember that you don’t know what this game of life is all about.
Nor can you expect to receive wisdom in helping you figure it all out if you are so poor in your judgment of my mother Zena.
It is even worse for all of you if it turns out that my mother’s mental health has suffered since I last saw her on October 8, 2016 when she was still rather upset about the 1:30 AM Israeli police invasion 11 odd days before, Tuesday, September 27th [and] the quick loss of her one black poodle which she got soon after my mother and I agreed that it would be best to preserve her marriage with Zulman while the two of us did our best to keep the important secret of Zulman’s fund raising efforts for Israel’s IUA [Israel United Appeal] for a better time in the future, like right now.
All fund raising for the fledgling Jewish State was total bullshit and unnecessary other than it did the job of staying in the “good books” of the people who price the money and therefore control the economy of the world including whether or not the $3.3 million you paid on April 19, 2004 for your swanky New York City residence was fair.
You would agree that the economy of the world is the most talked about item globally, and therefore if all the experts got it wrong, saying sorry just might not be enough.
You would also agree that the first to do so could cause the rest to shut up permanently other than to grunt.
By May 16, 1969 when Zulman was photographed with Ben Gurion
soon after handing him another big check from South Africa’s rich Jewish movers and shakers, and most of them totally ignorant just like you and Zulman, the need for the State of Israel to maintain the pretense that she needed such monies to sustain its armies and pay for the immigrants to fill the ranks of the growing IDF which needed to keep up with the ever growing in superior numbers enemies from all sides who could also mount their own great Navy especially if coopting a foreign nation’s Navy which is not unusual because it is most usual when preparing for war to employ the notion, “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”, was fast diminishing.
It would become even less important to keep bending over just 64 days later, July 19, 1969 when Operation Green Island began at the moment the world sat before their TV sets watching the first human landing on the Moon the following day.
So in fact, with the eventual outcome most uncertain, it would be wrong to say that the need to keep up the pretense of Israel accepting regulated government monies such as the South African Rand and US Dollar diminished even further at the start of this most strategic special forces operation, which was to take a very small contingent of Israeli commandos up against a vastly superior and overwhelming number of also highly skilled commandos housed in hugely fortified defensive positions; and moreover to approach from the sea, scale the walls, breach all their security and most of them returned to safety in just a matter of a few but very long lasting hours.
However by the time the Israel Air Force took advantage of the hole in the Egyptian air defense, that was most certainly the case.
Go ahead and study Ben Gurion on May 5, 1969.
You would safely assume that on July 20, 1969 when hearing of the incredible success with the Egyptian air force no match against the IAF, Ben Gurion looked much happier than in the photo 64 days earlier as the photo shows clearly that he had his mind on other things.
Nothing escaped Ben Gurion’s attention. He also knew that the people backing Israel’s enemies would recover quickly because it was only dispensable soldiers who had been killed by the Israeli commandos whose casualty rate was 50% and such a loss when examined carefully, three Sayeret Matkal and three Shayetet 13 commandos killed, and eleven wounded, was far greater to Israel than the 80 Egyptian commandos killed and the whole facility blown to smithereens.
Had the casualty rate amongst Israeli commandos been higher the Israelis would not have been happier but their great sadness would been overcome by their ability to mount an offensive operation which to most would have see[med] impossible.
For the IAF to then go to work made the operation the greatest military action in human history; but of course everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Ben Gurion did not like to lie but he had to do it publicly many times including when not talking about the GDP index, and he hated liars including those Israeli generals like Arial Sharon who had this nasty habit of lying and which Ben Gurion was not shy to scold future prime minister Sharon to his face.
It probably didn’t dawn on you that Ben Gurion was prime minister of Israel when the OECD-NEA came into existence, the same when Patrice Lumumba was assassinated by the CIA on January 17, 1961 and you can be assured that Ben Gurion also heard President Eisenhower’s Military-Industrial-Complex speech of the same day, and no less aware that TIME MAGAZINE announced 10 days later, January 27, 1961 that South African Invader, American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] had long taken over South Africa with its mineral riches.
In 1961 Ben Gurion was 75.
So you can imagine that he looked younger than in the photo above.
The money business bothered him much more than a general who lied because a battlefield general like Sharon was having to make decisions on the spur of the moment in an ever changing bloody and noisy environment and always aware that if showing indecisiveness of any kind it would only weaken morale; moreover, during the Yom Kippur War Sharon redeemed himself and at its end Ben Gurion was finished but that didn’t mean his work was done, only that he felt the end of Israel was fast approaching.
Yes, the Yom Kippur [war] was a total calamity and only two major blunders by the Arabs; namely the Egyptians and the Syrians allowed for the survival of Israel outside of Israel employing nuclear weapons on to the battlefield and there is no telling where that would have led.
Should you not know already what those mistakes were and which the IDF took full advantage of then consult your local Israeli military expert or just wait for my next posting on the wall of my FB friend, South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry Esq.
Suffice to say that the Arabs’ blunders were not the Israelis. The Arabs made their blunders all on their own. Israel’s blunders opened up Israel being defeated from the inside out.
By the end of the very short Yom Kippur War of 1973 Israel was still taking outside government monies to support its existence which made its enemies far happier than at the conclusion of Operation Green Island by which time our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] was in serious trouble and all the focus turned to Engelhard Jr. and his junior partner South African-German Harry Oppenheimer who orchestrated the demise of Moshal Gevisser.
Taking out Engelhard Jr. did not solve the problem of Israel not fully taking advantage of Operation Green Island which again was not lost on those hell bent only on preserving their pricing of the money and using war, ravaging poverty and destruction of the earth’s rainforests all in support of the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible GDP index.
Without the Arabs blundering in the Yom Kippur which began with the hugest blunder by the head of Israeli Military Intelligence Eli Zeira who is still with us as well as Mossad head Zvi Zamir who eventually had to speak out against Zeira’s gross incompetency, Israel’s brilliant counterattack, with no thanks to Zeira, would not have been possible, but Israel did not finish off the job which would have meant after wiping out the trapped Egyptian Third Army they then would have needed to proceed in wiping out all of Cairo, rich and poor, before proceeding along the lines of Napoleon and taking no prisoners.
When you have the best army in the world, man for man, and the best technology, and your military intelligence head blunders so badly, even the huge blunders of the Syrians and the Egyptian forces moving out of their umbrella defensive shield, do nothing to eradicate Zeira’s multiple blunders which it would be nice if we could say that he was simply bought, but there is no evidence to support that, versus the huge evidence that he had a big ego.
No longer was the IDF seen as invincible.
That crack in the armor while bolstering greatly the morale of both the Syrians and Egyptians who speak to their friends in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait shook Israelis to their core and the youth looking for the easy money got the easy money when moving out of the kibbutzim for the lights of the big city.
You must have noticed the huge difference on Dizengoff Street, Tel-Aviv from when you first visited as a kid. The Israeli kids are lining up outside to drink as much beer as you want taverns and already drunk while waiting in line.
Now if you are a woman having the hardest time getting laid by someone who isn’t already one foot in the grave, I can understand hanging away from the line and handing out your business card also offering free money.
You and I have important business right now to finish off.
The fact that you are not alone in choosing to ignore that today’s entire economic system is totally flawed does not make it less so.
What it does show is that you are all willing to go to the end of the earth to maintain the status quo and that still does not make those of you arm-linked together more trusting of one another.
You show you are unsavory characters by first denying the truth, and so every moment you all spend together has you both hating more and trusting one another even less.
Let me share with you my last FB message to a new FB friend who is also a speaker for Vistage Intl recently acquired by $18 billion asset size Providence Equity Partners, which as you know is run by 63 year old Jonathan M. Nelson who is Rhode Island’s richest resident.
At 10:01 AM Calif. time, I sent this Jamie Leno Zimron who just puts his birthday down as April 29th in the ABOUT section, the following:
I see that you saw my last writings at 9:44 PM [March 27th] without me forgetting that you asked me yesterday at 4:25 PM Calif. time, “Why are you contacting and sharing all this with me?” which would have been more clever if you said, “Now that I perfectly understand your message, are you wanting me to share this knowledge with everyone else I know?”
All you speakers from the lowest paid to the highest compensated are teaching the ceos to be better leaders to their organization whose humans are only there to make more money and all the fancy cheerleading talk only sticks with the totally stupid.
So why are you still sticking around when you know that you cannot bullshit me any longer?
I will tell you why, at least what I think. You don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb like the rest of the stupid and/or you want to acquire as much knowledge as possible to make hay while the sun shines.
You are playing a perilous course with your mind even though you are comforted that you have the numbers in your favor.
Next Im going to be writing to Deborah Sturman Esq. and sharing with her some of the revelations I have learned from dealing with you.
I know you say that you dont want me to send you what I have shared with Rodney Smith that you haven’t already seen, now do you want to be copied on what Im going to be sending to Ms. Sturman Esq. at the same time have you been thinking what if Jonathan M. Nelson gets asked by someone else not as hamstrung as you the question, “After reading Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book and that would necessarily mean that you have read this Gary Gevisser’s commentaries since he is only person talking about Epstein’s epic 1978, non-fiction book that details the ongoing Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which makes a total mockery; i.e. farce of the world’s economic system that has bred so many talkers, lawyers, politicians, economists, judges, accountants, piss poor medical doctors and the such, how do you think a postage stamp is priced?”
That question must remain in your head the remainder of your life or at least until you have dementia which seems as prolific as Parkinsons, because it is a valid question which should be asked of everyone including each of the ceos that you are paid to coach.
When you said that you are a lowy paid speaker you were being quite disrespectful in my opinion to those ceos who not only pay a lot to spend an entire workday with people like you who are central to the day’s events but their time away from the office must be computed as a real cost because there is no guarantee that what they pick up during the day’s events is going to be worth more than dirty toilet paper.
Remember as well your words before you started to get nasty, “All very interesting, and disturbing as is the whole state of our country, world, and I fear Vistage too…”
Damm right, you had good reason to fear the future of Vistage Intl which meant simply how would you be able to make up for the lost income if they folded and a better organization came along which didn’t waste so much of the ceos time and money?
So what do your leadership skills tell you what is the best spot for you to be in right now?
Your training and preaching must tell you how you should differentiate yourself from the rest who don’t change with the times.
That should take part if not fully, your breath away.
You nor anyone else is going to tell me either how to write or that it is better to keep things short.
Even if the corruption of you lawyers doesn’t change because there are increasing numbers of you backing up the previous generation who can’t wait for their $10 million residence, and I assume your $3.3 million residence is now a whole lot more than what it costs to provide electricity to my mother’s residence, it takes just one spark, and this might be it to change the mind of one human who does not have to be anyone in particular, just someone with a conscience and wanting to hold on to it for dear life.
Look how many people over the ages have martyred themselves for what they believe is a just cause and yet when so many of you already know what it takes to end the pain and suffering of the masses you all choose to stick with what is wrong.
Now you should clearly see that you bad humans are mimicking perfectly Mother Nature who besides for being totally unpredictable is perfect in every respect.
You are not close to perfect because you know that you are bad, rotten to the core.
Where are your good points?
What if you have none?
It is not a good point that all you lawyers, judges and professors of law consider yourselves scholars and members of the “intelligencia” [sic], and yet you cannot talk either money or economics?
Just threatening me does not show that you are intelligent, only that you are a bully without however being comforted that nature will treat you well either now or in the future.
No longer should your huge numbers be comforting because you are now well into the realm of the highest levels of spirituality and there can be no turning back.
So within a perfectly contained system there really cannot be any “loose ends” to tie as each large object in outer space including each of the billions of galaxies and each galaxy containing billions of stars like our one sun that drives everything not only on earth but all the other planets as well as all the debris we humans leave behind in space polluting just as we do here, out of sight out of mind, goes around and around, everything counterclockwise other than one planet that we know of so far and the exceptions prove the rule unless there are so few exceptions of human righteousness that they shouldn’t even feature in the Bible story that is quite the story, such imaginations especially that Sidom and Gomorrah narrative and the debate with God who kept lowering the number and still Lot could only save himself and a handful and that number was dramatically reduced, and no doubt statistically significant when his wife defied God’s order not to turn around and she became stone.
So you ask how does such a stupid story exist?
Who possibly other than the Creator of this ingenious system where each of us can see that we play a role, could dream up such a ridiculous story that also appears to have no impact on the human consciousness, other than someone possibly like my mother Zena whose every word on those 29 videos must haunt you until the day you die.

As Im sure you follow the story of my mother Zena best told by me and no better spot than my BLOG you would have come across, Long Short Story – The Girl who Loved Pretty Stones (A Story of Masada) ~ Zena Gevisser – CLICK HERE – first published in the January 1967 edition of Durban’s Hashalom.
Yes what a joke is peace to the profiteers of war, which does not mean you don’t get a lot of the historical data right such as what you discovered and which I came across in footnote 163, page 176 of a Stanford University law journal, FROM KIOBEL TO STRUCTURAL REFORM (April 15, 2014)  – CLICK HERE –

According to plaintiffs’ lawyer Deborah Sturmanin Germany “[t]he cases precipitated a nationwide discussion about the widespread use of slave labor during World War II (virtually every business and most farms had used slave labor), the practice of ‘Aryanization,’ and, most profoundly, that ‘ordinary’ Germans both participated in the development and execution of those policies and derived their benefits. That debate helped shatter the widely accepted myth that only a small number of senior Nazis bore responsibility for the crimes of the Third Reich.” Deborah Sturman, Germany’s Reexamination of Its Past through the Lens of the Holocaust Litigation, in HOLOCAUST RESTITUTION: PERSPECTIVES ON THE LITIGATION AND ITS LEGACY, supra at 216.

Interesting to me is the entire 163 footnote; and what came before your section 

The new historical narratives triggered by the litigation in turn provoked trans-formations in patterns of national collective memory of states such as Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. In Switzerland, the myth of neutrality fell apart with the banks’ scandal, and today its cooperation with the Third Reich is the subject of public discourse. Michael Berenbaum, Confronting History: Restitution and the Historians, in HOLOCAUST RESTITUTION: PERSPECTIVES ON THE LITIGATION AND ITS LEGACY, supra note 162 at 43, 45. For an in-depth analysis of the transformation of Swiss collective memory following THL, see Regula Ludi, Legacies of the Holocaust and the Nazi Era, 10 JEWISH SOC. STUD. 116 (2004). In Austria, where the image of the country as a victim of Nazi Germany had prevailed, the lawsuits led to the recognition of partial responsibility and to a public discussion of the participation of ordinary Austrians in the Nazi crimes. Berenbaum, Confronting History: Restitution and the Historians, supra at 46-47. 

and what came after

 But see GÖTZ ALY, HITLER’S BENEFICIARIES: PLUNDER, RACIAL WAR, AND THE NAZI WELFARE STATE 1-4 (Jefferson Chase, trans. 2007), and MARRUS, supra note 71, at 87-88, for the view that the Ger- man litigation shifted the blame from ordinary Germans to a few giant corporations, producing yet another distortion of history. 

It was also not that long ago that my one Facebook friend Christina Moritsch-Krall, a 7th generation Austrian trust fund kid made the startling but true declaration that people like her family held on to their wealth during the Third Reich because they were First Line Nobility. 
Of course she only revealed such a horror because I was poking at the much bigger and important truth that the bankers who bankrolled Nazi Germany-Austria knew that Hitler didn’t have much time to organize his armies who didn’t even know how to march correctly and were anything but this “feared monster, superhuman race” who could rise from the dead and defeat the world’s superpowers who had totally crushed Germany militarily and economically following the Versailles Peace Treaty; and helping him to focus mostly on practicing his leadership skills in front of the mirror and you know how much longer it takes an older woman other than someone like my mother Zena to make oneself up in the front of the mirror versus a beautiful young chick shall we say, the bankers who we all know today who they are because they didn’t want to keep it a secret from the masses forever, and why they decided to settle with you who was approaching things very superficially which they liked, instructed Hitler that he just needed to invite one German bank manager to a quick cup of tea and for the manager to spread the word to the other managers letting their wealthy non-Jewish clients know that they could all hold on to their wealth just so long as they turned in their Jewish neighbor.
So the First Line Nobility is actually totally bullshit. They just had the wealth and that wealth only increased as they picked up materials, goods and fine works of art for pennies on the dollar at the rigged auctions following the Jews’ depart[ure] to the death factories.
You would have seen on Roger Waters of Pink Floyd’s FB wall my THE REAL TRAITORS that remains up on his wall, at least when I last looked yesterday and which is a horror story to people like Waters who has always had this positive feeling about government institutions like the United Nations and nothing would have brought the falsehood of the UN more home than Waters, like me, only now learning that it is okay; meaning legal to have a false bidder at an auction.
That is crushing to everyone.
But to me more crushing is what I came across last evening about you:

1 month and 21 days after you and Harvard Law professor Arthur R Miller purchased your spectacular location $3.3 million residence, you wrote to me asking why I had it in for [your] lawyer colleagues Bill Lerach and Melvyn Weiss and Weiss was of course alongside you every step of the way in getting the multi-billion slave wage Jewish settlement out of the Nazi bankers.
That was the last I heard from you until August 8, 2016 when you dropped the bombshell about how my 3 elder siblings had so vulgarly mistreated my mother Zena’s second husband Alan Zulman on his deathbed and that he had decided not only to remove the 3 of them from his estate which included his theft of my monies and Cape Town property which I had designated 10 years prior to his theft in 2005; namely 1995, all go to my father Bernie, but as a final humiliation of humiliations to remove my sister Kathy as the co-executor of his estate and to replace my sister with you; and Zulman knowing that the two of you hated each others guts.
During that time span between June 9, 2004 and August 8, 2106 both of us were very busy, but I hadn’t forgotten why you couldn’t respond to my answer which I waited until June 17, 2004 to share with you – CLICK HERE.
As you will recall it was very precise, wasting no time in spelling out in the first sentence that Lerach and Weiss “provide nothing more than a false sense of security to the investing public, agree?”
You didn’t respond because you had to agree with that as well as the rest of what I had to say.
So when you approached me on August 8, 2016, 2 days after the death of Zulman and you also showed only genuine concern for my mother and that if I wanted to be her guardian with the passage of Zulman who had always managed my mother’s finances from when they first got married in the early 80s, I would need to move fast and you helped me draft a very good letter to Eli Simon the other co-executor, and the scoundrel Simon ignored that letter as well as your letter letting him know that Zulman had changed his mind about my sister Kathy.
I knew they were all crooks because it didn’t bother any of them that Zulman had not only stolen my property but it was comforting to my father knowing that he never needed to depend on anyone in the event of my death; and back in 1995 I had made a very serious enemy out of my father’s first cousin David Gevisser the male heir of Democrat monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. when refusing my “lucky uncle” David’s generous offer to manage his investment “porfolio” [sic] while very rich in cash and mineral assets was even richer in the goods he had on all his and Engelhard’s top government officials throughout the world, not just in mineral rich South Africa.
My 3 elder siblings were being friendly with Zulman simply because they wanted his money and he was also happy to go along with it until the very end when I showed up on January 13, 2016 after a 14 year absense of not seeing Zulman or my mother Zena but you could see from the photos that were taken as well as the taped phone conversations subsequently with my mother Zena that the physical separation amounted to nothing, a flat zilch.
Now I want you to take all the fricken Yiddish you know and stuff it where the sun don’t shine.
It was not long before you began pulling back and accusing me of being rude towards you like my 3 elder siblings who are very different to me and you knew that.
But you were forgetting yourself from the moment you decided not to respond to my June 17, 2004 and that of course was a significant factor in my decision on 11.11.2004 to break my 24 year silence with De beers-Barclays who only laughed with great joy from settling you, and you then becoming the rich New York socialite who would inherit all the scholarly acclaim once old man Arthur M Miller kicks the bucket which of course could be long after me. Still Im better looking, healthier and younger than him; and yes I am much smarter and capable of shutting him up as well as every New York City lawyer and judge, dead in their tracks.
Imagine all the lawyers of the world looking like they are stroke victims.
The image of Joe Kennedy Snr. should remain in your imaginations long after you all take your final breath and be happy returning as stink bugs.
As I began to turn the clock back so I first began hearing the disgusting word out of your mouth, “Whatever”.
Then you went silent and I was on my own to defend against a very carefully orchestrated attack coming from my 3 elder siblings and the two Israeli lawyers Weisel/Vizel and Simon who of course along with the world will get a copy of this unless you respond promptly giving me cause not to proceed.
You like them also saw that all your atrocious words about my mother Zena’s mental health were totally bogus. Those videos shocked you all to your cores because you had simply believed what you wanted to believe, the same with the masses of Nazis throughout the world as it suited them to blame the Jews who were a minority and an easy target.
Given how God and only God decides my fate, and my death would certainly end the nightmares I have of my mother Zena being in all your clutches, the record must be very clear about my disappointment in you. Here is the 3rd paragraph of your August 11, 2016 communique to me:
I advise you strongly to not raise any of the rest of your message again. You will hurt yourself by arguing that your mother is adequately lucid to have any say in any of this. First, no one will believe it and second, you will hurt your credibility. She has severe dementia, thank God in the most lovely way I have ever seen in that she appears happy and satisfied. She does not remember half of her children most of the time, does not know what happened to Alan or what her relationships are and very much of her earlier life.  Moreover, she has seen more of Neil than of any of you and he treats her with great love and kindness. If you invoke lucidity there is an excellent chance that she says she wants Neil to care for her.  Lucidity is simply not a plausible argument or one likely to serve your purpose.

You were of course sounding just like my sister Kathy in her writings that began on September 9, 2016, again by which time you were busy back with your high society social engagements and no doubt Holocaust survivors who got settled and had either no families or shit family members like most families, they will be thinking of you when crafting their final wills.

Please study my and Kathy’s writings as if preparing for your Day of Judgment – CLICK HERE.
Even if your contacts in Israel hadn’t made you aware that they were planning a police raid to cover their dirty tracks of my mother’s apartment at 1:30AM, Tuesday, September 27, 2016, I emailed you as it was happening, and you were silent.
That is barbaric.
But then you took it to a further low in an effort to distract me when having your neophyte, hypocrite religious [nephew] American-Israeli lawyer Shmuel Rabi whose specialty is Jewish Religious Law write to me this garbage – CLICK HERE – exactly one month later, October 27, 2016.
It is so important that I must cut and paste it in its entirety:
From: דבורה לואיס <devora0527678711>
Subject: your mother Zena Zulman
Date: October 27, 2016 at 8:13:31 AM PDT
To: garystevengevisser
Dear Gary
I am writing to you on behalf of your mother Zena. I write to you as I understand that you may still be in Israel.
As a friend of Arye zulman it has come to my attention that the funds he used to support your mother and her household were cut off and that he can no longer be involved in her affairs.
This has been mentioned to your mothers guardian Ayala Vizel and i do know that she has funds enough. however so far she has not stirred herself in any way and i worry that now without Arye’s help your mother may be plunged into darkness by the electric company or some such thing.
best regards
Shmuel Rabi

Yes Weasel/Vizal had the monies that you first sent her that belonged to my mother and Zulman but you and this schmuck Rabi also knew that Weasel and my siblings and Simon were involved in a huge coverup.

You were all murdering my mother ever so slowly, you murderous, cowardly, thieving bastards.
You didn’t just have funds for [your] $3.3 million residence that requires bundles of upkeep monies but plenty of spare cash left over to purchase 5 years later, October 21, 2009, a $1.4 million rental apartment or was that for your daughter?
A liar will believe anything.
You believed your distraction worked.
I still have other work to do today including finding a way to get Jonathan M. Nelson the richest resident of Rhode Island to answer the question I suggested to his one speaker Jamie yesterday; namely how is the price of a postage stamp determined, which of course once he reads my notes and/or Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book he will die. 
Nelson, as you would have read already, is the ceo of Vistage International-Providence Equity Partners with strong ties your favorite Deutsche Bank who financed both Auschwitz and IG Farben who produced the Zyklon B gas pellets inside of Auschwitz using Jewish slave labor, a perfect perpetual money motion murder machine and those who perished never got their fair wage settlement which Im sure you spoke about in all you nonsense talk negotiations.
Good day,
[Word count 8318]
